Communique 1 2014

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communiqué (1) Board Update

(3) Connections / Seminars

Audited Financial Statements are under preparation for the year ended 31 Dec 2013 and will be available in advance of our AGM on May 28,2014. It is useful to remind ourselves of our principle activity from the Articles of Association which is“to enable projects, centres and support agencies in the community and anti-poverty sector to use creative methods. This work happens in the context of anti-poverty, social justice and social change objectives whereby individuals, groups and communities most disadvantaged by society access a quality arts experience.”

(i) TUSLA met the Specialist Support Structures in February and April 2014 (2502-2014 // 7-4-2014). These meetings gave a real opportunity for specialist structures to exchange ideas, to share plans and to get an update on the new Agency structure and strategy. (iii) Social Inclusion Forum (1-04-2014) This year’s Social Inclusion Forum (SIF) took place on 1st April 2014. This event was part of the institutional framework put in place by the Government to support the development of the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007-2016. During the Forum we exhibited the City (Re)Searchers Project as part of the Showcase of Projects 2014.

(2) Happy Parent (HP)

(4) Creativity and Memory ‘Great to see a social model of dementia care’ Participant evaluation sheet.

Watch Happy Parent is now in its third year. It began as once off workshops evolving into four workshops with an emphasis on peer led development. This year we are trying out a 2-3 day intensive programme in Ballinarobe and TACU FRC. Happy Parent is aimed at parents, grandparents, carers and anyone working with children with an emphasis on group work. We are also seeking artists with group work skills who are interested in facilitating Happy Parent in their area, particularly those who already have or are looking to develop a relationship with their local Family Resource Centre.

The first 2-day workshop called Creative Reminiscence in Dementia Care took place on 24-25 March 2014. The 10 participants from all over the country enjoyed it greatly and want to continue to connect and to develop this work further. Others wished to do it but were not free at that time. Participants with a health care and older peoples groups came and are interested in

To register your interest please contact Eleanor - Book early as places go fast! Tel: 01 877 1446


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