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The United States Chefs Association Thanks You! For selecting our services towards advancing your career through education and certification. It is our priority to aid in achieving you the service you desire for your professional precedence.
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Chef Jimmy Nadell 9#5 $140 +0 *+%#)1 9*'4' *' 56#46'& %11-+0) +0 /#0; 1( *+5 (#/+.;=5 5'8'06''0 4'56#74#065 #6 #)' 5'8'0 (6'4 567&;+0) 7.+0#4; 465 70&'4 6*' &+4'%6+10 1( .#7&' '405 #0& 6*' 1.& '&#. 9+00+0) '4/#0 7.+0#4; .;/2+% '#/ +0 1.+'6 ..+01+5 #&'..=5 .18' USCA Founder CEO 1( 5-++0) +052+4'& *+/ 61 /18' 61 52'0 1.14#&1 5 # ;170) %*'( *' 64#+0'& 70&'4 612 7412'#0 %*'(5 #0& 5110 (170& *+/5'.( 914-+0) #5 #0 ':'%76+8' %*'( (14 612 4'56#74#065 #0& %.7$5 *'( #&'.. *#5 914-'& #5 #0 ':'%76+8' %*'( #0& %14214#6' ':'%76+8' %*'( 6*417)*176 '9 "14- '9 '45'; ..+01+5 #.+(140+# 1.14#&1 #0& 6#.; ' 12'0'& 6*' +06'40#6+10#. 4'%1)0+<'& > #4+$17 .7$? +0 52'0 1.14#&1 9+6* %'.'$4+6; %*'( 10#6*#0 #:/#0 +0 ;'#4 (6'4 *'( #:/#0=5 &'2#4674' +0 ;'#4 #&'.. #557/'& 6*' *'./ 1( 6*' 56#4 567&&'& 24+8#6' 4'56#74#06 9*+%* 4'37+4'5 # #007#. ('' (14 &+0+0) 24+8+.')'5 (6'4 5+: ;'#45 *'( #&'.. )#+0'& # 4'276#6+10 #5 2'4510#. %*'( 61 51/' 1( 6*' $+))'56 %'.'$4+6+'5 &+)0+6#4+'5 #0& 41;#.5 +0%.7&+0) 1$'46 ' +41 #4+#* #4'; 1/ 47+5' 0610+1 #0&'4#5 *4+56+' 4+0-.'; 4+0%'55 #;# 1( 14&#0 4+0%' 0&4'9 1( 0).#0& 4+0%' #0&#4 1( #7&+ 4#$+# 24#* +0(4'; 10#.& 47/2 10 10 18+ #0& > +&&;? '#0 1/$5 #&'.. *#5 4'%'06.; $''0 #221+06'& %*'( (14 6*' 0+6'& 6#6'5 -+ '#/ '& 7..=5 41 6*.'6'5 6*' ! #/'5 #4)'6 175' (14 *#70 *+6' #0& '8'0 6*' '064#. 06'..+)'0%' )'0%; *'( #&'.. +5 6*' 4'%+2+'06 1( 0'#4.; '8'4; %10%'+8#$.' %7.+0#4; #465 #9#4& .1%#..; #0& 6*' 8'4; '.+6' > +56+0)7+5*'& *'( 9#4&? (41/ 1*0510 #0& #.'5 0+8'45+6; +0 +#/+ ' *#5 $''0 # %7.+0#4; #&8+514 61 6*' 11& '6914-=5 > +00'4 /2155+$.'? 5*19 #0& *#5 # 9''-.; 6'.'8+5+10 5*19 1( *+5 190 +0 52'0 > *' 52'0 4#81 *19 9+6* +//; #&'.. ? +5 0+6'& 6#6'5 *'( 551%+#6+10 +5 6*' .#4)'56 %7.+0#4; #465 241,'%6 +0 6*' 0+6'& 6#6'5 5+0%' 6*' #/'5 '#4& 170&#6+10 9#5 (14/'& +0
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Buon Appetito! Chef Nadell
Chef Jacque Van Staden & ) + 0 P + ) P 0 ) P & # Q
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Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Talk Soup USCA Founder Chef Jimmy Nadell
Hot Culinary Trends for the Fall of 2013 Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s HOT and Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s NOT!!!
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s HOT %% '* !(. '() ' -(. " ) $ . %& & () *' $)( ' ( '( 2 ' $ $-) $ 2 ( %( , ) + '
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White TruďŹ&#x201E;e Oil Purchase at the USCA Online Store for only
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The Philosophies Of The Natural Laws Of Cure
USCA PNS, Sports Nutrition, Medical Exercise
An Introduction
Little Choices Everyday Make A Big Difference
Apachula B. Hursey ~PNS
By Apachula B. Hursey PNS, Sports Nutritions, Medical Exercise Specialist.
Most people will never have to confront the philosophy of the natural laws of cure...until an illness is peering them right in the face; either directly or because of someone they love has been affected. How do we invoke “cure?’ On an acute, sub-acute, chronic or even a degenerative level? How does the body heal itself ? Does what we eat during these times make a difference?
Is Wealth
what was occurring. She was a complete Without a doubt what we put into “workaholic” worked at least 60 hours a our bodies during times of illness can week, got 4 hours a sleep; had zero room make or break how fast we heal, feel and for exercise and drinks hard liquor up to 4 recover. drinks in a night at least 4 days a week. Quality of living and well being She also stated she ate whatever she during these times are compromised when could find to shove in her mouth. we make unbalanced health choices. Do you think this could be part of the Ever hear of a friend say“ I have been problem of not being able to break this fighting this cold for weeks and I can’t infection going on in her body? seem to break it. There could be many There are times when life keeps factors in their lifestyle that need some moving and we can’t or won’t slow down. objective review and tweaking. We can make healthier choices if we become educated with the what, when, For example; the above statement where and hows. came from a friend of a friend who was When we are weeded out it can be asking for my professional advice on the difficult to stand outside of ourselves and matter she was was fighting flu like foresee that maybe I should take this week symptoms for weeks. Stepping outside of off of drinking vodka and have some herself with the ability to be objective of herbal teas and juices instead. Maybe I her lifestyle was insightful. Here is what should really try to get some extra sleep or
Become Super Human By Eating Beneficial Foods Versus Negative Foods? Knowledge Lasts A Lifetime
Applying The Philosophies Of The Natural Laws Of Cure Can make or break the level of a person’s well being in recovery, healing and how well they ultimately feel. Lifestyle, genetics and what we consume play an intricate role.
The second food category is Neutral, this does not harm nor hinder. The third food category is Negative, these foods can progress disease susceptibility. Meaning if a person has a cold, allergies or they are facing a degenerative disease such as cancer; these Negative foods can feed the ailment and the bodies natural immune response can become extremely debilitated and lose all energy reserves thus leading to a “crash.” We need 5-7 times the nutrients and rest to rebuild what has been lost.
take some power naps. Perhaps this week I should eat more balanced meals filled with fiber and packed with nutrition instead of eating processed foods. There is scientific proof that between our four different blood types. Each blood type has the ability to digest certain foods more or less than other blood types. Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type- Dr. D’ Adamo. These food groups break down into three different categories per each blood group ( Blood types O, A, AB and B.) Beneficial, Neutral & Negative. Beneficial foods, reverse disease susceptibility; meaning these types of foods can give the body that extra “superhuman bionic effect.” Continued Below
The philosophies of the natural laws of cure are as follows: We are only as good as our genetics, and our lifestyle. We are in charge of our own spiritual awareness and maintenance of our physical well being. It takes 5-7 times the nutrients and rest to rebuild what has been exhausted in our bodies. In a period of 3 months a person must bump up their elimination habits via urinary, bowels and perspiration and this specific to the persons own needs.
Working with an experienced specialist who understands these philosophies to help gain knowledge and understanding of how, what and when to apply this formula is priceless. It’s the little things that make a big difference.
Arthur Piubeni USCA COO Chief Operations Officer
After twenty years of fine dining culinary experience and another twenty five of executive business marketing experience in project development, marketing and promotion, Arthur Piubeni has been awarded the enormously critical position of Chief Operations Officer for the United States Chef Association. As the former vice president of business development marketing of DCD Home Magazine and current president and publisher of Essential Aspen Magazine, with twelve additional resorts in planning, Mr. Piubeni’s aggressive business marketing strategies greatly impressed the United States Chef Associations board of directors. Mr. Piubeni’s responsibilities will include USCA marketing, development and strategically logistical evaluation of membership sales, and researching US markets and culinary institutions. He will be implementing USCA group rate affordable health insurance, and making life insurance and 401k’s available to all members. Fantastic culinary cruises, exotic chef vacations, all with educational food and wine seminars, will also be available to all members at wholesale pricing. Special events, fund raisers, charitable events, and the advancements of USCA culinary product endorsements will all be on Mr. Piubeni’s first year’s agenda.
Welcome aboard, Mr. Arthur Piubeni. We are excited to have you with us and can’t wait to see your efforts in action.
James “Jimmy” Nadell, CEC, CEO United States Chef Association
s United State tion Chef Associa
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TAK E A D VA N T A G E O F YO U R M EM B E R S H IP !!! These prices are exclusive just for you! Be sure to take advantage of the benefits of your membership
USCA Precise & Accurate Plate Presentation Sauce Dropper Bottles
for Five Bottles
Order Today!
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USCA Heat-Proof Frozen Dessert Molds Original Desserts; Maybe Cut into Triangles or Slices for Uniquely Shaped Presentations. Semi-Freddo, Tiramisu, Gelato, Cheesecakes, Key Lime Pies, Chocolate Lava Cakes and Soufflés
JJamie Prough g is a graduate g of Wayne y State University with a Bachelor in Biological Science. Sh h a background b k d in i the h medical di l industry, i d l She has law enforcement and as a legal assistant in a law office. Her passion for food and cooking came from being raised in a large Italian family, of which cooking and entertaining is still an important part of her day to day life. Jamie also works evenings as a culinary assistant to top chefs at very exclusive mansions for high profile clients in the Aspen area. She has been working with Chef Nadell now for three years on the United States Chef Association project and actually helped in the design and programming of the web site. Jamie’s current position is Executive Secretary for the United States Chef Association in charge of site programming, membership approvals, retail sales and distribution. She welcomes any and all questions, concerns or comments about the United States Chef Association and looks forward to serving all members for years to come.
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Chef C. Barclay Dodge dge Chef C. Barclay Dodge started cooking in Top Restaurants in his home town of Aspen Colorado as a young boy. After Graduating from the California Culinary Academy he spent the next several years touring the Mediterranean working under top chefs at Michelin rated restaurants. USCA He has been a Vic Vice President guest chef at the James Beard Foundation and has been awarded the DiRoNA Award of Excellence. Now after years of working Exc as an Executive Chef and Executive Corporate Chef at some of the top C restaurants and resorts in North and re Central America Chef Dodge has returned to Aspen Colorado working as retu Executive Chef of the famed Seafood tthe E restaurant in Aspen “Pacifica”. Chef re Dodge brings fresh innovated ideas in Do assisting United States Chef Association assi founder Chef Nadell in the extremely fou tedious duties of USCA certifications test ttedio development, research and writing. de cbdodge@uschefassoc.com
A Apachula B. Hursey “Pach” USCA is proud to announce their newest administrator in the nutritional division of our membership program.
Jamie Prough
USCA PNS Sports Nutrition Medical Exercise Credentials
USCA Executive Secretary Membership & Sales Division
National Credentials Specializing in Professional Nutrition, Sports Nutrition & Medical Exercise. With 19 years of experience
Pach offers insightful, motivating perspectives about diet. How food can affect mood, health, and the anatomy of the four different blood types. As well as medical exercise and professional nutrition for all levels toward a well balanced state of being. As one of the contributors in our quarterly newsletter, she is also available for consultations offering healthy menu designs for chefs and their clients needs. Inquire! You will be inspired about how food can help heal and create a wholesome aspect and vigor in everyday life. apachula@uschefassoc.com