Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 1
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Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 3
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Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 5
ere in Natchez, we have the joy of celebrating one of our most favorite weekends of the year every October with the annual Great Mississippi River Balloon 5DFH :KHWKHU RU QRW WKH KRW DLU EDOORRQV DFWXDOO\ JHW WR à \ GRHVQ¡W GHWHU DQ\ YLVLWRUV RU ORFDOV IURP à RRGLQJ WKH IDLUJURXQGV RQ WKH PDMHVWLF 0LVVLVVLSSL 5LYHU EOXIIV and indulging in every moment of this three-day festival. /DVW \HDU , KDG WKH KRQRU RI à \LQJ GXULQJ RQH RI WKH ZHHNHQG UDFHV WKH KDUH DQG hound race on Friday morning. Veteran balloon-race pilot Bill Bussey took me up bright DQG HDUO\ IRU P\ ÀUVW à LJKW HYHU :KLOH , ZDV SUHWW\ QHUYRXV KRSSLQJ RQ ERDUG RQFH ZH WRRN RII WKH SHDFHIXOQHVV RI à RDWLQJ WRZDUGV WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL 5LYHU PDGH WKDW QHUYRXVness vanish. The views were beautiful, the silence was relaxing, and I had an experiencee to treasure for a lifetime. 7UDYHO RYHU IRU WKLV \HDU¡V 7ULFHQWHQQLDO EDOORRQ UDFH (QMR\ ZDWFKLQJ EDOORRQV KRYHU U overhead along and beyond the Mississippi.
Page 6 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
October 2016
FEATURES Osyka’s Festival of Fall pages 36 - 37
The Natchez 300: Festivals Along and Beyond the Mississippi pages 38 - 39
Our States of Fairs pages 40 - 43
Laura Lee Lewis — Miss Mississippi A Dream Come True pages 46 - 49
Nashville Songwriter Night and Fundraiser pages 50
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 7
Page 8 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
F AV O R I T E S All Outdoors Fall Preparations ............................................................................................................14-15
Events Louisiana Up & Coming! ............................................................................................... 51-52 Mississippi Up & Coming!.............................................................................................. 52-64
Fall Preparations pages 14 - 15
G’s Fare Falling for Pumpkin ...................................................................................................... 18-22
In the Garden Pumpkins and Gourds as Attractive Fall Displays ........................................................ 30-31
Legal Notes Property Line Hell.............................................................................................................. 24
Southern Sampler Bringing in Fall................................................................................................................... 66
The Social Scene Retirement Reception for Burton ...................................................................................... 12 CHS Pigskins & Pearls ........................................................................................................ 13 BA Pigskins & Pearls .......................................................................................................... 16
Falling for Pumpkin pages 18 - 22
Independence Day Celebration at Rising Sun................................................................... 25 Surprise Birthday for Cantu .............................................................................................. 26 The Order of the First Families of Mississippi Spring Social ...................................... 28-29 Opening Reception for Perkins .......................................................................................... 33
ON THE COVER Now that we have entered the cooler days of Fall, enjoy your local festivals, fairs, and pumpkin patches. See related stories G’s Fare pages 18 - 22 and In The Garden pages 30 - 31. Photography by Dr. Gary Bachman
Pumpkins and Gourds as Attractive Fall Displays pages 30 - 31 Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 9
Jennie Guido
Jan Ratcliff
Anita Schilling
Van O’Gwin
Cheryl Rinehart
Lisa Adams Whittington SALES STAFF
Jennie Guido
Cheryl Rinehart Donna Sessions CONTRIBUTORS
Dr. Gary R. Bachman
Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin
Becky Junkin
Ross McGehee
JoAnna Sproles
Jennifer J. Whittier Alma Womack
Cheryl Rinehart
Dr. Gary R. Bachman
Jennie Guido
Jean Biglane
Jan Ratcliff
Anita Schilling
Van O’Gwin
Tim McCary
Lisa Adams Whittington
Donna Sessions
JoAnna Sproles
Jennifer J. Whittier
Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin
Becky Junkin
Ross McGehee
Alma Womack
Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DQ\ DGYHUWLVHment. Bluffs & Bayous VWULYHV WR LQVXUH WKH DFFXUDF\ RI RXU PDJD]LQH¡V FRQWHQWV +RZHYHU VKRXOG LQDFFXUDFLHV RU RPLVVLRQV RFFXU ZH GR QRW DVVXPH UHVSRQVLELOLW\
OFFICE 423 Main Street, Suite 7 | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 bluf | bluf www.bluf
Page 10 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 11
Retirement Reception for Burton
retirement reception was held Thursday, August 4, 2016, at the Brookhaven Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce in Brookhaven, Mississippi, to honor the years of service Kay Burton has given. Community members and family all came by to visit and honor her legacy. Photography by Lisa Whittington
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14
Kay Burton and Shirley Estes Katie Nations and Jillian Ricceri Trey Waterloo and John Burton George Laird, Bill Jacob, and Lucy Shell John Burton, Robb Massengill, and Mike Whatley Vickie Goza, Karen Sullivan, Vickie Powell, and Debbie Smith Rita Ritch, Kay Burton, and Kim Bridge Catherine Dickey Roger Halford, John Grafton, and Frank Pahnn Karen Sullivan and Gena Everitt Vickie Powell, Vickie Goza, Kay Burton, and Kenny Goza Kim Bridge, Kay Burton, Catherine Dickey, Kelly Vaughn, and Brenda Henderson Jason Snider and Rusty Yates Front—Polly and Evelyn Waterloo, Bennett Cloud, Lela Beth Waterloo, and Allie Rose Cloud; back—Emily, Trey, and MaryRhea Waterloo, John and Kay Burton, and Hannah, Shelly, and Jonathan Cloud Front—Hannah and Bennett Cloud, Evelyn, Polly, and Lela Beth Waterloo, and Allie Rose Cloud; back—Theresa Sones, Shelly Cloud, Gena Everitt, Meg Baker, Eva Crisler, Kay Burton, MaryRhea Waterloo, Molly Crisler, and Emily Waterloo
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CHS Pigskins & Pearls he Cathedral Greenwave hosted its annual Pigskins & Pearls on August 18, 2016, at Rolling River Bistro in downtown Natchez, Mississippi. Football moms and fans alike gathered to celebrate the senior players, trainers, and their moms with a slideshow to commemorate their years on the field. The team’s new head coach, Chuck Darbonne, introduced himself and thanked everyone for a warm welcome into town.
1 2 3 4
Heather Lewis and Aimee Guido Maggie Smith and Dorothy Garrity Gina Cauthen and Jana Junkin Michelle and Tori Edwards with Jody Upton 5 Mary Frasier, Kristy Atkins, and Katie Freiberger 6 Brenda Jones and Betsy Bradley 7 Cara Serio with Dr. Jennifer and Annie Russ
8 Pam McCann, Karley Keeth, Katrina and Alisabeth Maier, and Kayla and Jessie Wallace 9 Standing—Valeria Johnson, Charla Mophett, and Tye Murrary; seated— Jolyne White, Angie Huff, Sarah Russ, and Ellyn Hairston 10 Lisa Bradley, Courtney Hicks, Missy Johnson, Janee McKinney, Donna Sessions, and Carrie and Melissa Serio 11 Clare Moore, Rachelle Pahnka, and Gloria Hernandez 12 Emma Thidodeaux, Laura Floyd, Denise Thibodeaux, Emily Carpenter, and Melissa Vaughan 13 Weezie Mallory, Beth Foster, JoAnna Patterson, Pat and Jennifer Voss, and Pat Junkin
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 13
Ross McGehee
Fall Preparations I
was not there when Tom and Jerry prepared food plots that \HDU 6R , GRQ¡W KDYH Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDQG LQIRUPDWLRQ %XW , KDYH QR UHDson to disbelieve the account and actually have every reason to suspect that it is true. Tom and Jerry had a tractor at their hunting camp. It was an ,QWHUQDWLRQDO IRU WUDFWRU JX\V DQG LW¡V LPSRUWDQW EHFDXVH RI the circumstances. It had been sitting there for quite some time, waiting for someone to need it. They went to start the tractor to EUHDN XS IRRG SORWV DQG FRXOG QRW Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH NH\ 6R Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ WKH\ DVNHG 5HY WKH PHFKDQLF LI KH NQHZ ZKHUH WKH key was. Tractors that have a few birthdays on them usually need to be â&#x20AC;&#x153;checked outâ&#x20AC;? before they are run. So Rev asked the guys if they had, in fact, checked the oil in the tractor. ´2K \HDK ZH FKHFNHG LW :KHUH¡V WKH NH\"Âľ 7KHQ 5HY DVNHG LI WKH\¡G FKHFNHG WKH ZDWHU LQ WKH UDGLDWRU ´<HDK \HDK ZH FKHFNHG LW :KHUH¡V WKH NH\"Âľ Rev said again, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You checked the oil in the engine and could QRW Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH NH\" $QG LW¡V WLHG WR WKH GLSVWLFN"Âľ So the boys slunk off to continue their project. They found the NH\ EXW FRXOGQ¡W VWDUW WKH WUDFWRU ,Q IDFW WKH\ UDQ WKH EDWWHULHV down winding on it. So they went to the shop and got some jumper Page 14 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
cables. Only there were no instructions about how to hook them up ZLWK WZR EDWWHULHV RQ WKH WUDFWRU DQG RQH LQ WKHLU WUXFN ,W¡V VLPSOH butâ&#x20AC;Ś. So they got someone to help with that and proceeded to start WKH WUDFWRU WKLV WLPH ZLWK VWDUWLQJ Ă XLG )RU WKH XQLQIRUPHG VWDUWLQJ Ă XLG LV HWKHU DQG MXVW D SXII RI LW in the intake side of an engine is usually enough to get a response. 2WKHU WKLQJV FDQ EH ZURQJ ZKHUH LW GRHVQ¡W ZRUN EXW PRVW RI WKH WLPH \RX DUH JRRG 7KH\ XVHG WKH ZKROH FDQ $QG UDQ WKH EDWWHULHV GRZQ DJDLQ $W WKDW SRLQW WKH\ KDG VSHQW WKH GD\ WU\LQJ WR JHW WKH 806 going, and it was not working, so they went home. The next day they were back and went to get Rev to help. 6KRXOGD GRQH WKDW Ă&#x20AC;UVW 7KH\ WROG 5HY DERXW WKH MXPSHU FDEOHV DQG WKH VWDUWHU Ă XLG DQG KH VWRSSHG WKHP ´:KDW GR \RX PHDQ \RX XVHG D ZKROH FDQ" $QG GLGQ¡W YDSRU ORFN WKH HQJLQH"Âľ -HUU\ VDLG KH¡G VWRRG RQ WKH KRRG DQG VSUD\HG LQWR WKH PXIĂ HU WLOO KH ZDV WLUHG 5HY VDLG ´7KDW¡V OLNH XVLQJ D FRXJK GURS DV D VXSSRVLWRU\ ,W DLQ¡W JRQQD ZRUN Âľ ´:K\ GRQ¡W \RX WU\ RSHQLQJ WKH WKURWWOH"Âľ 7RP DVNHG ´:KDW"Âľ 5HY VDLG â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you open the throttle I guarantee it will start.â&#x20AC;? They did, and it started before it turned over a whole round. They were pretty
proud of themselves for whatever reason and about to drive off to plow up food plots when Rev asked what they were going to GR DERXW WKH Ă DW ´+XK"Âľ 7KH ULJKW UHDU WLUH ZDV Ă DW DV D biscuit, had been for some time; and they KDGQ¡W QRWLFHG , WHOO \RX QRWKLQJ JHWV E\ WKHVH JX\V $W WKDW SRLQW WKH\ GHFLGHG WR OHDYH LW $QG , GR NQRZ IRU D IDFW WKDW WKH tractor sat there for one year before they QHHGHG LW EDG HQRXJK WR Ă&#x20AC;[ WKH Ă DW So they called on the folks farming the place to borrow a tractor for their fall projects. Sure enough, the tractor was sitting at the shop, fueled up, greased up, hooked up, and ready to go the next day. Only they needed someone to show them how to run it. The manager said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;You ought to know how already. It used to belong to you before you went broke farming.â&#x20AC;? That was cold! Most folks, when they borrow something, tend to be careful with it so they ZRQ¡W IHHO WKH ZUDWK RI WKH RZQHU ZKHQ LW EUHDNV 7KH\ DLQ¡W PRVW IRONV 7KH\ EDFNHG into a tree in the woods and poked out the rear cab glass with a limb. Then, backing up the tail blade against a stump in the woods, they broke the blade at the hinge SRLQW $QG WKLV ZDV D ELJ EODGH 6R WKH\ pulled forward and hit another stump with the other end and broke it in the other direction! They were going so fast in reverse that, when the blade broke, it also tore the hitch system out from under the tractor! Never seen that before. So there was nothing else to do but slink on home. On the ZD\ KRPH WZR EHHV Ă HZ WKURXJK WKH H[posed rear opening; one stung the operator DQG KH JRW VR EXV\ Ă&#x20AC;JKWLQJ WKH RWKHU RQH WKDW KH GLGQ¡W QRWLFH KH¡G UXQ RII WKH FRXQW\ road and hit a post in an electric fence! ,W¡V DPD]LQJ ZKDW SHRSOH ZLOO GR IRU UHFUHDWLRQ $OO WKLV LQ WKH SXUVXLW RI ´IXQ Âľ What kind of job do you have to have that makes â&#x20AC;&#x153;thisâ&#x20AC;? entertainment. So any wives WKDW IHHO OLNH \RX¡YH EHHQ OHIW EHKLQG ZKLOH â&#x20AC;&#x153;heâ&#x20AC;? goes off in pursuit of a deer, or dove, RU WXUNH\ RU GXFN \RX DLQ¡W PLVVLQJ PXFK I promise. Unless it is the chance to laugh hysterically at the shenanigans and the expense.
Columnist Ross McGehee, a lifelong resident of Natchez, Mississippi, owns a diversified and far-flung farm operation.
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 15
BA Pigskins & Pearls n August 15, 2016, Brookhaven Academy hosted its first Pigskins & Pearls to celebrate the upcoming football season in Brookhaven, Mississippi. Over 180 ladies enjoyed a dinner catered by Mitchellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s while Coach Ron Rushing and his wife, Kappi, introduced themselves to the group of football moms and supporters and even offered a lesson on the rules of football. The BA cheerleaders were on hand to teach several cheers to the crowd.
1 Kappi and Ron Rushing 2 Olivia Sullivan, Anne Coldiron, Cameron Watson, Madelyn Oglesby, Jana Case, Alexis Byrd, Anna Michael Smith, and Shelby Flumm 3 Melissa Allen and Carissa Johnson 4 Dee Dee Roberts, Stacy Leggett, Amber Martin, Kacie Lea, and Keli Ainsworth 5 Alexis Byrd and Ainsley Allen 6 Kappi Rushing and Leah Smith
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Gâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FARE
Falling for Pumpkin O
nce again, it is my favorite time and month of the year. I love the smells of fallâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and things that I have cooked with these. I love to hear the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet as I walk through the woods, the crisp sound of biting into an apple, DQG WKH FUDFNOH RI WKH Ã&#x20AC;UH RQ D FKLOO\ IDOO QLJKW , ORYH WKH H[FLWHPHQW RI WKH football games, of watching the grandchildren trick-or-treat, and of the famLO\ JHWWLQJ WRJHWKHU IRU WKH EDOORRQ UDFHV $OO RI WKHVH WKLQJV PDNH 2FWREHU VR VSHFLDO IRU PH DQG RI FRXUVH WKH PRQWK LV Ã&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK IDPLO\ ELUWKGD\V DQG times to celebrate. If you have read my articles through the years, you already know that this is WKH PRQWK WKDW , Ã&#x20AC;OO WKH SDJHV ZLWK SXPSNLQ UHFLSHV DQG WKLV \HDU LV QR GLIIHUHQW $FWXDOO\ , QHYHU OLNHG SXPSNLQ XQWLO D IHZ \HDUV DJR ZKHQ , PDGH SXPSNLQ PXIÃ&#x20AC;QV DQG WKHQ , EHFDPH DGGLFWHG 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ IRU P\ IDPLO\ P\
Page 18 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Becky Junkin
Guido AND COURTESY OF Becky Junkin
love of pumpkin is not exclusive to the fall; I cook with pumpkin all year long. If you have never tried it, then now is the time as several of these recipes are not so much pumpkin-y but instead â&#x20AC;&#x153;spicy.â&#x20AC;? Several years ago I expanded my love of pumpkins to decorations. I started out with putting small pumpkins on skewers DQG DGGLQJ WKHP WR P\ Ă RUDO FHQWHU SLHFHV and last year, I cut the top off of a pumpkin, cleaned out the inside, stuffed wet oasis in it, and made an arrangement for church. I have several other recipes for pumpkins; but I am saving them for next October, so be sure to tune back in. +DSS\ )DOO \¡DOO I use canned pumpkin for all of the recipes below; but if you would rather, you can use fresh pumpkin. The Pumpkin Patch Cookbook tells you three different ways to prepare cooked pumpkin: Microwave: Cut the pumpkin in half JYVZZ^PZL 9LTV]L [OL ZLLKZ HUK Ă&#x201E;ILY Cook half of the pumpkin at a time Turn the pumpkin half cut side down on the microwave glass dish. Microwave on high for 20 to 25 minutes or until soft and tender. A knife inserted into the skin should go in HUK V\[ LHZPS` SPRL H IHRLK WV[H[V 9LTV]L and cool completely. Scoop the meat out VM [OL ZRPU HUK W\YLL PU H ISLUKLY VY THZO through a strainer. Boil: Cut and peel the pumpkin. (This one lost me on peeling the pumpkin.) Cut into inch squares, put in a saucepan, and cover with water. Simmer until tender and mash. For puree, mash through a strainer VY ISLUKLY Bake: Cut the pumpkin in half. Lay in a KLLW IHRPUN WHU J\[ ZPKL KV^U )HRL H[ 350 degrees until soft and tender. Scoop out the pumpkin and mash. For puree, THZO [OYV\NO H Z[YHPULY VY ISLUKLY
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 19
Pumpkin Pie Baked Oatmeal
My daughter Jordan sent me this recipe that she often makes in the fall for her children. It looks like a piece of pie, and what child could resist the idea of a piece of pie for breakfast? She found this at
PUMPKIN PIE BAKED OATMEAL 1 1/2 cups rolled oats (not instant) J\W KHYR IYV^U Z\NHY [LHZWVVU IHRPUN WV^KLY 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger 2 eggs 1 1/4 cups puréed pumpkin 3/4 cup half and half 2 teaspoons vanilla [HISLZWVVUZ I\[[LY TLS[LK HUK JVVSLK ZSPNO[S` Whipped cream and pure maple syrup for topping Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Butter a standard-size pie dish HUK ZL[ HZPKL 0U H TLKP\T IV^S ^OPZR [VNL[OLY [OL YVSSLK VH[Z IYV^U Z\NHY IHRPUN WV^KLY ZHS[ JPUUHTVU U\[TLN JSV]LZ HUK NPUNLY 0U H SHYNL IV^S ILH[ [OL LNNZ" HUK [OLU HKK [OL W\TWRPU W\YtL OHSM HUK OHSM ]HUPSSH HUK I\[[LY 4P_ ^LSS 7V\Y the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and whisk together \U[PS ^LSS ISLUKLK 7V\Y [OL TP_[\YL PU[V [OL WPL WSH[L HUK ZSPNO[S` ZTVV[O [OL [VW )HRL MVY HIV\[ TPU\[LZ VY \U[PS [OL TPKKSL UV longer jiggles. Cool on a wire rack for 10 to 15 minutes. Cut into wedges and serve with pure maple syrup and slightly sweetened, lightly whipped whipped cream.
I found this recipe several years ago on from Emeril Lagasse, and it is really quite easy and yummy. I made this for my bridge club and also for Thanksgiving. I just added the bourbon to Cool Whip on Thanksgiving since I was in a rush and had no room to store the whipped cream.
PUMPKIN CHEESECAKE WITH BOURBON SPIKED CREAM 1 cup semisweet chocolate sauce, warm 1/2 cup heavy cream 1 1/2 cups vanilla wafers, crushed into (recipe follows) J\W HSS W\YWVZL Ã&#x2026;V\Y JY\TIZ Pinch salt 1 cup pecan pieces, ground Chocolate sauce: 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Z[PJR I\[[LY TLS[LK 3/4 cup half and half 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 pounds cream cheese, softened and [LHZWVVU I\[[LY 2 cups pumpkin purée J\ILK 1/2 pound semisweet chocolate chips 2 cups sweetened whipped cream J\W SPNO[ IYV^U Z\NHY [LHZWVVU W\YL ]HUPSSH L_[YHJ[ +HZO IV\YIVU 6 eggs 7YLOLH[ V]LU [V KLNYLLZ *VTIPUL [OL JY\TIZ WLJHUZ ZWSP[[PUN KV^U [OL JLU[LY *VTWSL[LS` JVVS [OL JHRL ILMVYL J\[[PUN HUK I\[[LY 4P_ ^LSS HUK WYLZZ PU[V H PUJO ZWYPUN MVYT WHU 0U *VTIPUL [OL ^OPWWLK JYLHT HUK IV\YIVU HUK ISLUK ^LSS .HYUPZO H MVVK WYVJLZZVY ^P[O [OL TL[HS ISHKL TP_ [OL JYLHT JOLLZL \U[PS LHJO WPLJL VM JHRL ^P[O [OL IV\YIVU ^OPWWLK JYLHT HUK H KYPaaSL ZTVV[O (KK [OL IYV^U Z\NHY HUK ISLUK (KK [OL LNNZ VUL H[ H of chocolate sauce. [PTL [V [OVYV\NOS` PUJVYWVYH[L PU[V [OL JOLLZL TP_[\YL (KK [OL -VY [OL JOVJVSH[L ZH\JL JVTIPUL [OL OHSM HUK OHSM HUK I\[[LY OLH]` JYLHT (KK [OL Ã&#x2026;V\Y ZHS[ JPUUHTVU HUK ]HUPSSH" HUK ISLUK PU H ZTHSS OLH]` IV[[VTLK ZH\JLWHU V]LY TLKP\T OLH[ /LH[ [OL \U[PS ZTVV[O (KK [OL THZOLK W\TWRPU HUK ISLUK \U[PS ZTVV[O TP_[\YL \U[PS H [OPU WHWLY SPRL ZRPU HWWLHYZ VU [OL [VW +V UV[ IVPS Add the chocolate and vanilla and stir until the chocolate melts and 7V\Y PU[V [OL WYLWHYLK WHU )HRL MVY VUL OV\Y HUK Ã&#x201E;M[LLU TPU[OL TP_[\YL PZ ZTVV[O 9LTV]L MYVT [OL OLH[ HUK SL[ JVVS utes or until the cake is set. Remove from the oven, and with a knife loosen the sides from the pan. This will prevent the cake from
Page 20 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Jordan and her twin sister, Blythe, are my two pumpkin lovers. It might be because they were born on Halloween. Below is a recipe for Oatmeal Crème Pies, which are a little healthier than what you can buy in the store. Jordan found this at www.
Pumpkin Pie French Toast
OATMEAL PUMPKIN CRĂ&#x2C6;ME PIES Cookies: J\W \UZHS[LK I\[[LY ZVM[LULK [V YVVT [LTWLYH[\YL J\W WHJRLK KHYR IYV^U Z\NHY 1/2 cup sugar 1 large egg, at room temperature [LHZWVVUZ ]HUPSSH L_[YHJ[ [LHZWVVU IHRPUN ZVKH 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 2/3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats J\W HSS W\YWVZL Ă&#x2026;V\Y Frosting: 4 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temperature [HISLZWVVUZ \UZHS[LK I\[[LY ZVM[LULK [V YVVT [LTWLYH[\YL 1/4 cup pumpkin purĂŠe 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 2 to 2 1/2 cups confectionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sugar, sifted J\W HSS W\YWVZL Ă&#x2026;V^LY [V [OPJRLU HZ ULLKLK Salt to taste <ZPUN H OHUKOLSK VY Z[HUK TP_LY Ă&#x201E;[[LK ^P[O H WHKKSL H[[HJOTLU[ ILH[ [OL ZVM[LULK I\[[LY HUK Z\NHYZ [VNL[OLY VU TLKP\T OPNO ZWLLK \U[PS ZTVV[O (KK [OL LNN HUK ]HUPSSH HUK TP_ ^LSS :JYHWL KV^U [OL ZPKLZ HUK IV[[VT VM [OL IV^S HZ ULLKLK 0U H ZLWHYH[L IV^S ^OPZR [OL IHRPUN ZVKH JPUUHTVU VH[Z HUK Ă&#x2026;V\Y (KK [OL KY` PUNYLKPLU[Z [V [OL ^L[ PUNYLKPLU[Z" [OLU TP_ [VNL[OLY \U[PS Q\Z[ JVTIPULK +V UV[ V]LY TP_ Chill the dough for at least one hour (and up to one day) in the YLMYPNLYH[VY ;OL JVVRPLZ ^PSS IL ]LY` Ă&#x2026;H[ PM [OL KV\NO PZ UV[ JVSK so donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t skip this step. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with parchTLU[ WHWLY VY H ZPSPJVUL IHRPUN TH[ -VY LHJO JVVRPL YVSS [^V [LHZWVVUZ VM KV\NO PU[V H IHSS HUK WSHJL VU[V WYLWHYLK ZOLL[ Bake for nine minutes, and let cool on cookie sheet for a minute VM [^V ILMVYL [YHUZMLYYPUN [V H ^PYL YHJR While the cookies are cooling, prepare the pumpkin frosting. <ZPUN H OHUKOLSK VY Z[HUK TP_LY Ă&#x201E;[[LK ^P[O H WHKKSL VY ^OPZR H[[HJOTLU[ ILH[ [OL JYLHT JOLLZL I\[[LY W\TWRPU HUK ZWPJLZ on medium speed until creamy. Add 2 to 2 1/2 cups of sifted confectionersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; sugar, depending how sweet you like it. If frosting PZ T\JO [VV [OPU HKK PU [OL Ă&#x2026;V\Y [V [OPJRLU P[ (KK ZHS[ [V J\[ [OL sweetness if you prefer. Spread a generous amount of frosting on the underside of a cooled cookie and sandwich another cookie on top. Cookies stay MYLZO MVY \W [V Ă&#x201E;]L KH`Z PU HU HPY[PNO[ JVU[HPULY PU [OL YLMYPNLYH[VY ;PW! @V\ JHU WYLWHYL [OL JVVRPLZ HUK Ă&#x201E;SSPUN [^V KH`Z PU HK]HUJL" RLLW [OL JVVRPLZ JV]LYLK [PNO[S` H[ YVVT [LTWLYH[\YL HUK [OL Ă&#x201E;SSPUN JV]LYLK [PNO[S` PU [OL YLMYPNLYH[VY *VVRPLZ MYLLaL ^LSS MVY \W [V [V TVU[OZ ;OH^ V]LYUPNO[ PU [OL YLMYPNLYH[VY ILMVYL LUQV`PUN
I found this recipe on Pinterest at the site of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mostly Homemade Mom.â&#x20AC;? We tried this over the Labor Day weekend, and it was a hit with young and old. I did not use ginger, cloves, and nutmeg; instead, I used one tablespoon of pumpkin pie spice.
PUMPKIN PIE FRENCH TOAST 2 eggs 1/4 cup milk 1/4 cup pumpkin purĂŠe 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ginger 1/8 teaspoon cloves 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg [HISLZWVVUZ IYV^U Z\NHY ZSPJLZ VM IYLHK 0 \ZLK ;L_HZ ;VHZ[ ZV P[ ^HZ JSVZLY [V VY pieces.) 4P_ [OL LNNZ TPSR W\TWRPU ]HUPSSH JPUUHTVU NPUNLY JSV]LZ U\[TLN HUK IYV^U Z\NHY PU H SV^ Ă&#x2026;H[ IV^S MVY LHZ` KPWWPUN /LH[ H WHU V]LY TLKP\T OLH[ +PW [OL IYLHK PU[V [OL LNN TP_[\YL VU IV[O ZPKLZ HUK NYPSS PU H WHU \U[PS SPNO[S` NVSKLU IYV^U HIV\[ [^V [V [OYLL minutes per side.
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 21
I found this recipe on Pinterest also, and I am now obsessed with it. This came from the site â&#x20AC;&#x153;Flavor Mosaic.â&#x20AC;? I made this one weekend, and my whole family fell in love with it. We declared it the best bread pudding ever. I took it to the studio the next day and all that tasted it agreedâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;even people ZKR ZHUH QRW D IDQ RI SXPSNLQ ,W LV GHĂ&#x20AC;nitely going to be on our Thanksgiving dessert table.
PUMPKIN PRALINE BREAD PUDDING VUL WV\UK SVHM KH` VSK IYLHK -YLUJO Italian, or Challah), torn into small pieces 1 cup heavy cream 1 cup half and half 1 15-ounce can pumpkin purĂŠe 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar [HISLZWVVUZ I\[[LY TLS[LK 4 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla [HISLZWVVU W\TWRPU WPL ZWPJL Praline sauce: J\W \UZHS[LK I\[[LY 1 cup heavy cream J\W IYV^U Z\NHY 1/2 cup pecans, chopped and toasted. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a PUJO I` PUJO IHRPUN KPZO ^P[O JVVRPUN ZWYH` HUK WSHJL [VYU WPLJLZ VM IYLHK PU [OL KPZO 0U H SHYNL IV^S ^OPZR [VNL[OLY the heavy cream, half and half, pumpkin, Z\NHY TLS[LK I\[[LY LNNZ ]HUPSSH HUK pumpkin pie spice. :SV^S` WV\Y [OL IH[[LY V]LY [OL IYLHK WPLJLZ PU [OL IHRPUN KPZO )L Z\YL [V JV]LY HSS VM [OL IYLHK WPLJLZ )HRL MVY HIV\[ VUL OV\Y >OPSL [OL IYLHK W\KKPUN PZ IHRPUN make the praline sauce. In a heavy saucepan over medium to low heat, stir together [OL I\[[LY OLH]` JYLHT HUK IYV^U Z\NHY" IYPUN [V H IVPS 9LK\JL OLH[ [V SV^ HUK Z[PY WLJHUZ PU[V [OL JYLHT TP_[\YL :PTTLY \U[PS [OL ZH\JL [OPJRLUZ MVY HIV\[ Ă&#x201E;]L TPU\[LZ" WV\Y V]LY IYLHK W\KKPUN [V ZLY]L
Becky Junkin, mother of four and grandmother of eight, is a lifelong Natchez resident, a retired elePHQWDU\ WHDFKHU RI WZHQW\ IRXU \HDUV DQG FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG Pilates instructor.
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Lucien C. Gwin III
Simply put, the Doctrine of Laches is when one party fails to act or assert a right or claim that he knows he has and allows another party to act to his or her determinant; then the original party is denied his right to assert his claim. (VWRSSHO LV D VLPLODU WKHRU\ DQG WKH FRXUW LQ WKLV FDVH GHĂ&#x20AC;QHG LW DV IROORZV
Property Line Hell
RX KDYH KHDUG WKH SKUDVH ´WUXWK LV VWUDQJHU WKDQ Ă&#x20AC;FWLRQ Âľ Well, that has turned out to be the case down on the Mississippi Gulf Coast where a Mississippi judge recently ordered a couple to tear down their two-year-old dream house and rebuild it a few dozen feet from its present location. It seems that a couple signed a contract to purchase a lot out of an unsurveyed subdivision. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;sellerâ&#x20AC;? was selling lots so fast that he did not have time to have surveys properly done. So, he took the buyers and showed them â&#x20AC;&#x153;generallyâ&#x20AC;? where the lot was. It was a little RYHU DQ DFUH EXW DW Ă&#x20AC;UVW VKRZLQJ WKHUH ZHUH QR OLQHV PDUNHG LQGLFDWing where corners were or where the property line existed exactly. Then, before the closing, the seller provided the buyers with a FHUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG VXUYH\ RI WKH ORW KRZHYHU QHLWKHU VLGH UHDOO\ ZHQW RXW WR the property to determine the new lines. The closing went off without a hitch, and the buyers started building their dream home. The irony in this was that the seller was reserving the lot right next door WR WKH EX\HUV $IWHU WKH VDOH WKH VHOOHU SDVVHG E\ RIWHQ DV WKH EX\HUV built their home. Two years later and after the buyers were long settled into their QHZ KRPH D VXUYH\RU Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ JRW DURXQG WR SODWWLQJ WKH OLQHV RQ WKH JURXQG DQG KH GHWHUPLQHG WKDW WKUHH TXDUWHUV RI WKH EX\HUV¡ KRPH ZDV RYHU WKH SURSHUW\ OLQH DQG UHVWLQJ RQ WKH VHOOHU¡V SURSHUW\ Under these dire and unusual circumstances, one would expect neighbors to come together, be reasonable, and reach some amicable solution. Of course, as is so often the case, when attorneys enter the fray, reason, amicability, and civility be damned. The only thing FLYLO DERXW WKLV ZDV WKDW WKH VHOOHU Ă&#x20AC;OHG D FLYLO VXLW LQ FRXUW VHHNLQJ to hold the buyers as trespassers, and asked the court for an injunction to have the buyers get their stinking house off his land. The buyers were desperate because this meant that their dream home would have to be demolished. They argued two legal theories called â&#x20AC;&#x153;lachesâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;estoppels.â&#x20AC;? Page 24 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The rule of equity is that, if one man knowingly, though he does it passively by looking on, suffers another to purchase, and expend his money on land, under an erroneous opinion of title, without making known his claim, he should not afterwards be permitted to exercise his legal right against such person. It would be an act of fraud and injustice and his conscience is bound by an equitable estoppel.â&#x20AC;?
The evidence at trial showed that ZKLOH WKH VHOOHU URGH SDVW WKH EX\HUV¡ FRQVWUXFWLRQ VLWH PXOWLSOH times, he never stopped to inspect the lines nor did he stop to see if WKH KRPH ZDV DFWXDOO\ EHLQJ EXLOW RQ WKH EX\HUV¡ VLGH RI WKH SURSerty. Furthermore, the evidence showed that the buyers never really paid any attention to the survey after the closing, never determining the exact lines. The judge in this case not only made the buyers demolish the home but also found that they acted with gross negligence, thus enWLWOLQJ WKH VHOOHU WR DWWRUQH\¡V IHHV ,W VHHPV WKH MXGJH IRXQG WKH DFtions of the buyers egregious in not determining their proper property lines and ignoring the fact that they had a survey of the lot before the construction. The interesting thing in reading this case was that it mentioned multiple other cases in the past where the same thing had happened to others in this state. The case I have discussed above is a true legal nightmare! I recall a couple of articles ago that I reported on a wrongful timber cutting case in which a landowner ignored property lines and wrongfully cut about four acres of timber. This cost him about $100,000.00. The homeowners above paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for simply ignoring property lines. 0\ 7DNH 3URSHUW\ LV DOPRVW VDFUHG LQ 0LVVLVVLSSL , FDQ¡W VWUHVV HQRXJK how important it is that landowners know and respect property boundaries. If you are not sure, then you certainly by all means QHHG D TXDOLĂ&#x20AC;HG VXUYH\RU WR DVFHUWDLQ ZKHUH WKRVH ERXQGDULHV DUH ,I \RX IDLO WR GR WKLV \RX FRXOG Ă&#x20AC;QG \RXUVHOI IDOOLQJ LQWR WKH VDPH expensive legal quagmire as the seller above. Lucien C. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Samâ&#x20AC;? Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Lewis, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.
Independence Day Celebration at Rising Sun r. Lee Turk hosted a Fourth of July party at his residence, Rising Sun Bed & Breakfast, in Natchez, Mississippi, for neighbors and friends during the traditional Independence Day holiday. Music, food, and relaxed conversations were enjoyed during the party.
1 Blair and Brenda Zerby 2 Pete and Renee Cantu, Hazel Ferrell, and Merium Montgomery 3 Sarah Hanson and Brett Murdock 4 Reggie, Shelby, and Michelle Roberts 5 Terry McCuan and Bill Huffler 6 Trippy Shields with Ed and Kathleen Bond 7 John Cooper-Bass 8 Brandon McRanie 9 Casey Gilbert
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Surprise Birthday Party for Cantu
n August 10, 2016, Renee Cantu hosted a surprise party for her husband, Pete Cantu, at Rolling River Bistro in downtown Natchez, Mississippi. Guests surprised the guest of honor and enjoyed a specialized menu festive in flavor.
1 Shirley and Michael Hoggatt 2 Valerie and John Bergeron with Renee Cantu 3 Laurie Belshan and Babs Price 4 Mary Ann and Chuck Fields with Renee Cantu 5 Ken Price and TJ Baggett 6 Marcia and Carl Passman with Babs and Ken Price 7 Kayce Smith, Renee Cantu, and Allen Smith 8 Dwayne Morse and Jo Ella Burke with Jan and Ronnie Wingfield 9 Dennis and Darby Short with David Kimbro 10 TJ Baggett and Laurie Belshan with Renee Cantu 11 Adolph Jonatis, Francy Killean, Pat Jonitas, Allen Laird, Carol Jones, and Dianne Brown 12 Skylar Foster and Robert Cantu with Pete and Renee Cantu
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BROOKHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 27
The Order of the First Families of Mississippi Spring Social he Order of the First Families of Mississippi held its spring general assembly and social in Natchez, Mississippi, on Friday, June 10, and Saturday, June 11, 2016. On the evening of June 10, a dinner was held at Magnolia Hall in honor of the Natchez Tricentennial. Dinner was prepared and served by members of the Natchez Garden Club. On the morning of June 11, a welcome party was held at The Elms. The award winning chef and owner of The Elms, Esther Carpenter, prepared the hors d’oeuvres. A luncheon and program followed at noon at The Carriage House with Governor General Barbara Gilbert Haigh presiding. The Award of Meritorious Leadership in Mississippi History and Genealogy was presented to Patsy Carol Brewer of Waynesboro, Mississippi. A delightful program followed lunch during which performers spoke in first person as the historical figure they portrayed. This program was planned to honor the Natchez Tricentennial and presented some of the very colorful and interesting people who have made Natchez the unique place that it has become in the 300 years since the establishment of Fort Rosalie in 1716. Photography by Bill Perkins
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Finley Hootsell as Jim Bowie Rusty Jenkins as Ferriday Byrnes Sam Jones as Levi Weeks Nan Erle Schuchs, Candy Young, Wendy Cartwright, Clinton Bagley, Dan Johnson, Ted Dear, and Billie Jane Davis 5 Charlie Vess as Admiral Aaron “Tip” Merrill, Corky Vess as Rosalie Beekman and Florence Irene Ford, Bennie Boone as The Yellow Duchess, Sue Fountain as Jennie Merrill, Judy Wiggins as Varina Howell, Rusty Jenkins as Ferriday Byrnes, and Finley Hootsell as Jim Bowie. 6 Sue Fountain as Jennie Merrill
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THE social SCENE
18 8
7 Barbara Haigh and Owen Johnson 8 Carol Parsons, Catherine Prince, and Owen Johnson 9 Governor General Barbara Haig with Award Recipient Patsy Brewer 10 Neal Duncan and Esther Carpenter 11 Harris Day and Betty Perkins 12 Kathy Henry and Clinton Bagley 13 Lonnie, Walker, Holmes, and Jeretta Sturgeon 14 Frontâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mickie Brown, Catherine Prince, Joyce Shorter, and Candy Young; back: Walker Sturgeon and Leasa Shorter
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Dr. Gary R. Bachman
Dr. Gary R. Bachman
Pumpkins and Gourds as Attractive Fall Displays
KLOH WKH HQG RI 6HSWHPEHU PD\ EH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW RI IDOO WKH best way to know summer is ending is to look at all the colorful pumpkin and gourd displays at local garden centers around the state. These displays are not only for Halloween. Fall harvest displays can add charm and interest throughout the season. What is more seasonally appropriate than using pumpkins and gourds along with IDOO Ă RZHULQJ PXPV DQG FRORUIXO PDUL PXPV" %HVLGHV EDVLF RUange, pumpkin colors include red, yellow, white, blue, and mulWLFRORUHG VWULSHV 3XPSNLQV FDQ EH PLQLDWXUH Ă DWWHQHG QHFNHG smooth, winged, and warty. There are hundreds of different varieties of pumpkin, squash, and gourd; and pumpkin patches are springing up all over 0LVVLVVLSSL /HW¡V WDNH D ORRN DW D IHZ IDOO IDYRULWHV The Cinderella pumpkin is an heirloom variety that originated in France. This pumpkin has been a fall favorite since the late 1880s. If the shape seems familiar, think back to an old Disney Page 30 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
movie you may have seen. Popular opinion is that this pumpkin vaULHW\ ZDV XVHG DV WKH PRGHO IRU &LQGHUHOOD¡V FDUULDJH LQ WKH FODVVLF DQLPDWHG Ă&#x20AC;OP 7KH Ă DWWHQHG VKDSH DOVR PDNHV WKLV D JRRG VWDFNLQJ pumpkin. Not all pumpkins have smooth skins. One of the more interesting varieties is the peanut pumpkin, which is a cross between an unknown pumpkin variety and a Hubbard squash. This pumpkin has a warty surface that resembles peanuts. It is a great choice for adding coarse texture to any display. While the large pumpkins get the most attention, miniature pumpkins are very versatile. There are plenty of cute mini varieties, including some that are solid white, traditional bright orange, or white with orange vertical stripes. Try displaying minis in big Ă RZHUSRWV RU ERZOV 0LQL SXPSNLQV ZLOO NHHS DOO WKURXJK WKH VHDson sitting on the front porch. Why stop with pumpkins when there are interesting squash and JRXUGV DYDLODEOH IRU GLVSOD\V"
Turban squash is a popular, hat-shaped variety that 1DWLYH $PHULFDQV JUHZ 7KH EXOE OLNH WRS PDNHV D JRRG fall decoration with its bizarre shape and multicolored stripes. This squash would make a fantastic centerpiece for any gathering of family and friends. Other good squash varieties for decorations include Hubbard and any of the winter squash. Gourds come in amazing varieties. Some of the more interesting have wings and warts, and the swan-shaped gourds are colorful and spectacular. Believe it or not, most are delicious when baked or made LQWR D SLH $ %DFKPDQ IDPLO\ IDYRULWH LV KRPHPDGH SXPSNLQ VHHGV $IWHU FDUYLQJ D MDFN R ODQWHUQ VDYH DQG WKRUoughly wash the seeds. Toss with melted butter, sprinkle with sea salt, and bake at 300 degrees until slightly toasted. It will be hard, but let the seeds cool and then enjoy. Be sure to inspect your pumpkins, squash, and gourds before purchasing. They will last longer if there is no surface damage, and that includes pumpkins for carving before Halloween. To extend their usefulness, try painting scary faces on their surfaces instead of carving them. If you just have to carve a pumpkin, you can coat the cut surfaces and inside with petroleum jelly. This will help to seal DQG NHHS WKH Ă HVK Ă&#x20AC;UP (QMR\ ORFDOO\ JURZQ SXPSNLQV VTXDVK DQG JRXUGV LQ festive displays this fall. Columnist Dr. Gary R. Bachman is an assistant extension professor of horticulture at Mississippi State Universityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Coastal Research and Extension Center in Biloxi, Mississippi.
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Opening Reception for Perkins
n August 16, 2016, a reception marked the opening of a photography exhibit by Bill Perkins at the McComb Public Library in McComb, Mississippi. Guests were able to meet Perkins and hear the tales of his adventures all over the world. Photography by Bill Perkins and Jennifer Whittier
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Bill Perkins and Toni James Jennifer Whittier and Bill Perkins Nancy Jackson Greg Whittier and Bill Perkins Norma Hill and Carole Bennett Maxine Minter, Carole Bennett, Norma Hill, and Nancy Harris-Myers
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This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fall Fest will be going â&#x20AC;&#x153;pinkâ&#x20AC;? and raising awareness for breast cancer research.
Osykaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Festival of Fall
LWK WKH ZHDWKHU Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ WXUQLQJ WKH IHVWLYDOV RI IDOO DUH XQGHUZD\ 7KLV \HDU¡V 2V\ND )DOO )HVW LV WKH WRZQ¡V WKLUW\ VL[WK DQQXDO HYHQW and will honor breast cancer awareness by turning the festival pink on October 1 and 2, 2016. )HVWLYDO FRRUGLQDWRU .LP :DOO H[SODLQHG WKH IHVWLYDO¡V KLVWRU\ ´7KH )DOO )HVW LV D SURMHFW RI WKH 2V\ND &LYLF &OXE ZKLFK LV DQ DOO ODGLHV FOXE WKDW EHJDQ ZLWK Ă&#x20AC;YH ZRPHQ LQ 1969. The fest began as a community project in the earO\ V :LWK D Ă RRG KDSSHQLQJ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW \HDU WKH IHVWLYDO¡V activities had to be moved indoors. The few booths were PRYHG LQWR WKH VWRUHV WRZQ KDOO Ă&#x20AC;UH KRXVH DQG WKH OLEUDU\ but this did not stop the Osyka Civic Club from making this the event it is today. Of course, there have been lean years and years when people lost interest in crafts, but this group makes changes that make this fest new every few years.â&#x20AC;? With the focus on breast cancer awareness, there will be a pink fun run and walk, a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Pretty in Pinkâ&#x20AC;? pageant, and a cook-off for festival-goers to enjoy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will also have a treasure hunt for children twelve and under that will have PDQ\ SUL]HV IRU WKH NLGV WR Ă&#x20AC;QG EXULHG LQ VDQG Âľ :DOO VDLG ´7KHUH ZLOO DOVR EH D SLQN WUHH LQ WKH WRZQ¡V SDUN WR KRQRU WKH breast cancer survivors in the area.â&#x20AC;?
By Jennie Guido Photography courtesy of Kim Wall Page 36 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Fresh produce is available for festival-goers to enjoy long after leaving the event.
Year after year, the Osyka Fall Fest brings in thousands of visitors and festival-goers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our crowd comes from all areas because we have been going for so long and also because we are just three PLOHV IURP /RXLVLDQD $PLWH :DOWKDOO 3LNH /LQFROQ DQG )UDQNOLQ Counties, and Tangipahoa and St. Helena Parishes are probably our most represented areas. If people would faint, we could count the crowd. There are no parking fees, no festival fees, and no way for there to be a count,â&#x20AC;? Wall shared. $ERXW WKH IHVWLYDO¡V YHQGRUV :DOO H[SODLQHG ´)RU WKH SDVW years, we have had at least 100 vendors with food ranging from carnival-type food to churches that have cakes, cookies, candies, DQG HYHU\ W\SH RI FUDIW \RX FDQ GUHDP RI DQG VRPH \RX FRXOGQ¡W Fall and Christmas items will be for sale due to the upcoming holiday seasons.â&#x20AC;? With decades of festivals to look back on, Wall believes that the traditions as well as the yearly changes to the festival are what keep SHRSOH FRPLQJ WR 2V\ND LQ WKH IDOO ´7UDGLWLRQV VXFK DV WKH FKLOGUHQ¡V HYHQWV DUH KHOG HDFK \HDU EXW ZH FKDQJH WKHP XS ,W PLJKW be the same event, but there is a different approach.â&#x20AC;? Wall added, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Different vendors are recruited yearly, but some have been coming for decades! I guess it is just a good combination of the past and the present working together. The hard working ladies of the club would not allow this event to fade away.â&#x20AC;? For more information about this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s festival, call Kim Wall at (601)810-3953 or visit the Osyka Civic Clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Facebook fan page.
Leftâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;A family friendly event, the Oyska Fall Fest has something for everyone in the family. Topâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Osykaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fall Fest has been a community tradition for generations as shown in this shot from the 1979 event. Aboveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Stay for the day and enjoy all kinds of activities with the kids.
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Photography courtesy of the Natchez Convention and Visitors Bureau
Page 38 { {October October2016 2016{{ Bluffs Bluffs & Bayous & Bayous
atchez, Mississippi, throughout the year, is home to many festivals that crowds of us eagerly anticipate and mark on our calendars. Whether touring during Spring Pilgrimage or tastetesting at the gumbo cook-off in November, we love a festival and reason to come out and celebrate what makes Natchez so unique. 1. Monthly Second Saturdays 2. Natchez Literary & Cinema Celebration 3. Mardi Gras 4. Spring Pilgrimage 5.Natchez Pow Wow 6. Riverstock 7ULQLW\·V 0D\ )DLU 8. Natchez Festival of Music $GDPV &RXQW\ 6KHULII·V 5RGHR 10. Natchez Food & Wine Festival 11. Natchez Biscuit Capital Festival 12. Bark in the Park &DWKHGUDO 6FKRRO·V )DOO )HVWLYDO
14. Fall Pilgrimage 15. Great Mississippi River Balloon Race 16. Music at the Mounds 17. Broadway Chili Cook Off 18. Longwood Halloween Carnival $QJHOV RQ WKH %OXII 1DWFKH] $QWLTXHV )RUXP 21. Turkey Gumbo Cook-Off 22. Christmas in Natchez 23. Lighting of the Christmas Tree 24. Natchez Holiday Parade 25. Library Tour of Homes Bluffs Bluffs & Bayous & Bayous {{October October2016 2016{ { Page 39
Our States of Fairs
n Louisiana and Mississippi, the state fairs -- the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair, the State Fair of Louisiana, and the Mississippi State Fairâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; furnish daring and delight for festival-goers and organizers alike. With these festivals about to kick off another round of games, fair foods, DQG HQWHUWDLQPHQW WKLV PRQWK OHW·V FHOHEUDWH WKH KLVWRULHV SDWURQV DQG HYHQWV RI WKHVH ZHOFRPH WR IDOO IXQ Ã&#x20AC;OOHG WUDGLWLRQV Page 40 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
State Fair of Louisiana 6LQFH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW RIĂ&#x20AC;FLDO IDLU LQ WKH State Fair of Louisiana has been at home in Shreveport, Louisiana, and brings in visitors from all over the surrounding southHUQ VWDWHV &KULV *LRUGDQR WKH IDLU¡V JHQeral manager, shared the extensive history RI WKH IDLU¡V VXFFHVVIXO ORQJHYLW\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of all the fairs, festivals, expositions, and annual get-togethers in North /RXLVLDQD DQG WKH $UN /D 7H[ WKH Louisiana State Fair is the granddaddy of them all! For more than 70 years, or since the United States was a mere 130 years young, the venerable Louisiana State Fair KDV VKRZFDVHG WKH VWDWH¡V DJULFXOWXUH LQdustrial, cultural, and educational progress as no other event has done or has the capability of doing.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Louisiana State Fair had a modest and humble beginning as the brainchild of a group of prominent, civic-minded, farsighted, dedicated, and devoted men, spearheaded by Mayor Victor Grosjean DQG $QGUHZ 4XHUEHV *URVMHDQ DW WKDW WLPH was editor of the Caucasian, DQG 4XHUEHV ZDV PD\RU RI 6KUHYHSRUW ,W¡V VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW that two streets on the present Fair Grounds are named after these determined Fair progenitors. They, along with the rest of the
original members of the board of directors, set their sights high and launched their new endeavor with a noble purpose that through its more than 70 years of existence has continued to be the dominant and steadfast raiVRQ G¡HWUH IRU WKH 6WDWH )DLU Âľ To its Shreveport locale, the Fair attracts crowds from all over the country; however, the main draw comes from the immediate 100-mile radius around the city. To keep people coming back year after \HDU *LRUGDQR H[SODLQHG ´(DFK \HDU ZH bring in many grounds attractions that are free with admission to the State Fair and FKDQJH RXU VKRZV XS 7KLV \HDU¡V JURXQGV attractions include the State Fair Zoo, &LUFXV +ROO\ZRRG *UHDW $PHULFDQ 'XFN Race, Hollywood Racing Pigs and more.â&#x20AC;? In addition to these main events, over sixty carnival rides and games will thrill fairgoers along with an array of fair food to taste test. The livestock show is actually the largest in the state with around 4,000 entries each year. Giordano, who acquired his love of the fair world from his father, Sam Giordano, a fair manager around the area that included WKH +HDUW 2¡ 7H[DV )DLU 5RGHR LQ :DFR 7H[DV UHFDOOHG ´+H HYHQWXDOO\ PRYHG
by Jennie Guido Photography courtesy of the Mississippi State Fair, the State Fair of Louisiana, and the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair
Y R 1 2FW ($56 < Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 41
What Giordano loves most about managing the fair, he said, is â&#x20AC;&#x153;watching families have a good time together. The fair is a place where you can put your troubles behind you and have a great family fun expeULHQFH , UHDOO\ HQMR\ ÂśSHRSOH ZDWFKLQJ¡ DQG seeing people enjoy the fair.â&#x20AC;? For more information on this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fair to be held in Shreveport October 27 through November 13, 2016, visit www. VWDWHIDLURĂ RXLVLDQD FRP
Greater Baton Rouge State Fair Closer to home, the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair has found its place in the bustling Baton Rouge area since 1965. With the combining of two already thriving events, a trade show and a carnival, the Fair was born as the main fundraising events for the Baton Rouge Jaycee organization. Located along $LUOLQH +LJKZD\ WKH IDLUJURXQGV LQ Baton Rouge is an over 100-acre property that hosts livestock, daily attractions for fair goers, and special entertainment. 7KLV \HDU¡V OLYH HQWHUWDLQPHQW ZLOO LQclude the likes of The Gillis Silo, Voodoo Bayou, and Vince Vance & The Valiants IURP WKH IDLU¡V RSHQLQJ RQ 2FWREHU XQtil November 6, 2016. Some of the daily attractions that fair goers can expect are Magician Tim Spinosa, a one-man band, an exotic petting zoo, and many rides and amusements for all. To learn about the Greater Baton Rouge State Fair happening October 27 through November 6, visit
The State Fair of Louisiana is home to the largest livestock show in the state.
Mississippi State Fair
to Shreveport to manage the State Fair of Louisiana in 1992. I moved to Shreveport in 1996 and began working for the State Fair of Louisiana in 1997 part time. I was hired full time in 1998 and have worked as ([KLELWV &RQFHVVLRQV 0DQDJHU 2SHUDWLRQ 0DQDJHU DQG $VVLVWDQW 0DQDJHU DQG , was named President & General Manager by the board in 2006 after the passing of my father. That was the toughest year for
me because we were gearing up for our 100th $QQLYHUVDU\ 0\ IDWKHU SDVVHG LQ May of 2006, and I had to bury my father and pick up the pieces for the 100th State )DLU RI /RXLVLDQD (YHU\WKLQJ WXUQHG RXW great, and I have been managing the Fair ever since.â&#x20AC;? $Q LPSRUWDQW SDUW RI WKH FRPPXQLW\ the Fair has an annual economic impact that Giordano estimates at $24 million.
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Just across the Mississippi River from neighboring Louisiana, the Mississippi 6WDWH )DLU Ă&#x20AC;UVW VWDUWHG LQ 7UDFH\ *DUGQHU WKH 0LGZD\ DQG (YHQWV 0DQDJHU for the Mississippi State Fair, explained, â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was preceded as early as the 1840s by local fairs that proved their value in the exhibition of improved livestock, crops, and DJULFXOWXUDO HTXLSPHQW ([KLELWV RIWHQ LQspired farmers to try new ideas and methRGV LQ DWWHPSWLQJ WR LQFUHDVH WKH HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQF\ of operations.â&#x20AC;? (YHQ WKRXJK WKH 6WDWH )DLU KDV QRW DOways taken place in Jackson, Mississippi, now it is celebrated there and attended by thousands from all over the South. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One RI WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW IDLUV ZDV KHOG DW -HIIHUVRQ College in Washington near Natchez and began with livestock shows in 1839,â&#x20AC;?
Gardner shared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In December 1839, the agricultural societies of Raymond and Clinton merged as the $JULFXOWXUDO 6RFLHW\ RI +LQGV &RXQW\ %RWK FRRSHUated toward formation of a state organization. On January 22, 1840, a constitution for the society was adopted in a meeting in the State Capitol called by the Hinds County Society. For the next two years, interest waned; and no activities were undertaken by WKH JURXS $IWHU D WZR \HDU SHULRG RI GRUPDQF\ HIforts to revive the organization began.â&#x20AC;? )LQDOO\ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW ORFDO IDLU ZDV KHOG LQ 5D\PRQG Mississippi, in 1841 and ultimately began to see larger crowds in the late 1850s. â&#x20AC;&#x153;To help draw more people, such activities as horse racing tournaments and other forms of public entertainment were added,â&#x20AC;? Gardner said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the early 1940s, the Mississippi Legislature established a State Fair Commission to give a broader base of operation and extended area of service. Since then, EHWWHU IDFLOLWLHV KDYH UHSODFHG ZHDWKHU EHDWHQ IUDPH EXLOGLQJV $PSOH livestock barns, judging arenas, pens, exhibit buildings, and a ten-thousand-seat coliseum now are part of the modern fair complex. The complex has approximately one hundred acres and twenty-three permanent buildings. In 1974, the Mississippi Trade Mart building was built and has an exhibit space of 43,000 square feet. The Fairgrounds also added WKH .LUN )RUGLFH (TXLQH &HQWHU RQH RI WKH ODUJHVW HTXLQH IDFLOLWLHV LQ the State of Mississippi.â&#x20AC;? 7KH 0LVVLVVLSSL 6WDWH )DLU¡V FHQWUDO ORFDWLRQ LQ -DFNVRQ DWWUDFWV IDLU goers and livestock exhibitors from all over the state as well as from all over the South. Some of the main attractions are those â&#x20AC;&#x153;that the fairgoers look forward to each year,â&#x20AC;? Gardner shared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Probably number one is 7KH %LVFXLW %RRWK ,W¡V D WLPH KRQRUHG WUDGLWLRQ DW WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL 6WDWH )DLU ,W WDNHV JDOORQV RI EXWWHUPLON SRXQGV RI Ă RXU SRXQGV of shortening, and 90 cases of Blackburn Syrup to craft the 100,000 Southern style biscuits served at the Mississippi State Fair each year. The biscuits are free and served by dedicated Mississippi Department RI $JULFXOWXUH HPSOR\HHV WKDW YROXQWHHU WKHLU WLPH DQG ELVFXLW PDNLQJ VNLOOV HDFK \HDU $OVR SHRSOH ORYH &KLFNHQ RQ D 6WLFN 0LVVLVVLSSL IDPLO\ RZQHG DQG RSHUDWHG 3HQQ¡V )LVK +RXVH RIIHUV LWV IDPRXV &KLFNHQ RQ D 6WLFN HDFK \HDU DQG LW LV D ELJ IDYRULWH $QRWKHU 0LVVLVVLSSL IDPLO\ RZQHG DQG RSHUDWHG IDYRULWH LV 0DORQH¡V 7DII\ 7DII\ PDNLQJ KDV WR EHgin sometimes a week or more in advance to have enough supply to keep up with the demand of taffy lovers.â&#x20AC;? This year, the Fair is adding the Budweiser Main Stage that will allow more fair-goers to enjoy the live entertainment scheduled throughout the twelve-day event. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This year our national acts include Travis Tritt, Frank Foster, Rachel Platten, Boyz II Men, and Old Dominion,â&#x20AC;? Gardner said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We also will be featuring many local talented entertainers from right here in our area.â&#x20AC;? 6R ZKDW NHHSV IDPLOLHV FRPLQJ EDFN \HDU DIWHU \HDU" ´,W VHHPV OLNH DOPRVW HYHU\RQH DOZD\V UHIHUV WR WKDW Ă&#x20AC;UVW FULVS FRRO PRUQLQJ RI WKH IDOO VHDVRQ DV Âś)DLU :HDWKHU ¡ (YHQ LQ WKH ORFDO PHGLD QHZV DQFKRUV ZHDWKHU announcers, and radio disc jockeys in Mississippi always seem to refer to WKDW Ă&#x20AC;UVW FRRO VQDS LQ WKH IDOO E\ VD\LQJ Âś,W IHHOV OLNH WKH )DLU RXWVLGH ¡¾ Gardner shared. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have always thought that was an interesting way for so many different people to describe the excitement of the Fair in the air. The Mississippi State Fair is such a long-standing family tradition in this state. Families plan vacations around the fair, and kids and adults look forward to it every year.â&#x20AC;? For more information on the Mississippi State Fair to be held in Jackson October 5 through 16, 2016, visit
Topâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;A Mississippi tradition, the State Fair has been a family event since 1859. Middleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;What better way to enjoy the fall air than at the State Fair? Aboveâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;With the Mississippi Trade Mart built in 1974, the Fair found a new home for many aspects of the popular attraction.
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After being crowned Miss Mississippi, Lewis took time to celebrate with her family.
Laura Lee Lewis â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Miss Mississippi
A Dream Come True â&#x20AC;&#x153;There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Mandy Hale
Laura Lee Lewis had a dream of one day becoming Miss 0LVVLVVLSSL DQG VKH QHYHU JDYH XS $IWHU IRXU \HDUV RI FRPpeting, her dream came true; and she felt both blessed and honored to have had the opportunity to represent her state in WKH 0LVV $PHULFD SDJHDQW /DXUD /HH LV TXLFN WR JLYH FUHGLW to all the people who helped her reach her goalâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;to be chosen to be a part of this rich legacy. She believes that it, indeed, â&#x20AC;&#x153;takes a villageâ&#x20AC;?; and without her â&#x20AC;&#x153;village,â&#x20AC;? the crown would not have been placed upon her head. Laura Lee recognizes that without the help of those who guided and mentored herâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;her family; her friends; her community; Miss Mississippi 2015, Hannah Roberts; and above all, her Heavenly Fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;none of this would have been possible. Her strong spiritual strength has been evident throughout her life, and her hope as Miss Mississippi 2016 is to use her words and her example as a witness and a light for Him. /DXUD /HH¡V \HDU ZLOO EH Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK ORQJ KRXUV GHGLFDWHG to implementing her platform Mentoring Matters, which
stems from her love of children, education, and the empowerment of sharing with others. Laura Lee is the daughter of Mark and Lorin Lewis, longtime residents of Brookhaven, Mississippi, and leaders in both their church and their community. She was born in Brookhaven, attended First Baptist Church, graduated from Brookhaven High School, and is pursuing a B.S. Degree in (OHPHQWDU\ (GXFDWLRQ IURP 0LVVLVVLSSL 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ Her achievements and honors are extensive, ranging from academic excellence, community and government relations, local and state pageants, Christian leadership, educational volunteering, and collegiate and Panhellenic leadership to + ( 5 2 )RXQGHU 06 7HHQ 7UHQGVHWWHUV )RXQGHU /LQFROQ &RXQW\ &KDULW\ %DOO 4XHHQ 0LVV 0LVVLVVLSSL 6WDWH University, and the list goes on. 2QH ZRXOG WKLQN WKDW /DXUD /HH¡V OLIH KDV EHHQ RQH IUHH RI the challenges and struggles that others face. Nothing could be further from the truth. Born with mid-facial hypoplasia,
By Jennifer Jackson Whittier â&#x20AC;˘ Photography by Matt Boyd and Courtesy of Laura Lee Lewis Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 47
a condition that affects the development of facial bones and is accompanied by severe physical pain and facial disproportion, she experienced EXOO\LQJ Ă&#x20AC;UVW KDQG DQG XQGHUstands the toll it can take on a FKLOG¡V YLHZ RI WKH ZRUOG DQG his or her self-esteem. She H[SODLQV We are all familiar with aquariums where you watch EHDXWLIXO Ă&#x20AC;VK VZLP ,Q HOHPHQtary school and throughout high school, many times I felt that I watched my friends and peers swim and feel beautifulâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;because they liked themselves and were pleased with what they saw. Although many of my peers may have had the same insecurities as I did, in my view, they showed no imperfections. You see, I was GLVĂ&#x20AC;JXUHG DQG IHOW QRW MXVW OLNH DQ XQZHOFRPHG Ă&#x20AC;VK EXW RQH completely out of the water. I GLGQ¡W Ă&#x20AC;W LQ , IHOW XJO\ LQYLVible, and alone; but I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t alone. There were people who wanted to help. My principal, Mrs. Pam Fearn, noticed me and spent time with me, encouraging me to look beyond how I felt and to see my own potential. She lit a spark in my KHDUW ZKLFK VWDUWHG D Ă&#x20AC;UH LQ PH DW D \RXQJ age to seek excellence through hard work; so you can see how I developed a strong love for children, education, and the power of mentoring. It was not until 2008 that Laura Lee deFLGHG WR FRPSHWH LQ KHU Ă&#x20AC;UVW ORFDO SDJHDQW IRU 0LVV 0LVVLVVLSSL¡V 2XWVWDQGLQJ 7HHQ a program and competition that focus on inner beauty. Participating gave her an opportunity to share the importance of mentoring and how it played a vital role in her own life. She claimed a Top-10 spot; then in 2009, Laura Lee won the title of Miss 0LVVLVVLSSL¡V 2XWVWDQGLQJ 7HHQ 7KLV ZDV a pivotal moment for her because she was awarded the title before her corrective surgery. Rather than focusing on her outward appearance, others had looked at her heart and had seen what she was doing for her community. $V D UHVXOW VKH FRQWLQXHG KHU TXHVW for the title of Miss Mississippi, determined to continue to invest in a
platform of mentoring by partnering with TeenTrendsetters, an organization established by the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, wherein teens are paired weekly with elementary students who struggle with reading. Laura Lee continued to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, resulting in being recognized for her achievements and efforts by being crowned Miss Mississippi 2016. 2Q $XJXVW /DXUD /HH GHSDUWHG IRU KHU WZR ZHHN FRPSHWLWLRQ LQ $WODQWLF &LW\ and her dream of representing her state in WKH 0LVV $PHULFD 3DJHDQW IROORZLQJ LQ the footsteps of many other talented, beautiful, and outstanding young women. It was a challenge that Laura Lee embraced with FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQFH +HU GD\V ZHUH Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK SDSHUZRUN PRFN LQWHUYLHZV ZDWFKLQJ UHDGing the news, and keeping up with current events, singing, running, working out with her trainer at the gym, and pursuing a myriad of other activities. She also worked closely with her board and team members
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on wardrobe and speaking engagements throughout the state. Yes, it was a whirlwind; but she knew that having the opportunity to represent Mississippi in the Miss $PHULFD 3DJHDQW ZDV D RQFH in-a-lifetime opportunity. /DXUD /HH¡V PRVW FKDOOHQJing aspect of the pageant was GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ WKH RQ VWDJH TXHVtion because it was the only unknown aspect of the proFHVV :LWK WKH PDMRU LQĂ XHQFH of social media and technology, the fear of becoming the next YouTube sensation was always in the back of her mind. She had an incredible team who helped her prepare for any topic. Keeping focused, relying on the strength of her values, and working hard were key to making this experience unforgettable and rewarding. The personal interview and the talent competition tie for her favorite parts of the Miss $PHULFD 3DJHDQW 6LQJLQJ DV well as sharing her heartfelt story with others, is a big part of her life. Laura Lee has been singing for as long as she can the shower, in her car, while running and exercising, down the aisles of her local grocery store, and sometimes in the rain. She just hums a tune; and the song comes alive, anytime, anywhere. She also Ă&#x20AC;QGV VLQJLQJ WR EH D JUHDW VWUHVV UHOLHYHU When Laura Lee steps onto the stage, all anxiety drains from her body, releasing the â&#x20AC;&#x153;happy,â&#x20AC;? natural endorphins. She enthusiastically recommends that even if singLQJ LV QRW \RXU WDOHQW WU\ LW Ă&#x20AC;QG WKH SHUIHFW song, and let loose! $W WKH 0LVV $PHULFD 3DJHDQW /DXUD Lee was excited about having the chance WR PHHW Ă&#x20AC;IW\ RQH RWKHU FRQWHVWDQWV IURP around the country, providing her with the unique opportunity to learn about each state and the young ladies who represented them. She looked forward to sharing her love for Mississippi with othersâ&#x20AC;Śthe kindness and generosity of our people; the rich heritage of our literature, art, and music; and the limitless opportunities that lie ahead for future generations. 2Q 6HSWHPEHU LQ $WODQWLF City, Laura Lee was selected one of the
Lewis took part in the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shoe Paradeâ&#x20AC;? during the Miss America pageant and donned a pair of shoes showcasing The Muppets, which was created by Mississippian Jim Henson.
WRS Ă&#x20AC;IWHHQ Ă&#x20AC;QDOLVWV 5DGLDQW DQG FRQĂ&#x20AC;dent, she glided through the swimsuit, evening gown, talent, and on-stage quesWLRQ FDWHJRULHV +HU UHQGLWLRQ RI ´$ 3LHFH of Skyâ&#x20AC;? wowed not only the audience EXW WKH MXGJHV DV ZHOO $IWHU DQ HYHQLQJ of stiff competition and a stellar performance, she was named fourth runner-up WR 0LVV $PHULFD ZLWK WKH FURZQ JRLQJ WR 0LVV $UNDQVDV 5HJDUGOHVV RI WKH RXWFRPH Laura Lee Lewis is our Miss Mississippi, and that is something she will treasure forever. She will continue to represent her state, to speak on behalf of her platform Mentoring Matters, to visit and to work FORVHO\ ZLWK %ODLU ( %DWVRQ +RVSLWDO DQG to promote the great state of Mississippi. Beyond that, when her responsibilities as Miss Mississippi conclude, she will return to Mississippi State University to complete her elementary education degree and SXUVXH D 0DVWHU¡V 'HJUHH LQ (GXFDWLRQDO $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ So who is Laura Lee Lewis, %URRNKDYHQ¡V RZQ 0LVV 0LVVLVVLSSL " 7KH DQVZHU LV VLPSOH :KDW \RX VHH LV ZKDW you get with Laura Lee, someone who is genuine, kind, loving, giving, and beautiful on so many levels. She relaxes with a good movie, popcorn, M&Ms, and a Diet Coke. She wants others to know what she knows
about her stateâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that its people are generous and resilient and that we face hardships on a daily basis yet try to remain positive and hopeful. She believes in the characterization that Mississippians will give the shirts off their backs to a complete stranger and share their meal with a neighbor in need. She sees a Mississippi that wants to be even greater and citizens working together to make that happen. Her message to the youth of her state is that regardless of their circumstances, they must be a light, an example, and a leader for others. Her challenge to young people is to work hard, even when it goes unnoticed, and especially to be yourself. Miss Mississippi 2016, Laura Lee Lewis, is a champion, a phenomenal young woman who deserves every wonderful moPHQW RI KHU H[SHULHQFH DV RXU VWDWH¡V DPEDVVDGRU 6KH SHUVRQLĂ&#x20AC;HV WKH GUHDP WKDW little girls have of wearing a crown and being the princess of a realm. She demonstrates the character, faith, dignity, and integrity that parents wish for their children. We thank her for allowing us to be a part of her experience, for being such an exemplary young woman, and for so graciously representing our great state. Laura Lee, now is your time to shine and to embrace your dream. Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 49
James Dupre
Andrea Davidson
Nashville Songwriter Night and Fundraiser
Travis Meadows Billy Ray and Lora Reynolds
November 1, 2016 The State Theater McComb, MS
he annual Nashville Songwriter 1LJKW ZLOO EH KHOG DW S P RQ Tuesday, November 1, 2016, at the State Theater in downtown McComb, 0LVVLVVLSSL 7KLV \HDU¡V HYHQW LV VSRQVRUHG E\ WKH 3LNH &RXQW\ $UWV &RXQFLO 0LFKDHO Parker Construction, and the Ralph Price ,QVXUDQFH $JHQF\ ² 1DWLRQZLGH ,QVXUDQFH (DFK \HDU VRQJZULWHUV IURP 1DVKYLOOH Tennessee, are brought in to perform WKHLU KLW VRQJV 7KLV \HDU¡V HYHQW ZLOO EH very special because of the talent visiting but also because, in lieu of an admission FKDUJH D FROOHFWLRQ WR EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W 0F&RPE¡V Louisiana neighbors to the south who continue to face hardships as they recover IURP WKH Ă RRGV EDFN LQ $XJXVW 3URFHHGV from the event will be presented to Live
Oak United Methodist Church located in Watson, Louisiana, just outside Denham Springs. This churdh immediately began providing shelter, food, water, and other QHFHVVLWLHV RQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW GD\ RI WKH GHYDVWDtion and continues to do so. The night will start with Billy Ray Reynolds and his wife, Lora Reynolds, who will welcome the audience with songs that they have written individually and as a couple. Billy Ray, after a long and successful career in Nashville, moved back to his native Mt. Olive, Mississippi, area in 2003, where he and Lora now live. He is an award winning singer, songwriter, producer, composer, actor, and is probably EHVW NQRZQ IRU EHLQJ :D\ORQ -HQQLQJV¡ longtime studio and touring guitarist, and
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IRU OHDGLQJ -HQQLQJV¡ EDQG 7KH :D\ORUV for many years. Following them will be the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Songwriter Round,â&#x20AC;? which is patterned after the format used by the more renowned listening rooms in the country, such as the Bluebird CafĂŠ, DQG ZLOO IHDWXUH 1DVKYLOOH¡V -DPHV 'XSUH 7UDYLV 0HDGRZV DQG $QGUHD 'DYLGVRQ They will alternate singing their songs for the crowd and will tell us the stories behind them. Dupre is a native of Bayou Chicot, Louisiana; has recorded several albums including Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s All Happening, which URVH WR QXPEHU RQ %LOOERDUG¡V FRXQtry chart; and appeared on The Voice and made it to the third round of competition. Travis Meadows, a Mississippi native, beJDQ ZULWLQJ VRQJV LQ KLV ¡V VLJQHG ZLWK the record label Kobalt Music and released an album; and has had his songs recordHG E\ (ULF &KXUFK 'LHUNV %HQWOH\ -DNH Owen, Lynyrd Skynrd, and more. From /RXLVYLOOH .HQWXFN\ $QGUHD 'DYLGVRQ KDV RSHQHG IRU 5REHUW (DUO .HHQ VLJQHG by Warner Chappel Music in Nashville, and had her song â&#x20AC;&#x153;Longerâ&#x20AC;? featured on the hit TV series Nashville. For more information, please contact Ralph Price at or by visiting the Pike County Arts Council Facebook page.
Louisiana Up & Coming! OCTOBER ALEXANDRIA Throughout October Every Tuesday )DUPHU·V 0DUNHW )80& 3DUNLQJ /RW 3 – 6 pm October 12 – 16 56th 5DSLGHV 3DULVK )DLU Times vary October 15 )XQNWREHUIHVW 3 – 10 pm October 14 5DSLGHV 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD &RXJKOLQ 6DQGHUV 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV &HQWHU 7:30 pm
October 27 – November 6 *UHDWHU %DWRQ 5RXJH 6WDWH )DLU Times vary FERRIDAY 2FWREHU &KULVWPDV 2SHQ +RXVH 7KH *LIW %R[ Discounts & door prizes (318)757-0001 Through October 31 &RWWRQ 3LFNLQ· DQG *LQQLQ· DW )URJPRUH )URJPRUH 3ODQWDWLRQ *LQV 9 am – 3 pm Lynette Tanner / (318)757-2453 LAFAYETTE 2FWREHU )HVWLYDOV $FDGLHQV HW &UHROHV *LUDUG 3DUN All day
3257 $//(1 October 2 6XJDU )HVW :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH 0XVHXP 11 am – 4 pm / Free (225)336-2422x16 67 )5$1&,69,//( Throughout October 7KH 0\UWOHV +DOORZHHQ ([SHULHQFH 7KH 0\UWOHV Friday – Sunday: 6 – 10 pm (225)635-6277 October 14 – 15 28th $QQXDO 6RXWKHUQ *DUGHQ 6\PSRVLXP :RUNVKRS 0XOWLSOH /RFDWLRQV All day
October 20 – 22 $ 9HU\ 0HUU\ 0DUNHW $OH[DQGULD 5LYHUIURQW &HQWHU ANGOLA Throughout October $QJROD 3ULVRQ 5RGHR &UDIW 6KRZ /RXLVLDQD 6WDWH 3HQLWHQWLDU\ 9 am – 2 pm (225)655-2060 / BATON ROUGE Throughout October October 1 – 2 Harvest Days /68 5XUDO /LIH 0XVHXP 8 am – 5 pm (225)765-2437 / October 30 /HKUHU'DQFH 5LYHU &HQWHU 7KHDWUH 7 pm (225)766-8379
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 51
OCTOBER Louisiana Up & Coming! October 29 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 30 <HOORZ /HDI $UWV )HVWLYDO 3DUNHU 3DUN All day (225)635-3665 October 31 %RR RQ WKH %OXII 7KH %OXIIV RQ 7KRPSVRQ &UHHN 5 - 8 pm (225)634-6400 / 6+5(9(3257 October 27 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; November 13 6WDWH )DLU RI /RXLVLDQD Times & events vary ZZZ VWDWHIDLURĂ RXLVLDQD FRP
OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! TALLULAH
October 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15 6RXWKHUQ +HULWDJH $LU 6KRZ 9LFNVEXUJ ² 7DOOXODK 5HJLRQDO $LUSRUW Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;open 4pm / show 5:45pm Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;open 9am / show 12pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3pm $10 per person / $20 per car (601)415-1902
October 4 0LVVLVVLSSL +XPDQLWLHV &RXQFLO *XHVW 6SHDNHU /LQFROQ &RXQW\ /LEUDU\ 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 pm (601)833-5038 October 6 -$ 3HHO Âś(P (DW Âś(P 6KULPS 'LQQHU %URRNKDYHQ 5HFUHDWLRQ'HSDUWPHQW 3 - 7 pm / $15 October 20 %5$* $UW 5HFHSWLRQ 9HUQRQ 5RRP %URRNKDYHQ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ 5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7 pm / Free October 25 %URRNKDYHQ $QLPDO 5HVFXH /HDJXH¡V th $QQXDO &HOHEULW\ 'LQQHU DQG $XFWLRQ /LQFROQ &LYLF &HQWHU 6 pm (601)757-1057 / November 12 &KULVWPDV 2SHQ +RXVH 7KURXJKRXW %URRNKDYHQ 9 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 pm &$1721 October 13 &DQWRQ )OHD 0DUNHW &RXUWKRXVH 6TXDUH $GMDFHQW 6WUHHWV 8 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 pm ZZZ FDQWRQPVĂ HDPDUNHW FRP October 13 &DQWRQ )OHD 0DUNHW 6DFUHG +HDUW &DWKROLF &KXUFK All day (601)955-3117 / johnoliverdowdleinteriors
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Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER &5<67$/ 635,1*6 2FWREHU )DOO )ORZHU DQG *DUGHQ )HVW 7UXFN &URSV ([SHULPHQW 6WDWLRQ 9 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2 pm (601)892-3731 GREENVILLE 2FWREHU 'HOWD +RW 7DPDOH )HVWLYDO :DVKLQJWRQ $YH All day -$&.621 Throughout October Throughout October /LYH 0XVLF &RQFHUWV 'XOLQJ +DOO
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 53
Page 54 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER October 8 )LUVW 0RYHV )DOO &KRUHRJUDSKHUV· 6KRZFDVH 'XOLQJ +DOO 7 pm October 8 Bravo I: Berlioz! 7KDOLD 0DUD +DOO 7:30 – 9 pm October 9 2QFH 8SRQ D )DLU\WDOH $ 0RWKHU 'DXJKWHU 3ULQFHVV 7HD 7KH 6RXWK :DUHKRXVH 11 am – 6 pm
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 55
OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! October 21 – 23 %DJZHOO $QWLTXHV SUHVHQWV -DFNVRQ $QWLTXHV 6KRZ 6DOH 0LVVLVVLSSL 7UDGH 0DUW 10 am – 5 pm / Sunday: Noon – 5 pm (662)231-9654 October 22 +ROO\ -ROO\ &UDIW )DLU :DKDEL 6KULQH &HQWHU 9 am – 6 pm / $2 0$',621 October 1 $ 'D\ LQ WKH &RXQWU\ )HVWLYDO &KDSHO *URXQGV 9 am – 4 pm
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Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER 0&&20% 2FWREHU 1RRQ 7XQHV 'HSRW 3DYLOLRQ Noon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1 pm )DUPHUV· 0DUNHW %R[ /XQFKHV %HYHUDJHV (601)684-2291 October 20 3$/6 7RDVW 7DLOV )XQGUDLVHU 7KH 0LOO 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9 pm / 601-684-2291 October 21 3&&& $QQXDO *ROI 7RXUQDPHQW )HUQZRRG &RXQWU\ &OXE 5HJLVWUDWLRQ DP 7HH WLPH DP (601)684-2291
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 57
OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! November 1 6RQJZULWHU 6LQJHU 0XVLFLDQ 6KRZ %HQHÃ&#x20AC;W 7KH 6WDWH 7KHDWUH 7 pm / Free Admission 'RQDWLRQ $FFHSWHG IRU %DWRQ 5RXJH Flood Victims Ralph Price / November 3 0LVWOHWRH 0DJLF 7KURXJKRXW 3LNH &RXQW\ 5 - 8 pm (601)684-2291 / 0($'9,//( 2FWREHU 2FWREHUIHVW 'RZQWRZQ 0HDGYLOOH 9HQGHUV 2SHQ 1RRQ 6DWXUGD\ 1LJKW 6WUHHW 'DQFH (601)384-5206
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Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER 1$7&+(= Throughout October 1DWFKH] 7ULFHQWHQQLDO (YHQWV Throughout October /LYH 0XVLF (YHQW &DOHQGDU Through October 10 )DOO 3LOJULPDJH 'DLO\ 7RXUV 9DULRXV (YHQWV Through November 12 +DXQWLQJ RI ´7KH 7RZHUVµ $GXOWV 2QO\ (601)446-6890 to pre-purchase October 6 0HHW WKH $UWLVW $QQLHJODVV + +DO *DUQHU 11 am - 2 pm (601)445-8416
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 59
Delta Bank invites you to try our newest service...
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$20 SEND 5V^ 7H` =0+(30( -,990+(@ 3(2, 796=0+,5*, ;(33<3(/ 5(;*/,A Page 60 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER October 29 %URDGZD\ &KLOL &RRN 2II 1DWFKH] %OXII 3DUN 11 am – 2 pm October 29 – 30 0XVLF DW WKH 0RXQGV *UDQG 9LOODJH RI WKH 1DWFKH] ,QGLDQV All day (601)446-6502 /
26<.$ October 1 – 2 2V\ND th $QQXDO )DOO )HVW 5DLOURDG $YH 8 am – 5 pm
1RYHPEHU 1DWFKH] $QWLTXHV )RUXP Throughout Natchez /RFDWLRQV YDU\ $OO GD\ (601)443-1261 November 5 – 6 7KH 6HDVRQV RI (OP·V &RXUW $ )LYH <HDU 5HWURVSHFWLYH (OPV &RXQW 2 – 5 pm / Free Sharon Richardson / (601)445-5431
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 61
OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! October 1 ´,W·V $OO $ERXW WKH *LUOVµ 3LQN )XQ 5XQ :DON 0DLQ 6W 5DLOURDG $YH 8:30 am October 1 5th $QQXDO 8S ,Q 6PRNH IRU 8QLWHG *LYHUV &RRN 2II 2V\ND )DOO )HVW (601)248-8295
6800,7 October 8 6XPPLW )DOO )HVWLYDO 'RZQWRZQ 6XPPLW 8 am – 4 pm (601)276-7518 November 10 )ODPLQJOH -LQJOH &KULVWPDV 2SHQ +RXVH +LJKZD\ 5REE 6W All day
ROXIE 9,&.6%85* 2FWREHU 3UHVHUYDWLRQ RI +LVWRULF &OHDU 6SULQJV 6KHOWHU +RPRFKLWWR 1DWLRQDO )RUHVW :RUN VHVVLRQV IRU SUHVHUYDWLRQ and education / Volunteers needed Jennifer Eberhart / (303)893-4260
Throughout October Throughout October 6RXWKHUQ &XOWXUDO +HULWDJH )RXQGDWLRQ
Page 62 { October 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
October 1 'RZQWRZQ 9LFNVEXUJ )DOO )HVWLYDO 9LFNVEXUJ )DUPHU·V 0DUNHW /RW 10 am – 5 pm (601)634-4527 October 1 7th $QQXDO %ULFNV DQG 6SRNHV 'RZQWRZQ 9LFNVEXUJ 8 am (601)634-4527 October 1 33rd $QQXDO 2OG &RXUW +RXVH )OHD 0DUNHW 1008 Cherry St. 8 am – 5 pm George Bolm / (601)636-0741
Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER October 6 1DWLRQDO 3DUN 6HUYLFH &HQWHQQLDO &HOHEUDWLRQ 866 &DLUR 0XVHXP Reception: 5:30 pm / $100 (601)636-0583 2FWREHU ::,, 866 /67 6KLS 7RXUV &LW\ 5LYHUIURQW 9 am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 pm (812)435-8678
October 8 28th $QQXDO 2YHU WKH 5LYHU 5XQ 2OG 0LVVLVVLSSL 5LYHU %ULGJH 8 am (601)631-2997 / 2FWREHU &ODVVLFV LQ WKH &RXUW\DUG 6&+) &RXUW\DUG Noon (601)631-2997 /
October 14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 15 6RXWKHUQ +HULWDJH $LU 6KRZ 9LFNVEXUJ ² 7DOOXODK 5HJLRQDO $LUSRUW Fridayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;open 4pm / show 5:45pm Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;open 9am / show 12pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3pm $10 per person / $20 per car (601)415-1902 October 15 1DWLRQDO +LVWRULF 3UHVHUYDWLRQ $FWV WK $QQLYHUVDU\ 9LFNVEXUJ 1DWLRQDO 0LOLWDU\ 3DUN
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 63
OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! October 20 +LW WKH %ULFNV 'RZQWRZQ 9LFNVEXUJ 5 – 7:30 pm
October 27 *KRVW 7DOHV $URXQG WKH &DPSÀUH +LVWRULF -HIIHUVRQ &ROOHJH 6 – 10 pm (601)442-2901
:$6+,1*721 :(6621 October 22 9th $QQXDO 06 9DOOH\ %ODFN %OXH &LYLO :DU +LVWRULF -HIIHUVRQ &ROOHJH 10:30 am (601)442-4719 /
November 5 +HDGOLJKWV 7DLOSLSHV &DU 6KRZ 'RZQWRZQ 10 am – 2 pm / $20 .LGV]RQH # :HVVRQ 3OD\JURXQG $UHD (601)643-5000 %H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.
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Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 65
Alma M. Womack
be shaped up and decent to look at again. The incessant rain has caused a goodly many pecan limbs to break since the weight of the leaves and the growing pecans are more than the limbs can bear. Pecan trees are notoriously messy trees, dropping dead limbs at the least little breeze; and they have outdone themselves this rainy year by littering the ground with OLPEV OLPEV DQG OLPEV $W OHDVW we do have a pecan crop this year, probably not a record setter, but FHUWDLQO\ EHWWHU WKDQ ODVW \HDU¡V total bust. The pecan trees really HQMR\HG DOO WKDW $XJXVW UDLQ VR some good came of it. October is the month of our almost annual Class of â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;66 fall party. We have had to miss a year now and then, like last year; but we are on the calendar for our gathering, come October. We had a small class, but a very successful and productive one. Some have retired, some have health issues, but we are all 17 again when we get together. We were friends then and have remained friends all these years. I cannot think of a better group to visit with and to enjoy reminiscing about our youth. Spouses of classmates are part of RXU JURXS WRR DQG VRPHWLPHV LW¡V KDUG WR WHOO WKDW WKH\ ZHUHQ¡W ZLWK XV ZKHQ ZH were the mighty Block Bears. Party night is one that we all look forward to; and when saying goodbye that night, it always ends with â&#x20AC;&#x153;see you next year!â&#x20AC;? October is one month away from a major, major election for the United States RI $PHULFD 7KHUH LV VR PXFK JRRG LQ $PHULFD EXW WKHUH LV QHYHU D JXDUDQWHH WKDW LW ZLOO FRQWLQXH LQGHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ LI SHRSOH GR QRW Ă&#x20AC;JKW IRU WKDW FRQWLQXDWLRQ ,W LV my daily prayer that common sense and love of country will overcome the forces that wish to diminish this great country forever.
Bringing in Fall O
ctober is one of my very favorite times of the year. Generally speaking, it is cooler, drier, and more pleasant than any time since May. We had a ORYHO\ ORYHO\ VSULQJ WKLV \HDU FRRO WHPSV ORZ KXPLGLW\ DQG VXIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW UDLQ WR JHW WKH FURSV LQ DQG WKH Ă RZHUV JURZLQJ ,W ZDV VR wonderful that I just planted everything I could get my hands on, not worrying in the OHDVW DERXW -XO\ DQG $XJXVW DQG GUDJJLQJ water hoses. $V LW WXUQHG RXW , KDYH ZDWHUHG YHU\ OLWtle up to this writing because it has rained DQG UDLQHG DQG UDLQHG DOO RI $XJXVW VR much so that it has hampered everything we have to do outside. Thank goodness ZH HVFDSHG WKH Ă RRGV WKDW GHFLPDWHG RXU friends and families in South Louisiana, but we still have suffered from the excess of moisture on our lands. The corn harvest that normally should have taken 10 days was stretched out over a month because every time the combines ZHQW WR WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG LW ZRXOG HLWKHU UDLQ WKHP out or rain that night. It was the most
frustrating corn harvest that I have ever ZLWQHVVHG EXW , KDYH WR JLYH LW WR (ULN Wiley who was the leader of the harvest crew. If the night was dry enough, he was on the combine. He harvested between VKRZHUV DQG GHOXJHV DQG Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ JRW LW DOO LQ +H GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ ZLQV WKH 3HUVHYHUDQFH $ZDUG IRU WKLV \HDU $QG ZKLOH KH ZDV harvesting the corn, his dad, Kim, had a crew harvesting milo under the same conditions. Now, they are waiting on the soybeans and cotton to get ready; and the race to beat the weather will begin anew. :KLOH WKH FURSV ZHUH VWXFN LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;HOG , was stuck in the house, watching the grass grow to pasture heights. Grass can really grow a lot in three weeks, and mine looks like it was fertilized before the rains began. My plan is to set the mower on 4 or 4.5 inches, then come back at the proper height of 3 inches to get it all back in shape. This will take days because the grass is too wet LQ WKH PRUQLQJ DQG LW¡V WRR KRW XQWLO ODWH LQ the day. The lane and the orchard are dreadfully wet, too; but sooner or later, they will
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Columnist Alma Womack lives on Smithland Plantation on Black River, south of Jonesville, Louisiana. In addition to her duties as maitresse des maison, she is the keeper of the lawn, the lane and the pecan orchard at Smithland.
Bluffs & Bayous { October 2016 { Page 67
Natchez Little Theatreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Trip to Bountiful
MS Archaeology Expo
High School Team Tennis
877.440.2233 |
601.446.6502 | grand-village-of-natchez-indians/
2&72%(5 ²
Fall Pilgrimage
Second Saturday
800.647.6742 |
800.647.6724 |
9th Annual MS Valley Black & Blue Civil War Living History Program
Natchez Photography Tour
601.442.4719 |
601.660.7300 |
318.757.2453 |
2&72%(5 '(&(0%(5
College Conference
MS Association of Governmental Property & Purchasing Agents
601.442.5880 |
601.442.5880 |
2&72%(5 Cotton Pickinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and Ginninâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at Frogmore
â&#x20AC;&#x153;They Equip Themselves like Warriorsâ&#x20AC;?: The Natchez Fort Site at Battleground Plantation
601.446.6502 | grand-village-of-natchez-indians/
MS Municipal League-Small Town Conference
601.442.5880 |
601.442.2901 | historic-jefferson-college/
Natchez Walking Tour
Student Days
601.660.7300 |
MS Hogs -Thunder on the Trace Ride & Rally
601.446.6502 | grand-village-of-natchez-indians/
MS Realtors Association
601.442.5880 |
601.442.5880 |
AKS Gem Show
Broadway Chili Cook-Off
601.442.5880 |
601.446.6345 |
Natchez Legends & Lore
800.647.6724 |
Great Mississippi River Balloon Race
800.445.2510 |
Gun Show
601.442.5880 |
MS Early Childhood Association
601.442.5880 | 2&72%(5 Stories of Africa: Contributions from the Continent to Natchez
601.446.6345 |
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Longwood Halloween Carnival
601.446.6631 | 2&72%(5 Music at the Mounds
601.446.6502 | grand-village-of-natchez-indians/