Strengths-Based Lifelong Learning Skills Brain-Based Study Skills Updated & Practical Approach to Managing & Harnessing Technology
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (ACE) & STUDY SKILLS (SSK) A data-driven Academic Excellence P r o g r a m m e f o r 2 1 st C e n t u r y L e a r n e r s
“Multiple Intelligence, Intelligence Multiplied”
Multiple Intelligence The Multiple Intelligence (MI) profiles breaks out of a narrow definition & measurement of intelligence by considering a wide range of specific modalities.
By discovering & understanding their Strengths, participants are able to adjust their approach for more effective & sustained learning. This is also crucial for helping participants make choices for higher education & to identify possible careers. 1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Participants get to discover their dominant MI and develop a genuine appreciation for their modalities. They apply these to understand how they learn best. This is foundational for identifying and individualising their study approaches.
Learn the language for Multiple Intelligence (MI) Gain personal awareness for one's dominant MIs Gain appreciation for other MIs Apply awareness of MI to customize learning approaches
“Apply Your Strengths to Power Lifelong Learning”
Learn the language for StrengthsFinder talent themes Gain personal awareness for one’s dominant talent themes Apply awareness of StrengthsFinder to customize learning approaches & direct choices for higher education & career
Strengths Finder The CliftonStrengths (SF) profile measures naturally recurring patterns of thinking, feeling & behaviour that can be productively applied.
1 Note Taking
“Recover up to 30hrs of classroom learning time per week” 1. 2.
Passive attention in class can cost up to 30hrs of learning per week in the average classroom. Even if a student is awake during class, he may be learning much lesser compared to the student who is actively engaged.
This programme teaches participants to choose & develop their most effective methods through Multiple Intelligence and/or StrengthsFinder. Participants apply their own relevant techniques to help commit the most important academic content to long term memory. 1. 2. 3. 4.
3. 4.
This programme guides participants to be fully & effectively engaged during classes or lectures. Through live demonstration and practice, students acquire these skills to maximise productivity & learning in school. Measure the effectiveness for one’s classroom/lecture learning methods Apply Multiple Intelligence and/or StrengthsFinder to tweak approaches for greater effectiveness Learn how to take notes using Cornell’s notetaking template Practice notetaking skills on academic materials
“STUDY SMART (Don’t Just Study Hard!)”
Conduct an inventory for one’s memory techniques Apply Multiple Intelligence and/or StrengthsFinder to tweak memory techniques Learn how to construct mind maps & use mnemonics to remember well Practice mind mapping skills & memory techniques on academic materials
Mind Mapping, Mnemonics & Memory Techniques Research shows that the human brain only retains 1/3 of learning after one day, ¼ after one week and 1/5 after one month. At the same time, repeated reinforcement using effective techniques helps a person to retain memory for increased periods of time.
Media Multitasking, Screen Time & Academic Productivity
“Taming the Wandering Mind”
Digital technology in the form of videos, video games & social media repeatedly distracts and conditions the human mind. The net result is vastly reduced attention spans & inability to focus even when it is required.
This programme provides practical solutions for varied physical conditions. Through understanding basic principles regarding food types, participants learn to adjust their food intake to suit their schedules & activities. Understanding how human bodies work also helps participants to address inefficiencies & design a lifestyle for peak performance. 1. 2. 3.
This programme deconstructs media influence & helps participants to understand how it impacts academic productivity. Through a series of live experiments, participants assess their own ability to focus. They also customise practical plans for focus & regulation.
1. 2. 3.
Assess personal impact on loss of productivity caused by digital interruptions Understand the 4 effects of mediamultitasking on learning & academic productivity Identify personal adjustments to lifestyle & work to develop single-tasking habits
“Eating & Resting Your Body for Peak Performance”
Understand the functions & characteristics of different food types Understand how human bodies react to different nutrition & rest patterns Design a personal diet & activity schedule to maximise productivity & performance
Nutrition, Rest & Time Management Optimal physical conditions directly & immediately impacts one’s ability to focus & learn. Healthy habits & lifestyles predicts improved performance in almost every undertaking for the teenage learner.
“From Good to Great - Master Content, Ace Exams”
Bloom’s Taxonomy Academic tests are designed to assess a wide range of learning, from memory to understanding, application & mastery. Students often fail to progress further because they focus on only some types of learning.
This module demonstrates the importance of selfbelief and empowers participants to shape it, so that they can take charge of their quest for success. 1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.
The Bloom’s taxonomy provides a holistic framework to assess learning & mastery. Participants are taught to identifying varying requirements in tests, so as to spend fruitful time focusing on the right kind of preparation.
Understand Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluate exam questions for types of learning Practice apportioning time to learn & master content
“The Power of Possibility: Self-Belief”
Understand the importance & necessity for self-belief Discover & map one’s existing beliefs Learn how to shape & direct one’s beliefs productively
6 SelfBelief
Purpose might be a lost language for many today, but it is what makes the best people and organisations tick. Yet, before anyone can embark on that journey of self-discovery, one has to first believe - in thyself. Self-belief shape attitudes, and attitudes form behaviour.
Statistics After the programme…
91.1% of participants know how to manage their time, nutrition & rest for effective learning after the programme
Clients’ Endorsement “It teaches me about the the harmful effects of taskswitching and the necessity to be focused. The suggestions and the tips given are helpful. The examples used in elaboration are impressive and interesting. After this programme I may be more focused on my studies” WANG XUECHUN ANDERSON JUNIOR COLLEGE
“It has games and I personally feel that it is more interesting than before that we did not know about the negative effects of multi-tasking.” JOANNE PANG HUA YI SECONDARY SCHOOL
“It is very relevant, close to students heart. Speaker is well aware of common behaviour of students. e.g. to counter them being distracted or disengaged, speaker uses sound effects that students are very familiar with to catch their attention. Gave meaningful and useful advice on how to readjust focus. Pointed out common problems succinctly yet not in a I-told-you-so manner.” DANIELLE HO, TEACHER RIVER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL
of participants were able to use study techniques to learn effectively after the programme
Contact Us
“The evidence presented is much more compelling, trainer was very good.” NG QI HUAN HWA CHONG INSTITUTION
Jasmine Khoo (Education Consultant) +65 9154 1188 Shawn Wong (Senior Education Consultant) +65 9710 0925