Take Back the Power

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Image: Roisin Markham

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevki

Reports [and comment sheet]

A1-4 Community Arts, the term B1-4 What power do we want? C1-2 Sharing? Why? D1-2 Who is who? E 1-2 Practical ways to go forward F 1-5 The texture and color of your maps G 1-4 Utopia – what does change look like? H 1-5 What actions can we take? I1


Map: Roisin Markham

Map: Roisin Markham

Image: Roisin Markham

Next Steps [discussed by everybody]


Raising Awareness of Community Arts


Create a list of grievances in out community


WIKI page


Consider Art and civil Society input/engagement, 16th October 2011, Dublin


Role of Bluedrum, continue conversations, awareness of Arts Community development

Image: S.Bosch


First and Last Name Location e-mail Anne Oughterard, Galway co.clann@gmail.com O'Shaughnessey

Telefon Number 00353-0876171693, 00353091 557633


Leanora O'Halloran

Oughterard, Galway leanora.clannres@gmail.com

00353-0868795083, 0035391 557633

FRC, Arts Coordinator


Jean Bates

Ballyboden, Dublin





Imelda Clarke

Ballyboden, Dublin





Rosin Markham




www.creativedynamic.blogspot.com Artist / CreativeDynamix


Con Christeson

St. Louis MO, USA




Artist – USA / Blue Drum


Paul Maher





Age & Opportunity


William Frode de la Foret




www.whatif.ie www.dragonofshandon.com www.corkcommunityartlink.com

Cork Community Arts


Ed Carroll

Dublin / Kaunas


00353-0872334931(send sms)





0044-2890-923493 Www.newbelfastarts.org





10 Conor Shields


Fiona Woods

12 Eleanor Phillips

Webpage www.clannresourcecentre.com

www.fionawoods.net 00353-83-3063066 www.bluedrum.ie

Organisation / Occuptation FRC, Coordinator

New Belfast Community Arts Initiative (new webpage and address from 1th Junly 2011) Artist Bluedrum/ Artist

13 Pam Buchanan

County Dublin



NALA / VEC Partnership (education), facilitator / development

14 Jessica Carson


mayfieldarts@gmail.com artsparticipationanddev@gmail.com

00353-86-0570146 Www.artsparticipationanddevelopm Mayfield Community Arts, Cork 000353-21ent.com 4530434

15 Hermann Marbe`




Mayfield Community Arts, Cork

16 Susanne Bosch



0044-79-61274468 www.susannebosch.de

UU, Facilitator, Artist, Lecturer

17 Dragan Miloshevski




Facilitator, student

Who took part Anne O'Shaughnessy - Coordinator of the Clann Family Resource Centre since 2002 responsible for coordinating Community Arts through Community Development Principles. Works in collaboration with uactarARTS and our recent publication 'Out of the Blue' brought together many people through different art forms. co.clann@gmail.com Leanora O’Halloran has an Honours Degree in Business Studies and is currently the Arts Support Officer for Clann Family Resource Centre, also working with the local community arts group uachtarARTS in Co Galway. She is interested in promoting and increasing access to the Arts through organising various workshops and other artistic projects. Jean Bates: Enjoys engaging children, young people, adults who are also neighbours in activities and non activities that creates spaces for self esteem to be nourished. Aware that self esteem is the key to empowerment at base level of self and that this can support the emergence of the gifts of individuality, which in time can contribute to empowerment of community/society. Imelda Clarke: Mum, Gran, partner and friend of some very special people. I am a woman working in the privilege position of holistic care and education of the children and adults of our community through their chosen experience. Roisin Markham is a Wexford based artist primarily concerned with “How are artist relevant in today’s society?” Her experimental arts practice CreativeDynamix is located between people around change and communication. Con Christeson, community artist, connects from St. Louis [community collabARTive of Peter and Paul Community Services], Blue Drum, Project BUD... all these are taxis to the work ahead! As Education and Training Coordinator with Age & Opportunity, Paul Maher works to promote greater participation by older people in the arts. William Frode de la Foret is the Artistic Director of Cork Community Art Link, a not-forprofit community arts organisation operating in Cork City for over 17 years. CCAL's mission statement is that CCAL exists to make life in Cork better by making art together. Ed Carroll works with others in an imaginary space where culture, politics and community collide. He is interested in public-ness and how to create this faculty. He lives between Kaunas and Dublin. Conor Shields has been a performing musician and arts practitioner for well over twenty years. He is a trustee of various organisations in the arts and educational sectors in N Ireland and is passionate about the role the arts play in society. Conor is the Programme Director of New Belfast Community Arts Initiative. Fiona Woods: Through my practice as a visual artist I attempt to generate modest spaces within which things can be individually or collectively questioned or produced. My work is oriented towards a ‘public’ that is less noun and more verb, something that must be continually produced through actions and events.

Eleanor Phillips is fond of underdogs, first person accounts, and political histrionics. She is worried about the power of the Fourth Estate but excited by the possibilities of the Internet. Her aspiration is to create space where these interests meet and nudge the dominant culture in more inclusive directions. Hopefully this masterpiece will be achieved before she dies. Pam Buchanan: Did you know that the human brain can read ‘mixed up’ words – so long as the first and last letters are in the right place? Pam Buchanan has been designing and facilitating fun, creative, educational experiences for adults for over 20 years. Based in Dublin, she is currently pouring all (well, most) of her energy into Family Learning and Creative Writing courses. Pam can be contacted at learning@live.ie Jessica Carson is the Coordinator of Mayfield Arts, Newbury House. She has been developing and managing projects in Community Arts, Development Education and Arts and Inclusion for 10 years. She is also a trainer for the European Youth in Action Programme. She has developed and managed projects and actions through this programme in seminars, exchanges and volunteering. She is also a facilitator on CIT’s Arts and Empowerment programme. Jessica maintains her practice as a visual artist working in social contexts. My name is Hermann Marbe, born 1963 and I’m interested in people, animals, plants, minerals… in short “Ten Thousand Things” an old taoist expression, representing the dynamic interconnection and simultaneous unity and diversity of everything in the universe. From nine to five [and sometimes longer] I work with people with so called learning disabilities - doing art. Susanne Bosch is an artist, open space facilitator and works since 2006 at the University of Ulster (Belfast) where she is co-directing the MA Art in Public. Consequently her work as an artist, with students and as facilitator deals with creative forms of communication and negotiation. www.susannebosch.de Dragan Miloshevski is a trained teacher and worked as conflict consultant in Macedonia. He is currently doing an MA in Constructive Conflict Resolution through the Arts in Plymouth and working in the social sector in Belfast, NI.

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

Image: S.Bosch/D. Miloshevski

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