Ohio PHC Contractor, 2014 Issue #4

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The Ohio PHC Contractor is the official publication of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors of Ohio 20040 Carolyn Avenue Rocky River, OH 44116 800-686-PHCC Fax: 216-393-0095 www.phccohio.org / www.facebook.com/phccohio

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Volume 2014 Issue 4

Advertisers Index AB&I Foundry


American Apartment Owners Assoc.


Bradford White



BrassCraft 31

A Message From the President, Jim Haberek 6

Champion Pump


Legally Speaking: Attend to Year-End Legal Matters 8

FastEst, Inc.


Keeping Score: Fraud - How Can I Reduce the Chances of Being a Victim? 10

Federated Insurance


Kolbi Pipe Markers


Liberty Pumps


Little Giant / Franklin Electric


Metropolitan Industries


R. L. Deppmann


PHCC of Ohio 2014 - 2015 Officers and Board 42

Features: Running a Successful Service Department 14 Champion Pump - PHCC Ohio Industry Partner 16 Taking Back Control 18

Rheem 5 Robertson Heating Supply


Test Gauge & Backflow Supply, Inc.




Welker McKee


Rockford Separators


Saniflo 7 Slant Fin


SureSeal 11 T&S Brass


TACO 12-13

Ohio PHC Contractor is a news magazine produced by the Ohio Association of PlumbingHeating-Cooling Contractors. Articles published in this magazine are the views and opinions of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Ohio Association of PlumbingHeating-Cooling Contractors. Publication in Ohio PHC Contractor should not be construed as an endorsement by the Association. Ohio PHC Contractor is the official magazine of the PHCC of Ohio and is published quarterly. News items from Ohio PHCC members are accepted. For information on advertising, contact: Jim Aitkins, Blue Water Publishers phone: 360.805.6474 • fax: 360.805.6475 jima@bluewaterpublishers.com 4

2015 PHCC/ACCA OHIO CONVENTION & EXPO: Pages 19 thru 41

OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

26 Convention Site Information 28 Opening Reception: Colin Dussault’s Blues Project Band 30 Opening Keynote Speaker: Larry Barnett 32 Schedule at a Glance 33 PHC/HVACR Expo Exhibitors 34-35 2015 Educational Sessions 36 Thank You to 2015 Convention & Expo Sponsors 37-40 Convention Registration Forms

The exclusive benefits from the Industry Partner Program provide recognition to contractors, as well as the public, as a leader in the PHC and HVACR Industry. Income from the Partnership Program makes it possible to improve the overall financial stability of PHCC and ACCA Ohio while supporting companies receive unique advertising and promotional opportunities.

INDUSTRY PARTNERS Pioneer Blue Angel Pumps CareWorks Famous Supply Lake Erie Winnelson

Patron Keeping Score Conservative Services Group Arzel Zoning


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From the President Jim Haberek


occo called me and said, “Jim it’s time to write the president’s message, your final one!” Everyone said, when I started the year, it would go fast - they were right! During the past year, I had the privilege to meet a lot of new people at the national and state level. It’s great to see the passion and energy from so many members to make our industry better. For the people working everyday either in Columbus, Washington, our Chapters and our executive offices, THANK YOU! I learned even more this year how much work goes on in our legislation at both the national and state level to improve our industry. We are very fortunate to have people like Kitty Zwissler, Palmer McNeal, Frank Alexander, Carol Ross and Rocco working the process of politics and yet keeping very persistent

and positive to pass our bills, like residential licensing. I believe with their help and the participation of our members, residential licensing will pass and this will help protect the health and safety of the public. I want to say thank you to Debbie, Mary and Rocco for all the help and encouragement throughout the year, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to all the State Board members for your time and participation in our meetings. And a very special thank you to my friends in the Northeast Ohio chapter for all your support! Representing Ohio as your president this year has been a very proud experience. I feel I am a better member going forward! I hope to see you at the state convention in Cleveland, March 25-27, 2015.

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OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4





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Legally Speaking

Bob Dunlevey Dunlevey, Mahan & Furry

ATTEND TO YEAR-END LEGAL MATTERS - Your Checklist 2014 is coming to an end and for most of you that means the end of your fiscal year as well. Don’t let the holiday season frenzies cause you to neglect important year-end business affairs. Here is a handy checklist of some things you need to consider.


Schedule your annual corporate meetings for shareholders and directors; give notice in accordance with your bylaws/code of regulations; set the agenda for the meeting

Review your corporate minute book to make sure it is up-to-date; are last year’s minutes in there and are they signed? Did the minutes call for certain actions to be taken during the year and have these items been accomplished? Do the minutes ratify corporate actions, such as contributions to benefit plans, borrowing, auto leasing and monetary distributions?

Has there been a change in the officers, directors or shareholders? Do the corporate records reflect those changes? Do others need to be elected?

Are there shares of stock needing to be transferred or canceled? Is your share ledger in the back of the minute book up-to-date?

Is the statutory agent designated to receive important papers current and on file with the Secretary of State? – Check the State’s website

Is your corporation in good standing with the State? – Check the State’s website

Is the corporation doing business in any other state? Is it appropriately registered and meeting the requirements to do business in those states?

Is the annual financial report, including a balance

OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

sheet, statement of profit and loss and surplus, and an opinion of the financial position of the corporation being prepared? •

Do the corporate records verify payments of salaries versus bonuses and dividends? – The IRS can contend that payments to corporate officers or employees or shareholders are not deductible dividends and that payments to its officers who are not shareholders are not deductible – better assure the proper classification of such payments by identifying the payments as deductible compensation and consider identifying the justification

If no, or nominal, dividends are to be paid, and your corporation has a large amount of accumulated earnings, do the minutes include a statement of the reasons why the earnings are being retained?

Have you changed financial institutions during the year and not noted it within the corporate records? Are those who are authorized to sign checks still the appropriate names and are the appropriate corporate resolutions contained within the minute book?

Have there been loans to officers or shareholders needing to be documented by minutes and promissory notes?

Do you have a buy/sell agreement which regulates and restricts the transfer of shares so you don’t end up with an unwanted “business partner?” Have you updated the valuation information which sets the price for which shares are repurchased? Has the buy/sell agreement been amended to include new shareholders?

Are your benefit plans, such as retirement, profit sharing, medical reimbursement, Section 125 or 401(k)

plan, appropriately documented within the corporate records and in full compliance with the law? Are the summary plan descriptions you give to employees up-to-date? Are you strategizing about the impact of healthcare reform? •

Have you consulted with your CPA regarding yearend matters, such as tax incentives for such things as equipment purchases, you still may wish to take advantage of before year-end?

Have you evaluated the cost of your workers’ compensation program? Have you shopped for enrolment in a workers’ comp group that provides good savings (discounts) and effective third party administration? Have you gone online and looked at your claims history to identify your major claims? Have you met with your workers’ comp attorney to devise a plan to eliminate costly claims from your experience and reduce your premiums?

For those key employees hired this year, do you have employment agreements in place addressing such things as non-disclosure of confidential information and non-competition? It’s not too late.

Have you reviewed your general liability insurance and other business coverages with your agent to ensure proper, cost effective coverage?

Are your licenses to do business in various locales current?

Have you reviewed the exempt and non-exempt wage-hour status of your employees to ensure wages and applicable overtime are being paid properly and records maintained appropriately?

Your personnel policies and practices may require modification due to recent NLRB decisions applicable to non-union employers – is your employee handbook up-to-date?

Remember to run the numbers on your OSHA 300 logs and to prepare the 300A for posting

Dust off those corporate records and make sure that everything is ready for 2015. If you need legal assistance in your business affairs, contact Bob Dunlevey at Dunlevey, Mahan & Furry (937) 223-6003.

Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR



Keeping Score


Michael Bohinc. CPA


n the last issue, we talked about fraud and how, even though you may own a small company, you could still be a victim of it. (To the tune of $154,000 on average!) We looked at the three legs of the fraud tri-pod (Need, Rationalization & Opportunity) and discussed how we can only control one leg (Opportunity). This issue, we’ll take a look at the “Opportunity” leg and how we can minimize the opportunity for fraud to occur in our company. The primary reason fraud happens in many small businesses is because the owners and management place more trust in their employees than they should. That’s not to say that employees are not trustworthy. It’s just that they’re often given more trust than they’ve earned. That is on the owners not the employees. Just because that employee has been with you for a long time, is a dear friend or even a family member, doesn’t mean that they won’t steal from you. Remember, we can only control the opportunity for fraud to occur. We can’t control any non-sharable financial pressure or rationalization that they may have. It’s the owner’s responsibility to protect the assets of the company. In almost all family businesses, the company is the owner’s largest asset. Delegating asset protection responsibility to others is like giving someone access to your family’s bank account. Before you know it, it could all be gone. So, what are some of the basic controls that can be put into place in the smaller companies that will help reduce the risk of fraud? Company culture – The tone is set at the top! Make sure you let your staff know that stealing is wrong and that anyone caught stealing will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If this was all that you did, it would still have a positive impact in your business. Brief Story: I was doing a webinar for the PHCC on fraud. I shared this point with the attendees (i.e. the tone

for intolerance of fraud is set at the top and should be clearly communicated with the staff). One of the attendees did this. When he joined us the following week for the 2nd part of the fraud webinar, he shared that his bookkeeper did not show up for work the day after he did that. He and I both knew he had a problem but I never did hear from him how the story ended (i.e. did he find out what the person stole and did he prosecute them?). Also, you have to “walk the talk” so you can’t go grab a garbage disposal off the shelf and take it home and install it. Yes, as the owner, you own it but that sets a terrible example for the staff. It promotes “Mr. Owner did it so why can’t I do it too?” Then they grab one and install it for a family member, friend or neighbor without properly charging them or notifying the office they’re doing so. Separation of Duties – This is the biggest thing a company can do to help minimize the chances of fraud occurring. It’s more difficult in the smaller companies because there are less people available to perform the various duties and so you often have the same employee performing duties that easily allows them to cover up a fraud if they did commit one. You have to separate the accessing of an asset, the recording of a transaction and the approving of a transaction. When you don’t have enough people to separate these duties, you might consider having employees “job share.” You would rotate them on a schedule in handling the payroll, accounts payable or accounts receivable. It’s harder to conceal a theft when more than one person is involved in the position. Check signing – The owner should sign all company checks. I wouldn’t allow more than one other person in the company authorization to sign company checks in case the owner isn’t continued on page 13


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4


The over-achievers

You deserve the best Taco people know that your best work starts on our assembly line. We put everything we have into every product we make.

Pumps and Controls Our family of 00 3-Speed circulators give you the flexibility, muscle and fine tuning features that make your job easy. The FuelMizer® is a boiler reset control and switching relay in one. An easy retrofit, it’s the most economical way to yield from 5% to 30% fuel savings.

ful bacteria with the 5000 Series Mixing Valves. Install the quiet dependability of our 570 Series Zone Valves. And get the air out of the system with our 4900 Series Air Separators. A truly integrated system design begins with Taco.

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Valves and Air Separators Increase the effective storage capacity of a water heater by up to 50% and kill harm-

“Every time you choose a Taco product, you’re doing business with a company that puts people first.” – John Hazen White, Jr. Owner of Taco, Inc.



OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

continued from page 10

available. Whoever that is must have a thorough credit check done on them and be bonded by the company’s insurance company! Actually, I recommend that anyone who handles money or has access to it in the company be required to go through this process! Also, make sure that you keep your blank checks as well as any money kept at the company office locked up with limited access. As recently as a few years ago, Oprah Winfrey (a billionaire, mind you) still signed every check that her company wrote. If someone with that much money who writes a lot more checks than you or I can sign all the checks, we certainly can as well. By the way, if you’re too busy to watch your own money, please contact me. I’m available to watch it. (Did I make my point?) Bank Reconciliation – This is another big one for me. Make sure that your bank statements are being mailed to your home or a P.O. Box where you’re the only one who can access it. If you are having someone in the office reconciling the bank accounts, I strongly encourage you to ask your CPA (outside person) to review the reconciliations as a safeguard. Many bank statements are available on line now. Limit who has access to the online account as well.

Those are just a few of many internal controls and procedures you can put in place in your company to reduce the chances that you’ll be a victim of fraud. If you’re interested in receiving a fraud checklist, please send me an e-mail with “fraud checklist” in the subject heading and I’ll e-mail one to you. NOTE: “This article is not intended to be comprehensive in nature and competent professional tax advice should be sought in determining the issues that impact your specific situation.” Michael A. Bohinc is a certified public accountant in Cleveland, Ohio. He is an instructor for the National PHCC Educational Foundation. He currently serves as the Interim Director for the Service Nation Alliance – Plumbing Group and is a Consult & Coach Partner for the Service Roundtable. Michael is a recipient of the Servant Leader Award. The award, rarely presented, recognizes outstanding individuals who lead through service to their industry and the people in their industry. He is the youngest to ever receive this honor. He has 26 years’ experience working on business management issues in the plumbing-heating-cooling industry. He can be reached at: 440/ 708-2583, e-mail mbohinc@keepingscorecpa.com.

Authorization or Approvals – This involves the physical control of assets. Items like locking up your blank checks that I mentioned earlier. Another big one is the inventory. It, as well as the company equipment, needs to be secured and accounted for. This can be Michael Bohinc will be participating on the accomplished by Ask the Experts Panel on Friday March 27 having policies and at 12:45pm at the Annual Ohio Convention in Cleveland. For more information, visit procedures in place www.ohioconvention-phccacco.org for taking inventory


or equipment from the shop for a truck or a job. Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR


Running a Successful Service Department By Eric Knaak


uccess is defined by Merriam- Webster dictionary as “The correct or desired result of an attempt” or simply put, achieving the results that you had planned for. Many HVAC Owners and Managers that I have ever met have always talked about how to make their organization successful and how to achieve their desired results. To many, this task can look daunting and in some cases unobtainable, but it doesn’t


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

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need to be that way and, in fact, it is really quite the opposite with proper goal setting, planning, training, execution and follow through.

As Owners and Managers, you understand this requirement and spend a great deal of your time making sure that this is what occurs, but what about everything else? How do you get to that level of technical proficiency and what else is needed to create that overall experience for your clients that they expect?

When it comes to running a successful service operation, there are numerous elements to be considered in order to During my sessions, be successful and during my we will be looking at session, “Ten plus tips to running some of the Key indicators Eric Knaak will present an education session “10 a successful service operation”, of a successful service Tips for Running a Successful Service Department” we will be exploring some operation, we will be talking on Thursday March 27 at 12:45pm and 2:00pm at of those areas. Staying and about training and more the Annual Ohio Convention in Cleveland. For more maintaining success is easy, the training and the need to keep information, visit www.ohioconvention-phccacco.org challenge is getting your service your team up to date and department to the desired level alert for any situation. We will of professionalism and efficiency be talking about the direct that you have envisioned in your mind for many years. Having connection between what you want to see as an outcome the systems in place so that when an event occurs you and your and the preparation that takes place to get there and the teams are ready to respond and everyone has clearly defined measurements that will allow you to know if you are on track. roles as to what is needed for a successful outcome, can propel There is no perfect way to run any one business, but there your company to the next level. are ways that you can improve on what is already in place The first expectation of a client is that whoever you send to and if you have the desire to look at your organization and its their home will be technically capable of servicing, diagnosing potential, the sky truly is the limit. and repairing their system; this is service in its most basic form.


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Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR


Champion Pump PHCC Ohio Industry Partner


he Industry Partner Program enables industry suppliers and manufacturers to demonstrate extraordinary commitment to PHCC and its members through year-round support of the association’s activities. Industry Partners financial and programming resources help PHCC expand advocacy and business development activities for contractors throughout the year. A chance meeting in a high school gym was the fuel that eventually propelled the small beginnings and growth of Champion Pump. Co-owners Jeff Hawks and Jeff McFarlin attended the same high school. Separated by three years in school, they didn’t run in the same circles. Even as their professional careers moved them through the same circles in Ohio, Hawks as a sales manager and McFarlin as director of engineering, they never developed anything beyond a professional awareness. But one winter day in a high school gymnasium in Ashland, Ohio changed all of that. Both professionals had secretly harbored a dream to build a business, and a professional dissatisfaction with working for large corporations. At this chance meeting, the two shared their desire to start a pump business. McFarlin was especially motivated, a recent victim of corporate downsizing. Hawks was simply ready to pursue his dream. Happenstance ensued again. Three weeks later, the two met again at a high school event and decided to go for it. With mutual respect for each other (Hawks knew McFarlin as the best engineer around, and McFarlin knew Hawks’ sales abilities were second to none), they jumped in with both feet. But it was not just mutual respect for each other that made up the foundation of Champion Pump. It was also their mutual commitment to grow a company that operated on a few key factors: • A small-business feel. After long professional careers working for other people in large corporations, Hawks and McFarlin had seen what happened to customers of big companies. They were determined to do business a different way, wanting to create an atmosphere where customers had access to the owners, and where the business could respond to customers’ needs quickly and with less red tape. • Customer-centric. The owners structured Champion Pump in such a way that it could meet its customers’ work requirements and ensure efficiency and reliability. They took pride in being able to create customized pumps based on the specifications of a specific project or industry.


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4


You can view all of Champion Pumps products at www.championpump.com and be sure to visit them at this year’s Expo on March 26 at booth 60 from 3-7pm

From the meeting of two expert minds in the pump industry to its humble beginnings selling a 1/3HP pump as one of the three products they first offered customers, Champion Pump is now proud of its long-standing relationships with customers and its agile solutions to customers’ specific requirements. After 10 years in business, the company now offers up to 60 HP pumps. For a company that endured a building fire, and multiple business locations along the way, Champion Pump endured, and ultimately overcame, without wavering in its commitment to maintaining a small business feel and putting its customers first.

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Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR


Taking Back Control

By Frank Besednjak


e all know everyone is not created equal. Some folks need to get yelled at, others have to have their hands held, there are those perfectionists who can never finish a job, there are those that are better left alone and of course the ones who constant need to be told how awesome they are. I can go on and on with a variety of personality types, but let’s break it down to what you really need in your business. I will make this real easy. When I managed people, I always made it a point to have the best possible employees who were available in the geographical area working for me. My secret? Keep the good ones happy and empty the trash occasionally. I can imagine what you are thinking now . . . “Thanks, Frank, that was easy, we are on the road to success now!” Please pardon my sarcasm. Here are some clear and concise steps to get you to where you want to be when it comes to employees. 1. Clean house. If you have been dragging around someone who isn’t pulling their weight, they need to be put on a performance plan and either fixed or fired. Uncomfortable firing people? Afraid to deal with it head-on? I’ll be happy to do it for you. Of course there will be a fee for my services. Better yet, I’m working on a video that will be on YouTube in a few weeks on how to handle performance issues, step by step. Look for it in upcoming newsletters.

they know the rules, know what happens when they screw up and know how to win. 4. Remind marginal performers that they are marginal performers. Set a goal, set some targets, set some dates. Once you have determined an action plan, follow through on it. Employees who have performance, quality or productivity issues need to hear it from you and need to be put on a program that tells them what date they will be fired if they do not improve. Don’t back off! 5. If you are the best in your market, people know it and you will naturally draw employees who are winners. My best employees came from my biggest competition. They weren’t happy where they were, I made them happy. Guess where all my former employees went that I didn’t want? Right, to the competition! 6. Great employees draw great customers. If everyone is happy, loves their job and performs well, everyone knows it, even customers. Nothing more flattering than winning a “Best Place to Work” award. This tells your customers a lot about your business. Don’t let up. A winning team always makes it to the playoffs. Each member of the team needs to know exactly how and where they fit in. They need to know how they contribute, they need to know their strengths and weaknesses, they need to know the rules, they need to know how to win and they need to know how to keep score. Not much different in business.

2. Set up a system that pays for performance. The company gets paid for performance, you get paid for performance and customers only pay for performance. So what is the difference? You work hard, Frank Besednjak will present an education bring in money, keep customers session “Taking Control of Your Service Department” on Thursday March 26 at 12:45pm happy and you get rewarded. Same and 2:00pm at the Annual Ohio Convention in applies to employees. Cleveland. For more information, visit www. 3. Set up rules, guidelines and ohioconvention-phccacco.org benchmarks. People do better when



OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

Frank Besednjak Speaker, Trainer & Business Coach President & CEO Training Source, Inc. Customer Care Plus 888-538-5383/ www.frankpresents.com


2015 PHCC/ACCA OHIO CONVENTION Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside March 25–27, 2015 EXPO March 26

CONVENTION March 25-27 PHC/HVACR EXPO March 26 www.accohio.org



Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR




Top-notch education sessions and speakers will present relevant concepts and timely information to boost your business. Education is the primary focus of the ACCA/PHCC Ohio Convention and there will be over 15 educational sessions led by leaders in the PHC and HVACR industry.


The highlight of Convention is the Annual Expo. You’ll have the opportunity to visit manufacturers, distributors and services providers and view the latest products, tools, innovative solutions and technologies all in one place.


Convention attendees are known for sharing information about their businesses. There are numerous networking opportunities that allow you to expand your network of contacts, gather new ideas, share your experience and find new partners from around the state.


Be sure to participate in all the events ACCA and PHCC have planned at this year’s convention! Meet new people. Learn more to earn more. Have a rockin’ time at the opening reception with Colin Dussault’s Blues Project Band. Celebrate excellence in the industry at the Awards Banquet. CONVENTION continued on page 26 20

OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4


HOTEL INFORMATION Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside 5800 Rockside Woods Boulevard Independence, Ohio, 44131 Experience the convenience and stylish comfort of the Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside hotel in Independence, Ohio. Located at the intersection of I-480 and I-77, the all-suite hotel is the ideal location for the Annual Ohio Convention and Expo.

HIGHLIGHTS • Less than 12 miles to Hopkins International Airport; just 8 miles to downtown Cleveland • Complimentary shuttle to airport and nearby locations • Casual dining at Embassy Grille • Indoor pool, whirlpool and fitness center • Parking is complimentary

WEATHER Average temperatures in late March for Cleveland are highs near 50 and lows in the 30s


Cleveland was founded by General Moses Cleaveland. As the story goes, the name was reduced to “Cleveland” when the local newspaper discovered the name was one character too long for its masthead.


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4


Little Giant wastewater and HVAC products offer more features, accessories, and total value for professional contractors. For more information on Little Giant products, contact your local plumbing distributor.

Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR




Colin Dussault’s Blues Project Band Award winning harmonica driven, blues based, roots, rock and soul music’ is what best describes the musical stylings of COLIN DUSSAULT’S BLUES PROJECT. The band was formed in Cleveland, Ohio in May of 1989 by lead singer, songwriter, harmonica player Colin Dussault. In addition to Dussault, the band’s current lineup consists of guitarist Jim Feeney, bassist Fred Tobey, Pianist Gregg Hurd and drummer Freddie Perez-Stable.


The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame owes more to Cleveland than simply providing a nice lakefront location, as it was legendary DJ Alan Freed who coined the term “rock and roll.” A successful Akron DJ, Freed moved to Cleveland in the early 1950s and began using the term to describe the collection of music played on his daily show. It seemed only fitting that the Hall of Fame be located in Cleveland, given the city’s status as the place where rock and roll was created.


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR 29




Cleveland was a charter member of the American League, winning its first home game 4-3 against Milwaukee on April 29, 1901. They were originally dubbed the Blues, a name once used by Cleveland’s National League entry in the 1880’s.

Baseball From Behind The Umpire’s Mask Larry Barnett was a Major League Baseball umpire, predominantly in the American League, from 1969 to 1999. His 31 seasons included umpiring in four All-Star Games, seven American League Championship Series and four World Series, including the epic 1975 Fall Classic between the Cincinnati Reds and the Boston Red Sox. He was also behind home plate when Vida Blue of the Oakland Athletics pitched a no-hitter on Sept. 21, 1970, and was personally asked by Cal Ripken Jr. to call the balls and strikes for the Sept. 6, 1995, game at Camden Yards when the Baltimore Orioles’ star broke Lou Gehrig’s record by playing in his 2,131st consecutive game. Much of the hard work, sweat and jeers that make up this nation’s best sport, is often very humorous. Larry will share some of that with us along with his insights on the ultimate “winners” he has encountered. 30 OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

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2015 PHCC/ACCA OHIO CONVENTION Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside March 25–27, 2015 EXPO March 26


Registration Open

12:00pm-5:00pm 1:00pm-4:00pm

Electrical Code Plumbing Code HVAC Code

7:00pm-9:00pm Opening Reception with Colin Dussault’s Blues Project Band



7:00am – 5:00pm 7:30am – 9:00am

Registration Open Opening Breakfast with Former MLB Umpire Larry Barnett

9:30am – 11:30am 11:30am – 12:30pm 12:45pm – 1:45pm

ACCA Annual Meeting PHCC Annual Meeting Lunch Education Sessions (3)

OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

2:00pm – 3:00pm Education Sessions (3) 3:00pm – 7:00pm Expo - FREE 7:00pm ACCA Past Presidents Dinner PHCC Past Presidents Dinner


7:00am - 3:00pm 7:30am - 8:15am 8:30am - 10:00am 10:15am - 11:15am 11:30am - 12:30pm 12:45pm - 1:45pm

Registration Open

2:00pm - 4:00pm 5:00pm - 9:00pm

Roundtables (9)

Breakfast OCILB/DOC Panel Education Sessions (3) Lunch Ask the Experts Panel

Reception / Installation Dinner

Cleveland is a city that knows how to rock. “Hang On Sloopy” by the The McCoys is the city’s official song.





The action-packed Free Expo will bring contractors together with distributors, manufacturers and service providers. The Expo is complimentary to all registered convention attendees and Expo Pass holders. This

is an excellent networking opportunity for both exhibitors and attendees. To see the floorplan, booth numbers and exhibitor descriptions, visit www .ohioconvention-phccacco.org.

2015 EXPO EXHIBITORS (as of 12/23/14) | Bold = Industry Partner; Italics = Convention Sponsor ACCA Ohio Arzel Zoning Technology Blue Angel Pumps BWA South Carr Supply Champion Pump Company, Inc. Clarion Bathware Conservation Services Group Contractors Choice, Inc. Cornerstone Marketing Disney McLane & Associates Draincables Direct Dry Patrol DuraVent / Comfort Pro Systems ECR International / Zilmet US Excellence Alliance, Inc. Famous Supply

Federated Insurance Ferguson Enterprises Field Controls Glentronics, Inc. (PHCC Pro Series Pumps) Goodman Distributors Inc. Great Lakes Sales Co. Habegger Corporation (The) Hex Armor Honeywell J Davis Sales & Assoc. LLC Jackson Systems Lake Erie Winnelson M Tech Company Mike Albert Fleet Solutions Ningbo Boro Industries Co., Ltd. PHCC Ohio Pinnacle Sales Supply

Productive Air Duct Cleaning PuroClean R E Michel Company Refrigeration Sales Corp Robertson Heating Supply Select On Site Sioux Chief Mfg. Spartan Tool Speedway LLC Sutton Leasing U.S. Consolidated, Inc. Virginia Air Distributors, Inc. Welker McKee Supply Wolff Bros. Supply, Inc. WorldPay

Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR




W-1 / 12:00pm – 5:00pm / Code Electrical Code / Mike Holt’s 2014 Changes to the NEC Don’t just put in the hours. Get a cutting-edge understanding of the upcoming code changes. Based off the Nationally Recognized Course developed by Mike Holt, “2014 Changes to the NEC” will provide you with an incredible foundation to understand how the upcoming changes will affect your company, while satisfying license requirements. Presenter: Bob O’Connors W-2 / 1:00pm – 4:00pm / Code Plumbing Code Join our State of Ohio Plumbing Section Supervisor, Jack Soma, as he presents this special 3 hour session on code updates and changes to the plumbing code. Presenter: Jack Soma, Plumbing Section Supervisor, Ohio DOC, Bureau of Building Code Compliance W-3 / 1:00pm – 4:00pm / Code Two Classes in One! Residential / Commercial Code and Home Performance Join Lake County CBO, Jerry Flanik, as he gives a residential and commercial code update, while CEO & Chairman, Dominick Guarino, with the National Comfort Institute, talks about how to make home performance work for your company. Presenters: Jerry Flanik, Chief Building Official, Lake Co and Dominick Guarino, CEO & Chairman, National Comfort Institute THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 T-1 / 12:45pm – 1:45pm & T-4 / 2:00pm – 3:00pm / Business Taking Back Control of Your Service Department If you sometimes feel like you’re walking into a chaotic zoo at work, then you probably need to organize and motivate your service department. Join Frank as he walks you through easy to implement and proven steps that will get your team on the path to winning and improved productivity. Presenter: Frank Besednjak, President, The Training Source T-2 / 12:45pm – 1:45pm & T-5 / 2:00pm – 3:00pm / Business 10 Tips for Running a Successful Service Department Every service department is different. But the best ones have a few characteristics in common. Join Eric as he shares ten of the main characteristics of a profitable and successful service department. Presenter: Eric Knaak, Vice President of Operations, Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

T-3 / 12:45pm – 1:45pm / Business Just Say No to Taxes! It’s amazing how any business can reduce its income tax debt by taking advantage of existing deductions, tax credits, and government programs. Join Scott and find out how business benefits will pass to your individual personal tax return reducing the tax debt on your Federal form 1040. Presenter: Scott Shields, CPA, Shields Blice & Co. T-6 / 2:00pm – 3:00pm / Business Benchmarking Your Service Operation The first step to improvement is measurement. In this session we will be discussing how to use real data to improve the quality, productivity and profitability of your service group. Presenter: Randy Stutzman, Managing Director, FMI

FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015

8:30am - 10:00am / Business Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board / Dept of Commerce Panel Back by popular demand! Join our expert panel from the State of Ohio as they bring you up-to-date on Ohio codes, rules and legislation that affect you and your business. Presenters: Frank Alexander, OCILB Admin Board Chair; Regina Hanshaw, Executive Secretary, Ohio Board of Building Standards; Debbie Ohler, PE, staff engineer for the Ohio Board of Building Standards and David Williamson, Superintendent of Industrial Compliance, State of Ohio, Department of Commerce F-1 / 10:15am – 11:15am / Business Basic HR Checklist for Employers The old adage, “the best offense is a good defense” doesn’t just apply to sports, but to business as well. There are several steps an employer may take to avoid getting hit with discrimination charges or employee lawsuits, and to put your company in the best position if a suit is filed. We will discuss the basic policies, training and documents that every company should have in place, and how these can help fend off employee claims. Presenter: Jennifer A. Corso, Partner, Petronzio Schneier, Co., LPA

The world’s largest rubber stamp, created for the Standard Oil Company, has a home in Cleveland’s Willard Park. F-2 / 10:15am – 11:15am / Business ACCA QA Program ACCA’s QA program is for contractors who want to show their customers that they apply new or existing home energy and installation standards and are able to prove it with third party verification. Join Brian as he walks you through the basics of the QA Program from ACCA National. Presenter: Brian Stack, Stack Heating & Cooling F-3 / 10:15am – 11:15am / Business Estate Planning and Business Succession for Today’s Contractor You’ve worked hard to build your business. How you plan to exit will ultimately determine your success. Attorney Abe Zysman will guide you through the ins and outs of what you need to know. Presenter: Abe Zysman, Attorney, The Zysman Law Firm, P.C 12:45pm – 1:45pm / Business Ask the Experts Panel Why are they so successful? What do they know that I don’t? You provide the questions and they’ll provide the answers. Find out the secrets to their success and what sets them apart from their competition. Presenters: Jeff Reed, Custom Air; Rick Seifert, D&A Plumbing; Paul Wadsworth, PK Wadsworth and Michael Bohinc, CPA, Keeping Score Moderated by: Kyle Gargaro, Editor-in-Chief, ACHR NEWS 2:00pm - 4:00pm Round Tables Our Friday afternoon sessions address your most challenging issues. Each round table is a fast paced 55 minute session and provides attendees with an opportunity to listen, question, and get lots of answers in a small-group exchange. You can attend two (2) of these unique opportunities: R-1 Kelly Denk, Frank Gates, **Workers Comp: Think of it as Workers Comp 101, as Kelly shares the latest updates from the BWC. R-2 Cheryl Roahrig, City of Columbus, Mechanical Code: Always a roundtable favorite, Cheryl will share the latest and greatest on the mechanical code.

R-3 Frank Besednjak, The Training Source, The Next Generation of Employees: 44% of the skilled trade’s workforce will retire by the end of 2017. This leaves a huge vacancy in the construction trades with a minimal resource to fill it. Frank will discuss the specific trends and motivating factors of this upcoming group of employees.



R-4 Ana Cammarata, Ohio BWC, **Exposure to Hazardous Substances: What do you do when you come in contact with lead, sulfur dioxide, asbestos, mold, adhesives, solvents, solder, etc? In this session you’ll learn how to identify and handle them when you do. R-5 Don Kardux, Business Navigators, Key Performance Indicators: Participants will share their measurement guidelines, expectations and the methods they use to consistently track KPI’s (4 key areas include Installation, Service, Sales and Support Services) R-6 Mitchell Gorham, Federated Insurance, Group Health Insurance (ACA): Mitchell will give the latest updates on the Affordable Care Act. R-7 Marie Robinson, WorldPay, PCI Compliance: The Payment Card Industry (PCI) is a set of requirements designed to ensure that companies that process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. R-8 Ed Reid, Bartels Heating & Cooling, Concealed Carry: Ed will share some of the do’s and don’ts about how his company handles the concealed carry law with its employees. R-9 Sgt. Vito Monteleone, Cuyahoga Co Sherriff, What to Look For & When to Get Out: Contractors enter homes or businesses hundreds of times a year…do you or your techs know how to identify and get out of a potentially dangerous situation? In this session you will learn to identify those situations and how to handle them. **These two (2) roundtables qualify for the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) rule that requires that all employers in the July 1, 2015 Group Rating Program or Group Retrospective Rating Program, who had a claim within the two preceding calendar years, must attend and document two hours of safety training between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.

Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR












OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

CONVENTION SECTION 2015 PHCC/ACCA OHIO CONVENTION Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside March 25–27, 2015 EXPO March 26

Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR



OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

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test. rming a gas base leave our factory. s (31 years), perfo r boilers go through before they Etienne S. Clarilu ou ks ec ch ty fety quali Just one of the sa


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Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR


CONVENTION SECTION 2015 PHCC/ACCA OHIO CONVENTION Embassy Suites Cleveland - Rockside March 25–27, 2015 EXPO March 26


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4




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12/18/14 10:46 AM Volume 2014, Issue 4 • OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR 41


PHCC of Ohio 2014 - 2015 Officers & Board PHCC of Ohio

20040 Carolyn Ave Rocky River, OH 44116 800-686-PHCC [7422] Fax: 216-393-0095 www.phccohio.org www.facebook.com/phccohio

Officers President Jim Haberek Haberek Plumbing & Heating 216-433-7774 Fax: 216-433-7776 5330 Smith Road Brookpark, OH 44142 office@haberek.com

President-Elect Ronald Schmitt Joe Schmitt & Sons Plumbing & Heating 937-836-3086 Fax: 937-832-1827 500 Atla Ave; PO Box 237 Englewood, OH 45322 schmitt.ronald@gmail.com Vice-President Brian Nieman Nieman Plumbing, Inc. 513-851-5588 Fax: 513-851-9104 2030 Stapleton Ct Cincinnati, OH 45240 brian@niemanplumbing.com

Past Presidents Advisory Committee Dennis Schlekie Approved Plumbing 440-526-2905 Fax: 440-526-7698 770 Ken Mar Industrial Pkwy Broadview Heights, OH 44147 Dennis@approvedplumbing.com

Greg Eisenhart Sanford Plumbing & Supply 330-386-5191 Fax: 330-386-5470 1725 Pennsylvania Ave East Liverpool, OH 43920 plumber@spii.net

Treasurer Rob Fetz Fetz Plumbing-Heating & A/C 937-652-1136 Fax: 937-652-0015 PO Box 516 Urbana, OH 43078 rfetz@ctcn.net


Rocco Fana, Jr. Executive Director

Debbie Tittl Executive Assistant

Mary Williams Executive Assistant


OHIO PHC CONTRACTOR • Volume 2014, Issue 4

Bruce Stebbins Stebbins Plumbing & Heating 937-859-4534 Fax: 937-859-5441 621 E Dixie Drive West Carrollton, OH 45449 stebplumb@gmail.com

Trustees Zone 2 Dave Wolfe Wat-Kem Mechanical 937-573-3072 2755 S County Rd, 25A Troy, OH 45373 dwolfe@watkem.com

Zone 6 Paul Episcopo VIP Plumbing, Inc. 216-581-5731 Fax: 216-581-5730 20600 Miles Parkway Warrensville Heights, OH 44128 paul@vipplumbing.com

Zone 5 Rodger Sweitzer Baumann Plumbing 614-888-2411 Fax: 614-262-4958 22 Westerville Square Westerville, OH 43081 baumannplumbing@ ameritech.net

Zone 7 Rick Seifert D & A Plumbing & Heating 330-449-8733 Fax: 330-499-8747 11197 Cleveland Ave NW Uniontown, OH 44685 ricks@crowngroupohio.com


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