Alabama Contractor, Winter 2014

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Associated Plumbing - Heating - Cooling Contractors of Alabama



The APHCC of Alabama is dedicated to the promotion, advancement, education and training of the industry, for the protection of our environment, and the health, safety, and comfort of society.


Table of Contents 6 9 10 12 14 16 17 22

From the Desk of APHCC President, Mike Scanlon Targets For Learning: PHCC of Alabama Apprentice Program The New Sanicubic 1 Grinder System What the Statistics Don’t Show About Apprenticeship Programs PHCC of Alabama HVAC Continuing Education Internet Course Application PHCC of Alabama Backflow Control Internet Certification Course Application PHCC Apprenticeship Application State of Alabama Plumbers and Gas Fitters Examining Board Letter

APHCC of Alabama Officers PRESIDENT: Mike Scanlon Scanlon Plumbing Services 263 Mendel Parkway Montgomery, AL 36117 331-279-8989 VICE PRESIDENT: Michael Dean Dean Plumbing Company 3100 Leeman Ferry Road Huntsville, AL 35801 256-883-6130

Alabama 811 6 American Apt Owners Assoc 15 Bradford White 23 BrassCraft 5 FastEst, Inc. 15 Kolbi Pipe Marker Co. 15

Liberty Pumps 24 Norton McMurray Mfg 3 Rheem 2 Saniflo 11 SureSeal 7 T&S Brass 13

APHCC of Alabama Board Brad Hinton Brad Hinton Companies 2069 Cherry Ave Hueytown, AL 35023 205-491-7394

Charlie Conklin Sentry Plumbing, Heating & Air 2490 Rocky Ridge Road Birmingham, AL 35243 205-979-9864

Paula Quarles Banks Quarles Plumbing, Heating, Cooling 2501 17th Street Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 205-758-2627

Jay Wiggins Wiggins Facilities Services PO Box 1507 Montgomery, AL 36102 334-235-8889

IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Phil Smitherman AUX Mechanical Inc. 5925 Johns Road Bessemer, AL 35023 205-428-8416

James Cole Cole Sewer & Drain Services 4530 Plummer Court Montgomery, AL 36106 334-279-8919

Fred Williamson Williamson Plumbing 560 Glade Park Loop Montgomery, AL 36109

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Bob Mosca PO Box 36972 Birmingham, AL 35236 205-985-9488

Nick Tatum Conrad Watson Air Conditioning, Inc. 4100 County Road 5 Monroeville, AL 36460 251-282-7741

SECRETARY-TREASURER: Rick Thomason PHC 1634A Montgomery Highway, Suite 162 Hoover, AL 35216 205-822-0597


Advertiser Directory

Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •

Barry Lee Birmingham Noland Company 500 35th Street North Birmingham, AL 35222 205-323-6322

Senior Editor: Bob Mosca PO Box 36972 Birmingham, AL 35236 (205) 985-9488

Alabama Contractor is the official magazine of the Associated Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors of Alabama and is published four times annually. APHCC of Alabama does not necessarily endorse any of the companies advertising in this publication or the views of its writers. Alabama Contractor is designed and published by Blue Water Publishers, LLC. Articles and information published in this magazine may not be reproduced without written consent of the APHCC of Alabama or Blue Water Publishers, LLC. The publisher cannot assume responsibility for claims made by advertisers and is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contributing authors. For more information on advertising, contact Jim Aitkins, Blue Water Publishers, LLC, 22727 - 161st Avenue SE, Monroe, WA 98272 360-805-6474 / fax: 360-805-6475

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From the Desk of APHCC President, Mike Scanlon


he continued success of our association depends on the time and effort we are willing to contribute as members. I urge you to take an active part in this association. What we need to ask ourselves is not what can the PHCC give me, but rather what the PHCC has already done for us and ask what we can do for the PHCC of Alabama. One purpose of the Association is to improve our industry standards, and this can be accomplished with some effort on everyone’s part. I ask you to especially participate in two ways: 1. Support our Apprentice Program. Our association is paving the way to the 21st Century by offering the first ever training program for the plumbing-heating-cooling industry available to participants via the Internet. The purpose of this innovative program is to: (a) provide an efficient, organized, standardized program to develop highly skilled workers in the plumbing, heating and cooling crafts; (b) create a credible resource pool of skilled workers for the plumbing, heating and cooling industry; (c) provide opportunities for people to earn as they learn. 1. Develop an ongoing relationship with your state legislators. Our membership is spread throughout the state and that is an advantage in making our issues known to the statewide legislature. It is a huge asset to call a member anywhere in the state and have them contact their representative on our issues. Many times our contractors have a personal or business relationship with these representatives because our members are the experts in our industry in their geographic location. I’ve heard of PHCC people being told by legislators that they


“got the message” from our membership and have told them to stop calling. We are effective! The world belongs to those who have a voice in the decisions that affect them. We live in a country that, although it may not be a perfect system, it does allow us to be heard. The plumbing, heating and cooling industry is the best and one of the most complex in the country. With all the codes, regulations and people trying to undermine the high standards we have fought so hard to achieve, we must continue to strive to maintain our high standards of quality and excellence. This association is your association and what you get out of it is directly related to what you put into it. Help us continue to improve our industry standards.

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Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •

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Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •

The Program The APHCC “Targets for Learning” curriculum is of the highest quality and is exclusive to the plumbing and HVAC industry. This apprentice training program is the first training program for the plumbing-heating-cooling industry available to participants via the Internet. The program is a four-year course as mandated by Department of Labor standards. The 48-week instruction consists of three hours per week classroom (accessing Internet at contractor’s place of business) plus on-the-job training by employer. The student has seven days to complete the three hours per week classroom work. Today, the cost of training an apprentice in the plumbing and HVAC industry is over $3000.00 per person. The total yearly cost per apprentice utilizing the APHCC of Alabama’s Apprentice Program is $1,500 (for PHCC members). Don’t turn your back on training! The better trained your employees are, the more skilled they become. Observe your work force and select the most eager and willing to learn the trade -- then enroll them in our Apprentice Training Program. • Alabama Contractor • Winter 2014





10:41 PM

Pre−assembled simplex and duplex grinders

Grinder System SMARTER FASTER CLEANER Offers Clog-Resistant, Lower-Cost Alternative to Sewage Ejector Residential or commercial applications Packages INLET 1 or 4


INLET 1 or 4


INLET 1 or 4

36 ft. 328 ft. Scan this tag to see how this product works

1 HP or 2x1HP grinders for absolute reliability and power


Visual LED and audible alarm system (mounted and external) No need to break the concrete

ffering a simpler, more reliable option than a conventional sewage ejector, the new Sanicubic 1 is a pre-assembled simplex grinder designed to handle wastewater from multiple plumbing fixtures. Featuring a one-horsepower motor, the unit is Simplex CUBIC 1 Duplex CUBIC 2 capable of pumping up to 50 gallons per minute from toilets, sinks, tubs and showers, dishwashers, washing machines and much more. 1-800-571-8191 A pump company since 1958 The high-performance grinding system can easily handle the accidental flushing of sanitary articles, such as feminine products, baby wipes, condoms, etc. Its fast-rotating, stainless steel cutting blade minimizes the incidence of clogs by quickly reducing solids in the wastewater to a slurry that can be pumped up to 36 feet vertically or 328 feet horizontally through a 1.5-inch, rigid pipe. The Sanicubic 1 is ideal for applications in which the septic tank or sewer line is located either above or away from the structure, or where gravity flow is insufficient to move the waste. That’s because the Sanicubic 1 pumps the effluent up — not below the floor — so there is no need to install conventional, below-floor plumbing drainage, a potentially expensive option in applications where no such drainage exists. By reducing solids to a slurry, the stainless steel grinder in the Sanicubic 1 dramatically lessens the possibility of plumbing-line clogs, minimizing callbacks. Sewage ejection systems typically do not include a grinder and are therefore more susceptible to blockages as well as disruptions of their float mechanisms, preventing their storage tanks from ejecting waste in a timely manner. “In these types of applications, the Sanicubic 1 offers a simpler, more reliable option than a conventional sewage ejector 10

Featuring a 1-hp motor, the SANICUBIC 1 can pump up to 50 gpm from plumbing fixtures located throughout a residential or commercial building.

Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •

package,” says Saniflo CEO Regis Saragosti. “Plus, there’s no breaking through concrete to bury a storage basin for the waste, with all the hazards that entails.”

• No waste storage: The Sanicubic 1 discharges most of its contents immediately with every activation. As a result, in contrast to a sewage ejection system, there is no need to dig a pit to house a large-diameter vessel capable of storing up to 50 gallons of waste.

• Easier servicing: In a sewage ejector system, the pump is typically located in the storage tank and therefore covered in waste. Removing it for servicing is a physical ordeal for the plumber. Because the Sanicubic 1 evacuates with each activation, removing the pump for servicing is much easier.

• Greater installation flexibility: With sewage ejection, piping that runs throughout the structure must come together at a single connection at the pump. With its four inlets, the Sanicubic 1 offers greater piping-layout flexibility, making it easier to handle multiple fixtures. Not only is installation less laborious, but because the Sanicubic 1 can typically accommodate smaller-diameter piping, material costs are reduced as well. With these advantages, the new Sanicubic 1 offers a lower overall lifetime cost than a conventional sewage ejection system, once the extra expense of floor excavation, the higher cost of plumbing materials and labor, and the increased incidence of maintenance are all factored in. For more information, call 1-800-571-8191 or visit

Pre−assembled simplex and duplex grinders


INLET 1 or 4



INLET 1 or 4

INLET 1 or 4

36 ft. 328 ft. Scan this tag to see how this product works

Residential or commercial applications 1 HP or 2x1HP grinders for absolute reliability and power Visual LED and audible alarm system (mounted and external) No need to break the concrete

Simplex CUBIC 1


Duplex CUBIC 2

A pump company since 1958 • Alabama Contractor • Winter 2014


What the STATISTICS don’t show … Apprenticeship program numbers may be down nationwide, but those in the plumbing and HVACR industry claim the value of this comprehensive training option is better than ever. PHCC Educational Foundation


pprenticeships are proven in helping employers match the skills they want with the training workers receive. Those programs, it would seem, are key, considering business owners often complain that a skills gap threatens their productivity and growth. According to the Labor Department, though, apprenticeships in the United States fell 40 percent between 2003 and 2013. Why the decline? Some obstacles include the overall perception of the skilled trades, lack of knowledge about career opportunities in the trades and the view that young people should obtain a four-year college degree. Advocates of apprenticeships, however, maintain that employers are realizing that apprenticeships actually produce better quality workers and boost retention, as workers who take the apprenticeship path recognize the investment their employers are making in their careers and reciprocate with a greater sense of loyalty. Fortunately, the PHCC Educational Foundation understands the value of apprentice training, especially today as up to 95 million Baby Boomers are either retiring or changing work focus. With this increased challenge of finding and training workers to meet the skilled labor needs of the plumbing and HVACR industry, the Foundation offers a host of training opportunities and materials, including one of the most comprehensive and accredited programs – a four-year apprentice curriculum. In fact, businesses across the country continue to rely on PHCC’s curriculum, textbooks and other training materials.


Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •

Why? • PHCC’s materials are developed by a team of contractors, educators, and code experts to meet the needs of contractors in providing a knowledgeable technician by the end of PHCC’s apprentice training program. Conversely, the competition’s curriculum is designed for what general contractors want plumbing and HVAC technicians to know. • With code a big curriculum issue, the Educational Foundation works with code experts on our series to ensure that we are accurate across all three model codes. • The Foundation’s curriculum is approved by the U.S. Department of Labor. • Our textbooks are updated on a regular basis. In fact, we continuously encourage feedback on the entire apprentice program from instructors and then incorporate valid changes based on that feedback. • Instructor materials include PowerPoint presentations that instructors can use along with the lesson plans to ensure the subject is adequately covered. Test banks are also provided to provide a means of assessing student knowledge of the material covered. • Programs – including those

shorter than the four-year curriculum – can be customized. With four separate textbooks, you can tailor PHCC’s series to meet your local requirements. For example, for a two-year short course, you can determine what needs to be covered in those two years and pull from the appropriate books/materials. Be sure to consider, however, the number of classroom instruction hours required by your state. Online Options PHCC realizes that some apprentices live in areas not easily accessible to classroom training or have personal issues such as child or elder care that prevent them from attending traditional classroom training. With that, the Foundation offers an online course version of our curriculum, with our home study students’ employers receiving student progress reports on a monthly basis. In addition, the Foundation’s complete four-year series of plumbing textbooks is now available electronically (as well as in print format), so students can read and reference these eBooks from their Apple, Kindle, or Nook devices. Electronic conversion our HVACR textbooks will be completed by the end of this summer. Assessment Tests The Foundation’s plumbing assessment tests have undergone a rigorous validation process, similar to that of ACT, GRE, and other

standardized tests. Available through the National Occupational & Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) Business Solutions section, these tests assess what students should know at the end of each of the four years of apprenticeship instruction, as determined by a team of instructors, contractors, and code experts. On the HVAC side, the Industry Competency Exam (ICE), offered by AHRI, serves as an excellent course-end test for graduating apprentices to ensure they have appropriate entry-level knowledge. Both tests are offered online, and the results can be shared with the training program to help identify areas in which additional instruction may be needed. Students passing the assessments receive a certificate. Education at Work Whether you’re someone looking to pave a path toward a career in the plumbing and/or HVACR industry or an employer anxious to train this next generation to the level you expect, look no further than the PHCC to meet your needs … from a four-year apprentice program to a shorter-term requirement. We know the value of apprenticeships, and we see the results of our educational resources working effectively for this industry … every day. For more information, contact Merry Beth Hall, Director of Apprentice and Journeyman Training, at

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Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •

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Winter 2014 • Alabama Contractor •














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Alabama Contractor • Winter 2014


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