Engineers Australia - Perth 17th July 2012
• A new revision to the AS/NZS 3678 Standard was
released in 2011, replacing the previous 1996 version. •
This standard covers production and supply of hot rolled structural steel plate and floorplate rolled on a reversing mill, along with the supply of slabs as analysis grades only.
What are the main changes?
1. Increased options for specifying Engineers 2. Strengthening compliance to the standard
Increasing options/guidance for specifying Engineers A wider range of impact testing options than previously offered: • impact testing at lower temperatures (L20 or L40) • higher minimum impact energy specifications (Y20 & Y40 designations)
Increasing options/guidance for specifying Engineers
• A wider range of minimum reduction in area requirements for through thickness testing (Z15, Z25 & Z35) • “Fine-grained” steels for applications where heat treatment in the normalizing temperature range may be required. • More explicit warning regarding the potential hazards of reheating grades in this standard above 620°C. Where the application and/or fabrication process requires heating above 620°C, the purchaser should discuss with the
manufacturer. 5
Strengthening compliance to the standard
• Mandating a wider range of requirements on test certificates • Strengthening product conformity testing requirements (Appendix B of the standard) • Requirement for testing to be conducted by ILAC accredited testing laboratory
• Requirement for grades with no impact test designation to at least meet the Charpy impact requirements of Table 10
(in AS/NZS 3678) at 0°C if tested. 6
Other changes in standard
• Introduced ReH (Upper yield stress) and Rm (Tensile Stress) designations. • Definition of manufacturing process • Introduce the option for a 6mm diameter test piece for through thickness testing (“Z” testing) of plates ≤ 25mm thick • Introduced seismic grade for the NZ market.
What do the additional options mean for you? Improve ability of engineer to specify a suitable material. Lower temperature options (L20 & L40) and higher
minimum absorbed energy (Y20 & Y40) for Charpy impact testing
• design of structures with lower service temperatures • design of more critical structures requiring higher levels of toughness • Australian equivalents for overseas designs simplifying sourcing 8
What do the additional options mean for you? Improve the ability of engineer to specify a suitable material. Range of options for through thickness testing • ability to specify higher Through Thickness Tensile requirement (Z35) for more critical structures • option to specify wider thickness range with through thickness requirements with Z15 option. • allowing design engineers to specify requirements for applications such as high restraint in welded joints. Factor in the requirement for hot forming by specifying “fine-grained” steel • clarifies requirement for purchaser when fabrication requires the material to be hot formed. 9
What do the changes to mean for you? Confidence for project owners and designing engineers that the material will have the required properties to meet the design code requirements. The new version of the standard requires all material to meet “L0” Charpy impact requirements as a minimum if tested • aligns material code with Structural design Code (AS 4100) • previous version of AS/NZS 3678 standard did not have this requirement
What do the changes to conformance mean to you? Confidence for project owners and purchasers that the material will comply to the standard means lower risk: Requirement for testing to take place using reputable testing laboratories • ILAC are an internationally recognised Third Party accreditation body for laboratories, such as NATA • ensures the tests are carried out using the correct procedures • incorrect procedures may affect the result and the material may not meet the required properties.
What does enhanced conformance mean to you?
Information and control to make informed purchasing decisions  Certificates written in English ensure the end user can check the material supplied complies with the standard  Requirement for the producing mill be listed on the test certificate allows you to assess the origin of the material.  Allows the purchaser to ensure material is sourced from reputable Mills 12
What are the risks of non-conformance?
What do the changes to conformance mean to you? Test certificates must state  The position of sampling, orientation of test piece and frequency of sampling for mechanical testing • these attributes can affect the test results and determine whether the material complies with the required mechanical properties • Some overseas standards allow sampling from the edge of the plate. The edges tend to be higher in strength and not necessarily representative of the plate properties.
Why is strengthening conformance important to you?
Test certificates also have a requirement for ALL elements in the standard to be reported • ensures that products with high residual levels are not supplied - high residual levels may impact on toughness and weldability of material • allows the purchaser to assess attributes such as weldability and galvanizability
Suspect material?
Effect of Silicon content on Galvanizing
Effect of 0.06/0.07% Si Reactive Steel !
(From the American Galvanizers Association) 17
What are the risks of non-conformance?
What do the changes to conformance mean for you?
Reduced risk of non-conformance to the standard Appendix B now „Normative” rather than “Informative” • this change tightened the acceptable testing methodology to be used in demonstrating compliance Meet market demand for conforming material •
changes allow purchaser to meet end customer expectations and to demonstrate adequate risk controls for project. 19
How do I check conformance of my plate to the standard? 1. Check the test certificate Certificates to be written in English Reference to a third party accrediting body recognised by ILAC, such as NATA Steelmakers, manufacturers, suppliers and testing authorities name Test certificate number and test number Date
How do I check conformance of my plate to the standard? Product, testing specification and grade, e.g. AS/NZS 3678350L15 Product delivery condition, eg “As rolled” Dimensions Product Steelmaking process, e.g. basic oxygen, slab cast Unique product identifiers for the tested units and other product covered by the test certificate Heat number 21
How do I check conformance of my plate to the standard? Chemical Analysis type, e.g. either ladle or cast analysis (‘L’) or product (‘P’) analysis Chemical composition of all elements listed in Tables 2 or 3 of the standard. The relevant mechanical testing results (including test piece position and orientation, batch or item basis of testing and results) Additional tests agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer 22
How do I check conformance of my plate to the standard?
ďƒźStatement acknowledging the chemistry and tested mechanical properties comply with the standard ďƒźSignatory from the manufacturer, supplier and certification authority attesting to items above.
How do I check conformance of my plate to the standard? 2. Check the stencil on the plate has the following:
Traceable plate or identification number Heat number Name of manufacturer or mark (or both) Grade Standard
Summary If you are an engineer the changes to the AS/NZS 3678 Standard mean you have enhanced tools to: • Specify the right material for the right application
• Ensure compliance to the standard, which gives you confidence to manage risk and conduct due diligence, ultimately enhancing your reputation
For further details contact: John Dryden 02 4275 4667