Bluffs & Bayous May 2016

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t is my great honor and privilege as Chairman of The Natchez Festival of Music to welcome you to our twentysixth anniversary season — May 7 through May 28, 2016. This a very special season for The Festival as we celebrate the City of Natchez 300th Birthday by bringing to you a most diverVLĂ€HG KLVWRULF DQG RXWVWDQGLQJ SURJUDP RI HYHQWV IRU ´$ 7UL Centennial Season—Four Flags Over Natchez.â€? 7KH ´7KH 1DWFKH] 2SHUD )HVWLYDO ,QF Âľ GRLQJ EXVLQHVV WRGD\ DV ´7KH 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLFÂľ FRQWLQXHV WR EULQJ IDEXlous music and talented young artists to the stage for the citizens of Natchez and the Miss Lou’s enjoyment. Each year since 7KH )HVWLYDO KDV FRQWLQXHG WR JURZ XQGHU WKH OHDGHUVKLS RI PDQ\ GLIIHUHQW $UWLVWLF Directors, Chairmen, Board Members and Volunteers—each of which have given so generously of their time and talents to insure and provide cultural activity through music and WKH SHUIRUPLQJ DUWV IRU 1DWFKH] DQG WKH 0LVV /RX $UHD $GGLWLRQDOO\ 7KH )HVWLYDO DOVR provides educational outreach programs in music and the performing arts for thousands of children each and every year. Over the past 25 years, the Festival has enlightened and enriched the lives of all the citizens of the greater Mississippi/Louisiana region and neighboring areas by producing a variety of musical events performed at specially chosen Natchez venues and this year promises to be bigger and better than ever. In addition to the annual May events, there are many other musical performances and events sponsored by the Festival throughout each year. We seek to provide positive performing opportunities for outstanding artists, to nurture and encourage talented young singers in their early careers, and in turn to allow them to share in an educational and an outreach school program that provides high quality musical experiences in the Miss-Lou. The 2016 Season is my fourth year to serve as Chairman of The Board for The Natchez Festival of Music and I wish to thank the Executive Board members, the Regular Board members, the Eminent Board members and all of the many, many Natchez and Miss Lou citizens and businesses for attending our events and for their support by so generously volunteering their time, talents and money towards making The Natchez Festival of Music so successIXO DQG IRU KHOSLQJ WKLV )HVWLYDO JHW XV WR WKLV YHU\ VSHFLDO ´ th $11,9(56$5< 6($621Âľ It is my sincere desire that you will enjoy all of our Tricentennial season’s events—each RQH VR VSHFLDO EHFDXVH RI WKH PXVLFDO LQĂ XHQFH IURP HDFK FRXQWU\ WKDW UXOHG RYHU 1DWFKH] from 1716 through 2016—The French, The British, The Spanish, and The United States of $PHULFD 0D\ WKLV )HVWLYDO VXUYLYH DQRWKHU \HDUV LQ 1DWFKH] 0LVVLVVLSSL ÂłWKH ROGHVW DQG PRVW FKDUPLQJ FLW\ RQ WKH EDQNV RI WKH ´0LJKW\ 0LVVLVVLSSL 5LYHU Âľ ´Come for the Music! Stay for the experience!â€?

Dear Festivalgoers, It is my pleasure to welcome you to the twentysixth season of the Natchez Festival of Music. We have planned a variety of French, British, Spanish, DQG $PHULFDQ PXVLFDO HYHQWV IRU \RX WKLV VHDVRQ ranging from The Inspirations of Glen Ballard to Georges Bizet’s Carmen. There is truly something for everyone. , DP SOHDVHG WR EH LQ P\ VL[WK \HDU DV $UWLVWLF Director. It has been a pleasure to be a part of this organization’s growth and to work with our outstanding performers, board members, staff, and guild. Natchez is such a wonderful community, and it has been a real pleasure to work with everyone here. The growth of the Natchez Festival of Music is UHà HFWHG LQ RXU VLJQLÀFDQW LQFUHDVH LQ RXU YDULRXV boards, sponsors, and donors, and educational audiences, as well as our increase in ticket sales and grants. If you are new to The Natchez Festival of Music, we hope you enjoy our many wonderful performances. If you are a festival regular, welcome back; and we’re glad you’re here. We hope you enjoy each of our very special events. Sincerely,

Mary Lessley, Chairman

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May 2016

F E AT U R E S The Director .............................................................................................. 21 The Artists.............................................................................................22-34 Kids’ Music Fest:Three Musical, Fun-filled Saturday Mornings ..............44

F AV O R I T E S Margaret Martin Through the Years .........................................................12 Natchez 300: Seasons Along and Beyond the Mississippi ................... 40-41 Jazzing Along the River........................................................................64-65

The Inspirations of Glen Ballard ..............................................................45


Rockin’ on the River at Bowie’s ................................................................46

Louisiana Up & Coming! ...................................................................... 72-73

Rossini, Puccini, and Martinis .................................................................. 47

Mississippi Up & Coming!..................................................................... 74-77

The 300-Year Journey ....................................................................................48

G’s Fare

BLUES, BREWS, AND SOUL ...................................................................49

A Scrumptious Serenade ...................................................................... 14-19

An Evening of Andrew Lloyd Webber .......................................................50

The Social Scene

Impressions and Expressions .................................................................... 51

Natchez Festival of Music “A Night on Broadway” ..................................36

The British Invasion of Natchez ...............................................................52

Concordia Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner ............................. 66-67

The Southern Musical Theatre Conference .............................................53

Save the Hall Ball .................................................................................68-71

Show Boat by Jerome Kern ..................................................................54-55


Ruby Elzy The Jewel of Mississippi ...........................................................56 A Tribute to Gone with the Wind .............................................................. 57 Serenata .....................................................................................................58 Carmen .................................................................................................. 60-61 In-Kind Donations .....................................................................................79 Important Information..............................................................................79 Contributors ..............................................................................................80 Committees ................................................................................................ 81 Board Members ......................................................................................... 81

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As a newly formed partnership, Bluffs & Bayous and The Natchez Festival of Music present this year’s season of festivities in celebration of the Natchez Tricentennial.

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PUBLISHER Cheryl Foggo Rinehart MANAGING EDITOR Jennie Guido


Jan Ratcliff


Tim McCary Cheryl Rinehart

Van O’Gwin Lisa Adams Whittington SALES STAFF

Elaina Anders Cheryl Rinehart

Cheryl Rinehart

Jennie Guido

Jean Biglane

Donna Sessions CONTRIBUTOR Becky Junkin

Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

Van O’Gwin

Tim McCary

Jennie Guido JoAnna Sproles

Elaina Anders

Donna Sessions

JoAnna Sproles

Becky Junkin

OFFICE 423 Main Street, Suite 7 | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 bluf | bluf | www.bluf

Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous DUH WKRVH RI WKH DXWKRUV RU FROXPQLVWV DQG GR QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH the right to refuse any advertisement. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.

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Margaret Martin, on the right, is pictured standing outside of Margaret Martin School in 1953.

Margaret Martin Through the Years

$IULFDQ $PHULFDQV %UXPÀHOG +LJK 6FKRRO on St. Catherine Street was built in 1925. The new high school for white students was built on property that was originally associated with the historic house Belvedere on Homochitto Street. Belvedere had been the home of former County School Superintendent John W. Henderson, whose descendants sold most of the house’s fourteen-acre tract for construction of the new high school. The historic house Belvedere was moved closer to the street, where it still stands today, and the school was built on the former site of the house and its demolished dependency buildings 1DWFKH] +LJK 6FKRRO ZDV ÀUVW RFFXSLHG LQ WKH IDOO RI DQG WKH ÀUVW FODVV JUDGXated in 1929. The last high school class graduated in 1963. The former high school was then renamed Margaret Martin Junior High School, in honor of the school’s long-time WHDFKHU DQG SULQFLSDO 7KH 1DWFKH] $GDPV County Public Schools closed Margaret Martin Junior High School in about 1989 and later transferred ownership to the City of Natchez. Today, Margaret Martin School houses the Natchez Festival of Music, the 1DWFKH] *\PQDVWLF $VVRFLDWLRQ DQG WKH 1DWFKH] %DOOHW $FDGHP\


argaret Martin School (historically Natchez High School) is one of WKH PRVW DUFKLWHFWXUDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW twentieth-century buildings in Natchez. Its sigQLÀFDQFH GHULYHV ERWK IURP WKH KLJK TXDOLW\ RI LWV original design and construction and from its arFKLWHFWXUDO LQWHJULW\ $OWKRXJK QRW \HW OLVWHG LQ WKH National Register of Historic Places, its designaWLRQ DV D 0LVVLVVLSSL /DQGPDUN FRQÀUPV LWV HOLJLbility. The 1927 building, which was designed by architect P. J. Krouse of Meridian, Mississippi, LV D ORFDOO\ VLJQLÀFDQW H[DPSOH RI SXEOLF VFKRRO architecture in the late Gothic Revival style. The construction of Margaret Martin School is well documented in Minute Book 27, Mayor DQG %RDUG RI $OGHUPHQ -DQXDU\ 2FWREHU 16, 1928. City minutes indicate that school board PHPEHUV DQG FLW\ RIÀFLDOV LQ WKH HDUO\ V recognized the need for two new public high schools—one for white students and the other for $IULFDQ $PHULFDQV 0XQLFLSDO ERQGV ÀQDQFHG the construction of both schools. Due to the deplorable overcrowding at the Union School for $IULFDQ $PHULFDQV RQ 1RUWK 8QLRQ 6WUHHW WKH FLW\ GHFLGHG WR ÀUVW EXLOG WKH QHZ KLJK VFKRRO IRU

The Natchez High School Basketball team of 1934 poses at the school.

by Mimi Miller • Photography courtesy of the Historic Natchez Foundation Page 12 { May 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous

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Becky Junkin

Jennie Guido and Cheryl Rinehart FLORAL DESIGN BY John Grady Burns VENUE Hechler Hall, home of Becky and Jerry Junkin PHOTOGRAPHY BY


A Scrumptious Serenade I

have always enjoyed hosting a party or get-together. In fact, I am always playing host when my family gathers for visits and holidays; and over the years, I have tried out different recipes and continued to use old stand-by favorites. Here, I have compiled some recipes that would be delicious, simple-to-prepare Southern fare for a cocktail party before any of this month’s Festival of Music events. :H KDYH XVHG WKLV UHFLSH IRU \HDUV DW FRFNWDLO SDUWLHV , KDYH WR ÀJKW P\self not to open the oven, and I don’t. This recipe is from

HIGH TEMPERATURE EYE-OF-THE-ROUND ROAST 1 3-pound eye-of-round roast Salt and pepper to taste Preheat the oven to 500 degrees. Season the roast with salt and pepper, and place in a roasting pan or baking dish. Do not cover or add water. Place the roast in the preheated oven. Reduce the temperature to 475 degrees. Roast for 21 minutes (7 minutes per pound); then turn VɈ [OL V]LU HUK SL[ [OL YVHZ[ ZP[ PU [OL OV[ V]LU MVY Ăą OV\YZ +V UV[ open the door at all during this time. Remove the roast from the oven. The internal temperature should have reached at least 145 degrees. Carve into thin slices to serve with fresh bakery rolls, mayonnaise, and the mustard in the following recipe.


SWEET-AND-HOT MUSTARD 1 cup sugar 1 cup vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 2-ounce cans Colman’s dry mustard 3 eggs Blend ingredients in a blender. Cook in the top of a double boiler, stirring until thick. Cool and store in the refrigerator. This mixture yields HIV\[ V\UJLZ VY LUV\NO [V ÄSS SHYNL IHI` MVVK QHYZ


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We love these, and they are always a hit. I found WKHVH RQ ZZZ DOOUHFLSHV FRP DQG , MXVW EX\ UHJXODU IUR]HQ PHDWEDOOV DW WKH JURFHU\ VWRUH $W &KULVWPDV RU 7KDQNVJLYLQJ , UHSODFH WKH JUDSH jelly with jellied cranberry sauce. Yum!

SWEET-AND-SPICY MEATBALLS 3 to 5 pounds frozen cooked small meatballs V\UJL QHY NYHWL QLSS` V\UJL QHYZ JOPSP ZH\JL 0 \ZL /LPUa *OPSP Sauce.) 1 pinch cayenne pepper (optional) 0U H WV[ JVTIPUL [OL NYHWL QLSS` ^P[O [OL JOPSP sauce; add in the meatballs and simmer for about 45 minutes uncovered or until the sauce has thickened.

0\ GDXJKWHU /DUL DQG RQH RI KHU IULHQGV PDGH WKLV IRU DQ $QWLTXHV )RUXP DW KRPH ,W ZDV VR HDV\ DQG impressive that we have made it several times.

SALMON MOUSSE 1 cup ricotta cheese J\W ZHSTVU JVHYZLS` Ă…HRLK 2 tablespoons horseradish 2 tablespoons green onion, sliced 1 tablespoon fresh dill, chopped [HISLZWVVUZ SLTVU Q\PJL Salt and pepper to taste Sliced cucumbers Lemon slices, optional 0U H MVVK WYVJLZZVY W\YLL [OL YPJV[[H \U[PS smooth. Scrape it into a bowl. Fold in salmon, and then fold in the rest of the ingredients. Season with salt and pepper; then, chill in a well-greased mold for 24 hours. Remove from the mold onto an overlapping layer of sliced cucumbers. Arrange extra slices to be eaten with the dish, as well. Lemon slices can be added for color.

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ONION DIP 1/2 cup mayo 4 ounces cream cheese 1/2 cup sour cream 2 cups yellow onion, thinly sliced 1/2 cup olive oil 4 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon Kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 teaspoon black pepper /LH[ [OL I\[[LY HUK VPS PU H SHYNL WHU VU TLKP\T OLH[ (KK [OL onions, salt, and peppers. SautĂŠ for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to medium low; and continue to cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally until the onions are brown and caramelized. Place cream cheese, mayo, and sour cream in a food processor and beat until smooth. Add in the onions and mix well. Taste for seasoning. Serve at room temperature.

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BAKED HAVARTI 1 block plain havarti cheese, cubed 1 can crescent roll dough Brown sugar Carr’s water crackers Preheat the oven to the temperature on the crescent roll WHJRHNL /HSM [OL KV\NO PU[V YLJ[HUNSLZ HUK WSHJL VUL VU H NYLHZLK JVVRPL ZOLL[ -PSS [OL ÄYZ[ YLJ[HUNSL ^P[O J\ILK JOLLZL and sprinkle liberally with brown sugar. Place the second rectangle of dough on top and pinch edges of dough closed making a pocket with the cheese completely enclosed. Bake until dough is browned and cheese is bubbly. Serve with crackers.

7KLV LV DQ ROG IDYRULWH :H ORYH 6DUD /HH EURZQLHV EXW WKH\ FDQ EH KDUG WR ÀQG , PDNH WKHVH DOO WKH WLPH IRU SDUWLHV DQG IDPLO\ DQG ZLOO UHIULJHUDWH DQG WKHQ FXW WKH EURZQLHV 7KH recipe came from the Southern Living Party Cookbook. 6XH 3XUYLV JDYH PH WKLV IXQ UHFLSH ,W LV perfect to make ahead of time or keep in your freezer for company.

CHEESE PENNIES 1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese 1 stick butter, softened J\W Ă…V\Y 3/4 cup pecans, chopped 1 teaspoon red pepper Salt Mix all ingredients together using your hands. Roll dough into a cylinder, and wrap with wax paper. Freeze. Remove from freezer, slice, and bake at 350 degrees

FROSTED FUDGE SQUARES 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 1/2 ounces unsweetened chocolate 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3/4 cup butter J\W HSS W\YWVZL Ă…V\Y ZPM[LK 4 eggs 1 1/2 cups pecans, chopped 2 cups sugar Melt chocolate and butter together in the top of a double boiler, and cool. Using a wooden spoon, beat the eggs slightly, gradually adding sugar, salt, and vanilla. Stir in cooled JOVJVSH[L :PM[ [OL Ă…V\Y V]LY [OL U\[Z HUK TP_ [OVYV\NOS`" [OLU HKK [OL IH[[LY :[PY VUS` enough to combine; pour into a greased 12x8x2-inch pan, and bake at 325 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Frost the brownies by placing eight small, thin chocolate bars over the top PTTLKPH[LS` HM[LY W\SSPUN [OL IYV^UPLZ MYVT [OL V]LU *V]LY ^P[O H Ă…H[ WHU MVY H ML^ TPUutes to hasten the melting. Then, smooth the chocolate over the surface of the brownies and cut into squares while warm. Refrigerate before serving to harden the frosting. %HFN\ -XQNLQ PRWKHU RI IRXU DQG JUDQGPRWKHU RI HLJKW LV D OLIHORQJ 1DWFKH] UHVLGHQW D UHWLUHG HOHPHQWDU\ WHDFKHU RI WZHQW\ IRXU \HDUV DQG FHUWLĂ€HG 3LODWHV LQVWUXFWRU

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r. Jay Dean is the Music Director of The University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, a position he has held since1988. During his tenure, the orchestra has cultivated an international reputation that enhances not only the university but also the state and region. His recruiting efforts have elevated the organization into a multinational conglomerate. Dean’s vision literally has brought the world to Mississippi, including performances across the state by internationally known classical icons such as Plåcido Domingo, RenÊe Fleming, Itzhak 3HUOPDQ <R <R 0D DQG 6LU -DPHV *DOZD\ DQG including celebrities such as Patti LaBelle, Doc Severinsen, Ray Charles, and countless others. He has also served as the guest conductor for many orchestras in the United States, Latin $PHULFD DQG (XURSH 7KH V\PSKRQ\ SHUIRUPV to full houses with audience members representing a diverse cross-section of the southeastern United States. 'HDQ UHFHLYHG KLV '0$ LQ RUFKHVWUDO FRQGXFWLQJ IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7H[DV DW $XVWLQ Before coming to the University of Southern Mississippi, he was Music Director of Dekalb <RXWK 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD LQ $WODQWD WKH 0HUFHU 8QLYHUVLW\ $WODQWD &KDPEHU 2UFKHVWUD the Columbus State University Orchestra, the $WODQWD )HVWLYDO 2UFKHVWUD DQG &KRUXV WKH $XVWLQ &LYLF 2UFKHVWUD DQG WKH 6RXWKZHVW &KDPEHU 2UFKHVWUD +H DOVR VHUYHG DV $VVLVWDQW &RQGXFWRU IRU WKH $XVWLQ /\ULF 2SHUD Opera has always been part of Jay Dean’s career. He has performed with such eminent artists as Deborah Voigt, Plåcido Domingo, RenÊe Fleming, Denyce Graves, and Roberta 3HWHUV 6HUYLQJ DV $VVLVWDQW &RQGXFWRU IRU WKH $XVWLQ /\ULF 2SHUD WKH $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU RI WKH USM Southern Opera and Musical Theater, and Natchez Festival of Music opera productions, 'HDQ H[HPSOLÀHV KLV ORYH IRU WKLV DUW IRUP $IWHU performing with the Mississippi Opera as guest conductor in several concerts, Dean became its new artistic director in 2010. +H LV WKH )RXQGLQJ $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU RI FestivalSouthŽ, a multi-week, multi-genre music festival, and General Director of the Hattiesburg &LYLF &KRUXV DQG &RQFHUW $VVRFLDWLRQ +H KDV been the Executive Director of the Vicksburg International Chamber Music Festival and the $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU RI WKH 6RXWKHUQ $UWV )HVWLYDO DV well as the music coordinator for four international art exhibitions presented by the Mississippi Commission for International Cultural Exchange.

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THE ARTISTS Bass Preston Andrews is currently pursuing a Master RI 0XVLF GHJUHH DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD ZKHUH KH studies with Dr. Paul Houghtaling. Recent credits for the Houston, Texas, native include Mr. Olsen in Street Scene, Fredrik Egerman in $ /LWWOH 1LJKW 0XVLF $OLGRUR in /D &HQHUHQWROD Dr. Grenvil in /D 7UDYLDWD and Il Commendatore in Don Giovanni. He has performed principal roles with Opera Kansas, Opera in the Ozarks, the 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD 2SHUD 7KHDWUH DQG :LFKLWD 6WDWH University Opera Theatre. Preston was also a soloist with The Houston Bach Society and a member of The Houston Grand Opera chorus. In 2013, he received his Bachelor of $UWV GHJUHH LQ 0XVLF IURP 6DP +RXVWRQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ +XQWVYLOOH 7H[DV Elizabeth Anglin is an emeritus instructor of French at the University of Southern Mississippi, where she taught all levels of French, including French phonology, for more WKDQ \HDUV $V D JUDGXDWH VWXGHQW RI WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ known phonetician Pierre Delattre at the University of &DOLIRUQLD 6DQWD %DUEDUD 0UV $QJOLQ KDG RFFDVLRQ WR ZRUN RQ WKH )UHQFK WUDQVFULSWLRQV LQ &RIĂ€Q¡V Phonetic 5HDGLQJV RI 6RQJV DQG $ULDV. She has lived and worked for extended periods in France and has taught at a study abroad semester in Pontlevoy, France, for eight years. She is currently teaching French Diction for Singers at USM. Ibukun Babalola, soprano, is from Woodstock, Georgia, DQG LV D JUDGXDWH RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD ZLWK D Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance. Babalola PDGH KHU 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD 2SHUD 7KHDWUH GHEXW LQ WKH VFHQHV SURJUDP ´6RPHWKLQJ 2OG 6RPHWKLQJ 1HZ Âľ She has since appeared in the ensembles of The Mikado and Over Dinner and performed as the Dew Fairy in Hansel and Gretel, The Lady Saphir in Patience, Zerlina in Don Giovanni, and Greta Fiorentino in Street Scene. Babalola spent the summers of 2014 and 2015 as a young DUWLVW ZLWK +DUURZHU 6XPPHU 2SHUD :RUNVKRS LQ $WODQWD There, she performed scenes from 7KH &RQVXO /¡LWDOLDQD LQ $OJHUL, and 7KH 0DUULDJH RI )LJDUR. She also spent these summers teaching chilGUHQ¡V FDPSV DW (OP 6WUHHW &XOWXUDO $UWV &HQWHU LQ KHU KRPHWRZQ DQG DW .LGV 5 Kids Learning Center of Historic Roswell, Georgia. Six-time Grammy Award winner and Natchez native Glen Ballard is one of popular music’s most accomplished producers and songwriters, and his records have sold more than 150 million copies worldwide. He has also written for WHOHYLVLRQ ÂżOP DQG VWDJH DQG KDV ZRUNHG ZLWK WKH ELJJHVW QDPHV LQ PXVLF IURP %DUEDUD 6WUHLVDQG DQG $HURVPLWK to Dave Matthews and Katy Perry. He produced and cowrote Alanis Morissette’s “Jagged Little Pill,â€? wrote and DUUDQJHG Âł0DQ LQ WKH 0LUURU´ IRU 0LFKDHO -DFNVRQ DQG co-wrote and produced the Grammy-winning and OscarQRPLQDWHG VRQJ Âł%HOLHYH´ -RVK *UREDQ IRU WKH IHDWXUH ÂżOP The Polar Express. He has written and produced VRQJV IRU 4XLQF\ -RQHV $UHWKD )UDQNOLQ 6KDNLUD ,GLQD 0HQ]HO *HRUJH %HQVRQ *HRUJH 6WUDLW :LOVRQ 3KLOOLSV 9DQ +DOHQ &KDND .KDQ 3DWWL $XVWLQ $O -DUUHDX Andrea Bocelli, and many others. His production credits include producing and DUUDQJLQJ UHFRUGV IRU $QQLH /HQQR[ 1R 'RXEW DQG 32' WR QDPH D IHZ +LV ZRUN LQ ÂżOP LQFOXGHV FRPSRVLQJ RULJLQDO VRQJV IRU Charlotte’s Web, Beowulf, A Christmas Carol, The Croods, The Mummy’s Return, and Valentine’s Day. Ballard also wrote the lyrics and music for Ghost The Musical, which is currently touring worldwide.

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Described by the 'HVHUW 1HZV DV ´D Ă€UHEUDQG Âľ WHQRU Curtis Bannister KDV EHHQ SUDLVHG IRU KDYLQJ ´GUDPDWLF LQĂ HFWLRQ DQG FRPSHOOLQJ HQHUJ\Âľ DV ZHOO DV D ´WKULOOing tenor voice and a towering stage presence.â€? During the 2015-2016 season, Bannister made his debut in concert with the Theater an der Wien, covered the title role in Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd for the Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival, and will soon be heard as the tenor soloist in Mozart’s 5HTXLHP for the Niles Metropolitan Chorus & Orchestra. Bannister will return to Utah Festival Opera for his debut as Sportin’ Life in 3RUJ\ %HVV and the Lover in Il Tabarro from Puccini’s Il Trittico. In previous seasons, Bannister appeared with Lyric Opera of Chicago in Il Trovatore and 3RUJ\ %HVV, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra in Candide, The Metropolitan Opera National Council in a patrons’ concert, Sarasota Opera, and his international recital debut with the Musique de Chambre du Musee de Louvre. $ WKUHH WLPH ZLQQHU RI WKH 1DWLRQDO $VVRFLDWLRQ RI Teachers of Singing Competition in the Redwood Empire District, soprano Kathleen Barnes has most recently performed with CCM’s Opera boot camp program and 2SHUD RQ WKH $YDORQ LQ 6W -RKQ¡V 1HZIRXQGODQG &DQDGD Barnes has also been seen in such roles as Second Spirit in =DXEHUĂ |WH $VWRULD 0XVLF )HVWLYDO 6\OYLD LQ /¡LVROD disabitata by Haydn, and Rose from Street Scene in a Kurt Weill review. Barnes is an alumna of Sonoma State University where she began study with her mentors, Ruth $QQ 6ZHQVRQ DQG 'DYLG %XUQDNXV 6KH LV D IUHTXHQW SHUformer at the Jarvis Conservatory in Napa, California, and a frequent soprano soloist at St. John’s Catholic Church in Cotati, California. Lyric baritone, Matthew Bischoff, is a native of South Florida, received his Master of Music Degree in vocal performance and pedagogy from the University of Southern Mississippi, and holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from the University of Florida. Bischoff’s performance repertoire at both USM and UF include Guglielmo in Cosi fan tutte, Count Danilo in The Merry Widow, Mr. Banks in Mary Poppins, Usher in Trial By Jury, Dr. Falke in Die )OHGHUPDXV Second Priest in 7KH 0DJLF )OXWH and Wolf in /LWWOH 5HG 5LGLQJ +RRG While at the University of Southern Mississippi, Bischoff made his professional debut singing the role of the Sacristan in Mississippi Opera’s production of Tosca. He made his debut with the Palm Beach Opera this season as a chorus member for the productions of Carmen, 'RQ 3DVTXDOH and Goyescas. His other professional credits include Monostatos in 7KH 0DJLF )OXWH with Chatham 2SHUD LQ SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK WKH )HVWLYDO RI WKH $UWV LQ %RFD 5DWRQ )ORULGD Adrianne Blanks, mezzo-soprano, made her main-stage debut as Hermia in Britten’s $ 0LGVXPPHU 1LJKW¡V 'UHDP with Opera Naples. Since then, she has performed the roles of Meg Page in )DOVWDII and Mrs. Nolan in The Medium. Other recent performances include Papagena and Third Lady in 7KH 0DJLF )OXWH with Lyric Opera of Chicago’s outreach program. She has been featured as a soloist in Handel’s Messiah, Saint-SaĂŤn’s Christmas Oratorio, and Britten’s Ceremony of Carols ZLWK +DUSHU &ROOHJH $ SULQcipal member of Third Eye Theatre Ensemble, this past fall she performed the lead in the Midwest premiere of Mohammed Fairouz’s 6XPHLGD¡V 6RQJ. Currently, she performs the title role in an abridged touring production of Carmen for children. %ODQNV LV D UHFHQW DOXPQD RI 7KH 'DQLV :LOVRQ $SSUHQWLFH $UWLVW 3URJUDP ZKHUH VKH KDV SHUIRUPHG ZLWK 6XJDU &UHHN 2SHUD 2WKHU KLJKOLJKWV LQFOXGH $QWRQLD¡V Mother in The Tales of Hoffman, Isolier in Rossini’s /H &RPWH 2U\ and Eliza in Sullivan’s The Zoo. She has also had the pleasure of singing in Italy as Cherubino in /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR and Third Lady in 'LH =DXEHUĂ |WH with Flagstaff in Fidenza.

THE ARTISTS Matt Blanks is quickly establishing himself as an excepWLRQDO WHQRU 6WDJH UROHV KDYH VSDQQHG RSHUD $OPDYLYD LQ Barber of Seville with Main Street Opera, Candid Concert Opera, and Tri-Cities Opera), oratorio (tenor soloist in SaintSäens’ Christmas Oratorio with Harper Choral Festival and St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic Church), operetta (Tom in Babes in Toyland with Chicago Folks Operetta), and musical theater (Charlie in %ULJDGRRQ with Music by the Lake). Recent engagements include Kaspar in $PDKO DQG WKH 1LJKW Visitors ZLWK 0LOZDXNHH 6XEXUEDQ 6\PSKRQ\ DQG $OED]DU in Il Turco in Italia with Opera Southwest. He received his bachelor degrees from Baldwin-Wallace University and his PDVWHUV IURP 3HDERG\ &RQVHUYDWRU\ <RXQJ $UWLVW $SSUHQWLFHVKLSV LQFOXGH 2SHUD North, Tri-Cities Opera, Indianapolis Opera, Sarasota Opera, and Chicago Opera Theater. Blanks holds positions as Director of Music at Calvary Episcopal Church in %DWDYLD DV 7HDFKLQJ $UWLVW DW &KLFDJR +LJK 6FKRRO IRU WKH $UWV DQG DV DGMXQFW SURfessor of music at Dominican University. Arthur Bosarge is a pianist and coach whose experience spans a variety of styles, including opera, recital, sacred, EDOOHW DQG PXVLF WKHDWUH +H UHFHQWO\ Ă€QLVKHG WKH VHDVRQ DV D +HUQGRQ )RXQGDWLRQ (PHUJLQJ $UWLVW at Virginia Opera where he served as pianist for the fall and spring Education Tours. In the fall of 2016, he will EH MRLQLQJ WKH 6WXGLR $UWLVW 3URJUDP DW .HQWXFN\ 2SHUD as pianist and coach. Other recent collaborations include 2SHUD 1RUWK < +DUNQHVV 'DQFH &HQWHU $PHULFDQ Ballet Theater Summer Workshop, Mannes Opera, Opera %LUPLQJKDP DQG WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD 2SHUD Theatre. Bosarge holds degrees from Mannes School of Music and The University RI $ODEDPD $OWKRXJK Joseph Britain graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1984 with a degree in accounting, he was drawn to a career in music. His career as Music Minister for churches has led him away from accounting. In addition to his church work, Joseph is a frequent perIRUPHU DQG SUROLĂ€F DUUDQJHU DSSHDULQJ ZLWK DQG ZULWLQJ IRU WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL $ODEDPD 8WDK DQG 7DPSD 6\PSKRQ\ Orchestras, as well as numerous university orchestras and bands. He has appeared in Natchez as arranger/pianist for the 2012-2014 Natchez Christmas Cabarets, pianist for last year’s Tango Rendezvous, and soloist/arranger for last year’s Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue concert. Recently, Britain premiered his new work for Orchestra and Narrator titled 1DWLYH *XDUG on November 6, 2014, with Pulitzer-Prize-winning Poet Laureate Natasha Tretheway DQG VHUYHG DV WKH $UUDQJHU 0XVLFDO 'LUHFWRU IRU WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL *RYHUQRU¡V $ZDUGV IRU WKH $UWV LQ )HEUXDU\ Dixi (Williams) Broadhead is a native of Natchez, Mississippi. Raised on the mighty Mississippi River, music DQG VWDJH EHFDPH KHU Ă€UVW ORYHV $W WKH DJH RI VL[ VKH PDGH KHU Ă€UVW DSSHDUDQFH LQ 1DWFKH] /LWWOH 7KHDWUH¡V SURGXFWLRQ of *HRUJH 0 $V SDUW RI 1/7 she also made regular appearances in the Mississippi Medicine Show $V D IHDtured jazz vocalist in college, she performed throughout the state of Mississippi. $IWHU PRYLQJ WR +DWWLHVEXUJ she met Joseph Britain, where she became a featured vocalist in &HOHEUDWH $PHULFD, a yearly production, honoring our veterans and fallen soldiers. She also performed with the Hattiesburg Civic Light Opera in The World Goes ‘Round, Tapestry, and Tomfoolery. From 2001 to 2006, she served as the Worship Leader at Grace Temple Church of Hattiesburg, Mississippi. $IWHU UHORFDWLQJ WR 1DVKYLOOH 7HQQHVVHH 'L[L EHJDQ writing music and singing in studios sessions. Now, VKH KDV PRYHG KHU IRFXV WR KHU ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ $V a regular volunteer at the Nashville Rescue Mission

Hope Center for Women, she uses music to bring hope and healing to those who are in recovery. Dixi has been married to her husband Marc for nineteen years; and WKH\ KDYH WZR WHHQDJH FKLOGUHQ 0DUF -RVHSK DQG $QD Dr. Joseph Brumbeloe joined the faculty of the School of Music at the University of Southern Mississippi in 1999 after having taught music theory at Kenyon College, Washburn University, and Kansas State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Music Theory from Indiana University. His research interests include the theory and literature of the eighteenth century as well as twentieth-century methodologies and music including jazz. Dr. Brumbeloe’s research has been published in 7KH 1HZ *URYHV 'LFWLRQDU\ RI Music and Musicians, Theoria, 0XVLF 7KHRU\ ([SORUDWLRQV DQG $SSOLFDWLRQV, Gamut, and The Indiana Theory Review. $GGLWLRQDOO\ KH KDV GHOLYHUHG SDSHUV WR meetings of the Society of Music Theory, the College Music Society, and the 4th and 5th International Festival of Women Composers; and he has prepared critical editions for Kallisti Press.

Nicholas Ciraldo is a leader among his generation of $PHULFDQ FODVVLFDO JXLWDULVWV $W WKH VWDUW RI KLV FDUHHU he won awards and reached high levels at the TredrezLocquemau International Guitar Competition (France), the Gaetano Zinetti International Chamber Music Competition ,WDO\ WKH *)$ 6ROR *XLWDU &RPSHWLWLRQ 86$ WKH 3RUWODQG ,QWHUQDWLRQDO *XLWDU &RPSHWLWLRQ 86$ DQG WKH 071$ *XLWDU &RPSHWLWLRQ 86$ &LUDOGR QRZ HQjoys numerous performances throughout the United States, (XURSH DQG 6RXWK $PHULFD SOD\LQJ LQ VXFK YHQXHV DV WKH United States’ Jordan Hall, Germany’s Berliner Dom, and Brazil’s Teatro JosĂŠ Maria Santos. The $GYRFDWH (Baton 5RXJH UHYLHZV KLP DV ´GHĂ€QLWHO\ LQ FRPPDQG JHQHUDWLQJ D FROOHFWLYH JDVS RI amazement in the audience.â€? Kansas City’s -RXUQDO RI WKH 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV said &LUDOGR¡V ´WRXFK ZDV QLPEOH DQG GHOLFDWH VNLOOHG ZLWKRXW EHLQJ Ă DVK\ 7KH LQVWUXment was a clear extension of the performer, with integrity of sound and perforPDQFH WDNLQJ SUHFHGHQFH Âľ +H LV $VVRFLDWH 3URIHVVRU DQG $VVRFLDWH 'LUHFWRU DW WKH University of Southern Mississippi School of Music.

Ivan Conrad (cavalier baritone) is a commanding actor with a powerfully cutting, yet artistically versatile voice. Of over two dozen operatic roles performed, highlights of Conrad’s career include the title role of 7KH )O\LQJ Dutchman ZLWK 9RFDO 3URGXFWLRQV 1<& /HSRUHOOR LQ Don Giovanni with Opera Breve, Zuniga in Carmen with Opera Southwest, and Monterone in 5LJROHWWR with Natchez Festival of Music. In 2016 Conrad covered the leading role of Rolando in /D %DWWDJOLD GL /HJQDJQR at Sarasota Opera. He performed opera scenes at the National Opera Center

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THE ARTISTS LQ 1HZ <RUN ZLWK 2SHUD %UHYH DQG LV WKH EDULWRQH VRORLVW LQ %HHWKRYHQ¡V 1LQWK Symphony ZLWK $UV 0XVLFD LQ 1HZ -HUVH\ /DVW VHDVRQ¡V HQJDJHPHQWV LQFOXGHG the title role in /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR with Manhattan Opera Studio; Marchese in /D Traviata with Long Island Opera; Marullo in 5LJROHWWR ZLWK 0LG$WODQWLF 2SHUD the soloist for Handel’s Messiah, Brahms’ 5HTXLHP and Mozart’s 5HTXLHP with 1HZ <RUN &KRUDO 6RFLHW\ DQG D JXHVW DUWLVW LQ /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR at The Juilliard 6FKRRO &RQUDG KDV SHUIRUPHG ZLWK WKH 1HZ <RUN 3KLOKDUPRQLF &KDXWDXTXD Opera; Dicapo Opera; Empire Opera; Emerald City Opera; Opera Moderne; Festival Cultura in Bergamo, Italy; the Santa Fe Desert Chorale; and the New Mexico Philharmonic. Hayden Courington is a Music Education major at The University of Southern Mississippi. He has performed in many honor choirs throughout his entire music career. He has performed in The Music Man and The Pirates of Penzance during his high school years. He has performed in many different church musicals, as well. He has sung in church choirs all his life. He played in USM’s performance of Mary Poppins, and he was the stage manager of Mississippi Opera’s production of Tosca and played a priest and prisoner in the production, as well.

Samantha Dango LV DQ HPHUJLQJ WDOHQW RQ 1RUWK $PHULFDQ opera and concert stages. She makes her Natchez Music Festival debut as Frasquita in Carmen and covers the role of Kim Ravenal in Showboat. Her recent performances include Norina in 'RQ 3DVTXDOH with Light Opera of New Jersey and Barbarina in /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR with State Repertory Opera of New Jersey. Dango gave standout performances as the Step Sister in True Story of Cinderella, the Plaintiff in Trial by Jury, Gianetta in The Gondoliers, First Lady in 7KH 0DJLF )OXWH, Gretel in Hansel and Gretel, Josephine in H.M.S. Pinafore, Morgana in $OFLQD, Sister Dolcina in 6XRU $QJHOLFD, Noemie in Cendrillon, and Paulina in the United States premier of ,O 5¡$FFRQWR '¡,QYHUQR. She has also DSSHDUHG ZLWK WKH 3RUWODQG 2SHUD 3ULQFHWRQ )HVWLYDO 1HZ <RUN /\ULF 2SHUD DQG New Jersey State Opera Outreach Program. Dango acts as a soloist and concert SURGXFHU IRU QRQ SURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQV VXFK DV 6XVDQ * .RPHQ IRU WKH &XUH 6KH UHJXODUO\ DSSHDUV DV WKH 1DWLRQDO $QWKHP VLQJHU IRU WKH 1HZ -HUVH\ 'HYLOV DW WKH Prudential Center in Newark, New Jersey. Miles Doleac has worked as an actor, director, writer, and SURGXFHU LQ WKHDWUH WHOHYLVLRQ DQG Ă€OP +LV IHDWXUH OHQJWK directorial debut, The Historian, won Best First Feature, %HVW $FWRU :LOOLDP 6DGOHU DQG %HVW 6XSSRUWLQJ $FWRU (John Cullum) at the 2014 Long Island International Film Expo. Thereafter, it received a theatrical release and was GLVWULEXWHG LQ YDULRXV UHWDLO RXWOHWV LQ 1RUWK $PHULFD DQG internationally. Doleac has just completed his second feature, The Hollow, which he also wrote, directed, and produced. Shot entirely in Mississippi, The Hollow is set for UHOHDVH WKLV IDOO WKURXJK 8QFRUN¡G (QWHUWDLQPHQW $V DQ actor, Doleac has appeared in numerous television shows DQG Ă€OPV LQFOXGLQJ $PHULFDQ +RUURU 6WRU\ (FX), Banshee (Cinemax), Sleepy Hollow (Fox), Treme (HBO), %UHDNRXW .LQJV $ ( Complications 86$ Salem (WGN), 8QGHUJURXQG (WGN), $VWURQDXW :LYHV &OXE $%& Game of Silence (NBC), Vacation, Cat Run 2, %DG $VV , See Girl Run, Jake’s Road, 0LJKW\ )LQH, 7KH /LYLQJVWRQ *DUGHQHU, 7HUPLQDWRU , director Dustin Schuetter’s Rejects, and SyFy Channel Originals’ Swamp Volcano and Storm War. On stage, Doleac has DSSHDUHG LQ /RV $QJHOHV DV %UXWXV LQ Julius Caesar LQ 1HZ <RUN DV +RUDFH LQ Horton Foote’s 1918, and here in Mississippi as Jean Valjean in recent productions of /HV 0LVHUDEOHV and as Jesus and Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar $ PHPEHU RI 6$* (TXLW\ '*$ DQG :*$ KH KROGV D %DFKHORU RI )LQH $UWV LQ 'UDPD IURP WKH 1RUWK &DUROLQD 6FKRRO RI WKH $UWV D 0DVWHU RI $UWV LQ +LVWRU\ IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6RXWKHUQ 0LVVLVVLSSL DQG D 3K ' LQ $QFLHQW +LVWRU\ IURP 7XODQH 8QLYHUVLW\

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Roberta R. Duhs, lyric soprano, received her Bachelor of Music from Belhaven University in 2010, studying under Mrs. Gena Everitt. She is currently pursuing her Master of Music Education at Jackson State University, studying with Dr. Phyllis Lewis-Hale. With her husband, Seth, she relocated from Madison, Mississippi, to Natchez in January 2016, where he is the pastor of New Covenant Presbyterian Church. Roberta Duhs is a frequent soloist in the Jackson area and continues to compete in many state and regional competitions.

Tom Dungan UHWXUQLQJ IRU KLV Ă€IWK VHDVRQ ZLWK 1DWFKH] Festival of Music, has worked as a professional in the muVLF Ă€HOG IRU RYHU WKUHH GHFDGHV VSHFLDOL]LQJ LQ SURGXFWLRQ operations, and event logistics. He has worked closely with 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO¡V $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU 'U -D\ 'HDQ PDQDJing event logistics and production details for such worldUHQRZQHG DUWLVWV DV ,W]KDN 3HUOPDQ <R <R 0D 5HQHH Fleming, Ray Charles, Marvin Hamlisch, Doc Severensin, and The Pointer Sisters. His previously held positions include Director of Operations with the Mississippi and &KDUOHVWRQ 6RXWK &DUROLQD 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUDV $V both a board and staff member of the professional vocal group Carolina Chamber Chorale, Dungan served as coordinator for a historic reFRUGLQJ RI WKH FKRUDO FKDPEHU PXVLF FDWDORJ RI IDPHG WZHQWLHWK FHQWXU\ $PHULFDQ FRPSRVHU 6DPXHO $GOHU 'XQJDQ LV DQ H[SHULHQFHG OLJKWLQJ VRXQG DQG VSHFLDO HIfects technician with StageTec, a production company specializing in large-scale HYHQWV $GGLWLRQDOO\ KH LV RZQHU DQG RSHUDWRU RI 5K\WKPV 0XVLF 6HUYLFHV D IXOO service musician’s contracting agency based in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Ainsley Michelle DuprĂŠ is the daughter of Dana and Joel DuprĂŠ and lives in Natchez with her parents and sisters, ,VDEHOOD DQG $ELJDLO $LQVOH\ LV D VHFRQG JUDGH VWXGHQW DW Cathedral School and is a member of the St. Mary Basilica <RXWK &KRLU 6KH HQMR\V PXVLF WKHDWHU DUW DQG J\PQDVtics. Previous experience includes the musical ‘Twas the 1LJKW EHIRUH &KULVWPDV DW $FDGHP\ RI WKH 6DFUHG +HDUW in New Orleans, caroling at Magnolia House in Natchez, and participating in the Natchez Little Theatre winter workshop.

Dr. Ellen Price Elder LV $VVLVWDQW 3URIHVVRU RI 3LDQR DW the University of Southern Mississippi where she teaches applied piano and serves as coordinator of the piano accompanying program. She is an active collaborator with university faculty and guest artists. She also serves as director of the Southern Miss Piano Institute, which she founded in the fall of 2011. Her students receive numerous awards and honors for their performances. Dr. Elder holds D ' 0 $ LQ 3LDQR 3HGDJRJ\ DQG 3HUIRUPDQFH 0 0 LQ Piano Performance and Literature from the University of Michigan, and B.M. in Piano Performance from the University of Southern Mississippi. She has served on the faculties of the University of Michigan, the University of Michigan-Dearborn, Eastern Michigan University, Schoolcraft College, and William Carey University. 6KH KDV ZRQ PDQ\ FRPSHWLWLRQV DQG DZDUGV LQFOXGLQJ WKH $QQ $UERU 6RFLHW\ IRU WKH 0XVLFDO $UWV &RPSHWLWLRQ /DQVLQJ 0DWLQHH 0XVLFDOH &RPSHWLWLRQ VHFRQG place winner of the Memphis International Beethoven Sonata Competition, the 071$ 6WDU $ZDUG DQG WKH +($':$( $ZDUG 'U (OGHU LV LQ GHPDQG DV DQ DGjudicator and clinician.

THE ARTISTS Beth Everett LV $VVRFLDWH 3URIHVVRU RI 0XVLF DQG 'LUHFWRU RI &KRUDO $FWLYLWLHV DW /D*UDQJH &ROOHJH LQ /D*UDQJH Georgia, where she conducts the Chamber Choir and teaches courses in conducting and music literature. Everett KROGV D '0$ IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6RXWKHUQ 0LVVLVVLSSL Masters in Choral Conducting from Southern Methodist University, and Bachelor of Music from Palm Beach $WODQWLF 8QLYHUVLW\ (YHUHWW¡V YHUVDWLOLW\ DV D PXVLFDO GLUHFtor allows her to cross easily between opera and musical theater. Productions in her repertoire range from /D 7UDYLDWD to $ &KRUXV /LQH and from Godspell to Carousel and Into the Woods. She has prepared choruses for Meadows Opera Theater and Southern Opera and Musical Theater productions, including Francis Poulenc’s 'LDORJXHV RI WKH &DUPHOLWHV, Kurt Weill’s Street Scene, and Maurice Ravel’s /¡(QIDQW HW OHV 6RUWLOqJHV. This year marks her third season with the Natchez Festival of Music coming off of successful productions of Gilbert and Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore in 2014 and The Pirates of Penzance in 2015. Everett remains active as a singer and performed most recently with the LaGrange Symphony Orchestra. She is a member of Voices, a professional choir based out of the Eastman School of Music, and has performed the mezzo soprano solos for such major choral works as Handel’s Messiah, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Mozart’s 5HTXLHP, and Mendelssohn’s Elijah. David Farrell is an award-winning audio engineer with thirty-eight years of experience in music production. He KDV ZRQ Ă€YH *UDPP\ $ZDUGV IRU KLV ZRUN DQG KDV QLQH more Grammy nominations in various music categories. David’s body of work includes over a thousand album productions during his career. He has also recorded or mixed VRXQG IRU UDGLR WHOHYLVLRQ DQG Ă€OPV )DUUHOO UHVLGHV LQ New Orleans and is an active member of the National $FDGHP\ RI 5HFRUGLQJ $UWV DQG 6FLHQFHV DQG KDV VHUYHG on the Board of Governors for the Memphis chapter of 1$5$6 +H LV DOVR DFWLYH LQ 1HZ 2UOHDQV PXVLF SURGXFtions as well as in his work with artists for national and international record companies. 3RVVHVVLQJ D ´GHYLOLVK PDQQHU DQG EXUO\ EDULWRQHÂľ WKDW LV ´UREXVW DQG YRFDOO\ SRZHUIXO Âľ Joseph Flaxman recently performed Il Banchiere Miskinsky and L’Invalido while covering Gleby in Giordano’s Siberia at Lincoln Center with Teatro Grattacielo, premiered the role of Teddy Forsythe in Daron Hagen’s $ :RPDQ LQ 0RURFFR at Kentucky Opera, performed Montano and covered Iago in Verdi’s Otello at Lyrique-en-mer in France as well as under the baton of Lorin Maazel at the Castleton Festival, performed the Father in Hansel and Gretel at Opera on the James, performed Scarpia in Tosca with La Forza del 2SHUD LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ DQG WKH UROH RI $OĂ€R LQ Cavalleria Rusticana at Illinois State University, and covered the title role in Verdi’s Macbeth at Chautauqua Opera. He also has performed at Carnegie Hall, La Palacio del Opera (Spain), Opera Memphis, Des Moines Metro Opera, Sarasota Opera, Bard Summerscape, Opera Saratoga, Opera Naples, and St. Petersburg Opera amongst others.

Mezzo soprano Ann Louise Glasser holds Bachelor and Master Degrees in Vocal Performance from the University of South Carolina and Manhattan School of Music, and a Master in Music Education from Teacher’s College, Columbia University. While at Manhattan School of Music, Glasser developed a passion for bringing opera to children and wrote her own children’s outreach show, ZKLFK VKH SHUIRUPHG DW VFKRROV WKURXJKRXW 1HZ <RUN &LW\ Recent performing credits include Mozart’s 5HTXLHP LQ ' Minor; Mary in the world premiere of Michael Ching’s opera $OLFH 5\OH\ with Sherill Milnes and the Savannah Voice Festival; Julie Jordan in Carousel with Opera on the $YDORQ LQ 1HZIRXQGODQG &DQDGD DQG $ 1HZ .LQG RI )DOORXW (world premiere) and Damn Yankees with the Opera Theatre of Pittsburgh. Elana Gleason, hailed by the 1HZ <RUN 3RVW IRU Ă DXQWLQJ ´SLQSRLQW Ă€QHVVH RQ KLJK %¡V DQG &¡VÂľ DQG E\ Opera 1HZV IRU VLQJLQJ D ´SDUWLFXODUO\ EHDXWLIXO VRSUDQR Âľ LV D IXOO O\ULF VRSUDQR QDWLYH WR 1HZ <RUN &LW\ 7KLV VHDVRQ she performs Micaela in Carmen with Natchez Festival of Music in the spring of 2016 and most recently sang Hana in The Merry Widow (Regina Opera). Roles from her 2014-2015 season include Violetta in /D 7UDYLDWD with La Piccola Opera, Cio Cio San (cover) in 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \ with Natchez Festival of Music, Nedda in 3DJOLDFFL with Opera Company of Brooklyn, the title role in Tosca with Mississippi Opera, Kate Pinkerton in 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \ with Opera Louisiane, Frasquita in Carmen with Staten Island Philharmonic, and WKH VRSUDQR VRORLVW LQ 0LVVLVVLSSL 2SHUD¡V ´2SHUD *RHV WR +ROO\ZRRGÂľ *DOD

Internationally acclaimed, cross-over mezzo-soprano Nora Graham-Smith is thrilled to return to Natchez in the title role of Carmen, having previous performed Lois Lane in Kiss, Me Kate! This summer, Graham-Smith will join The Utah Festival Opera as Julie LaVerne in Jerome Kern’s Show Boat and as Evelyn Nesbit in 5DJWLPH. She also will sing the title role in Hansel and Gretel LQ WKH 8QLWHG $UDE Emirates with their National Symphony in 2016, having sung the dual dramatic roles of the Witch and Mother with Opera Memphis in 2015. Recently, in Carmen with the 3DFLĂ€F 2SHUD 3URMHFW LQ /RV $QJHOHV &DOLIRUQLD *UDKDP 6PLWK ZDV KDLOHG DV ´D GD]]OLQJ MDGHG &DUPHQ WKDW XOWLPDWHO\ UHPDLQHG LQ \RXU mind long after the curtains came down...a voice of refulgent power and carnal warmth.â€? Graham-Smith made her international debut under the baton of Maestro Lorin Maazel, traveling with him to Italy, Oman, and Virginia where she performed the title role in /¡HQIDQW HW OHV VRUWLOqJHV, performed as MercĂŠdès in Carmen, and covered Rosina in ,O %DUELHUH GL 6LYLJOLD.

Bradi Flynt is a freshmen choral music education major at the University of Southern Mississippi. She graduated from Desert Edge High School in Goodyear, $UL]RQD 6KH KDV VXQJ LQ many ensembles including the Mississippi Girl Choir and the Phoenix Girls Chorus. She has had the honor of singing in Washington, DC; Lincoln Center in 1HZ <RUN &LW\ DQG &DOLIRUQLD

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THE ARTISTS $Q DPDOJDPDWLRQ RI EOXHV VRXO DQG ZRUOG PXVLF Australian singer/songwriter Peter D. Harper creates a mix of roots music through his creative use of the harmonica and the haunting drone of the didgeridoo. By FRPELQLQJ WUDGLWLRQDO DQG PRGHUQ LQĂ€XHQFHV ERUURZLQJ from Western and World music, Harper has created a highly original style in the roots genre, which many have ODEHOHG Âł:RUOG %OXHV ´ +DUSHU KDV UHFHLYHG DQ DPD]LQJ %OXHV :RUOG 0XVLF $ZDUGV LQFOXGLQJ D *ROG 5HFRUG in the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. He recently won a 2014 Detroit Music Award for “Outstanding 9RFDOLVW´ DQG KDV EHHQ QRPLQDWHG IRU WZR 'HWURLW 0XVLF $ZDUGV +DUSHU KDV received many Australian Blues awards for “Male Vocalist of the Year,â€? “Song of the Yearâ€? and “Acoustic Artist of the Year.â€? He has performed for the Queen of England and has received a Gold Record for “Sailing Australiaâ€? (America’s &XS 7KHPH +DUSHU KDV DOVR EHHQ D JXHVW KDUPRQLFD SOD\HU IRU 8 6 6XSHU JURXS Âł-RXUQH\´ DQG 0LVVLVVLSSL EOXHV OHJHQG 0XGG\ :DWHUV RQ KLV :HVWHUQ $XVWUDOLDQ WRXU ,Q +DUSHU ZDV LQGXFWHG LQWR WKH %OXHV 0XVHXP +DOO RI )DPH LQ :LQGVRU &DQDGD ,Q +DUSHU ZRQ D 'HWURLW 0XVLF $ZDUG IRU Âł2XWVWDQGLQJ 9RFDOLVW´ +H ZDV DOVR QRPLQDWHG IRU DQ LQFUHGLEOH ÂżYH 'HWURLW 0XVLF $ZDUGV +DUSHU DQG 0LGZHVW .LQG ZDV IHDWXUHG RQ 3%6 79 :.$5 Âł%DFN 6WDJH 3DVV´ LQ 0DUFK 2015. Dr. Stanley Hauer is Professor Emeritus at the University of Southern Mississippi where he has been a member of WKH IDFXOW\ VLQFH 7KRXJK QRZ RIĂ€FLDOO\ UHWLUHG KH continues to teach and conduct research at the university. +H ZDV HGXFDWHG DW $XEXUQ 8QLYHUVLW\ WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI Heidelberg (Germany), and the University of Tennessee, ZLWK SRVW GRFWRUDO ZRUN DW 1HZ <RUN 8QLYHUVLW\ +LV PDMRU Ă€HOG LV (QJOLVK SKLORORJ\ ZLWK DQ HPSKDVLV RQ ODQJXDJH history and medieval languages, especially Old Norse. For WKH ODVW WZHQW\ Ă€YH \HDUV KH KDV DOVR EHHQ WHDFKLQJ IRU WKH School of Music, notably the history of opera and graduate courses on writing about music. He has lectured widely on language throughout the United States and Western Europe and has been a guest speaker at such musical venues as the Colorado Mahler Festival, the Houston Opera, and the Bayreuth Festival. This will be his third appearance at the Natchez Festival.

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Wade Heatherly is a Senior Vice President at Delta Bank in Natchez, Mississippi, and a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi. He is married to a Natchez native Susannah Byrne Heatherly, and they have three children. Wade Heatherly has performed on stages WKURXJKRXW 0LVVLVVLSSL IRU RYHU WKLUW\ ÀYH \HDUV DQG KDV won a handful of acting awards. He also has worked as a background and featured actor with speaking and unVSHDNLQJ UROHV LQ ÀOPV SURGXFHG LQ /RXLVLDQD RYHU WKH past several years.

Landon Henry, originally from Natchez, is pleased to be returning to Natchez Festival of Music this year as a Production Stage Manager. In Natchez Festival’s 2013 season, Henry played Ralph in Kiss Me Kate and worked backstage for 5LJROHWWR. In its 2015 season, he was brought LQ IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH DV WKH IHVWLYDO¡V SURGXFWLRQ VWDJH PDQager. He attended the University of Southern Mississippi ZKHUH KH SXUVXHG D %DFKHORU RI )LQH $UWV LQ 7KHDWUH Performance; received extensive training in scenic design and carpentry, prop building, and stage lighting; and acted in several showcase and main-stage productions, including $ 6WUHHWFDU 1DPHG 'HVLUH and The Grapes of Wrath. He also worked backstage on productions such as 5DJWLPH and Pride and Prejudice. Landon has lived in Chicago for three years, working as a stage managHU DFWRU SURGXFHU DQG FRIIHH DĂ€FLRQDGR +H LV DQ HQVHPEOH DQG IRXQGLQJ PHPEHU of the Jubilee Theatre Collective. He also managed stage productions for several Chicago companies including Cube Ensemble, Trap Door Theatre, and The One <HDU &KHFNRY 3URMHFW $IWHU WKLV VHDVRQ KH LV OHDYLQJ WKH FROG ZHDWKHU EHKLQG WR pursue his dreams in New Orleans. Rusty Jenkins LV D OLIH ORQJ 1DWFKH]LDQ ZKR KDV EHHQ active in local theatre and entertainment in this area for many years. He has a Bachelor of Arts and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Mississippi and studied law at Tulane University. He has two children, Phillips DQG 'XQEDU DQG IRXU JUDQGGDXJKWHUV $W WKH 1DWFKH] Little Theatre, his stage credits include The Matchmaker, Southern Exposure, Twain by the Tale, Auntie Mame, La Cage aux Folles, Sordid Lives, And Then There was Nun, Ten Little Indians, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Underpants, Mississippi Medicine Show, Big River, and Lord Fauntleroy. He is the winner of the 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award for the Natchez Little Theatre and appeared in the Old Capitol 'RFXPHQWDU\ +H DOVR DSSHDUHG LQ WKH ÂżOPV Lost River and Rise Again. For the last VL[WHHQ \HDUV KH KDV EHHQ D UHJXODU LQ $QJHOV RQ WKH %OXII

THE ARTISTS $PHULFDQ VRSUDQR Joy J. Jones is an artist in high demand. She has received top honors from the Classical 6LQJHU &RPSHWLWLRQ DQG WKH 071$ &RPSHWLWLRQ DQG ZDV the recipient of various fellowships during her vocal studies. Her operatic repertoire includes Fiordiligi in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte, Marzelline in Beethoven’s )LGHOLR, Romilda in Handel’s Serse, Elisbetta in Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda, Pamina in Mozart’s 'LH =DXEHUà |WH, Norma in Bellini’s 1RUPD, Della in Conte’s 7KH *LIW RI WKH 0DJL, and Marenka in Smetana’s The Bartered Bride, among RWKHUV 6KH KDV DSSHDUHG ZLWK 1HZ <RUN 2SHUD )RUXP ,FRQRFODVVLF 2SHUD $PDGHXV 2SHUD DQG DW &DUQHJLH +DOO Jones holds a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the Crane School of 0XVLF DW 681< 3RWVGDP DQG D %DFKHORU RI 0XVLF LQ 9RFDO 3HUIRUPDQFH IURP 6DP +RXVWRQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ $ KLJKOLJKW RI WKH VHDVRQ LQFOXGHV KHU FRYHU role of MicaÍla in Carmen with Natchez Festival of Music. Jones currently resides LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ DQG LV D VWXGHQW RI 0DUJDUHW /DWWLPRUH

VDLG WKDW VKH ´SRVVHVVHV D EHDXWLIXO VRSUDQR YRLFH ZKLFK LV ERWK H[SUHVVLYH DQG technically well founded. Her combined vocal and dramatic talents make her a natXUDO ¾ 'U .\OH¡V UROHV LQFOXGH 0LPL DQG 0XVHWWD LQ /D %RKHPH, Countess and Susannah in /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR, Fiordiligi in Cosi fan Tutte, Violetta in /D 7UDYLDWD, Pamina in 'LH =DXEHUà RWH, Lady Billows in $OEHUW +HUULQJ, Micaela in Carmen, the title role in Susannah, and the Evil Queen in the world premiere of Snow White.

Christopher C. Jordan, baritone, returns to the Natchez Festival of Music to sing the role of Moralès in Carmen. His participation in past Natchez Festival productions includes H.M.S. Pinafore and Tosca $Q DFWLYH SHUIRUPHU of opera, concert, and recital repertoire, Jordan made his Opera Birmingham debut in the role of Barone Douphol in /D 7UDYLDWD in 2016. He also has performed with Gold Coast Opera in Florida, Teatro Lirico d’Europa, and the 6RĂ€D 3KLOKDUPRQLF 2UFKHVWUD RI %XOJDULD 5ROHV LQ SUHYLous seasons include the title role in Don Giovanni, John Sorel in The Consul, and Peter in Hansel and Gretel along with light-opera roles as Pooh-bah in The Mikado and Reginald Bunthorne in Patience. This South Florida native has been seen on the musical theatre and dramatic stage in productions of Carousel, 7KH $PHQ &RUQHU, Tambourines to Glory, and The Colored Museum. Jordan holds a Doctor of Musical $UWV LQ 9RLFH 3HUIRUPDQFH IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD ZKHUH KH VWXGLHG ZLWK soprano Dr. Susan Williams.

Peter Lake UHFHQWO\ ÀQLVKHG KLV 0DVWHUV LQ 9RFDO Performance at the University of Southern Mississippi. He spent the past summer with the Chautauqua Opera &RPSDQ\ DV D 6WXGLR $UWLVW ZKHUH KH SHUIRUPHG 7ULTXHW in their production of 2QHJLQ; served in the ensemble of Verdi’s Macbeth; and performed in various scenes, outreach programs, and recitals. In February of 2016, he will play Don JosÊ in USM’s production of Carmen, and then Remendado, covering Don JosÊ, in Mississippi Opera’s Carmen. 7KLV VXPPHU KH ZLOO VLQJ DV DQ $SSUHQWLFH $UWLVW ZLWK &HQWUDO &LW\ 2SHUD DQG MRLQ 9LUJLQLD 2SHUD DV D 5HVLGHQW $UWLVW LQ WKH IDOO Notable roles include Camille in 'LH /XVWLJH :LWZH, Don Ottavio in Don Giovanni, Ferrando in CosÏ fan tutte, Tamino in 7KH 0DJLF )OXWH, Jean Valjean in /HV 0LVpUDEOHV Rinuccio in Gianni Schicchi DQG &RXQW $OPDYLYD LQ ,O EDUELHUH GL 6LYLJOLD.

,Q GHPDQG DV RQH RI WKH Ă€QHVW YRFDO FRDFKHV RI EHOW OHgit, and classical vocal technique, Dr. Maryann Kyle has dedicated her professional life to guiding singers in their pursuit of not only exceptional singing but also captivating performance. She has extensive experience teaching, coaching, and performing opera, recitals, concerts, and Broadway shows and was the vocal coach for the musical Twist ZKLFK RSHQHG LQ $WODQWD DW WKH $OOLDQFH 7KHDWUH in 2010 and at the Pasadena Playhouse in 2011. She is the FUHDWRU RI 0DU\DQQ .\OH¡V &200$1' 3(5)250$1&( WORKSHOP, which focuses on the integration of the voice LQWR WKH WRWDO DFWRU DQG WKH &200$1' 3(5)250$1&( %52$':$< ,17(16,9( D \RXQJ DUWLVW¡V WUDLQLQJ SURJUDP IRU PXVLFDO WKHDWUH VLQJLQJ DFWRUV DV D SDUW RI )HVWLYDO6RXWK 'U .\OH PDLQWDLQV D VWXGLR LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ DQG KDV ZRUNHG ZLWK 1<8 7LVFK DQG 3OD\ZULJKWV +RUL]RQV 6WXGLR DV ZHOO DV with the musical theatre apprentice program as a part of the International Performing $UWV ,QVWLWXWH *HUPDQ\ H[SHULHQFH $Q DFWLYH SHUIRUPHU RI RSHUD FRQFHUW DQG UHFLWDO repertoire, she has shared the concert stage with some of world’s greatest artists—as Micaela in Carmen opposite internationally known mezzo-soprano Denyce Graves; as guest soloist with The Miami Festival opSRVLWH IDPHG EDVV EDULWRQH :LOOLDP :DUĂ€HOG DV WKH soprano soloist in Mendelssohn’s Elijah opposite baritone Timothy Noble and mezzo-soprano Marietta Simpson; and as a soloist on the pop music stage ZLWK IDPHG DUWLVWV 3DWWL /DEHOOH 3DWWL $XVWLQ 'LRQQH :DUZLFN $QQ 1HVE\ DQG 9HVWD :LOOLDPV 'U .\OH¡V Sondheim Cabaret SUHPLHUHG LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ DW WKH Laurie Beechman Theatre/West Bank CafĂŠ in October 2011; and she recently performed the title role in Daniel Lincoln’s newest show, Calixte. She has toured extensively with John Wustman in the 6RQJV RI )UDQ] Schubert Recital Series KH GHVFULEHG KHU DV ´D O\ULF soprano of great and unusual gifts: an extremely musical singer that brings great beauty and style to all music that she performs.â€? Opera conductor Kurt Klippstatter

Beca Lake is a recently graduated scenic designer from the University of Southern Mississippi. In the past, she has worked as an education intern at Lexington Children’s 7KHDWUH DQG ODVW VXPPHU DV DQ $VVLVWDQW 3URSV 0DVWHU IRU WKH &KDXWDXTXD 7KHDWHU &RPSDQ\ LQ 1HZ <RUN 6KH KDV SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ WKH UHJLRQDO .HQQHG\ &HQWHU $PHULFDQ &ROOHJH 7KHDWUH )HVWLYDO ZLQQLQJ ÀUVW SODFH IRU KHU VFHQLF and props work, going on to nationals in 2015 and 2016.

Mignon Reid Lefebvre attended the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where VKH DWWDLQHG D %DFKHORU RI )LQH $UWV LQ 'DQFH (GXFDWLRQ She danced with the Southern Miss Repertory Dance Company and was a member of the Department of Dance ;7( $IWHU JUDGXDWLQJ VKH PRYHG WR 5DOHLJK 1RUWK Caroline, where she taught Dance and Intro to Theater DW :DNHĂ€HOG 0LGGOH 6FKRRO 6KH VRRQ PDGH WKH GHFLVLRQ to move home to Natchez to purchase and continue the WUDLQLQJ DW 1DWFKH] %DOOHW $FDGHP\ 6KH KDV EHHQ WKH DUtistic director since 2005. Mignon has choreographed for Natchez Little Theatre in productions such as Grease and &KLFDJR. She now directs 7KH 1XWFUDFNHU and $OLFH LQ :RQGHUODQG at Natchez %DOOHW $FDGHP\ DQG SDUWLFLSDWHV LQ PDQ\ ORFDO DFWLYLWLHV SURYLGLQJ GDQFH ZRUNV lighting, and production services.

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THE ARTISTS +DLOHG DV ´D SLDQLVW ZLWK D EUDLQÂŤD VWUDWHJLVW ZKR KDV WKH ÂśGLVWDQW JUDVS¡ Âľ $ODQ :DONHU Jonathan Levin is quickly establishing a reputation as an enthusiastic and compelling advocate for classical music, creating integrated programs that garner closer connections with audiences through illuminating discussion and example. Born in North Carolina, /HYLQ PDGH KLV GHEXW ZLWK WKH 5DOHLJK 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD DW DJH Ă€IWHHQ 6LQFH WKHQ KH has become an increasingly sought after recitalist, performing throughout the country in FRQFHUW KDOOV VFKRROV OLEUDULHV SULYDWH VDORQV DQG RQ WHOHYLVLRQ $FFRODGHV LQFOXGH WKH 1DWLRQDO 6WLOOPDQ .HOOH\ $ZDUG 6HFRQG 3UL]H DW WKH /RV $QJHOHV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO /LV]W &RPSHWLWLRQ DQG UHFLSLHQW RI WKH $ODQ :DONHU $ZDUG IURP WKH $PHULFDQ /LV]W 6RFLHW\ Most recently, he was awarded Second Prize at the George Gershwin Brooklyn International 0XVLF &RPSHWLWLRQ DV ZHOO DV D VSHFLDO SUL]H IRU %HVW 3HUIRUPDQFH RI $PHULFDQ 0XVLF /HYLQ LV WKH $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU DQG IRXQGHU RI &OD\WRQ 3LDQR )HVWLYDO LQ &OD\WRQ 1RUWK &DUROLQD ZKLFK FHOHEUDWHV LWV Ă€IWK VHDVRQ RI FRQFHUWV SXEOLF FODVVHV VFKRRO RXWUHDFK DQG RWKHU FRPPXQLW\ HYHQWV in the fall of 2016. This year, he makes his solo recital debut in Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall and his European concerto debut playing Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue in Moscow, Russia. In both an international and national career of opera, oratorio, and recitals, Joseph Levitt has sung over 40 leading tenor roles in more than 1,500 performances, includLQJ SHUIRUPDQFHV ZLWK WKH 1HZ <RUN &LW\ 2SHUD 1DWLRQDO &RPSDQ\ ZKHUH KH ZDV heard as Rodolfo in /D %RKqPH. Other roles include Hoffmann, Belmonte, Tamino, and Pinkerton in 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \, roles which he has performed with Opera Illinois and WKH 2SHUQDLU )HVWVSLHO LQ 9LHQQD $XVWULD. Levitt has sung with the Indianapolis Opera Company, in Robert Ward’s The Crucible with the Toledo Opera, and as Edgardo in /XFLD GL /DPPHUPRRU with Opera Illinois. He sang Beethoven’s 1LQWK 6\PSKRQ\ with WKH $QFKRUDJH 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD DQG WKH WLWOH FKDUDFWHU LQ %HUOLR]¡ /D GDPQDWLRQ GH )DXVW with the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra. Equally at home in light opera, Levitt has performed the works of Strauss, LehĂ r, and Kalman in many of the KLVWRULF RSHUD KRXVHV LQ $XVWULD *HUPDQ\ DQG 6ZLW]HUODQG $V D VWDJH GLUHFWRU KLV SURductions have included Mozart’s 'LH =DXEHUĂ |WH, Don Giovanni, CosĂŹ fan tutte and The Impresario; Puccini’s 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \; Händel’s *LXOLR &HVDUH LQ (JLWWR; Mascagni’s /¡DPLFR )ULW] Donizetti’s /¡HOLVLU G¡DPRUH; Bizet’s Carmen; Purcell’s 'LGR DQG $HQHDV Haydn’s Il mondo della luna; and Massenet’s Werther. Other engagements include productions with Opera Illinois, Westminster Choir College, University of Southern Mississippi, and Western Plains Opera. Micheal Lowe debuts with Natchez Music Festival this year. Hailing from Little Rock, $UNDQVDV KLV ODVW HQJDJHPHQW ZDV VLQJLQJ ZLWK WKH $UNDQVDV 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD IRU its Broadway Rocks concert. His operatic experience includes singing the role of Ben in The Telephone IRU ERWK 2SHUD LQ WKH 5RFN DQG 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $UNDQVDV /LWWOH 5RFN 2SHUD Theatre; The Bonze in 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \ for OpĂŠra Lousiane; and Count Robinson in ,O 0DWULPRQLR 6HJUHWR, Toby in The Medium, and Peter in Hansel and Gretel IRU 8$/5 Opera Theatre. His musical theater experience includes Cinderella’s Prince and The Wolf in Into the Woods IRU 8$/5 2SHUD 7KHDWHU DQG 7KH 0DQ LQ 9HUPRQW¡V /RVW 1DWLRQ Theater’s production of %OXHV LQ WKH 1LJKW +H SRUWUD\HG WKH 3DWUROPDQ LQ WKH $UNDQVDV 5HSHUWRU\ 7KHDWHUÂśV SURGXFWLRQ RI Wait Until Dark and also appeared there in the ensembles/US Foreman of /HV 0LVHUDEOHV and Hairspray. He performs frequently at Murry’s Dinner Playhouse in Little Rock where he has appeared in the roles of Duane in Hairspray and Henry and Seaman in 6RXWK 3DFLĂ€F, as well as in ensemble roles in Purlie and The Music Man. Lowe holds a %DFKHORU RI $UWV LQ 0XVLF ZLWK DQ HPSKDVLV LQ YRFDO SHUIRUPDQFH IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $UNDQVDV DW /LWWOH 5RFN

Olivia Martinez LV FXUUHQWO\ D VHQLRU YRFDO SHUIRUPDQFH PDMRU DW $OFRUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ 2ULJLQDOO\ ERUQ LQ $XURUD ,OOLQRLV VKH FXUUHQWO\ OLYHV LQ 9LFNVEXUJ 0LVVLVVLSSL 0DUWLQH] always has had a knack for performing, and her family encouraged and nurtured her talents from an early age. First performing in church, she developed a passion that would lead her to participate in choirs, numerous theatrical productions, and competitions at the UHJLRQDO VWDWH QDWLRQDO OHYHOV 6KH ZDV DZDUGHG D VFKRODUVKLS DW $OFRUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ where she has gained numerous hours of vocal coaching and intense study. Her ability to work with dynamic and diverse work-groups has garnered her several solos, leadership roles, and the chance to compete regionally. Martinez hopes to graduate and continue her musical study and pursue professional performance opportunities.

Director Rob Mulholland has directed and designed dozens of productions nationalO\ DQG LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ LQ 1HZ <RUN /RQGRQ¡V :HVW (QG DQG WKH (GLQEXUJK )HVWLYDO LQ 6FRWODQG ZKHUH KH KROGV WKH UHFRUG IRU PRVW )ULQJH )LUVW $ZDUGV ,Q /RQGRQ PXOtiple award-winning productions include his directing Imelda Staunton and David Thewliss in 7KH /DG\ 7KH &ODULQHW by Pulitzer-Prize winner Michael Cristofer, Steve Guttenberg in 7KH %R\V 1H[W Door, and George Takei in Undertow. He has worked with actors and singers from The Royal National Theatre, The Royal Shakespeare Company, Broadway, The Metropolitan Opera, and Hollywood. For Mississippi Opera, his credits include, among others, directing Denyce Graves in Carmen. Mulholland also served as Production Manager for 3ODFLGR 'RPLQJR LQ &RQFHUW and Ray Charles in Concert. His

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THE ARTISTS production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance was the inaugural presentation of FestivalSouth in Hattiesburg in 2010, and that same year he won a New 2UOHDQV $ZDUG DV 'LUHFWRU RI WKH <HDU IRU 0HO %URRNV¡ The Producers. He is the author of Best of the Mississippi Blues (starring Vasti Jackson), a two-time featured presentaWLRQ RI )HVWLYDO6RXWK DQG $ 6LJQDWXUH (YHQW DW ODVW \HDU¡V 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLF +H LV DOVR DXWKRU RI WKH KLJKO\ VXFFHVVIXO $ &KULVWPDV &DURO 7KH 0XVLFDO. Baritone Andrew Nalley LV D VHQLRU DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD ZKHUH KH LV D VWXGHQW RI 'U 3DXO +RXJKWDOLQJ $W $ODEDPD 1DOOH\ KDV EHHQ KHDUG LQ D YDULHW\ RI UROHV ZLWK WKH 8$ 2SHUD 7KHDWUH LQFOXGLQJ WKH WLWOH UROH LQ Don Giovanni, John Sorel in The Consul, $UFKLEDOG *URVYHQRU LQ Gilbert and Sullivan’s Patience, and Harry Easter in Street Scene. In 2014, he appeared as Guglielmo in CosĂŹ fan tutte and Rapunzel’s Prince in Into the Woods ZLWK 2SHUD LQ WKH 2]DUNV LQ $UNDQVDV DQG DOVR LQ KH DSSHDUHG DV 'DQGLQL LQ 5RVVLQL¡V /D &HQHUHQWROD. He has been a winQHU DQG D Ă€QDOLVW LQ QXPHURXV FRPSHWLWLRQV LQFOXGLQJ $ODEDPD¡V 071$ <RXQJ $UWLVW 9RLFH &RPSHWLWLRQ WKH $ODEDPD )HGHUDWLRQ RI 0XVLF &OXEV %LUPLQJKDP 0XVLF &OXE *XLOG $ODEDPD 0XVLF 7HDFKHUV $VVRFLDWLRQ 1$76 DQG WKH 0RQWJRPHU\ 6\PSKRQ\¡V 9DQQ 9RFDO ,QVWLWXWH (PHUJLQJ $UWLVWV &RPSHWLWLRQ 1DOOH\ EHJDQ KLV YRFDO VWXGLHV ZLWK 0DUWKD %URXVH DW %HOOH 9RFH 6WXGLR LQ +XQWVYLOOH $ODEDPD :LWK %HOOH 9RFH KH ZDV VHHQ DV &RXQW $OPDYLYD LQ WKH 0DUULDJH RI )LJDUR and as Marius in /HV 0LVpUDEOHV


Christopher Nelson UHWXUQV WR WKH 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLF WKLV \HDU KDYLQJ SHUIRUPHG LQ ODVW \HDU¡V VKRZ VWRSSLQJ DULD ´2K LV WKHUH QRW RQH PDLGHQ breastâ€? in Paul Houghtaling’s critically acclaimed production of The Pirates of Penzance 3UHYLRXV HQJDJHPHQWV LQFOXGH $OIUHGR LQ /D 7UDYLDWD and Pinkerton in 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \ with $PRUH 2SHUD )UHGHULF LQ The Pirates of Penzance ZLWK 1DVKYLOOH 2SHUD $OH[DQGHU LQ 7KH 1HZ 0RRQ with The /LJKW 2SHUD RI 1HZ <RUN DQG /XQ 7KD LQ 7KH .LQJ DQG , ZLWK 7KH 2KLR /LJKW 2SHUD +H KDV HQMR\HG <RXQJ $UWLVWV HQJDJHPHQWV ZLWK 'HV 0RLQHV Metro Opera, Opera Santa Barbara, and Mobile Opera. Nelson received his Masters Degree in Voice from Indiana University under the direction of Carol Vaness. He enjoys comic books, coffee, and rare exotic birds and currently resides in Ridgewood, New <RUN ZLWK KLV ZLIH .ULVWLQ Behrmann and their miniature dachshund, Sophie. Mezzo-soprano Stephanie Paige Newman is a native of Miami, Florida. Most recently, she performed the title role in Pinocchio for Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre. This season, she will sing Flora in /D 7UDYLDWD cover Carmen and sing as the Landlady in Show Boat at Natchez Festival of Music. She also returns as a regularly featured artist with the Downtowner concert series. Past appearances include Giulietta in /HV contes d’ Hoffmann, Charlotte in Werther, Meg in /LWWOH :RPHQ Mrs. Herring in $OEHUW +HUULQJ the Nurse in 6WUDZEHUU\ )LHOGV, and her performing artist role at the Manchester Music Festival in Vermont. 6KH LV D ZLQQHU RI WKH 0LDPL 'DGH $UWLVW $FFHVV Grants award as well as the Concerto Competition DW 1HZ :RUOG 6FKRRO RI WKH $UWV DQG VKH LV D VHPL Ă€QDOLVW LQ WKH 1HZ <RUN /\ULF 2SHUD &RPSHWLWLRQ <RXQJ 3DWURQHVVHV RI WKH 2SHUD )ORULGD *UDQG Opera Voice Competition, and West Palm Beach Opera Competition. Newman has participated in the ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 9RFDO $UWV ,QVWLWXWH 2SHUD $FDGHP\ RI California, and Manhattan School of Music Summer Festival. She attended the New World School of the $UWV LQ 6RXWK )ORULGD DQG KROGV D %DFKHORU RI 0XVLF from the University of Florida and a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Miami.

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THE ARTISTS +XVEDQG DQG ZLIH WHDP Arkadiy and Katya Orohovsky KDYH ZRUNHG WRJHWKHU IRU PDQ\ \HDUV $UNDGL\ JUHZ XS LQ .LHY 8NUDLQH ZKHUH KH WUDLQHG at the Kiev State Choreographic School. After graduation, he joined the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet where he toured throughout Europe, North America, and Japan. He danced soloist and principal roles such as the Prince in Cinderella, Siegfried in Swan Lake, and the Prince in The Nutcracker. After coming to the United States in 1994, he danced as a principal dancer with Ballet El Paso. He joined Houston Ballet in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such roles as Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, and Swanilda in Copellia 2URKRYVN\ LV QRWHG IRU KHU RXWVWDQGLQJ DELOLW\ WR FRDFK \RXQJ GDQFHUV LQ WKH FODVVLFDO EDOOHW UHSHUWRU\ DV ZHOO DV VWDJLQJ WKH IXOO OHQJWK FODVVLFV 7RJHWKHU WKH 2URKRYVN\V KDYH VWDJHG QXPHURXV EDOOHWV LQ WKH +DWWLHVEXUJ DUHD DV ZHOO DV JLYLQJ WKHLU VWXGHQWV WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR SDUWLFLSDWH LQ )HVWLYDO6RXWK ,Q WKH \HDUV WKH 2URKRYVN\œV KDYH EHHQ LQ +DWWLHVEXUJ WKHLU VWXGHQWV KDYH ZRQ QXPHURXV DZDUGV DW <RXWK $PHULFD *UDQG 3UL[ WKH SUHPLHU LQWHUQDWLRQDO VWXGHQW EDOOHW FRPSHWLWLRQ DV ZHOO DV UHFHLYLQJ VFKRODUVKLSV DQG DFFHSWDQFHV LQWR WKH FRXQWU\œV PRVW SUHVWLJLRXV EDOOHW DFDGHPLHV Gabrielle Richardson O\ULF VRSUDQR LV EOHVVHG WR SXUVXH KHU 'RFWRU RI 0XVLFDO $UWV XQGHU 'U 0DU\DQQ .\OH 5LFKDUGVRQ KDV FRDFKHG ZLWK singers Kirstin Chavez, Susanna Phillips, and Thomas Hampson, as well as with Ellen Rissinger of Opera Dresden and Michael Sturm of Bayerische Staatsoper. Past roles include Despina in CosÏ fan tutte, Polly Peachum in 7KH %HJJDU¡V 2SHUD Isabel in The Pirates of Penzance, Suor Genoveffa in 6XRU $QJHOLFD Hänsel in Hänsel und Gretel, Sylviane in 'LH OXVWLJH :LWZH Belinda in 'LGR DQG $HQHDV, Maria in West Side Story, 0V $QGUHZ LQ Mary Poppins, Marian in The Music Man, Grace in $QQLH Belle in Beauty and the Beast, and Micaela in Carmen. She will QH[W VLQJ 3DUWK\ $QQ +DZNHV LQ Show Boat.


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THE ARTISTS Alana Sealy, mezzo-soprano, returns to Natchez for this \HDU¡V )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLF $V GHVFULEHG LQ D Classical Voice RI 1RUWK &DUROLQD UHYLHZ E\ .HQ +RRYHU ´+HU ZHOO FRQtrolled dynamic expressiveness communicates the soul of the character beyond the written notes and cues on the page of the score.â€? Sealy was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina. Previously at Natchez Festival of Music, she has portrayed Ruth in The Pirates of Penzance and Little Buttercup in H.M.S. Pinafore. Other past roles include Mother in The Consul, Katisha in The Mikado, Lady Sophy in 8WRSLD /LPLWHG, The Mother in Hansel and Gretel, Santuzza in Cavalleria Rusticana, and Mrs. Lovett in 6ZHHQH\ 7RGG 7KH 'HPRQ %DUEHU RI )OHHW 6WUHHW. She holds an Master of Music IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $ODEDPD DQG D %DFKHORU RI $UWV IURP &DVH :HVWHUQ 5HVHUYH University in collaboration with the Cleveland Institute of Music. Baritone Rocky Sellers has been described by the New <RUN 2EVHUYHU DV KDYLQJ D ´YLEUDQW ERRPLQJ EDVV YRLFH Âľ For the 2016 season, Sellers looks forward to returning to Portland Opera to sing the role of Dr. Dulcamara in Elixir RI /RYH with Portland Opera To Go! He also returns this VHDVRQ WR 0DQKDWWDQ 2SHUD 6WXGLR DV D *XHVW $UWLVW WR VLQJ Dr. Bartolo in /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR, and in Natchez he will sing Joe in Show Boat and Zuniga in Carmen. He joins Opera Ebony as Baku in Imoinda and the Wagner Society RI &LQFLQQDWL IRU D 6KRZFDVH RI 1HZ $UWLVWV DQG KH ZLOO sing as Bass soloist in the Verdi Requiem in Philadelphia. Sellers has sung with many prestigious companies including Portland Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Sarasota Opera, Opera Saratoga, Manhattan 2SHUD 6WXGLR 'HOO¡$UWH 2SHUD (QVHPEOH 'HODZDUH 9DOOH\ 2SHUD &RPSDQ\ Regina Opera, Opera Naples, Natchez Festival of Music, and the Seoul International Opera Festival. He has received awards from the Metropolitan Opera National &RXQFLO $XGLWLRQV .HQQHWW 6\PSKRQ\ 9RLFH &RPSHWLWLRQ 'HOO¡$UWH 2SHUD 2SHUD %LUPLQJKDP 9RLFH &RPSHWLWLRQ DQG WKH $PHULFDQ Prize Competition in Vocal Performance. He holds a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

David Shenton has worked as a professional musician since the age of fourteen. He has collaborated with a host of stars, including Vanessa Williams, Tony Bennett, Paul McCartney, RenÊe Fleming, Liz Callaway, Sherrill Milnes, $QGUp 3UHYLQ 0LFKDHO )HLQVWHLQ $PDQGD 0F%URRP .DWLH &RXULF $ODQ 0HQNHQ DQG 6WHSKHQ 6FKZDUW] Shenton has performed at all the top concert halls in New <RUN &LW\ DQG /RQGRQ DQG PDQ\ RWKHUV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG One-third of the popular, frequently touring musical group O Sole Trio, Shenton is a member of the BMI Musical 7KHDWUH :RUNVKRS DQG KDV ZULWWHQ ÀYH PXVLFDOV $OVR KH KDV FRPSRVHG ÀOP VFRUHV DQG KXQGUHGV RI RULJLQDO FRPSRsitions; and he has produced countless arrangements and orchestrations for leading LQGXVWU\ ÀJXUHV +LV RULJLQDO FRPSRVLWLRQV ZLOO EH KHDUG LQ FRQFHUW KDOOV LQ 1HZ <RUN &KLFDJR 6HDWWOH /RQGRQ DQG PRUH LQ WKH VHDVRQ %RUQ LQ 5RWKHUKDP England, Shenton studied violin and piano at The Royal College of Music, graduating with the highest honours. Heather Steward LV D VHFRQG \HDU 0DVWHU RI )LQH $UWV in Costuming candidate at the University of Southern Mississippi. This is her second year working with Natchez Festival of Music. Her previous work includes costuming at USM for 7KH 6HDJXOO, 1LFNHO DQG 'LPHG, and Machinal. She also has worked with Carrie Dinner Theatre, Greenville Little Theatre, and The Upstate Shakespeare &RPSDQ\ $IWHU WKLV VHDVRQ LQ 1DWFKH] VKH ZLOO MRLQ WKH costume shop at Ohio Light Opera.

$ JUDGXDWH RI WKH ,QGLDQD University School of Music, Erin Shields also studied YRLFH LQ 9LHQQD $XVWULD Her vocal versatility has allowed her to perform a number of different genres all over the country, including leading roles for many reputable music festivals, opera companies, and orchestras, most notably several performances at Lincoln Center with the New <RUN 3KLOKDUPRQLF DQG 7KH $PHULFDQ 2UFKHVWUD 6KH SODFHG DV RQH RI WKH WRS Ă€YH JUDQG Ă€QDOLVWV LQ WKH SUHVWLJLRXV $PHULFDQ 7UDGLWLRQV &RPSHWLWLRQ LQ Savannah, Georgia, in 2011. Shields has performed her show, 7KH *UHDW $PHULFDQ 6RQJERRN 5HWROG, DW VRPH RI 1HZ <RUN &LW\¡V PRVW IDPRXV MD]] DQG cabaret clubs including The Iridium Jazz Club, The Metropolitan Room, and Somethin’ Jazz Club, has headlined the Forest Hills Jazz Festival, and was a featured artist at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. She performed the role of Marina Vlady in the world premiere of /HW 8V )O\, working with 721< $ZDUG ZLQQHU /DUU\ +RFKPDQ Book of Mormon DQG 0RQL <DNLP -DFTXHV %UHO LV $OLYH Well) at the 92nd 6WUHHW < 1HZ <RUN &LW\ 6KLHOGV makes up one third of the popular musical group O Sole Trio, which tours extensively. English-born pianist, violinist, composer, and arranger

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THE ARTISTS Zachary D. Thaggard is a native of Jackson, Mississippi and a graduate of Jim Hill +LJK 6FKRRO ZKHUH KH ZDV LQ WKH $GYDQFHG &KRLU 0HQ¡V &KRUXV DQG &KRUDO 4XDUWHW 7KDJJDUG DOVR ZDV D SDUW RI $PHUL&RUSV 5HDGV 06³DQ RUJDQL]DWLRQ IRFXVHG RQ LPSURYLQJ WKH UHDGLQJ VNLOOV RI VWXGHQWV DFURVV WKH VWDWH $IWHU JUDGXDWLRQ KH DFFHSWHG D VFKRODUVKLS IURP $OFRUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ WR SXUVXH KLV PXVLF FDUHHU LQ 9RFDO 0XVLF 3HUIRUPDQFH XQGHU 0U &KDUOHV ( :HVOH\ +H LV D SDUW RI WKH $68 &RQFHUW &KRLU DQG $68 0HQ¡V Chorus. Thaggard plans to go to graduate school and major in Music Therapy/Vocal Performance and to become an internationally known Opera Singer and Entertainer.

With over 70 roles in his repertoire, Corey Trahan is an active performer, educator, and stage director in opera, oratorio, music theatre, operetta, and recital venues. Known for his comic timing, versatile voice, and onstage charisma, he is being seen and heard internationally in repertoire ranging from operatic classics to modern musical theatre. Corey began the 2015-2016 season by stage directing Gypsy for Strauss Theatre Center and music directing N.S.U.’s production of 5(17. He then was a featured clinician at the (GXFDWLRQDO 7KHDWUH $VVRFLDWLRQ¡V 1DWLRQDO &RQIHUHQFH LQ 6W 3HWH %HDFK )ORULGD Corey presented concerts at Hodges Gardens (Florien) and for the Louisiana Partnership IRU WKH $UWV¡ 6WDWH &RQIHUHQFH +H SUHVHQWHG ´7KH 6LQJLQJ $FWRU :RUNVKRSÂľ DW 1 2 & & $ 1HZ 2UOHDQV &HQWHU IRU &UHDWLYH $UWV DQG (DVWHUQ 1HZ 0H[LFR 8QLYHUVLW\ Corey was director of N.S.U.’s 2015 Christmas Gala, featuring a cast of 450+ artists, in Natchitoches and the historic Strand Theatre in Shreveport. In addition, Corey will music direct N.S.U.’s production of Oklahoma, perform Monostatos in 'LH =DXEHUĂ |WH ZLWK Rapides Symphony Orchestra, Sir Danvers in Jekyll and Hyde ZLWK WKH $FDGHP\ RI &KLOGUHQ¡V 7KHDWUH &LQGHUHOOD¡V 3ULQFH LQ Into the Woods ZLWK 6WDJH&HQWHU VHUYH DV D WHDFKLQJ LQWHUQ DW WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV ,QVWLWXWH LQ *HUPDQ\ DQG UHWXUQ WR FR GLUHFW 7H[DV $ 0¡V 6LQJHU $FWRU ,QWHQVLYH &RUH\ KDV SHUIRUPHG ZLWK QXPHURXV RUFKHVWUDV LQFOXGLQJ WKH %DQJNRN 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD $NURQ 6\PSKRQ\ /DNH &KDUOHV 6\PSKRQ\ 6KUHYHSRUW 6\PSKRQ\ %UD]RV 6\PSKRQ\ 0RQURH 6\PSKRQ\ DW WKH -HIIHUVRQ 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV 6RFLHW\ LQ 1HZ 2UOHDQV DQG +RXVWRQ Masterworks. Corey has performed annual recital tours since 2002 funded by the National Endowment for the $UWV¡ &KDOOHQJH $PHULFD *UDQW DQG WKH 1RUWKHDVW /RXLVLDQD $UWV &RXQFLO ZKHUH &RUH\ VHUYHV DV 9LVLWLQJ $UWLVW and member of the organization’s resident touring ensembles. In addition to performing, Corey has experience teaching on the collegiate level. He completed a two-year assignment as the Biedenharn Endowed Chair in Music at the University of Louisiana where he was Director of Opera Workshop, taught private voice, vocal pedagogy and the history of opera. Corey was also Chair of Music Theatre at Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand, for WZR \HDUV &XUUHQWO\ &RUH\ LV DQ $VVLVWDQW 3URIHVVRU RI 7KHDWUH 'LUHFWRU RI 0XVLF 7KHDWUH DW 1RUWKZHVWHUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 1DFKLWRFKHV /RXLVLDQD &RUH\¡V DFDGHPLF GHJUHHV LQFOXGH WKH 'RFWRU RI 0XVLFDO $UWV GHJUHH IURP the University of North Texas, the Master of Music degree from the University of Houston and the Bachelor of Music degree from Louisiana State University. Stacey Michelle Trenteseaux, soprano, will debut as MicaĂŤla in Mississippi Opera’s production of Carmen WKLV $SULO DQG VLQJ DW ,3$, LQ .LHIHUVIHOGHQ *HUPDQ\ WKLV VXPmer. $PRQJ KHU RWKHU DSSHDUDQFHV DUH +DQD LQ 'LH OXVWLJH :LWZH the title role in Suor $QJHOLFD Fiordiligi in Cosi fan tutte, First Lady in 'LH =DXEHUĂ |WH DQG <XP <XP LQ The Mikado). Trenteseaux has sung with Natchez Festival of Music, CCM Summer 2SHUD 6RXWKHUQ 2SHUD 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH &RPSDQ\ $VWRULD 0XVLF )HVWLYDO 0DQKDWWDQ Opera Studio, Savannah VOICE Festival, and Operafestival di Roma. In 2015, she sang LQ WKH %UDYD &ROOLHU 2SHUD 7KHDWUH &RPSHWLWLRQ LQ 6DQ )UDQFLVFR Ă€QDOLVW 9RLFHV RI 0LVVLVVLSSL &RPSHWLWLRQ VHFRQG SODFH 7KH $PHULFDQ 3UL]H 6FKRUU 0HPRULDO $ZDUG (third place), and the William T. Gower Concerto Competition (winner). She is a student of Maryann Kyle, holds a Bachelor of Music Education from the University of Florida and an Master of Music in Voice Performance from the University of Southern Mississippi. During her tenure at the University of Southern Mississippi, she managed, produced, and directed Hänsel und Gretel, which was perIRUPHG IRU QHDUO\ VFKRRO FKLOGUHQ DW WKH KLVWRULF 6DHQJHU 7KHDWUH LQ +DWWLHVEXUJ DQG VKH VHUYHG DV $VVLVWDQW Director for the 2016 production of Carmen 7UHQWHVHDX[ ZLOO FRQWLQXH KHU '0$ DV D JUDGXDWH DVVLVWDQW DW WKH College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati this fall. Joseph VanZandt is a math teacher at Purvis High School in Purvis, Mississippi. He has performed for HCLO as P.T. Barnum in Barnum, Willard in )RRWORRVH, Joseph in -RVHSK DQG WKH $PD]LQJ 7HFKQLFRORU 'UHDPFRDW, Harold Hill in The Music Man, Leo Bloom in The Producers, Huckleberry Finn in %LJ 5LYHU, Jesus in Godspell, Marius in /HV 0LVHUDEOHV, and Jesus/Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar. He was also Reverend Oglethorpe in Smoke on the Mountain for Jones County Junior College, Cookie in 5HWXUQ WR WKH )RUELGGHQ 3ODQHW IRU -3$6 LQ 1HZ 2UOHDQV &RUQ\ &ROOLQV LQ Hairspray for Command Performance Broadway Intensive, and a member of the ensemble of Showbiz Showstoppers for the University of Southern Mississippi School of Music. He also won WKH $OO 6WDU &DVW DZDUG DW 07$ IRU KLV SHUIRUPDQFH DV 0DUN LQ $OWDU %R\] for JORT. VanZandt would like to thank his friends and family for their endless support.

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THE ARTISTS Kenton Walker LV D QDWLYH RI -DFNVRQ 0LVVLVVLSSL +H ZDV ERUQ $SULO :DONHU LV a graduate of Murrah High School. In the years of attending Murrah High School, he was LQ WKH $GYDQFHG &KRLU DQG 0DUFKLQJ %DQG :DONHU ZDV DOVR D SDUW RI WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL %R\ &KRLU DQG DQ $PEDVVDGRU RI WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL &KLOGUHQ¡V 0XVHXP $IWHU JUDGXDWLRQ KH ZHQW RQ DQG DWWHQGHG $OFRUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ WR SXUVXH KLV PXVLF FDUHHU PDMRULQJ LQ 9RFDO 0XVLF 3HUIRUPDQFH XQGHU &KDUOHV ( :HVOH\ +H LV D SDUW WKH $68 &RQFHUW &KRLU $68 Men Chorale, and Choir Psi Phi National Music Society, Inc. In the early years of attendLQJ $OFRUQ :DONHU KDV SHUIRUPHG ZLWK WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL 2SHUD &RPSDQ\ DWWHQGHG 6WDWH 1$76 DQG 5HJLRQDO 1$76 $IWHU JUDGXDWLRQ :DONHU SODQV WR JR WR JUDGXDWH VFKRRO DQG major in Music Therapy and to become a world-renowned opera singer and entertainer. Jamaican soprano, Danielle Watson, is currently a junior vocal performance major at $OFRUQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ /RUPDQ 0LVVLVVLSSL XQGHU WKH WXWHODJH RI 'U %\URQ -RKQVRQ $ UHJXODU VHPL Ă€QDOLVW DQG Ă€QDOLVW DW YRLFH FRPSHWLWLRQV VKH ZDV D IRXUWK SODFH ZLQQHU LQ WKH <RXQJHU 6WXGHQW $GXOW :RPHQ DQG 0HQ 'LYLVLRQ DW WKH 6RXWKHUQ 5HJLRQDO 1DWLRQDO $VVRFLDWLRQ RI 7HDFKHUV RI 6LQJLQJ 1$76 &RPSHWLWLRQ KHOG DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ of Louisiana at Monroe in November 2015. Watson has appeared as a soloist with several Jamaican groups and has been invited to appear in concerts and recitals hosted by notable Jamaican organizations. She also has given solo performances for the Natchez Music /HDJXH DQG DW 1LFKROOV 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ +RXPD /RXLVLDQD IRU $ &HOHEUDWLRQ RI WKH 1HJUR 6SLULWXDOV $Q DYLG ORYHU DQG VXSSRUWHU RI WKH DUWV :DWVRQ LV FXUUHQWO\ SUHSDULQJ for her junior voice recital to be held in the autumn of 2016. $ QDWLYH RI &ROXPEXV 2KLR David E. Weaver’s career in the performing arts and broadFDVWLQJ VSDQV PRUH WKDQ WKLUW\ Ă€YH \HDUV 'DYLG KDV SHUIRUPHG QHDUO\ WZR GR]HQ UROHV professionally with Opera Columbus and Columbus Light Opera, which he co-founded DQG VHUYHG DV LWV Ă€UVW PDQDJLQJ GLUHFWRU +H KDV DOVR VXQJ LQ PRUH WKDQ FRQFHUWV and musical revues. He is the author of Black Diva of the Thirties, a biography of OSU JUDGXDWH DQG SLRQHHU $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ RSHUD VRSUDQR 5XE\ (O]\ SXEOLVKHG LQ E\ the University Press of Mississippi. In 2006, he produced 5XE\ (O]\ LQ 6RQJ, a collection of her rare recordings, for the Cambria label. David is Executive Director of the Ohioana Library, which is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and celebrating Ohio literature and other creative endeavors.

Bronwyn White, soprano, most recently appeared as OcĂŠanide in PromĂŠthĂŠe EnchaĂŽnĂŠ in D ZRUOG SUHPLHUH UHFRUGLQJ ZLWK WKH $WODQWLF 0XVLF )HVWLYDO DV D 5HVLGHQW $UWLVW )HOORZ Other recent opera credits include her performance as Frasquita in Carmen with New Jersey Verismo Opera, Pamina in 'LH =DXEHUĂ |WH ZLWK 2SHUD2JJL1< *UHWHO LQ Hansel and Gretel with Capitol Heights Lyric Opera, Patience in Patience with Utopia Opera, DQG $GHOH LQ 'LH )OHGHUPDXV and La FĂŠe in Cendrillon ZLWK 681< ² 3XUFKDVH 2SHUD :KLWH KDV ZRQ WKH 'LVWLQFWLRQ $ZDUG DW WKH 0HWURSROLWDQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0XVLF )HVWLYDO &RPSHWLWLRQ DQG Ă€UVW SODFH DW WKH )ULGD\ :RRGPHUH 0XVLF &OXE &RPSHWLWLRQ DQG VKH ZDV QDPHG D Ă€QDOLVW LQ WKH 1HZ -HUVH\ 6WDWH 2SHUD &RPSHWLWLRQ 6KH KDV EHHQ IHDWXUHG DV D VRORLVW ZLWK WKH $WODQWLF 0XVLF )HVWLYDO 2UFKHVWUD 1HZ <RUN 2SHUD ([FKDQJH DQG Orchestra, Texas Christian University Wind Symphony, Purchase Symphony Orchestra, 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7H[DV DW 6DQ $QWRQLR 2UFKHVWUD DQG $QFKRUDJH &RQFHUW &KRUXV DQG 2UFKHVWUD 'HVFULEHG E\ FULWLFV DV ´WUHPHQGRXV Âľ ´HQWHUWDLQLQJ Âľ DQG ´WDOHQWHG Âľ EDULWRQH James Wright is a favorite among audiences for his charismatic presence and warm tone. His recent operatic roles include Malatesta in 'RQ 3DVTXDOH &RXQW $OPDYLYD LQ /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR WKH 6DFULVWDQ DQG $QJHORWWL LQ Tosca, and Papageno in 7KH 0DJLF )OXWH Wright recently originated the role of Richard White in Michael Ching’s $OLFH 5\OH\ This season, he was an apprentice artist with Sarasota Opera performing in $LGD )LGHOLR DQG %DWWDOLD GL /HJQDQR. Other operatic roles include The Pilot in Portman’s 7KH /LWWOH Prince, John Sorel in The Consul, Valentin in Gounod’s )DXVW, Schaunard in /D %RKpPH and King Melchior in Menotti’s $PDKO DQG WKH 1LJKW 9LVLWRUV

Danielle Yarbough, mezzo-soprano, earned her Master of Music in Voice Performance from The Boston Conservatory where she performed in youth outreach recitals, master classes, and scene productions, including Menotti’s The Medium as Baba and Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte as Dorabella. She played Ernesto in the children’s opera Billy Goats Gruff by John Davies and performed as Second Priestess in Gluck’s ,SKHJHQLH XQ 7DXULGH 6LQFH JUDGXDWLQJ <DUERXJK KDV WUDYHOOHG WR (XURSH DQG DWWHQGHG WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV ,QVWLWXWH LQ *HUPDQ\ ,3$, $W ,3$, VKH SHUIRUPHG LQ UHFLWDOV DQG scene productions of Cosi fan tutte as Dorabella and Massnet’s Werther as Charlotte. &XUUHQWO\ <DUERXJK UHVLGHV DQG ZRUNV LQ %RVWRQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV

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THE ARTISTS Bass-Baritone Antell Young II, a native of Memphis, Tennessee, is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Music Degree in Vocal Performance at the University of Southern Mississippi under Dr. Kimberley Davis. He has performed Zuniga in Carmen, Diesel in West Side Story, and covered the role of Foreman in Trial By Jury with the Southern Opera & Musical Theater &RPSDQ\ $GGLWLRQDOO\ KH DSSHDUHG DV 3DSDJHQR in 'LH =DXEHUà |WH, Mr. Kofner in The Consul, and Rambaldo in /D 5RQGLQH as part of USM’s opera scenes workshop. He also has sung with several other opera and oratorio choruses, including the Southern Chorale & Hattiesburg Chorale Union in a presentation of Mozart’s 5HTXLHP at FestivalSouth 2015. This season, he will cover the role of Zuniga in Carmen with Mississippi Opera and Natchez Festival of Music. Later this summer, he will sing Doctor Bartolo DQG $QWRQLR LQ /H 1R]]H GL )LJDUR in Indiana. He is DOVR WKH SURXG RZQHU RI $QWHOO <RXQJ 3KRWRJUDSK\ ZKLFK LV JHDUHG VSHFLÀFDOO\ WRZDUGV WKH EUDQG PDQagement of artists by providing them with professional, high-quality images for headshot use and images from recitals and concerts as well as designing for WKHP LPSRUWDQW SUHVV NLW PDWHULDOV VXFK DV DQ $UWLVW CV, business cards, and more.

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Natchez Festival of Music “A Night on Broadway” he Natchez Festival of Music hosted “A Night on Broadway” at the Carriage House Restaurant in Natchez, Mississippi, in February of 2016. Attendees were treated to many Broadway hit songs along with a delicious dinner prepared by Chef Bingo Star.











1 Rusty Jenkins and Richard Hess 2 Helen Moss Smith and Mary Lessley 3 Diane Glaze with Bo and Tracey McCartney 4 Becky McPhail and Charlotte Copeland 5 Jean Farrar and Connie Burns 6 Ed and Claudette Songy with Mary Ann Kyle 7 John Bergeron and Michael Cates 8 Jim Lessley and Valerie Bergeron


11 9 Ruthie and Jim Coy with Eugenie Cates 10 Cathy Scott, James and Ginger Hyland, and Nancy Reuther 11 Carol and Ralph LeMay, Bea Byrnes, and Shirley Petkovesk 12 Jeanette Feltus, Robert Valentine, and Bobbye Henley


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LWK WZHQW\ Ă€YH \HDUV XQGHU LWV EHOW WKH Natchez Festival of Music celebrates its seasons past. In the beginning, Lani and Ron Riches, former owners of Monmouth Plantation Historic Inn, attended a Santa Fe Opera Festival. /DQL UHPDUNHG WR KHU KXVEDQG ´:RXOGQ¡W LW EH wonderful if Natchez could have an opera festival?â€? They immediately scheduled a meeting with civic leaders to discuss the idea. During a conversation one evening with dinner guests Dr. and Mrs. David Blackburn, Lani and Ron Riches discovered that Dr. Blackburn was a well-respected opera teacher and conducWRU LQ 1HZ <RUN $IWHU EHLQJ LQYLWHG WR DWWHQG the meeting with civic leaders and interested citizens, Dr. Blackburn devised a plan, which became known as the Natchez Opera Festival. Dr. Blackburn became a committed Natchez resident as well as co-founder and artistic director of the festival. The mission and purpose of the festival are one in the same—to provide quality opera, Broadway, and jazz performances. It also seeks to provide positive performing opportunities for outstanding artists, to nurture and encourage talented young singers in their careers, and to allow


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these artists to share in an educational outreach program throughout Mississippi and Louisiana. The festival hires professional performers each season with auditions being held during the fall LQ 1DWFKH] DQG 1HZ <RUN 7KH DUWLVWV DUH VHOHFWed for their outstanding talent and their ability to Ă€W LQWR WKH 1DWFKH] OLIHVW\OH Each year, the festival has grown and become a major regional event. In 1998, the festival was DZDUGHG WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL *RYHUQRU¡V $ZDUG IRU ([FHOOHQFH LQ WKH $UWV ,Q $OFRUQ 6WDWH University became a major sponsor of the festival and helped to transform the arts in southwest Mississippi. In 2002, Opera News recognized the festival for artistic excellence. In 2003, Dr. Blackburn was awarded the Mississippi *RYHUQRU¡V $ZDUG IRU ([FHOOHQFH LQ WKH $UWV LQ 2SHUD DQG 0XVLF (GXFDWLRQ $OVR LQ the festival changed its promotional name, the May Festival, to the Natchez Festival of Music. Following the untimely death of Dr. Blackburn, *HRUJH +RJDQ EHFDPH WKH $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU DQG created a connection with the University of Mary +DUGLQ %D\ORU 7DNLQJ FKDUJH DV $UWLVWLF 'LUHFWRU in 2011, Dr. Jay Dean connected the festival to The University of Southern Mississippi, as well

as established strong connections to other outstanding music festivals throughout Mississippi. 1991: Gala Operatic • Recital • Man of La Mancha • La Traviata 1992: Songs of the Rivers • The Marriage of )LJDUR ‡ 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \ 1993: Grand Viennese Opera Ball • The Merry Widow • La Bohème 1994: Big River • Pagliacci • Carmen 1995: The Student Prince • Hansel and Gretal • <RX¡UH D *RRG 0DQ &KDUOLH %URZQ ‡ 5LJROHWWR 1996: The Pirates of Penzance • Die Fledermaus • The Fantastics • Tosca 1997: Gianni Schicchi • Gallantry • She Loves Me • Faust 1998: Mikado • Camelot • Suzanna • The Boyfriend • Tales of Hoffman 1999: Carousel • Don Pasquale • Once Upon a Mattress • Don Giovanni

2000: The Barber of Seville • I Do, I Do • Man of La Mancha • La Traviata 2001: H.M.S. Pinafore • Carmen • La Bohème • WK $QQLYHUVDU\ &RQFHUW RI -HQQ\ /LQG 7KH 0HUU\ :LGRZ ‡ 6XRU $QJHOLFD ‡ Pagliacci • Songs of the Rivers • Madama %XWWHUĂ \ 2003: Romeo et Juliette • The Magic Flute ‡ 5LJROHWWR ‡ $Q (YHQLQJ ZLWK *HRUJH ,UD Gershwin 2004: Show Boat • The Impressario • Marcus 5REHUW 7ULR ‡ $Q (YHQLQJ RI 5RGJHUV DQG Hammerstein • Turandot 2005: Porgy and Bess • Jim Collum Jazz Band • $Q (YHQLQJ ZLWK &ROH 3RUWHU ‡ *LDQQL 6FKLFFKL • Tosca 2006: Treemonisha • Fiddler on the Roof • Il 7DEDUUR ‡ $Q (YHQLQJ RI -D]] $ 7ULEXWH WR New Orleans • Little Red Riding Hood • Die Fledermaus 0R]DUW¡V 5HTXLHP ‡ 0\ )DLU /DG\ ‡ $Q Evening of Jazz • Noah’s Flood • Chanticleer • Falstaff

6SLULWXDO DQG *RVSHO ([WUDYDJDQ]D ‡ $ &DEDUHW ‡ 2NODKRPD ‡ 7KH 3Ă€VWHU 6LVWHUV ‡ 7KH Telephone • Bluebeard’s Castle • G Train: the Musical • CosĂŹ fan tutte 2009: Lord Nelson Mass • House • Evening RI -D]] ‡ 7KH )DQWDVWLFNV ‡ 'HDWK E\ $ULD ‡ Broadway and Opera Highlights • Carmen &ODUHQFH ´%XGÂľ 6FRWW -D]] 7ULEXWH ‡ Saturday Big Band Dance • Man of La Mancha ‡ 6 + 2 7 ‡ 'HDWK E\ $ULD ‡ 6WDUV RI 7RPRUURZ • La Bohème 2011: Songs of the Civil War • Little Red Riding Hood • Magical Moves of Jazz • Tango Rendevouz • It’s a Grand Night for Singing! Music of Rodgers and Hammerstein • Drop Dead *RUJHRXV $ULDV ‡ 0R]DUW RQ WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL 2012: The Romantic Music of Natchez • 6ZLQJLQ¡ %OXHV ‡ $ +XQJDULDQ 5KDSVRG\ ‡ $ 1LJKW RI 5RPDQFH LQ WKH 6DORQ ‡ 7KH 7KUHH Little Pigs • The Mikado • The Glorious Sound of Brass Music for Trumpet and Organ • The Voice of a Nightingale • The Portrait of Elegance • Don Giovanni

5KDSVRG\ LQ %OXH ‡ $PHULFDQ )URQWLHUV ‡ 3XWWLQ¡ RQ WKH 5LW] ‡ $ %HO &DQWR ZLWK 3DXO Groves • Home Sweet Home • Rossini, Puccini, DQG 0DUWLQLV ² 7KH %ODFN 6ZDQ RI 1DWFKH] ‡7KH %ODFN 6ZDQ 5HWXUQV ² .LVV 0H .DWH ‡ 0XVLFDO Wine Tasting • The Magical World of Tango • Rigoletto $ 1LJKW DW WKH 2VFDUV , ‡ 6DQFWXDU\ ‡ Rossini, Puccini and Martinis • Ol’ Man River: 7KH 0XVLF RI -HURPH .HUQ ‡ $OO <RX 1HHG LV /RYH &HOHEUDWLQJ <HDUV RI WKH %HDWOHV ‡ $ Tribute to Leontyne Price • In the Mood • H.M.S. Pinafore • Festival Musical Wine Tasting • The World of Maria Callas • Tosca 3LQRFFKLR &KLOGUHQ¡V 2SHUD ‡ $ 1LJKW DW the Oscars II • World Voices • Rossini, Puccini and Martinis • Rodgers and Hammerstein • %HVW RI 0LVVLVVLSSL %OXHV ZLWK ‡ 7KDW¡V $PRUH ‡ $ 7ULEXWH WR -RKQ $OH[DQGHU ‡ 7KH 3LUDWHV RI Penzance • Blues and Brews • Dancing Through WKH 'HFDGHV ‡ 0DGDPD %XWWHUĂ \

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May 7, 14, & 28, 2016

The Natchez Festival of Music presents

Kids’ Music Fest: 7KUHH 0XVLFDO )XQ ÀOOHG 6DWXUGD\ 0RUQLQJV Jefferson Street United Methodist Church 511 Jefferson Street • Natchez, MS 39120 JACK AND THE BEANSTALK May 7, 2016 10:00 a.m.


iving in poverty with his mother, Jack sells the family cow to a mysterious man for a handful of beans. When he returns home and shows his mom the seeds, she throws them out a window. The beans take root and a magical stalk grows to the sky. Discovering the EHDQVWDON DQG FOLPELQJ LW -DFN Ă€QGV KLPself in the castle of a very large oaf and his kindly wife. Learning that this giant has taken his father’s golden hen, Jack, with the help of the Giant’s wife, takes it back. The giant, in pursuit of Jack, receives a bump on the head after falling from the beanstalk, causing him to forget he’s supSRVHG WR EH ´EDG Âľ 5HDOL]LQJ DOO WKH WURXEOH he’s caused, the giant resolves to behave, agreeing that consideration for others requires people to treat other people as they would want to be treated.

AUSTRALIAN DIDGE-UCATION May 14, 2016 10:00 a.m. Presented by world renowned, award-winning didgeridoo/harmonica performer/singer/composHU 3HWHU ' +DUSHU DQG $XVWUDOLDQ singer/actress and music educaWRU %REEL /OHZHOO\Q ´$XVWUDOLDQ Didge-ucationâ€? is an exploration RI $XVWUDOLDQ $ERULJLQDO DUW PXVLF and culture which encourages student participation and informative Education. Husband and wife team, Peter and Bobbi, will describe through narration, music, and an interactive slide VKRZ D JHQHUDO RXWOLQH RI WKH GDLO\ OLYHV RI WKH Ă€UVW $XVWUDOLDQV L H ZKDW WKH\ HDW ZKHUH DQG how they live, and their art and music. Peter will demonstrate the unique indigenous instruPHQW RI WKH GLGJHULGRR \LGDNL DQG LWV SODFH LQ $ERULJLQDO KLVWRU\ 3HWHU +DUSHU ZLOO JLYH DQ DFFRXQW RI KLV Ă€UVW KDQG H[SHULHQFHV ZLWK WULEDO $ERULJLQHV LQ WKH ´2XWEDFNÂľ RI $XVWUDOLD +H ZLOO GHVFULEH KRZ WKH $ERULJLQHV PDNH D GLGJHULGRR +H ZLOO WDON DERXW WKH VSLULWXDO DQG KHDOLQJ TXDOLWLHV RI WKH LQVWUXPHQW DQG LWV XVH LQ $ERULJLQDO FHUHPRQLHV 3HWHU ZLOO DOVR WDON about the different types of woods and keys available. He will demonstrate some breathing techniques to develop circular breathing. Peter will demonstrate various animal calls and UK\WKPV WKURXJK VRQJ 3HWHU ZLOO GHPRQVWUDWH WKH FDOOV RI WKH $XVWUDOLDQ LQGLJHQRXV DQLPDOV i.e. Dingo/Kookaburra/Kangaroo and the Emu. During the presentation, color pictures of $ERULJLQDO DUW $XVWUDOLDQ DQLPDOV DQG $ERULJLQDO KXQWLQJ LPSOHPHQWV DUWLIDFWV VXFK DV WKH ´ERRPHUDQJÂľ ZLOO EH GLVSOD\HG DV ZHOO DV D ODUJH PDS RI $XVWUDOLD %REEL DQG 3HWHU ZLOO GLVcuss the best way to get started on the didgeridoo. They encourage audience participation by young and old. The question and answer segment at the send of the session have become very popular with audiences worldwide. Don’t miss this creative experience that will open hearts and minds to a part of the world that very few have experienced!

PAINTING WITH EMOTION May 28, 2016 10:00 a.m. Painting with Emotion is a hands-on program of coloring to a live performance. Music can be fun and very inspirational to people of all ages. This program will take kids on a visual trip into their imagination. It will be a great experience where the kids can paint to the music that they hear and create some wonderful paintings along the way.

For tickets to all events, visit RU FDOO $OO HYHQWV WR ODVW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLQXWHV DUH VXLWDEOH for kids of all ages, and are free and open to the public. Page 44 { May 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous


Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Natchez Festival of Music Signature Event

The Inspirations of Glen Ballard with the Community Fellowship Choir, Alvin Shelby and Tony Fields, Directors


L[ WLPH *UDPP\ $ZDUG ZLQQHU DQG Natchez native, Glen Ballard will perform with the Natchez Festival of Music Pops Orchestra and other guests in this evening of music written by him as well as music that both LQVSLUHG DQG LQĂ XHQFHG KLV FRPSRVLWLRQal style. Ballard is one of popular music’s most accomplished producers and songwriters, and his records have sold more than 150 million copies worldwide. He has also ZULWWHQ IRU WHOHYLVLRQ Ă€OP DQG VWDJH DQG has worked with the biggest names in muVLF IURP %DUEDUD 6WUHLVDQG DQG $HURVPLWK to Dave Matthews and Katy Perry. He proGXFHG DQG FR ZURWH $ODQLV 0RULVVHWWH¡V ´-DJJHG /LWWOH 3LOO Âľ ZURWH DQG DUUDQJHG ´0DQ LQ WKH 0LUURUÂľ IRU 0LFKDHO -DFNVRQ

and co-wrote and produced the Grammywinning and Oscar-nominated song ´%HOLHYHÂľ -RVK *UREDQ IRU WKH IHDWXUH Ă€OP The Polar Express. He has written and SURGXFHG VRQJV IRU 4XLQF\ -RQHV $UHWKD Franklin, Shakira, Idina Menzel, George Benson, George Strait, Wilson Phillips, 9DQ +DOHQ &KDND .KDQ 3DWWL $XVWLQ $O -DUUHDX $QGUHD %RFHOOL DQG PDQ\ RWKers. His production credits include proGXFLQJ DQG DUUDQJLQJ UHFRUGV IRU $QQLH Lennox, No Doubt and POD to name a IHZ +LV ZRUN LQ Ă€OP LQFOXGHV FRPSRVing original songs for Charlotte’s Web, %HRZXOI $ &KULVWPDV &DURO 7KH &URRGV The Mummy’s Return, and Valentine’s Day. Ballard also wrote the lyrics and music for Ghost the Musical, which is currently touring worldwide.

Natchez Performing Arts Center at Margaret Martin 64 Homochitto Street • Natchez, Mississippi 8:00 pm ADMISSION $40 (Concert only) $125 (Includes the Glen Ballard Post-Concert Gala Reception) Artists: Glen Ballard, guitar, piano, and vocals Joseph Britain, Music Director and piano Dixie Broadhead, soprano Gabrielle Richardson, soprano Peter Lake, tenor Shelby Lewis, Trumpet Larry Panella, Saxophone 0DUN :KLWÀHOG 7URPERQH David Pellow, Bass Andy Gilstrap, Drums Rainel Joubert, Violin Juan Correa, violin Daniella Pardo, viola Andrea Beltran, cello Otavio Kavakama, cello Nick Panella, guitar Alvin Shelby, Community Choir Director Tony Fields, Community Choir Director Sponsored by Delta Bank, Concordia Bank, Callon Petroleum Company, and Home Hardware Centers

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May 10, 17, & 24, 2016

Rockin’ on the River at Bowie’s Bowie’s Tavern 100 Main Street • Natchez, Mississippi 6:30 - 9:30 pm Admission: $7 $Q\RQH XQGHU WKH DJH RI PXVW EH DFFRPSDQLHG E\ DQ DGXOW


OXHV DQG 5RFN ÂśQ¡ 5ROO JUHDW GULQNV DQG D IDEXORXV 0LVVLVVLSSL VXQVHW FRPH WRgether to create this fun event. Come enjoy live music performed by Natchezarea musicians at world famous Bowie’s, located on the central bluff, high above the Mississippi River.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016 6WDUULQJ 6SHDNHDV\ Speakeasy is a Natchez-based band that has been entertaining Miss-Lou residents and visitors for two years. This band is comprised of four lifelong, multi-instrumentalists who pride themselves on a rich, textured live sound with two- and three-part vocal harmonies, bold guitar, and a solid UK\WKP VHFWLRQ 6SHDNHDV\ LV LQĂ XHQFHG E\ a wide variety of genres, including classic rock, country, indie/alternative rock, pop, and R&B/soul, and is known for adding a creative touch to classic tunes from such artists as Van Morrison, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Stevie Wonder, Tom Petty, and many others. Sponsored by 2015 Leadership Natchez Class

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016 6WDUULQJ 0RMR 0XGG Mojo Mudd is a Natchez-based band that has been performing all over the Miss-Lou area for over a decade. Their music has been described DV ´6ZDPS %OXHV¾ DQG ´)RONDGHOLD ¾ combining traditional songs and instrumentation with contemporary rhythms and style. From Johnny Cash to Pink Floyd, Mojo Mudd reaches out to every generation and genre. Front man Brandon McCranie is a radio perVRQDOLW\ DQG KRVW RI ´7KH 5RDG ¾ 0RMR Mudd can be heard at venues and festivals year round.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016 6WDUULQJ %LVKRS *XQQ %LVKRS *XQQ LV D URFN œQ¡ UROO EOXHV EDQG from the historic town of Natchez. The band consists of Travis McCready (lead singer/ rhythm guitar), Hudson Laird (lead guitar), and Burne Sharp (drums). Bishop Gunn began in September of 2014 when the guys decided to join forces to bring a soulful, hard-hitting rock/ blues sound to the world.


May 11 &18, 2016

Rossini, Puccini, and Martinis


KLV KDV EHFRPH D 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLF ´GR QRW miss” event. Each year music lovers from all over the nation attend this iconic festival concert. Come hear the very best singers in the nation perform their most exciting arias while you sit back, relax, and enjoy one of your favorite drinks. These shows always are unique and fun. Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Waverly Plantation 790 Highway 61 South Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Historic Natchez Foundation 108 South Commerce Street Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm Admission: $10 Sponsored by D & E

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man -HURPH .HUQ $UU -RQDWKDQ /HYLQ From Showboat Piano Sonata No. 1 George T. Walker , $OOHJUR HQHUJLFR II. Theme and Six Variations ,,, $OOHJUR FRQ EULR /D ÀOOH DX[ FKHYHX[ GH OLQ / (The Girl with the Flaxen Hair) Claude Debussy /RQGRQGHUU\ $LU $UUDQJHG E\ 3HUF\ *UDLQJHU

The 300-Year Journey

EvocaciĂłn ,VDDF $OEHQL]

Trinity Episcopal Church 305 South Commerce Street • Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm Admission: $20

Falling in Love with Love 5LFKDUG 5RGJHUV $UU -RQDWKDQ /HYLQ From The Boys from Syracuse


Improvisations on a Southern Melody Jonathan Levin


KH <HDU -RXUQH\ LV D FHOHEUDWLRQ RI $PHULFDQ SLDQR PXVLF KLJKOLJKWLQJ WKH LQà XHQFHV RI WKH ULFK FXOWXUDO KHULWDJH RI Natchez. This tri-centennial tribute features music of the diverse groups of people who settled in Natchez over its long history, including selections from Britain, Spain, France, and even music based on spiriWXDOV DQG 1DWLYH $PHULFDQ WUDGLWLRQDO PHORGLHV 7KH SURJUDP LQFOXGHV RULJLQDO YLUWXRVR WUDQVFULSWLRQV E\ -RQDWKDQ /HYLQ RI $PHULFDQ IDYRUites by Jerome Kern, Cole Porter, and Rodgers and Hart, and ends with WKH LQFRPSDUDEOH ´5KDSVRG\ LQ %OXH¾ DUUDQJHG E\ *HRUJH *HUVKZLQ himself for solo piano.

Sponsored by Al Walker: In Loving Memory of Keith Hall Karlson

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Three Visions William Grant Still I. Dark Horsemen II. Summerland III. Radiant Pinnacle So in Love &ROH 3RUWHU $UU -RQDWKDQ /HYLQ From Kiss Me Kate Rhapsody in Blue (solo version) George Gershwin


Friday, May 13, 2016

A Natchez Festival of Music Signature Event



n amalgamation of blues, soul, and world PXVLF $XVWUDOLDQ VLQJHU VRQJZULWHU 3HWHU ' Harper creates a mix of roots music through his creative use of the harmonica and the haunting drone of the didgeridoo. By combining traditional DQG PRGHUQ LQà XHQFHV ERUURZLQJ IURP :HVWHUQ DQG World music, Harper has created a highly original style in the roots genre, which many have labeled ´:RUOG %OXHV ¾ +DUSHU KDV UHFHLYHG DQ DPD]LQJ IRXUWHHQ %OXHV :RUOG 0XVLF $ZDUGV LQFOXGLQJ D *ROG 5HFRUG LQ WKH 86$ 8QLWHG .LQJGRP $XVWUDOLD and Canada. He recently won a 2014 Detroit Music


Natchez Performing Arts Center at Margaret Martin 64 Homochitto Street • Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm (QMR\ FDVK EDU ´%UHZVÂľ DQG RWKHU UHIUHVKPHQWV EHJLQQLQJ DW S P LQ The Grape Escape Club Room.)


Sponsored by Bobbye and Bill Henley

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Saturday, May 14, 2016

An Evening of

Andrew Lloyd Webber


LU $QGUHZ /OR\G :HEEHU LV WKH FRPSRVHU RI QXPHURXV ZRUOG UHQRZQHG PXsicals such as Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Sunset Boulevard, Cats, and The Phantom of the Opera. He has composed movie scores as well as serious classical music, and he has produced shows such as The Sound of Music and The Wizard of Oz DW WKH /RQGRQ 3DOODGLXP DQG ÀOPV OLNH The Phantom of the Opera and /RYH 1HYHU 'LHV. His awards include seven Tonys, three Grammys including Best Contemporary Classical Composition for 5HTXLHP, seven Oliviers, a Golden Globe, an Oscar, WZR ,QWHUQDWLRQDO (PP\V WKH 5LFKDUG 5RGJHUV $ZDUG IRU ([FHOOHQFH LQ 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH WKH .HQQHG\ &HQWHU +RQRU DQG RWKHUV $OVR :HEEHU ZDV NQLJKWHG E\ Queen Elizabeth II in 1992. His future projects include a stage musical of the hit movie School of Rock DQG DQ DQLPDWHG IHDWXUH ÀOP RI -RVHSK DQG WKH $PD]LQJ Technicolor Dreamcoat. Artists: Elana Gleason, soprano Samantha Dango, soprano Pater Lake, tenor

Sponsored by Sue and Mac Pate

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Andrew Nalley, baritone Arthur Bosarge, music director

The Towers 801 Myrtle Avenue Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm • Admission: $100 (Includes entertainment, fare, and DGXOW EHYHUDJHV 0XVW EH WR DWWHQG


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Impressions and Expressions Classical Music of Our Time First Presbyterian Church 400 State Street • Natchez, Mississippi 7 pm Admission: $20 IRU . 6WXGHQW $GXOW ZLWK . 6WXGHQW &ROOHJH DQG $FWLYH 0LOLWDU\ ZLWK FXUUHQW ,'


ver the last one hundred years, classical music has undergone numerous changes. From French Impressionistic composers, such as Debussy and Ravel, and Expressionistic works of Schoenberg, Berg, and Webern through the incredibly complex musical works of John Cage, Elliott Carter, George Crumb, and others, this extraordinary evening offers you the opportunity to experience classical music that continues to change the world. Enjoy a cash bar with refreshments before the concert beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic Natchez Foundation located at 108 South Commerce Street.

)HDWXUHG $UWLVWV Maryann Kyle, soprano Ellen Elder and Joseph Brumbeloe, piano

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Friday, May 20, 2016

The British Invasion of Natchez Music of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and Other Brits that Changed the World! Natchez Performing Arts Center at Margaret Martin 64 Homochitto Street • Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm Admission: $25 IRU . 6WXGHQW $GXOW ZLWK . 6WXGHQW &ROOHJH DQG $FWLYH 0LOLWDU\ ZLWK FXUUHQW ,'


he arrival of the Beatles in the United States in 1964 marked the start of the British Invasion, a phenomenon that occurred in the mid-1960s when rock and pop music groups from Great Britain became popular in the United States. Groups such as the Beatles, the Dave Clark Five, the Kinks, the Rolling Stones, Gerry and the Pacemakers, Herman’s Hermits, and The Who were some of those that dominated pop music all over WKH JOREH GXULQJ WKDW HUD &RPH HQMR\ WKLV WULEXWH WR WKH SKHQRPHQDO ´0XVLF WKDW &KDQJHG the World!â€? Enjoy a cash bar with refreshments before the concert beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic Natchez Foundation located at 108 South Commerce Street.

Sponsored by Merit Health Natchez

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$UWLVWV Joseph Britain, Music Director, piano, and vocals Lowery Hicks, bass $QG\ *LOVWUDS GUXPV Peter Lake, vocals Miles Doleac, vocals Joe Vanzandt, vocals


May 21 & 22, 2016

Four Flags Over Natchez—A Tricentennial Season Natchez Festival of Music presents

The Southern Musical Theatre Conference oth Opera and Musical Theatre have been a part of the Natchez Festival of Music since its beginning. For the past twenty-six years, we have brought superb singers to our community from around the nation; and many of the performers who have graced our


stage have gone on to have illustrious musical careers. We are proud to have been a part of their history and them part of ours. $V SDUW RI RXU )RXU )ODJV 2YHU 1DWFKH] Tricentennial Season, we are presenting a two-day conference on the subject RI WKH $PHULFDQ 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH 7KLV

two-day conference is a set of lectures, discussions, and performances about various aspects of Musical Theatre, as well as our Tricentennial performance of Jerome Kern’s iconic musical Show Boat.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Lectures: Historic Natchez Foundation 108 S Commerce St. Show Boat Performance: 1DWFKH] 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV &HQWHU DW 0DUJDUHW Martin 64 Homochitto St.

Rob Mulholland 6WDJH 'LUHFWRU Corey Trahan 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH /HFWXUHU Beth Everett Musical Director Arthur Bosarge Pianist David Weaver $XWKRU Black Diva of the Thirties: The Life of Ruby Elzy Beca Lake 6HW 'HVLJQHU

D P 11:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

7KH +LVWRU\ RI $PHULFDQ 0XVLFDO Theatre &RUH\ 7UDKDQ ² 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH Lecturer Conversations with the Directors of Show Boat Panel members: &RUH\ 7UDKDQ ² 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH Lecturer Rob Mulholland - Stage Director $UWKXU %RVDUJH 3LDQLVW %HFD /DNH ² 6HW 'HVLJQHU The Story of Show Boat: The Musical that Changed Broadway &RUH\ 7UDKDQ ² 0XVLFDO 7KHDWUH Lecturer Show Boat*

Sunday, May 22 3:00 p.m.

$OO OHFWXUHV DQG GLVFXVVLRQV DUH IUHH DQG open to the public. For a complete schedule of the Natchez Festival of Music go to www. For tickets to all events go to or call 601-446-6631. *Tickets must be purchased for the performance of Show Boat on Saturday evening. This conference is being presented in cooperation with The University of Southern 0LVVLVVLSSL DQG WKH $UWV ,QVWLWXWH RI 0LVVLVVLSSL This conference is supported by the Mississippi Humanities Council.

The Story of Ruby Elzy, the Jewel of Mississippi 'DYLG :HDYHU $XWKRU Black 'LYD RI WKH 7KLUWLHV 7KH /LIH of Ruby Elzy

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A Natchez Festival of Music Signature Event

Show Boat by Jerome Kern A musical based on the novel by Edna Ferber Music by Jerome Kern • Book and Lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II Natchez Performing Arts Center at Margaret Martin 64 Homochitto Street Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm (QMR\ FDVK EDU ´%UHZVÂľ DQG RWKHU UHIUHVKPHQWV EHJLQQLQJ DW S P LQ The Grape Escape Club Room.)


Orchestra Sponsored by Sue and Mac Pate

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Saturday, May 21, 2016 Synopsis: The premiere of Show Boat in 1927 was a watershed event in the history of Broadway. Up until that time, such entertainments had been vaudeville-style reviews, girlie-show spectaculars (think of the stage numbers in )XQQ\ *LUO), or watered-down Viennesestyle operettas (like The Student Prince). Show Boat ZDV WKH Ă€UVW ERRN PXVLFDO LQ ZKLFK WKH VWRU\ ZDV DV important as the music, and the characters were fully rounded. Scholar John Dizikes (2SHUD LQ $PHULFD, FDOOV WKH PRYHPHQW ´%URDGZD\ RSHUD Âľ ,W ZDV the product of four extraordinary talents, novelist Edna Ferber, composer Jerome Kern, dramatist Oscar Hammerstein II, and producer Florenz Ziegfeld. Ferber (1885-1968) was a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and playwright, best known for Cimmaron and Giant, both made into successful motion pictures. $V SDUW RI KHU UHVHDUFK IRU WKH ORQJ QRYHO Show Boat Ferber spent several weeks aboard the -DPHV $GDPV )ORDWLQJ 3DODFH 7KHDWUH, based in North Carolina and the Chesapeake Bay. She realized this rapidly-fading O\ULF HQWHUWDLQPHQW ZDV DQ $PHULFDQ SHFXOLDU DQG VKH ZDQWHG WR SUHVHUYH LW LQ Ă€FWLRQ 7KH ERRN WHOOV the story of three generations of entertainers associated with the Mississippi riverboat Cotton Blossom, LWV FDSWDLQ $QG\ +DZNV KLV H[WHQGHG IDPLO\ DQG WKH stagehands and cast. Miss Ferber never laid eyes on either Natchez or the Mississippi, and the novel was largely written in France. It caught the attention of Jerome Kern (1885-1945), who requested the rights to set the story to music. Ferber was understandably doubtful, for this sometimes dark story of race relations, miscegenation, failed marriage, and alcoholism hardly seemed the stuff for a pleasant evening’s entertainment. Nevertheless, she relented and was delighted with the ensuing lyrical drama. Kern asked writer Oscar Hammerstein II (18951960) to collaborate on the playbook and lyrics, which he gladly did. Theatre was in Hammerstein’s blood, and he was named for his famous grandfather, whose RSHUD KRXVH LQ 1HZ <RUN KDG EHHQ D Ă€HUFH ULYDO RI WKH Metropolitan Opera. Hammerstein would later collaborate with Richard Rodgers on such Broadway classics as Oklahoma!, 7KH .LQJ DQG ,, and The Sound of Music. The producer of this new form of entertainment ZDV WKH Ă DPER\DQW )ORUHQ] =LHJIHOG RZQHU RI WKH VSHFWDFXODU $UW 'HFR WKHDWUH WKDW ERUH KLV QDPH LQ 1HZ <RUN DQG ZKHUH Show Boat would play IRU SHUIRUPDQFHV LQ LWV Ă€UVW UXQ +H JDYH .HUQ and Hammerstein a mere three months to prepare their show, and he peppered them with irritable telegrams as they ran wildly overtime. But eventually the musiFDO ZDV Ă€QLVKHG DQG KH GHFODUHG KLV VDWLVIDFWLRQ ZLWK WKH ZRUNÂłDOO H[FHSW IRU WKH VRQJ ´2O¡ 0DQ 5LYHU Âľ which he despised (Ferber, on the contrary, said it was her favorite song in the world). When Show Boat made its off-Broadway debut in Washington, D.C., it lasted four-and-a-half hours. Clearly major cuts had to be made to reduce the work WR DERXW KDOI WKDW OHQJWK EHIRUH RSHQLQJ LQ 1HZ <RUN Ever since, the text (both book and music) have been Ă XLG DV GLUHFWRUV UHDUUDQJH FXW UHVWRUH DQG YDULRXVO\ KDFN XS WKH VFRUH DV WKH\ VHH Ă€W 7KHUH DUH WKUHH GLIIHUHQW RYHUWXUHV IRU H[DPSOH $QRWKHU SUREOHP LV WKH UDFism of the text, which clearly must be rewritten for the VHQVLELOLWLHV RI D PRGHUQ DXGLHQFH 7KH YHU\ Ă€UVW ZRUG

of the show’s text is a racist epithet, now always cut RU ZULWWHQ RXW 7KH VWRU\ LV WROG WKDW WKH Ă€UVW QLJKW audience left the theatre in stony silence. The writHUV ZHUH GHYDVWDWHG DW WKHLU VHHPLQJ Ă RS =LHJIHOG was apoplectic. But the critics were remarkably kind in their reviews, and the next morning the line for tickets ran several blocks. Show Boat has never been absent from the stage. The score is alive with tunes, some of them reSULVHG VHYHUDO WLPHV ´&DQ¡W +HOS /RYLQ 'DW 0DQÂľ DQG ´0DNH %HOLHYHÂľ DUH WUXO\ PHPRUDEOH ´2O¡ Man Riverâ€? (the one Ziegfeld wanted cut!) is immortal. One peculiar feature of the score is the remarkable amount of underscoring of dialogue with PXVLF UDWKHU OLNH LQ D PRWLRQ SLFWXUH $V LV IDLUO\ common in Broadway musicals, audiences generDOO\ Ă€QG WKH Ă€UVW DFW PRUH HIIHFWLYH ERWK PXVLFDOO\ and dramatically, than the second. There the plot wanders a bit, trying to cover too much chronological time in the limited hour or so that the stage diUHFWRU DOORZV 6RPH Ă€QG WKH KDSS\ HQGLQJ GLIIHUHQW IURP WKDW LQ WKH QRYHO UDWKHU IRUFHG $QG ZLWK WKH QRWDEOH H[FHSWLRQ RI WKH WRUFK VRQJ ´%LOO Âľ much of the music of this second act is reprise. Nevertheless, most of the score is of the highest order. Show Boat KDV EHHQ DQ $PHULFDQ DPEDVVDdor to the world’s theatres for over three-quarters of a century, and it remains as vibrant and alive as LW GLG RQ LWV Ă€UVW HYHQLQJ —Program notes by Stanley Hauer

Director: Rob Mulholland Music Director: Beth Everett Choreographer: Lindsay Williams Set Design: Rebecca Lake Lighting: Mignon Reid Costume Coordinator: Heather Steward CAST 0$*12/,$ +$:.(6 %URQZ\Q :KLWH *$</25' 5$9(1$/ -DPHV :ULJKW -8/,( /$ 9(51( $QQ /RXLVH *ODVVHU &$37$,1 $1'< +$:.(6 3HWHU /DNH 3$57+< $11 +$:.(6 $QQ *DEULHOOH Richardson 48((1,( 'DQLHOOH <DUERXJK (//,( 0$< 6+,3/(< $GULHQQH %ODQNV )5$1. 6&+8/7= ,YDQ &RQUDG JOE Rocky Sellers 67(9( %$.(5 0DWW %ODQNV ENSEMBLE 3UHVWRQ $QGUHZV (Understudy for Joe) Ibukun Babalola (Understudy for Queenie) Curtis Bannister Kathleen Barnes $GXOW .LP 5DYHQDO

Matthew Bischoff Samantha Dango (Mother Superior; Understudy IRU $GXOW .LP 5DYHQDO

Roberta Duhs $LQVOH\ 'XSUp (Child Kim Ravenal)

Joseph Flaxman (Pete) Elana Gleason /RWWLH 2OG /DG\ 8QGHUVWXG\ IRU 0DJQROLD +DZNHV

Wade Heatherly (Sherriff Vallon) Landon Henry (Rubberface) Rusty Jenkins (Windy) Joy Jones (Ethel) Christopher Jordan Michael Lowe Olivia Martinez $QGUHZ 1DOOH\ (Understudy for Gaylord Ravenal) Christopher Nelson (Trocadero Boss; Understudy for Windy) Stephanie Newman /DQGODG\ 0DLVLH

Wesley Saunders 8QGHUVWXG\ IRU &DSWDLQ $QG\

$ODQD 6HDO\ (Second Girl; Understudy for Julie /D9HUQH

Nora Graham Smith (Third Girl) Zachary D. Thaggard Kenton Walker Danielle Watson $QWHOO <RXQJ ,, 352'8&7,21 7($0 Production Manager: Landon Henry Stage Manager: Hayden Courington RĂŠpĂŠtiteurs & Trocadero Pianist: Jonathan Levin $UWKXU %RVDUJH 3URGXFWLRQV $VVLVWDQWV 7RP 'XQJDQ 0DWWKHZ Bischoff, Wesley Saunders 6HW &RQVWUXFWLRQ %RE $GDPV 3HWHU /DNH

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Ruby Elzy The Jewel of Mississippi Choctaw Hall 310 North Wall Street • Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 and 8:30 pm Admission: $30 IRU . 6WXGHQW $GXOW ZLWK . 6WXGHQW &ROOHJH DQG $FWLYH 0LOLWDU\ ZLWK FXUUHQW ,'


ith this recital, the Natchez Festival of Music continues its tradition of honoring Mississippi’s JUHDW PXVLFDO DUWLVWV %RUQ LQ 3RQWRWRF 0LVVLVVLSSL $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ VRSUDQR 5XE\ (O]\ went from a childhood of washing clothes to attending Rust College, Ohio State University, and the Juilliard School. During her career, she performed at the White House and appeared on %URDGZD\ RQ UDGLR RQ WKH FRQFHUW VWDJH DQG LQ Ă€OPV ZLWK VXFK VWDUV DV 3DXO 5REHVRQ 0DU\ 0DUWLQ DQG %LQJ &URVE\ 6KH DOVR VDQJ DW +DUOHP¡V $SROOR 7KHDWHU DQG DW WKH +ROO\ZRRG %RZO Elzy created the role of Serena in George Gershwin’s 3RUJ\ DQG %HVV and performed it more than eight hundred times. She can be heard on the 1937 recording of the Gershwin Memorial Concert at the Hollywood Bowl that took place three months after Gershwin’s death. Rising above poverty and prejudice to become one of the most acclaimed singers of her generation, she died in 1943 at the YHU\ \RXQJ DJH RI WKLUW\ Ă€YH DIWHU D FDUHHU RI EDUHO\ D GHFDGH VKH KDG MXVW VLJQHG D FRQWUDFW WR VWDU in the title role of Verdi’s $LGD. Choctaw Hall, constructed in 1836 for Joseph Neibert, is a transitional Natchez mansion, conWDLQLQJ WKH JHQHUDO )HGHUDO VW\OH IRUP HVWDEOLVKHG E\ $UOLQJWRQ DQG 5RVDOLH ZKLOH EOHQGLQJ *UHHN 5HYLYDO GHWDLOV 7KH :3$ ZRUNHG WR UHQRYDWH &KRFWDZ +DOO GXULQJ WKH 1HZ 'HDO

$UWLVWV Joy Jones, soprano 'DQLHOOH <DUERXJK PH]]R VRSUDQR Ibukun Babalola, mezzo-soprano $UWXU %RVDUJH SLDQR

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Natchez Festival of Music Signature Event

A Tribute to Gone with the Wind Starring Erin Shield, Soprano, and David Shenton, Piano Stanton Hall 401 High Street Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 and 8:30 pm Admission: $40 ($10 for K-12 Student, $GXOW ZLWK . 6WXGHQW &ROOHJH DQG $FWLYH 0LOLWDU\ ZLWK FXUUHQW ,'


magine an evening of being serenaded by Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler as they perform songs that would have been presented in elegant Southern homes during the eighteenth and nineWHHQWK FHQWXULHV <RX ZLOO KHDU WKH PXVLF RI 0R]DUW DQG 5RVVLQL <RX DOVR ZLOO hear music from the era of the book by Margaret Mitchell and the movie, Gone with the Wind—songs that were made famous by such greats as Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra. Finally, you will be able to experience the music of modern popular composers from the South who have been LQVSLUHG E\ 6RXWKHUQ OLIH $QG RI FRXUVH the evening would not be complete without hearing the epic and unforgettable theme from Gone with the Wind, one of the most remarkable movies ever made. In 1857, Irish immigrant and cotton merchant Frederick Stanton began construction on the home of his dreams: a palatial Greek-Revival style residence in the heart of Natchez. Then known as Belfast, Stanton’s home occupied an entire city block and cost over $83,000 before it was

even furnished. Marble mantel pieces ZHUH LPSRUWHG IURP 1HZ <RUN RUQDWH JDVoliers were purchased from Philadelphia, and immense mirrors were ordered from France. The façade of Stanton’s home was equally impressive with its Corinthian columns and intricate cast-iron railings.

Completed only months before Stanton’s death in 1859, it was occupied by Union troops during the Civil War. The family remained in residence until 1894 at which point the building was transformed into 6WDQWRQ &ROOHJH IRU <RXQJ /DGLHV DQG UHchristened Stanton Hall.

Sponsored by Hedy and Gerald Boelte

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Friday, May 27, 2016

Serenata An Evening in Old Spanish Natchez Governor Holmes House and Texada Wall Street between Washington and State Streets 7 p.m. (Cash Bar) Admission: $75 (Includes Tours) $40 (Without Tours) Artists: Nicholas Ciraldo String Quartet


Spanish street party including Spanish wine, tapas, live Spanish music, and a tour of two fabulous homes in the Old Spanish Quarter of Natchez. In 1789, Manuel Gayoso de Lemos climbed the high bluffs of Natchez for the YHU\ ÀUVW WLPH +H ZRXOG ODWHU EHFRPH WKH

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ÀUVW *RYHUQRU RI WKH 1DWFKH] 'LVWULFW DQG KLV FLW\ ZRXOG VHUYH DV WKH ÀUVW FDSLWDO RI WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL 7HUULWRU\ DQG WKH ÀUVW FDSLtal of Mississippi, and would become the largest and wealthiest city in Mississippi. Gayoso’s Natchez consisted of only thirtyfour city blocks; and Wall Street, between Washington and State Streets, was in the very heart of old Spanish Natchez. Come join us on those same streets of the Old Spanish Quarter for a tour of two

historic homes, the Governor Holmes House and Texada. In addition to touring these two spectacular homes, you will be serenaded by beautiful, live Spanish music; taste marvelous Spanish wines; and enjoy delicious Spanish tapas. This event celebrates an important part of our 2016 Natchez Tricentennial history and is being presented in collaboration with Natchez Pilgrimage Tours, the Natchez Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, and the National Park Service. The Governor Holmes House takes its name from former owner Governor David Holmes, who lived in it when he was territorial governor and when he became the ÀUVW 0LVVLVVLSSL *RYHUQRU XSRQ WKH VWDWH·V admission to the Union in December 1817. There are four suites with private baths and a beautiful brick courtyard that can be enjoyed either from the rear upstairs balcony or from a wrought-iron chair beneath the shade of the neighbor’s massive magnolia tree. Texada is the earliest brick building in Natchez and one of only a handful of eighteenth-century structures rePDLQLQJ LQ 0LVVLVVLSSL $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH National Register nomination and New Orleans architectural historian Samuel Wilson’s work, Texada was constructed between 1793 and 1805. Texada served as Mississippi’s state capitol from 18171820 when Natchez was capital before the state capital moved to Columbia and then to Jackson. Texada is the earliest surviving state capitol since 1993, ZKHQ $VVHPEO\ +DOO LQ :DVKLQJWRQ DOVR known as the Charles de France Tavern), territorial capital during the 1800s and 1810s, burned.

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A Natchez Festival of Music Signature Event

Carmen An Opera IV acts Based on the Novella by Prosper MĂŠrimĂŠe Natchez Performing Arts Center at Margaret Martin 64 Homochitto Street • Natchez, Mississippi 7:00 pm (QMR\ FDVK EDU ´%UHZVÂľ DQG RWKHU UHIUHVKPHQWV EHJLQQLQJ DW S P LQ The Grape Escape Club Room.)



Orchestra Sponsored by Sue and Mac Pate

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Saturday, May 28, 2016 of the guard, with an icky-sweet accompanying chorus of children. Don JosĂŠ enters, soon to be followed by the sound of the bell announcing the morning smoke break for employees of the nearby cigarette factory, deliciously staffed by enticing gypsies, among whom, of course, is that sexiest kitten in all opera, Carmen. She and Don JosĂŠ instantly make sparks; and she enticingly drops a rose on the ground, which he fawningly picks up and puts in his jerkin. Carmen returns to work, doubtless reeking of cigarette smoke. MicaĂŤla reenters and has a tender scene with her former boyfriend; she sends greetings from his adoring mommy. Just as MicaĂŤla is leaving, there is a commotion in the cigarette factory: Carmen has started a rumble with a co-worker and the place is in an uproar. Carmen is arrested by the sergeant and turned over to Don JosĂŠ for safekeeping. Using every wile in her repertoire, Carmen seduces JosĂŠ into releasing her. 6KH Ă HHV DV WKH FURZG HUXSWV LQ ODXJKWHU ERWK DW -RVp¡V GLVJUDFH DQG the hoyden’s triumph. $FW 7ZR WDNHV SODFH VHYHUDO ZHHNV ODWHU 'RQ -RVp KDV EHHQ UHleased from prison for his infraction, and Carmen is awaiting him at the seedy tavern of Lillas Pastia. Carmen is kept company by a smarmy (but loveable!) group of thieves, smugglers, and outlaws. They are joined by the gallant toreador Escamillo, who entertains everyone with his famous song about his bravery in the bull ring. Everyone leaves so that Carmen can entertain her newly freed amour in private. JosĂŠ enters, a broken man and a shadow of his former self. He has been sustained in prison, he tells her pathetically, only by the fading scent of the rose she threw to him before the arrest. Their love scene is interrupted by a bugle call: it is the retreat ordering all soldiers back to the base. In her most seductive melody yet, Carmen persuades Don JosĂŠ to desert the army and join her gang of merry smugglers. Despairing, he agrees to do so. The third act is a wild landscape far out into the countryside. Here Carmen and her faithful banditti carry out their nefarious work. JosĂŠ is in a bad way, a situation made only worse by the entrance of the ever-virginal MicaĂŤla, come to tell him that mommy is near death. But JosĂŠ is understandably reluctant to leave his feckless lover, especially when he sees the googly eyes that she and the toreador have been making together lately. Carmen enters and deals cards to tell her fortune. The news is not good: ´/D PRUWH OD PRUWH WRXMRXUV OD PRUWH Âľ ´'HDWK DOZD\V GHDWK Âľ Ever the gypsy, she is resigned to her fate. 7KH EULHI Ă€QDO DFW WDNHV SODFH RXWVLGH WKH EXOO ULQJ 7KHUH is a zesty parade (with the happy-crowd tune introduced in the overture). Carmen and Escamillo appear together, nuzzling each other provocatively. This obsequious shaming of him provokes 'RQ -RVp LQWR D Ă€W RI MHDORXV UDJH RU DV 3HWHU 6HOOHUV¡ ,QVSHFWRU &ORXVHDX XVHG WR VD\ ´D ULW RI IHDORXV MDJHÂľ :KHQ WKH EXOO Ă€JKW is about to start, all exit the stage except the two estranged lovers. $IWHU D YLROHQW TXDUUHO -RVp VWDEV &DUPHQ DQG VXUUHQGHUV WR WKH local constabulary, able only to repeat her name over and over in his misery. Death on the stage of the Comique? Oui, certainement! —Stanley Hauer $%287 7+( &20326(5 7KH SKLORVRSKHU )ULHGULFK 1LHW]VFKH FDOOHG LW ´WKH SHUIHFW operaâ€? though this statement might be just another aspect of the strongly anti-Wagnerian turn he took in his later years. But there is no denying that Carmen is the most performed of all operas, HYHU\ \HDU WRSSLQJ WKH 2SHUD $PHULFD OLVW RI PRVW SRSXODU ZRUNV 2GGO\ KRZHYHU LW ZDV RQH RI WKH JUHDWHVW Ă€DVFRV LQ WKHDWULFDO KLVWRU\ DW LWV GHEXW ,Q ZKHQ WKH ZRUN ZDV Ă€UVW SHUIRUPHG WKHUH were over twenty opera houses in Paris, the musical capital of the world. Of this score of theatres two were most prominent: the prestigious OpĂŠra, founded by Louis XIV in the sixteenth century and undisputedly the most famous and prestigious opera house in the capital; then there was the OpĂŠra Comique, founded in the eighteenth century for somewhat lighter fare than that favored by the UR\DO IDPLO\ $V WKH WLWOH VXJJHVWV LW ZDV RULJLQDOO\ LQWHQGHG IRU comic works, but as time went on the house was characterized less E\ LWV VSHFLĂ€F VXEMHFW PDWWHU WKDQ E\ LWV XVH RI VSRNHQ GLDORJXH (absolutely taboo at the OpĂŠra) to convey much of the story; in

WKLV VHQVH WKH &RPLTXH ZDV D SUHFXUVRU RI $PHULFD¡V Broadway. But Parisian tolerance only went so far, even at the Comique. When the score of Carmen was presented to the intendant, he was said to have H[FODLPHG ´'HDWK RQ WKH VWDJH RI WKH &RPLTXH" Never!â€? Well, it happened anyway; but the public didn’t like it. The work was immediately withdrawn, and the composer, who died shortly thereafter, never saw the success of his masterpiece when it was revived in 1883 to great acclaim. Subsequently, the spoken dialogue was rewritten into recitative by his friend (and New Orleans native) Ernest Guiraud. Bizet’s career got off to a promising start as a star pupil of the prestigious Paris Conservatory and winner of the coveted Prix de Rome. Though he wrote a symphony (still performed) and some incidental stage works (/¡$UOHVLHQQH), he soon learned that opera was his chosen mĂŠtier. Most of his works have long faded from the repertory (though his tuneIXO EXW LQVLJQLĂ€FDQW 3HDUO )LVKHUV is being revived at the Metropolitan Opera this year after a century of neglect). Some say that the disappointment over the Carmen premiere caused his early death at age 36. Music by Georges Bizet Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic HalĂŠvy Conductor: Jay Dean Director: Joseph Levitt Chorus Master: Beth Everett Set Design: Charles Houghton Lighting: Mignon Reid Costume Coordinator: Heather Steward &$67

Bronwyn White James Wright (DancaĂŻro cover) Kenton Walker $QWHOO <RXQJ ,, =XQLJD FRYHU

6287+ 0,66,66,33, %$//(7 7+($75( (PLO\ $OH[LV Haley Dykes $EE\ )OHPLQJ Graceanna Hickman $QQLH 0F0XUULDQ Cassidy McMurrian $QQD 0DULD 6DZ\HU 0,66,66,33, %2< &+2,5 Director: Nancy Robertson -DUHG $QGHUVRQ $DURQ $UDXMR &KULV $WNLQVRQ Michael Brannan Cade Campbell *ULIĂ€Q *UD\ Hayden Jones Oliver Long $GRQDL 0DKRXQJRX -DPHUL 5XIĂ€Q Nicholas Tucker John Turner MISSISSIPPI GIRL CHOIR 'LUHFWRU .ULVW\ %UXPĂ€HOG $ELJDLO $GGLVRQ

.HQGDOO $QGHUVRQ /HDK $QGHUVRQ Sophia Brown $ODQLV &ROHPDQ Enyonam Dzathor Lucy Elfert Rosi Foley Radyn Horton Zoe Hairston Eva Grace Jones Mary Elizabeth Kees Kathryn Knupp Emma Manieri Caroline McBride Lucy McCain Cici Milam Kara Picket Zoe Rooks Madyson Strum Mary Will Sykes Maci Taylor Liz Venarske $VKO\Q :HOFK Catherine Zhou &5($7,9( 7($0 Production Manager: Landon Henry Production Coordinator: Rob Mulholland $VVLVWDQW &RQGXFWRU Richard Nechamkin Diction Coach:

0PH (OL]DEHWK $QJOLQ 5pSpWLWHXU $UWKXU %RVDUJH $VVLVWDQW 6WDJH 'LUHFWRU Stacey Trenteseaux Stage Manager: Hayden Courington 3URGXFWLRQ $VVLVWDQWV Tom Dungan, Matthew Bischoff, Wesley Saunders Choreographers: $UNDGL\ .DW\D 2URKRYVN\ Set Construction: %RE $GDPV 3HWHU /DNH Scenic Painter: Chris Permenter Supertitles: Bradi Flynt Orchestra: Patricia Quintero Rainel Joubert Diego Villamil Manuela Romero $QD 0DULD 'LD] Daniela Pardo $QGUHD %HOWUDQ $QGUHD 5HVWUHSR Santiago Zorilla Lindsay Keay Jason Mathena Kaleb Davis Hector Pinzon

&$50(1 D J\SV\ JLUO Nora Graham Smith DON JOSÉ, &RUSRUDO RI GUDJRRQV Christopher Nelson 0,&$Ê/$ D YLOODJH PDLGHQ Elana Gleason (6&$0,//2 Toreador Joseph Flaxman )5$648,7$ companion of Carmen Samantha Dango MERCEDES, companion of Carmen Daniel <DUERXJK '$1&$Î52 VPXJJOHU $QGUHZ 1DOOH\ 5(0(1'$'2 VPXJJOHU Matt Blanks =81,*$ /LHXWHQDQW RI GUDJRRQV Rocky Sellers 025$/(6 &RUSRUDO RI GUDJRRQV Christopher Jordan /,//$6 3$67,$ an innkeeper Ivan Conrad (Escamillo cover) CHORUS 3UHVWRQ $QGUHZV Ibukun Babalola Curtis Bannister (Don JosÊ cover) Kathleen Barnes Matthew Bischoff =XQLJD FRYHU

$GULHQQH %ODQNV Roberta Duhs $QQ /RXLVH *ODVVHU Joy Jones (MicaĂŤla cover) Christopher Jordan Peter Lake Michael Lowe (Morales cover) Olivia Martinez Stephanie Newman (Carmen cover) $QQ *DEULHOOH 5LFKDUGVRQ )UDVTXLWD FRYHU

Wesley Saunders $ODQD 6HDO\ Zachary D. Thaggard Danielle Watson

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On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Page 62 { {May May2016 2016{{ Bluffs Bluffs & Bayous & Bayous

On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

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Jazzing Along the River

Photography by Jennie Guido


RU RYHU Ă€IWHHQ \HDUV 7KH -D]]HUV EDQG KDV EHHQ ´MD]]LQJÂľ WKURXJKRXW the Miss-Lou for growing crowds looking for that big-band experience. $ERXW LWV RULJLQ PHPEHU -RVHSK *XLFH IURP :LQQVERUR /RXLVLDQD VDLG ´$URXQG 1999 or 2000, a group of musicians began to casually meet in the basement of the First Baptist Church of St. Joseph, Louisiana. From this modest beginning, the St. Joseph Symphony Orchestra was born; and soon WKHUHDIWHU 6W -RVHSK $UWV ,QF ZDV formed to support the arts in Tensas Parish, Louisiana. Musicians from Vicksburg to Natchez learned about the group, and the membership grew rapidly. Under the direction of Louie DeVries of Natchez, the group began to perform publicly.â€? While the main genre of music was classical and semi-classical, small groups within the symphony began to gravitate to other styles of music. With a core group of six or seven musicians who loved big-band music, The Jazzers was born. ´0DQ\ LQ WKH JURXS KDG QRW SOD\HG IRU so long that handling the arrangements of Glenn Miller and Duke Ellington proved a real challenge, and the early efforts were not too promising,â€? Guice remembered and DGGHG ´'H9ULHV ZDV DQG UHPDLQV WKH PXsical conductor and tried as best he could to simplify the musical arrangements.â€? 5RJHU %HDOH WUXPSHW UHPDUNHG ´:H KDG D KDUG WLPH SOD\LQJ Âś<RX $UH 0\ 6XQVKLQH¡ PXFK OHVV Âś,Q WKH 0RRG ¡ Âľ 7KH early instrumentation was hardly reminisFHQW RI WKH IRXUWHHQ RU Ă€IWHHQ SLHFH EDQGV WKDW ZHUH IHDWXUHG LQ WKH ´6ZLQJ (UDÂľ RI

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music. Still, with maybe one trumpet, one trombone, one saxophone, and a piano, the group kept plugging along. $V ZRUG DERXW 7KH -D]]HUV EHJDQ WR spread, other musicians began to show up. Guice, a saxophone player, recalled, ´, KDGQ¡W SLFNHG XS D KRUQ LQ DOPRVW IRUW\ years, but I love big-band music and decid-

ed to give it a try. Most other groups were composed of really accomplished musicians, and I felt intimidated by their talent level. However, I found that most of the people who were playing with The Jazzers were very much like me in that they had once played but had endured a long layoff

and were just now getting back into playing shape. We were pretty much all in the same boat talent wise.� DeVries began to work with the group on their fundamental music skills; and soon, they began to sound like a real band. $V WKH JURXS EHJDQ WR ERRN DSSHDUDQFHV more advanced musicians began to show an interest in playing. Harold House from Natchez, an original Jazzer, was joined by trombone player Larry Buckley, a band diUHFWRU LQ 1DWFKH] /DWHU RQ -RKQ $OEULJKW a Presbyterian minister from Winnsboro, MRLQHG DQG ÀOOHG RXW WKH WURPERQH VHFWLRQ 5LS &OHPHQWV D SDUROH RIÀFHU IURP Delhi, Louisiana, joined Roger Beale, an original trumpet player and retired farmer from Winnsboro. Rip added a high level RI VNLOO RQ WKH LQFUHDVLQJO\ GLIÀFXOW PXsical arrangements. Phillip Montgomery, a retired banker from Monroe, Louisiana, completed the trumpet section. $OO\Q 'H9ULHV ZLIH RI FRQGXFWRU /RXLH DeVries, has been with The Jazzers since the beginning, serving as librarian and playing various instruments. She currently plays baritone sax. Guice, who joined The Jazzers shortly after its formation, shares the sax section with Jim Franklin, a retired band director from Natchez; Sam Scurria, a retired physician from Delhi; and King Scott, a practicing dentist from Monroe. DeVries also plays bass in addition to his role as conductor and is joined by drummer, Mike Dunn, a retired band director and riverboat captain from Monroe. Jan Smith, a travel guide and former home-school mom from Winnsboro,

plays keyboard. On occasion, DeVries will switch to trombone; and Natchez bass SOD\HU -LP %DUQHWW ZLOO Ă€OO LQ $V WKH EDQG LPSURYHG DQG EHJDQ SOD\LQJ PRUH GLIĂ€FXOW PXVLF YRFDOLVWV ZHUH added—Sherry Smith, a retired teacher from Monroe, and Bob Sasser, a retired salesperson from Ferriday, Louisiana. Now the band has the classic big-band compoVLWLRQ RI Ă€YH VD[HV WKUHH WUXPSHWV WKUHH trombones, keyboard, bass, drums, and a male and a female vocalist. The Jazzers currently has around one hundred arrangements, many of which are the original arrangements made popular by the bands of the Big Band Era of yesteryear. In addition to classic-1940sHUD VRQJV OLNH ´6WDUGXVW Âľ ´,Q WKH 0RRG Âľ ´0RRQOLJKW 6HUHQDGH Âľ DQG ´7X[HGR Junction,â€? the band plays hits popular into the 1970s and 1980s like Billy Joel’s ´-XVW WKH :D\ <RX $UH Âľ 7RQ\ 2UODQGR¡V ´7LH D <HOORZ 5LEERQ 5RXQG WKH 2OG Oak Tree,â€? and Englebert Humperdink’s ´$IWHU WKH /RYLQ Âľ $OVR 7KH -D]]HUV band occasionally presents a patriotic SURJUDP IHDWXULQJ VRQJV VXFK DV ´*RG %OHVV WKH 86$ Âľ ´+\PQ WR WKH )DOOHQÂľ from the movie 6DYLQJ 3ULYDWH 5\DQ and ´$PHULFDQ 3DWURO Âľ *XLFH UHPDUNHG ´:H¡UH MXVW D EXQFK of older guys who love to play and want to keep this type of music alive.â€? He admits that their audiences are now getting D ´OLWWOH ROGHUÂľ EXW KH Ă€QGV WKDW RQFH SHRple hear the music, they truly love and

appreciate it, making remarks such as, ´,¡P VR JODG WR KHDU \RX DOO WKDW¡V P\ IDYRULWH PXVLF Âľ $OVR *XLFH REVHUYHG ´2OGHU DGXOWV DUH MXVW EHWWHU GDQFHUV When we play for an event like a wedding reception, the younger people look at their parents and grandparents and are amazed at how they can dance.â€? +DUROG +RXVH EHOLHYHV ´%DQGV NLQG of have a natural life of about ten years or less. The Jazzers has been in existence for close to twenty years.â€? Guice expanded RQ +RXVH¡V UHPDUNV VD\LQJ ´, WKLQN RXU

longevity is a credit to the group’s maturity. $W DERXW WKH WHQ \HDU mark, we did have a VLJQLĂ€FDQW RYHUKDXO of the band membership. The people who make up the band now are mature and have long since buried their egos, and it’s now just about enjoying playing WKH EHVW PXVLF $PHULFD ever created.â€? Bob Sasser added, ´:H FHUWDLQO\ DUHQ¡W LQ LW IRU WKH PRQH\ :H just love to perform and play. We usually charge just enough to cover a part of our basic expenses of travel, practice, and music.â€? The way that The Jazzers band performs leaves no doubt that its members are enjoying what they are doing. Though they range in age from the mid-50s to early 80s, their common love of big-band music unites them in a special bond that only musicians can appreciate, and produces a dynamic sound that all their fans more than appreciate.

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Concordia Chamber of Commerce Awards Dinner n March 24, 2016, the annual Concordia Chamber of Commerce awards dinner and celebration was held at the Vidalia Conference and Convention Center on the Vidalia, Louisiana, riverfront. During a cocktail hour, guests enjoyed the musical stylings of The Jazzers while perusing items to be presented during a live auction. Throughout dinner, awards were presented to the volunteer, educator, business, female, and male Concordian of the year.




1 Lena and Hugh Batemann with Sherrill Sasser and Emily Dawkins 2 Chandler and Sarah Russ, Aimee Guido, and Heather and Matt Malone 3 Guy and Kally Murray 4 Caitlin and Chad Goodman 5 Laurie Pere, Caroline Mophett, and Kally Murray 6 Ryan and Brittany Phillips with David Stapleton and Julie Wagoner 7 Kala and Mark Miller with Beanie and Dr. Rick Maxwell 8 Rebecca Carlton, Carla McClure, and Rachel and Bruce Wiley 9 Sarah Calhoun, Katie Roberts, Emily Atkins, and Reve Chandler 10 Brenda Hopkins, Wes and Lauren Middleton, and Deanne Tanksley 11 Tyler Folkes, Will Christian, and Shane Ingram 12 Johnny Dale, Key Smith, and Priscilla Dale 13 Jeff and Keri Loy with David Kimbrough 14 Stephen, Betty, and Imon Dawkins 15 Brett Murdock, Sarah Hanson, and Shannon Parker














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THE social SCENE









16 Heather Huff, Carr Hammond, and Will Carter 17 Richy and Brandy Spears with Sim Mosby 18 Barry Maxwell with Donnie and Agnes Holloway 19 Kelsey Davis, Agah Williams, and Christine Dixon 20 Cameron Davis, Keeley McDonald, and Dalenesha Wimley 21 Carla and Betty Jenkins with Lauren Lucas 22 Buzz and April Craft 23 Kathy Stevens and Tom Bonnette 24 Thomas Sanford and Darla Wilkinson



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Save the Hall Ball he Pilgrimage Historical Association hosted its second annual Save the Hall Ball on March 19, 2016, at Stanton Hall in Natchez, Mississippi. The evening began following the Historic Natchez Tableaux with a silent auction, cocktail buffet, dancing, and breakfast later in the night in the Queen’s Room. The elegant evening served as a benefit for Pilgrimage Garden Club’s two historic properties, Stanton Hall and Longwood.














1 Robert Wood, Charlotte Wood Wiseman, Katie Wood Frieberger, and Lisa Wood Smith 2 Stella Carby, Bettye and Carla Jenkins, and Sarah Calhoun 3 Dr. Vann and Elizabeth Craig, Lou McGehee, and Michael Craig 4 Wayne Bryant and Katie Wood Frieberger with Sue and Joe Stedman 5 Dan and Jan Shiells, Gary and Molly Wills, and Penny and Tim McCary 6 Doug Charboneau, Jim and Mary Ann Blough, and Regina Charboneau 7 Ashley and Wheeler Parker, Amanda and Benny Jeansonne, Suzanne Avondet, and George Murrel 8 Carolyn and Sonny Gwin with Calvit, Brant, Monica, and Catherine Ratcliffe 9 Laurie Belsham, John Burns, Wendell Weeden, and TJ Baggett 10 Pepper Taylor, Tyler Jordan, Shirley Petovesck and Avery Middleton 11 Ginny Feltus Brewer, Susan Purvis Johnson, Keeley Peabody McGrath, and Dee and Lee White 12 Courtney Taylor, Darrell Grennell, Chesney Doyle, and Caroline Iles 13 Patricia and Fred Roberts 14 Melchior Beltzhoover and Jerrie Manley 15 Ashton Baker, Chris Adams, and Andrew Baker 16 Ansleigh Thibodeaux, Mary Kathryn Carpenter, and Nolan Vaughn 17 Jill Clements, DeLynn Rasmussen, Richard Phillips, J.R. Brackin, and Wyoma Wilde 18 John Grady Burns with Paul, Laura, and Harrison Burns




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19 Lisa Jordan Dale, Tommy Ferrell, and Valerie Bergeron 20 Maria Smilo, Curtis Maroney, and Keeley Peabody McGrath 21 Emily Maxwell and Noelle Speed 22 Johnny Junkin with Ree and Dr. Robert Brahan 23 Rusty Jenkins, Lyn Fortenberry, and Mike Rinehart 24 Wayne Bryant and Kristy Atkins 25 Anna Roberts, Stephen Perkins, and Patricia Roberts 26 Ruthie Coy with Glenn and Bridget Green 27 Tai and Laurie Morgan 28 Laurie Morgan with Tony and Nelda Fields 29 Lacy Durkin Sparks, Kristyin Ketching Steenkamp, and Lisa Wood Smith



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33 30 31 32 33

34 Mark and Laurie Coffey Martin and Joanie Lanneau Jessica and Mark Carter Pepper and Hunter Taylor

34 Shane and Cricket Daugherty, Reginald Drake, Carmen Brooks, Greg Iles, Darrell Grennell, Chesney Doyle, and Caroline Iles 35 Lisa and Burk Baker


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36 George and Beverly Hude 37 Betsy Feltus, Mark Coffey and Mike Rinehart 38 Bradley Harrison and Rusty Jenkins




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MAY Louisiana Up & Coming! ALEXANDRIA Throughout May May 6 – 7 ArtFete Downtown Cultural Arts District 4 – 9 pm & 9 am – 4 pm Free May 7 Dragon Boat Races 8:30 am – 4:30 pm May 7 The Magic Flute Rapides Symphony Orchestra Couglin-Sanders Performing Arts Center 7:30 pm May 28 Little Walter Music Festival Alexandria Amphitheatre Noon – 8:30 pm / Free (318)442-9546

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Louisiana Up & Coming! MAY BATON ROUGE Throughout May FERRIDAY May 7 Excel II Class Ferriday Library 9 – 11:30 am / Free (318)757-3550 JACKSON Throughout May ST. FRANCISVILLE Throughout May VIDALIA May 5 A Tribute to The Jersey Boys Vidalia Conference & Convention Center 7 pm / Free May 19 History of Commercial Fishing Vidalia Library 6 pm / Free

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MAY Mississippi Up & Coming! BROOKHAVEN May 4 - 8 Spring Fest & Fair Lincoln Civic Center (601)757-8400 / May 14 15th Annual Barkfest MS School for Arts 8:30 am Color Run Entertainment, Food, Carshow, Dog Show May 17 BRAG Monthly Meeting Lemenadi Arts & Interiors 5:30 pm May 26 Friends of Lincoln Library Thursday Theatre Lincoln County Public Library Room / 2 pm / Free Facebook: Friends of Lincoln County Public Library JACKSON Throughout May Throughout May Live Music Concerts Duling Hall May 5 Go Red for Women Luncheon Jackson Convention Complex $100 / 10:30 & 11:30 am (601)321-1209 May 5 - 6 Garden Club of Jackson Spring Garden Tour Country Club of Jackson Gardens & Gated Montrose Prices vary (601)506-6366 / May 7 Day at the Derby MS AG & Forestry Museum 4:30 – 7 pm / 21 & up May 10 Music in the City MS Museum of Art 5:45 – 9 pm

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Mississippi Up & Coming! MAY

May 16 Mamma Mia Thalia Mara Hall 7:30 pm May 24 – June 5 The Robber Bridegroom New Stage Theatre 7:30 pm / $28 & $22 Senior MCCOMB May 21 Pops in the Park: Mississippi Symphony Edgewood Park Music & Fireworks: 7 pm / Free Touch & Truck: 5 – 7 pm (601)684-5223 NATCHEZ Throughout May Natchez Tricentennial Events

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MAY Mississippi Up & Coming! Throughout May Live Music Event Calendar Throughout May Natchez Festival of Music May 5 – June 26 “Home Teams: How Sports Shape America” Exhibit Historic Natchez Foundation Smithsonian “Museum on Main Street” program / Free (601)442-2500 May 12 – 15 Natchez Little Theatre Mississippi Pinocchio 7:30 & 2 pm / $20 May 14 Color Dash 5K 8 am / Main & Broadway May 14 Riverstock Esplanade @ Broadway & High All Day / $10 & $15 May 15 St. Mary Pentecost Celebration Corner of Main & Union St. Mass: 10 am / Open House: 2 – 4 pm May 15 Claws for A Cause Trinity Episcopal Church 5 – 9 pm (601)445-8432 RIDGELAND May 7 7KH &UDIWVPHQ·V *XLOG Spring Showcase 10 am – 5 pm Craft beer & Bloody Mary Garden: Noon – 5 pm VICKSBURG Throughout May Throughout May Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation

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Mississippi Up & Coming! MAY Throughout May )DUPHU·V 0DUNHW Corner of Jackson & Washington St. Wed. 3 – 6 pm / Sat. 8 – 11 am (601)801-3513 May 5 A Chocolate Affair SCHF 7 – 9 pm / $25 & $30 (601)631-2997 / May 6 & 8 Greater Tuna Parkside Playhouse 7:30 & 2 pm (601)636-0471 May 7, 9 - 10 Vicksburg Art Association Annual Member Exhibit Reception Old Constitution Firehouse May 7 @ 7 pm / Free May 9 – 10: Gallery open to public (601)638-9221 May 13 - 14 Relay for Life Vicksburg High School 6 pm – Midnight / Free May 28 Lake Fest Eagle Lake 11 am – 5 pm (601)209-7503 May 28 Symphony at Sunset: Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Vicksburg National Military Park 7 pm (601)636-0583 May 29 Holt Collier Sacred Harp Singing Old Court House Museum 10 am (601)636-0741 May 30 Memorial Day Parade Downtown Vicksburg Vicksburg City Auditorium 10 am / Memorial Service 11 am

%H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.

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IN-KIND DONATIONS ´&+2&7$: +$//¾ ´)52*025( 3/$17$7,21¾ ´*29(5125 +2/0(6 +286(¾ ´1(67¾³-2+1 *5$'< %8516 ´67$1721 +$//¾ ´7(;$'$¾ ´7+( 72:(5¡6¾ $/9,1 6+(/%< $0$1'$ -($16211( $11 )$,/$&( %$5%$5$ .$,6(5 %$=,/( DQG -($1,( /$11($8 %,* ´0¾ &203$1< %,// DQG %2%%< +(1/(< %,1*2 DQG 0$5< 67$55 %/$1.(167(,1¡6 6833/,(6 EQUIPMENT %2%%<( DQG %,// +(1/(< %2:,(¡6 7$9(1 %5(1'$ +,&.6 %52 9,1&(17 %$&+( &$-81 &22.,1¡ 5(67$85$17 &$52/<1 DQG /8&,(1 *:,1 &$52/<1 :(,5 &$55,$*( +286( 5(67$85$17 &+$5/(6 '$9,'621 &+,3 6785',9$17 &,7< 2) 1$7&+(= &/$8'(77( 621*< &2&$ &2/$ ',675,%87256+,3

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION TELEPHONES $V D FRXUWHV\ WR RWKHU SDWURQV SOHDVH GLVFRQQHFW HOHFWURQLF paging devices and turn off cellular telephones. FIRE NOTICE: The exit sign nearest the seat you occupy is the shortest route RXW LQ WKH HYHQW RI ÀUH RU RWKHU HPHUJHQF\ BEVERAGES: Beverages will be available for purchase before the performances, during the performances, and during intermission. LATECOMERS: Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of theatre manDJHPHQW GXULQJ DSSURSULDWH SDXVHV LQ WKH SURJUDP 1DWFKH] 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV Center in Margaret Martin School policy is to begin performances at the advertised curtain time. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Lost and found inquiries may be directed to the DGPLQLVWUDWLYH RIÀFHV DW 003$& PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDING: Cameras and recording devices may not be brought into the theatre without the consent of the management. Please note that the recording in any form of a live performance may be a violation of federal copyright laws. RESTROOMS /RFDWHG RQ WKH ÀUVW à RRU DQG EDOFRQ\ SMOKING $OO RI RXU IDFLOLWLHV DUH VPRNH IUHH ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE: One entrance to the Center is wheelchair-acFHVVLEOH 7KH HQWUDQFH LV LQWR WKH PDLQ OREE\ RQ WKH ÀUVW à RRU RUFKHVWUD OHYHO located on the right side of the building

Bluffs & Bayous { May 2016 { Page 79

CONTRIBUTORS GOLD BENEFACTOR ($25,000--$49,000) SILVER BENEFACTOR (10,000--$24,000) David Paradise—Sponsor ´&KLOGUHQ¡V 2SHUDÂľ 0LVVLVVLSSL $UW¡V &RPPLVVLRQ Mr. and Mrs. Mac Pate—Sponsor ´$Q (YHQLQJ ZLWK $QGUHZ /OR\G :HEEHUÂľ DQG ´2UFKHVWUDÂľ BRONZ BENEFACTOR ($5,000--$9,999) $GDPV &RXQW\ %RDUG RI Supervisors Bill and Bobbye Henley—Sponsor ´%OXHV %UHZV DQG 6RXOÂľ featuring Harper and Midwest Kind Gerald and Hedy Boelte—Sponsor RI ´*RQH :LWK WKH :LQGÂľ STAR ($2,500--$4,999) Delta Bank Diana Glaze Home Bank Jim and Mary Lessley Magnolia Bluff’s Casino Merit Health Natchez 3DXO *UHHQ 5HDOWRU $VVRFLDWHV 5REHUW ´%REÂľ $GDPV United MS Bank PATRON $1,000--$2,499) $O :DONHUÂł6SRQVRU ´7KH <HDU Journeyâ€? Callon Petroleum Company Concordia Bank and Trust ' (Âł6SRQVRU RI ´$ 7ULEXWH WR -RKQ $OH[DQGHUÂľ Davidson’s Package Store Dr. Jay Dean Ed and Claudette Songy George and Lynette Tanner Good Shepherd Episcopal Church James and Nancy Biglane Natchez Rotary Club Neil Varnell Randy and Helen Smith 5REHUW DQG $QQ 3DUDGLVH SSS Foundation Stratton Bull Tom and Ginger Schwager SUPPORTERS ($500--$999) Carolyn and Lucien Gwin,Jr. Connie and Pat Burns Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Gaudet Dr. Donzell Lee

Good Hope Land & Timber ,QWHUQDO 0HGLFLQH $VVRFLDWHV of Natchez /RXLVLDQD +\GURHOHFWULF ²6SRQVRU ´7UDYHO RI &KLOGUHQ¡V Outreach Programâ€? Michael and Sharon Blattner Regions Bank State Farm—Terry Estes The Natchez Convention Promotion Commission FRIENDS ($250--$$499) Gaye Metcalfe Dr. and Mrs. David and Linda Craig Ginger and James Hyland Frank Gresock John and Pricilla Dale John and Valerie Bergeron John Noel J. M. Jones Lumber Company Kate Don Green Melody Thayer Mike and Elaine Gemmell 3K\OLVV < 0DVKEXUQ 6WXDUW +HĂ LQ 6WDWH )DUP ,QVXUDQFH GIVERS ($1—$249) $OOHQ 3HWUROHXP 6HUYLFHV ,QF Betty Jenkins Carrie Iles, DDS. Charlotte and Jim Franklin David Bramlette Debra and Lee Martin Dorothy McGehee Dr. Jack Dunn Ethel Banta Frank and Dorothy Drouillard George and Peggy Murray Great River Chev-Cadillac Hayden and Barbara Kaiser J & J Carpet Kathryn and Chris Nutter Kay McNeil L. M. Butts Foundation Marsha Colson Natchez Ford-Lincoln-Mercury Nancy Hungerford Richard Hess Ron and Kay Jinkins Ronald Switzer and Jim McClure Ruth Ellen Calhoun Dr. Sam Tumminello Silas Simmons, LLC 7RQ\ DQG $QQHWWH %\UQH William B. Burnsed Jr. 63(&,$/ +2676 “Bowie’s Tavernâ€? John Holyoak and Staff “Choktaw Hallâ€?

Page 80 { May 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous

David Garner and Lee Glover Cotton Alley CafĂŠ, LLC David Browning and Guy Bass “First Presbyterian Churchâ€? Rev. Noell Read and Rev. Denny Read “Governor Holmes Houseâ€? Michael and Eugenie Cates “Grand Hotelâ€? Nancy and Warren Reuther “Natchez Community Centerâ€? Walter Tipton and Staff “Routhlandâ€? Catherine and Everett Ratcliffe “Stanton Hallâ€? Pilgrimage Garden Club “Texadaâ€? Randy and Helen Moss Smith “The Historic Natchez Foundationâ€? Mimi Miller and Trevor Brown “The Towersâ€? Ginger and James Hyland “The Carriage Houseâ€? Mary and Bingo Starr “Trinity Episcopal Churchâ€? Father Walton Jones and Bro. Vincent Bache “Waverly Plantationâ€? Bazile and Jeannie Lanneau MEMORIALS In Memory of Keith Hall Karlson $O :DONHU In Memory of Bernard Wood Ethel Banta In Memory of Keith Hall Karlson Ethel Banta In Memory of Bob Canon Ethel Banta ,Q 0HPRU\ RI $OEHUW 0HWFDOIH Ethel banta In Memory of Betty Swinny Ethel Banta In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slatter Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Bernard Wood Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI )OR\G (SSLQHWWH Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI &DWKHULQ 0HQJ Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI 1RODQG %LJODQH Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Marlon Copeland Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Phil Vasser Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI 5XGROSK .UXHJHU Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Robert Owens Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Pauline Day Smith Mary and Jim Lessley

In Memory of Dolly Smith Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI $OEHUW 0HWFDOIH Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Betty Swinny Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI $QQ 0DULRQ Mary and Jim Lessley ,Q 0HPRU\ RI 0DUJDUHW )DONHQKHLQHU Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of 0DU\ /RXLV *RRGULFK 6KLHOGV Mary and Jim Lessley In Memory of Betty Swinny Mrs. W. F. Calhoun ,Q 0HPRU\ RI $OEHUW 0HFDOIH Mrs. W. F. Calhoun In Memory of Marlon Copeland Ginger and Tom Schwager HONORARIUMS In Honor of Sandy and Tom Taylor Mary and Jim Lessley In Honor of Bobbye and Bill Henley Mary and Jim Lessley In Honor of Betty and David Paradise Mary and Jim Lessley In Honor of Sue and Mac Pate Mary and Jim Lessley In Honor of Hedy Beolte Mary and Jim Lessley HOUSING ANGELS Gwen Ball Susan Barnes 'RULV $QQ %HQRLVW Peggy Benson Charles Borum Richard Branyan Lucius Butts Stephanie Butts Fred Callon Sara and Mark Carey Cathy Cook Fred and Mary Emrick Evelyn Fairbanks Leland Fox Dolly Freedman Diana Glaze Nance Hixon Beverly Jenkins out Sherry Jones Bonnie & Kevin Kirby Mary Lessley Keith Mallett Marcia McCullough Tommy McDonald $QQ DQG 5REHUW 3DUDGLVH Betty J Parker Mac and Sue Pate Jean and Bryant Reed Rena Jean Schmieg Stella Sharp

Brian and Karri Simpson Randy and Helen Smith Sarah Smith Starling’s Rest Bed & Breakfast Ed and Claudette Songy Nelda Thomas Dick Thompson Ethel Truly Paul Wade James Wade James Ward Lisa and Edwin Ward Jim and Judy Wiggins Toby Williams ´0RQWHLJQHÂľ FOOD ANGELS $PHULSULVH )LQDQFLDO )RUUHVW $ -RKQVRQ ,,, &)$ &)3 %HQRLVW 'RULV $QQ Benoist, Ginny Bumgardner, Beau Burkes, Sandra Cajun Cooking Copiah-Lincoln Community College Dean, Jay Dickens, Pat Eidt, Nancy Fairbanks, Evelyn Franklin, Charlotte and Jim Franklin County Music Club Gaudet-Rainer, Dottie Gaudet, Mary Jane and Ed Glaze, Diana Gwin, Carolyn Hicks, Brenda and Hal Kendall, Julie .\OH 0DU\ $QQ Lessley, Mary Magnolia Grill McCalip, Gwen McCallum, Cherish McDonald’s McFarland, Nancy 0XOOLQV -R $QQ Norris, Lyn Pearl Street Pasta Pig Out Inn Pizza Hut Rollins, Cindy and John Roux 61 Schuchs, NanErle Shiells, Jan and Dan Songy, Claudette Thayer, Melody The Gillon Group The Vue 860 1DWFKH] $OXPQL $VVRFLDWLRQ Winn, Paris Wynn, Bobbye

COMMITTEES Appreciation/Thank You Diana Glaze, Chairman Ginger Schwager Kelin Hendricks Cherish McCallum Bar and Beverage Wesley Steckler, Co-Chair Bubba McCabe Bruce Brice Jr. Darryl Grennell Kiwanis Club Members Pat Gallaway Robert Sizemore Tony Fields 2015 Leadership Natchez Class 2016 Leadership Natchez Class Building 5REHUW ´%REÂľ 'HDULQJ %OGJ Manager %RE $GDPV Julie Kendall Maxine Brice Nan Erle Schuchs Rena Jean Schmeig Paul Dawes Constant Contact and Website Fran Trappey, Chairman Katie McCabe Mike LoPinto Education Bobbye Wynn, Chairman Stephanie Butts Tony Fields Diana Glaze David Paradise Sharon Rouse Mrs. John Smith Blythe Smith Finance Kelin Hendricks Mike Gemmell Pat Callaway 5\DQ :LQJĂ€HOG 7UHDVXUHU Tom Taylor Flowers Julie Kendall Fundraising James Brown Pat Gallaway Evelyn Fairbanks Michael Gemmell Edward Gaudet Mary Lessley Helen Moss Smith Tom Taylor Food Bobbye Henley Charlotte Franklin, Chairman Cherish McCallum Cindy Rollins 'RULV $QQ %HQRLVW -R $QQ 0XOOLQV Julie Kendall Nan Erle Schulchs Rena Jean Schmieg

Government Relations Bob Dearing, Chair 0LPL 0LOOHU $GYLVRU Darry Grennell James Johnson Tony Fields Wesley Steckler Grant Larry Konecky, Chair /LQGD *UDIWRQ $GYLVRU 0LPL 0LOOHU $GYLVRU 0LVVLVVLSSL $UW¡V &RPPLVVLRQ Hospitality Bobbye Henley, Chairman Camille Durkin 'RULV $QQ %HQRLVW Housing Marsha Colson, Chairman Donna Meason Ball Diana Glaze Mary Lessley Robert Paradise Marketing/Public Relations/ Ticket Sales Katie McCabe, Chairman Natchez Pilgrimage Tours (NPT) Ginger Schwager Lynn Beach Smith Fran Trappey Kevin Kirby Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Natchez Chamber of Commerce Mississippi Tourism

BOARD MEMBERS OFFICERS Lessley, Mary—Chairman Schwager, Ginger—Vice-President Glaze, Diana—Secretary Hendricks, Kelin—Treasurer :LQJÀHOG 5\DQ³7UHDVXUHU 5(*8/$5 0(0%(56 %HQRLVW 'RULV $QQ Burkes, Sandra Butts, Stephanie Fairbanks, Evelyn Fields, Tony Galloway, Pat Gemmell, Michael Grennell, Darryl Henley, Bobbye Kendall, Julie Konecky, Lawrence McCabe, Katie Rouse, Sharon Schuchs, Nan Erle Sizemore, Dr. Robert Slover, Jennifer Steckler, Wesley Trappey, Fran (0,1(17 %2$5' $WNLQV /HRQ Ball, David Banta, Ethel Benoist, Ginny Boelte, Hedy Brice, Maxine Byrne, Tony Cook, Burnley Deakle, John Dearing, Robert Durkin, Camille Dupuy, Merkel Emrick, Fred Estes, Terry Feltus, Jeanette

Florence, I. J. Killelea, Katherine King, Kathleen .RFKHN $ODQ Lee, Donzell Leet, Lynn LeMay, Brad Paradise, David Perkins, Marie Riches, Lani Riches, Ron Smith, Ricky Songy, Ed 6WXUJHRQ $ +ROPHV Switzer, Ron Tatum, H. Michael Taylor, Thomas Varnell, Neil Wynn, Bobbye $57,67,& ',5(&725 Dean, Jay $77251(< Kuehnle, Bruce &2 /,1 -5 &2//(*( /,$,621 McFarland, Nancy Past Chairman 1991 Ken Miller 1992-1995 Dr. David Steckler 1996-1998 Dr. Elmer Gaudet 1999-2002 Dr. Don Killelea 2003-2007 Dr. Lawrence Konecky 2008 Paris Winn 2009 Ronald McGowan 2010 Dr. Lawrence Konecky :LOOLDP ´6DQG\¾ )RZONHV ,9 2011 Dr. Lawrence Konecky 2012-present Mary Lessley

Ticket Sales Fran Trappey Kathleen Mackey King Dottie Freedman Nancy McFarland Natchez Pilgrimage Tours Nominating Robert Sizemore, Chair Bobbye Henley 'RULV $QQ %HQRLW Jennifer Slover Program Book Cheryl Rinehart—Bluffs and Bayou’s Magazine, Chairman Diana Glaze Ginger Schwager Jennifer Slover Mary Lessley Special Events Stephanie Butts, Chairman Connie Burns Elaine Gammell Ginger Schwager Jennifer Slover 0DU\ $QQ 6SHOO Mary Lessley Transportation 'RULV $QQ %HQRLVW &KDLUPDQ Cherish McCallum Diana Glaze Ed Songy Jim Lessley Robert Paradise Stratton Bull

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Bluffs & Bayous { May 2016 { Page 83


MAY 10 Rockin’ on the River with Speakeasy 800.647.6742 | Floodplain Managers Association 601.442.5880 | Merit Health 601.442.5880 |

MAY 2-5 Inland Rivers, Ports and Terminals Conference 601.442.5880 |

MAY 11, 18 Rossini, Puccini & Martinis 800.647.6742 |

MAY 2, 9, 16, 23 Natchez Legends & Lore 800.647.6724 |

MAY 12 The 300-Year Journey 800.647.6742 |

MAY 5 Smithsonian Museum on Main Street “Hometown Teams – How Sports Shape America” Exhibition Opening 601.442.2500 | National/Natchez Day of Prayer 601.334.4312 |

MAY 12-15 Natchez Little Theatre’s Mississippi Pinocchio 877.440.2233 |

MAY 5-8 Total Freedom Gospel Fest Under-the-Tent 601.334.0850 | MAY 5, 12, 19, 26 American Queen Docks 800.647.6724 | MAY 6 Relay for Life of Adams County Miss-Lou 601.384.6209 | MAY 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28 Natchez Walking Tour 601.660.7300 | MAY 6-JUNE 27 Smithsonian Museum on Main Street “Hometown Teams – How Sports Shape America” Exhibition 601.442.2500 | MAY 7 The Inspirations of Glen Ballard 800.647.6742 | The Joe Fortunado/Allen Brown Tricentennial Golf Tournament 601.442.5955 | 1st Annual Mother’s Day Music Celebration 601.334.3247 MAY 8 Mother’s Day Brunch 601.446.8500 | Mother’s Day Jazz Brunch 601.442.6601 |

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MAY 13 Blues, Brews and Soul 800.647.6742 | Heirloom Plants of Natchez: Then and Now 601.304.1007 | Co-Lin Natchez Graduation 601.442.5880 | MAY 13-14 Great Big Yam Potatoes Old Time Music Gathering and Fiddle Contest 601.442.2901 | MAY 13-15 Tricentennial Golf Tournament 601.442.5955 | MAY 14 Color Dash 5K RiverStock on the Bluff Second Saturday 800.647.6724 | Natchez Photography Tour 601.660.7300 | An Evening of Andrew Lloyd Webber 800.647.6742 |

MAY 15 Pentecost Mass & Open House 601.445.5616 | Claws for a Cause 601.445.8432 | MAY 17 Dinner of the Decades 601.446.8500 | Rockin’ on the River with Mojo Mudd 800.647.6742 | MAY 19 Impressions & Expressions – Classical Music of our Time 800.647.6742 | MAY 20 The British Invasion of Natchez 800.647.6742 | MAY 21 Show Boat 800.647.6742 | MAY 22 Tea & Tombstones Cemetery Tour 800.647.6724 | MAY 24 Rockin’ on the River with Bishop Gunn 800.647.6742 | MAY 24-26 County Agents 601.442.5880 | MAY 25 Ruby Elzy, The Jewel of Mississippi 800.647.6742 | MAY 26 A Tribute to Gone with the Wind 800.647.6742 | MAY 27 Serenata: An Evening in Old Spanish Natchez 800.647.6742 | MAY 27-28 Adams County Sheriff’s Deputy Rodeo 601.442.2752 | MAY 27-29 A Celebration of the Spanish 800.647.6724 | MAY 28 Carmen 800.647.6742 |

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