Seven Days - Seven Ways To Be Better Today Than You Were Yesterday!

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CONTENTS Contents 2 Introduction 3 Chapter One – Be Grateful!


Chapter Two – Forgive – Yourself and Others!


Chapter Three – Write your own script!


Chapter Four – It’ better to succeed then to win!


Chapter Five – Let Go of Anger!


Chapter Six – Meditate!


Chapter Seven – Be An Optimist


Chapter Eight – How?


All photos courtesy of NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

INTRODUCTION When I was a 14-year-old acne faced, insecure sophomore in high school, I was selling magazines door-to-door. Somewhere along the line my crew manager introduced me to a book by Napoleon Hill called Think and Grow Rich. That started me off on a lifelong quest of the study of self-improvement. I did spend many years on the Grow Rich part of the equation. I did grow rich, in fact more than once as I also grew poor more than once. In fact over the years I spent a good deal more time focused on the rich part rather than the thinking part. Sometime in what would be otherwise be the retirement years for other folks, I rediscovered the Thinking part and I realized that everything I had done over a business career that spanned more than 50 years I had done by Thinking. At the same time, I had done far less thinking with regard to the rest of my life. Not that my life was a mess. I’ve been happily (most of the time) married for 46 years. Although I don’t have children, I have a wonderful family,


with a brother and a sister still alive and lots of nieces and nephews, along with the wonderful set of in-laws on my wife’s side of the family. I live in a multi-million dollar home in a Colorado resort area and am far healthier and physically fit than is deserved. The thinking part of Think and Grow Rich led me to study many many authors, many, many spiritual sources, many, many books and theories on science, philosophy and health. It has proven to be one of the most rewarding parts of my life. It also has introduced me to a variety of ideas, hypotheses, spiritual studies, and self-improvement ideas. Seven Days and Seven Ways to Becoming a Better You came about because of a quotation from a program presented in book and audio form by Dr. Wayne Dyer. In the program “Excuses be Gone” he gives a brief description of an encounter in public with his wife from his first marriage. I’d encourage you to read the book or listen to the audio if you’re interested in the detailed presentation. The most important idea that impacted my thoughts was a simple idea he presented. “Being better does not mean being better than other people – it means being better than you were yesterday.” Seven Days – Seven Ways to Being Better introduces seven ideas that will, if practiced daily for seven days and repeated daily for 21 days, promise to make you a better person today than you were yesterday. Not a better person than anyone else. Just a better person today than you were yesterday.


CHAPTER ONE – BE GRATEFUL! “Gratitude is not only the greatest of the virtues, but the parent of all others.” — Cicero All I can promise you is less stress in your life, better social relationships, higher self-acceptance, a happier mental outlook, greater personal growth, an abundance of material goods and better sleep How much would you pay for the fulfillment of that promise? For no or almost no cost, adopting one simple habit may achieve some level of all of those ‘goods” for you. The habit is saying “Thanks”, Being Grateful and recognizing all of the good in your life. Gratitude has been a staple of the leading religions of the world. Writing in his book “The Power of Intention” Dr.Wayne Dyer tells us to be “in the state of gratitude – be an appreciator rather than a depreciator of everything that shows up in your life.” He reminds us to be thankful for even being able to contemplate our purpose


- to be thankful for the wonderful gift of being able to serve humanity - be thankful for even the roadblocks to your purpose and goals – he reminds us that as Gandhi is quoted “divine guidance often comes when the horizon is the blackest.” His advice – see all of your successes, apparent failures, possessions, losses, wins – everything – from the perspective of gratitude. Empirical studies indicate that grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed and more satisfied with life. They have higher levels of personal growth more purpose in life and self-acceptance. Grateful people have more positive ways of coping with the difficulties they experience in life. Grateful people also have less negative coping strategies and are less likely to try to avoid a problem, deny a problem, blame themselves or cope through substance abuse. Grateful people sleep better and this seems to be because they think less negative and more positive thoughts before going to sleep. Rather than being in a state of non-peace concerning family members, co-workers, neighbors, friends and former friends, try saying a prayer of gratitude for their presence in your life and all that they have come to teach you. Develop an attitude of gratitude for all that manifests in to your life Just for today: 1. Experiment with a “Gratitude Journal”. Write down 3 things you are grateful for. 2. Think about, and write about if you feel like it, someone to whom you are particularly grateful. 3. Mentally compose, or even write a letter (even if you don’t intend to mail it) to a person you are especially grateful to, thanking them and expressing your gratitude. 4. If it feels right, send the gratitude letter to the person. I promise, if you’ll practice Gratitude just for today, you’ll enjoy less stress in your life, higher self-acceptance, a happier mental outlook, and better sleep.


CHAPTER TWO – FORGIVE – YOURSELF AND OTHERS! Just for Today – Forgive Yourself You’ve passed a few of life’s milestones. Do you hold the same sense of optimism and hope which defined you in your younger years? The exciting, positive, light emotions you had which drove you forward towards your dreams. Or do you feel a bit heavy, burdened, and lacking that zest for living that used to motivate and lift you? A lot has happened since your younger days; both positive and negative. It may seem like the good stuff came and went, but the negative stuff stuck around to weigh you down. Welcome to the club – Those of us who carried baggage as we passed life’s midway marker. The first step is simple- forgive yourself No matter where you are on life’s journey, you will benefit by learning to forgive yourself first, and then others. Your heavy load shrinks, gets lighter and you carry less of a burden. Forgiveness allows you to jettison any anger,


fear, resentment, frustration, grievance, or other negative emotion(s) that may be pushing you down and pulling you back. We Can All Benefit Forgiveness is an important element of many, if not all forms of spirituality and religion. Forgiveness is a universal practice which can benefit anybody as a means to a happier and more fulfilled life. Even if you do not believe in God or any higher power, when you forgive, you lighten your emotional burden and open yourself to new possibilities and a whole new life. As you deep-six the heavy negative stuff by forgiving yourself and others, you open-up room for the lighter emotions, such as Love, Bliss, Serenity, Understanding, Optimism and Trust. You’ll gain strength and positive energy which you can use towards creating and enjoying your new better life. No matter what your spirituality or religion is - or is not - the act of forgiveness can benefit you. The Buddha said “When you forgive me for harming you, you decide not to retaliate, to seek no revenge.You don’t have to like me.You simply unburden yourself of the weight of resentment and cut the cycle of retribution that would otherwise keep us ensnarled in an ugly samsara (continuous) wrestling match.” Pope Francis said “Forgiving doesn’t mean that what the other person did was right or excusable. It means that you are trusting God to make up the difference.” (Facebook, November 18, 2013). Why not forgive and allow a greater power to take your burden? We all have our own beliefs and we all can benefit by forgiving ourselves and others. No matter what you believe: God, The Universe, Karma… through forgiveness you no longer have to carry the burden. Forgiving is Simple Just as the power of forgiveness is universal and open to all, so too are the methods of forgiveness. The act of forgiving is simple. Just for Today:



• When you’re tempted to criticize yourself for anything - big or small - stop and forgive yourself for being human. • When you’re tempted to criticize someone else – stop and forgive them for being human. • When you have that feeling that you didn’t do your best – stop and forgive yourself – and vow to be your best at the next opportunity. • When that little feeling of anger, grievance or spite pops up – stop – forgive yourself, and then forgive the other person. • Pay attention to how you feel after each small act of forgiveness. If you notice that you feel better, than continue practicing small acts of forgiveness. As you continue to do the small acts of forgiveness, figure out how you can do greater acts of forgiveness. Keep learning and practicing. As you learn and practice forgiveness you and your life will get better and better. Your new life is waiting. Just start forgiving.


CHAPTER THREE – WRITE YOUR OWN SCRIPT! Be the Star in your Own Spectacular Day! “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.” As You Like It (Act II, Scene VII) William Shakespeare Who wrote your script? Are you playing a part someone else wrote, and measuring yourself by someone else’s yard stick? If you’re a male 5’ tall, and have never been able to dunk a basketball in your life, measuring you against LeBron James could leave you in a state of depression. For most of us, the script is still a work in process, and it evolves every day. Too often, we’re playing a part that someone else picked for us. A well-meaning relative, a caring parent or a teacher who thought they knew best for you. You can write a new script, just for you, at any time in life.


Sometimes we fall in to the trap of trying to seek identity and evaluate, understand and know our self through the eyes of others. Objects – the house, the car, the club membership, the charity you serve, the friends you hang around with to create the life you think the world of expects of you - do not measure the real you, even if you measure yourself by the objects. Measuring yourself by someone else’s yard stick may mean that you’ve given up achieving your own maximum potential to try to achieve what someone else thinks you should be. Write the story the way you’d like it to play out every day. But write your script, not someone else’s idea of what the script should be. Measure by your own yardstick Self-Referral persons measure themselves by their own potential. If they are always striving to be the best “they” possible, then they feel wonderful all the time, no matter what circumstance, situation or environment they find themselves in. The Buddhist tradition says that the idea of a constant self undergoing successive experiences is an illusion. Every day of life is a new play, a new story, a new set of opportunities and challenges and every day you are a new you, changed by yesterday’s experiences, enlightened by new wisdom, energized with new cells that your body miraculously created overnight to replace some of yesterday’s cells. Be your own casting director When you step on stage today, play the part you have written for yourself. That part is not the part someone else has imagined for you – it’s the part you imagine for yourself. It’s the part that makes the most of all your potential – not someone else’s. It’s the part that makes the most of your spiritual, mental and physical capabilities, as they exist today – and not as someone else saw them when you were a child, a young adult, or even a seasoned citizen! Just for today: • Write the story of the day in advance, according to your own vision of your potential and your life’s objectives, rather than what you hope others will think of you. 11


• Play the part of the best person that you can be, today, with all the talents, strengths, skills, wisdom and experience you have today - along with all the limitations, weaknesses and knowledge you lack. • Measure yourself by your own yardstick – not someone else’s! • Be your own casting director – write the part you want to live! “This above all; to thine own self, be true.” Hamlet (Act III, Scene I) William Shakespeare


CHAPTER FOUR – IT’S BETTER TO SUCCEED THEN TO WIN! Have you ever spent time thinking about “getting even” or “making a point”? Maybe it was a business transaction that wasn’t going right, or a situation with your spouse, significant other, a child or your boss. Did you rehearse in your mind exactly what you’d say to make the point? Did you actually visualize the situation and see it in your mind as you “drove home” the lesson? As Dr. Phil would say, “How’d that work out?” I thought so - Not very well. We usually get exactly what we think about and spending your energy thinking about winning the argument or making the point usually results in neither.


When you are tempted to feed your ego the feel good thoughts of “winning the argument”, take two deep breaths, stop, and think about what success looks like in this situation. What is the result that, if gained, will be a win for both parties? What is the best possible outcome for all concerned. Is it really making a point? Or is it getting the successful result that is the best possible outcome? Look at the situation or circumstance from both sides, or all sides if there are multiple parties. What would be a success for everyone? When you view the situation from that vantage point, it’s probable that the genius in you will find the way to get to that successful situation that can be a WIN for everyone involved. When you focus on the outcome you want, the outcome that is best for all, you’ll amaze yourself with your creativity, imagination, inspiration, persuasiveness and communication skills. Take two deep breaths and try it. Just for today; • Be your gracious Self. • In every situation recognize the other party has a point of view – right or wrong • In every controversy, think about what could be a successful outcome for all. • When you’re tempted to “win the argument” – stop – and instead imagine what a successful result for all would be. • When your mind wants to rehearse “winning’ – stop – and rehearse succeeding. “Graciousness is far more powerful than belligerence. It is better to succeed than to win.” — Dr. David Hawkins


CHAPTER FIVE – LET GO OF ANGER! I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore! We’ve all felt like Howard Beale, the TV anchor from the movie Network. Instead of going to the window and shouting it out, as he did in the movie, we usually take that anger out on people around us, at home, the office, driving in traffic or in a public place. Anger can become a lifestyle. Anger expresses itself as resentment or as a lifestyle that is irritable, explosive, oversensitive to slights, and “injustice collection”. Why we get angry Anger and frustration result from exaggerating the importance of our own desires and wants. The angry person is usually on the defensive and tends to


emotionalize situations. Anger as an emotion is prevalent throughout society; it is a transient reaction to circumstances. Anger, to the balanced person, is seen as a detriment. It’s an annoyance and viewed as disruptive to a meaningful and productive life. Anger as a way of life indicates one who is dominated by a pervasive negative energy field. Turn anger – yours and others – to a constructive emotion. It is more important to surrender anger then to “manage’ anger. The antidotes to anger include compassion, acceptance, love and a willingness to forgive. Faith-based recovery groups such as the 12 step programs include the principle that there is no such thing as a “justified resentment”. Just for today: • Give up grievances you might be carrying around. • Let go of unrealistic expectations of relationships and the world including, agreement approval and compliance. • Surrender self-centeredness as your lifestyle. Focus on changing yourself instead of the world. • Remember the serenity prayer. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” • Accept human fallibility and limitation, in others as well as your-self. Do it – and you’ll have one of the best days ever! “Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.” George Savile. Political, Moral and Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflections.


CHAPTER SIX – MEDITATE! A Simple Way to Increase Health, Happiness, and Focus If someone promised that in the time it takes to brew a cup of coffee you could significantly add to your quality of life, wouldn’t your curiosity be piqued? Multiple research studies confirm that it’s not only possible but practical, and that millions of people have reaped those benefits over thousands of years. By simply engaging in the sublime practice of meditation for as little as 10 to 15 minutes a day you can enjoy greater satisfaction, more robust health, and sharper mental clarity. What Exactly is Meditation? Some experts refer to it as bio-feedback. Others call it deep relaxation.What-


ever name you want to give it, meditation is a natural process of intentionally relaxing the body, calming the mind, and centering the consciousness. It is a centuries old technique for getting in touch with the inner peace and calm that is the real you. An Easy Technique to Implement The traditional method of meditation takes place in a sitting yoga posture. For those who are less limber, though, any upright seated position – such as in a comfortable chair – is fine. It is recommended that you create a setting conducive to meditation, before beginning. A quiet place where you will not be interrupted is ideal. The more one practices, the easier it becomes to ignore distractions. But in the beginning it is highly beneficial to meditate in a tranquil and relaxing setting. Keep it simple Any comfortable seated position is fine. One suggestion is to keep the shoulders relaxed with the chin centered, forming a straight line through the center of the body. Rest the hands in the lap or over the knees. Gently close the eyes – you may experience the fluorescence of pin points of light on the back of your eyes – a natural occurrence. – Or - just focus your attention on your breathing. Inhale slowly, from the diaphragm, and exhale through the nostrils.With each emptying of the breath simply allow the mind to empty of all noise, mental chatter, stress, and anxiety. On inhalation feel your self taking in calming energy to rejuvenate yourself. Eventually transfer your conscious awareness away from the external world of the senses and your surroundings and go inward, feeling the relaxation and tranquility radiate throughout your entire being. The more you let go and relax, the more the meditation will deepen. Emerge relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated 10 to 15 minutes can feel as rejuvenating as an hour’s nap, or a night’s sleep. When you are ready to complete the session it is a good idea to gradually, not abruptly, regain your external awareness. Open the eyes slowly and move the fingers, shoulders, and neck. Stand and stretch or shake the arms to get the circulation going comfortably. Once you feel fully alert you can resume ordinary activities feeling rested and refreshed. 18


Meditation ages like a fine wine – only better The more you practice meditation, the more that tranquil essence you experience during your sessions will permeate out into your everyday activities. For many that spiritually connected feeling and awareness of the breath becomes a centering force throughout everything they do. Meanwhile the physiological benefits become more evident as your body and mind stay more energized thanks to these brief meditation sessions of extremely deep and healing relaxation. Life is a Journey Measured in Moments You would not think of heading out on a road trip without first filling your vehicle’s gas tank. How much more vitally important is it to refresh and refuel for the journey of life? In essentially the same number of minutes you spend filling your car’s gas tank you can complete a highly invigorating and spiritually rewarding meditation session. That’s a no-brainer that will recharge your brain, your body, and your priceless sense of well-being. You don’t have to take anyone else’s word for it, though, because armed with this overview of how to meditate the opportunity to experience the extraordinary benefits for yourself is now yours. Just for today: 1. Try it! 2. Give it more than one chance – a week or two of meditation – morning or evening – or both. 3. Explore the many forms of meditation offered through a variety of sources. 4. Keep it simple – it’s a simple mental technique. You don’t need to join an ashram, give up your religion or your possessions or renounce anything. 5. Enjoy the benefits.


CHAPTER SEVEN – BE AN OPTIMIST “The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true.” — James Branch Cabell,The Silver Stallion Are you a cockeyed optimist? That’s how Mary Martin was described in the musical South Pacific. She always expected everything to come out for the best. Optimism, as long as it’s not cockeyed, will help you achieve better, more positive results in almost any endeavor you undertake. The human brain is wired to see danger, to see pitfalls, to see lack instead of abundance, to see risk instead of reward, to see the things that might go wrong instead of things that might go right. Because what we hold in mind tends to manifest itself, constantly visualizing the things that might go wrong instead of things that could go right increases the probability that you’ll get the things you don’t want instead of the things that you do. The word Optimism comes from the Latin “optima” meaning “best”.


Optimists have a tendency to accept failure while expecting success. Optimists tend to emerge from difficult circumstances with less distress than do pessimist . Optimists have been characterized as seeing the glass “half full,” instead of “half empty.” Being an optimist doesn’t mean being unrealistic. Being an optimist means that you can expect the best at all times even though you might make preparation to protect yourself from the worst. Because what we tend to think about tends to manifest it, it’s probable that an optimist will achieve positive results more often than a pessimist. If your natural tendency is to see all the things that can go wrong instead of expecting things to go right, there are a number of worthwhile things you can do. Remembering the Optimist Creed is worth considering. Promise yourself; Too be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything, and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past, and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself, that you have no time to criticize others. 21


To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. The Optimist Creed, Optimist International. Be aware of your self talk. Science tells us that we think thousands of thoughts every day. If your self talk is pessimistic than pessimism is probably what you will get. If your self talk is optimistic than the optimistic result is probably what you will get. Live a healthy lifestyle. You’ll naturally feel better and more expectant for good results when you feel good then when you don’t. Just for today: • Keep your self talk positive • Stay open to humor • Lead a healthy lifestyle • Remember the optimist Creed whenever you tend to think like a pessimist. “I came to the conclusion that the optimist thought everything good accept the pessimist, and that the pessimist thought everything bad except himself.” – G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy.


CHAPTER EIGHT – HOW? How to Put the Seven Ways into Practice in Daily Life. One day at a time is the best way to do it. When you’ve finished reading the short chapter on each of the Seven Ways to be a better you today than you were yesterday it will be easy for you to select the one of the seven ideas that you feel is most needed in your life. You be the judge of that. Don’t allow someone else to decide that you should express more gratitude, more forgiveness or any other of the Seven Ways. Write your own script by selecting one of the seven ways to focus on each day. Use the suggested “Just For Today “at the end of each paragraph. Many people believe that a new habit can be developed in 21 days.There are several ways of using the “Seven Ways” over a 21 day period to change your habits and to change yourself to a better person.


If a single one of the Seven Ways jumps out at you as something that will positively impact and change your life then it’s perfectly acceptable to focus on that single way every day for 21 days. At the end of that time you will find that you have developed a positive habit with regard to that particular trait. On the other hand perhaps you’ll feel that all seven of the ideas can help improve your life. In that case you can do one of several things. You can practice the seven ideas in any order that you select daily for seven consecutive days and repeat twice for two consecutive additional weeks, for a total of 21 days of practice. You could also choose the one idea that is most important to you to practice daily for 21 consecutive days and at the end of that time choose another of the ideas to practice daily for 21 days until you practice all seven. If you’ve done the quick math and figured out that to practice all seven ideas each day for 21 consecutive days will require 147 days to implement all seven you’re correct. That’s almost FI VE months. If you don’t practice each of 7 ideas for 21 consecutive days, at the end of that time you’ll be 147 days older. If you do practice each of the seven ideas daily for 21 consecutive days, you will not only be 147 days older but you will be, at the end of that time, a better person than you were the day before. I promise that if you adopt anyone of the Seven Ways and practice it for just one day you will experience a positive result. If you adopt any one of the Seven Ways and practice it for 21 consecutive days you will be a changed person and other people around you will tell you so. If you will practice all seven of the ways for 21 consecutive days each at the end of 147 days your life will be better – maybe than you ever thought it could be.` Just for today – Do it!




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