Summerfield Junior and Infant School Prospectus

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WELCOME TO OUR SCHOOL DEAR PARENTS/CARERS, I would like to welcome you to Summerfield Primary School as your child begins a wonderful journey of learning and discovery with us as part of our school community. We believe that children only get one chance at a quality education and are, therefore, a school that is committed to raising standards for children in all areas of school life. Throughout your child’s years at Summerfield we will encourage you to support and work with us. This prospectus is designed to give you key information, for more detailed information, please see the school’s comprehensive website. R Ellis Headteacher

This is a school where parents can send their children to with great confidence. OFSTED 2014


VISION STATEMENT At Summerfield Primary School we aim to provide a friendly, caring, safe and stimulating environment, ensuring that each child has equal access to an interesting and varied curriculum. An atmosphere of openness, fairness and honesty will enable all children to grow in confidence, to achieve their full potential and to develop respect for themselves and others whilst preparing them for life in today’s diverse society.

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JOINING SUMMERFIELD SCHOOL ADMISSION TO NURSERY Children are admitted to the Nursery Class in the September following their third birthday, and in accordance with the Admissions Policy set out by Birmingham City Council.

ADMISSION TO RECEPTION Children are admitted to the Reception Class in the September following their fourth birthday, and in accordance with the Admissions Policy set out by Birmingham City Council.

ADMISSION TO YEARS 1 – 6 If vacancies arise, children will be admitted during the school year, with priority given: •

To brothers and sisters of children already attend the school.

To children who live nearest to the school.

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EMERGENCY CONTACT It is important that the school has up to date home addresses and daytime telephone numbers, in case parents need to be contacted urgently. All parents are asked to provide a telephone number where either they, or a friend, can be contacted in the event of illness or accident. It is essential that the school Administrative Officer is informed immediately of any change of address, place of work, or telephone number.

THE SCHOOL DAY The Start of the Day: 8.50am The End of the Day: 3.22pm At 9am, the attendance and lunch registers are taken. Lessons then begin promptly at 9.05am, so children must arrive on time. Children should be collected from their classroom at the end of the afternoon session.

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E A R LY Y E A R S CURRICULUM The National Curriculum lies at the heart of what is taught at Summerfield. It sets out the statutory entitlement to learning for all children aged five to eleven and determines the content of what will be taught. It is preceded by the Early Years Foundation stage Curriculum which is taught to children aged three to five.

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NURSERY/RECEPTION The Early Years Foundation stage Curriculum is taught to children between the ages of three (Nursery) and five (Reception). At Summerfield it is our aim to make learning for young children a rewarding and enjoyable experience in which they explore , create, and consolidate their skills, understanding and attitudes. During the Early Years Foundation stage, all areas of learning are brought together effectively through play and talk. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is organised into six areas of learning: •

Personal, social and emotional development

Communication and language


Mathematical development

Knowledge and understanding of the world

Physical development

Creative development.

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COMPUTING All pupils have access to both laptop and tablets which are networked and allow access to the internet. Safety when using the internet is of utmost importance and we have a whole-school policy to protect pupils from inappropriate material and use.

The current National Curriculum is divided into Core and Foundation subjects, and is taught to children in Key stage 1 and Key stage 2. The Core Curriculum subjects are:

Pupils are taught the skills that are essential in the modern world, for example; word processing, spreadsheets and presentations. All teaching and learning areas are fitted with interactive screens, which further enhance the learning environment.

ENGLISH In studying English, children develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. This enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, and helps them to communicate with others effectively. Great emphasis is placed on developing children’s spoken language, as this is crucial for learning to read, write, to be numerate and successful in all areas of learning.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION In all R.E lessons we encourage a sensitive, respectful and enquiring attitude towards all beliefs and cultures. We are conscious of the need to balance the requirements of national curriculum with the needs and interests of children in our school, taking into account their diverse backgrounds.

MATHEMATICS/NUMERACY Mathematics equips children with a unique set of tools to understand and change the world. Children are involved in a broad range of activities in order to learn mathematical concepts and develop numeracy. They are given practical experience, investigative tasks, regular practice and memorisation of mathematical facts and methods to develop mental skills.

SCIENCE Science stimulates and excites children’s curiosity about events in the world around them. It links direct practical experience with ideas, and therefore engages children’s interest. They are taught to discriminate, classify and select information. They develop skills in predicting, testing and evaluating ideas, and communicating using scientific language, drawings, charts and tables.

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HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY History fires children’s curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. In studying History, children consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. In Geography, children develop knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps, and a range of investigative and problem-solving skills.

DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Design and Technology is about making things. Children are able to work on a range of designing and making activities. They explore how familiar things work and think about what products are used for and the needs of people who use them. They plan what has to be done and identify what works well and what could be improved in their own and other people’s designs.

Citizenship and Personal, social and Health Education (PSHE) aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident and independent lives, and become informed and responsible citizens. They also learn basic rules for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving well.

SEX AND RELATIONSHIP EDUCATION In addition to the science curriculum, which covers areas such as the life cycle, growth and development, children in Upper Key stage 2 are offered a programme of Sex and Relationship Education. This is organised by the School Nurse and Class teachers. Parents are invited to view the materials in advance. The programme is optional, as parents have the right to withdraw their children. However, we believe it is an important part of children’s education and strongly encourage participation.


ART Art stimulates creativity and imagination. Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts has the power to enrich our lives. During their time in school, children are introduced to a wide variety of creative activities including drawing, painting, modelling, printing and needlecraft, and they are taught to use materials with precision and care.

MUSIC All children are required to take part in Games, Gymnastics and Dance to develop physical skills and agility, and to develop an active and healthy lifestyle. All children need a change of clothes for PE consisting of black shorts, white T-shirts and pumps. Long hair should be tied back for all PE lessons.

French is our chosen Modern Foreign language at Summerfield and all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 take part in a lesson each week.

ENGLISH AS AN ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (EAL) There are over 50 languages represented by the children who attend Summerfield, and we celebrate the different cultures and languages that our children bring to our school community. The school is fortunate in having additional members of staff who give specific support to children who are learning English as an additional language. Regular assessments are made of each child’s fluency level and these are used to set targets for learning.

Children in Years 3,4 and 5 go swimming for a six week session in the school year.

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At Summerfield Primary we strive to support all our learners to achieve at school and to meet their potential both academically and socially. In order to do this, many steps are taken to support our learners on their journey. As well as a challenging learning environment, we provide support, acceptance and real opportunities for friendships and positive relationships.

Regular assessments are made of each child’s progress and these are used by teachers to plan the next steps in learning. Formal termly assessments are also conducted in English and Maths and the outcomes are shared with parents at termly parent/teacher conferences. In addition, parents receive a written annual report in the summer term which summarises their child’s overall progress and attainment.

High quality teaching is key as the first layer of support. However, for some children, there are occasions when they may need provision that is different from and additional to that generally offered to learners of the same age.

Phonic tests are administered at the end of Year 1. Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) in English, Maths and Grammar are completed at the end of each Key stage and these results are reported to parents.

Where a teacher identifies a specific learning difficulty they will plan work to address this need with the assistance of the Special Needs Co-ordinator. Children who are placed on the SEN register will have an Individual Target Plan (ITP) or targets relevant to their need. These are reviewed regularly and parents are kept fully informed. Where the need is significant we can access support and advice from outside professionals such as an Educational Psychologist or Speech and Language Therapist. Children with complex needs may require the support of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

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The school aims to work closely with parents. In both the autumn and spring term parent consultations are held. This is an opportunity for parents and teachers to exchange information about children’s progress, and to provide opportunities to learn more about the life of the school.

On Time, Every Day

Parents play a vital role in ensuring the success of Summerfield and are strongly encouraged to become involved in the life of the school. We have a website that can be translated into many languages and regular newsletters are sent out to inform parents of key events and dates. We ensure that parents are invited in to share in their child’s learning in termly workshops.

It is essential that children come to school every day and on time, as we know that good attendance leads to good progress. Our Attendance Social worker monitors attendance and works with parents to resolve any issues. School starts at 8.50am and registration takes place at 9.00am Children arriving after this time will be recorded as late.

HOMEWORK Our school has a homework/home learning policy and we expect parents to support their children in completing their homework. All children take books home regularly to read with their parents as well as weekly tasks to complete in Maths and English.

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If a child is ill, parents must telephone the school as soon as possible. Children should be absent from school only if they are ill. Wherever possible, we ask parents to try to make appointments for doctors and dentists before or after school. Where this is impossible, they should inform their child’s Class teacher, or the school Office, of such an appointment and it will be noted in the register.

We cannot administer medication to a child unless it is prescribed by a doctor. If a child needs to take a prescribed medicine during the school day, their parent should take the medicine to the school Office and complete a brief form authorising the staff to dispense the medicine to their child.


If a child needs to be absent for any other reason, parents must contact the office. Children cannot be allowed to leave school during the school day unless there is an emergency.

The school should be made aware of any allergies from which a child may suffer, before the child joins the school. Also school needs to know if your child suffers from asthma. Parents are asked to ensure that their child has the correct medication in school to treat their condition.

FAMILY HOLIDAYS DURING TERM TIME Parents do not have the legal right to take children out of school for holidays. If exceptional circumstances arise where parents decide that time away from school cannot be avoided, then permission must be sought in writing and before booking tickets. Exceptional circumstances include bereavement, family illness or crisis, weddings or special religious holidays, not spending time with family members who live abroad or taking advantage of cheaper travel. Absence for holidays will be recorded as unauthorised.

UNIFORM Uniform at Summerfield consists of dark green jumpers, white shirt and grey or black trousers or skirts. Summerfield sweatshirts can be bought from the school office. We ask children to wear sensible clothes and shoes suitable for a day at school. Velcro fasteners on shoes are more practical than shoe laces for young children who are not yet used to tying their own laces. Please make sure no jewellery or make up is worn to school.

HEALTH AND WELFARE The school nurse keeps a check on the children’s general health, and also conducts routine height and weight checks on children in Reception and Year 6. An Educational Welfare Social Worker is in school two days a week to monitor attendance and punctuality of children, and to offer parents help and advice on matters concerning their children’s welfare.

INFECTIOUS DISEASES The school should be notified immediately if a child has an infectious disease. Children who are unwell with an infectious disease should not be at school. Once they are better, they should return, unless they pose a risk of infection to others. From time to time there are cases of head lice in all schools. If a child is discovered to have head lice, parents are informed and asked to treat their child’s hair immediately.

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Healthy, well-balanced school meals are cooked on the premises. Provision is made for children who are vegetarian or cannot eat certain foods on religious grounds. Children may bring packed lunch if they prefer. Payment for school meals can be made weekly, half-termly or termly.

We organise many exciting trips/visitors during school time, as these stimulate interest and enhance our children’s educational experience.


Details of the trips are given to parents beforehand and parental permission is always sought. A risk assessment is conducted prior to the trip in order to ensure the safety of all children.


Parents who believe that they may be entitled to a free school meal for their child are actively encouraged and will be supported in taking a simple online assessment to see if this is the case. It is extremely important that those children that are entitled to a free school meal receive one as the school will also receive a sum of money under the Pupil Premium Grant that can go towards further support for those children.

The school’s Behaviour Policy is designed to ensure that all members of the school community can live and work together in a happy, safe and secure way. At the beginning of the academic year, each Class teacher discusses the meaning of Effective Learning with their class. Every child in the school knows the standard of behaviour that is expected in school and why. We encourage our children to tell us, or someone close to them, if they experience negative behaviour of any kind, so that it can be dealt with immediately.

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THE GOVERNORS Our governors are representatives of the parents, school staff and the local community. They are responsible for overseeing the running of the school. This includes: •

Delivery of the curriculum

Care and safety of the children and staff

Appointment of staff

Management of the budget

Maintenance of the building

The day to day running of the school is entrusted to the Head teacher and staff.

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