2012 UNESCO Cultural Participation

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While cultural practices are alive and ever-changing, models to gauge their impact must also evolve. But how can we measure cultural acts, such as partaking in a traditional ceremony, playing an instrument or visiting a museum virtually? In today’s world of technological advances, how does the Internet affect cultural practices? Do age and gender play a role in people’s level of cultural participation? Steering away from the traditional view of cultural practices, the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is focusing on comprehensive definitions in order to develop new guidelines which can be applied by countries to measure cultural participation. To this end, the UIS is producing a series of handbooks to expand on the concepts set forth in the 2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics. This edition presents current trends in measuring cultural participation. By focusing mainly on quantitative approaches, it presents an overview of data collection instruments from around the world. The report also identifies best practices for countries to follow, as well as a checklist of critical topics for designing surveys. This handbook serves as an important resource for organizations interested in measuring cultural participation.



The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the statistical office of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and is the UN depository for internationally comparable statistics in the fields of education, science and technology, culture and communication.

2009 UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics Handbook No. 2

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