Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an intemationallyrenowned allthor and speaker in the field of self-development. He's the allthor of 30 books, has created many alldios, CDs, and videos; and has appeared on thollsands of television and radio programs. Five of his books, inclllding Alanifest
Your Destirt); Hf¡sdom ofthe Ages, Tlwres a Spiritual Solution to Ever)' Proh lern, and the Netv York Tinws bestsellers 10 Secrets for Success and In1wr Peace and Clumge Your Thoughts-Clumge Your Life, were featured as National Publíc Television specials; and this book, The Pmver of lntention, has been showcased there as well. Dyer holds a doctorate in educational counselíng from \Vayne State University and was an asso date professor at St. John's University in New York \Vebsite: "",,,w.DrWayneDyer.com