Avalon School Volunteers, Background Checks Tasks to determine a secure and viable structure for potential volunteers to access an online portal in special reference to criminal background checks. Proposed vendor: The McDowell Agency Minnesota company based in St. Paul (serving clients nationwide for 30 years) and is incensed by the Minnesota Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agent Services. The McDowell Agency is the largest provider of background checks for both public and private education in the state of Minnesota, endorsed by both the Minnesota Association of Charter Schools (MACS) as well as the Minnesota Association of Volunteer Administrators (MAVA). Process designed and tested
Background Check Entering Instructions
for Volunteers paying by credit card
Avalon has selected the The McDowell Agency, Inc. for background checks of employees, board members, and volunteers. Advantages: 1. If volunteers are parents/guardians of current or former students, the data entered through FormsCentral can be easily cross referenced for accurcy and updated that so that files are complete and accurate. 2 End-user (volunteer) enters the data and the data is cross refrenced by the Agency. This is more efficient for the school, less time consuming and reduces the number of errors at the point of data entry. The McDowell Agency is a Minnesota company based in St. Paul (serving clients nationwide for 30 years) and is incensed by the Minnesota Board of Private Detectives and Protective Agent Services. The McDowell Agency is the largest provider of background checks for both public and private education in the state of Minnesota, endorsed by both the Minnesota Association of Charter Schools (MACS) as well as the Minnesota Association of Volunteer Administrators (MAVA).
Thank you for Volunteering We are sincerely appreciative of your willingness to volunteer at Avalon and to assume the $20.00 fee for the background check. Thank you. Please read the entire set of instructions before logging in. The McDowell Agency site is secure.
Launch a browser (except Internet Explorer 9). Go to From here you will click on ‘Client Login’ at the top right of the screen. 1
Avalon Background Checks
Type in the user id and password that is listed (user ids and passwords are case specific): User ID: XXXXX (Provided by McDowell) Password: XXXXX (Provided by McDowell)
This brings you to the main page. Go to the ‘request’ button on the bar at the top of the page. (To print a copy of a Summary of Rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act click on it.)
Type your full name into the space next to “Electronic Signature” and mark the box next to “My name entered above Signifies my Electronic Signature.” Then click on “Continue” to proceed. 2
Avalon Background Checks
Type in the following required information (All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk ‘*’): A) Last Name B) First Name C) Current Address D) Zip (City and State will be automatically filled in after entering your zip code.) E) Date of Birth F) Social Security Number Then click “Continue” to proceed with the request.
Please enter your credit or debit card information (McDowell accepts Visa and MasterCard). All mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk ‘*’. Click “Agree and Submit Order” click only once as multiple clicks may result in multiple charges. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to volunteer at Avalon and your generous offer to offset the $20.00 expense of the background check. 3
Avalon Background Checks