Blue & White Magazine: March 2013

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blue&white since


U N C - C H ’s p r e m i e r m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e


INSIDE: north carolina beer culture• study drugs revealed • the v-day movement MAR CH 2013 | Vo lume 15 | Is s u e 4 | w w w. bl u eandw hitem ag. co m | F RE E

Courtney Lindstrand is a junior from Greenville. She can be reached at


from the editor

At the beginning of the semester, when our staff began planning the issue that you now hold in your hands, I was feeling a bit nostalgic. This nostalgia prompted me to go deep into the depths of my computer files and dig up my original Blue & White application from back in August 2010 when I was just a freshman. And I have to be honest with you when I say…I thought it kind of sucked. That application gave me a good laugh, but it also made me realize how far I have come from my poorly formatted high school resume. Of course, throughout college everyone aims to gain new skills and get involved on campus. But beyond that, a big part of college is finding your passion. I found my passion pretty early on, and I’m grateful for that. I’m also thankful that UNC-Chapel Hill has given me so many opportunities to explore and expand upon what I’m passionate about. After reading the stories in this issue, it became clear that the University gives this special opportunity to each of its students, catering to a wealth of interests and giving everyone a niche to thrive in. Some people find their passion in activities that are adventurous or off the beaten path. If that’s your thing, you should definitely look into UNC-CH Rock Climbing Club, which has been working hard to make sure their facilities are safe for the thrill seekers on campus (page 22). For creative or compassionate types, UNCCH provides outlets that include theater productions and activist campaigns—for a story that mixes the two, check out our feature on V-Day and the Vagina Monologues (page 16). But almost all UNC-CH students and alumni can come together with a passion for one thing: sports (page 25). Now, I don’t understand a single foul call in basketball. But you better believe that I’m screaming just as loud as everyone else (even if I don’t know exactly what I’m screaming about) when we play Duke. That’s because I’m passionate about this school and what it stands for, from our basketball legacy to our elite academics. College is a unique time to explore different things. There is so much to get excited about while we’re here. If you’ve found your passion already, great! Stoke the fire and be a leader who encourages other people to get excited about it, too. If you’re still looking for your passion, you’re in luck because this issue is jam-packed with clubs and organizations that just might pique your interest. So my advice to you is to get reading, get inspired and then get going in the direction of your dreams.


UNC-CH Campus Box 5210 | Chapel Hill, NC 27599-5210 Editor-in-Chief COURTNEY LINDSTRAND Managing Editor JESSICA GAYLORD Associate Editor of Content Planning & Development KATIE JANSEN President NATALIE MEYER Art Director EMMA GALLI Creative Director BRENDAN LEONARD Vice President of Public Relations RACHEL RONDEAU Vice President of Internal Relations COURTNEY VANDYNE Webmaster DARA SCHWARTZ Treasurer CONNOR BELSON CONTENT STAFF University Editor ANA ROCHA Arts & Entertainment Editor WENDY LU Sports Editor LUKE NEENAN Photography Editor MARK PERRY Special Sections Editor LAURA HANSON Columns/Editorials Editor DALE KOONTZ Blog Editor ANISAH JABAR Chief Copy Editor MARISA DINOVIS Writers ABIGAIL BREWER, JORDAN CARMICHAEL, CAROLYN COONS, ANDREW EDWARDS, ROBBIE HARMS, CANDACE HOWZE, SYDNEY HARRIS, JORDAN NASH, ALEXIS SIMMONS, HALEY SKLUT, ANDREW TIE, NATALIE WARNER, HANNAH WEINBERGER Copy Editors JESSICA CASTRO-RAPPL, SARAH CRONIN, HANNAH WEINBERGER Columnists KATE ALBERS, ERIK AUGUSTINE, KATIE GUTT, EMILY MILKS, SARAH MOLINA Designers LISA DZERA, MELISSA FLANDREAU, DALE KOONTZ, KATIE MARRINER, SYDNEY NARAYAN, SAMANTHA SABIN, DARA SCHWARTZ Photographers LISA DZERA, KATHERINE HARRELL, DALE KOONTZ, WENDY LU, MORGAN MCCLOY, MARK PERRY, HALEY SKLUT, Bloggers SARAH ANG, MARISSA BARBALATO, CONNOR BELSON, JUANITA CHAVARRO, SAVANNAH COPELAND, SYDNEY HARRIS, KATIE KING, DUSTIN MCMANUS (columnist), MALLIKA RAJAN, KATIE WILLIAMS, EMILY WIGGINS (columnist), SHAWANNE WANG INTERNAL RELATIONS Printing CHAMBLEE GRAPHICS | Adviser JOCK LAUTERER Board of Directors RENA CHERNOTSKY, LAUREN RIPPEY OUR MISSION To inform readers of the unique personalities, events and traditions that define the University’s heritage and help shape its future, and to offer staff members practical and enjoyable journalism, business and management experience. Blue & White is produced by students at UNC-Chapel Hill and is funded at least in part by student fees, which were appropriated and dispersed by UNC-CH’s Student Government. Email Rachel Rondeau at for advertising information. ————— Front Cover Photo by Katherine Harrell

table of contents 9


in this issue 9 PICKING UP WHERE THEY LEFT OFF The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education assists adult students who pursue higher education by helping them find a balance between their academic goals and other responsibilities, like jobs or family life.

12 MEDICATION MADNESS Despite the legal ramifications and threat of expulsion from school, some students turn to study drugs like Ritalin or Adderall to enhance their academic performance, hoping they won’t get caught.

16 THE V-WORD Proudly proclaiming about their womanhood, the Vagina Monologues participants, both UNC-CH students and members of the community alike, hope their activist efforts will shed greater light on women’s issues.

in every issue CITY LIVING


Emily Milks



In the aptly named documentary, “Beer Y’all,” graduate student Curt Arledge traveled throughout North Carolina, filming his extensive encounters with the state’s growing beer industry. Since then, beer culture has continued its meteoric rise in the Tar Heel state.

Erik Augustine

22 CLEARANCE FOR CLIMBING After ensuring safety measures were up to par following a climbing accident in 2012, the rock climbing wall of the Ram’s Head Recreation Center will be reopened to students this semester.



Sydney Harris



Katie Gutt Sarah Molina



Kate Albers


that’s hot March Madness

in our Managing Your Social Network

It’s go time. Let the madness begin!

Beyonce Mania

After last month’s Super Bowl performance and revealing documentary, it’s pretty clear who runs the world.

Bluewhitemag on Instagram We promise not to post pictures of our lunch or participate in #SelfieSunday. Follow us on Instagram: @bluewhitemag.

Mellow Mushroom Another pizza joint, hopefully it will last longer than Tomato Jakes.

Summer Music Festival Lineups From R.Kelly at Bonnaroo and Ellie Goulding at Firefly, you won’t want to miss these huge marathon concerts.

quad This month we sent our photographer Wendy Lu to find unique fashion statements around campus.


MARCH 2013

During my first year at UNC-Chapel Hill, I became more outgoing than I had ever been in my entire life, and my social circle expanded rapidly. I met and befriended many people. I went from having a small circle of close friends to many different groups of friends. With a light course load, minor commitments and lots of free time, I merrily spent my days and nights hanging out with my newfound friends, and I hoped that my relationships with them would never change. Three years later, I have found that I socialize the most with a small number of friends. Of the 363 people that I am Facebook friends with—excluding close family—I probably keep close contact with fewer than 30 of them. The same is true of the people whose phone numbers I have in my phone. I talk and text the most with the friends that I spend the most time with. Some names in my phone are those of people that are strangers to me now because I never got the chance to get to know them. Despite my early attempts at becoming good friends with every person I met my first year, I am now reverting back to the old social habits I possessed upon coming to college. This regression is a process that has been happening during my entire time in college without me even realizing it. It is a process all college students experience unintentionally and unwillingly because our lives change, and as we change so do our relationships. Change is both natural and constant, and our relationships are not excluded from it.


that’s not Duke-UNC Portal

Really? What good could EVER come of this? Accepting this reality can be difficult because no one wants the good things about their relationships to change. Often people simply fear the possibility that change might negatively impact their relationships with people closest to them. However, we learn to accept change as long as the things that bind our relationships together, such as love and trust, do not deteriorate in the process. It is when these binding elements remain and grow that we realize who our true friends are and the relationships we value most. When these elements fail to appear or continually decline, we realize the relationships we value least. I was unable to realize this simple fact during my first year because one can only acquire it through experience. My experience so far has showed me the social ties I am most likely to hold on to and those that will likely break in the future. Experience has also taught me that when ties do break, it is because two individuals stopped maintaining the relationship they once had, though this can happen consciously or unconsciously. With that being said, let us not fear the changes our relationships will face as we develop and grow. Instead, let us accept the fact that such changes are inevitable and, in fact, they reveal to us the relationships that are most beneficial to us. Relationships built on strong elements that connect us to one another, such as love and understanding, will withstand the test of time.


The Harlem Shake

This viral phenomenon has a shorter shelf life than Gangnam Style.

UNC-CH v. Duke During Spring Break

How are we supposed to rush Franklin Street when we’re in the Bahamas?

The Mellow Delay

If a sewer pipe hadn’t busted underneath the building, we could have been munching on pizza all summer long.

Summer Music Festival Ticket Prices

Bye-bye, paycheck.


“My favorite piece is my bag. It’s from J. Crew, and I keep all my stuff in it, and it’s just trendy and stylish. It adds a vintage touch.”

Chavez Adams, senior “[My style is] earthy and chic. I like to be comfortable but I also like to be well-done and put together.”

Kelsey Foster, senior “In general I like be vintage and spunky so that when people look at me they know that I’m outgoing.”

Margarita Phannavong, senior “I’m metro, which is clean and [includes] a lot of dark colors, a lot of dress shirts and ties.”

Nathaniel Swofford, sophomore


from the bell Spoken Word, Healing Emotion Hannah Fussell’s first experience with Ebony Readers Onyx Theatre (EROT), UNC-Chapel Hill’s oldest spoken word group, was love at first sight. “[My friend and I] went to the first Week of Welcome event that sounded interesting, and it happened to be the slam EROT hosts,” says Fussell. “We really fell in love with the energy and looked at each other and said, ‘We could do that.’” Fussell, now a junior, is a performing member of the 18-member auditionbased group. Korde Tuttle, the friend who attended the Week of Welcome slam with Fussell, is now a senior and co-president of the club. EROT performs at many events, including an annual Valentine’s Day performance, TEDxUNC and the Triangle Dance Festival for AIDS. The performances focus on enlightening audience members and encouraging social consciousness. “For me, there is something so powerful and impactful about drawing those connections and parallels between people’s lives,” says Tuttle. One of the goals of the group is to appeal to the emotions of the audience through performances. “To have that one person feel something is the reason I personally can get on the stage every day,” says senior Candace Crawford, co-president of EROT. “I’m trying to reach that one person.” Performers use various tactics to release their emotions and speak to the audience on subjects ranging from sarcasm and humor to personal experiences and tragedy. “I remember one piece I did, and I looked out and a girl had tears streaming down her face,” says Crawford. Members also see the value of making the audience cry from laughter. “You are allowed to laugh at something but still understand it in a greater context,” Tuttle says. EROT members also team up with one another to write and perform many different pieces. “Sometimes you perform your own piece; sometimes you perform someone else’s [piece]; sometimes you perform it with them,” says Crawford. “It’s a lot of collaboration.” It’s this collaboration that encourages bonding and an atmosphere of teamwork within EROT. “I can’t imagine my experience without the group of people in EROT,” says Fussell. “Our meetings are filled with constant joy and laughter but also with immense emotion and respect for each other.”


Senior Kahlil Blount gives advice to freshman Resita Cox on how to improve her spoken word performance.


MARCH 2013


Immersions Abroad The day Samantha Riemer stepped foot on campus at UNCChapel Hill, she knew she wanted to grow as an individual and gain something valuable from her college experience. She soon joined AIESEC, the organization that changed her life. AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run organization. This international nonprofit provides students with internship opportunities worldwide. “It’s rewarding seeing the people come back and feel that our program completed their UNC experience,” says Riemer, a junior global studies and political science double major and president of AIESEC. Through a network of more than 600,000 students, Riemer links the local community to national and international AIESEC networks to facilitate trips abroad for students at UNC-CH. Sophomore international business major Paige Owens, the vice president of finance, went on an AIESEC trip to Debrecen, Hungary last summer. She spent her time at a high school summer camp teaching English while building leadership skills and global awareness. “What I really liked about it is that I got to stay in one area for

alumni profile: CALLIE BRAUEL A 2009 UNC-Chapel Hill graduate, Callie Brauel is described by her peers as poised and passionate. Just a few months ago on Nov. 2, Brauel received the Outstanding Young Alumni Award from UNC-CH’s Kenan-Flagler Business School for her leadership, career accomplishments and commitment to the University. But it wasn’t too long ago that Brauel arrived in Ghana as a foreign exchange student unsure of her future. “Part of the reason I went to Ghana was because I wasn’t sure what my next step would be,” she says. “I had seen many of my friends get really good jobs in consulting or banking, but I knew that wasn’t the right fit for me.” During this time, a two-fold dilemma in Ghana—detrimental pollution and streets filled with homeless young mothers— opened Brauel’s eyes. “I thought microfinance might be part of the solution to solving global poverty,” says Brauel. “I knocked on several doors to find volunteer opportunities, and…nothing panned out. At the time, I had no idea a huge door would open that would lead me to my life’s work—ABAN.” A Ban Against Neglect (ABAN) is a nonprofit organization that empowers young, homeless women by giving them a job, shelter and a way to save money. ABAN also seeks to resolve

to the well a really long time,” says Owens. “You learn a lot more about the culture that way.” The organization is different from other study-abroad programs because it immerses students in areas for up to one year. Students are placed in communities that are actively involved in the students’ experiences and of American students offer them assistance in navigating their new surroundings. study abroad in “I wanted to go somewhere different that no one European countries. really [visits],” says Owens. “I was really nervous to Source: go, but it was a really good experience.” AIESEC offers a variety of locations abroad for students of all interests and majors. “There are no limitations in terms of the kinds of internships [we provide],” says Riemer. “We have anything that you could want, from biochemistry to art and design.” The student organization had 65 applicants this year but hopes to continue to grow and reach out to more students in the future. “One of the greatest things about AIESEC is that a lot of times you can go off the beaten path with it,” says Riemer. “It’s really what you want it to be.”



Ghana’s littering problem by recycling 500 milliliter plastic bags of water called street sachets. The young women then sew these bags into products sold to support ABAN’s mission. Currently, six Ghanaian girls have graduated from ABAN’s program, and 20 more women are enrolled. “The most rewarding thing is seeing the lives changed by ABAN,” says Brauel. “Not just the girls in the program, but even here in the States.” Victoria Aldana, a UNC-CH student and ABAN intern, says she admires Brauel for her boldness in starting ABAN and her loyalty to her alma mater by assisting with UNC-CH’s Kenan-Flagler Business School’s entrepreneurship programs. “Callie is definitely a distinguishable UNC alum, and I think that comes from how willing she is to give back to the UNC community,” says Aldana.

Brauel holds one of the bags created by the Ghanaian women involved in ABAN.



Paige Owens visiting the St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague while in Europe on an AIESEC trip to Debrecen, Hungary last summer.


The world is a book, and those do not travel only read one page. — SAINT AUGUSTINE


is a senior from Cary. She can be reached at

Emily Milks

City Living




Recently, one of my friends posted a Facebook status complaining that the bar scene in Chapel Hill doesn’t compare to the scene in NYC. Well, call me a grandma and buy me a cat, but I don’t agree. It’s no New York, I’ll give him that, but Chapel Hill is definitely not a small, dull college town. It’s true, bars don’t stay open until 4 a.m. here, but that’s not necessarily the point. People stay out until 3 a.m. anyway, with all the food options and such. (Side note: get the tots at Hot Dogs & Brew; you won’t regret it.) I’m not claiming that Chapel Hill’s nightlife exactly resembles that of a city. Of course it doesn’t. But let’s not forget the one way it’s better than a city—the difference in prices. I went to New York for a weekend and came back broke. When I lived in Edinburgh, my bank account went into the negative numbers multiple times—my parents were not pleased. But here in Chapel Hill, it’s much different I have a story to tell (really a confession). I went to Players recently, but the worst part is that I had fun. Ah, the horror! But get this: Long Island Iced Teas cost two dollars. Yeah, I know—reason enough to go there, right? So maybe there are ways in which Chapel Hill nightlife is nothing like a city. But it’s got the feel of one, and isn’t that what matters? It’s mainly thanks to Franklin Street, which sounds weird to say, I know. I get it. Franklin Street has quaint southern charm. It’s anti-city, in a way. But that’s all during daylight. At night, it’s full of twenty-somethings who need a break from the stress of school and want nothing more than a few drinks and to let loose. Franklin Street becomes full and bustling at 1 a.m. There are lines. It’s crowded. Drinks spill and people dance. You meet strangers, exchange numbers. The heels come off at a certain point in the night, and the pavement hurts your feet. Sometimes it’s even too much. You can’t walk to the bathroom during Country Night at East End, and 25-cent beer always ends up on your shoes. The line outside Top of the Hill can be ridiculous, and people tend to get sassy while waiting. Part of it is the location, the inherent convenience. Franklin Street is close enough for most people to walk, which means that everyone goes. Carrboro bars are cool, but they’re farther away, and who wants to pay for a cab? But another part of it is the selection—the eclectic mix of bars. There’s something for every mood. If you want a chill night, go to Carolina Coffee Shop on a Wednesday. Some of my favorite memories from this year are sitting in Coffee Shop when it’s dead with some friends and just catching up for a few hours. But if you want the college feel, He’s Not Here is a good place to be. A dance floor? The one at Topo is my favorite. And you know what? I like the Crunkleton. I’ve been once, and although it’s fancy shmancy (i.e. expensive), the drinks are good, the owner knew what he was talking about, and he wore a beautiful bowtie. The point is that you could go out every night if you wanted and not find it too routine. So what if you don’t have to use the subway to go back home or your night ends before 4 a.m. because the bars have closed? To me, that’s not what makes a night out, and that’s not what makes a city. My friends love NYC because they say there’s this inexplicable spirit that exists among the people there. Well, I think it exists in Chapel Hill, too. I’m sure you can find it any place where young people just want to enjoy the night. You don’t have to live in a city to feel young and alive, even if you do have class at 9 a.m. the next morning and you forgot to do the work for it.


Part-Time, Fully Committed

Sharon House is a nontraditional student who will graduate in May 2013 with a Bachelor’s degree in geography with a minor in history. House began taking classes at UNC-CH after retiring from a job at the Gillings School of Global Public Health.

by carolyn coons photos by mark perry design by samantha sabin

For many, college is the best four years of their lives. However, for some people, college is an experience that lasts decades. When nontraditional students work toward a degree from UNC-Chapel Hill, they can encounter some unique challenges.


IT WAS ALWAYS TOM GLOSSINGER’S DREAM to obtain a Bachelor’s degree. He began taking classes in 1992 at the age of 36 and graduated this in May 2012 with a degree in psychology. “[It was] a personal goal to get a four-year degree,” says Glossinger, who had an associate degree before continuing his education at UNC-Chapel Hill. “I was the first from both sides of my family to get a higher education.”


Glossinger says the 20-year journey changed him for the better. “It changed me in that I had the satisfaction of accomplishing a lifelong goal,” Glossinger says, “[and it helped me realize] that I can reach my goals if I have the fortitude.” The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education provides assistance to adult students­(those over the age of 24) like Glossinger who wish to take courses at UNC-CH. These students can be full-time or part-time, non-degree seeking or degree seeking. They are often also parents, full-time workers or both.


“These students face both personal and institutional challenges,” says Jennie Brooks, an adviser at the Friday Center who works with students who are taking classes for credit part-time. “They have jobs—often low-paying jobs without much flexibility—families, civic and church responsibilities and all the other obligations that adults over 24 have.” As a result, scheduling courses often proves to be difficult for nontraditional students, says Brooks. “Part-time students can get most of their general education requirements in the evenings and as distance courses, but when they get to a major, they must have day-time flexibility,” Brooks says. Glossinger agrees that scheduling is harder for students like him. “The most difficult [part] was in balancing time between school and a full-time job and career,” he says.


Glossinger depended on the Friday Center to advise him with his classes and help him fulfill his graduation requirements. The Friday Center also provides financial and moral support.

I feel like I can take on more challenges. I’ve learned critical thinking that a lot of the classes require. And I feel like I have more to give to my community and other people. — Sharon House


MARCH 2013

“Many of the part-time students started college many years ago and feel like things might have changed too much for them to be successful,” Brooks says. The support programs provided by the Friday Center help motivate many nontraditional students begin and continue their courses. Sharon House, a current Bachelor’s degree-seeking student, attended a nontraditional student fair held at the Friday Center many years ago, which gave her the confidence to continue her education. “[Brooks] was encouraging throughout the whole process,” says House. “The encouragement I received then has stayed with me.” House is in her last semester—now as a full-time student with an underload of courses—and plans to graduate in May at age 56. She began her journey at UNC-CH at the School of Dentistry where she worked as a dental laboratory technician for 27 years before moving to the Gillings School of Global Public Health. She started taking classes in 2010 after she retired. “I have my associate degree, but I always wanted to get a Bachelor’s degree from UNC-Chapel Hill,” House says. House is pursuing her degree in geography with a minor in history, but she has gained more than knowledge from her experience as a student here. “I got more confidence,” she says. “I feel like I can take on more challenges. I’ve learned critical thinking that a lot of the classes require. And I feel like I have more to give to my community and other people.” Brooks says it’s common for students to become more confident throughout their time taking classes at UNC-CH with the help of the Friday Center. “When [students] first start here, they might call me several times regarding selecting a class and registering for it,” Brooks says. “After a semester or two, they are very independent.”

The William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education provides advising assistance for adult students who wish to continue their education.

Sharon House will graduate with her Bachelor’s degree from UNC-CH at age 56. Her husband, Durward House, worked with UNC-CH Facilities Services Maintenance for 32 years and retired in 2009.


House and other nontraditional students often face the same worries and stresses as their younger classmates when it comes to academics. “Some classes are really challenging,” House says. “I’m 56 years old, and sometimes I don’t think I can really make the grade with all the smart students, so when I make an A, it’s really rewarding.” Many nontraditional students, says Brooks, were marginal in high school, but now are determined to earn As. “In many [students] I see a real appetite for academics, and they want to try everything,” Brooks says. “They love their classes and worry when they don’t get an A in a class.” Despite their determination, many nontraditional students are misjudged by their peers. “I think another challenge here is that there is misunderstanding about these students,” Brooks says. “Sometimes they and others feel the part-timers are not ‘real’ students.” “People ask questions such as ‘Will Friday Center classes transfer to UNC?’ They don’t seem to realize that there is no transfer involved, and there are no ‘Friday Center classes.’ [Part-time] students who take classes at UNC begin a standard UNC transcript.”


The Friday Center has seen many students travel through its office, including firefighters, bus drivers and even a professional soccer player. Last year the Friday Center had 1,862 part-time students taking on-campus courses, 4,002 students taking Carolina Courses Online and 1,779 students taking self-

paced courses. In addition, there were 2,708 non-credit program participants. Some students choose to take courses only to further their educations rather than for credit or a diploma. The self-paced and online courses are particularly flexible and allow students to pursue degrees at their own pace from the comfort of their homes. “People all over the world take these classes,” Brooks says. In addition to the programs for part-time students, the Friday Center also provides correctional education for inmates in the N.C. prison system. These courses are provided tuition-free for individuals who meet specific criteria. Brooks sees many changes in the students who utilize the Friday Center, particularly in those who are hesitant at first to continue their education. “Of course, there is no way to quantify this, but many who come in with a set plan seem to broaden their horizons as they experience their liberal arts education,” Brooks says. “Soon they begin talking of advancing in their current jobs, law school, Kenan-Flagler and other challenging goals.” Nontraditional students also motivate one another, says House. “I am just inspired by the students I meet who face personal challenges and keep going along,” House says. She says continuing her education is a journey she is very glad she took. She encourages others to overcome the challenges involved and do the same. “Even if you have to interrupt [your education] for a while, go for it,” House says.




TROUBLE by abigail brewer photo illustrations by mark perry design by dara schwartz and katie marriner

The illegal use of stimulants like Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse is on the rise at universities across the country. Students hoping to enhance their academic performance acquire these drugs from their ADHD-diagnosed peers but often aren’t aware of the potential consequences.



to help him study. But when he started having trouble in school and his brother offered him some pills, the offer was too tempting. “I didn’t really see any downside, and there was a potential for a significant upside,” he says.


MARCH 2013

John is one of the many students at UNC-Chapel Hill who has given in to the study drug culture, an increasingly common phenomenon striking campuses across the nation. Many students feel that much of college is about finding the delicate balance between work and play. Because this balance isn’t always easily achieved, some students turn to prescription stimulants in order to “do it all.” “UNC is a very academically demanding school with students who like to have fun,” Lindsay* says. “I know people who take ADHD medication to study one night and then take it the next night to keep them awake to go out.” During her junior year of high school, Lindsay was frustrated because she wasn’t able to focus in class. After talking to her doctor, she was diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Vyvanse, a nervous system stimulant that can be used as a study drug. “Prior to taking my medicine, it was hard to focus in class,” Lindsay says. “I would think I was listening in class but realize too late that I wasn’t. Now that I’m medicated, I am able to complete school work in a more efficient manner.” According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 4 percent of adults suffer from ADHD, which is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. For these individuals, drugs such as Adderall, Vyvanse and Ritalin can help keep these symptoms under control. However, there is also a significant number of people—many of them college students—taking nervous system stimulants without prescriptions. Students who do not have ADHD often turn to their prescribed peers for drugs, hoping to enhance their academic performance. The stimulants increase attention span while decreasing impulsiveness and hyperactivity. Students are able to stay awake and focused for long periods of time, but they often don’t realize these pills can put both their health and academic future in danger.


“I really, really need some Addy. I have a 15-page paper due in the morning.” This desperate request from friends has become commonplace for Kyle*, who went to his doctor a year ago and explained the trouble he had focusing in lectures. He left with a prescription for Adderall and has since seen significant improvement in his grades. Kyle is prescribed to take Adderall once a day, but generally he only takes it before early classes or before studying in the afternoon. It wasn’t long before Kyle’s friends realized he had excess medication. Although he says he knows giving his medicine to others is a form of drug distribution, Kyle doesn’t mind

helping his friends out. “I understand that giving it to my friends is illegal,” Kyle says, “but I figure as long as I don’t do it often and only keep it limited to my closest friends that I trust, no harm will come out of it.” Because stimulants have a high risk for abuse and dependency, it is important that only those who are diagnosed with ADHD and are prescribed the medications use the drugs. According to the FDA, doctors must consider many factors when prescribing the drug, including an individual’s medical history and family mental illness history. “My doctor mentioned wanting to get me prescribed [rather than me] buying the drug from other people,” Lindsay says. In addition to listing the drugs’ side effects, such as mood swings and dependency, the FDA website warns prescribed individuals to refrain from selling or giving the drugs to others. Distributing Adderall or other study drugs is not only against the Honor Code; it’s illegal, says Robert Barker, judicial programs coordinator at UNC-CH. “If you were to poll students,” Barker says, “they probably wouldn’t know that you can be expelled from the University for selling and distributing these drugs.” Barker says students need a wake-up call to realize that study drugs are, in fact, illegal. He compares the use of these drugs to another illegal activity common among college students—the use of fake IDs. “You may have a student that goes their entire collegiate career without ever getting in trouble,” Barker says. “Another student within the same friend group may get in trouble the first time they use it.” Because some students who take these stimulants experience higher test scores without any negative repercussions, they continue using the drugs until they get caught. Like other violations of the Honor Code, students found illegally using or distributing study drugs must attend a hearing before the Honor Court. These students are generally referred to the Office of Student Conduct through a police report or sometimes through the report of another student, says Barker. Barker works closely with Erik Hunter, the director of student conduct, to walk students through the Honor Court system. The student must first choose how to plead in front of the court, which is composed of a panel of undergraduate students. The UNC-CH system policies on drug use can be found in the UNC Board of Governors Policy Manual. The minimum punishment for students found in possession of study drugs without a prescription is a one-semester suspension. If a student is found guilty of distributing or selling the drugs, the minimum sanction is expulsion.



Meanwhile, the minimum penalty for possession of marijuana is probation. This is because marijuana and study drugs fall into different categories, which are outlined in the North Carolina Controlled Substances Act. Because marijuana has a lower potential for abuse and addiction, it is a Schedule VI drug, while stimulants are classified as Schedule II drugs.


Students often don’t view the distribution and use of study drugs as a serious problem because they are FDA approved. “Students can argue that Ritalin and Adderall aren’t necessarily illegal because you can get prescriptions for [them],” Barker says. “When you are distributing it, that’s when the legality part comes into play.” Many students are able to fly under the radar when using drugs like Adderall. “Adderall is a helpful drug, and it seems like everyone is in search of it when exams come around,” Kyle says. “It’s very difficult for the administration to decrease illegal Adderall usage.” John says he also doubts the University’s ability to control the abuse of study drugs. “What is the University going to do? Drug test us before exams? Search us when we go to the library? I feel like there’s really no way to police it,” John says.


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School officials recognize the difficulty of controlling the problem, but they hope educating students will help decrease the abuse of study drugs. Barker says there has been a lot of discussion over when to talk to students about study drug abuse. While it makes sense to catch incoming freshmen at orientation, this may not be the best solution. “Orientation is already so packed that when we try to put more things in there, we lose the message,” Barker says. For this reason Barker and his team have been working to discover new ways to get the message across. Most recently, Barker has taken advantage of the fact that nearly all freshmen live on campus. Barker and some members of the Honor Court made trips to predominantly freshman dorms to discuss the Honor System and raise awareness about plagiarism, cheating and other conduct issues. Following the meetings, students spoke of the ramifications and signed posters symbolizing their commitment to the Honor Code. Barker says it is better to get an F on an assignment than to get suspended for a semester. “Our number one concern is always the safety of our students,” Barker says. “The most important thing is getting students the help they need.”


*Names have been changed

is a sophomore from Georgetown, Mass. He can be reached at

Erik Augustine

Pop Topics

SHOCK VALUE ON SCREEN It’s quite a remarkable year in the movie industry when a film that tackles the hunt for Osama bin Laden and features an intense waterboarding scene is not the most controversial Best Picture nominee. Quentin Tarantino’s “Django Unchained” tore its way into the national spotlight over winter break, stirring up debate over the film’s portrayal of slavery, especially regarding the frequent use of a certain racial slur. The racial issues surrounding “Django” are too complicated and emotional (see rapper Katt Williams’ reaction) for me to try to address, but they are part of another interesting question. Where is shocking cinema taking us? Movies have consistently upped the ante of violence to make an impression on viewers who clamor for higher stakes. There was a time when a Hollywood actor would perform his death with simply a slumping motion and a groan. A long journey of increasing violence to keep up the shock value has brought us to a point where extremely explicit violence is expected in theaters. Even in “Django,” Tarantino uses quick cuts to an incredibly gruesome scene of a man being torn apart by dogs to increase the impact of slave cruelty which should, historically, already be dramatic enough. If audiences are continually desensitized to violence, as they have been for decades, it seems that “Django” and films like it are nearing the end of their rope. This creates the question: where do we, as an audience, go from here? Are we really nearing a point where no level of cinematic violence is enough to excite us? It’s difficult to imagine an audience that “Django,” a brilliantly made movie, wouldn’t disturb, at least to a degree. But if history is any indicator, it will lose some of its shock value over time. The consequence of this phenomenon from the director’s side is that it gets increasingly difficult for the artist to impress the viewer. Perhaps reaching a limit to the shock of violence will be the pressure popular film needs to innovate and progress artistically, coming up with new ideas to creatively engage the viewer. As a viewer, I really hope this is the case. We have gradually lost—and are still losing—our ability to appreciate the more subtle forms of elements like violence, which have become so brazen. It’s natural for older movies to lose their effect on us when their once-surprising elements become mainstream. For example, the use of multiple camera angles in a scene was once startling, but this is different than viewing a new cinematic technique for the first time. Technique varies widely, and there are a great number of technical elements that can be used to keep a film looking unique and interesting. Subjects like violence (and sex, to a certain degree) can only really change in terms of how much a movie is willing to show, and the process of raising the stakes by redefining what is shocking cannot be reversed. Our culture will never again be offended by seeing blood or an actress’ bare shoulders. Maybe filmmakers will find a way to keep startling us. There might be some way to push the limits even further, and our grandchildren will look back some day and laugh at how disturbed we were by Jamie Foxx shooting up a storm in “Django.” In that case, we have more shocking movies to anticipate, probably including a few more from Quentin Tarantino. But if we have reached a point where violence no longer impresses us, then we’ve lost something critical. Many films, especially ones dealing with violence, rely on the ability to startle their audiences in order to drive home a point. A past nominee for best picture, “Saving Private Ryan,” has found a lasting place in movie memory with its unflinching gaze at the horrors of World War II. Films like “Django,” on the other hand, use violence as a large part of their entertainment value. For both of these uses of violence, an increasingly numb audience is bad news. In the face of the possible decline of shock value, I am anxious to see how the movie industry adapts.



is for Victory

Co-directors Carla Davis-Castro and Kei Alegria-Flores watch as Kelly Pope (left) and Elena C. Gonzalez (right) rehearse for the Spanish Vagina Monologues.

by haley sklut photos by haley sklut design by lisa dzera and melissa flandreau

A cornerstone of feminist theater, Carolina Company’s production “The Vagina Monologues” and the activist group V-Day promote women’s issues and reach a broader spectrum of women by going bilingual.


MARCH 2013


WHEN KAORI SUEYOSHI saw “The Vagina Monologues” in high school, she realized that the conversation about women’s bodies needed to happen more often. That is part of the reason she helped create a chapter of V-Day at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2011. “I came out of the show convinced that every person in the world should see the show,” says Sueyoshi, a sophomore business and political science double major. V-Day is an international activist movement that strives to end violence against women and girls. “The Vagina Monologues” was presented as a part of “V-Week,” a collaborative effort between V-Day and The Beta Lambda Chapter of Omega Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. “V-Week” included a series of events dedicated to spreading awareness about women’s rights.

Someone put these things we don’t talk about into a play. They managed to put in the funny and the dark. — Kei Alegria-Flores

“The Vagina Monologues” is a compilation of stories based on feminist playwright Eve Ensler’s interviews and conversations with women around the world. The play has been translated in 48 languages and performed in more than 140 countries. Sueyoshi says “The Vagina Monologues” is a form of artistic expression and encourages positive community involvement that is rarely found in society today. She says although it is a form of feminist theater, many people who attend are students who do not have much experience talking about women’s bodies and similar topics. “I was in the show last year, and the cast brought out a bunch of people,” Sueyoshi says. “A lot of them had never even talked about vaginas in anything other than a strictly health-related situation.” “The Vagina Monologues” is sponsored by Company Carolina, a student-run theater group at UNC-CH. Emily Illig, the producing administrative director, says she enjoyed producing the show because she was able to see the performers bond through sharing the stories of the monologues as well as their own stories. “This experience was unlike any other production I had stage managed, and it will become one I will never forget,” says Illig, a junior dramatic arts major and global cinema minor. “To watch the relationships form with these girls who were performing monologues with content that would make many squeamish was very rewarding.” One of the co-directors of this year’s production, Kei Alegria-Flores, a first-year doctorate student in the Gillings School of Global Public Health, has been involved in the movement to end violence against women and girls for nine years. “Someone put these things we don’t talk about into a play,” Alegria-Flores says. “They managed to put in the funny and the dark.”


This is the first year “The Vagina Monologues” will be performed in Spanish at UNC-CH. Co-director Carla Davis-Castro, a second-year master’s student of library science and public administration, says adding a performance in Spanish will allow “The Vagina Monologues” to reach more people, raise more money and get in touch with a different community. Davis-Castro says she has been hooked on the show since she first discovered it. She was a theater major and a women’s studies minor at UNC-CH, which she says was the perfect intersection of feminist activism and theater. Alegria-Flores says this was her third time directing “The Vagina Monologues” and her second time directing a

Kelly Pope (left) and Anastasiya Tokarska (right) get goofy during the rehearsals for the Spanish Vagina Monologues.

Spanish show. “I feel more connected to the Spanish one than the English one,” says Alegria-Flores, who is from Peru. “There is something about having [the play] in your native language.” When Alegria-Flores first acted in the monologues, her 14-year-old brother came to watch. “I was really happy I brought him because I had a friend who was interviewing people, and she asked him what he learned,” Alegria-Flores says. “He said he learned to be nice to vaginas. If you could get any young boy who is 14 years old to say that and stick with it, I think we’re doing pretty good.” The show draws people of all ages and backgrounds, Alegria-Flores says. The casting was open to the community in order to attract more Spanish speakers and to increase the diversity of the audience. “There is a monologue about a 6-year-old who gets asked about her vagina,” Alegria-Flores says. “I don’t think, as a girl, you can ever be too young to hear the stories.” Ilana Dubester, a first-time performer in the show, says she has been an advocate for immigrant rights and an active participant in the domestic violence movement for many years. Dubester, who is from Brazil, serves on the Board of Trustees of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, which funds projects that promote social, economic and environmental justice in North Carolina. Dubester founded a non-profit called El Vínculo Hispano (Hispanic Liaison of Chatham County), which advocates for Latinos, and served as its director for 13 years. She also worked with the director of the Family Violence and Rape Crisis Center of Chatham County to connect Latinos


Top: Kelly Pope, Anastasiya Tokarska, Elena C. Gonzalez and Rachel Valentine rehearse a group skit for the Spanish “Vagina Monologues.” Bottom: Nadja Vielot practices her own monologue for the Spanish “Vagina Monologues.”

to services in the community. “We went door to door telling people about the services available in the community,” Dubester says. “Women started coming out of the woodworks.” She says more people began to use the services once they knew there was someone who spoke Spanish who could connect with them.



This year, ticket sales from “The Vagina Monologues” went to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center and El Centro Latino’s Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Prevention Program. Alegria-Flores says the show brings awareness to women’s sexual violence issues, especially on a college campus. According to a campus sexual assault study done by the Department of Justice, 19 percent of women reported being a victim of sexual assault since entering college. “It really should be zero [percent],” Alegria-Flores says of these kinds of statistics. “There is no reason why a woman shouldn’t go through university without feeling pain.” Alegria-Flores says she is especially connected to the effects of the immigration status of women due to her mother’s struggle. “My mother was an immigrant,” Alegria-Flores says. “We didn’t have a green card. She didn’t have a job. We were completely dependent on my father. In an immigrant marriage, it really puts the woman in a difficult position. If there is a tendency for a man to [be] violent, it’s going to come out.”

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Top: Anastasiya Tokarska rehearses for the Spanish Vagina Monologues. Bottom: Rachel Valentine gets dramatic for her portion of the Spanish “Vagina Monologues”.

Alegria-Flores says she hopes to create an environment where everyone is aware of violence against women and girls and knows how to stop it from happening. She says the show encourages more people to come forward and talk about it. “It would also help the survivors deal with this, knowing that they have a big support system,” Alegria-Flores says. “It would make the perpetrator hesitate, knowing that there is a support system.” A show like “The Vagina Monologues” on a college campus attracts mainly students but Davis-Castro says the inclusion of community members in the cast will help expand the audience. Davis-Castro also says the women performing in the play have formed friendships through dealing with the tough subject of violence against women—but there is also some humor in her job. “There are people who never say the word ‘vagina’ in their lives,” Davis-Castro says. “It’s liberating. I don’t think most people get emails at work about dildos, asking which one you want to use on stage.” Alegria-Flores says the play will take the audience on an emotional rollercoaster. “There are moments when you are laughing your ass off,” Alegria-Flores says. “There are moments when you are going to shed some tears. There are moments that urge you to take action. There are moments when you are going to be in awe. In a very small time frame, I think the play does a good job of trying to represent the multi-faceted vagina.”


The Pursu t Of Hoppyness The rise of the beer industry in North Carolina happened quickly, and most people expected the hype to die down with similar speed. However, the industry has only continued to expand, bringing new brewers to N.C. and the Triangle.

by natalie warner photos by dale koontz design by sydney narayan


BEER IS A DRINK FOR PEOPLE WHO like to celebrate life. It’s the designated drink on Superbowl Sunday and the Fourth of July because it’s a party drink, a vacation drink and a casual, kick-back-and-relax kind of drink. And in North Carolina, beer is quickly becoming the drink of choice. Curt Arledge, who directed a documentary on North Carolina beer culture called “Beer Y’all,” says, “Beer has long had a reputation in the South as a low-brow thing, but recently—especially in North Carolina—it has become very much a cosmopolitan thing, a mark of coolness.” In July 2008, Arledge and the six other members of his rock band, Rat Jackson, took a nine-day road trip across North Carolina to tour breweries and perform shows. “The whole idea really came together because we had a band that could go on the road for a week, we knew enough about craft beer to ask intelligent questions, and I had a little experience making independent films in high school and college,” says Arledge, a graduate student at UNCChapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science.

Curt Arledge, creator of the documentary “Beer Y’all” enjoys a beer near the brewing equipment at Top of the Hill restaurant


“My friends and I were becoming aware of a number of North Carolinian beers brewed at places like Top of the Hill, Carolina Brewery and Highland Brewing Company [in Asheville],” Arledge says. “We started doing research and making phone calls, and it turned out that there were 35 breweries operating at the time.” To pare down the list, the group eliminated the chains and planned to visit the remaining 27 microbreweries— which produce a limited amount of beer—and brewpubs, or restaurant-breweries, owned in North Carolina. A part-time filmmaker, Arledge was working for Public Access Television in Asheville at the time. He rented cameras, tripods and microphones from the station and hosted ad-hoc training sessions to teach the rest of the group how to use the equipment. “We tried to keep the camera rolling at all times and at least two cameras during the interviews,” Arledge says. “We really wanted our presence and reactions in the documentary as well—maybe to a greater extent than some people would have liked, but we wanted to show that we were learning and experiencing along with our audience.” The trip began in western North Carolina at Heinzelmännchen Brewery in the small mountain town of Sylva. For a week, Arledge and his friends sampled between 150 and 250 styles of beer ranging from German and Belgian to British and American—even sour wheat beer flavored with syrups. “When I think back to it, it’s really amazing that not more went wrong,” Arledge says. He expected to wrestle with technological glitches, but the filmmaking process went according to plan. “Part of it was preparation, but it was a lot of luck, too,” Arledge says. “I’ll admit that we did leave some equipment behind on the day that we toured four breweries.” After the trip, Arledge spent the next nine months trimming and editing the 80 hours of raw footage into a 75-minute film. The finished product—a documentary called “Beer Y’all: A Rock & Roll Road Trip Across North Carolina”—merges elements of education, history and music with comedy.


The burgeoning brewing atmosphere Arledge and his friends captured in the documentary has become a fullfledged explosion of beer culture. Carolina Brewery opened its doors in 1995, becoming the first operating brewery in the Triangle area and only the fifth in the state. Nearly two decades later, there are more than 70 breweries and brewpubs in North Carolina, with 16 in the Triangle alone. Despite the increase in competition, UNC-CH alumnus and Carolina Brewery owner Robert Poitras finds the recent upswing exciting. “A rising tide lifts all boats,” Poitras says, shrugging good naturedly. “The onus is on us to deliver who we are as a brand and that quality people have come to expect from our name. There’s a sense of trust that we’ve acquired over the years.” When Poitras studied abroad in Switzerland as a college sophomore, he embraced both the culture and cuisine—


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specifically beer and cheese. Inspired by each community’s sense of pride in their local, handcrafted flavors, Poitras later dropped his honors thesis and spent his senior year writing a business plan, researching the brewing process and visiting more than 100 craft breweries with Carolina Brewery co-founder Chris Rice. “High quality and friendly service were some of our initial values,” Poitras says. “We wanted to create a ‘Cheers’ atmosphere in Chapel Hill, not just on game days or during sporting events, but for the locals and those traveling through—a place where people could keep coming back.” Today, Carolina Brewery’s reach extends beyond Chapel Hill, throughout North Carolina and into Virginia, South Carolina, Tennessee and Georgia, where they distribute their beer. “North Carolina is quickly becoming the epicenter [of brewing culture] east of the Mississippi because it’s so diverse,” Poitras says. “We’re proud of our coastline, our mountains, our sports teams and our barbecue, and now, we’re proud of our beer, too.”

doesn’t have to taste like crap. When you start trying it, you realize that craft beer can taste better than what the macro[breweries] have to offer.” Steel String’s “consciously crafted” beer is also brewed with a strong sense of community pride. “We’re locally committed,” Isley says. “We love this community and want to be here.” This sense of pride and the growing excitement among both brewers and patrons in the local beer industry tempts Arledge to create a sequel to “Beer Y’all,” even though the first documentary was, in his words, a labor of love. “I thought that the industry would have reached its saturation point by now, but everything has only sped up,” Arledge says. “It’s an exciting time to like beer and live in North Carolina.”



“The people of North Carolina have really embraced craft beer to a level others have not. The palate seems to be a little ahead of other southeastern states,” says Will Isley, the brewmaster at up-and-coming Steel String Brewery. Isley, who graduated from UNC-CH in 2008, is cofounding Carrboro’s first microbrewery, which is slated to open in March, with his friends Cody Maltais and Andrew Scharfenberg. “Cody and I were in a bluegrass band during college,” Isley says, laughing. “We played a weekly gig at Milltown [in Carrboro], and we were paid two beers per show. That really subsidized my craft beer experience.” After college, Isley bought a homebrewing kit and began to experiment with various ingredients and flavors. He reconnected with Maltais and Scharfenberg, and the three decided to start a microbrewery together. “We really felt like it was something Carrboro was missing,” Isley says. Although the experience has been rewarding, he says the trio has run into a few challenges— namely finding the right location. As the building process nears completion, he compares it to “a juggling act . . . [with] a lot of things coming together at once.” Because of Isley’s experience and passion for the craft, he is Steel String’s head brewer. “I develop beer based on what I enjoy and want to drink,” Isley says. “For me, that means fewer sweet beers and more hoppy beers—beers that are crisper tasting.” Even with a signature India Pale Ale and an original session beer, which is an easy-to-drink beer with less than 5 percent alcohol by volume, Isley knows that the competition in the industry is fierce. While established brands may have an edge, he appreciates the flexibility of being a smaller brewery with the advantage of selling beer directly from the tap-room. “What we’re creating is boutique,” Isley says. “We want to make sure it’s as high-quality as possible. Beer Robert Poitras, head brewer at Carolina Brewery, helps customers at the bar choose a specialty beer from the menu hanging above his head. Carolina Brewery celebrated their 18th anniversary with their limited edition18th Anniversary Ale.


Continuing the

Alison Spatz, president of the UNC-CH Climbing Club, practices in a climbing tunnel in Carrboro.

Following the abrupt closing of the campus rock climbing walls last year, eager climbers anticipate their reopening this semester along with improved safety measures.


MARCH 2013



by andrew edwards photos by katherine harrell design by dale koontz

THE RAMS HEAD RECREATION CENTER climbing wall remains closed. Its ropes remain anchored to the floor; its walls of colorful, kidney-shaped climbing holds are untouched. For ten months, avid climbers and curious students have been turned away at the door by a simple white sign in black capitalized letters: “Climbing wall closed.� However, this is all about to change.

On April 21, 2012, Lizzie Smith, a UNC-Chapel Hill student and Campus Recreation employee, fell off the Rams Head climbing wall, seriously injuring her lower body. Two days later, the University’s climbing facilities closed indefinitely. Immediately following the incident, the University’s Department of Environment, Health and Safety launched an internal investigation of UNC-CH’s rock-climbing facilities and recommended an independent review of all aspects of the climbing wall program, including structural integrity and safety and training policies. The implementation of this independent review was supervised by a working group of university officials led by Christopher Payne, the associate vice chancellor for student affairs. “We actually had three independent third-party consultants for this project,” Payne says. “The nature of the third-party independent consultants was to really help provide us guidance and direction for the things that we needed to pay attention to from their perspective, all based on the safety of the climbers.” Marty Palmerantz, director of Campus Recreation at UNC-CH and a member of Payne’s working group, says he is confident in both the review process and the work of the independent consultants thus far. “I think that we have done a very prudent and exceptionally thorough job of trying to make sure that something like this never happens again,” Palmerantz says. “We’re far from experts in climbing, so we relied very heavily on outside experts in the field. They’ve inspected, made a number of recommendations, and we are sorting through these recommendations.” Palmerantz says a comprehensive set of recommendations in a final report is now being implemented by Chance Van Noppen, the University’s new climbing program coordinator.


The UNC-CH climbing community has played an active and constructive role during the final phases of the climbing program’s ten-month review process. Jokingly describing the UNC-CH Rock Climbing Club as a group of “displaced climbers,” club president Alison Spatz says the group has remained active despite losing access to the climbing facilities last semester. “We had a couple meetings last semester,” says Spatz, a junior biology major. “A lot of students at UNC-CH in September got memberships to the Triangle Rock Club. I think people have been going outside more, as well.” As both an avid climber and a Campus Recreation employee who worked at the rock climbing wall at the time of the April 2012 accident, Spatz says she understands the role of safety in any climbing experience. “I thought that the closing was unfortunate for people who liked climbing but more unfortunate for the girl involved,” Spatz says. “It’s understandable why the University would want to be thorough.” Payne says that the climbing community’s attitude toward the entire recommendation and review process should be recognized and praised.


Van Noppen, an Asheville native, says both his personal passion for climbing, as well as his experiences coordinating climbing and outdoor programs at Elon University and the University of Mississippi, will help him advance and improve UNC-CH’s climbing program. “My primary responsibilities will certainly be to oversee the climbing program and all the policies and procedures, but probably more of a hands-on role as far as proper staff training and just being present while the walls are open and operating,” Van Noppen says. “I think what’s unique about my particular skill set will be that the students are going to be able to shape what kind of program that they want—I like to facilitate and then kind of let the students take the reins and see where they take it.” Van Noppen says that the specific changes being implemented in the program range from safety techniques taught to staff to a new inspection and inventory policy for all equipment. According to Van Noppen, inspections will take place on a timeline and will be recorded on designated inspection sheets. The program will also work to educate students interested in furthering their climbing knowledge beyond basic orientation through a new comprehensive “Intro to Climbing” course. Van Noppen says that checkin procedures have changed—it is now One Card-oriented in order to keep track of climber certification as well as to increase convenience for climbers.


“One of the things that impressed me was that when I heard from climbers in the community who were asking about the status of the wall and when it would reopen, they too were very focused on making sure that the procedures, the training, the wall equipment, everything else about the wall program was safe for climbers,” Payne says. “That really impressed me because that’s the nature of this climbing community—they put safety first and foremost, and that’s really all we were trying to do with this review.” Zach Vanderbosch, a senior physics major and vice president of the UNC-CH Rock Climbing Club, says that both he and Spatz have been in contact with Van Noppen and will be helping out as much as possible in order to accelerate the reopening of the climbing walls in Rams Head Recreation Center and Fetzer Hall. “A lot of it is helping do the inventory and inspection,” Van Noppen says. “I’m hopefully going to be able to utilize [Vanderbosch and Spatz] to take care of some of the more hands-on stuff so that we can expedite the process.” Vanderbosch and Spatz hope that the reopening of

UNC-CH’s climbing facilities may finally allow them to organize a formal climbing team that could compete in the Collegiate Climbing Series—a national competitive, college-based indoor rock climbing series. “It’s something I’ve always really wanted to have happen here, but because of the walls being closed, it’s been hard,” Vanderbosch says. “A lot of colleges across North Carolina have competitive climbing teams. What makes UNC-CH really special is we have probably one of the best oncampus climbing facilities, if not the best. We have a great opportunity to have a good program here.” While no formal date for reopening the climbing wall has been announced, Van Noppen says he is certain it will be this semester. According to Palmerantz, Campus Recreation will be waiving the usual $25 fee this semester for the certification class that students must take in order to use the climbing walls. The incentive will also be extended into the beginning of summer as UNC-CH looks to return climbers to its new, safer facilities.


Alison Spatz, junior biology major, says the UNC-CH Rock Climbing Club has remained active despite the closing of the climbing wall.

I think that we have done a very prudent and exceptionally thorough job of trying to make sure that something like this never happens again.


MARCH 2013

- Marty Palmerantz

Side(line) Note Sydney Harris is a junior from Ashburn, Va. She can be reached at

WHAT BEING A FAN REALLY MEANS Sports are an escape, if you will, that allow us to get away from our everyday lives and give us a reason to get excited about something. But why do we care so much? We don’t play on these teams. In most cases, we don’t really know the players. We base our fandom on random aspects of our lives, such as geography and family loyalty. So why does it matter? We care because we’re human. We’re emotional and hopeful—we cheer for the underdogs and hate the teams that dominate. We want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves—part of a team. We need acceptance, which a fan base can provide. Have you ever worn a hat with your team’s logo on it and had somebody approach you just to give you a high-five or say hello? You feel like you are facing the world together, taking on the nonbelievers. Being a fan gives us a family, something to latch on to in a place where we may not know anyone. The adrenaline that comes with a win also gives us a reason to care. When our team wins, we win. When they lose, we lose. It’s a team effort, and—of course—we are part of that team. We’re wearing the jersey, right? Sometimes life throws us a curve ball or penalizes us and sets us back a couple of yards. When we have nothing in our lives at those moments to cheer for, sometimes just turning on the game makes our days. We can’t let it dictate our lives, but why shouldn’t we allow sports to brighten our days and cheer us up? But how much should we care? Is it normal or healthy to care as much as we do? Some people don’t see the value in sports. They think it’s barbaric and that most fanatics are all the same—immature and caveman-like. Sports are much more than that, though—they are an art. There is math involved, too. There are statistics to memorize. How many points per game does our favorite player have? Where does our defense rank? What are the odds our team is going to upset the number one team in the nation? These are things we have to memorize—things we need to know. Dedication to a team or player is one of the many reasons sports are so special. Is it wrong to have emotion? To look forward to something? To want to witness greatness? Our hunger for sports shows the passion our society is capable of. In an era defined by a declining economy, sports give us reason to hope, a reason to believe that we can do amazing things. Winning the Super Bowl, the World Series or the Stanley Cup may not seem like an amazing accomplishment to some people. However, to sports-lovers, it is a symbol that hard work, determination and belief in ourselves and in our team can pay off. And that’s what fandom is. It’s not only being a fan of the team, but also being a believer in the team’s conduct on and off the court or field. We are fans of the organization—not just the team but the coach and the players as individuals. Being a fan is not a part-time thing and it’s not just a hobby. Fandom is truly giving ourselves to a team and allowing it to give back to us. So what does being a fan mean to you? To me, it means believing in the unexpected and chasing after dreams. I don’t have to be over six feet tall to have dreams and expectations of myself that result in gold trophies. Seeing the players I grew up loving reach their dreams encourages me to follow my own. The passion from game day carries over into my everyday life, pushing me to cheer not only for myself, but also for those I consider a part of my team. There are rules in life, and a clock is always ticking. Sometimes there are penalties; sometimes we are put on the bench but are given the opportunity to make the most of the situation through a different form of the charity stripe. I am chasing my own championship. It’s something I learned from being a crazy sports fan.


player profile: EBSEN HESS-OLESON “Once I came here on my visit, I really didn’t want to go anywhere else,” sophomore Esben Hess-Oleson says. This is not an unusual sentiment expressed by students when discussing UNC-Chapel Hill. However, as a star Danish tennis player, Hess-Oleson’s journey to UNC-CH was a bit less conventional than most. “First of all, I just wanted to come to the United States to play college tennis,” Hess-Oleson says. Since Denmark is not exactly a hot recruiting spot for college tennis programs, HessOleson took the unusual step of emailing coaches about his desire to play in the United States. Already a top 10 player in Denmark, Hess-Oleson received interest from several programs, including UNC-CH. After his official visit to UNC-CH, Hess-Oleson walked away impressed. “I went here, and I just feel like the place sold itself,” HessOleson says. “It was far from anything I’ve ever seen before. I was kind of overwhelmed by the whole thing and by the facilities. I went to Alabama afterwards, and there was no way I wanted to go there instead.” Hess-Oleson had an additional factor to consider in his selection of a school. His twin brother, Soren Hess-Oleson, was looking to play college tennis in the U.S., too. “He goes to the University of Texas,” Hess-Oleson says. “Before we started looking at schools, we agreed that we did not want to go to the same place. Sometimes I regret it. Sometimes I wish he was here because we have a really good relationship with each other. But we thought it was healthy to see how we would develop individually. We’ve been together for twenty years, and it’s always just been ‘the twins’. We both agree on that now. In tennis, I’ve improved more now than I would have if we had been in the same place because there has been more focus on me and the same for him at Texas.” Hess-Oleson has adjusted quickly to life and to playing tennis in Chapel Hill. “It’s an educational journey in all aspects of life, not only academic- and tennis-wise, but also I have the opportunity to learn a lot about myself,” Hess-Oleson says. “I think it’s healthy for me as a person to try this and be on my own.” “Tennis is very competitive here since there are so many players and so many good players,” Hess-Oleson says. “But that’s only good. That’s why I have improved a lot—because I know how good the competition is and that makes me want to do even more to beat all these guys.” Hess-Oleson’s improvement has been on display since the fall, when he won the singles championship of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association’s Carolina Regional competition and had a strong showing in the prestigious ITA All-American Tournament. “When I came back from the summer, I had two clear goals for the fall,” Hess-Oleson says. “I wanted to make a run at the All-American tournament and make a run at the regional tournament, and I ended up winning [the Regionals], so I accomplished my goals in the fall. The spring is when the team season starts, and obviously I have big goals for the team.”




MARCH 2013


Esben Hess-Olesen practices his forehand and backhand strokes with another teammate. Their coach observes and gives critiques and advice. The team practices at The Cone-Kenfield Tennis Center.

Nestled in the confines of Fetzer Gym C, a diverse contingent of highly motivated students perfect their skills in tumbling, jumping and flipping. For the group of people that form UNC-Chapel Hill’s club gymnastics team, the term “team” is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to describing this close-knit group. “We’ve had teams tell us at meets, ‘You guys really love this sport and love each other,’” senior co-president Shannon Murphy says. “I think we just like to have fun—we love to do well— but it’s all about being together and having a good time.” But the team also places a large emphasis on the competitive side of things, attending numerous meets throughout the year with the final goal of participating in nationals in April. Although the members are students from different places with vastly different stories, they must learn to work together in order to compete as a team. Murphy has been a gymnast for over ten years and has turned down offers to join varsity programs at other schools. But junior Zan Lowe-Skillern joined as a freshman completely new to the sport. “I had an LFIT class in the gym during the women’s varsity practice,” he says. “I said, ‘I will learn this sport, I will find the club version of this activity, and I will do it.’” For newcomer and senior Mary Hunter Benton, gymnastics has provided a new way to use previous experiences in a different, fun outlet. As a former member of the internationally renowned jump rope team, the Bouncing Bulldogs, Benton says she had some tumbling experience in the past. While members join for different reasons, they usually give the same answers for why they choose to stay. “When I joined, some of the people on the team became my best friends,” Murphy says. “I think a lot of people stick with it because of the people, and it’s really fun.” Lowe-Skillern agrees with Murphy, saying that he likes how club gymnastics combines athletics with mental challenges and social experiences. But what really makes this group unique is that when they meet, there is no coach to organize or structure the practice. “It’s a tough situation,” Murphy says. “A lot of new people come in hoping there’ll be a coach to tell them what to do. We help each other, but sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated without a coach.” Benton adds that a lot of peer teaching occurs thanks to the friendly atmosphere that the team has cultivated. This team brings together a wide range of intellectual and extracurricular interests, but at the group’s core, the common bond they share is the love and passion for gymnastics and one another.



UNC Alumni Ashley Ross, of Winston Salem, does a split to stretch before practice.

Senior Shannon Murphy, a Health Policy and Management major from Alexandria, VA, perfects her technique on the high bar.

“I love my teammates to death,” Murphy says. “I love the physical and mental challenge the sport presents, and even after injuries and setbacks, I just can’t get enough of gymnastics. Although my gymnastics career will most likely be over come May, it will always hold a special place in my heart.”



We will get a chance to play them again. Hopefully we play a little better and hopefully they’ll play a little worse. —ROY WILLIAMS AFTER UNC-CHAPEL HILL’S LOSS TO DUKE IN CAMERON INDOOR STADIUM


one issue,

GO HARD OR GO HOME Think of this period as an opportunity for escaping routines and inhabiting a new space. —SARAH MOLINA

Sarah Molina is a freshman from Chapel Hill. She can be reached at

SARAH MOLINA: If I were allowed to change the names of internationally recognized recesses, I would retire the term “spring break” and introduce a new name for this March intermission: spring opportunity. When thinking of the word “break,” I conjure up images of lounging on a beach or sitting on my worn-out couch. These images of passivity bother me because the period of time from 5 p.m. March 8 to 8 a.m. March 18 should be used for action, not resting. Go hard. Break the cycle of mundane trivialities that set in during the early weeks of March. Think of this period as an opportunity for escaping routines and inhabiting a new space. By traveling and taking action during spring break, I think students can become reinvigorated with a sense of newfound excitement. During our formative college years, we spend a majority of our time sitting in classrooms and learning. However, going hard over spring break does involve learning, albeit of a different nature. By having an adventurous spring break, we learn about ourselves. Instead of passively resting at home, we can engage in activities that let us take risks. Go rock climbing if you are afraid of heights. Visit a place completely foreign to you and become immersed in the local scene. Nothing interesting happens within our comfort zones. Instead, along those boundaries, teetering at the intersections between comfort and risk, some of the most compelling moments of our lives occur. So leave behind the comforts of resting at home and travel to Panama City or Palm Beach, or any other exciting new destination. If cost is an issue, just look online at the multitude of spring break travel deals, and try to split the cost with friends. If traveling far away is difficult, simply explore a new place within driving distance or a bus ride away from home. Location is not as important as the experience. Thus, when faced with the decision of

going home or going adventuring, choose to go hard over spring opportunity, and forget about spring break.

KATIE GUTT: Going home is the best option for spring semester’s longest break. There are 59 days between the first day of classes and spring break. In that time, we’ve only had one and a half days off! Few people go home for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and far fewer left campus when classes were canceled because of ice, so this is our first chance to catch a breath and go home for a few days. In my experience, going home means home-cooked meals and hanging out with the family. It also means getting full nights of sleep and seeing friends from high school who attend other colleges and universities. And, with a weeklong break, we have time to do pointless, relaxing activities that we don’t have as much time for when classes are in session. Catching up on episodes of “Gossip Girl,” going to see the latest Guillermo Del Toro movie and shopping for the warm weather are a few things we will be able to do without worrying about classes, homework, club meetings and sports practices. It’s also worth mentioning that although you may not miss your family, they miss you! Partying at the beach may sound fun when you are stuck in Davis Library with a mountain of reading to do, but rest and relaxation are more important. Save the beach and traveling for the summer, when you have more time and no homework to worry about for a few months. You don’t want to come back to school with a little over a month before finals and be stressed out and not in tip-top shape for school mode. Instead, get the sleep and downtime you need over break so you are prepared to knock out the final papers and assignments at the end of the semester. After all, showing up looking haggard on Monday won’t impress anyone.


Brian Puspos & JR Aquino’s cover of “Shut It Down” by Drake


“Welcome to Hearbreak” music video by Kanye West

two views views

IS SPRING BREAK BETTER SPENT PARTYING IN PANAMA OR HOLING UP AT HOME? Each month, two writers take opposing views on a current topic. Disclaimer: The views expressed by the writers do not necessarily represent their own views or opinions.

SM: Living in the future fails to solve the dilemmas

of the present. Instead of worrying about school after spring break, you should accept the notion that college is going to be difficult regardless of how you spend the break. Although resting would allow you more time to prepare for courses, you will still face challenges upon returning to the uneven brick sidewalks of campus. Going wild over spring break may not enforce preparation for the rest of the year, but it will not hinder the rest of your academic career. Spring break should not be a time to bring school home. Instead, go hard with the knowledge that when school starts again, you will need to be fully engaged. The idea of showing up wasted on the first day of classes back from spring break is a false stereotype—a smart UNC-Chapel Hill student knows when it’s time to work and when it’s time to play. Furthermore, you can experience “rest and relaxation” at intermittent periods of time while in school. Although you will most likely be busy when classes starts again, there are always gaps of time in which you can catch up on sleep. Conversely, you will not be able to take weeklong trips until the summer, so choose to adventure during spring break and leave the rest and relaxation for later. By traveling over spring break, you might have to give up watching your favorite TV show for a week or miss seeing the latest indie film, but the resonance of your experiences will likely be far more meaningful and memorable than watching another drama unfold on “Gossip Girl.” You should forgo passivity to engage in an activity that leaves an impression on you. Sleeping, studying and watching movies are all valid ways to spend your time, but they are significantly less engaging and interesting than traveling to a new place or indulging in a challenging experience. Live in the present by going hard rather than thinking about the future at home.


Kristen Bell’s sloth meltdown (with Ellen DeGeneres)

KG: Everyone’s comfort zone is different, but school

holidays are for finding that special place and sticking with it for a few days. I can’t say that my comfort zone is spending evenings in the Undergraduate Library or waiting in long lines at the bottom of Lenoir Hall for lunch at 12 p.m. Hectic nights in the library spent stressing over long papers and projects are anything but comforting. But that’s why we have spring break, a weeklong chance to relax for a little while in the middle of second semester. I don’t think anyone at UNC-CH would argue that a lot of mental action is tiring. Many of us enter spring break fresh out of midterm season, which consists of some of the most exhausting and stressful weeks of the semester. After all of that, you’ll want your own bed at home and some fresh, home-cooked meals to help you recover. This would be the wrong time to add more emotional strain to your plate with a trip to the beach, lots of partying and action-packed adventure. How can you relax with all of that on your mind? In addition, staying at home is cheap. Spring break at home means a full week of not paying for a single meal or daily activity. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay inside and do nothing the whole time. Many activities such as trying new recipes or exploring a park you’ve never visited in your hometown are much cheaper than paying to rent a beach house, lots of restaurant meals and potential fees if anything goes wrong. Going home will also give your wallet a bit of a break too. I believe that sleep and some low-key fun can be the best medicine for the stressful spring semester. Your comfort zone called and told me it misses you. And I would bet that you miss it, too.



Harlem Shake by Baauer

Partying at the beach may sound fun when you are stuck in Davis Library with a mountain of reading to do, but rest and relaxation are more important. —KATIE GUTT

Katie Gutt is a sophomore from Matthews. She can be reached at

On Carolina Time Kate Albers

is a freshman from Mooresville. She can be reached at


CTOPS 2012

TAKE A STEP She wore jeans and a UNC-Chapel Hill t-shirt. She stood with her hands in her front pockets and a North Face backpack positioned awkwardly in the middle of her back, shifting uneasily from side to side. The gracelessness of the stance and the bulkiness of the backpack were because of the weight of too many English textbooks and the unevenness of the lengthy straps, which caused her to fidget ceaselessly. Few noticed her wrinkled forehead as she tried to read her schedule. She stopped listening to her surroundings to focus on her next necessary decision, her vital movement into the UNC-CH community, the cliché moment she’d been waiting for. She took a step forward. Almost every underclassman begins his or her time at UNC-CH bright-eyed, excited and nervous. Whether expecting the best or anticipating the worst, each student maintains a sense of what he or she hopes to accomplish in the next four years at Chapel Hill. Although I was initially unsure about attending UNC-CH, I have become a true Tar Heel. Tar Heels believe in using time well. Tar Heels believe in letting loose every once in awhile. Tar Heels believe in living the Carolina Way. Through a series of twenty-four hour increments, I will explore the UNC-CH experience. This month, UNC-CH students are looking forward to spring break, where Tar Heels will be able to take a step onto a plane or into a car, continuing the collegiate experience on different soil. Sure, every freshman realizes what spring break means: parties, laughter and perhaps sand in less-than-perfect places. However, spring break is not just full of stories about a friend who wakes up on the beach. I mean, these are UNC-CH students we’re talking about. We strive for something more momentous. In the first few hours of your spring break planning, you must decide what you hope to accomplish. Do you picture the perfect tan? Reminisce about home? Feel obligated to aid others through service? Even after a few months at UNC-CH, I, as a freshman, can’t fully comprehend the vast options available to UNC-CH students. Therefore, when partaking in spring break shenanigans, do not fear the step into another person’s home, the step onto a hiking trail or even the step out of monotony. We’re all young—at least that’s what they tell us. If a freshman isn’t too afraid to weave among the signs, singing and shouting in the Pit, his or her time on spring break should be spent just as fearlessly. By hour four or five, you need to discuss your plans with those who will be concerned with your whereabouts. Parents, friends, relatives—you should at least tell them where you’re going, if not when you plan to return. In hour six, make the arrangements. Book your flight to Europe. Find a dirty, cheap hotel in Panama City Beach, Fla. Call a friend you know you can be foolish with. Through hour seven you should be packing­— but you don’t really need those six pairs of shoes or every bowtie in your drawer for a two-night stay. From hours eight through 16, you will be traveling. Make sure you have gas or your boarding pass. Once you arrive, you can get three hours of sleep during hours 17 to 20. We’re college kids. We’re used to not sleeping. Then you’ll wake up and eat for an hour before you start uncontrollably laughing for an hour straight—partly due to lack of sleep, partly due to your ridiculous friends or family and partly due to the excitement of doing something different. For the last two hours—23 and 24—kick back and relax. Have a glass of “lemonade” and enjoy your master plan. Take a step onto a mountain-view balcony or into the soothing surf. Your spring break geographic location does not matter. Even if you only have a day or two in your desired region, make your series of 24 one-hour increments as intense as Jack Bauer’s in 24. If you weren’t a Tar Heel born, you’re certainly a Tar Heel bred. So save the world. Take a spontaneous road trip. Go to the beach. Go to the mountains. Go home. Go back to UNC-CH. But first, you have to take a step.



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