Annual report 2013

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communiqué 7 Key Achievements 2013

4. An independent, internal review of the strategic orientation of the organisation, undertaken by Barry Cullen, highlighted four general area in which we should concentrate our work: (i) nurture art work among children, parents, families and communities; (ii) assert the role of cultural rights; (iii) to ensure community arts becomes identified policy domain in government; and (iv) to advocate through for arts and community.

1. Family Resource Centres are now linked to the Happy Parent Initiative and rolled out in 10 sites. We learned that one size does not fit all when it comes to HP. We have put in place a Shared Agreement with each local FRC to ensure understanding of the roles. The good news is that more than 60 parents took part in c. 90 hours of workshops. We are especially thankful to each FRC and to facilitators Lisa Crowne, Vivienne Byrne and Eleanor Phillips.

5. We developed a new Community Culture Strategy focused on local culture in Ireland. In December, we presented the Strategy at a meeting of the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Mr. Jimmy Deenihan) and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Ms. Frances Fitzgerald).

2. As part of our cultural policy study we travelled to three cities, Cork, Belfast and Kaunas. We listened and engaged with people about their experience of creativity and local culture. To mark the EU Presidency of Ireland, we organised an event in Šančiai district of Kaunas (LT) funded by Culture Ireland. Our thanks to F. Marques Penteado (BRA), J. van Heeswijk (NL), M.J. Jacob (US), N. and G. Urbonai (LT), S. Bosch (DE) as well as Irish-based A. Murphy, C. Smyth F. Woods, J. Mulloy, N. Crowley and N. O’Baoill.

6. We have strengthened our links to civil society through our membership of the Equality Rights Alliance (EFA), Claiming Our Future (COF) and the European AntiPoverty Network (EAPN). After ERA’s seminar, A New Departure for Equality and Human Rights we began to question how to make cultural rights more visible. With COF we the Art of Campaigning with over 35 groups participating.

3. Even though the funding environment remains difficult we organised an international study trip to Palanga, Lithuania during its Presidency of the EU. The actual cost of running the five day inservice training event was c. €5,000 and participants were able to secure €4,000 mainly through EU Grundtvig grants. Thanks to artway of thinking who led the in-service.

7. The Board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of Corporate Governance. Mark McCollum continues as Chair and Mary Doheny as Treasurer. Ed Carroll resigned (28/ 05/2013) and Kenneth Keogh joined us.


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