Blue Ocean Bob Parent & Teacher Activity Guide

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Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

- Doc the turtle, in The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob: A Journey Begins

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob early chapter book series introduces children to timeless principles of achievement.

In The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob, children follow an endearing hero on a quest to protect the sea and its creatures Along the way, Bob learns principles such as purpose, vision, goals, persistence, confidence, creativity, cooperation, gratitude, and more.

In A Journey Begins, young Bob yearns for a greater sense of fulfillment. With his guardian, Xena the hummingbird, at his side, Bob seeks guidance from the wise and happy creatures of the sea. From the joyful secrets of Al the dolphin to the insightful advice of Doc the turtle, Earl the clam, and Wallace the walrus, Bob uncovers great wisdom. But to begin his journey, he must prove himself to Mary Marine, the Island of Roses’s leading marine biologist

In A Challenging Job, Blue Ocean Bob begins his new job as assistant to Mary Marine and works hard to carry out his duties to the sea creatures both on and off the shore. When the challenges mount, Bob seeks advice from Doc the turtle , Earl the clam, and Wallace the walrus, whom each help him to develop the positive attitude he needs to succeed.

In Into the Lea d, an earthquake sets off an oil spill on the ocean floor. After consulting Doc, Bob musters the courage to dive down and repair the damage alongside his mentor, Mary Marine. But when Mary is called away to a distant island, Bob has to put his fears aside and step into his mentor’s shoes. But he soon learns that he needs more help. Thanks to a tip from his trusted friend, Earl the clam, Bob finds the perfect candidate, Molly, on the shore.

In A Secret in the Deep , while snorkeling along the ocean reef, Blue Ocean Bob senses something below. With encouragement from Cathy crab, he trusts his intuition and assembles a team to explore a shipwreck on the ocean floor. But despite help from Al the dolphin and his assistant Molly Marine, he is unable to complete the descent. After consulting with the wise ocean creatures Doc the turtle, Earl the clam, and Eve the octopus, he and Molly devise a creative plan to release some new friends trapped at the bottom of the Sea of Kerchoo. 1
“Decide what you love, what excites and inspires, then make that your purpose and watch what transpires.”

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

A step between traditional picture books and middle-grade chapter books, The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob early chapter books are a valuable resource for young readers ages 6 to 9. The engaging illustrations and inspiring stories are easy to follow and enjoy for parents and children alike. In addition, through the wise advice of Bob’s sea creature friends, subtle lessons are revealed in lyrical rhymes that are memorable and digestible, and the maritime setting and themes foster ocean awareness

Each book in the The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob series has five chapters and each chapter highlights a different achievement principle. These principles are outlined in this Parent and Teacher Activity Guide under Achievement Principles and Questions In addition, this g uide includes General Discussion Questions related to Language Arts, Science/Nature and Mentoring/Helping Others as well as suggested Activities. These questions and activities are designed to encourage childre n to think and act in positive and creative new ways

Lexile® Measures

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob books have the following Lexile® measures: A Journey Begins (660L); A Challenging Job (680L); Into the Lead (710L); A Secret in the Deep (730L). These measures equate to a median 2nd/3rd-grade reading level under the Common Core State Standards for college readiness. The questions and activities in this guide will assist with developing competencies in 2nd and 3rd grade Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (Reading: Literature) such as:

Key Ideas and Details (who, what, where, when, why / identifying the central message or lesson / describing character traits and feelings and how characters respond to events and challenges)

Craft and Structure (how words, phrases, and rhymes supply rhythm and meaning / literal and non-literal language / poetry / character points of view and dialogue / references to chapters, scenes or stanzas / distinguishing their own point of view regarding events in the story from that of the narrator or characters)

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas (use text and illustrations to demonstrate understanding of characters, setting or plot / explaining how illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in the story)

To further aid comprehension, a glossary for each book is provided.

We hope you and your young readers enjoy The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob and find this guide useful. You can learn more about the book series and enjoy free downloads at 2

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity


Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 1

A Journey Begins

Chapter 1: Purpose

Definition: purpose What a person is trying to do or become.

How does Doc suggest Bob can discover his purpose?

What does Bob discover about himself? What does he want to do?

What do you love to do? What are you good at doing?

What is your dream job?

Chapter 2 : Vision

Definition: vision A strategy for doing or becoming something.

How does Earl describe a vision to Bob?

Why does Earl say he developed a vision or plan?

What is Bob’s vision (plan or strategy)?

What does Bob think will help him to develop his vision?

Do you have a vision or plan for achieving something in your life? 3

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 1

Chapter 3 : Goals

Definition: goal Something that you are trying to do or achieve.

How does a goal differ from a purpose? From a vision?

What goal does Bob set? What goal does Mary Marine ask Bob to help her with?

What goals do you have?

What is your #1 goal in the next month, six months, year?

Chapter 4 : Attitude

Definition: attitude A combination of one’s thoughts, feelings and actions.

What does Earl say will result from a positive attitude? How about a negative one?

Does changing his attitude help Bob tag Tom? How would you describe Xena’s attitude?

Can you remember a time when your attitude affected your results?

Can you control your attitude?

Chapter 5 : Persistence

Definition: persistence An ability to continue even though it is difficult.

How does Doc describe persistence? How has Earl shown persistence?

What does Doc mean by resistance? What resistance does Bob experience?

Have you ever persisted in pursuing a goal despite resistance or obstacles?

What did you learn from your effort? How did you feel about yourself? 4

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Glossary - A Journey Begins

Chapter 1

lush Covered with healthy green plants.

content Pleased and satisfied.

ebb To flow outward from the land.

tide Movement of the ocean caused by the pull of the Sun and Moon on Earth.

guardian Someone who takes care of another person.

blunt Straight-forward, direct.

quest A journey in search of something.

appreciate To be grateful for something.

sage Someone who is very wise.

dismay A strong feeling of worry or disappointment.

venture To go somewhere unknown or dangerous.

heed To pay attention to.

intent An aim or purpose.

wisdom Knowledge gained from experiences in life.

brilliant Very impressive or successful.

fate The future that someone will have.

summoned To call forth: evoke.

courage The ability to do something that is difficult for you. spectacles Eye-glasses.

glance A quick look.

instincts Something you know without having to learn it. passion Something that you love doing very much. inspires To make someone want to do something. purpose What a person is trying to do or become. transpires Happens.

swell To feel an emotion strongly.

pursue To try to do something over time.

marine biologist A scientist who studies life in the sea.

gracious Very polite, respectful.

visualize To form a picture in your mind.

journey An act of traveling from one place to another.

Chapter 2

wandered To move around without direction. vision A strategy for doing or becoming something.

reveal To show clearly.

magnificent Very beautiful or impressive. 5

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Chapter 3

mentor Someone who teaches a less experienced person. S.O.S. A call for help.

vessel A ship or boat.

precarious Not safe, strong, or steady.

craft A small boat.

goal Something that you are trying to do or achieve. achieve To succeed at something.

pinpoint Clearly identify. desire A strong wish.

confident Having a belief that you can succeed at something. crucial Extremely important.

Chapter 4

flutter To move in an excited way. confidant A trusted friend.

mutter To complain quietly. doubt To be uncertain or unsure.

sage Very wise.

satchel A small shoulder bag.

maritime Referring to the sea. imperative Very important.

attitude The combination of someone’s thoughts, feelings and actions. out of commission Not able to function. deflated Having lost confidence or pride.

optimistic Expecting good things to happen.

image The idea that people have about someone or something. immense Huge or enormous.

horizon The line where the earth or sea seems to meet the sky. vigor Strength, energy, or determination.

Chapter 5

idle chatter Pointless talk. forays Attempts to do something.

resistance A force which opposes.

persistence An ability to continue even though it is difficult.

groggy Unsteady or unclear.

insight A clear thought.

mindset A particular way of thinking. krill Very small shrimp in the sea. 6

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questi ons – Book 2 A Challenging Job

Chapter 1: Confidence

Definition: confidence Belief in yourself and your abilities.

What does Doc suggest that Bob do first before he tries to help Kodi? Why?

How does Bob help Kodi develop confidence?

Have you ever needed confidence to do something?

How did you build your confidence?

Have you ever helped someone else develop confidence?

Chapter 2 : Responsibility

Definition: responsibility Being accountable for one's actions.

At first, who does Bob blame for trapping Beck?

What is Earl's advice to Bob to help Beck? How does Bob respond?

How does Bob help set Beck free?

How do you feel when you take responsibility for something?

How can forgiving someone else help you? 7

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 2

Chapter 3 : Communication

Definition: communication The activity of conveying information

What does Mary Marine ask Bob to do? How does Doc help?

What skills does Al have for spreading the warning? Does Al ask for help?

Why do Al and his friends pull Bob's boat to shore?

Have you ever had to communicate an important message to others? How did you do it? How did they respond?

Chapter 4 : Gratitude

Definition: gratitude A feeling of thankfulness and appreciation.

What does Wallace suggest that Bob can do to improve his day?

How does a small stone help Bob? What is Bob grateful for?

What are you grateful for?

How can gratitude "lighten your mood and brighten your day?"

Chapter 5 : Success

Definition: success Progress towards a worthy goal.

Why does Bob feel discouraged about his ability to save Ray?

What does Earl tell Bob about success? What is persistence?

How does Bob improve his outlook for saving Ray? What does he imagine?

Have you ever imagined or visualized doing something difficult and then done it? 8

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Glossary - A Challenging Job

Chapter 1

lad A boy.

safeguard To make safe.

guardian Someone who takes care of another person. mentor A wise and trusted guide and advisor. not mince words To speak directly and frankly. wisdom Knowledge gained from many experiences in life. spectacles Eye-glasses.

confidence A belief that you can succeed at something. scout To explore an area to find information about it. subsided To become less strong or intense. grateful Feeling or showing appreciation or thanks.

Chapter 2

debris Trash or rubbish

bungled To make mistakes in doing something. encountered To meet someone without expecting to. kelp A type of brown seaweed. responsible To be accountable for one's actions. anxious Afraid or nervous about what might happen. bind A difficult situation. plight A very bad or difficult situation. fret To worry.

touting To talk about as being very good.

Chapter 3

interrupted To cause something to stop happening for a time. brewing To start to form. bleak Not promising (e.g. cold, rainy, dark weather.) reluctant Showing doubt about doing something. propped To support by placing against something else. sonar Finding things underwater using sound waves. technique A way of doing something by using special knowledge or skill. vibrations A feeling that someone or something gives you. 9

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Chapter 4

awry Not working correctly or happening as expected. circumstance A set of facts that surround a situation. humbly In a modest, plain manner. roadblocks Things that stop progress. gratitude A feeling of appreciation or thanks.

Chapter 5

snagged To catch on something sharp. muck Wet mud (on the sea floor). awhirl Spinning; a state of excited activity or confusion. despair A feeling of no longer having any hope. success Progress towards a worthy goal. astray Away from what is right, good or desirable. vision A strategy for doing or becoming something. goals Things that you are trying to do or achieve. persistence An ability to continue even though it is difficult. sage A person who is very wise. spry Full of life and energy. clutched To hold on to tightly with your hand. 10

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 3 Into the Lead

Chapter 1: Courage

Definition: courage The ability to do something that is difficult for you.

What does Bob need to do that he has not done before?

What does Doc suggest that Bob do?

What have you had to do in the past that required courage?

Did anyone or anything help you to develop the courage to do it?

Chapter 2 : Creativity

Definition: creativity The ability to make new things or think of new ideas.

How does Bob create a plan to save Andy the great white shark?

What is Bob’s plan? How does he carry it out? Who does he ask for help?

Have you ever had to come up with a new idea to solve a problem? What was it?

What do you do when you want or need to be creative?

What are your favorite ways to express your creativity and unique talents? 11

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 3

Chapter 3 : Decision

Definition: decision The ability to make choices quickly and confidently.

What decision must the Council make? What decision must Bob make?

What does Doc tell Bob about making decisions and reaching his goal?

How do you make important decisions? Do you do research or ask for advice?

Is there something that you need to decide today? What will help you decide?

Chapter 4 : Action

Definition: action Things done to achieve a particular purpose.

What does Wallace suggest that Bob do to help the stranded dolphins?

How does Bob take action? What does his action lead to?

Have you ever needed to do something but not known how to do it?

If you took action, did anything unexpected ever happen to help you?

Chapter 5 : Leadership

Definition: leadership The power or ability to lead others.

What is troubling Bob about his job? What does the Council suggest he do?

How does Bob meet Molly? How does he test her for the job?

Have you ever been in a position of leadership? How did you get there?

When do you like to take the lead? When do you like to follow? 12

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

G lossary – Into the Lead

Chapter 1

isle An island. jolt A sudden, rough movement. guardian Someone who takes care of another person. erupting To come out in a sudden explosion. self-doubt A feeling of doubt about your own abilities or actions. fluttered To fly lightly with quick beats of the wings. urgent Very important and needing immediate attention. flailing To move or swing your arms or legs in a wild and uncontrolled way. crucial Extremely important. shirk To avoid doing something that you are supposed to do. courage The ability to do something that is difficult for you. flung To throw something in a sudden and forceful way. escort A person who goes with someone to give protection or guidance ventured To go somewhere unknown or dangerous. will A strong desire or determination to do something. murk Dark or dirty water.

steadfast Very devoted or loyal. crevice A narrow opening or crack in a hard surface or rock.

Chapter 2

swell An upward and downward movement of the water in the sea. creative Having or showing an ability to make new things or think of new ideas. intently Showing concentration or great attention. imagined To think of or create in your mind. tide Movement of the ocean caused by the pull of the Sun and Moon on Earth. waddling To walk with short steps while moving from side to side. stampede To cause animals to run in a large group. rammed To forcefully hit something. enlisted To get the support and help of someone. hoist To raise something especially by using ropes or machinery. 13

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Chapter 3

envoy Someone sent by one group to represent it with another group. flattered To cause someone to feel pleased by showing respect or admiration. provisions A supply of things that are needed

blurted To speak suddenly without thinking about how people will react. summoned Gathered or brought together.

pale Having a skin color that is closer to white than is usual or normal. premature Happening too soon or earlier than usual.

destined Certain to do or to be something.

goal Something that you are trying to do or achieve.

Chapter 4

holding the fort To be in charge while the person who is usually in charge is away. frantic Feeling or showing a lot of fear and worry.

stranded To leave a person or animal in a place without a way of leaving it. wriggled To move forward by twisting and turning. remote Far away from other people or cities.

mire Thick and deep mud.

muck Wet mud (on the sea floor).

delight A strong feeling of happiness, pleasure or satisfaction. hunch A belief about something that is not based on facts or evidence.

Chapter 5

charted To make a plan for something. vast Unusually great in size.

gales Very strong winds.

pouring salt on the wound To make worse.

marooned To leave someone in a place that is difficult or impossible to get away from. sulking To be angry or upset about something and to refuse to discuss it with other people. suffice To be or provide as much as is needed. shallows A shallow area in a body of water.

plea A serious and emotional request for something.

vain Not producing a desired result.

chores Small jobs that are done regularly. take a toll Having the potential to cause harm or damage.

debris Trash or rubbish.

volunteered To offer to do something without being asked to do it. 14

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 4

A Secret in the Deep

Chapter 1: Intuition

Definition: intuition Quick and ready insight.

What does Bob sense when he is snorkeling?

What does Cathy crab tell Bob about his feelings?

Have you ever done something based on a hunch or intuition?

If so, what was the result?

Chapter 2 : Concentration

Definition: concentration Direction of attention to a single object.

What does Earl the clam suggest Bob and Molly do to reach the shipwreck?

What does Doc the turtle suggest to help Bob and Molly?

Have you ever had to concentrate to achieve a goal?

What was the outcome of your effort? 15

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Achievement Principles and Questions – Book 4

Chapter 3 : Perception

Definition: perception Awareness of the elements of the environment.

How do the goblin sharks feel about their home?

What does Eve the octopus tell the sharks about their situation?

Have you ever discovered that a belief you had was limited by your perception?

If so, how did you feel when you realized that your perception was incomplete?

Chapter 4 : Imagination

Definition: imagination Creative thinking; ability to deal with a problem.

What does Doc suggest that Bob and Molly do to help the goblin sharks?

What does Molly do to come up with her plan?

Do you use your imagination to solve problems?

Do you visualize your plans?

Chapter 5 : Cooperation

Definition: cooperation Doing what is wanted: common effort.

Who does Molly recruit to help release the goblin sharks?

How does the team work together?

Do you cooperate at home or in school to accomplish common goals?

Does cooperation make it easier to succeed? 16

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Glossary – A Secret in the Deep

Chapter 1

devotion The state of being ardently dedicated and loyal. blessings Things that are conducive to happiness. mentor A trusted counselor or guide. success Progress towards a worthy goal.

yearned To long persistently.

reef A chain of rocks or coral near the surface of water.

shipwreck A sunken ship or its parts.

guardian Someone who takes care of another person.

dive buddy A diver who monitors and assists another diver during a dive. pondered To think about or reflect on.

scurried To move quickly or in a brisk pace.

kelp Large brown seaweeds.

shimmering To shine with a wavering or fitful light.

hunch A belief about something that is not based on facts or evidence.

intuition Quick and ready insight.

beam A ray or shaft of light.

Chapter 2

waded To step in or through water. assembled Gathered or brought together. summoned Called or sent for.

conveyed To impart or communicate.

squint To look or peer with eyes partly closed. focus To concentrate attention or effort

persist To continue in the face of opposition or difficulty.

clarification A statement to make something understandable.

concentration Direction of attention to a single object or task.

motion A proposal for action.

descent The act or process of descending from a higher to a lower level. novice A beginner.

full staff All members present.

gauge An instrument for measuring or testing. 17

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

Chapter 3

conserving To avoid wasteful use.

persuaded To convince or move by argument to a course of action.

vessel A watercraft bigger than a rowboat

goblin shark A rare shark with protruding jaws and a greatly elongated snout

misconception A wrong or inaccurate idea.

perception A mental image; awareness of the elements of the environment.

stern Expressive of severe displeasure; harsh

persuasion An ability to convince someone or cause a course of action.

plea A serious and emotional request for something.

budge Move or shift.

shelter Something that covers or affords protection.

sage Someone who is very wise.

ascend To move upward.

guidance Advice or direction provided by someone

Chapter 4

fate The circumstances that befall someone or something. prehistoric Existing in times before written history. squashed Put down, supress.

imagine To form a mental image of something. wisdom Knowledge gained from experiences in life. visualize To form a picture in your mind. octopi More than one octopus. jellies Jellyfish.

Chapter 5

convened To come together in a body. squadron A large group of people or things. accomplish To bring to completion.

vision A strategy for doing or becoming something. precision Strictly conforming to a pattern or standard.

illusion Perception of something in such a way as to cause misinterpretation of its actual nature. cooperation Doing what is wanted or asked for: common effort.

frustrated Feeling annoyance because of problems or unfulfilled goals, desires, or needs.

clan A group united by a common interest or common characteristics. flee To run away from.

captivity The state of being confined or kept within bounds. reflected To give back or exhibit as an image, likeness, or outline. 18

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide

General D iscussion Questions

Language Arts

Who was your favorite character in the story? Why? What did you learn from him/her?

What was your favorite part of the story (scene or chapter)? What did you like about it?

If you were going to continue writing the story, what would happen next?

The story is told in a series of rhyming lines. What are your favorite rhymes in the story?

Science / Nature

What is marine biology or marine science?

How do you feel about the oceans and sea life?

What are your favorite sea animals?

How do humans benefit from the oceans and sea life?

How can we help protect and preserve the oceans and sea life?

Mentoring / Helping Others

What is a mentor?

How does Mary Marine mentor Bob?

How do Doc, Al, Earl, and Wallace each help Bob?

Can you think of a time when someone has given you advice, encouraged you or helped you? What difference did that make for you?

Have you ever helped someone get better at something? How did that made you feel?

How might you help someone you know get better at something today?

Give an example of how teamwork helped Bob reach a goal

When has teamwork helped you to reach a goal? 19

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide


Language Arts

Drama and Dialogue

Children can take turns reading the dialogue in the story. Assign a narrator and each character to read aloud.


The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob is a long poem written in anapestic tetrameter.

Anapestic is a metrical rhythm in poetry that consists of two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable (“da-da- DUM”). Tetrameter means there are four stressed beats per line.

Can children detect the stressed and unstressed syllables when they read the story aloud?

Ask them to identify the rhyming words.

Can they make up two sentences that rhyme ?

Can they write several sets of rhyming line s that tell a story?

Journal Writing

Ask children to create a character journal where they write down the thoughts, fears, goals and dreams of the various characters.

Or children can summarize the story from a character’s point of view. For example, how would Xena tell the story? Earl the clam? Mary Marine? Wallace the walrus? Doc the turtle? 20

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide


Science / Nature

Sea Life

Pick one of the birds or sea creatures from the book – such as a sea turtle, dolphin, walrus, giant clam, whale or hummingbird – and research it further.

What interesting facts can you find? For example, did you know that hummingbirds can hear better and see farther than humans and can remember every flower they visit? Or that a walrus can weigh up to 4,000 pounds?


What interesting facts can you discover about our oceans? What percentage of the earth is covered by water? How many oceans are there? What causes the ocean tides?

How do you benefit from the oceans? How can we help ensure that the oceans stay clean and safe for sea life and humans?

Art Maps

Draw a map of the Island of Roses (children can copy or trace the map on end pages).

Ask children where in the world they imagine the island to be. Ask them to add the characters from the story to their various locations on the map.

Poster or Bookmark

Make a poster or bookmark depicting a character or scene from the book (free bookmark download at

Add a phrase or use one below that captures your favorite lesson and write it on your po ster or bookmark (e.g. decide what you love, set a goal, always persist, choose your thoughts, develop a vision). 21

The Adventures of Blue Ocean Bob Parent and Teacher Activity Guide


Goal Setting

The Goal Card

Ask children to write down some of their goals. There are many types of goals, short and long-term, b ig and small. But the best goals will stretch them to do something they have not done before. These goals should be exciting, just beyond their reach and something they really want.

Now ask children to pick their #1 goal for the next three to six months (or any time period you prefer) and to write it down in the present tense on a small card that they can carry with them. (Download the free Doc Goal Card cut out at

Then ask them to write a target date for when this goal will be reached.


Ask children to draw a picture of their goal or themselves achieving it. Ask them to close their eyes and imagine themselves when their goal is reached (e.g. Bob saw himself with sea life all around him and he also imagined himself scuba diving with Doc).

How do they feel? What do they see, smell, taste, hear? Who is with them?

Ask them to add any images that come to mind to their drawing. They can draw images, write phrases from the story and/or cut out pictures from magazines that will help remind them of their goal.

Action Steps

Ask children to write down three things they can do to move in the direction of their goal and when they will do each of these things.

Revisit the goal card progress o ver time and encourage children to keep working towards their goals.

Children can change the date on the goal card or even the goal. In the end, it is not attaining the goal, but the learning and growth that occurs in pursuing it that has the most value . 22

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