1916 Community Culture. On June 21st we’re organising an event with residents of regeneration estates in Dolphin House, Teresa’s Gardens and Charlemont – all along the Grand Canal. This will form part of reimagining 1916 programme with a view to developing new forms of cultural contact between the estates. Finances: The audit 2015 is close to complete and we’ll soon be able to set a date for the AGM. Results will be posted on our website by June. Our 2015 Annual Report is already available.
Artist: Steve Powers Love Letter to the City
Social media: The ‘Evidence Room on Issuu is performing quite well. In Februarydays 125 readers engaged which averages out at 15 readers per day of this quarter.
Community Culture: As part of the legacy of the City (Re)Searches Project we have continued with community partners in Galway. What we’ve achieved is to develop an interesting proposal. Practically, we inviting community based groups to help make a demonstration project a reality. The idea is to use the potential of the Charter for Cultural Rights as a guide for community culture practice that innovates, empowers and engages within local communities.
Village Magazine published a review of the Arts Council Value for Money Report last December. Then, in April 2016 it published our review of the Framework for Collaboration -an agreement between the Arts Council and County and City Management Association. Lifecourse Institute
Broken Politics: Civil society’s role in creating real change. We are working with others and actively participating with Claiming Our Future over the last six months and ask you to put a date in your diary! Saturday 18th June from 10.30 am t0 3.30 pm in the Mansion House, Dublin 2
We’ve completed a series of conversations in Galway, which involve exploring the possibility of a joint research application in 2017. Jim Aherne, Eleanor Hough and Ann Lyons have been collaborating with us. Funding applications made to (i) Tandem Turkey for an international exchange programme for cultural managers; (ii) IPB Insurance and (iii)Arts Council Projects Award both for gthe community culture work in Charlemont, Dublin.
Activist Summer Camp 2016. We continue to support Claiming Our Future by getting people interested in attending the activist camp. It’s an opportunity to learn, share & do creative action for social change and takes place on Friday & Saturday, 1st/2nd of July 2016. Places are limited and bookings open soon. www.claimingourfuture.ie
Feedback, questions, more… blue.drum@yahoo.com 1
communiqué 01/05/16