August 2019

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s we move into August, we know that many areas of our country still have weeks of vacation time left before their schools begin the end of August and even after Labor Day in September. However, here, early August, smoldering in summertime heat, marks the beginning of schools as they welcome students to their new academic year. The fall sports practices have been on the slow burner but now heat up to prep for mid-to-late August games. On the college level, football countdown days have already begun and fans are revving up for the VHDVRQ¡V Ă€UVW NLFN RII DQG Ă€UVW 7' $V LV RXU WUDGLWLRQ WKH $XJXVW issue of Bluffs & Bayous brings you area college football schedules along with our Friday Night Lights links to help you keep up with high school football competition throughout the Mississippi and Louisiana leagues. JoAnna Sproles brings to our August issue an amazing area recreation development—Camp Kamassa in Crystal Springs, Mississippi—under the auspices of the Mississippi’s Toughest Kids Foundation. The mission of the MTK Foundation is to build, maintain, and operate Camp Kamassa, Mississippi’s only year-round, fully handicap-accessible camp facility for children and adults with serious illnesses, mental and physical challenges, and other special needs. The vision of those establishing this foundation and Camp Kamassa is to improve the lives of children and adults with special

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needs by providing a place to experience the fun, adventure, disFRYHU\ DQG WKHUDSHXWLF EHQHÀWV RI WUDGLWLRQDO FDPSLQJ H[SHULHQFHV Also in this month’s issue, Alma Womack piques our interests DQG QRVWDOJLD DV VKH UHà HFWV RQ WKH ODVW IXOO PRQWK RI $XJXVW GXUing her youth, days of play before school began following Labor Day. G’s Fare offers easy recipes that lend themselves to fall gatherings—casual get-togethers with friends, football-game parties in front of the big screen, and stadium-side tailgating camaraderie. Finally and, as always, thought provoking, Sam Gwin offers his view on child custody and legal matters regarding this subject. Hang on to your August Bluffs & Bayous as a handy reference throughout the college football season; also included is the schedule for our New Orleans Saints as well as college conferHQFH FKDPSLRQVKLS JDPH GDWHV HYHQWV DQG RFFDVLRQV VLJQLÀcant to many whose sporting interests enrich life along and beyond the Mississippi.

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 5

August 2019


Newly Constructed Children’s Camp — Both Retreat and Treatment pages 22 - 25 2019 Football Schedules pages 32 - 46 Page 6 { August 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 7


F AV O R I T E S G’s Fare Cool Recipes to Counter August Temps ........................................................... 12-16

Legal Notes Custody Chaos .....................................................................................................18

Southern Sampler Cotton Harvests in the ’50s..................................................................................58

The Social Scene Cheryl Young Honored with Anniversary Dinner ................................................10

Cool Recipes to Counter August Temps pages 12 - 16

Natchez International Crepe Myrtle Festival .......................................................11 Humane Society Sock Hop ..................................................................................17 Green Hills Garden Club Luncheon .....................................................................19 1HZ 2IÀFHUV IRU 7KH 1DWFKH] *DUGHQ &OXE ..........................................................19 Miss Mississippi Autograph Party................................................................... 20-21 Lincoln County Master Gardners Host America in Bloom Judges ........................26 Girls’ Night Out with Lynn Hoseman..................................................................27 Retirement Party for Bill Seratt ..................................................................... 28-29 Amateur Radio Group Field Day Contest ....................................................... 30-31

Miss Mississippi Autograph Party page 20 - 21

Up & Coming Louisiana Up & Coming ................................................................................. 48-50 Mississippi Up & Coming ................................................................................ 51-57


Girls’ Night Out with Lynn Hoseman page 27 Page 8 { August 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

&RXQWGRZQ LV LQ IXOO PRWLRQ IRU WKH ÀUVW football game’s kickoff in August. The DQWLFLSDWLRQ IRU DUHD IDQV ÀOOV WKH DLU with predictions of their teams’ seasonal outcomes. As your seasonal guide to one of the most beloved sports in the South, our August issue has complete posting of schedules for high school (via websites) and college teams and for our local NFL team, the New Orleans Saints. See pages 32 - 46.

PUBLISHER Cheryl Foggo Rinehart COPY EDITOR Jean Nosser Biglane GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

S TA F F P H O T O G R A P H E R S Tim McCary

Bill Perkins

Cheryl Rinehart

Lisa Adams Whittington

SALES STAFF Cheryl Rinehart

Donna Sessions


Becky Junkin

JoAnna Sproles

Jennifer J. Whittier Alma Womack

Cheryl Rinehart

Jean Biglane

Donna Sessions

Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

Blair Smith

Tim McCary

Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin III

Becky Junkin

Jennifer J. Whittier

Alma Womack

Bill Perkins

Lisa Adams Whittington

Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription UHTXHVWV DQG DG SODFHPHQW LQTXLULHV DUH LQYLWHG 5HWXUQ HQYHORSHV DQG SRVWDJH PXVW DFFRPSDQ\ DOO PDWHULDOV VXEPLWWHG LI D UHWXUQ LV UHTXHVWHG 1R SRUWLRQ RI WKLV publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DQ\ DGYHUWLVHment. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.

OFFICE 225 John R. Junkin Drive | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 |

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 9


Visit for all social scenes.

Cheryl Young Honored with Anniversary Dinner n anniversary celebration on April 23, 2019, honored Cheryl Young for being a cheerful server of thirty years in the Mallard restaurant at Lake Dixie Springs near Summit, Mississippi. This festive dinner spotlighting her service was well deserved for her tenure there spanning many years at the second Mallard and now the newly resurrected Mallard. Most patrons cannot remember dining there without Young. The original Mallard was established in 1939 by J J Carruth with three Mallards having existed over the past eighty years. Cheryl Young plans to be at the Mallard for many years to come! Photography by Bill Perkins





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Cheryl Young Cheryl Young and Debbie Reynolds Whitney Ketchum and Kristine Kimmel Dale and Keith Allred Doug and Kelly Sicks Betty Ann Perkins and Doug Sicks Tracey and Charlotte King Cheryl Young and Dale Allred Cheryl Young and Diane Leggett Case Chef Gary Jones Diane Leggett Case and Karen Spurlock Roger and Amanda Rushing Edward Malta and Cheryl Young Jordan Herrington Edward Malta and Barbara Quinn Daniel Hazlip and Whitney Kitchum Amanda Rushing and Charlotte King Mary Rails, Cheryl Young, Kim Ruby, and Linell Newton 19 Chuck and Tiffany Paulk, Deborah Price, and Ann Carruth Jackson
















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Visit for all social scenes.

Natchez International Crepe Myrtle Festival n Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22, 2019, the inaugural Natchez International Crepe Myrtle Festival took place in Natchez, Mississippi, labeled “The Crepe Myrtle Capital of the World” by founder of the festival, Peter Patout, and home to over 10,000 Crepe Myrtle trees. Kicking off the festival’s initial event, The Crepe Crawl (actually a walk) was held on Friday evening at Natchez Architectural and Art Discoveries. Participants in the Crepe Myrtle Festival strolled through the town’s Historic District to enjoy its colorful Crepe Myrtle blooms— Natchez Whites as well as reds, deep and light pinks, and lavenders—at their peak. Honoring the thousands of Crepe Myrtle trees planted throughout the historic city, many having established their roots going back into the twentieth and nineteenth centuries, the festival paid special homage to the effort and memory of Sallie Ballard, whose campaign—with the slogan “2000 in 2000”—during the year 2000 surpassed its goal of having 2,000 newly planted Natchez Whites and other-color azaleas that year. Photography by Joanna Frederick for Bluffs & Bayous








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Carolyn and Sonny Gwin Mike Gemmell and Lewis Lord Tom and Sandy Taylor Samantha Brown, Joanne King, and Jennie Guido Corene Fos and Eric Smith selling Crepe Myrtles at the Natchez Farmers Market Peter Patout Scott McCoy Sherry Hanson Regina Charboneau Julie Patout serving at the Bellini Bar Kim Lazarus, Elaine Gemmell, and Mike Lazarus Debbie Kuhner, Gina Knight, and Peter Patout

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 11



Becky Junkin

Cool Recipes to Counter August Temps I

t is hard to believe that this is the last full month of summer and that school will start this month. Where KDV WKLV \HDU à RZQ" :H XVHG WR HQWHUWDLQ D ORW DQG would still like to, but it seems as if the weekend gets here, and we have done nothing to get the ball rolling. This scenario is especially applicable in August when the weather is so hot that most of us don’t want to get outside to cook on the grill or even stay inside and turn on the oven. Well, to the rescue come several of this month’s recipes that are just dump, dump, dump and others that are quick and easy. South-of-the-Border dishes are a treat for all since IRONV FDQ À[ WKHLU RZQ WDFRV MXVW WKH ZD\ WKH\ ZDQW them so dinner is very informal. These same dishes also would be good for football games later this month and into the fall. 'DYLG DQG 6WDFH\ P\ VRQ DQG KLV ZLIH À[HG WKHVH dishes for dinner when I was visiting them. On an earlier occasion, they had made this meal for her teacher friends. They both had worked all that day and, once they got home, had little time to get everything together; so they wisely had prepared the dip, slaw, and cake ahead of time and prepped some of the meat. Everyone enjoyed these dishes‌as did I‌and as I hope your IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV ZLOO DV ZHOO

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This is probably one of my favorite appetizers for a crowd. I have been making it since 1981; but over the years, I have made a few changes or slight variations. I was desperate one night for something different for an appetizer, and I found this in the 1981 6RXWKHUQ /LYLQJ $QQXDO 5HFLSHV. Actually, I have shared this recipe with our readers before; but if you lose things as I sometimes do, you’ll appreciate having this refresher version. I have sprinkled chopped cilantro at different layers of the dip; but remember, for most people, a little cilantro goes a long way.

LAYERED NACHO DIP 1 16-ounce can refried beans ½ package taco seasoning mix 1 6-ounce carton avocado dip (or use some from the Guacamole recipe on page 15) 1 8-ounce carton sour cream 1 4½-ounce can sliced, ripe olives (I use more.) 2 large tomatoes, sliced and well drained 1 bunch green onions sliced (green part only) 1 4-ounce can chopped green chilies 1½ cups shredded Fiesta Cheese or any Mexican cheese Combine beans and seasoning mix and spread in the center of a large platter, round or rectangular. (I have used a terra cotta saucer to a large planter.) Layer remaining ingredients in order listed. I serve with scoops.



The Advantage! Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 13

Carnitas means “little meats.” David made these for a party at our home, and he also has made them for a few friends. This recipe is not that hard, but you do need to use real Coca-Cola—for this ingredient you do not need to substitute. The recipe is from the cookbook Salsas and Tacos—the Santa Fe School of Cooking. The recipe’s introduction mentions that in Mexico carnitas are often served on the weekends; and it further explains, “The traditional method of preparation can be an all-day process, but we have developed an approach that works well and is much easier.” I hope you all enjoy these as much as our family has.

CARNITAS 2-2½ pounds pork stew meat or trimmed pork butt, cut into 1-inch cubes 4 ounces lard 1 teaspoon coarse salt 1 ancho chile, toasted, stems and seeds removed, and ground to powder (1-1½ tablespoons) 1 guajillo or New Mexico red chile, toasted, stems and seeds removed, and ground to powder (1-1½ tablespoons) 1 teaspoon ground, toasted cumin seed (or already ground) 6 whole allspice 3 whole cloves 6 cloves of garlic, peeled 2 bay leaves 1 cup Coca-Cola (not Diet Coke) 2-2½ cups meat broth or water 1 whole orange Flour or corn tortillas Heat lard in a heavy saucepan until hot. (Don’t use a pan that is too broad; a 10-12-inch bottom will keep the ingredients from spreading too far.) Toss pork pieces with salt, ground chiles, and cumin seed powder. Cook in lard for 8-10 minutes, turning frequently to evenly brown. Add allspice, cloves, garlic, and bay leaves; then add the Coke, broth or water, and whole orange. Bring to a full boil, then reduce heat to just boiling. Cook, stirring occasionally, until most of the liquid has been absorbed and the lard is beginning to sizzle, about 1-1¼ hours. (The meat should be fork tender; if not, add more water and continue cooking.) Remove orange, turn heat up to medium high, and sauté meat while stirring until pieces are well browned with caramelized edges. Remove from pan and drain well. Serve with fresh tortillas and build your own taco. Mexican Coleslaw (page 15) is a perfect side.

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We serve the Carnitas on page 14 with the late Ellen Junkin Saunders’s Mexican Coleslaw. I have used this recipe for years and years, and it is still my favorite. My family and their friends have spread this recipe around the country. I sprinkle chili powder over the top just before serving and add a pepper or sliced peppers to the top.

MEXICAN COLESLAW 1 package coleslaw 1 can Mexi-corn, drained 2 cups grated cheese (I use the taco mix cheese or Mexican mix.) Green onions, chopped to taste (I like lots.) 1 cup mayonnaise 1½ tablespoons mustard 1½ tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon vinegar ½ teaspoon chili powder for garnish, optional Jalapeño or any decorative pepper for garnish, optional 4P_ [VNL[OLY [OL ÄYZ[ MV\Y PUNYLKPLU[Z Combine remaining four ingredients, stir well, and add to coleslaw mixture. Stir all until evenly combined. I usually sprinkle chili powder on top and add the pepper for garnish.

Sue Stedman 601.431.7653

I actually make up this recipe as I go. I vary the amount of avocado and tomatoes, depending on the size that I buy; then, I add seasoning to taste. This is a rough idea of what you can do. A lot of people do not like cilantro, so you can leave it out if you want.

Joe Stedman 601.431.2286

Liz James 601.597.7873

'JYX^ .QJX 601.597.2509

Marsha Colson 601.807.5007

Donna Ball 601.807.1700

Nancy Durkin 601.807.9617

Pat Porter 601.807.2322

FRESH HOMEMADE GUACAMOLE 4 avocados, 2 peeled and cut into chunks and 2 peeled and mashed 1 lime, juiced ñ VY SLZZ QHSHWL|V ÄULS` JOVWWLK 1-2 tomatoes, chopped 2 or more tablespoons chopped cilantro (I like cilantro and use more.) 2 tablespoons chopped purple onion 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil if needed Mix together and chill. Serve with fresh warm tortillas.

Ricky Warren 601.597.4724

Angela Brixey 601.334.9162

Jim Smith 601.870.8330

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 15

This cake is actually a combination of recipes. I went to the grocery store and could not remember exactly what went in the cake, so I bought all the ingredients that I could think of and then added them all to the cake since I had bought them. I started out with the Basic Sour Cream Cake from The Cake Doctor but added some extras. Believe it or not, the cake turned out great. I served this cake at my bridge club, and it was a huge hit with all the ladies. If you do not want real whip cream, you can use Cool Whip.

TRES LECHES CAKE (Three Milk Cake) 1 box butter cake mix 1 cup sour cream 1 box vanilla instant pudding 1/3 cup butter Âź cup buttermilk or water Âź cup sugar 4 large eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. I sprayed a 9 x 13 pan with Baker’s Joy. Mix all of the above ingredients with an electric mixer for 1 minute on low speed. Scrape down and then beat for 2 minutes on medium speed. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and bake for 30 to 45 minutes. I checked the center with a toothpick. Let the cake cool for about 25 minutes in the pan. Using the handle end of a wooden spoon, poke holes in the cake at about 1½inch intervals. Glaze 1 can evaporated milk (not the small can) 1 can condensed milk ½ cup whipping cream Mix together and pour over the cake. Cover the cake with plastic wrap, and allow it to sit in the refrigerator overnight. Frosting 1½ cups whipping cream ½ cup of sugar Beat the whipping cream until it begins to hold its shape; add sugar gradually while beating. Check to see if the frosting is sweet enough. If not, add more sugar, a tablespoon at a time. Frost the cake with the whipped cream. Cut and serve the cake, or store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve, Becky Junkin, mother of four and grandmother of eight, is a lifelong Natchez resident, a retired elementary teachHU RI WZHQW\ IRXU \HDUV DQG FHUWLĂ€HG 3LODWHV LQVWUXFWRU

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Visit for all social scenes.

Humane Society Sock Hop he Natchez Adams County Humane Society held its summer fundraiser on June 27, 2019, in the Natchez Community Center in downtown Natchez, Mississippi. Old-fashioned games, dÊcor, and delectable treats all reflected the 1950s-themed Sock Hop as did those attending who donned poodle skirts, roller skates, and rolled-up petal pushers and danced to favorite ’50s tunes. Photography by Joanna Frederick for Bluffs & Bayous





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8 Peyton Cavin and Sam Jones Mallory Eldridge and Heather Schrock Donald Shupe and Judy Wiggins Lena McKnight and Peyton Cavin Raymond and Susan Bonnette Mary Seni and Mignon White Deana Kimbro, Susan Callon, and Ilene Gill Scott Green, Suzanne Green, Sharon Kuhn, and Linda Eidson Hailey Whittington and Greg Langham Mary Seni and Tammy Bankston Rosco (David Kimbro) Rusty Eldridge





Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 17



Custody Chaos


write my monthly articles with the goal of trying to inform citizens of relevant and important legal issues that affect all. Today, child custody seems to be a topic that touches virtually everyone whether it is through friends or family. In this article, I want to talk to you about one facet of this multi-faceted issue. The Mississippi Supreme Court recently approved a pure joint-custody case in which a child spends equal time with each parent. The case to which I am referring is Albright vs Albright, 437, So 2d 1003, 1005, wherein an eight-year-old child was born to a couple that never married. The couple separated when the child was small, but the parents never got a court order to decide the custody of the child. In this case, the child lived primarily with his mother from birth, but the father was also involved in the child’s life. When WKH FKLOG WXUQHG HLJKW WKH PRWKHU ÀOHG D petition seeking full custody; and the father countered this petition and sought joint and equal custody of his son. Past case law has held that a child of tender years should remain with the mother. This doctrine is eroding due to fathers’ proving that they, too, can be nurturing and should absolutely have a hand in raising

their children. Once reaching the age of twelve, the child can usually pick which parent he or she wishes to live with although the court is not bound by the child’s preference. At age fourteen, however, a child’s preference is almost mandatory for a court to follow. In deciding child custody, the courts look to what are called “Albright Factors,â€? which are factors based on the case of that same name. These Albright Factors are the child’s age, sex, and health; school records; other relatives; and the parents’ parenting skills, their willingness and capacity to provide primary childcare, their age and physical and mental health, their individual Ă€QDQFLDO VLWXDWLRQV DQG HDFK RI WKHLU HPRtional ties to the child. In our Supreme Court case mentioned earlier, the court approved a lower court’s Ă€QGLQJ WKDW ERWK SDUHQWV ZHUH HTXDOO\ Ă€W DQG TXDOLĂ€HG WR KDYH VKDUHG HTXDO FXVWRG\ of their child. Both parents had some negative factors, but these were minor when it came to deciding custody. I must say that I have reservations about joint, equal-custody arrangements, contrary to what the “expertsâ€? say. When you Google the issue of split custody and focus on the mental and physical

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Lucien C. Gwin III

stability of children under this arrangePHQW \RX ZLOO Ă€QG ´VWXGLHVÂľ DQG ´RSLQionsâ€? all over the place. People that see this arrangement as a good practice point to the fact that the child’s spending equal time with each parent is promoting a “stronger bondâ€? with each parent; and fathers see their children more often, especially when they are younger. I have said many times that the reason for the breakdown of the traditional family is the absent father, and I have very strong feelings about “dead-beat dads.â€? In contrast, those who argue against this shared-custody arrangement have the following complaints: children are shuttled back and forth too much; children have trouble identifying their own home; and children lose their sense of being “home.â€? Other complaints relate to a child’s referring to mom’s house or dad’s house, to the removal of consistency in the child’s life, and to trouble with different rules at the different homes. Finally, there is the lingering question: should child support continue with both parents having equal time with WKHLU FKLOG" ,W DSSHDUV DV WKRXJK PRUH DQG more courts in our nation are starting to adopt this shared, equal-custody approach to child custody, assuming most things are equal between the parents. I tend to believe that stability is very important is young children’s lives; and thus, it would be rare that I would agree with shared, equal custody of children who are younger than age fourteen. On the other hand, if you are a parHQW ZKR Ă€QGV \RXUVHOI LQ D FXVWRG\ EDWWOH and joint, equal custody is awarded by the FRXUW , FDQ VD\ Ă€UVW KDQG WKDW ERWK SDUHQWV need to stuff their pride, stuff their hurt and any jealousy they may feel, and try extremely hard to communicate with each other. After all, you must cooperate in raising a child together. I can’t end this article without saying that in my opinion (and lots of other people’s opinions, too) it is best to wait until you are married to have children; and once you are married and have children, you should move heaven and earth to stay married for the welfare of your children. Lucien C. “Samâ€? Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.


Visit for all social scenes.

Green Hills Garden Club Luncheon he Green Hills Garden Club of Vicksburg, Mississippi, held its May luncheon in the home of garden club member Martha Ann Diaz. All attending enjoyed the gathering with its social interaction, club-related conversations, and delicious meal.


Seated—Beverly DiPaulo; Joelyn James; and Janis Koestler, President of Green Hills Garden Club / Standing—Martha Ann Diaz, Genie Nussbaum, Josephine Peterson, Launo Moore, Sherry Dees, and Bobbie Nasif


Visit for all social scenes.

New Officers for The Natchez Garden Club he Natchez Garden Club in Natchez, Mississippi, held its installation of new officers June 6, 2019, during the monthly membership meeting.Newly installed officers are Kim Lazarus, Parliamentarian; Lisa Whittington, First Vice President; and Donna Sessions, President. Not pictured is Kathy King, Secretary. The Natchez Garden Club is the oldest existing club of its kind in Natchez, having been organized in 1927 and federated in 1930, and serves the community through preservation, beautification, and volunteer service.


Kim Lazarus, Lisa Whittington, and Donna Sessions

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 19


Visit for all social scenes.

Miss Mississippi Autograph Party













eorge Carr Buick Cadillac GMC in Vicksburg, Mississippi, held its annual Miss Mississippi Autograph Party on Wednesday, June 19, 2019. Present were Asya Branch, Miss Mississippi 2018, and many Miss Mississippi contestants. Miss Mississippi Princesses and visitors enjoyed meeting the contestants and getting their autographs.


1 Miss Mississippi 2018 Asya Branch and Jack Rae Passman 2 Claire Cessna with Miss Vicksburg Alexis Murrell 3 Raylee Cooper with Miss Redd Carpet City Kaci Bryant 4 Lille Louge with Miss Hinds Community College Derykah Watts 5 Rachel Haas with Miss Delta Blues Emily Elizabeth O’Rear 6 Ali Anne Flanagan with Miss USM Macken’z Smith 7 Miss Hinds Community College Derykah Watts, Mary Clell Allred, and Miss Rhythm and Blues Dana Wesley 8 Maggi Wright and Miss Delta Blues Emily Elizabeth O’Rear 9 Miss Mississippi 2018 Asya Branch and Georgia Sink 10 Miss Red Carpet City Kaci Bryant and Patty Lewis 11 Ava Sanders and Miss All America City Grace McClanahan 12 Miss Vicksburg Alexis Murrell and Emmy Hardy 13 Debbie Carr, Miss Mississippi 2018 Asya Branch, and George Carr 14 Rivers Jay, Miss Red Carpet City Kaci Bryant, and Anna Grace Terry 15 Hostesses: Sandra Peters, Janell Thames, Lynn Baker, Debbie Freeman, Miss Mississippi 2018 Asya Branch, Kristy Brumfield, Amy Robinson, Mary Beth Grogan-White, Marla Bonelli, and Rhonda Minor



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THE social SCENE


Visit for all social scenes.

16 George and Debbie Carr, with grandchildren Halle, Bella, Presley, Clayton, and Liam 17 Miss Mississippi 2018 Asya Branch with Carr grandchildren Presley, Bella, and Halle



Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 21

Newly Constructed Children’s Camp Both Retreat and Treatment story by JoAnna Sproles • photography courtesy of Camp Kamsassa


ummer camps are like a rite of passage for most kids during their childhood—packing the car, overnight stays, and daily activities with old friends while making new ones. But, for some children—those with special needs—summer camps have been no home away from home. However, Camp Kamassa hopes to change all of that and become the premiere camp for special-needs children, as well as adults, in Mississippi. Construction began last year in 2018, and carefully planned accommodations for those with disabilities and illnesses are unfolding as progress continues with the site. Located in the Crystal Springs area of Copiah County, the camp hopes to be able to comfortably accommodate children of various ages as the camp facilities and staff provide a positive camp experience. Tanya Mohawk, Director of Development for Camp Kamassa, said the vision for the camp and all its offerings is being realized on a daily basis. Upon completion in 2021, the camp plans to serve up to 250 campers with 5-day sessions. Ages for campers range from 6 years old to 18 years old with other opportunities for adults as well. The total cost of building the camp hovers around the $20 million mark, but the camp is already partnering with other groups to boost progress. So far, the construction of the facilities on the 326-acre camp has been mainly completed by branches of the military. Members Page 22 { August 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

of the National Guard, Air Force, and Marines have come in shifts and worked onsite to construct the camp’s buildings and, eventually, will create its lake, trail system, and ropes course. The reODWLRQVKLS LV PXWXDOO\ EHQHÀFLDO 0LOLWDU\ SHUVRQQHO SROLVK WKHLU construction skills while drastically reducing the camp’s expenses. The in-kind construction work is saving the camp an estimated $5 million to $6 million. “The skills that they are learning while working onsite are the same skills that they would need during a deployment, particularly


when dealing with construction in their own camps,â€? Mohawk said. Another critical partner throughout the project has been Kevin Bonds. He and his company, Southwest Electric, have provided electrical services during construction and assisted with fundraising and other projects for the camp “This camp will allow children the opportunity to get dirty, swim in a lake, and do other outdoor activities with those who have similar needs while still being able to get the care they need,â€? Bonds said. “The FRPPXQLW\ ZLOO EHQHĂ€W IURP WKH SDUHQWV workers, and staff who will be traveling through and staying in the area. I am proud of everyone who has been involved.â€? The camp will eventually include feaWXUHV VXFK DV D EDOO Ă€HOG DUFKHU\ DUHD horseback riding center, teaching kitchen, rock climbing wall, dance hall, cafeteria, conference center, multipurpose building, zero-entry swimming pool, splash pad, 8 duplex cabins, 6 family cabins, and a wellHTXLSSHG LQĂ€UPDU\ ´2XU LQĂ€UPDU\ LV QRW MXVW D VLPSOH Ă€UVW aid station; it will have the capability of providing treatments for those needing them so those children can get the medical

support they need and go back and play,� Mohawk said. “This can even include dialysis and chemotherapy treatments.� Eventually, the camp will employ up to 15 full-time workers and between 30 and 40 seasonal workers during peak camp

times. During the off-seasons, the camp intends to generate income from renting facilities to businesses, nursing homes, corporations, and churches. For these types of groups, day trips or longer stays can be arranged.

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 23

“Our intent is for it to be used 365 days out of the year,” Mohawk said. “So many details have to be considered in order to accomplish thinking things through.” During the planning phase for the camp, Mohawk explained, organizers were diligent in visiting other camps for disabled and medically challenged children in the regional area. Mary Kitchens, one such camp representative and full-time volunteer, visited more than a dozen camps in nearby states with the mission of gaining as much information as possible. Kitchens ventured into camps in Georgia, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida. Her trips cultivated ideas for the new camp’s physical layout as well as acquired knowledge of operational successes and pitfalls.

“All of the camps I visited were so welcoming and helpful,” Kitchens said. “I took the best features from the camps that I went to and pulled them all together into the design for this one.” For example, Kitchens liked the idea of a covered walkway to connect the buildLQJV 6KH DOVR VDZ WKH EHQHÀW RI D ODUJH multipurpose building. Another camp featured an open-air recreation space complete with a stage. A camp in Georgia utilized duplex designs for connected cabins. Meanwhile, the idea for the cabins being at the center of the camp for easy accessibility came from a hotel where she stayed. Kitchens said, most importantly, the new camp will serve as an anchored facility where different types of children who

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live with various disabilities and health issues can retreat. While healthcare organizations do sometimes host pop-up camps throughout the state, the properties they use may have limitations: the camps are not always handicap accessible; space IRU LQÀUPDULHV FDQ EH LQDGHTXDWH DQG WKH PRYHPHQW RI WKH FDPSV FDQ PDNH LW GLIÀcult for families, camp faculty, and medical staff. Children and even adults with asthma, arthritis, and muscular dystrophy are just a few examples of the types of patients who have to travel outside of Mississippi for camps. Those with autism can attend an in-state camp, but there can be as many as 100 names on the waiting list. Kevin Bonds said volunteers like Kitchens have made the entire process

Below—Throughout the camp’s construction, volunteer Mary Kitchens meets with branches of the military as they provide in-kind labor at the camp.

worthwhile. “I am touched by the motivation and spirit of the individuals making this camp a reality,â€? he said. “It makes me happy to know that we will have a camp LQ 6RXWKZHVW 0LVVLVVLSSL VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ GHsigned for children with special needs and their families.â€? For Mary Kitchens, once children can arrive will be the moment she feels the most grateful. “I just want to see children playing and being kids; that’s what I look the most forward to,â€? she said. MTK Foundation contact information regarding camp details, service, or donations is as follows:; 3 2 %R[ &U\VWDO 6SULQJV 06 DQG PWN#IRXQG FRP

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Visit for all social scenes.

Lincoln County Master Gardeners Host America in Bloom Judges t the Brookhaven, Mississippi, home of Jimminette and David Phillips, Lincoln County Master Gardeners were hosts for an evening of food and fellowship celebrating the visit to Brookhaven of America in Bloom judges. An all-day tour of the city for the judges, stipulated in a $25,000 grant from Canadian National, preceded the event. The city was judged on the elements of community vitality, landscaped areas, urban forestry, heritage celebration, environmental efforts, and other criteria. Photography by Bill Perkins






5 1 Jimminette Phillips, Carolyn Rounseville, Karen Sullivan, Kay Kamberlain, and David Holland 2 Edna Bishop, Bill Perkins, and Kay Kamberlain 3 Jack Clasen, David Phillips, and Cindy Brown 4 Carolyn Rounseville, Barbara Breaux, and Cindy Brown 5 David Holland, Jane Kees, and Karen Sullivan 6 Jimminette Phillips, Jack Clasen, and David Phillips


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Visit for all social scenes.

Girls’ Night Out with Lynn Hoseman irls’ Night Out, an annual June event in Brookhaven, Mississippi, was a huge success and a great opportunity to meet and greet as well as dine and shop with Lynn Hosemann, wife of Delbert Hosemann, candidate for Mississippi Lieutenant Governor. After dinner at Georgia Blue Restaurant, Lynn Hosemann and friends enjoyed one of the best shopping experiences in Mississippi. Photography by Jennifer Whittier








1 Shelley Harrigill, Stephanie Bullock, and Denise Sbravati 2 Cathy Franck, Lynn Hosemann, and Carol Gary 3 Jennifer Jackson and Shirley Estes 4 Jennifer Whittier, Senator Sally Doty, Lynn Hosemann, and Representative Beckie Currie 5 Shelley Harrigill, Stephanie Bullock, Denise Sbravati, Hannah Mason, Cindy Moore, Senator Sally Doty, Jill Logan, and Lynn Hosemann 6 Cindy Moore, Jennifer Whittier, Cathy Franck, Lynn Hosemann, and Carol Gary 7 Shelley Harrigill, Stephanie Bullock, Denise Sbravati, Hannah Mason, Cindy Moore, Jill Logan, Senator Sally Doty, Lynn Hosemann, Jennifer Whittier, Representative Becky Currie, Jennifer Jackson, Shirley Estes, LilAnn Pace, and Linda Wilson


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Visit for all social scenes.

Retirement Party for Bill Seratt isit Vicksburg hosted a retirement party for its Executive Director, Bill Seratt, on June 27, 2019, at the B’nai B’rith Literary Association or the BB Club by The Anthony. Seratt was the Executive Director of Visit Vicksburg for twelve years and retired at the end of June 2019.






















1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Bess Averett and Bill Seratt Bill and Sue Seratt Bill Seratt and Annette Kirklin Bill Seratt and Chris Chapman Bill Seratt and Jacquelyn Blackwell Bill Seratt and Laura Beth Strickland Bill Seratt and Lori Burke Elyce Curry and Laura Beth Strickland Kim Terrell and Bill Seratt Laura Beth Strickland and Ashley Gatian Linda Fondren and Annette Kirklin Lois Vinson and Donna Gray Annette Kirklin, Patricia Hemphill, and Elyce Curry Linda Fondren and Sam Andrews Madalyn Burke and Bill Seratt Marty Garton and Ashley Gatian Leo Turnipseed and Patricia Hemphill Nancy Bullard and Kim Hopkins Rochelle Hicks and Annette Rand Terri Watkins and Dede Mogollon

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THE social SCENE


Visit for all social scenes.





21 Beth and David Maggio with Laura Beth Strickland 22 Bud Carson and Mark Doyle 23 Connie Cossar, Rochelle Hicks, and Tonja Ray Smith 24 Danielle Morgan, Whitney Orr, and Lisa Konupka 25 Laura Beth Strickland, Bill Seratt, and Marlo Dorsey 26 Tonja Ray Smith, Jacquelyn Blackwell, and Ashley Gatian 27 Tonja Ray Smith and Bill Seratt 28 Claiborne Cooksey, Ashley Gatian, Bill Seratt, and Laura Beth Strickland 29 Mary Allyn Hedges and Nancy Carpenter with Bill and Sue Seratt 30 William Furlong and Kim Hopkins







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Visit for all social scenes.

Amateur Radio Group Field Day Contest hree amateur radio clubs— Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club, Jackson Amateur Radio Club, and Central Mississippi Amateur Radio Association—joined forces at the Vicksburg Municipal Airport on Highway 61 South in Vicksburg, Mississippi, for the annual ARRL Field Day. Field Day is the popular on-the-air event held in the United States and Canada each year during the fourth weekend of June. These local clubs worked together to create a world-class, twenty-four-hour, emergency communication center as a test of radio skills and equipment in preparation for emergencies, such as area hurricanes and earthquakes as well as national emergencies, and for short-range radio support during floods and tornados. For twenty-four hours from 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 22, 2019, until 1:00 p.m. Sunday, June 23, 2019, various club members operated radio stations making contacts worldwide using voice, digital, CW (Morse code), and satellite as they competed with other groups in North America.





1 Richard Lawrence and Anita Schilling 2 Ken Sowell and Kathy Marr 3 Mike Flanagan 4 Wendy Staggs and Millie Staggs 5 Bill Ford 6 Sylvia Lamb 7 Terry Drake and Jim Armstrong 8 Carolyn Irons and Eddie Pettis 9 Cameron Furey with Carolyn and Ronnie Irons 10 John Black, Terry Drake, and Jerry Lamb 11 Brian Blackledge, Drew Bottemiller, and Eugene Wallace 12 Scott Larsen and Chris Dunn 13 Mike and Kathleen Duke 14 Andrea and Willie Hughes












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THE social SCENE


Visit for all social scenes.





15 Jenny Bottemiller 16 Paul Capdepon 17 Jerry Lamb, Reba Causey, and Brent Lamb (seated) 18 Reba Causey 19 Joe Savage 20 Bobby Little 21 Eugene Wallace 22 Richard Lawrence, Ed Schilling, and Bob Burt 23 Ed Schilling and Steve Pitts






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Aug. 31 .......................................vs. Duke (Atlanta) Sept. 7 ................................... vs. New Mexico State Sept. 14 ....................................... @ South Carolina Sept. 21 ......................................vs. Southern Miss Sept. 28 .............................................. vs. Ole Miss Oct. 5 ............................................................OPEN Oct. 12 ............................................... @ Texas A&M Oct. 19 ..............................................vs. Tennessee Oct. 26 ................................................vs. Arkansas Nov. 2 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 9 .........................................................vs. LSU Nov. 16 ..................................... @ Mississippi State Nov. 23 ........................................vs. West Carolina Nov. 30 ...................................................@ Auburn

Aug. 31 ....................................... vs. Portland State Sept. 7 .................................................. @ Ole Miss Sept. 14 .......................................vs. Colorado Sate Sept. 21 ...................................... vs. San Jose State Sept. 28 ............................ @ Texas A&M (Arlington) Oct. 5 ........................................................... OPEN Oct. 12 ................................................. @ Kentucky Oct. 19 .................................................. vs. Auburn Oct. 26 ..................................................@ Alabama Nov. 2 ..................................... vs. Mississippi State Nov. 9 ................................... vs. Western Kentucky Nov. 16 .........................................................OPEN Nov. 23 ........................................................ @ LSU Nov. 29 (Fri) ....................... vs. Missouri (Little Rock)

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Aug. 31 ...........................vs. Oregon (Arlington, TX) Sept. 7 ................................................... vs. Tulane Sept. 14 ............................................ vs. Kent State Sept. 21 ............................................. @ Texas A&M Sept. 28 .................................. vs. Mississippi State Oct. 5 ...................................................... @ Florida Oct. 12 ..........................................................OPEN Oct. 19 ................................................. @ Arkansas Oct. 26 ......................................................... @ LSU Nov. 2 ................................................. vs. Ole Miss Nov. 9 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 16 ................................................. @ Missouri Nov. 23 .................................................vs. Georgia Nov. 30 ............................................... vs. Alabama

Aug. 24 ....................................vs. Miami (Orlando) Aug. 31 .........................................................OPEN Sept. 7 ...............................................vs. UT Martin Sept. 14 ............................................... @ Kentucky Sept. 21 ............................................vs. Tennessee Sept. 28 ................................................ vs. Towson Oct. 5 .................................................... vs. Auburn Oct. 12 ......................................................... @ LSU Oct. 19 ......................................... @ South Carolina Oct. 26 ..........................................................OPEN Nov. 2 ............................. vs. Georgia (Jacksonville) Nov. 9 .............................................. vs. Vanderbilt Nov. 16 ................................................. @ Missouri Nov. 23 .........................................................OPEN Nov. 30 ......................................... vs. Florida State



Aug. 31 .............................................. @ Vanderbilt Sept. 7 .......................................... vs. Murray State Sept. 14 ..............................................vs. Arkansas Sept. 21 ..........................................vs. Notre Dame Sept. 28 ........................................................OPEN Oct. 5 ..................................................@ Tennessee Oct. 12 ....................................... vs. South Carolina Oct. 19 ............................................... vs. Kentucky Oct. 26 ..........................................................OPEN Nov. 2 ..................................................... @ Florida Nov. 9 ................................................. vs. Missouri Nov. 16 ...................................................@ Auburn Nov. 23 ............................................ vs. Texas A&M Nov. 30 ........................................... @ Georgia Tech

Aug. 31 .................................................. vs. Toledo Sept. 7 ................................... vs. Eastern Michigan Sept. 14 .................................................vs. Florida Sept. 21 .................................... @ Mississippi State Sept. 28 ....................................... @ South Carolina Oct. 5 ............................................................OPEN Oct. 12 ................................................vs. Arkansas Oct. 19 ................................................... @ Georgia Oct. 26 ................................................ vs. Missouri Nov. 2 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 9 ...............................................vs. Tennessee Nov. 16 .............................................. @ Vanderbilt Nov. 23 ..............................................vs. UT Martin Nov. 30 ..............................................vs. Louisville

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Photography by Cheryl Rinehart

Fighting Tigers of LSU Bayou Bengals Purple & Gold Mike the Tiger Golden Band from Tigerland Golden Girls Passionate Fans Forever LSU Jambalaya & Gumbo 102,321 Stadium Seating Capacity Sunsets in the Western Sky Chance of Rain . . . Never And . . . Saturday Night in Death Valley!

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LSU TIGERS Aug. 31 .................................. vs. Georgia Southern Sept. 7 .......................................................@ Texas Sept. 14 .............................. vs. Northwestern State Sept. 21 ............................................. @ Vanderbilt Sept. 28 ........................................................OPEN Oct. 5 ........................................................ vs. Utah Oct. 12 ...................................................vs. Florida Oct. 19 ...................................... @ Mississippi State Oct. 26 .................................................. vs. Auburn Nov. 2 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 9 ...................................................@ Alabama Nov. 16 ................................................. @ Ole Miss Nov. 23 ...............................................vs. Arkansas Nov. 30 ............................................ vs. Texas A&M

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MISSISSIPPI STATE BULLDOGS Aug. 31 ............. @ Louisiana-Lafayette (Superdome) Sept. 7 ........................................vs. Southern Miss Sept. 14 ........................................ vs. Kansas State Sept. 21 ............................................. vs. Kentucky Sept. 28 ..................................................@ Auburn Oct. 5 ............................................................OPEN Oct. 12 ................................................@ Tennessee Oct. 19 ........................................................vs. LSU Oct. 26 ............................................... @ Texas A&M Nov. 2 .................................................. @ Arkansas Nov. 9 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 16 ............................................... vs. Alabama Nov. 23 .................................. vs. Abilene Christian Nov. 28 (Thurs) .................................... vs. Ole Miss

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The Legacy of Bully I 0LVVLVVLSSL 6WDWH·V ÀUVW HYHU %XOOGRJ PDVFRW %XOO\ , VHUYHG LQ WKH HDUO\ 1960s and cemented the legacy of Bully the Bulldog for generations to come. He’s now buried under the 50 yard line at Davis Wade Stadium beneath the players’ bench, forever connecting him with the university he spent his life representing.

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Aug. 31 ............................................... @ Memphis Sept. 7 ............................................... vs. Arkansas Sept. 14 ........................vs. Southeastern Louisiana Sept. 21 ............................................vs. California Sept. 28 ............................................... @ Alabama Oct. 5 ...............................................vs. Vanderbilt Oct. 12 ................................................. @ Missouri Oct. 19 .............................................vs. Texas A&M Oct. 26 ......................................................... OPEN Nov. 2 .................................................... @ Auburn Nov. 9 ................................... vs. New Mexico State Nov. 16 ...................................................... vs. LSU Nov. 23 ........................................................ OPEN Nov. 28 (Thurs) ......................... @ Mississippi State

Aug. 31 .......................@ North Carolina (Charlotte) Sept. 7 ..............................vs. Charleston Southern Sept. 14 ............................................. vs. Alabama Sept. 21 ............................................... @ Missouri Sept. 28 .............................................vs. Kentucky Oct. 5 ........................................................... OPEN Oct. 12 ...................................................@ Georgia Oct. 19 .................................................. vs. Florida Oct. 26 ............................................... @ Tennessee Nov. 2 ..............................................vs. Vanderbilt Nov. 9 ...................................vs. Appalachian State Nov. 16 ............................................. @ Texas A&M Nov. 23 ........................................................ OPEN Nov. 30 .............................................. vs. Clemson



Aug. 31 ........................................vs. Georgia State Sept. 7 ...................................................... vs. BYU Sept. 14 ........................................vs. Chattanooga Sept. 21 ..................................................@ Florida Sept. 28 ....................................................... OPEN Oct. 5 ...................................................vs. Georgia Oct. 12 ....................................vs. Mississippi State Oct. 19 ................................................. @ Alabama Oct. 26 .......................................vs. South Carolina Nov. 2 ....................................................... vs. UAB Nov. 9 ................................................. @ Kentucky Nov. 16 ........................................................ OPEN Nov. 23 ................................................ @ Missouri Nov. 30 ............................................vs. Vanderbilt

Aug. 29 (Thurs) ................................ vs. Texas State Sept. 7 ................................................. @ Clemson Sept. 14 ................................................. vs. Lamar Sept. 21 ............................................... vs. Auburn Sept. 28 .............................vs Arkansas (Arlington) Oct. 5 ........................................................... OPEN Oct. 12 ............................................... vs. Alabama Oct. 19 ..................................................@ Ole Miss Oct. 26 ....................................vs. Mississippi State Nov. 2 ...................................................... vs. UTSA Nov. 9 .......................................................... OPEN Nov. 16 ......................................vs. South Carolina Nov. 23 ..................................................@ Georgia Nov. 30 ........................................................@ LSU

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Aug. 31 ................................................vs. Georgia Sept. 7 ................................................... @ Purdue Sept. 14 ....................................................... OPEN Sept. 21 ..................................................... vs. LSU Sept. 28 ..................................vs. Northern Illinois Oct. 5 ....................................................@ Ole Miss Oct. 12 .....................................................vs. UNLV Oct. 19 ................................................vs. Missouri Oct. 26 ......................................................... OPEN Nov. 2 ......................................... @ South Carolina Nov. 9 .....................................................@ Florida Nov. 16 ..............................................vs. Kentucky Nov. 23 ..................................... vs. East Tennessee Nov. 30 .............................................. @ Tennessee

Aug. 31 ........................................ @ Southern Miss Sept. 7 ................................vs. Mississippi College Sept. 14 .......................................@ McNeese State Sept. 21 .................................vs. Prairie View A&M Sept. 28 ........................vs. Mississippi Valley State Oct. 5 ........................................... @ Alabama State Oct. 12 ......................................vs. Savannah State Oct. 19 ......................................................... OPEN Oct. 26 ...............................vs. Southern University Nov. 2 .......................................................... OPEN Nov. 9 ....................................... @ Grambling State Nov. 16 .......................................vs. Alabama A&M Nov. 23 ......................................... @ Jackson State

BELHAVEN BLAZERS Sept. 5 (Thurs) .......................................@ Millsaps Sept. 14 ................................ vs. Louisiana College Sept. 21 ........... @ University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Sept. 28 ............................. vs. McMurry University Oct. 5 ...................... @ East Texas Baptist University Oct. 12 ........................vs. Southwestern University Oct. 19 ..................... @ Hardin-Simmons University Oct. 26 ......................................................... OPEN Nov. 2 ......................... @ Texas Lutheran University Nov. 9 .........................vs. Sul Ross State University Nov. 16 ........................@ Howard Payne University Nov. 23 ........................................................ OPEN

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COPIAH LINCOLN COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOLFPACK Aug. 29 .................................................vs. Holmes Sept. 5 ...............................................vs. Northeast

&2 /,1 %,* :2/) &/8% )DQ &OXE Donation acknowledgment letter for tax purposes, direct impact on Wolfpack Athletics, Wolfpack Insiders communication (Newsletter/email), and name recognition in sports program and website 9DUVLW\ &OXE (Includes all items listed above plus...) Two Season Passes to Wolfpack Basketball home games, and Big Wolf Club polo shirt

Sept. 12 .............................................@ Pearl River Sept. 19 ............................................. @ Northwest Sept. 26 ............................................ vs. Gulf Coast Oct. 3 ..............................................vs. East Central Oct. 10 ...................................................... @ Hinds Oct. 19 (Sat) ............................................. vs. Jones Oct. 26 (Sat) ............................................@ SW Miss

&RDFK·V &OXE (Includes all items listed above plus...) Two Season Passes in chairback seating for Wolfpack Football home games, football game-day program, and complimentary access for two people to all Co-Lin tailgating special events 6LOYHU :ROI (Includes all items listed above plus...) Four Season Passes to Wolfpack Basketball home games, four Season Passes in chairback seating for Wolfpack Football home games, complimentary access for four people to all college tailgating special events, two Sideline Passes for one home football game, and priority gameday parking *ROGHQ :ROI (Includes all items listed above plus...) Four Season 3DVVHV WR DOO :ROISDFN $WKOHWLF KRPH JDPHV FKRLFH RI RQH RIÀFLDO :ROISDFN JDPH EDOO DQG RIÀFLDO :ROISDFN IRRWEDOO KHOPHW XSRQ UHTXHVW

3ODWLQXP :ROI DQG DERYH (Includes all items listed above plus...) Access WR )RRWEDOO +RVSLWDOLW\ 5RRP IRU SUHJDPH social, and two President’s Box Passes for a selected Wolfpack home football game %LJ :ROI &OXE & 2 &R /LQ )RXQGDWLRQ 3 2 %R[ :HVVRQ 06

Choose Co-Lin! Page 40 { August 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous



Sept. 5 (Thurs) ................... vs. Tusculum University

Nov. 16 ................................ @ Mississippi College

Aug. 31 .................................. @ Louisiana-Monroe Sept. 7 .........................................@ Louisiana Tech Sept. 14 .......................................... Opponent TBA Sept. 21 ....................................... @ Alabama State Sept. 28 ......................vs Prairie View A&M (Dallas) Oct. 5 ............................................ @ Jackson State Oct. 12 ........................................vs. Alabama A&M Oct. 19 ......................................................... OPEN Oct. 26 ................................. @ Arkansas-Pine Bluff Nov. 2 ....................................... vs. Texas Southern Nov. 9 ............................................vs. Alcorn State Nov. 16 .......................... @ Mississippi Valley State Nov. 23 ........................................................ OPEN Nov. 30 ..........@ Southern University (New Orleans)



Aug. 29 .....................................vs. East Mississippi

Aug. 29 .....................................................@ Co-Lin

Sept. 5 ............................................... @ Miss Delta

Sept. 5 .................................................... vs. Jones

Sept. 14 ................. @ Grand Valley State University Sept. 21 .........................................vs. Florida Tech Sept. 28 ................... @ North Greenville University Oct. 5 ..........................@ University of West Florida Oct. 12 ....................... vs. Valdosta State University Oct. 19 ................... vs. University of West Alabama Oct. 26 ......................................................... OPEN Nov. 2 ......................@ Shorter University (Georgia) Nov. 9 ...................... vs. University of West Georgia

Sept. 12 .................................................... @ Jones

Sept. 12 ............................................ vs. Gulf Coast Sept. 19 ................................................. @ NE Miss

Sept. 19 ............................................... vs. SW Miss Sept. 26 .............................................@ Pearl River

Sept. 26 .............................................. vs. NW Miss Oct. 3 .................................................. @ Itawamba

Oct. 3 ................................................. vs. Coahoma

Oct. 10 ................................................vs. East Miss

Oct. 10 .................................................... vs. Co-Lin

Oct. 19 (Sat) ........................................ @ Miss Delta

Oct. 17 ............................................. @ East Central

Oct. 24 ............................................... vs. Coahoma

Oct. 24 .............................................. vs. Gulf Coast

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Sept. 1 (Sun) ...........................@ Bethune-Cookman (GA State Stadium) Sept. 7 ....................@ University of South Alabama Sept. 14 ....@ Tennessee State University (Memphis) Sept. 21 ....................................................... OPEN Sept. 28 ................ @ Kentucky State (Indianapolis) Oct. 5 ...................................... vs. Grambling State Oct. 12 ....................................... vs. Alabama State Oct. 19 ........................... @ Mississippi Valley State Oct. 24 (Thurs) ......................... @ Prairie View A&M Nov. 2 ................................ vs. Arkansas-Pine Bluff Nov. 9 .......................................... @ Alabama A&M Nov. 16 ..............................vs. Southern University Nov. 23 ..........................................vs. Alcorn State

Sept. 7 ................................... @ Stetson University



Aug. 31 ......................................................@ Texas Sept. 7 ..................................... vs. Grambling State Sept. 14 .......................................@ Bowling Green Sept. 21 ...................................................... vs. FIU Sept. 28 .......................................................@ Rice Oct. 7 ............................................................OPEN Oct. 12 ................................................... vs. UMass Oct. 19 ........................................vs. Southern Miss Oct. 26 ........................................................@ UTEP Nov. 2 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 9 .............................................vs. North Texas Nov. 16 .................................................@ Marshall Nov. 23 ........................................................@ UAB Nov. 30 .....................................................vs. UTSA

Sept. 5 (Thurs) .................................... vs. Belhaven

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Sept. 14 .............................................. @ Belhaven Sept. 21 ....................... @ Southwestern University Sept. 28 ................. vs. Hardin-Simmons University Oct. 5 ...........................@ Howard-Payne University Oct. 12 ........................ @ Texas Lutheran University Oct. 19 ........................vs. Sul Ross State University Oct. 26 ......................................................... OPEN Nov. 2 ............ vs. University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Nov. 9 ..................................@ McMurry University Nov. 16 ................. vs. East Texas Baptist University

Sept. 14 .............................. @ Westminster College Sept. 21 .................................... vs. Rhodes College Sept. 28 .........................................@ Berry College Oct. 5 ......................................... vs. Centre College Oct. 12 ......................................... @ Austin College Oct. 19 ................................... vs. Trinity University Oct. 26 ..........................................................OPEN Nov. 2 ...................................................@ Sewanee Nov. 9 ...................................... vs. Hendrix College Nov. 16 ............................ @ Birmingham-Southern

MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE CHOCTAWS Sept. 7 ............................................. @ Alcorn State Sept. 14 ........................................ vs. Albany State Sept. 21 .................................. vs. North Greenville Sept. 28 .......................................... @ West Florida Oct. 5 ............................................@ Valdosta State Oct. 12 ............................................vs. Florida Tech Oct. 19 ..........................................................OPEN Oct. 26 .................................................. vs. Shorter Nov. 2 ............................................ @ West Georgia Nov. 9 ...........................................@ West Alabama Nov. 16 ............................................ vs. Delta State

NORTHWESTERN STATE UNIVERSITY DEMONS Aug. 29 (Thurs) .................................... @ UT Martin Sept. 7 ................................... vs. Midwestern State Sept. 14 ....................................................... @ LSU Sept. 21 ..................................... @ Houston Baptist Sept. 28 ........................ vs. Southeastern Louisiana Oct. 5 ............................................................OPEN Oct. 12 ...........................................@ Nicholls State Oct. 19 .................................... vs. Central Arkansas Oct. 26 ........................................ @ Incarnate Word Nov. 2 ...................................................@ McNeese Nov. 9 .....................................................vs. Lamar Nov. 16 .................................. @ Sam Houston State Nov. 21 (Thurs) ........................vs. Stephen F. Austin

SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY JAGUARS Aug. 31 .................................................@ McNeese Sept. 7 .................................................@ Memphis Sept. 14 ..................................... vs. Edward Waters Sept. 21 ...........................................@ Florida A&M Sept. 28 ............................... @ Arkansas–Pine Bluff Oct. 5 ............................................................OPEN Oct. 12 ........................................... vs. Prairie View Oct. 19 ...........................vs. Texas Southern (Dallas) Oct. 26 ..................................................... @ Alcorn Nov. 2 ......................................... vs. Alabama A&M Nov. 9 ...............................vs. Virginia U Lynchburg Nov. 16 ..........................................@ Jackson State Nov. 23 .........................................................OPEN Nov. 30 ....................... vs Grambling (New Orleans)

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 43

SOUTHWEST MISSISSIPPI COMMUNITY COLLEGE BEARS Bear Backer membership is open to anyone interested in supporting SMCC athletics and the SMCC PDUFKLQJ EDQG $OO 6SRUW SDVVHV are good for all Southwest Mis sissippi Community College home sporting events.

Aug. 29 ...............................................@ Northeast Sept. 5 ...............................................@ Northwest


Sept. 12 .........................................vs. East Central Sept. 19 ................................................... @ Hinds Sept. 26 ..................................................vs. Jones

Championship Division, $2,500 + 'RQDWLRQ 8 All-Sport passes, VIP parking at all home football games, and a $50 voucher in the SMCC Gift Shop/Bookstore *UL]]O\ 'LYLVLRQ 'RQDWLRQ 8 All-Sport passes and VIP parking at all home football games &DUGLQDO 'LYLVLRQ 'RQDWLRQ 6 All-Sport passes %HDU 6SLULW 'LYLVLRQ 'RQDWLRQ 4 All-Sport passes

Oct. 5 (Sat) .......................................... @ Gulf Coast Oct. 12 (Sat) ....................................... @ Pearl River Oct. 17 ..............................................vs. Itawamba Oct. 26 (Sat) ............................................ vs. Co-Lin

Page 44 { August 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

%HDU 3ULGH 'LYLVLRQ 'RQDWLRQ 2 All-Sport passes. Members can designate their support to any of the following—General Athletic Fund, Football, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Men’s Soccer, Women’s Soccer, Marching %DQG 5HGOLQH 'DQFHUV RU Cheerleaders. 3OHDVH PDNH FKHFNV SD\DEOH WR SMCC Foundation, Inc.—Bear Backer Club and mail to SMCC )RXQGDWLRQ ,QF &ROOHJH Drive, Summit, MS 39666.



Aug. 29 (Thurs) ............................................ vs. FIU Sept. 7 ....................................................@ Auburn Sept. 14 ...................................... vs. Missouri State Sept. 19 (Thurs) ....................................vs. Houston Sept. 26 (Thurs) .............................................OPEN Oct. 5 ........................................ @ Army West Point Oct. 12 ................................................... vs. UConn Oct. 19 .................................................@ Memphis Oct. 26 ....................................................... @ Navy Nov. 2 ..................................................... vs. TULSA Nov. 9 ...........................................................OPEN Nov. 16 ................................................... @ Temple Nov. 23 ...................................................... vs. UCF Nov. 30 ....................................................... @ SMU

Aug. 31 ...................................vs. Mississippi State Sept. 7 .................................................. vs. Liberty Sept. 14 .................................... vs. Texas Southern Sept. 21 ..................................................... @ Ohio Sept. 28 .................................. @ Georgia Southern Oct. 2 (Wed) .................................................. OPEN Oct. 9 (Wed) ...........................vs. Appalachian State Oct. 17 (Thurs) ..............................@ Arkansas State Oct. 26 ......................................................... OPEN Nov. 2 ............................................. vs. Texas State Nov. 7 (Thurs) ............................ @ Coastal Carolina Nov. 16 .......................................@ South Alabama Nov. 23 ..................................................... vs. Troy Nov. 30 .....................................................vs. ULM



Aug. 31 .................................... vs. Grambling State

Aug. 31 ..........................................vs. Alcorn State Sept. 7 ..................................... @ Mississippi State Sept. 14 ...................................................... @ Troy Sept. 21 ............................................... @ Alabama Sept. 28 ................................................... vs. UTEP Oct. 7 ........................................................... OPEN Oct. 12 ........................................... vs. North Texas Oct. 19 .........................................@ Louisiana Tech Oct. 26 ........................................................ @ Rice Nov. 2 .......................................................... OPEN Nov. 9 ....................................................... vs. UAB Nov. 16 ......................................................@ UTSA Nov. 23 .................................................... vs. WKU Nov. 30 .......................................@ Florida Atlantic

Sept. 7 ............................................ @ Florida State Sept. 14 ........................................................OPEN Sept. 21 ............................................. @ Iowa State Sept. 28 .....................................vs. South Alabama Oct. 5 ................................................. vs. Memphis Oct. 10 (Thurs) ....................................@ Texas State Oct. 19 .................................... @ Appalachian State Nov. 2 ........................................ vs. Arkansas State Nov. 9 .......................................... vs. Georgia State Nov. 16 ....................................@ Georgia Southern Nov. 23 .................................... vs. Coastal Carolina Nov. 30 ................................. @ Louisiana-Lafayette

Bluffs & Bayous { August 2019 { Page 45

COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIP / BOWL GAMES DEC. 7 ........................ACC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME ......................................................................... CHARLOTTE, NC DEC. 7 ........................SEC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME .............................................................................ATLANTA, GA DEC. 21 ......................SWAC CELEBRATION BOWL GAME ....................................................................ATLANTA, GA DEC. 28 ......................CFP SEMIFINAL ......................................................................... PEACH BOWL, ATLANTA, GA DEC. 28 ......................CFP SEMIFINAL ....................................................................... FIESTA BOWL, GLENDALE, AZ JAN. 13 ......................CFP NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ................. MERCEDES-BENZ SUPERDOME / NEW ORLEANS, LA


Oct. 20 ............................................... @ Chicago Bears

Aug. 9 ....................................... vs. Minnesota Vikings

Oct. 27 ........................................ vs. Arizona Cardinals

Aug. 18 ................................... @ Los Angeles Chargers

Nov. 3 ................................................................OPEN

Aug. 24 .............................................. @ New York Jets

Nov. 10 ...........................................vs. Atlanta Falcons

Aug. 29 ......................................... vs. Miami Dolphins

Nov. 17 ..................................@ Tampa Bay Buccaneers



Sept. 9 ...........................................vs. Houston Texans Sept. 15 ....................................... @ Los Angeles Rams Sept. 22 ........................................ @ Seattle Seahawks Sept. 29 .........................................vs. Dallas Cowboys Oct. 6 ...................................vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers Oct. 13 ..................................... @ Jacksonville Jaguars

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Nov. 24 .......................................vs. Carolina Panthers Nov. 28 ............................................ @ Atlanta Falcons Dec. 8 ....................................... vs. San Francisco 49ers Dec. 16 ....................................... vs. Indianapolis Colts Dec. 22 ........................................... @ Tennessee Titans Dec. 29 ......................................... @ Carolina Panthers %H VXUH WR FRQÆ“UP GHWDLOV RI WKHVH HYHQWV VKRXOG FKDQJHV KDYH RFFXUUHG VLQFH WKHLU SXEOLFDWLRQ

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AUGUST Louisiana Up & Coming! ALEXANDRIA / PINEVILLE Throughout August

August 31 Buhlow BBQ Bash Buhlow Lake 10 am – 5 pm BATON ROUGE Throughout August Every Saturday in August Farmers Market Various sites 8 am – noon 225.267.5060

August 23 Fete Rouge Wine and Food Fest /·$XEHUJH &DVLQR 7 – 10 pm

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Louisiana Up & Coming! AUGUST

&/,1721 eastfelicianachamberla.chambermaster. com FERRIDAY Throughout August -$&.621 MONROE/WEST MONROE Throughout August August 24 &KLOOIHVW Downtown Monroe 10 am – 5 pm NEW ORLEANS Throughout August August 21 – 24 Downtown Music and Arts Fest &%' :DUHKRXVH 'LVWULFW

August 7 – 8 Who Dat Nation Rally and Music Fest -HIIHUVRQ 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV &HQWHU 12 pm

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AUGUST Louisiana Up & Coming! PORT ALLEN Throughout August 67 )5$1&,69,//( Throughout August Every Thursday in August St. Francisville Farmers Market 9961 Wilcox St. 9 am – 1 pm 225.721.0591 FB: St. Francisville Farmers Market

August 3 /LIH RQ WKH 3ODQWDWLRQ $XGXERQ 6WDWH +LVWRULF 6LWH Noon – 4 pm 888.677.2838 August 17 9LEHV LQ WKH 9LOOH Downtown Noon – 5 pm VIDALIA Throughout August Every Wednesday Farmers Market 2OG &RXUW +RXVH N. Spruce St. 9 am – 1 pm

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Mississippi Up & Coming! AUGUST %522.+$9(1 Throughout August Summer Library Events: Every Tuesday & Friday Brookhaven Farmers Market Amtrak Train Depot Tues. 3 – 6 pm / Fri. 7:30 am – 12:30 pm 601.835.3460 FB: Brookhaven Farmers Market August 2 – 4 ([FKDQJH &OXE )DLU ([FKDQJH &OXE 3DUN 6 – 10 pm

August 3 2YHUEURRN 6RQJZULWHUV )HVWLYDO Downtown Brookhaven Various locales / Multiple Songwriters; Songwriters Jam 12 – 11 pm August 10 Brookhaven Little Theatre 6HDVRQ 5HYHDO 3DUW\ +DYHQ $ZDUGV +LVWRULF +DYHQ 7KHDWUH 126 W Cherokee Street 7:30 – 10 pm 601-990-2243

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AUGUST Mississippi Up & Coming!

August 23 – 24 /LQFROQ &RXQW\ :LOGOLIH 2XWGRRU ([SR /LQFROQ &LYLF &HQWHU Fri. 5 – 9 pm Sat. 9 am – 6 pm $6 adults (13 & up) / $5 ages 7-12 / Free 6 & under 196 Belt Line Drive, NE 601.823.9064 / 601.823.3896 FERNWOOD -$&.621 Throughout August Every Thursday & Saturday in August Mississippi Farmers Market +LJK 6W 8 am – 1 pm 601.354.6573

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Mississippi Up & Coming! AUGUST

August 10 $Q (YHQLQJ LQ 6DLQW 3HWHUVEXUJ )URP Russia with Love Mississippi Opera Guild %LOO :DOOHU 0LVVLVVLSSL &UDIWV &HQWHU 950 Rice Road, Ridgeland 6 pm Wine/Cheese/Silent Auction 7 pm Dinner & Performance $150 pp / $1100 table for 8 601.960.2300 / 601.856.7546

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AUGUST Mississippi Up & Coming! August 10 Bright Lights Belhaven Nights Belhaven Park 5 – 8 pm MADISON 0&&20% Throughout August Every Thursday in August 0F&RPE )DUPHUV 0DUNHW 113 N. Railroad Blvd. 8 am – 1 pm 410.693.7701 FB: McComb Farmers Market MEADVILLE Throughout August 1$7&+(= Throughout August Live Music Events Calendar Every Saturday in August Downtown Farmers Market %ON RI 6 &RPPHUFH 8 am – noon FB: Downtown Farmers Market August 8 – 11 Mississippi Medicine Show Natchez Little Theatre July 8, 9, 10 / 7:30 pm July 11 / 2 pm August 9 – 11 Summer Wine and Dine Tour Fest

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Mississippi Up & Coming! AUGUST

August 24 Lord Have Mercy: A Concert of Prayer & Praise )HDWXULQJ %DOOHW 0DJQLÀFDW 1DWFKH] &LW\ $XGLWRULXP Sponsor: Women of Worship Miss-Lou 6 pm

August 10 The Markets 50th Anniversary Food and /LIHVW\OH 6KRZ 1DWFKH] &RQYHQWLRQ &HQWHU 10 am – 5 pm

6HSWHPEHU JunkFest Steals & Deals at a variety of shops FB: Junkfest PORT GIBSON Throughout August )% SRUWJLEVRQ FKDPEHU

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AUGUST Mississippi Up & Coming! RIDGELAND Throughout July August 17 Mississippi Book Festival 0LVVLVVLSSL 6WDWH &DSLWRO 9 am – 5 pm SUMMIT Throughout August 9,&.6%85* Throughout August Every Wednesday & Saturday in August 9LFNVEXUJ )DUPHUV 0DUNHW &RUQHU RI -DFNVRQ 6W :DVKLQJWRQ 6W Wed. 4:30 – 6 pm Sat. 8 – 11 am FB: Vicksburg Farmers Market August 3 :RUNVKRS /DE )RRG IRU 7KRXJKW &DWÀVK 5RZ 0XVHXP 10 am – noon 913 Washington Street August 17 9LFNVEXUJ )ORRG)HVW 7HOHWKRQ %HQHÀW (DJOH /DNH %DFNZDWHU )ORRG Victims 8QLWHG :D\ RI :HVW &HQWUDO 0LVVLVVLSSL Redwood, Mississippi Contact: Thomas Parker August 25 Fee Free Day 9LFNVEXUJ 1DWLRQDO 0LOLWDU\ 3DUN 601-636-0583 August 28 +DQJ 2XW DW WKH +DQJDU /XQFKHRQ 9LFNVEXUJ 7DOOXODK $LUSRUW Noon–reservation required $10 or free for military

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Mississippi Up & Coming! AUGUST

August 31 Lake Fest at Eagle Lake Eagle Lake Shore Road 10 am – 5 pm 601.218.8100 WESSON Throughout August Facebook: Wesson Chamber WOODVILLE Throughout August FB: Woodville/Wilkinson County Main Street Association

%H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.

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Alma M. Womack

Cotton Harvests in the ’50s


ugust means school for our children in 2019, but it wasn’t always so early a start when I was in elementary school. :H XVHG WR VWDUW WKH GD\ DIWHU /DERU 'D\ LQ 6HSWHPEHU 2XU school day was half a day for six weeks; then the second six weeks, we went all day. We did eat lunch at school those half days, so we were sent home ready to play. 7KH UHDVRQ ZH ZHQW RQO\ KDOI GD\V WKDW ÀUVW VL[ ZHHNV ZDV that many children had to go home to help harvest the cotton crop on their family land. No, they weren’t driving cotton pickers; they were pulling a sack of cotton behind them. My brothers and I never had to pick cotton, except for fun; so our afternoons were free. We did pick some in grass sacks once in a while, and Papa would give us a quarter for our efforts. A quarter seems nothing now; but back then, we could buy a treat at school every day for a week with the quarter we earned. It was good pay for our minimum of work. 2QH RI P\ ÀUVW HDUO\ MREV ZDV WR JR ZLWK 3DSD WR WKH ÀHOGV ZKHQ the cotton would be weighed at quittin’ time. One of the men would hang the cotton bags on a scale; Papa would call out the weight; and I would write it down in his time book, next to the person’s name. Sometimes, Papa would be suspicious at the weight in a bag and ZRXOG HPSW\ LW WR ÀQG EULFNV RU URFNV RU SLHFHV RI ZRRG HPEHGGHG in the cotton. That meant a re-weigh of the cotton and the threat not to do that again or the perpetrator wouldn’t be coming back. Most of the cotton pickers came on a bus from Jonesville, Louisiana, or faraway Ferriday, Louisiana. It was always fun to listen to them as they picked cotton because they would sometimes sing church hymns in a style different from what we were used to. Page 58 { August 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

They would also laugh and tease each other, and the aggressive pickers would always be in a contest to beat another person. It was a very different harvest world in the 1950s. The bus driver who brought the crew would always park by the equipment sheds by Mimi’s house, which meant the bus was fair game for Nub, Doug, and me. We would take turns being the driver because the driver got to open and close the door— a big deal. We would open the back door, then run around to the front, run up the steps, run through the bus, and jump out the back door, over and over again. One day after I jumped out, I stood up and my head hit the corner of the door. It didn’t hurt much; but when I rubbed my head, my hand came back with blood all over it. $ERXW WKDW WLPH 'RXJ VDZ WKH EORRG Ă RZLQJ GRZQ P\ KHDG IURP the wound; and he starting screaming bloody murder, “You’re bleedLQJ WR GHDWK Âľ :H UDQ KRPH WR 0DPD DV IDVW DV RXU OLWWOH OHJV FRXOG carry us. She held me down and examined the great wound on my head, announcing that it was hardly bigger than a pin prick. I was so relieved that I wasn’t going to die, and I had to lie down a bit to recover my strength. Once my hair was washed, my body was renewed; and we all went back outside to play. Thinking back to then reminds me that years and years ago, the plantation bell hung in Mimi and Papa’s yard, and it was used to mark dinner time and quittin’ time for whatever crew was in the Ă€HOG , GRQ¡W UHPHPEHU HYHU EHLQJ DOORZHG WR ULQJ WKH EHOO EXW , loved to hear it rung at dinnertime. After the work force turned to WUDFWRUV WKH EHOO ZDV QR ORQJHU XVHG ,W ZDV Ă€QDOO\ WDNHQ GRZQ IURP its tall frame and stored under one of the tractor sheds. :KHQ ZH EXLOW RXU KRPH LQ RQH RI WKH Ă€UVW WKLQJV , GLG was to get the bell hung in our yard. Mr. John Henry Lanier built a frame for it, and it has been in our yard ever since. The bell was cast in 1888, which makes it 131 years old. It still has a beautiful sound when rung by one of the grandsons; but instead of signaling the end of the day, it just makes the dogs howl and reminds me of another life long ago. &ROXPQLVW $OPD :RPDFN OLYHV RQ 6PLWKODQG 3ODQWDWLRQ RQ %ODFN 5LYHU VRXWK RI Jonesville, Louisiana. In addition to her duties as maitresse des maison, she is the keeper of the lawn, the lane and the pecan orchard at Smithland.

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