Pain, the Psyche & Psychotropic Properties
Pain; the bitter medicine for growing out and up from belonging, attachment and identification. Pain; from the ancestral to awareness, is as psychosomatic as the psyche is protoplasmic. Pain is more easily held onto than moved through. To move through pain hurts no differently than parting from a dear one whereas holding on to it deafens, mutes and blinds pain; echoed, reflected and seen in amnesia, academia and agoraphobia… The benefit of holding on to pain is to claim innocence that entitles those who are had by it to justify their misgivings. In spite of the obvious fact that nothing in life is perfect, permanent and proprietary, most anyone acts contrary and in opposition to this given condition… Pain is faced in the breakdown of magic, myth and meaning whereby the memory of meiosis is metabolized. Pain is inherent to evolution in the same way as death is inherent to birth. To deafen, mute and blind pain by holding on to it makes for pride, prejudice and pretentiousness respectively; the bloom and doom, glory and gore, delusion and default of claiming innocence… To move through and make friends with pain involves the temporary suspension of want, wish and will that override and undermine listening, surrender and embracement. In listening, speech is communicated. In surrender, conflict is resolved. In embracement, the existential givens are acknowledged: namely that a) nothing is perfect, b) permanent and c) proprietary in life… Pain can be no less evaded than death can be outsmarted or life can be trade bargained. Pain resides in the shadowlands of pleasure that is eschewed without complaints. To diminish, dismiss or defy pleasure affects pain the same as scolding a child for not being an adult or judging a crazy person for not being insanely normal. Effectively, addiction comes about; from romance to religion, research to reason and rags to riches… Pain catalyzes the breakdown of opposition in likewise manners as pleasure engenders gratitude. To deify pleasure and demonize pain results in none other than misgivings; also known as performative contradictions. To cope with rather than confront pain turns desire to dogma, dance to drama and dedication to destruction; the mania, malaise and malady of socio-cultural conditioning… Frowned upon, frightened about and equally feared from the present of origin, to move through and make friends with pain depends on and is derived from becoming intimate with the psyche in lieu of drowning in complacency, consumerism and popularity. In the words of Terrance McKenna: “We are so much the victims of abstraction that with the Earth in flames we can barely rouse ourselves to wander across the room and look at the thermostat” ... The eye of the mind, the psyche is just that: sight. The psyche is to the mind what salt is to the ocean, cerebrospinal fluid is to the brain and the stars are to the cosmos. The mind communicates what the wisdom display of speech beholds, the psyche visually perceives and the body viscerally experiences… What is the body but the good, the true and the beautiful of the mind. What is the mind but the medium of speech. What is speech but the mundus of wisdom. What is wisdom but that which the psyche perceives; both intuitively as well as under the influence of psychotropic properties…
Psychotropic properties relieve, release and redeem the psyche from the auto immune disorder that humans have brought upon themselves by falling for power, profit and prestige. To relieve, release and redeem the psyche from the imperial reign of the human personality is allegorically passed over in such an ancient and anachronistic tale as Moses’ exodus from Egypt… Neither a means to an end nor a one-step stop-over to pure land and paradise, moving through and making friends with pain not only facilitates healing from anguish, suffering and despair but also and, moreover, loosens the grip and lessens the spell of scarcity, sexuality and spirituality: sakti. The idol of innocence and ignorance alike, sakti is the holy grail of know-it-all till death do us part. The empty promise of salvation, sakti is Goethe’s Faust or, as Lama Anagrika Govinda comments on this subject matter: “The concept of Sakti, or divine power, of the creative female aspect of the highest God (Siva) or his emanations does not play any role in Buddhism. While in Hindu Tantras the concept of power (sakti) forms the focus of interest, the central idea of Tantric Buddhism is prajna: wisdom. To the Buddhist sakti is maya, the very power that creates illusion, from which only prajna can liberate us” ... Prajna, wisdom is the firmament of speech in the same way as speech is the logos of the mind that embraces the body in space-time, as witnessed, perceived and seen by the psyche. The psyche is intuitive rather than imaginative; visual rather than verbal and mutual rather than monotheistic. Mutuality is open-ended rather than closed circuited… Mutuality; neither scarcity, sexuality nor spirituality, makes for re-creation, response-ability and re-cognition: coexistence. Put differently, what remains in the absence of mutuality is but the mirage of monotheism, monogamy and monopoly; that is the morass of metaphorical unity to which the tailspin, decline and entropy of meiosis, not the ascension, flowering and evolution of consciousness relates… Thus, instead of consciousness, there is conflict; instead of awareness, there is anguish and instead of synergy, there is suffering. Hence, instead of open-ended mutuality, there is closed-minded marriage; instead of making friends with pain, there is the phantasm of magic, myth and meaning and instead of having intercourse with psychotropic properties, imprisonment is lauded, idolatry is glorified and idiocy is revered the world over under the pretense of love, peace and harmony… In a paragraph, pain is the chaos, chasm and catalyst the psyche is the chromosome, chronicle and clairvoyance and consciousness is the corpus, canvas and cosmos of, as annotated in: “Chaos is what we've lost touch with. This is why it is given a bad name. It is feared by the dominant archetype of our world, which is Ego, which clenches because its existence is defined in terms of control.” Pain is the backdrop of the psyche’s photosynthetic operation in the same way as the corpus, canvas and cosmos of consciousness mirrors the wisdom display of speech in awareness. Pain is as psychosomatic as the psyche is protoplasmic and psychotropic properties are entheogenic in nature. To make friends with one involves becoming wholly intimate with the others. To exile and exorcise either is met by disaster. Purgatory is no less real than the hell realm. Take it or leave it, speech is revealed by way of listening…