bshr christmas card

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2 • Designfreebies Magazine •

May your holiday season be wrapped up with cheer and fill you with joy through out the New Year. Wishing you a time filled with

beautiful moments + cherished memories.

In warm appreciation of our association during the past year, our sincerest thanks!

Happy Holidays , The Skydivers


Breezy, Juana,



Ilyanna, +



Designfreebies Magazine • • 3 Blue Sky + Hard Rock Entertainment

“I am made of blue sky + hard rock . . .“

We invite you to think of the one thing that really stands our for you when you think of your “Big Dream” something that has been glistening inside your mind all year and perhaps you have left it there because it is so big that you fear it is impossible or that it is just too far a reach for the immediate future.

We recommend that this one dream become your New Years Resolution. If not now, when? Make A Plan of action and attack it bit by bit all year long. . . The Sky is no limit. . .We believe in you + all your Big Dreams. Let us know if we can help you make it happen (or at least help celebrate when you do)! |

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