Bluffs & Bayous December 2018

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— Discoveries Along and Beyond — Gifts of More than 100 Works of Folk Art Celebrated at 31st Annual Rembrandt Society Dinner pages 36 - 39

Kitchen Memories Bringing Love and Laughter to Christmas pages 40 - 43

A New Ambiance for Treasured Traditions and Collections pages 46 - 52 Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 5

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F AV O R I T E S G’s Fare Christmas Magic and Tasty Treasures ............................................................. 10-14

In the Garden Gorgeous Winter Color with Nandina Shrubs ......................................................22

Legal Notes Vulnerable People ................................................................................................18

Christmas Magic and Tasty Treasures pages 10 - 14

Southern Sampler Christmas Traditions in Transition: Low Key...Still Lovely ..................................66

The Social Scene Miriam Montgomery’s Birthday Celebration .................................................. 16-17 Natchez Witches Ride .................................................................................... 20-21 Trinity Episcopal School 1950-2018: A Farewell Reunion Celebration ............. 24-25 38th Annual Mississippi Artists Exhibition .........................................................32 Vicksburg Chamber After-Hours .........................................................................54

The Wedding Scene “Fall in Love” Engagement Party........................................................................26

Vulnerable People page 18

Engagement Party for Emily Louise Fordice .......................................................28

Up & Coming Louisiana Up & Coming ................................................................................. 56-58 Mississippi Up & Coming ................................................................................ 60-65

ON THE COVER A traditional, bright and shiny, decorated Christmas tree sets the festive tone in the dining room of the Stutzmans’ new home as they honor traditions with a new twist. Photo by Cheryl Rinehart

Christmas Traditions in Transition: Low Key...Still Lovely page 66 Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 7

PUBLISHER Cheryl Foggo Rinehart COPY EDITOR Jean Nosser Biglane GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

S TA F F P H O T O G R A P H E R S Tim McCary

Bill Perkins

Cheryl Rinehart

Lisa Adams Whittington

SALES STAFF Cheryl Rinehart

Donna Sessions

CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Gary R. Bachman

Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin III

Becky Junkin

JoAnna Sproles

Jennifer J. Whittier

Dr. Gary R. Bachman

Alma Womack

Cheryl Rinehart

Jean Biglane

Donna Sessions

Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

Tim McCary

Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin III

Becky Junkin

Bill Perkins

Jennifer J. Whittier

Alma Womack

Lisa Adams Whittington

Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DQ\ DGYHUWLVHment. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.

OFFICE 225 John R. Junkin Drive | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 |

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On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 9



Becky Junkin





KLV SRHP Ă€UVW ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ WKH 7UR\ 1HZ <RUN Sentinel on December 23, 1823, without attribution and without &OHPHQW &ODUNH 0RRUH¡V SHUPLVVLRQ DQG \HDUV ODWHU ZDV attributed to him. The poem goes by its original “A Visit from St. Nicholasâ€? or its later adaptation “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.â€? Some experts believe that the poem was written several years earlier by Major Henry Livingston, Jr.; and that debate continues. Regardless of who actually wrote the poem, it is read around the world on Christmas Eve night to settle children down for their visit IURP 6W 1LFN RU 6DQWD &ODXV :KHQ , ZDV D FKLOG HYHU\ &KULVWPDV

(YH P\ IDWKHU UHDG WR PH WKLV VWRU\ IURP DQ ROG ERRN WKDW , ZLVK , VWLOO KDG , FDUULHG RQ WKH WUDGLWLRQ E\ UHDGLQJ WKH VWRU\ WR P\ FKLOGUHQ DQG they have carried this tradition on to theirs. Below are some recipes that will be perfect for parents and children on Christmas Eve or Christmas; and even better, these recipes DUH YHU\ HDV\ 7KH FUDFNHUV FRRNLHV FDNH DQG FRFRD DUH SHUIHFW WR VHW RXW IRU 6DQWD¡V WUHDW DQG WKH 0LPRVD VHUYHV DV D UHOD[LQJ GULQN after getting the children to bed. Hope you and your family enjoy these as much as mine have. “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!â€?


POMEGRANATE MIMOSAS We substituted frozen fresh cranberries for the pomegranate seeds and also cranberry juice for pomegranate juice. 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds 6-8 sprigs of rosemary Pomegranate juice 1 bottle of champagne To each glass, add 1 tablespoon of pomegranate seeds, a rosemary sprig, and 1 1/2 ounces of pomegranate juice. Top with champagne. Serve!

DELICIOUS CROCKPOT HOT CHOCOLATE FOR A CROWD You can also make this recipe using white chocolate, butterscotch, or even mint chocolate chips. The possibilities here are endless! 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream 14 ounces sweetened condensed milk 6 cups milk 1/1/2 teaspoons vanilla 2 cups chocolate chips, milk chocolate or semi-sweet Marshmallows, optional Pour all the ingredients into a crockpot, and whisk together until well combined. Cover and cook on low for 2 hours, stirring occasionally, until mixture is hot and chocolate chips are melted. Whisk well before serving. Garnish as desired (which means marshmallows of course!) From / Cook Time 2 hours / Serves 12

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ROLO STUFFED RITZ CRACKERS This easy-to-make salty-sweet, caramelchocolate combo makes a great party snack. 10 Rolo candies 20 Ritz crackers Chocolate dipping or chocolate almond bark, optional Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place half of the Ritz crackers on a baking sheet face side down; then, top each one with a Rolo Candy. Bake for 3-5 minutes until chocolate is soft and not melted. Remove from the oven and immediately top with remaining crackers, and press down to create a sandwich. Cool completely. After they cooked, I dipped ½ of each cracker-cookie into chocolate candy coating. I bought the cup of chocolate dipping in the baked goods section of the grocery and followed directions, or you can use chocolate almond bark and melt. From / Prep Time 2 minutes / Cook Time 3 minutes / Serves 10

SPICED DARK CHOCOLATE CHERRY SALTINE TOFFEE 1 sleeve of saltine crackers (about 40) 1 cup (2 sticks) plus 1 tablespoon unsalted butter J\W SPNO[ IYV^U Z\NHY ÄYTS` WHJRLK 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste V\UJLZ ÄULS` JOVWWLK WLYJLU[ KHYR JOVJVSH[L VY KHYR JOVJVSH[L JOPWZ 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1/2 cup chopped pecans 12 cups dried cherries [LHZWVVU ÅHR` ZLH ZHS[ Z\JO HZ 4HSKVU Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a rimmed 13-by-9-inch baking pan with nonstick foil, or spray with cooking spray. Arrange the saltines, salt side down, in a single layer in the pan. Set aside. Melt 1 cup butter in a large heavy-duty saucepan over medium heat. Add the brown sugar and cayenne pepper, and raise temperature to high to bring to a boil. Cook for 3 minutes. 0TTLKPH[LS` WV\Y [VɈLL TP_[\YL V]LY [OL ZHS[PULZ HUK IHRL MVY TPU\[LZ 9LTV]L MYVT V]LU HUK U\KNL [OL ZHS[PULZ IHJR [VNL[OLY PM [OL`»YL ÅVH[PUN PU [OL [VɈLL Set aside for 3 or 4 minutes. Melt the chocolate over medium heat in the top of a double boiler set over a pan of simmering water. (Or place the chocolate in a microwavable container and melt on low power until smooth, about 3 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds.) Add the remaining tablespoon of butter and the black pepper to the melted chocolate. 7V\Y V]LY [OL [VɈLL HUK ZWYLHK PU HU L]LU SH`LY ^P[O HU VɈZL[ ZWH[\SH ;VW ^P[O WLJHUZ and dried cherries. Let stand to cool slightly, and then sprinkle with sea salt. Transfer to the refrigerator to harden completely, about an hour. Pop loose from the pan, break into pieces, and store in an airtight container separated with sheets of waxed paper or parchment paper. From Garden & Gun magazine recipe by Virginia Willis author, “Secrets of the Southern Table” story by Kathleen Purvis (October/ November 2018)

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CREAM CHEESE POUND CAKE 3 sticks butter 1 8-ounce cream cheese 3 cups sugar 6 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla J\WZ WSHPU ÅV\Y Cream butter and cream cheese together, add sugar, 2 eggs, and [OLU J\W ÅV\Y YLWLH[PUN \U[PS HSS LNNZ HUK ÅV\Y OH]L ISLUKLK )HRL PU H NYLHZLK [\IL WHU H[ KLgrees for 1 hour, then 300 degrees for 1 hour. Do not preheat the oven. From Trinity Episcopal School Cookbook Becky Junkin, mother of four and grandmother of eight, is a lifelong Natchez resident, a retired elementary teacher of twenty-four \HDUV DQG FHUWLÀHG 3LODWHV LQVWUXFWRU

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Visit for all social scenes.

Miriam Montgomery’s Birthday Celebration he children of Miriam Montgomery hosted her 90th Birthday celebration on October 27, 2018, at Magnolia Bluffs Hotel in Natchez, Mississippi. Guests and family members enjoyed the hotel’s fine dining and were entertained by Dan Gibson. Natchez Mayor Darrell Grennell honored Montgomery with an official certificate declaring October 8, 2018, as Miriam Montgomery Day. Photography by Lisa Whittington











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11 Ritchie and Miriam Montgomery Tim Vance and Jackie Montgomery Kathleen and Ed Bond Phillip Trosclair and Ritchie Montgomery Bettina Coffey and Louise Peabody Pat Biglane and Keith Montgomery Janet Cloutier and Brad Fondren Renee and Kent Gresham Mary Lessley and Patty Wentworth Pokey and Tommy O’Beirne, Missy Brown, Warren and Nancy Reuther, and Walter Brown David Browning, Laurie and Mark Coffey, Hazel Ferrell, and Ron McGowan Fred and Patty Ruder with Tommy Fore Randy Busick, Miriam Montgomery, and Judy Busick, Dianna Glaze, Jennifer Combs, and Brandon Adams Darryl Grennell with Cheryl and Mo LeBlanc





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THE social SCENE


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16 Sarah Carter Smith, Carolyn Gwin, and Carolyn Vance Smith 17 Catherine Fortunato, Nancy Ruther, and Carol Jones 18 Kammie Bullen and Janet Montgomery 19 Pat Dale, Peggy Benson, Paula Johnson, and Mary Eidt 20 Rusty Jenkins and Cindy Meng 21 Pat Dale, Claudia and Jack Stephens, and Betsy Holleman 22 Townsend and Dahdee Bullen with Tommy Ferrell 23 Hugh Harris, Steve Gammill, and Kitty Harris 24 Dahdee and Townsend Bullen; Keith and Janet Montgomery; and Miriam, Ritchie, Jackie, and Kirk Montgomery 25 Brent, Brittany, Isabella, Harris, Natalie, Olivia, Keith, Miriam, Janet, Ritchie, Kirk, Jackie, Henry, and Mason Montgomery




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Vulnerable People


have commented to my friends many WLPHV UHFHQWO\ DERXW KRZ VKRFNLQJ LW is that so many people today are willing to commit fraud, scams, and/or exploiWDWLRQ RI ZHDNHU PHPEHUV RI RXU VRFLHW\ ,W seems that the elderly in particular are under FRQVWDQW DWWDFN IURP WKH SOHWKRUD RI OHHFKHV which has become a stain on our society. 0LVVLVVLSSL DQG VRPH RWKHU VWDWHV KDV a law passed in 2001 that deals with the abuse and exploitation of the elderly as well as other groups of people who are perhaps mentally or physically challenged or VXIIHULQJ IURP LQĂ€UPLWLHV 7KH ODZ LV WLWOHG the “Mississippi Vulnerable Adults Act.â€? 7KLV ODZ VHHNV WR SURWHFW YXOQHUDEOH SHRSOH from certain forms of abuse, whether physLFDO PHQWDO RU HYHQ Ă€QDQFLDO 7KLV ODZ LV YDVW DQG DV VR RIWHQ WKH FDVH , ZLOO KLW WKH high points only. 1DWXUDOO\ WKH Ă€UVW TXHVWLRQ \RX PD\ DVN is the following: Who is considered a “vulQHUDEOHÂľ SHUVRQ" 0LVVLVVLSSL ODZ GHĂ€QHV D vulnerable person as one who is either “a minor or adult whose ability to perform the normal activities of daily living or provide for his/her own care or protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation or improper sexual contact, is impaired due to a mental, emotional, physical, or developmental disability or dysfunction or brain damage RU LQĂ€UPLW\ RI DJLQJ Âľ 7KLV LQFOXGHV EXW LV not limited to persons in any care facility as

well as vulnerable people residing in private residences. The following, though not exhaustive, are examples of potentially actionable cases of abuse by caregivers: beating or hitting a nursing home patient or homebound elder; leaving a physically incapacitated person in a bed for a long period of time; not assisting with personal hygiene of a bedridden person; isolating mentally or physically challenged people; depriving vulnerable people of food, water, clothing, and hygiene needs or shelter; stealing, embezzling, controlling, conning, or wrongfully using a vulnerable person’s money, property, or assets for one’s own personal gain; and mentally abusing or torturing a person through psychological means. Again, the list could go on, but you get the idea. ,Q 0LVVLVVLSSL WKH ODZ UHTXLUHV DQ\ SHUVRQ ZKR NQRZV RU VXVSHFWV WKDW D YXOnerable person is being abused is required to notify the authorities, who in turn are required WR LQYHVWLJDWH WKH VLWXDWLRQ <RX FDQ DQG VKRXOG UHSRUW DQ\ DEXVH RU QHglect to local law enforcement or to the state or local Department of Human Services, who in turn are required to inYHVWLJDWH ,I WKH\ Ă€QG D FDVH LV DFWLRQDEOH then the department is required to report WKH FDVH WR WKH $WWRUQH\ *HQHUDO¡V 2IĂ€FH or local district attorney.

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Lucien C. Gwin III

,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR NQRZ WKDW LI D FLWL]HQ reports a case in good faith to the authorities, the citizen cannot be sued or found civilly or criminally liable. On the other KDQG VKRXOG D SHUVRQ Ă€OH D UHSRUW ZLWK DQ\ NLQG RI PDOLFH RU IUDXG WKDW SHUVRQ FDQ EH subjected to a civil verdict and possibly punitive damages. One interesting point of the law is that, if a caregiver in a nursing home or care facility receives from a patient or resident a gift with a value of more than $25.00, the caregiver must within twenty-four hours Ă€OH D ZULWWHQ UHSRUW RI WKH JLIW ZLWK WKH DGministrator, who in turn must report the gift WR D UHVSRQVLEOH SDUW\ RU QH[W RI NLQ RI WKH SDWLHQW UHVLGHQW ,I WKH SHUVRQ UHFHLYLQJ WKH gift fails to report it, then that person can be guilty of a misdemeanor which carries a penalty of $500.00 and/or one year in jail. This law does not apply to caregivers’ actual stealing or theft. 7KH ODVW SRLQW , ZRXOG OLNH WR PDNH LV what the consequences are for a person who “willingly commits an act or willingly omits the performance of a dutyâ€? either of which contributes to or results in “neglect, physical pain, injury, mental anguish, unUHDVRQDEOH FRQĂ€QHPHQW RU GHSULYDWLRQ RI services which are necessary to maintain the mental or physical health of a vulnerable person.â€? 7KH DQVZHU LV WKDW IRU D Ă€UVW RIIHQVH the consequence is a misdemeanor with D Ă€QH DQG RU XS WR RQH \HDU LQ MDLO ,I HPEH]]OHPHQW RU H[SORLWDWLRQ RI D YXOQHUDEOH SHUVRQ RFFXUV WKHQ WKH Ă€QH FDQ be $5,000.00; and/or the person may face ten years in prison. Any willful assault and battery on a vulnerable person by a caregiver can warrant from one to twenty years in prison. My Thoughts: This law is not utilized enough to proseFXWH WKRVH ZKRP , PHQWLRQ LQ WKH EHJLQQLQJ WKRVH ZKR DUH VR EROGO\ WDNLQJ DGYDQWDJH RI WKH ZHDNHU SHRSOH RI RXU VRFLety. This law is one way to try to curb so much overreaching abuse and neglect going on in our state today. Lucien C. “Samâ€? Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.

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Visit for all social scenes.

Natchez Witches Ride n October 26, 2018, the Third Annual Natchez Witches Ride was held in downtown Natchez, Mississippi, with proceeds benefiting the Mississippi Spay and Neuter Natchez Fund. Both witches and warlocks dressed in their finest and rode or walked the parade route, throwing candy to the crowds. At the end of the parade, patrons attended the after-party at Bowie’s Tavern where everyone had a “howling” good time. Photography by Bill Williams




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Marie Gasquet and Norma Williams Rhonda Smith and Linda Kennon Carolyn Guido and Ann Loughlin Lynn Britt Cheryl White and Scout Heather Schrock Britni Gwin (Best Broom Award) Meg Freeman and Max (Best Furry Friend Winner) John and Ginna Holyoak Katrina Thomas and Natalie Cavin Crystal Stephens and Tonya Butler Della Book, Carolyn Guido, Kari Caldwell, and Megan Guido Madison Martin and Carolina Little Sidney McLeod, Mary Ellen Eldridge, and Ginna Holyoak Savannah Vance, Heather Carter, and Mallory Eldridge Paige Dearing and Sheri Terrebonne Katelee Laird, Olivia Pate, and Hannah Butts Emory Fuller and Amy Murray Jasper Pintard, Meg Freeman, and Max
















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THE social SCENE


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20 Cammie Hanks, Vicki Caskey, and Martie Clary 21 Amber Brown and Garrett Robinson 22 Felicity Ballard, Macy Carter, and Olivia Ballard 23 Shelby Parsons and Elaine Adair 24 David and Shanette Pinkston (Best Overall Costume Award) 25 Nancy Laird, Susan Hogue, Olivia Broussard, Grant Clary, and Martie Clary 26 Front—Ann Loughlin, Rhonda Binns, Rhonda Smith, Marie Gasquet, Norma Williams, and Carolyn Guido; back— Linda Kennon, Paige Dearing, Cammie Hanks, Sheri Terrebonne, Martie Clary, Vicki Caskey, Amy Murray, and Emory Fuller


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Dr. Gary R. Bachman


Dr. Gary R. Bachman

Gorgeous Winter Color with Nandina Shrubs


he winter weather coming into December has been predictably unpredictable. We had a short span of the upper twenties into the thirties, folORZHG E\ D ZHHN RU WZR RI PRUH PRGHUate seasonal weather with substantial rain coming and going as various menacing storm fronts moved through our state. Soon, no doubt, we’ll see freezing temperatures again. But one good thing that happens in cold weather—as if anything good happens in the cold—is we get to enjoy the foliage on many evergreen landscape plants that turn gorgeous shades of red and purple. This is D SK\VLRORJLFDO UHVSRQVH EXW , WKLQN WKH plants are simply cold. Boxwoods, cleyeras, and some hollies are great examples of this color change. Who doesn’t appreciate evergreen landscape shrubs’ patina of bronzy golds and reds being displayed on winter foliage? +RZHYHU , WKLQN WKH EHVW HYHUJUHHQ SODQW for winter foliage color is nandina. , OLNH QDQGLQD EHFDXVH RI LWV H[RWLF WURSLFDO ORRN DV ZHOO DV D FRXSOH RI LWV FRPPRQ QDPHV OLNH KHDYHQO\ EDPERR RU sacred bamboo. The upright growth habit of the straight Nandina domestica species indeed resembles bamboo. The green foliage transforms to red for WKH FRROHU PRQWKV ,W LV DWWUDFWLYH DQG WKULFH

bisected, adding to its charm. The intensity of foliage color depends on whether it is planted in full sun or partial shade. Colors DUH PDUNHGO\ PRUH YLYLG ZLWK LQFUHDVLQJ sunlight. 1DQGLQD GRPHVWLFD Ă RZHUV LQ WKH VSULQJ with big panicles of white clusters. The red berries are the main event in the fall and winter. These clusters start upright; and as the berries mature, they weigh down the canes. ,I WKHUH LV RQH SUREOHP LW LV WKH SRWHQtial for some weediness from the heavy fruit production. Several states have identiĂ€HG KHDYHQO\ EDPERR DV LQYDVLYH ,I \RX KDYH D VPDOO VSDFH \RX¡UH LQ OXFN because dwarf nandina varieties have been developed to increase the landscape options. The foliage colors are even more exciting than the straight species. However, PRVW RI WKH GZDUIV GR QRW Ă RZHU FRQVLVWHQWly, if at all; so they do not have the gorgeous fruit production of regular species. One of the better dwarfs, in my opinion, is an old favorite called Firepower. ,W LV D JUHDW FKRLFH IRU D VPDOO IRFDO SRLQW RU IRU PDVV SODQWLQJ WR PDNH D VWDWHPHQW Firepower grows about two feet tall and wide with a compact mounding habit. 2WKHU JRRG FKRLFHV DUH %OXVK 3LQN and Gulf Stream. A new and totally different colored nandina is Lemon Lime.

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Left—Winter’s cold temperatures bring out the red and purple colors of nandinas thriving in Mississippi landscapes. Right—The small size of the dwarf nandina )LUHSRZHU DOORZV LW WR ÀW LQ ODQGVFDSHV ZKHUH other nandinas are too large.

The lime-green foliage of this beauty will EULJKWHQ DQ\ GDUN VSDFHV LQ WKH ODQGVFDSH Because nandina tends to be a slow grower, my advice is to buy the biggest plants you can afford. Sometimes, homeowners buy smaller plants and place them FORVH WRJHWKHU WR ÀOO DQ DUHD 7KHVH SODQWV though, ultimately become crowded; and some have to be removed. Buying large plants and transplanting them according to their mature size actually results in better ÀOO LQ ZLWK IHZHU SODQWV As with all landscape shrubs, plant in well-drained soil; and use a layer of organic mulch after planting. Scratch a little slow-release fertilizer into the soil around WKH SODQW HDFK VSULQJ WR NHHS \RXU QDQGLQD shrubs well fed. Columnist Dr. Gary R. Bachman is an assistant extension professor of horticulture at Mississippi State University’s Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.

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Visit for all social scenes.

Trinity Episcopal School 1950-2018: A Farewill Reunion Celebration rinity Episcopal School classes from 1971 to 2018 gathered recently in Natchez, Mississippi, to commemorate their alma mater. Trinity School, a notable educational institution for Natchez area students since 1950, closed its doors in May 2018; and alumni held a Farewell Reunion weekend October 26 and 27, 2018, that included individual class parties Friday evening, Trinity School Open House Saturday morning from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m., and a final celebration Saturday evening at Magnolia Hall, which once held the elementary classes for Trinity Episcopal School. The Trinity Family included graduates, former students and their parents and grandparents, former teachers, staff, board members, and other loyal fans and supporters of the school. The Saturday evening cocktail event was festive with music by Roscoe, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and loads of picture-taking and reminiscing throughout the antebellum home. Photography by Lisa Whittington









1 Carla Gore, Vidal Blankenstein Raworth, and Robert “Fred” Vincent 2 Dean Cole, Jolynn Serio Cole, and Roanne Tipton 3 Debbie Metcalf Aiken, Carla Raworth, and Wensell Ballard Conroy 4 John Fike, Mary Glen Voss Bradley, and Trippy Shields 5 Barry Bertolet, Jo Nelson, and Paula Bertolet 6 Kent Edgecomb, Byron Johnson Edgecombe, and Roger Smith 7 Elizabeth and Adrian Callais 8 Kit Parker, Kathy Blankenstein, and Howard Pritchard 9 Laura and Paul Burns 10 Carolyn and Gary Guido with Sam and Cindy Gwin 11 Gary Abrams, Nancy Abrams, and George and Debbie Aiken 12 Richard and Renee Adams



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THE social SCENE


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13 Dana Nelson Chamberlain and Jo Nelson 14 Joe and Donna Ballard Maselli with Fraser Smith 15 Ann and Robert Paradise, Melanie Pintard Hall, Lynn Marchbanks, and Cynthia McCormick 16 Bill Jonson, Julie Potter, Dee White, Susan Johnson, and Lee White



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Visit for all social scenes.

“Fall in Love” Engagement Party


“Fall in Love” themed engagement celebration was recently held on October 27, 2018, in honor of Brooke King and Jacob Morse in the lovely home of Jaymie and Amy Heard of Wesson, Mississippi. Friends, family, and bridesmaids attended the celebration to congratulate the couple. Brooke King is the daughter of Scott and Sharon King of Wesson; and Jacob Morse is the son of Darrell and Twyana Morse of Brookhaven, Mississippi. The couple will exchange vows June 15, 2019, at Wesson Baptist Church, in Wesson.








1 Brooke King and Jacob Morse 2 Lucas and Leah Calvert 3 Linda Dykes and Brooke King 4 Brooke King, Jaymie Heard, and Brittany Williams 5 Jacob Morse, Scott King, and Jeff Williams 8 6 Peyton Morse; Darrel and Twyana Morse; Mindy, Korbin, and Kinley Lofton; Brooke King; Jacob Morse; and Regan Morse 7 Paxton, Jeff, and Brittany, Parker, and Payton Williams; Scott and Sharon King; and Brooke King and Jacob Morse 8 Sharon King, Ginger Heard, Jaymie and Amy 10 Heard, and Linda Brent 9 Teri Ellison, Jennye Greer, Pat McCreary, Debbie Chrestman, and Becky Ruggles 10 Leah Greer, Anita Cliburn, Chelsea Lucas, Lindi Lane Smith, and Brooke King 11 Zack Smith, Mary Beth Munn, Elise Munn, and Jessica and Caleb Broome 12 Ginger and Dale Heard, Marilyn and Jimmy Barker, and Billy and Teri Ellison




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Shop McComb & Summit

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Visit for all social scenes.

Engagement Party for Emily Louise Fordice



wine-and-cheese engagement party was held recently in Vicksburg, Mississippi, to honor Emily Louise Fordice, bride-elect of Thomas Bruce Payne lll of Madison, Mississippi. The party was held at the home of Dr. Albert and Cindy Windham. The centerpiece of white roses for the dining room table was designed by Dr. Windham.


1 Emily Fordice 2 Front—Emily Fordice, Sallie Fordice, and Ann Weber from Pipersville, Pennsylvania; back—Sarah Hunter Fordice, Lauren Fordice. and Ginger Hopkins from Rock Tavern, New York 3 Emily Fordice and Hunter Fordice 4 Teri Frazier and Virginia Campbell 5 Lauren Fordice and Emily Fordice 6 Sallie Fordice and Jeane Blackburn 7 Lauren Fordice, Emily Fordice, Natalie Bailess, and Linda Lewis 8 Cindy Windham, Ann Weber, Hunter Fordice, and Dr. Albert Windham 9 Jo Glyn Hunt, Cheryl Hunt Bethel, and Susan Kendal








Table decoration designed by Dr. Albert Windham

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Merry Christmas From our Family to Yours! FERRIDAY





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Visit for all social scenes.

38th Annual Mississippi Artists Exhibition he 38th Annual Mississippi Artists Exhibition, hosted by the Vicksburg Art Association (VAA), began with the opening reception Saturday evening, November 3, 2018. Displayed against the historic walls of the (Old) Constitution Firehouse, one of Vicksburg’s first firehouses and now the home of the VAA, were over one hundred pieces of art. Media categories included 3D, Acrylic, Computer Graphics, Drawing, Fiber, Fine Craft, Mixed Media, Oil, Print, Photo Color, Photo Monochrome, and Watercolor. Kate Cherry, Executive Director of the Meridian Museum of Art, was the guest judge. The Fall Show Chair was longtime VAA member James Smithhart. Winning Best of Show with her Mixed Media piece “Alaska Shoreline” was Vicksburg artist Elke Briuer. Vicksburg Art Association encourages the community and members (new and old) to follow its activities on Facebook or check the website ( for future events.













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10 1 Elke Briuer, Best in Show (Mixed Media) “Alaska Shoreline” 2 Josephine Peterson and Dian Anderson 3 Kevin Whalen and Mary Kaylin Gray 4 Mo and Mary Qasim 5 Jean and Charles Zitzmann with Julie and Charles LeBlanc 6 James Smithhart and Monica Griffin 7 Todd Friley, Renee A. Irons, Kenzie Irons, and Landon Massey 8 Janean and Fred Shirley 9 Kelly Barfield and Sarah Johnson 10 Fred Shirley, Janean Shirley, Libby Beard, Jane Richards, and Glen Beard 11 Kenneth McCloud, Elke Briuer, and James Biedenbach 12 Charles Zitzmann, Carol Zoerb, and Julie LeBlanc

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Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 35

Discoveries Along and Beyond

Gift of More than 100 Works of Folk Art Celebrated at 31st Annual Rembrandt Society Dinner


he Mississippi Museum of Art’s Rembrandt Society hosted two special guests at its annual dinner Thursday, November 1, 2018—married artists Claudia DeMonte and Ed McGowin. 7KH 5HPEUDQGW 6RFLHW\ GLQQHU WDNHV place annually and honors members of the Museum’s four highest levels of membership: Chairman’s Rembrandt, Director’s Rembrandt, Rembrandt, and <RXQJ 5HPEUDQGW ,Q ODWH 'H0RQWH DQG 0F*RZLQ GRQDWHG PRUH WKDQ ZRUNV RI DUW E\ self-taught artists to the Museum’s perPDQHQW FROOHFWLRQ 7KH GRQDWHG ZRUNV

were part of their personal collection of sculptures, paintings, and assemblagHV &ROOHFWLRQ KLJKOLJKWV LQFOXGH ZRUNV by Bill Traylor, Mose Tolliver, Howard Finster, Mary T. Smith, and James “Son Fordâ€? Thomas. “Over a period of 25 years, my husband DQG , GURYH WKRXVDQGV RI PLOHV DURXQG WKH EDFNURDGV RI WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHVÂłSDUWLFXlarly in the American South—in our deVLUH WR PHHW IRON DUWLVWV :H GLG QRW VWDUW out to collect‌rather as artists, we were interested in the creative process as it relates to self-taught artists. With few exceptions, we met most of the artists whose

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ZRUN ZH DFTXLUHG DQG ZH IHHO WKDW WKLV collection contains extraordinary examples of the expression of human spirit that these artists embodied. This group of ZRUNV LV QRW D VXUYH\ RI IRON DUW EXW WKH UHsult of a personal quest to understand artPDNLQJ Âľ VDLG 'H0RQWH “We are honored to permanently house these objects, which add great depth to the Museum’s holdings of Southern self-taught art,â€? said Museum Curator of American Art Elizabeth Abston. ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR D FRQYHUVDWLRQ ZLWK WKH artists led by Museum Director Betsy Bradley, Rembrandt Society members

Discoveries Along and Beyond

were gifted with reproduction prints of McGowin’s etching “Dr. King� and a photograph of DeMonte’s sculpture “Exercise� from her series The Luxury of Exercise. “Claudia and Ed have been friends of the Mississippi Museum of Art since its 1978 opening. This latest act of generosity is the culmination of decades of offerings to the 0XVHXP RI WKHLU ZRUN H[KLELWLRQV DQG YDVW QHWZRUNV RI DUWLVWV FROOHFWRUV DQG IULHQGV The deeply personal nature of this collection PDNHV LW HVSHFLDOO\ PHDQLQJIXO IRU XV DQG LW ties us in perpetuity to this Mississippi-born artist and his brilliant wife. We are deeply grateful,� said Bradley.

Opposite page— Fred Webster, “Jonah and the Whale� Above left—Lucy Estrin, “Madame Pompador� Above right— Lonnie Holley, “Unicorn/ Adam & Eve� Right—Bill Traylor, “Untitled�

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Discoveries Along and Beyond Artist Ed McGowin, Museum Director Betsy Bradley, and artist Claudia DeMonte with a donated work, Bill Traylor’s “Untitled,� currently on view in the gallery of “Due South: Highlights of the Permanent Collection�

$%287 7+( $57,676 Claudia DeMonte is a mixed media artist renowned for her analysis of contemporary women’s roles. She was born and raised in WKH $VWRULD QHLJKERUKRRG RI 1HZ <RUN &LW\ +HU ZRUN KDV EHHQ H[KLELWHG LQ PRUH WKDQ 100 one-person shows and 500 group shows, nationally and internationally, including exhibitions at the Corcoran Museum, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Tucson 0XVHXP )OLQW ,QVWLWXWH RI $UW 0XVHXP RI the Southwest, and Mississippi Museum of Art. For 33 years, DeMonte has served on

WKH IDFXOW\ RI WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0DU\ODQG where she was named Distinguished Scholar 7HDFKHU DQG 3URIHVVRU (PHULWD ,Q VKH was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the College of Santa Fe. Ed McGowin LV EHVW NQRZQ IRU KLV ZRUN ´1DPH &KDQJHÂľ IRU ZKLFK KH changed his name legally 12 times over an 18-month period and created distinct ERGLHV RI ZRUN XQGHU WKRVH SHUVRQDV +H has continued this practice over the last Ă€YH GHFDGHV 0F*RZLQ KDV WDXJKW DW WKH Corcoran Gallery of Art and Design, The

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8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6RXWKHUQ 0LVVLVVLSSL DQG 7KH 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 1HZ <RUN +LV ZRUN has been exhibited in more than 70 solo VKRZV DW YHQXHV LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV DQG abroad, including the Museum of Modern Art of the City of Paris and The National Museum of American Art in Washington, ' & +LV ZRUN FDQ EH IRXQG LQ WKH SHUPDnent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Guggenheim Museum, and the Lowe Museum of Art. DeMonte and 0F*RZLQ OLYH LQ 1HZ <RUN &LW\ DQG .HQW Connecticut.

Discoveries Along and Beyond Claudia DeMonte, Betsy Bradley, and Ed McGowin address attendees of the 31st Annual Rembrandt Society Dinner at the Mississippi Museum of Art.

The Rembrandt Society Dinner, held annually, honors the Mississippi Museum of Art’s highest level of membership.

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Kitchen Memories Bringing Love and Laughter to Christmas by JoAnna Sproles


KLV SDVW 2FWREHU &DURO\Q 6WHSKHQV RI %URRNKDYHQ Mississippi, turned 52 years old. Her mother, Mary George Collins, “GG,â€? had passed away less than three months earlier. Carolyn’s birthday, even as a grown woman with two grown children of her own, was not the same after her mother’s death. Many things changed for Carolyn when her mother at the age of 84 died on July 9 within a month of being diagnosed with cancer. 2Q KHU RZQ ELUWKGD\ WKLV \HDU IRU LQVWDQFH &DURO\Q IHOW OHVV OLNH celebrating, purposefully spending it alone and out of town. One special birthday element, now a memory, that was hard to be withRXW ZDV WKH ELUWKGD\ FDNH WKDW KHU PRWKHU DOZD\V PDGH IRU KHUÂłD IURP VFUDWFK ,WDOLDQ FUHDP FKHHVH FDNH &DURO\Q VDLG VKH FDQQRW UHPHPEHU DQ\ \HDU WKDW KHU PRWKHU GLG QRW PDNH KHU WKDW H[DFW FDNH /LNH WKH FDNH VRPH WKLQJVÂłDV ZKHQ DQ\RQH ORVHV D ORYHG RQHÂł have to be left behind forever. +RZHYHU &DURO\Q LV PDNLQJ RWKHU HIIRUWV WR KROG RQ :LWK WKH holidays approaching, she is determined to do whatever she can to preserve whatever she can of her mother’s legacy. And, it starts with Christmas this year. Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 41

´%DVLFDOO\ ZH ZLOO PDNH D IHZ RI KHU UHFLSHV WR NHHS KHU PHPRU\ DOLYH Âľ &DURO\Q VDLG ´,W LV QRW JRLQJ WR EH WKH KROLGD\V ZLWKout her, and this way we have at least a little ELW RI KHU ZLWK XV Âľ 7KH WDVNV DW KDQG" **¡V yeast rolls, dressing, fudge, and pralines. According to Carolyn, these are not recipes that easily yield the desired results; for her mother instinctively navigated through her recipes and changed them ever so slightly DV VKH FRRNHG RU EDNHG ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV WKH recipes are not all written in perfect detail on FDUGV DQG VRPH FDPH IURP D ERRN ´, KDYH QHYHU EHHQ DEOH WR GR KHU IXGJH or pralines without her presence. We will VHH LI , ZLOO EH DEOH WR Âľ &DURO\Q VDLG Carolyn’s daughter, Ashley, who is 24 years old and living in Tennessee, has been assigned to crafting the dressing. Both $VKOH\ DQG &DURO\Q GHFLGHG QRW WR PDNH WKH GUHVVLQJ DW 7KDQNVJLYLQJ LW MXVW VHHPHG WRR VRRQ 7KH\ GR KRZHYHU SODQ WR WDFNOH LW in time for Christmas. Ashley is said to have an advantage since she and GG share the physical trait of being left-handed. Carolyn MRNHV WKDW WKLV LV RQH VHFUHW RI $VKOH\¡V EHLQJ DEOH WR FRRN DV ZHOO DV ** ´** PDVWHUHG HYHU\WKLQJ VKH FRRNHG Âľ Ashley said. “Some of my favorites were KHU FKRFRODWH VKHHW FDNH ZLWK KRPHPDGH chocolate icing, which she made for my birthday every year; her meatloaf; and her canned squash relish that we always put on EODFN H\HG SHDV DQG FRUQEUHDG 6KH DOVR had a fantastic spiced tea recipe that the holidays wouldn’t be complete without.â€? $VKOH\ DGGHG WKDW LW WRRN KHU \HDUV WR “masterâ€? GG’s meatloaf and that using the word “masterâ€? is a stretch. So, humbleness may be something else she and her grandmother share. Ashley recalled that GG would sometimes doubt the “setting upâ€? of her fudge and partially blame the weather. At other times, she would preface serving KHU GLVKHV ZLWK ´WKLV SUREDEO\ LVQ¡W Ă€WWLQ¡ to eatâ€?; but Ashley says, of course, this was never true. “Because she did not strictly follow a recipe, the only way to learn from her was Page 42 { December 2018 { Bluffs & Bayous

WR VSHQG WLPH DORQJVLGH KHU LQ WKH NLWFKHQ Âľ $VKOH\ VDLG ´<RX KDG WR SXW LQ KRXUV of watching her before you could come FORVH WR KHUV , FRXOG VKDUH IRU GD\V WKH PHPRULHV , KDYH ZLWK KHU LQ WKH NLWFKHQ They are endless.â€? ,W LV QRW KDYLQJ ** LQ WKH NLWFKHQ WKLV year that fuels both Carolyn’s and Ashley’s determination. Carolyn has already made a FRXSOH RI DWWHPSWV DW WKH \HDVW UROOV DQG Ă€QDOO\ UHSRUWHG UHFHQW VXFFHVV %DNLQJ DQG FRRNLQJ WKRXJK ZHUH QRW WKH RQO\ OHVVRQV GG taught these two. ´+HU FRRNLQJ ZDV IDQWDVWLF \HV EXW WKH memories we made, the laughs we shared, WKH OHVVRQV ZH OHDUQHG DUH WKH WKLQJV , want to pass on to my children one day,â€? $VKOH\ VDLG ´,¡YH OHDUQHG VR PXFK DERXW life just spending time with her and mom in WKH NLWFKHQ ,W LV P\ ZD\ RI KRQRULQJ KHU , WKLQN LW¡V WKH JUHDWHVW JLIW , FDQ SDVV RQ WR P\ IDPLO\ LQ WKH IXWXUH DQG , NQRZ QRWKLQJ ZRXOG PDNH KHU PRUH SURXG Âľ As for Carolyn with her childhood of PHPRULHV IURP D NLWFKHQ FHQWHUHG RQ SUHparing three meals a day and serving them RQ D GHFRUDWHG NLWFKHQ WDEOH WLPH VSHQW with her mother taught her about people and how to be a better person. “There have been many life lessons for me,â€? Carolyn said. “She taught me to deIHQG WKRVH WKDW DUH ZHDNHU XVH P\ YRLFH body, and things that God had blessed me with to help others. To be a good steward of things God gave me. She hated a dirty, unorganized home. Everything has its place DQG \RX ZRQ¡W KDYH WR ORRN IRU LW LI \RX SXW LW EDFN ZKHUH LW FDPH IURP Âľ “She did so many things for others and never met a stranger. She would tell you what she thought, and it may or may not FRPH RXW NLQG 6KH ZDV D SHUVRQ ZKR FRXOG PDNH WKLQJV KDSSHQ Âľ &DURO\Q DGGHG .... including memorable meals, eaten with laughter, served with love around a table of family and friends. JoAnna Sproles is a high school English teacher in Brookhaven, Mississippi.

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Shop, Stay, Eat, and Play!

CHECK US OUT ONLINE AT BROOKHAVENCHAMBER.ORG AND Page 44 { December 2018 { Bluffs & Bayous

BROOKHAVEN EVENTS December 1 Movie on the Lawn MSA Campus Caroling & TUBA performance Santa & Photos 5 – 7 pm / Free

December D ce De cemb mbber 6 m The Cure for Christmas Chaos Live Orchestra and Guest Performers The Brookhaven Building 1154 Beltline Rd. 2 & 7 pm / $18 Adv. / $20 Door EODNHVFDƓGHO FRP WLFNHWV

December D De cemb mber mb ber 9 Milk & Cookies with Santa And Activities! Hosted by Junior Auxiliary Chamber of Commerce Building 4 – 6 pm

December 9 Singing Christmas Tree “Joyful, Joyful” First Baptist Church Choir & Orchestra 6:30 pm

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A New Ambiance for Treasured Traditions and Collections Story and Photos by Cheryl Rinehart


hristmas in the South celebrates family experiences, traditions, and treasures. Sharing family stories year after year and adding something new to treasured collections enhance this celebration even more. Terry and Spencer Stutzman of Natchez, 0LVVLVVLSSL GLG MXVW WKDW LQ IRU WKH ÀUVW &KULVWPDV transitioning into their new home, located in the Beau Pre neighborhood. Building this new residence from the ground up with builder Justin Lees of JDL Builders and designer Kim Gammill, the couple were able to masterPLQG WKHLU SHUIHFW KRPH EOHQGLQJ IDPLO\ NHHSVDNHV DQG practices with surroundings new and beautiful, all to enjoy and share with friends and family for the Christmas season and throughout the year. Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 47

*DPPLOO ZKR ZRUNHG ZLWK WKH FRXSOH from the very beginning, strove to underVWDQG WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH RI VSHFLDO IDPLO\ mementos and to incorporate them into the home’s modern dÊcor, creating a stunQLQJ EDFNGURS IRU WKH &KULVWPDV GHFRUDtions. Two Christmas trees were erected in the house, one in the sun room off the main living space and one in the dining room. The sun-room tree was decorated in blues, whites, and a touch of gold, blending with the draperies and upholstery of the room. On the console, white, snow-covered village pieces rest on one end, and on the other end, an inspirational Nativity scene, one of many in a collection of renditions that grace the home.

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Enjoyed year round but especially by extended family members and guests during the holidays, are Terry’s collection RI KHU IDWKHU·V ZRRG FDUYLQJV RI GXFNV GLVSOD\HG DV D WULEXWH to him, and her collection of his hand-carved wooden crosses WKDW VKH KDG IUDPHG IRU D XQLTXH ZDOO GLVSOD\ 7KHVH NHHSVDNHV are located in the hallway just off the home’s family room.

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Both Terry and Spencer enjoy sharing the stories of their upbringing—where WKHLU IDPLOLHV UHVLGHG WKHLU EDFN LQ WKH day lifestyles and interests, and their service to America. Deftly framed and hung LQ WKH FKLOGUHQ¡V URRP LV D IHHG VDFN IURP where Terry’s grandfather’s family lived, Woodyear Plantation in Mound, Louisiana. Spencer shares the story of his father in :RUOG :DU ,, SRLQWLQJ RXW WKH ZULWLQJV RQ


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The lovely Stutzman home, enjoying LWV ÀUVW &KULVWPDV LQ ZLWK JUHHQHU\ bright red ribbons, family holiday china, VWRFNLQJV ZHOFRPLQJ ZUHDWKV DQG XQLTXH and cherished family collections, certainly will welcome its Christmas 2018 with equal, even enhanced, fervor as their family traditions continue.

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0D\ ORYH DQG KDSSLQHVV ÀOO your heart this Christmas season as you enjoy the old and the new or renewed in your family traditions treasured from one generation to the next.

Below—The Stutzmans visit over coffee with Kim Gammill and her mother, Martha Gammill. This mother-daughter team create Christmas magic and holiday cheer for the Stutzman family and many others throughout the region.

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Visit for all social scenes.

Vicksburg Chamber After-Hours




n October 18, 2018, the Vicksburg Warren County Chamber of Commerce held a Business After-Hours at May & Company, LLP, announcing the association of Joshua K. McBride, CPA, CFP(r), as a partner in May & Company, LLP. Friends of McBride and chamber members enjoyed a variety of refreshments provided by Refined South Catering.


4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Blair and Josh McBride John Paris and Bob Morrison Russell Carruth Rick and Donna Magee Riley Nelson and Ronnie Andrews Mike Smith and Alice Ellis Alex Monsour, Craig Danczyk, and Mayor George Flaggs, Jr. Beverly Steward, Alex Monsour, and Marion Roberson Bob Morrison, Ken Rector, and Dan Muirhead Brandy Stewart, Alexis Burton, and Barbara Hickman Pablo Diaz, Annette Kirklin, and Josh McBride Christy Thornton, Laura Barlow, and Deirdre Fields Lindsay, Russell, and Will Carruth William and Georgia King, Judi Sullivan, and Blair and Josh McBride Josh and Blair McBride with Donna and Rick Magee









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DECEMBER Louisiana Up & Coming! ALEXANDRIA / PINEVILLE December 7 City of Pineville Christmas Parade Downtown Main Street 7 pm December 7 – 8 & 14 – 23 Alexandria Zoological Park Holiday Light Safari Alexandria Zoological Park 5:30 – 8:30 pm $8 / FOTAZ Members $6 / 3 under Free December 15 Garden District Holiday Tour of Homes St. James Episcopal Church 1 – 5 pm / $20 before Dec. 15 / $25 on Dec. 15 318.445.7705 BATON ROUGE Throughout December Through December 30 Zoo lights 5:30 – 8 pm Through January 6 6KDGUDFN·V &KULVWPDV :RQGHUODQG Lamar-Dixon Expo Center Gonzales, LA 6 –10 pm $25 per car December 8 Christmas Parade Downtown 5:30 pm

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Louisiana Up & Coming! DECEMBER

December 15 & 16 The Nutcracker: A Tale from the Bayou 5DLVLQJ &DQH·V 5LYHU &HQWHU $UHQD 2 & 6 pm 225.766.8379 FERRIDAY December 6 Concordia Parish Gifted & Talented Program Arcade Theater 318.757.9999 JACKSON December 15 Feliciana Trade Days 4133 Hwy. 10 9 am – 5 pm 335.773.6396 or 225.719.2199 02152( :(67 02152( Throughout December 1(: 25/($16 Throughout December Through December 30 Audubon Zoo Light Showcase Audubon Zoo 5:30 – 9:30 pm $10 – $15

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DECEMBER Louisiana Up & Coming! December 15 – 16 & 22 – 23 New Orleans Ballet Theatre The Nutcracker Orpheum Theatre 2 & 7 pm 504.274.4871 Through January 1 Celebration in the Oaks City Park Fri. & Sat. 6 – 10 pm Sun. – Thur. 5 – 11 pm PORT ALLEN Throughout December ST. FRANCISVILLE Throughout December December 7 – 9 Christmas in the Country Downtown Christmas Parade, Carolers, Live Walks through Nativity Dec. 8 Library Tour of Homes 10 am – 4 pm / $25 / 225.635.3873 VIDALIA Throughout December (YHU\ :HGQHVGD\ Delta Farmers Market Old Courthouse 8 am – Noon December 2 Annual Christmas Parade “A Groovy Christmas” 3 pm

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! BROOKHAVEN Throughout December 2nd Saturday Storytime Lincoln Library &KLOGUHQ·V 'HSDUWPHQW 10 – 10:30 am December 1 Movie on the Lawn MSA Campus Caroling & TUBA performance Santa & Photos 5 – 7 pm / Free December 6 The Cure for Christmas Chaos Live Orchestra and Guest Performers The Brookhaven Building 1154 Beltline Rd. 2 & 7 pm / $18 Adv. / $20 Door EODNHVFDÀGHO FRP WLFNHWV December 9 Milk & Cookies with Santa Hosted by Junior Auxiliary Chamber of Commerce Building 4 – 6 pm December 9 Singing Christmas Tree “Joyful, Joyful” First Baptist Church Choir & Orchestra 6:30 pm )(51:22' JACKSON Throughout December December 6 Fondren After 5 5 pm

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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER

December 2 Amahl & the Night Visitors Mississippi Opera Bellwether Church 3 pm FB: Mississippi Opera December 7 – 9 The Nutcracker Ballet Mississippi Thalia Mara Hall Fri. 7:30 pm / Sat. & Sun. 3 pm December 8 – 9 Ballet Mississippi 6XJDU 3OXP )DLU\·V 7HD 3DUW\ 7KH :HVWLQ -DFNVRQ 1:30 pm 601.960.1560 / December 15 & 16 %DOOHW 0DJQLÀFDW The Return of the Snow Queen Thalia Mara Hall 2 pm EDOOHWPDJQLÀFDW FRP December 20 Cirque Musica presents Wonderland Thalia Mara Hall 7:30 pm MADISON December 1 Madison Christmas Parade 9 am MCCOMB Throughout December Every Monday Story Hour / Toddlertime McComb Library 11 am

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! Every Thursday Story Hour / Preschool Age McComb Library 10 am

December 1 A Magical Visit with Santa McComb Depot 1 – 4 pm / Free

Saturdays Free Yoga in the Park / MS Mud Yoga Edgewood Park 8 – 9:30 am FB: Free Yoga in the Park

December 1 Christmas Parade Delaware Avenue 10 am 601.684.3056

December 6 Christmas by the Tracks School Tours McComb Railroad Museum & Depot December 6 – 9 A McComb City Christmas Depot Theatre Dec. 6 – 8, 7:30 pm / Dec. 9, 2:30 pm / $10 December 15 McComb Railroad Museum &KLOGUHQ·V ([SUHVV 108 N. Railroad Blvd. MEADVILLE Throughout December NATCHEZ Throughout December Live Music Events Calendar

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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER

Throughout December Throughout December Christmas in Natchez For Events: 1.800.647.6742 or 601.446.6345 Through January 6 Jeweled Christmas Tour The Towers 2 pm Wednesdays 10 am & 2 pm Fridays 10 am, 2 & 4 pm Saturdays $20 Adult / $15 Ages 12 - 15 / Under 12 Free 601.446.6345 December 1 Christmas Parade Downtown 5:30 pm December 1 Christmas Celebration: Still First Baptist Church Sanctuary 6 – 7:30 pm December 2 Christmas Tour of Homes Friends of the Library 2 – 5 pm / $20 601.445.8862 December 2 Alcorn Choir Christmas Concert St. Mary Basilica 105 S. Union St. 7:00 pm 601-445-5616 / December 7 Annual Holiday Christmas Luncheon The Natchez Garden Club Magnolia Hall 11:30 am – 1 pm / $20 Soup & Casserole Sale For Pre-sold Tickets: 601443-9065 Tickets Available at Door December 13 – 15 Jefferson Street United Methodist Church Live Nativity Corner of Jefferson & Union 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Bluffs & Bayous { December 2018 { Page 63

DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 28, 29 & 30 Holiday Murder Mystery Dinner *OHQÀHOG 3ODQWDWLRQ 7 pm / 4-course meal Cash Bar / $69 / BYOB / Corkage Fee $10 JOHQÀHOGSODQWDWLRQ FRP December 31 Krewe of Phoenix 1HZ <HDU·V (YH 3DUW\ Natchez Community Center 8 pm – 1 am / $75 per person Must be 21 yrs. or older Tickets: 228-326-5371 or 601-443-1541 OSYKA December 8 Christmas in Osyka Parade & Festival Classic Car & Truck Show 10 am Pictures w/Santa 10 am @ Library &KLOGUHQ·V 3DLQWLQJ &ODVV DP Adult Painting Class $30 Decorate Cookies w/Santa 11 am Parade 4 pm Pyrotechnic Display 7 pm

PORT GIBSON FB: portgibson.chamber RIDGELAND Throughout December SUMMIT Throughout December December 6 David Phelps It Must Be Christmas 20th Anniversary Tour First Baptist Church 7 pm December 7 – 9 JCUMC Live Nativity Johnston Chapel Road 6 – 8 pm

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December 16 /LJKW +DV &RPH ² $ &KULVWPDV :RUVKLS Musical First Baptist Church 6 – 7:30 pm 7</(572:1 Through December 31 Christmas in the Park 6 – 8:30 pm / $5 Adult / $2 Child Entrance on Hwy. 48 FB: Christmas in the Park Tylertown VICKSBURG Throughout December

Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER

December 1 Holly Days Arts & Crafts Show Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation 1302 Adams St. 9 am – 3 pm 601.631.2997 / December 1 Parade of Lights :DVKLQJWRQ 6WUHHW 5 – 7 pm

December 3 Lebanese Cooking with Lana Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation 5:30 – 8 pm 601.631.2997 /

:(6621 Throughout December Facebook: Wesson Chamber :22'9,//(

December 8 Breakfast with Santa Vicksburg Convention Center $7 Adv. / $10 Door 601.630.2929

Throughout December FB: Woodville/Wilkinson County Main Street Association

December 10 +ROLGD\ %UHDNIDVW :RUNVKRS Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation 5:30 – 7:30 pm 601.631.2997 /

%H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.

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Alma M. Womack

Christmas Traditions in Transition: Low Key... Still Lovely


ou’ll never guess what JG has SLFNHG RXW IRU PH IRU D &KULVWPDV SUHVHQW 1R LW¡V QRW D ERRN E\ RQH of my favorite authors, or a pretty scarf, RU D EUDFHOHW LW¡V QRW HYHQ D WR\ WKDW , could return to him. No, my grandson who NQRZV PH VR ZHOO KDV GHFLGHG WR JLYH PH a medallion with the face of Donald Trump LPSULQWHG RQ LW +H NQRZV WKDW , ORYH WKH President and what he has done for our FRXQWU\ VR LW RQO\ IROORZV WKDW , ZLOO QHHG D PHGDOOLRQ RI KLP , FDQ¡W ZDLW WR RSHQ WKDWSUHVHQW DQG EH RK VR VXUSULVHG ZKHQ , VHH the face of our MAGA President. $W WKH Ă€UVW RI 1RYHPEHU ZKHQ KH VHlected my gift, JG was ahead of the JDPH +RZHYHU , FDQQRW JHW LQWHUHVWHG LQ &KULVWPDV XQWLO 7KDQNVJLYLQJ KDV EHHQ done for another year. No decorations, no cards, and certainly no gifts until the turNH\V DQG WKH 3LOJULPV DQG WKH JRRG ROG Native Americans have been put away until 2019. , KDYH WR DGPLW WKRXJK WKDW , KDYH succumbed to the modern Christmas tree, store bought with lights installed and ready for a few decorations. Since Woodrow and 'UHZ ZHUH VPDOO ER\V , KDYH GHFRUDWHG WKH

store-bought tree with all manner of candy canes, put in place by their wee hands. They are ten years old now, so the decoration duties go to little JG, who is six. He loves to help; and even though most of the decorations are on one side of the tree, it is beautiful. We “oohâ€? and “ahâ€? when it’s done and can hardly wait to get some presents under it. They may not listen to me, but , DOZD\V OLNH WR WHOO WKHP DERXW WKH Christmas season and how it was celebrated by ancestors centuries ago in 6FRWODQG ,UHODQG (QJODQG DQG :DOHV According to, that’s where our people originally came from when they migrated to the colonies centuries ago. Of course, those ancient celebrations had nothing to do with the Christ Child but were celebrations held to give WKDQNV IRU WKH KDUYHVW DQG WR SUHSDUH IRU the long, cold days of winter. When Christianity came to the British ,VOHV WKH FHOHEUDWLRQ RI &KULVW¡V ELUWK ZDV added to the old pagan holidays so that &KULVWPDV WUHHV <XOH ORJV PLVWOHWRH FDQdles, etc., were combined for one festive, yet holy, occasion. All this history might

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be more than the boys want to listen to when their minds are on presents, presents, presents; but they are going to hear it anyway. ,W LV QRW ZURQJ WR DGPLW WKDW , ORYH all the beautiful decorations that a person sees in stores and malls and in other people’s houses. A person just won’t see much of them in mine. When my girls were children, decorating the KRXVH VWDUWHG DIWHU 7KDQNVJLYLQJ for we all participated in this exciting time of year. But the girls are all grown with families of their own. My husband passed away in 2013, so it’s MXVW PH ZLWK IRXU GRJV DQG D FKLFNHQ \DUG ZLWK WZHQW\ FKLFNHQV 7KH JLUOV and their children are in and out, especially Claire and JG; but as any person in my circumstances can tell, it’s just not the same environment as before. 1HYHUWKHOHVV , GR WU\ WR PDNH D IHZ spots festive with magnolia leaves, KDZWKRUQ EHUULHV DQG ZKDWHYHU HOVH , FDQ KDUYHVW IURP WKH \DUG WKH ODNH DQG WKH ZRRGV ,W VHHPV WR VDWLVI\ -* DQG WKDW¡V ZKDW FRXQWV 7KH GRJV GR OLNH \DUG GHFRUDWLRQV EXW , OHDUQHG ORQJ DJR WR SXW RXWVLGH decorations on trees and the walls of the buildings. Otherwise, the decorations will be undone, chewed up, and spread all over WKH JURXQG &KLFNHQV DV \RX PLJKW JXHVV GR QRW QRWLFH WKH QLFH ZUHDWK , DOZD\V KDQJ on their house. Decorations great or small are always IHVWLYH WR PH DQG , VKDOO HQMR\ WKH FUHDWLYLW\ RI RWKHUV \HW DQRWKHU \HDU , GR hope that the readership of this lovely, very special magazine, have a wonderful, EOHVVHG &KULVWPDV VHDVRQ Ă€OOHG ZLWK WKH ORYH RI IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV $QG , KRSH WKDW there are lots of presents and good food and joyous Christmas programs at all the churches as we all celebrate the birth of Christ the King. Merry Christmas, one and all. Columnist Alma Womack lives on Smithland Plantation on Black River, south of Jonesville, Louisiana. In addition to her duties as maitresse des maison, she is the keeper of the lawn, the lane and the pecan orchard at Smithland.

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