Our cover story is Robert & Lynda Weingartz, the driving force behind AirPlay Direct! We also put the Spotlight on IBMA, the International Bluegrass Music Association, with coverage of 4 artists appearing at World of Bluegrass: Damn Tall Buildings, Rapidgrass, Alex Leach and Gena Britt. Out of the San Francisco Bay Area comes Fog Holler, David Grier tells his story of growing up with a guitar in his hands, and Cindy Baucom finds herself Knee-Deep in Bluegrass. Tomorrow's Bluegrass Stars offers us Fiddle Express, Christie Lenée shows us what a winner looks like, and Emerald Butler explores the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame. Visit The Dead Rabbit in New York, get an update on Jesse McReynolds, hear the passion of Deanie Richardson, and discover that Portland isn't just for grunge anymore with Never Come Down!