October 2019

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mong my favorite October quotations is one from L. M. Montgomery, author of Ann of Green Gables, who said, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.â€? The tenth month of the year is toward the tip-top on the list of my favorites. I have always embraced the autumn of the year when leaves turn, cool breezes caress, fall-festival celebrations pack the calendar, and football is in full swing. And, of course, concluding the month is fun-loving, freaky, and frolicking Halloween— Forever Halloween! Rainbow Rowell, writer and publisher of many books on adults, WHHQV DQG FKLOGUHQ SHUVRQLĂ€HV DQG FDSVXOHV WKH VSLULW RI DXWXPQ and October all rolled into her one entreaty: “October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars in my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins. O autumn! O teakettle! O grace!â€?

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Our October Bluffs & Bayous UHĂ HFWV WKLV VSLULW DQG YLWDOLW\ throughout its pages. Two of our features introduce you to homes with the ambiance of autumn’s grace and the soul of October’s fervor. One is an early nineteenth-century cottage transformation passed on to the next family generation and updated for today’s living; the other is a gracious and timeless residence, built twenty years ago by A. Hays Town and now available for the next generation to cherish and enjoy. In our third feature, Jennifer Whittier relates her travels into Ohio this past summer with her husband, Greg, and their encounter with the quaint town of Put-in-Bay, Ohio. Of course, to honor October’s signature holiday, “G’s Fareâ€? is all about pumpkin—hearty, sweet, and tasty pumpkin for the palate. Our Premier Events and Up and Coming calendar are packed full of occasions to savor throughout the month of October, some of the highlights including the Ole Brook Fest, Natchez and Vicksburg Fall Pilgrimages, Southern Garden Symposium, Natchez Balloon Festival, Homochitto River Festival, and “The Weekendâ€? in Natchez ‌‌.aahh ‌.so many opportunities to embrace October life along and beyond the Mississippi!

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Rosalie Mansion • Natchez

Bishop Gunn The Allman Betts Band Cowboy Mouth • John “Papa” Gros Mr. Sipp • The B3 • Maggie Brown Chris Gill & The Sole Shakers • Matt Willis and Co. tickets & info: natchezballoonfestival.com

Produced by Page 6 { October 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous



The Cottage on Winchester pages 34 - 38 Island Life on Lake Erie’s Put-in-Bay, Ohio pages 39 - 41 A Classic Lifestyle in the Country pages 42 - 45 Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 7

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F AV O R I T E S G’s Fare All Kinds of Pumpkin Goodies ....................................................................... 14-17

Legal Notes The National Scourge ..........................................................................................20

Southern Sampler Rocco’s Arrival at the Rainbow Bridge ................................................................58

The Social Scene

All Kinds of Pumpkin Goodies pages 14 - 17

3rd Annual Bingo and Bubbly Fundraiser ...........................................................11 Walthall County 2019 Miss Hospitality Trunk Show....................................... 12-13 Senator Sally Doty “Takes a Night Off Before the Election” Party .....................18 Miss Hospitality Contestants ...............................................................................21 Celebration of Jim Giust’s 90th Birthday ....................................................... 22-23 Southwest Mississippi MUW Coffee .....................................................................24 An Afternoon Gathering ......................................................................................25 The Sampler Antique Club ............................................................................. 28-30 Brandon Thibodeaux Photo Exhibit “In That Land of Perfect Day” ..................32

Up & Coming Premier Events............................................................................................... 46-47

Rocco’s Arrival at the Rainbow Bridge page 58

Louisiana Up & Coming ................................................................................. 48-50 Mississippi Up & Coming ................................................................................ 52-56

ON THE COVER Featured on the cover are the Washingtons, Abagail and Phillip, relaxing on the steps of their beloved new-and-old cottage on Winchester Road in Natchez, Mississippi. See story on pages34 - 38. Photography by T.G. McCary

Premier Events pages 46 - 47 Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 9

PUBLISHER Cheryl Foggo Rinehart COPY EDITOR Jean Nosser Biglane GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

S TA F F P H O T O G R A P H E R S Tim McCary

Bill Perkins

Cheryl Rinehart

Lisa Adams Whittington

SALES STAFF Cheryl Rinehart

Donna Sessions


Becky Junkin

Jennifer J. Whittier

Jan Ratcliff

Alma Womack

Cheryl Rinehart

Jean Biglane

Donna Sessions

Anita Schilling

Tim McCary

Bill Perkins

Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin III

Becky Junkin

Jennifer J. Whittier

Lisa Adams Whittington

Alma Womack

Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DQ\ DGYHUWLVHment. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.

OFFICE 225 John R. Junkin Drive | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 bluffsmag@gmail.com | bbupandcoming@gmail.com www.bluffsbayous.com

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3rd Annual Bingo and Bubbly Fundraiser he Southwest Mississippi Children’s Advocacy Center put on its 3rd Annual Bingo and Bubbly Event at the Fernwood Country Club on Saturday August, 10, 2019. There were 144 ladies that attended the event along with the CAC staff and numerous volunteers who planned and executed the successful fundraiser. Ladies enjoyed brunch, Bingo, silent and live auctions, and a number of door prizes throughout the event. The SWMS CAC opened its doors in 1999. Each year, due to the growing support in the community for the center, it has been able to reach out to more hurting children. Our professionals have extensive on-going training and provide quality forensic interview services, mental health services, medical service referrals, and family and victim advocate services. The center utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach to collaborate with Child Protective Services, law enforcement, and the District Attorney’s office to better service children who are victims of abuse. The mission of the CAC is to streamline and expedite the investigative process, provide therapy to reduce further trauma, and promote healing. In 2018, more than 564 children received completed evaluations, victim advocacy, and therapy at the center. The SWMS CAC would like to give a big thanks to all of our Bingo and Bubbly sponsors: First Bank, Market Max, PASCO Holdings, Bank of Brookhaven, Keith White Ford, Lott Furniture, Pike National Bank, Coca Cola, Graphics Etc., Harman Jones, Hurst Review Services, Keith and Karen Sanders, KDMC, McComb Children’s Clinic, McComb Diesel, St. Luke Home Health and Hospice, State Bank, Southwest Distributors, and Toyota of Brookhaven. Thank you also to all that donated, volunteered, or attended the event. Already, planning is underway for next year’s fundraiser to ensure the 4th Annual Bingo and Bubbly will be an even greater success than this year’s event. If you are interested in being a sponsor, volunteering, or donating, please contact SWMS Children’s Advocacy Center at 601-684-4009.




3 1 Amy Halstead, Mary Hudson, Brandy Kohn, Brandy Harrington, Alicia Linton, Amber Martin, Brooklyn Schmidt, Erin Culpepper, Donna Lukacs, Kim Walley, Cycily Jefferson, Lakeisha Roberts, and Tabitha Henderson 2 Nancy Lazenby, Judy Foster, Kay Smith, Ganeath Daniel, Carolyn Richmond, and Barbara Mercier 3 Mike Dunaway, Rick Pennick, Mike Artiques, Nic Ricceri, David Culpepper, Dee Bates, Chris Bell, and Sam Sanders

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Walthall County 2019 Miss Hospitality Trunk Show


he Walthall County Chamber of Commerce Miss Hospitality Committee hosted a trunk show for Walthall County 2019 Miss Hospitality, Mally Tagert, prior to her arrival at the state Miss Hospitality Pageant. At this show, she modeled the attire she would be wearing during the week of competition. 2019 Little Miss Hospitality for Walthall County, Kendyl Craft, also modeled her wardrobe for the week. The Mississippi Miss Hospitality Pageant was recently held in Hattiesburg at the historic Saenger Theatre. The trunk show was held at the Walthall County Library in Tylertown, Mississippi.


1 Linzee Harrington, Lauren Bivens, Carla Stringer, Katie Craft, Susan Bracey, Jennie Luter, Melissa Stringer, Gerri Mathis, and Melrose Baroni 2 Marsha and Macey Branch 3 Ina Claire Parker and Terri Parker 4 Tony and Vendora Harvey 5 Walthall County 2007 Miss Hospitality Jennie Johnson Luter and Melissa Stringer 6 Sheila Tagert and Lisa Popwell 7 Gerri Mathis and Melrose Baroni 8 Mally Tagert and Angie Boyd 9 Mally Tagert and Sheila Tagert 10 Peyton and Anna Lawrence 11 Katie Craft, Co-director of Walthall Miss Hospitality; Susan Bracey; and Carla Stringer 12 Mally Tagert and Kendyl Craft 13 Katie Craft and Kendyl Craft 14 Mally Tagert and Kendyl Craft 15 Mally Tagert modeling her check-in dress 16 Kendyl Craft 17 Mally Tagert, modeling her Breakfast at Tiffany’s theme-party outfit 18 Bentley Martin, Julie Boyd, Courtney McNeil, and Amanda McKenzie














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THE social SCENE


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19 Peyton Lawrence, Mally Tagert, and Addison Rivers 20 Joann Newcomb, Mally Tagert, and Sheila Tagert 21 Millie, Misty, and Hope Thomas 22 Walthall County 2007 Miss Hospitality Jennie Johnson Luter, Linzee Harrington, Lauren Bivens, and Ann Hobgood 23 Kenadie Harrington, Walthall County 2018 Miss Hospitality Brittney Bergeron, and Kiptyn Blackwell 24 Mally Tagert in her openingnumber outfit 25 Mally Tagert in her communitycommercial competition attire 26 Morgan Knight, Joann Newcomb, Lisa Popwell, Brittany Popwell, and Remi Popwell (front) 27 Mallory Watts, Rhonda Knight, Marissa Knight, Morgan Knight, and Hadley Watts (front) 28 Sadie and Amanda Tagert, Mally Tagert, and Landon and Leland Tagert



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Becky Junkin

All Kinds of Pumpkin Goodies


, it smells like pumpkins!” was Weezie’s way of expressing that the cooking we were doing smelled like fall. We indoctrinate our children early in this family to love everything pumpkin. Much to the horror of our husbands, the girls and I begin to pull out the pumpkins on Labor Day; and they stay around and about our homes until it is time to decorate for Christmas. When our twins lived in Pennsylvania, they really celebrated fall up there; and we all became addicted to pumpkin IHYHU :H KDYH UHDO DQG DUWLÀFLDO SXPSNLQV DV ZHOO DV SXPSNLQ plates, pillows, towels—in fact, if you name it, we have it. When it comes to pumpkin spice anything, we buy it and love to cook all kinds of pumpkin goodies. It doesn’t seem to matter if our famLO\ PHPEHUV DUH QRW TXLWH DV HQWKUDOOHG ZLWK WKH ÁDYRU DV ZH DUH we still cook with pumpkin at every opportunity. Even though we have gone pumpkin crazy, we still try to keep our pumpkin dishes healthy. Unfortunately, not all the recipes are totally healthy; but I can guarantee that they are totally good. I hope you all enjoy pumpkin season as much as we do and enjoy cooking together the following recipes. Bon Appetite!

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This is my very favorite and is Whole 30 and Paleo. I use the meat substitute crumbles and no one can tell the difference. *I change the recipe by including zucchini, yellow squash, jalapeno, and cubed pumpkin (found in frozen foods) roasted in the oven on 400 degrees.

NO-BEAN PUMPKIN CHILI From Pintrest: sweetannas.com 3 pounds lean ground beef 1 large bell pepper Chipotle chili powder to taste 3 large garlic cloves, minced 2 jalapeños, seeded and diced 2 large onions 2 cups pumpkin puree 2 28-ounce cans crushed tomatoes 2 tablespoons 21 Seasoning Salute 1/3 cup chili powder 2 teaspoons smoked paprika 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon turmeric 2 tablespoons olive or coconut oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin, 0U H ZTHSS IV^S Z[PY [VNL[OLY [OL ÄYZ[ PUNYLdients. (21 Seasoning Salute is from Trader Joe’s and Costco; it has an almost identical blend called Organic No-Salt.) In a large 4-to-6-quart pot or Dutch oven, heated over medium-high heat, brown the ground beef in two batches. Season each half with a generous spoonful of the spice blend. 9LTV]L [OL ÄYZ[ IH[JO [V H WSH[L ^OPSL `V\ HYL IYV^UPUN [OL ZLJVUK IH[JO VM TLH[ HUK [OLU ZJVVW [OL ZLJVUK IH[JO VM TLH[ VU[V [OL WSH[L HSZV +VU»[ ^VYY` HIV\[ JVVRPUN [OL meat through at this point; just get a good browned sear on it. 0M [OL TLH[ PZ ]LY` SLHU HKK [HISLZWVVUZ VM VPS [V [OL WV[ 0M [OL TLH[ PZ UV[ HZ SLHU KYHPU VɈ HSS I\[ HIV\[ [^V [HISLZWVVUZ VM [OL NYLHZL HUK KVU»[ \ZL HU` HKKP[PVUHS VPS Stir about 3/4 of the chopped onions, bell pepper, and jalapeños into the hot oil in a pot. Season with a generous spoonful of the seasoning, along with some salt and pepper, and JVVR Z[PYYPUN VJJHZPVUHSS` \U[PS ZVM[ HUK Z[HY[PUN [V IYV^U :[PY PU [OL NHYSPJ HUK SL[ JVVR MVY HIV\[ ZLJVUKZ \U[PS ]LY` MYHNYHU[ ILMVYL HKKPUN IHJR PU [OL TLH[ HSVUN ^P[O HU` Q\PJLZ that have accumulated on the plate), the crushed tomatoes, and the pumpkin. :[PY ^LSS ZJYHWPUN [OL IV[[VT VM [OL WHU ^P[O H ^VVKLU ZWVVU [V THRL Z\YL `V\ NL[ \W HU` NVVK IP[Z VU [OL IV[[VT HUK HKK PU [OL YLZ[ VM [OL ZLHZVUPUN TP_[\YL :[PY ^LSS to combine; bring to a boil; and then, reduce the heat to low and simmer for as long as `V\ JHU ;HZ[L MVY ZLHZVUPUN HUK HKK TVYL ZHS[ HUK WLWWLY HZ ULLKLK -VY H ZWPJ` [HZ[L HKK JOPWV[SL JOPSP WV^KLY VY JY\ZOLK YLK WLWWLY Ã…HRLZ Stir in the remaining chopped onions just before serving or sprinkle them onto the top of each bowl for a nice fresh bite. *G’s Additions to Main Recipe 1 squash, cut in chunks 1 zucchini, cut in chunks 1 purple onion, cut in chunks 1 jalapeño, cut in half and de-seeded 1 bag of frozen pumpkin 9VHZ[ PU V]LU H[ KLNYLLZ" HKK [V^HYKZ [OL LUK VM JVVR [PTL 0M `V\ HKK [VV LHYS` [OL` JVVR KV^U JVTWSL[LS`

Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 15

These cinnamon rolls are quite easy and a real treat for children. I add chopped walnuts to mine.

EASY CRESCENT ROLL PUMPKIN CINNAMON ROLLS From Pintrest: cakescottage.com JHU 7PSSZI\Y` *YLZJLU[ 9VSSZ 1/2 cup pumpkin puree 4 tablespoons light brown sugar 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice Cream Cheese Frosting 3 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened [LHZWVVU ]HUPSSH L_[YHJ[ 1 tablespoon milk (more if you like a thin frosting) 7YLOLH[ V]LU [V KLNYLLZ .YLHZL H _ WHU ^P[O JVVRPUN ZWYH` <UYVSS JYLZJLU[ YVSS KV\NO PU[V VUL SHYNL YLJ[HUNSL HUK MPYTS` WYLZZ WLYMVYH[PVUZ to seal. :WYLHK W\TWRPU W\YLL L]LUS` V]LY [OL KV\NO ,]LUS` ZWYPURSL IYV^U Z\NHY HUK W\TWRPU WPL ZWPJL over the pumpkin puree. Starting on the short side of the rectangle, roll the dough up into a log. Cut the roll PU[V HIV\[ VM WPLJLZ HUK WSHJL PU NYLHZLK WHU )HRL MVY [V TPU\[LZ \U[PS YVSSZ [\YU SPNO[S` golden at the edges. Cool in pan for 10 minutes. 4LHU^OPSL PU H TLKP\T IV^S TP_ [VNL[OLY JYLHT cheese and powdered sugar until smooth. Whisk in the butter, vanilla, and milk. If the frosting is still too thick, add a little more milk and whisk until smooth.

This pumpkin Bundt cake is delicious. I add the walnuts and leave out the raisins, and it is still very good.

EASY PUMPKIN BUNDT CAKE From Pintrest: cdkitchen.com IV_ Va `LSSV^ JHRL TP_ JHU V\UJLZ W\TWRPU WPL ÄSSPUN 3 eggs 2 tablespoons cinnamon ½ cup raisins ½ cup chopped walnuts Confectioners Glaze 1 tablespoon milk or cream 1 cup shifted confectioners sugar ñ [LHZWVVU ]HUPSSH L_[YHJ[ 4P_ HSS PUNYLKPLU[Z L_JLW[ YHPZPUZ HUK ^HSU\[Z \U[PS ZTVV[O :[PY PU YHPZPUZ HUK ^HSU\[Z 7V\Y PU[V H NYLHZLK )\UK[ VY [\IL WHU )HRL H[ KLNYLLZ MVY [V TPU\[LZ VY \U[PS cake tester comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes and then turn out onto a serving dish. (You JHU VTP[ YHPZPUZ JPUUHTVU HUK VY U\[Z MVY H KPɈLYLU[ [HZ[L ) To make the glaze, combine all ingredients, stir to blend well, and drizzle over cake.

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This pumpkin French toast is delicious and ZHOO ZRUWK WKH FDORULHV , DVNHG P\ RIÀFLDO WDVWH testers to try it; and when I came back, it was all gone. Their excuse was that it was just too good. I used real maple syrup, which I think makes a real difference. This would be perfect for Halloween or the Thanksgiving holidays. The pumpkin butter is perfect on homemade biscuits as well as cinnamon rolls.

PUMPKIN FRENCH TOAST WITH WHIPPED PUMPKIN BUTTER From Pintrest: Simple Recipes for Real Life Toast 4 eggs 2/3 cups milk (whole, low-fat, or skim) 1/2 cup pumpkin puree [LHZWVVUZ ]HUPSSH L_[YHJ[ 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice ZSPJLZ ;L_HZ [VHZ[ -YLUJO IYLHK JOHSSHO¯ or croissant halves 1 tablespoon brown sugar (for added sweetness) Toasted nuts (optional) Set a large non-stick skillet over medium heat, add a small amount of butter, and melt. In a rectangular baking dish, whisk together the eggs, milk, pumpkin puree, vanilla, cinnamon, HUK W\TWRPU WPL ZWPJL 0M `V\ SPRL `V\Y -YLUJO toast on the sweeter side, add the brown sugar [V [OL TP_[\YL +PW [OL IYLHK PU[V [OL TP_[\YL Ã…PW ZPKLZ HUK then place on the hot skillet. Cook until each side is golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Repeat with remaining ingredients. Serve hot with whipped pumpkin butter, maple Z`Y\W HUK [VHZ[LK U\[Z VW[PVUHS Whipped Pumpkin Butter ½ cup (1 stick), salted or unsalted butter, room temperature 1/3 cup pumpkin puree [HISLZWVVUZ THWSL Z`Y\W VY OVUL` [LHZWVVU ]HUPSSH L_[YHJ[ 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice 0U H ZTHSS TP_PUN IV^S HKK [OL ZVM[LULK I\[[LY HUK ILH[ ^P[O H OHUK TP_LY MVY TPU\[LZ VY \U[PS SPNO[ HUK Ã…\Ɉ` (KK [OL W\TWRPU W\YLL THWSL Z`Y\W VY OVUL` ]HUPSSH JPUUHmon, and pumpkin pie spice. Beat for an addi[PVUHS TPU\[L VY \U[PS Ã…\Ɉ` :[VYL PU HU HPY [PNO[ JVU[HPULY PU [OL YLMYPNLYH[VY MVY \W [V KH`Z

SPICY PUMPKIN ROLL Makes 2 rolls Rolls 6 eggs (separated) 1/2 cup sugar J\W Ã…V\Y 1 cup pumpkin 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon ginger ½ teaspoon nutmeg Salt QLSS` YVSS WHUZ /LH[ V]LU [V KLNYLLZ )LH[ LNN ^OP[LZ" ZL[ HZPKL 4P_ V[OLY PUNYLKPLU[Z HUK [OLU MVSK [OL LNN ^OP[LZ PU[V [OL IH[[LY :WYLHK [OL IH[[LY L]LUS` IL[^LLU [^V QLSS` YVSS WHUZ )HRL H[ KLNYLLZ MVY TPU\[LZ 3L[ JVVS @V\ JHU JHYLM\SS` YVSS [OL ^HYT JHRL \W SPRL H QLSS` YVSS \ZPUN H [V^LS HUK [OLU \UYVSS [V ZWYLHK [OL PJPUN :WYLHK [OL PJPUN VUS` VU [OL [VW VM [OL JHRLZ HUK YVSS \W QLSS` YVSS Z[`SL Icing 4 cups confectioners sugar 2 8-ounce cream cheeses, softened to room temperature 1 cup chopped nuts 7YLWHYL PJPUN I` TP_PUN HSS PUNYLKPLU[Z 7V\Y PJPUN V]LY LHJO JHRL HUK ZWYPURSL each with powdered sugar. Becky Junkin, mother of four and grandmother of eight, is a lifelong Natchez resident, a retired elementary teachHU RI WZHQW\ IRXU \HDUV DQG FHUWLÀHG 3LODWHV LQVWUXFWRU

Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 17


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Senator Sally Doty “Takes a Night Off Before the Election� Party n Sunday, August 4, 2019, at her home in Brookhaven, Mississippi, Senator Sally Doty with a number of friends enjoyed a night off from the political scene. Early the next morning, she and her supporters resumed their avid campaigning with the election that followed on Tuesday, August 6. Photography by Bill Perkins





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Linda Smith and Nell Ryan Rhonda Rayborn and Billy Crozier Billy and Tracy Crozier Bill Perkins, Kevin and Robin Laird, and Mitch Rayborn Phyllis Spearman, Racine Reardon, and Kay Calcote Virginia Case, Tracy Crozier, Pat Nelson, and Senator Sally Doty Virginia Case, Sherry Mathis, and Tracy Crozier Barbara Shed, Lynn Mote, Betty Ann Perkins, Tanza Brown, and Teresa Beeson Sarah Underwood, Melinda Said, and Sherry Mathis Jennifer Whittier and Lynn Johnson








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Lucien C. Gwin III

The National Scourge


n small town USA, small-town lawyers see just about everything. I know that personally from having practiced law for nearly forty years. However, there is one thing that I have seen D ORW RI LQ WKH SDVW ÀYH RU VR \HDUV WKDW LV TXLWH GLVWXUELQJ The scenario plays out like this: Grandparents, anywhere from ages 50 to75, will walk in and say that their adult children, who have small children, are hooked on drugs (mostly meth) and have simply walked away from their responsibilities as parents and have abandoned their children. I average a minimum of one of these cases that walk in my door HYHU\ ZHHN DQG VRPHWLPHV OLNH ODVW PRQWK , KDYH WKUHH WR ÀYH cases a week. This situation is shocking to me and should be to you as well. I have a child psychologist friend with whom I have talked about this, and she advised me that parents hooked on meth have no problem leaving their children. The meth becomes more important than anything including their children’s lives and their own livelihood. To be clear, the problem is not just meth but other drugs as well that have been around this country and our communities for a long time. Under the scenario that I just painted, a grandparent most urgently wants answers to this question: What do I have to do in orGHU WR SURWHFW P\ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ" 7KH ÀUVW RUGHU RI EXVLQHVV LV WR make certain the children have not been abused. In abandonment cases that I referenced, the Youth Court of Adams County under Judge Walt Brown can become involved, a circumstance which will then invoke Child Protection Services (CPS) that will come into the picture. CPS will evaluate the children and also the grandparent to assess LI VKH RU KH LV DEOH FDSDEOH DQG ÀW WR WDNH FKDUJH RI WKH FKLOG RU children. There is a preference to giving family members temporary guardianship and/or custody in these situations. A guardianship is absolutely necessary before a child can be enrolled in school by Page 20 { October 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

anyone other than his or her parent and necessary for the child to receive medical treatment unless the matter is an emergency situation. Alternately, in some cases, parents have not abandoned their children but are just so strung out on drugs that they are incapable of taking care of their children. If it is not an abandonment situation, the most likely recourse a family member has is to go to Chancery Court and ask that a grandparent or other family member be appointed guardian of the children under the supervision and jurisdiction of the Chancery Court. Most of the time, CPS is not involved in these cases; and the Chancery Court grants temporary guardianship/custody of a child to a grandparent/family member with the hopes that the parent will eventually straighten out and be able to re-assume the parental role. A Chancery Court may order drug testing for the parent. In cases where CPS is involved, the parent is often required to undergo drug testing and to accept a plan created by Child Protection Services whereby the parent has to meet for counseling on a regular basis, show and demonstrate that he or she will give up drugs, and attempt to come back into the child’s life and be the responsible parent needed. Unfortunately, many times parents are so strung out that they eventually walk away from their children and families permanently. It is incredibly sad. In the Chancery Court situation, when the parent is still somewhat in the life of the child, the Chancery Court likewise will give parents opportunities to redeem themselves, to come clean of drug use and hopefully reunite with their children. Often in these situations, animosity develops between the guardian grandparents and the parents concerning the children; for the parents think they are still able to manage their children even while on drugs, when actually the parents are incompetent. This scenario that I have described is affecting all aspects of our society. It is not a matter of being rich, poor, black, white, male, or female. It is happening all around and in my opinion has reached crisis stage. My Take: One may wonder: What are suggestions for dealing with WKHVH SUREOHPV" )UDQNO\ , KDYH VHHQ VXFK KRUULĂ€F VLWXDWLRQV ZKHUH children are abused because of the neglect of a drugged-out parent that I believe mandatory sterilization should be seriously considered by state legislatures. I know there are those who say, “You can’t do that—that is barbaric!â€? However, let me assure you there is nothing more barbaric than seeing a child totally and completely abused, neglected, and abandoned by his or her own parent. Lucien C. “Samâ€? Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.


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Miss Hospitality Contestants retty Girls with Brains, founded by Ashley Murray, is a nonprofit organization established to promote self-awareness, healthy lifestyle, academic support, and cultural awareness among young girls of diverse backgrounds. Murray became the pageant sponsor for the recently resurrected Miss Hospitality Natchez as well as Miss Hospitality Jefferson County. The Miss Hospitality Mississippi contest was held in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on July 26 and 27. Kaitlyn Danielle Green, 2019 Valedictorian for Natchez High School, was selected Miss Hospitality Natchez; and Ty’Teanna Shandrell Cameron, a sophomore at the University of Southern Mississippi, was chosen Miss Hospitality Jefferson County. Paris Reneé Sims served as Little Miss Hospitality Natchez, and Skylar King served as Little Miss Hospitality Jefferson County. They will serve as Goodwill Ambassadors for their communities.


Pictured above are Skylar King, Ty’Teanna Shandrell Cameron, Paris Reneé Sims, and Kaitlyn Danielle Green.

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Celebration of John Giust’s 90th Birthday




amily from around the country came to Brookhaven, Mississippi, to honor John Giust in celebrating his milestone 90th Birthday. The event was held at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Dr. Mark Giust and Anna Giust, on Saturday August 3, 2019. Photography by Bill Perkins







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Denise Lance and Debbie Vance Amy and Mona Giust John Giust and Connie Carlson Jullian and Rebecca Zeltser Mona Giust and Jason Flohr Sandra Musgrove and Shelly Simpson Lily Langtree with Lon and Sandra Musgrove Anna Giust and Connie Carlson Andrea Vorhees and Lisa Flohr Anna Newlan, Jack Giust, and Michael Giust Kathi Groves, Connie Carlson, and Mona Giust Louis Giust, Mona and John Giust, Don Michielutti, and Shelly Simpson Mark Fogel and Justin Rockwell Jen Vorhees Dr. Mark Giust Caleb Rushton Lisa Flohr






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18 Michael Giust, Terry and Debbie Vance, Ron and Denise Lance, Lynn and Tom Edwards, Kathi Groves, Brian Michielutti, Connie Carlson, Lon Musgrove, Anna and Mark Giust, Andrea and Michael Zeltser, Lisa and Michael Flohr, Matt Giust, Sandra Musgrove, and Shelly and Paul Simpson 19 Paul and Shelly Simpson with Mclean Lutz 20 Dr. Mark Giust, Denna and Louis Giust, Mona and John Giust, Anna Giust, and Don Simpson




Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 23


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Southwest Mississippi MUW Coffee ississippi University for Women Southwest Alumni members gathered for coffee on July 30, 2019, in McComb, Mississippi. MUW President Nora Miller presented an update regarding new buildings, enrollment, and programs on the campus.





4 1 Front—Cheryl Rinehart, Lou Robinson, Rebecca Izard, Rena Temple, Rebecca Fortenberry, and Cecelia Clark / Back— Tina Brumfield, Laura Woodard, Mack Spencer, Susan Hedges, Nora Miller, Jane Turner, Sue Freeman, Denise Geter, Emily Pollard, Teresa Price, and Ellen Brannan 2 Jane Turner and Rebecca Izard 3 Laura Woodard, Cheryl Rinehart, and Susan Hedges 4 Kristen Pollard, Emily Pollard, and Denise Geter

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Visit www.bluffsbayous.com for all social scenes.

An Afternoon Gathering arly in the afternoon on July 24, 2019, friends gathered at the home of Karen and Eddie Foley in Natchez, Mississippi, to visit with Sr. Mary Beth Kubera, a beloved former teacher and administrator at Cathedral High School in Natchez. Currently, Sr. Mary Beth is Councillor at Daughters of Charity Provincial House for the multistate Province of St. Louise based in St. Louis, Missouri.






1 Pat Junkin, Sister Mary Beth Kubera, Mary Lees Wilson, and Susan Davis 2 Cheryl Rinehart, Sister Mary Beth Kubera, Jean Biglane, and Teresa Burns 3 Weesie Mallory, Betty Lou Hicks, Sister Mary Beth Kubera, and Delphine Prestridge 4 Dale Steckler, Sister Mary Beth Kubera, Karen Callaway, and Karen Foley 5 Teresa Burns, Amanda Jeansonne, Sister Mary Beth Kubera, Astrid Daly, and Pokey O’Beirne

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On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Page 26 { October 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 27


Visit www.bluffsbayous.com for all social scenes.

The Sampler Antique Club rom September 2018 through May 2019, members of the Sampler Antique Club met at various locations and homes throughout Vicksburg, Mississippi, to promote knowledge, interest, and appreciation of antiques and related subjects.


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Anita Collins and Suzanne Braddock Ann Morris and Dot Fenwick Anne Cole and Nancy Bonner Carol Buelow and Martha Ann Diaz Carol Duncan and Lenore Barkley Carolyn Hall and Emily Averett Cherry Robbins and Sally Green Connie Hinman and Hazel Milner Coralee Decell and Kathryn Loyacono Harley Caldwell and Lori Fagan Jane Flowers and Leslie Marcus Jane Thames and Melanie Bowman Laura Fleming and Hazel Milner Janice Waring and Betty Kamman Joy Brabston and Barbara Bagley Joy Mihalyka and Leslie Marcus A. J. Dortch, Becky Jabour, Dot Fenwick, Lynn Gerhardt, Lori Fagan, and Veronica Coffing Launo Moore, Peggi May, Sandra Shingler, Margaret Stallings, Betzebe Clarke, Beverly DiPaolo, and Jane Flowers














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THE social SCENE


Visit www.bluffsbayous.com for all social scenes.









19 Alicia Sharp, Ann Sherlock, and Dot Fenwick 20 Ann Sherlock, Ann Haden, and Diane Kemp 21 Cindy Windham and Nancy Watkins 22 Jane Thames, Ann Vessell, and Marian Ingram 23 Joan Bailey, Sharon Lutz, and JoGlyn Hunt 24 Liz Jerrett, Kathryn Loyacono, and Carol Duncan 25 Lynn Gerhardt, Wanda Warren, and Becky Jabour 26 Pat Pierce, Faye Wilkinson, and Marlene McLaurin 27 Lee Waring, Marlene McLaurin, Deanna Miller, Betty Jackson, Emily Averett, and Debbie Cofrancesco 28 Margaret Hicks, Linda Hall, Patsy Humble, Nancy Bonner, Norma Habeeb, and Joan Campbell 29 Martha Ann Diaz, Coralee Decell, Joey Halinski, Susan Hampton, Suzanne Sessums, and Ann Sherlock 30 Maurice Tadlock, Sally Green, Liz Jerrett, Kathryn Loyacono, and Cherry Robbins





Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 29


Visit www.bluffsbayous.com for all social scenes.

31 Shirley Gussio, Cindy Windham, and Jeanie McDonald 32 Susan Hampton, Susan Price, and Martha Ann Diaz 33 Nancy Ballard, Josephine Peterson, Ann Gerache, Leslie Marcus, and Denise Mounger 34 Peggi May and Debbie Cofrancesco 35 Pam Mayfield, Suzanne Sessums, Becky Jabour, and Carole Campbell 36 Peggy Gouras and Lori Fagan 37 Naomi Cook and Anne Cole 38 Marian Ingram and Peggy Warner 39 Suzanne Braddock and Judy McMillin 40 Peggy Gouras and Schuyler Oaks 41 Pat Pierce, Jane Thames, Carole Campbell, Carol Buelow, and Faye Wilkinson 42 Susan Hampton and Nancy Ballard










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It’s A Sweet Life in Brookhaven:

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Join us for Christmas Open House Saturday, November 9 | 9 AM - 5 PM 30 Local Boutiques and Restaurants For more info call 601.833.1411 or visitbrookhavenms.com

Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 31


Visit www.bluffsbayous.com for all social scenes.

Brandon Thibodeaux Photo Exhibit “In That Land of Perfect Day” reception was hosted by BRAG at the Regional Library in Brookhaven, Mississippi, for an exhibit of photography “In That Land of Perfect Day” by Brandon Thibodeaux. An accomplished international photographer based in Houston, Texas, Thibodeaux showcased some of his black-and-white photography of scenes he has captured over years of visiting the Mississippi Delta. He is a contributor to such publications as The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. He is one of the very few professional photographers shooting and developing black-and-white film rather than digital. Photography by Bill Perkins










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12 Brandon Thibodeaux Kathleen Piper and Janet Smith Brittany and Brandon Thibodeaux Bettie Bullard and Cheri Langston Marshall Smith, Brandon Thibodeaux, Betty Ann Perkins, and Bill Perkins Nancy Myers and Brandon Thibodeaux Cliff and Angela Furr with Isabel Smith Amelie Smith Sherry Slusher and Brittany Thibodeaux Isabel, Prentiss, and Amelie Smith with Lisa Rainer Brittany Thibodeaux with Glenda and Danny Robinson Marshall Smith, Trinity Smith, and Brandon Thibodeaux

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The Cottage on Winchester Story by Cheryl Rinehart


hen A. D. “Bud” and Barbara McCary retired and moved to Natchez, Mississippi, to be near their family, Tim, Penny, and Abagail McCary, Abagail was two years old. Barbara and Bud, “Ba and Pops,” as they were affectionately called by their granddaughter, purchased a charming, historic, 900-square-foot cottage that Dick Thompson moved from Natchez Under the Hill, restored, and placed just off Homochitto Street in the curve of Winchester Road where it rests today. After Bud and Barbara passed away, the cottage with additions for expanded living space became home to Abagail and her husband, Phillip Washington. The couple’s expansion project for the cottage focused on two goals—to accommodate their lifestyle and a growing family and to create a cohesiveness and harmony of old and

Above—The front entrance welcomes friends and family to come in, relax, and enjoy time together. Right—Currently Abagail and Phillip Washington’s sun room, this area once served as Ba and Pop’s dining room where Abagail, her parents, and her grandparents enjoyed Christmas mornings together.

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Photography by T. G. McCary

new. After countless hours, the project has evolved into one of the couple’s biggest treasures. Builder Ryan Crum with Waterfront Construction and architect Johnny Waycaster with Waycaster and Associates Architects worked with the couple and family to ensure that these goals materialized. The approach to the home welcomes and blends beautifully with the existing landscape that had been carefully created from the ideas and hands-on labor of Ba and Pops. “I always remember them taking

such pride in and care of their landscaping—hand planting monkey grass and caring for the beautiful magnolia trees they planted that are still standing tall today,â€? Abagail recalled. She and Phillip enlisted Bryan Upton with Upton Landscaping to complement her grandparents’ efforts with a scenic outdoors design that blends the dreams of these generations, that harmonizes the old with the new, to create for this home its welcoming ambiance. 7KH SRUFK WR WKH RULJLQDO FRWWDJH LV VWLOO LQWDFW DQG D GHĂ€nite asset for the Washingtons’ indoor-to-outdoor living. “One of our favorite pastimes growing up was porch sitting,â€? Abagail said, “and now Phillip and I can carry on that tradition today. There is nothing better than porch sitting while sharing glasses of iced tea with the ones you love.â€? As the Washingtons begin their own porch-sitting, the memories inherent in the generations of love lived here, the centuries of Natchez history capsuled in the very walls here, and the signature elements of landscaping Ba and Pops left here will enrich every moment of this Southern tradition, its communion with nature, its quiet-time 7RS OHIWÂł3DUW RI WKH RULJLQDO FRWWDJH WKLV URRP LV QRZ 3KLOOLS¡V RIĂ€FH DQG sitting room. Top right—The dining room is a blend of the old and new with cypress-beam ceilings and a welcoming dining table and chairs with plenty of space for entertaining. Right—Owners Barbara and Bud McCary, Abagail’s grandparents, enjoyed many mornings on the front porch of the 900-square-foot cottage.

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UHĂ HFWLRQV DQG LWV LQWLPDWH FRQYHUVDWLRQV as well as its boisterous camaraderie. Abagail remembers many happy moments from her visits to the cottage on Winchester. “It made for a magical adolescence. We spent every Christmas having lunch in what is now our sunroom. I love thinking back on those memories and still getting to enjoy these same beaded board walls. I adore the holiday season and always looked forward to admiring the holiday cheer Ba and Pops spread throughout their cottage with Christmas dĂŠcor. Red bows and wreathes were spotlighted on the IURQW SRUFK DQG 2OG :RUOG 6DQWDV Ă€OOHG the mantle. Phillip and I could not ask for anything more. We have the old historic Natchez where I grew up, along with the modern upgrades of a new build.â€?

Family silver trays adorn the beaded-board wall at the end of the open and expansive kitchen.

6LJQLĂ€FDQW HOHPHQWV RI WKH ROG VWUXFWXUH DUH UHĂ HFWHG LQ WKH QHZ ZRRGHQ EHDPV KDUGZRRG Ă RRUV WKURXJKRXW DQG D WZHOYH foot exposed brick wall are three key elements that play a role in incorporating the integrity of the original cottage with the amenities of the additions. Much of the home’s dĂŠcor comes from IDPLO\ FROOHFWLRQV ´:H Ă€QG WKHUH LV QRWKing more special than having a home Ă€OOHG ZLWK IDPLO\ KHLUORRPV Âľ FRPPHQWHG Abagail. “They preserve all of those special memories. Pottery pieces, works of art, and sculptures hand curated by ourselves and loved ones grace the home throughout.â€? Each piece has a story. The charcoal drawing above the bed in the couple’s master bedroom was a piece

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created by Abagail’s great-great-grandmother. In addition, a ginger jar from Phillip’s grandmother’s collection garners center stage nearby. Creating a stunning display in the kitchen, the couple has hung family silver trays on a kitchen wall to represent the McCary-Washington families. In each room something unique and original, created by Abagail’s parents and other artists, hangs on a wall or commands attention from its select placement on a shelf or mantle. One of the goals of the couple, tastefully blending the old with the new, incorporating sentimental elements and precious items into the character of their old-newhome construction, has been accomplished. In the master bedroom, the bedside tables

Above and inset—In the master bedroom, which includes a sitting room to the left, family vintage trunks act as bedside tables holding Ba’s “must have” lamps purchased many years ago. Left—The sun room offers views of the outdoors and a tranquil way to begin the mornings with coffee and conversation.

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are antique wooden trunks, generations old from both sides of Abagail’s family: one is from Abagail’s mother’s side; the other is from her father’s side. The lamps on the bedside tables have a story from her grandmother Ba as Abagail recalled, “She spotted them on an interior designer’s desk in North Mississippi decades ago and bought them right then and there off of the

Top—the modern master bathroom provides comfort and convenience for today’s lifestyle. Above—The focal point of the main living space LV LWV FR]\ ÀUHSODFH IUDPHG E\ ERRNVKHOYHV WKDW showcase special family art. The French doors and windows extend this room’s warmth to the adjoining deck.

designer’s desk because she loved them so.” Abagail and her mother, Penny, who has an accomplished eye for color and design, worked together with the architect to adjust the plans as needed during the additions process, leaving no detail unattended, no issue unresolved. Both Phillip’s parents and Abagail’s contributed to the project from its planning all the way to move-in day, offering suggestions and furnishings for adjusting and readjusting various elements of the rooms so they offer distinctive yet meaningful décor and a warmth that bespeaks stylish comfort. The dining room drapes, for example, FDPH IURP 7LP DQG 3HQQ\ 0F&DU\·V ÀUVW home when they lived on State Street in Natchez. These striking, crewel-threaded drapes had been stored carefully over the

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years, just waiting for their new home. The pine mantle Penny and Tim had bought for their current Fourth Street home, but never used, also had been in storage and now has found its perfect place with Abagail and Phillip Washington. Recalling all the months of making their old-new home materialize, months that for many in this situation are nothing short of nightmares, Abagail exclaimed, “We had more fun building, designing, and creating our home!” Abagail refers to the Winchester Road home as her and Phillip’s “forever cottage,” a place where memories were made centuries ago, and family memories generations ago . . . a place that will continue to make memories over the many years to come for this young family—the Washingtons on Winchester.

Island Life on Lake Erie’s Put-in-Bay, Ohio by Jennifer Jackson Whittier


he difference between Amish country in Holmes County, Ohio, and Putin-Bay, Ohio, on Lake Erie, is greater than mere miles can measure. The scenery changes rapidly outside the Amish communities; it’s almost like VWHSSLQJ IURP WKH QLQHWHHQWK FHQWXU\ LQWR WKH WZHQW\ ÀUVW 7UDIÀF DQG OLIH LQ general seem to speed up simultaneously. The Ohio interstate highway leads farther north to Port Clinton, the primary gateway to South Bass Island, site of the charming Victorian village of Put-in-Bay. With a population of less than two hundred people, Put-in-Bay has been attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors for the past 150 years. Late April through early October are prime months for vacationing on the island, but you should be prepared for much colder temperatures if you choose to visit during the late fall or winter. It’s not uncommon for Lake Erie to freeze, proYLGLQJ DPSOH RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU LFH ÀVKLQJ DQ DFWLYLW\ GHÀQLWHO\ QRW UHFRPPHQGHG for the novice. The lake-effect snow and lengthy periods of very low temperatures dissuade many from staying on the island during the winter months. However, summer brings mild temperatures and low humidity, lake breezes, possible evening showers, and morning sunshine. Be sure to bring a light jacket; HYHQ WKH QLJKW RI WKH )RXUWK RI -XO\ ÀUHZRUNV GLVSOD\ FRXOG EH D OLWWOH FKLOO\ :LWK sunset occurring around 9:30 p.m., summer days are long on Put-in-Bay, encouraging evening strolls and lazy porch sitting, watching the parade of couples walking hand in hand, and families soaking in every precious minute of time together. 7KH JRUJHRXV HYHQLQJ YLVWDV DQG ÀUHà LHV³lightening bugs to those of us from the South—are just a little icing on the cake that sets these days apart from those ordinary days back home.

Top—The Boardwalk is a hub of activity featuring waterfront dining and shopping. Above— Enjoy a true Victorian-era stay at the historic Park Hotel.

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Top— Experience a bird’s-eye view during a helicopter tour of the area. $ERYH³'RFNV ÀOO XS TXLFNO\ RQ ZHHNHQGV at Put-in-Bay.

The preferred transportation to the island for vacationers, residents, and delivery trucks is by ferry boat, about a twenty-minute trip, although travel by light aircraft is an option. A small airport provides delivery of mail, packages, and medical assistance in case of emerJHQF\ ZLWK Ă LJKWV E\ SODQH RU KHOLFRSWHU WR DQG from the island. Visitors may choose air travel as a quick alternative for their arrival or departure to Put-in-Bay or one of the neighboring islands. Airplane and helicopter tours are also an excellent way to enjoy the panoramic views from the air. We prefer to board the ferry in our car, park it when we arrive at our destination, and rent a golf cart, by far the most popular way to get from place to place on the island. Plenty of carts are available, along with bicycles, scooters, and almost any style of two- or fourwheeled transportation for rent by the hour, day, or week. Rental stations are located on practically every corner, and one of a number of unique carts can be yours for a mere sixty dollars per day. Many of the cottages and hotels offer use of their bicycles as part of their list of amenities. Accommodation choices range from condos, cottages, lake-side cabins, and hotels (new and vintage), to entire homes of varying styles

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and sizes, some of which are on the National Register of Historic Places. Whether you are lodging by water’s edge, in downtown locales, RU LQ D ZRRGHG UHWUHDW \RX ZLOO Ă€QG D VSDFH WR suit your taste. We have vacationed at the same cottage, The Wee Anchor, for many years during our visits to Put-in-Bay. The cottage and the larger Anchor Inn, a beautiful boutique hotel, have undergone an amazing transformation over the past two years, resulting in a Cape Cod style paradise. Owners Joey Wolf and Bill Burger offer accommodations that never disappoint; with freshly prepared gourmet breakfasts, cozy yet luxurious amenities, beautiful landscaping, hospitality, and acute attention to detail, the inn is exceptional. Every guest is special to these owners, and their efforts to please are obvious from arrival to departure. The inn’s staff is top notch, and we look forward to our visit every year; in fact, our innkeepers have become our dear friends. At a diminutive 3.7 miles long and 1.5 miles wide, South Bass Island, home to Put-in-Bay, offers restaurants, pubs, art galleries, shops, wineries, and historical sites dating back to the Revolutionary War, all only a short walk or ride away. A vigilant police presence, a fullWLPH Ă€UH GHSDUWPHQW DQG DQ DGHSW HPHUJHQF\ dispatch unit offer a high level of security and safety measures. For family enjoyment, the island provides a miniature golf course, gem PLQLQJ FDYH WRXUV DUFDGHV D EXWWHUĂ \ KRXVH go-kart racing, and a carousel. Sports enthusiasts enjoy activities that inFOXGH SDUDVDLOLQJ ND\DNLQJ FKDUWHU Ă€VKing, and watercraft rentals. A must-see is the Admiral Perry Victory and International Peace Memorial along with the National Park Service’s interpretive programs and museum, detailing the naval battle strategies of the American forces as they defeated the British in the Battle of Lake Erie. A special experience is the panoramic view of the island and surrounding waters from the top of Perry’s Monument. Known for its talented and varied music scene, Put-in-Bay offers numerous pubs and outdoor restaurants providing entertainment as well as a diverse assortment of foods and beverages to please the palate and the budget. Whether visitors prefer inside or outside dining, the cool summer temperatures provide an ideal setting for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. /DNH (ULH¡V IUHVK FDWFK RI WKH GD\ Ă€VK SDLUHG with a choice “vine to dineâ€? wine selection, makes for a delicious dinner; but distinctive burgers, sandwiches, soups, salads, pizzas, and other entrees complete the variety of dining choices available. Whether vacationers prefer dining on the water at The Boardwalk or in the

village at one of a large variety of restaurants, such as Hooligans Irish Pub, The Goat, Mossbacks, T&J’s Smokehouse, or Boathouse Bar & Grill, there are plenty of culinary choices available. If you’re simply in the mood for an “adult beverage,â€? be sure to stop by The Round House Bar, Reel Bar, Put-in-Bay Brewery and Distillery, Mojito Bay, Topsy Turvy’s, or The Keys where music and spirits are plentiful. The Candy Bar and Ice Cream Parlor tempt young and old alike with homemade candies and frozen treats. There’s even a small grocery store stocked with staples and specialty items for those who choose WR SUHSDUH WKHLU RZQ PHDOV )UHVK Ă€VK PHDWV IUXLWV and vegetables are brought in daily by aircraft or by ferry boat. No trip to the island is complete without a visit to Heineman’s Winery, founded in 1888 and still a family winemaking tradition. For those who enjoy browsing for the perfect souvenir, numerous shops in the village offer a wide variety of distinctive items. My personal favorite is Bay Designs Jewelers where oneof-a-kind jewelry is designed and crafted by owner Carol Makawski. A relaxing way to end a day of island life is simply WR VLW RQ WKH IURQW SRUFK RU WR Ă€QG D FKRLFH VHDW LQ RQH of the open-air pubs or restaurants, listen to music, and enjoy the microcosm that makes up the island. The diversity of people is fascinating; and regardless of the multiplicity, American patriotism abounds; red, white, and blue bunting and Old Glory adorn even the smallest of buildings. A special event honoring ten people participating in a citizenship ceremony in the village took place on the )RXUWK RI -XO\ IROORZHG E\ D SDUDGH LQLWLDWLQJ D Ă€Wting celebration of our nation’s Independence Day and FXOPLQDWLQJ LQ D JUDQG Ă€UHZRUNV GLVSOD\ RYHU /DNH Erie. It was a special reminder of the pride we have for our country and the kinship we all share. Regardless of language differences, a smile speaks volumes; and often this friendly gesture can lead to conversations that pave the way to understanding cultures different from our own. I must admit that my heart leaps when I see someone there wearing a T-shirt or cap representing my beloved South, and I’m tempted to share my geographical kinship and to start a conversation beginning with “Where y’all from?â€? I also admit that I have often succumbed to that temptation more than once! However, I have found it encouraging and humbling to see people of varied ages, races, nationalities, and religions express for America a shared love, the thread that weaves us all together. Over the years of vacationing on the island, what I have realized is that we all have much in common, regardless of where we call home. We bask in relaxation time; we seek peace; we enjoy time with friends and family; and we treasure the memories we make. No matter where our journeys take us . . . North, South, East, or West . . . we all are searching for our own hapSLQHVV , KDSSHQ WR Ă€QG PLQH RQ D OLWWOH LVODQG FDOOHG South Bass and in a village called Put-in-Bay.

Top—Visitors capture the panoramic island views from atop Perry’s Monument. Middle—Golf carts and bicycles line the streets of this quaint village. $ERYH³7KH *RDW 5HVWDXUDQW RIIHUV GHOLFLRXV IRRG ÀQH ZLQH DQG FKRFRODWH GHOLFDFLHV

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A Classic Lifestyle in the Country By Cheryl Rinehart | Photography by T.G. McCary


urrounded by trees and rolling hills, nestled in thirty acres down a gravel road behind Beau Pre Country Club in Natchez, Mississippi, rests an A. Hays Town home, consisting of 3,750 square feet and belonging to Rebecca and Gene Francis. When I reached the entrance gates of the property, I turned onto the home’s curved road lined with oak trees that seemed to embrace those entering the property. A circle drive invites visitors and family alike to park and enter by way of the front door or to continue traveling around to the back of the home with its garage and access to the back gallery. Built twenty years ago, the home was designed personally for the couple by A. Hays Town and took a year to construct. Famed Louisiana architect A. Hays Town is known throughout the South and especially in Louisiana for his vernacular architecture and his use of recycled building materials. The couple’s initial meeting with Town in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was a brief one. Gene UHFDOOV ´:H ZHQW WR KLV RIĂ€FH WR engage his services and to talk about the design of the house. We had only been there a very short while when Mr. Town announced it was time to go to lunch.â€?

Rebecca and Gene Francis display some of the vegetables they have harvested and preserved from their two-acre garden.

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Surprised, Gene asked, “Wouldn’t you like to talk about what we want?â€? Town replied, “I have been doing this a long time. I know what you want.â€? And from that point, the design of the home, material suggestions, and sources were agreed upon, directed, and sculpted by Town himself as a master artist. He practiced well into his 90s and passed away in 2005 at the age of 101. As most of Town’s singlefamily houses, the Francis home offers historic motifs from French and Spanish building details, heart pine and 0H[LFDQ WLOH Ă RRUV F\SUHVV beams, cypress cabinets, and rooms designed to emphasize views of the landscape. Gene and Rebecca selected recycled bricks from Centreville, Mississippi, Brick Company (See insert picture.) to use on the exterior and interior; and Town himself oversaw the cypress selections as the couple worked with him on custom details for a timeless look. One of Town’s traits when designing and building a home for his clients was to develop an intimate and long friendship with them. He felt that in building something so personal, he PXVW Ă€UVW NQRZ DQG XQGHUstand the owners so his selecWLRQV DQG GHFLVLRQV UHĂ HFWHG their intent and desires. This intimacy was Town’s gift to all his clients.

Top—The back porch with rockers is an inviting spot to sit a spell and gaze into the rolling hills and green woods surrounding the property. Extending the unifying element of the home, complementing both interior and exterior living areas, are its vintage bricks from Centreville Brick Company in Centreville, Mississippi. (right) Above—Characteristic of an A. Hays Town home, the Francises’ central living area extends outside with French windows and doors opening onto a back gallery.

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The Francises’ residence offers 1500 square feet of deep-set front and back galleries, perfect for gentle breezes and panoramic scenes of the property. The back gallery is home to white wooden rockers and stairs WKDW OHDG WR WKH VHFRQG OHYHO DQ XSVWDLUV DUHD WKDW LV XQÀQLVKHG EXW RIIHUV 1400 square feet for additional bedrooms. Away from the kitchen, dining, and front entrance is a bookcase hallway leading to the private master bedroom and bath. Plantation shutters inYLWH ÀOWHUHG OLJKW IURP WKH RXWGRRU ODQGVFDSH WR EHFRPH D SDUW RI WKLV URRP and a sizable master bath touts a deep-set tub, private shower, double sinks, and plenty of room for relaxed pampering to begin the day or to provide an evening’s respite. Three additional bedrooms, each with lush seating, linens, and draperies provide a sanctuary for family and guests who visit. The home’s large kitchen with its high ceiling and cypress cabinets, a large island, and stainless appliances entices various family members to embrace their culinary skills for churning out special dishes.

The hallway leading to the master suite includes shelves for book collections and accessories as well as the entrance to a guest half-bathroom. Master and guest bedrooms extend an elegant “welcome home� to all who enter.

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Left—Bright light from double windows, hardy wooden beams, and the sheen of rich cabinetry and Mexican tile create warmth for this spacious kitchen and breakfast area. Below left—The main entry way showcases elements of a unique A. Towns house— ZDUP SLQH à RRUV DQG recessed ceiling panels.

Gene and Rebecca Francis tend a two-acre vegetable garden each planting season and enjoy healthy dining from its fresh produce, sharing this produce with friends, and even canning some of it. The property’s two ponds, stocked with EDVV DQG EUHDP DZDLW DYLG RU RFFDVLRQDO Ă€VKLQJ DQG WKH available acreage allows for some hunting. Throughout their years in this home, the Francises have hosted numerous Thanksgiving festivities for their extended families of 80 to 100 or so members as well as frequent weekend visits with friends and family. Its engaging ambience beckons those who awake there to begin their day gazing out on the lawn as the sun rises, seeking movement from a myriad of emerging critters, and listening to the chorus of early morning birds. The showers of light vary throughout the morning and into noon and after, as the day stretches through the afternoon, until evening performs its sundown show. On the many clear nights that follow, the couple enjoys stargazing into nature’s lustrous canopy. This quiet and comfortable living has been Rebecca and Gene Francis’s refuge from their businesses and their busyness over the past twenty years as WKH\ KDYH EDVNHG LQ WKH WUXWK RI $ULVWRWOH¡V DIĂ€UPDWLRQ ´,Q DOO things of nature there is something of the marvelous.â€? Just south of Natchez on the outskirts of Beau Pre Country Club rests an A. Hays Town home, a unique place to embrace the blessings of home and family, to commune with nature, to ponder the past, and to dream of the future. The Francises have this home up for sale so they can relocate near their grandchildren. For more information about the home, visit crye-leike.com or contact donna@meason.biz. Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 45


premier events

ST. FRANCISVILLE, LOUISIANA October 18 & 19, 2019 The 31st Southern Garden Symposium No other gardening program brings together top-quality speakers and historic garden settings as well as the Southern Garden Symposium in St. Francisville, Louisiana. This year’s featured speakers will be Staci Catron, Nicholas Staddon, &KULVWRSKHU :RRGV DQG Ă RUDO GHVLJQHU -DPHV 'HO3ULQFH :KLOH WKH V\PSRVLXP¡V workshops and lectures provide ideas and inspiration for the gardener, the social activities surrounding the event are classic southern elegance at its best. From the home-baked breakfast breads served in the morning to the sumptuous fare of the evening gala and the Saturday afternoon tea, not a single detail of southern hospitality is overlooked. For program information and registration forms, visit southerngardensymposium.org, call 225.635.3738, or email luciecassity@bellsouth.net.For information regarding overnight accommodations visit stfrancisville.us, call 225.635.4224, or call toll free 800.789.4221. NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI October 18 – 20, 2019 34th Natchez Balloon Festival &ULVS DXWXPQ DLU Ă XII\ ZKLWH FORXGV DJDLQVW D SDOHWWH RI EOXH DQG FRORUIXO KRW DLU EDOORRQV Ă€OO WKH VN\ GXULQJ UDFH WLPHV WKURXJKRXW WKH IXQ Ă€OOHG 1DWFKH] Balloon Festival weekend, October 18 to 20, 2019, in Natchez, Mississippi. From the actual balloon races to the wide variety of attractions throughout the festival grounds, the Natchez Balloon Festival is a signature event drawing crowds from areas and states nearby and from afar. On-site attractions include live music, the Blufftoberfest bier-garten, carnival games, local food vendors, NFL/NCAA sports tent, and arts and crafts bizarre. Attractions appeal to all ages and are open to anyone within the festival grounds. This year’s music lineup includes Friday night’s popular groups John Papa Gros and The Allman Betts Band; Saturday’s entertainment begins with Maggie Brown; continues with B3, Mr. Sipp, and Cowboy Mouth; and ends with Bishop Gunn. Sunday afternoon’s wrap-up includes Matt Wills & Co. and Chris Gill & The Sole Shakers. For more information, visit natchezballoonfestival.com or FB natchezballoonfestival; call 877.987.6487; or visit or call The Historic Natchez Foundation, 108 S. Commerce, 601.442.2500. MEADVILLE, MISSISSIPPI October 26 Homochitto River Festival 2019 The Homochitto River Festival will offer a full day of entertainment from 9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., featuring Franklin County’s largestever showcase of music. Additional activities include an art show, arts and vendor booths, culinary explosion, trunk-a-treat, kids game area, dunkin’ booth, pet parade, beauty contest, and circus along with great food and drinks. 2QH RI WKH KHDGOLQHUV IRU WKH IHVWLYDO ZLOO EH 0DUW\ 6WXDUW D Ă€YH WLPH Grammy winner, platinum recording artist, Americana Music Association Lifetime Achievement, Grand Old Opry star, country music archivist, photographer, musician, and songwriter. He grew up right here in the great state of Mississippi and has spent over four decades celebrating American roots music. The other headliner will be Ronnie McDowell, an artist in every sense of the word, known coast to coast for his charttopping radio hits and showmanship. Two of his singles “Older Womenâ€? and “You’re Gonna Ruin My Bad Reputationâ€? reached number one on the country charts while eleven more reached the Top 10. There are three stages of all-day entertainment that culminate with the festival’s headliners in the evening. There is a pet parade, a trunk-r-treat, a kid’s area with jumpers and games, and an outdoor alley. A 5K run and kayak race will be held along the beautiful Homochitto River. A Clash of the Cooks starts early Saturday morning; and this year, the overall winner receives a $500 cash prize! Food and arts and crafts vendors will be on site. For further information, visit franklincountynow.org. Page 46 { October 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

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FERRIDAY, LOUISIANA November 2, 2019 William Haney and Hezekiah Early to be inducted into Delta Music Museum Hall of Fame Before Ray Charles, BB King, Little Richard, and Etta James became music giants, they played at Haney’s Big House in Ferriday, Louisiana. For their contributions to the music of the Delta region, Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin and the Friends of the Delta Museum are proud to induct William Haney and Hezekiah Early into the Delta Music Museum Hall of Fame on Saturday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. Haney and Early will join other Hall of Fame inductees such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Mickey Gilley, Jimmy Swaggart, and Fats Domino. Haney’s Big House was an important part of the “chitlin circuitâ€? which provided a stage for African American musicians who later went on to fame. William Haney, a successful business owner, opened the club in the 1940s. The musical performances there drew the interest of a young Jerry Lee Lewis, who came to listen to the black artists. After serving as a sergeant in World War I, Haney returned to Ferriday and worked as an insurance man. He gradually purchased property and eventually owned the music hall, a motel, and several rental properties. It was Haney’s Big House that notably contributed to Ferriday’s reputation as a blues hub. In 1966, Haney’s Big House was deVWUR\HG E\ Ă€UH UHSRUWHGO\ WKH UHVXOW RI D IDXOW\ LFH PDFKLQH EXW PDQ\ VSHFXODWH WKH .OX .OX[ Klan was involved. Haney didn’t rebuild the club and died in 1972 at the age of 76. Hezekiah Early led the house band at Haney’s during the 1960s. The multi-talented musician played the drums and harmonica and was a vocalist. He founded Hezekiah and the Houserockers, a staple entertainment at the New Orleans Jazz Festival for many years. In 1998, Early partnered with vocalist and guitarist Elmore Williams to record an album; and Early continues to perform today. The induction ceremony will feature music from inductee Y. Z. Ealey of Natchez, Mississippi, as well as a narrative of William Haney presented by Jeremy Houston of Miss Lou Heritage Tours. 7KH 'HOWD 0XVLF 0XVHXP UHFHQWO\ UHFHLYHG D &HUWLĂ€FDWH RI ([FHOOHQFH IURP 7ULS $GYLVRU for 2019. It features the unique story of three musical cousins—Jerry Lee Lewis, Mickey Gilley, and Jimmy Swaggart—as well as other musicians from Louisiana. Delta Music Museum is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. Tour requests for Mondays and Tuesdays must be made in advance. Saturday tours for groups of twenty or more may be arranged by appointment. For more information, call 318.757.4297.

NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI November 2 Longwood Afternoon 2019 Longwood, a National Historic Landmark in NatFKH] 0LVVLVVLSSL ZLOO KRVW WKH ÀIWK DQQXDO /RQJZRRG Afternoon, an all-day, outdoor music festival, featuring popular upcoming musicians that pull from a ZLGH UDQJH RI LQà XHQFHV LQFOXGLQJ 6RXWKHUQ 5RFN Funk Rock, Pop, and Rhythm and Blues. Available on site will be food, beer, kids activities, and art vendors. The music line-up, beginning at noon, includes Easily Distracted, The Anteeks, Magnolia Bayou, and Ugly Band. Admission is $10 at the gate with children 10 and under free. Bring blankets and chairs for an afternoon of musical entertainment, great food, and fun. For more information, visit Longwood Afternoon Facebook, call 601.807.1595, or email louellen@ stoutandcompany.com. Bluffs & Bayous { October 2019 { Page 47

OCTOBER Louisiana Up & Coming! louisianatravel.com ALEXANDRIA / PINEVILLE Throughout October alexandriapinevillela.com rapidessymphony.org BATON ROUGE Throughout October visitbatonrouge.com lsumoa.org rivercenterarena:baton-rouge.tickets-center.com October 16 – 19 Junior League of Baton Rouge Hollydays 5DLVLQJ &DQH·V 5LYHU &HQWHU hollydays.org 1RYHPEHU /RXLVLDQD %RRN )HVWLYDO Capitol Park Downtown 9 am – 4 pm louisianabookfestival.org CLINTON eastfelicianachamberla.chambermaster.com FERRIDAY Throughout October concordialibrary.org deltamusicmuseum.com October 5 5XPPDJH 6DOH First Baptist Church 7 am – 1 pm 2FWREHU $YHU\ 0LFKDHOV ([LW 'HOWD 0XVLF 0XVHXP 318.757.4297 deltamusicmuseum.com 1RYHPEHU ,QGXFWLRQ &HUHPRQ\ :LOOLDP +DQH\ Hezekiah Early 'HOWD 0XVLF 0XVHXP 318.757.4297 deltamusicmuseum.com -$&.621 felicianatourism.org 0$',6219,//( 2FWREHU ² :RRGHQ %RDW )HVWLYDO lpbmm.org or woodenboatfest.org

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Louisiana Up & Coming! OCTOBER

02152( :(67 02152( Throughout October monroe-westmonroe.org October 4 )RRG :LQH )HVWLYDO %D\RX 3RLQWH (YHQW &HQWHU 6 – 9 pm 318.342.5216 nelaarts.org October 5 6th Bald on the Bayou 6W %DOGULFN·V )RXQGDWLRQ Karoli Park 10 am – 1 pm 318.396.4016 2FWREHU 64th $QQXDO $UW )RON )HVWLYDO 6FKHSLV 0XVHXP &ROXPELD /$ 10 am – 4 pm FB LouisianaArtandFolkFestival October 19 The Chennault Gala 7KH +XE 0XVLF +DOO 6 – 9 pm $75 eventbrite.com/e/the-chennault-gala-tickets 1(: 52$'6 2FWREHU ² 9th $QQXDO )DOVH 5LYHU +DUYHVW )HVWLYDO Downtown Fri. 5 – 10 pm / Sat. 10am – 10 pm Sun. Noon – 6pm $5 / 12 under free harvestfestivalnewroads.com 1(: 25/($16 Throughout October neworleansonline.com neworleanscvb.com ogdenmuseum.org nola.org newcombartmuseum.tulane.edu nobt.org PORT ALLEN Throughout October westbatonrouge.net westbatonrougemuseum.com October 6 th 6XJDU )HVW :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH 0XVHXP 11 am – 4 pm / Free FB The WBRM westbatonrougemuseum.com

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OCTOBER Louisiana Up & Coming! 2FWREHU nd 6XQGD\ 2OG 7LPH &RXQWU\ -DP :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH 0XVHXP 3 – 5 pm FB The WBRM westbatonrougemuseum.com October 17 (YHU\ rd Thursday Historical Happy Hour :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH 0XVHXP 4 – 7 pm FB The WBRM westbatonrougemuseum.com October 18 +DOORZHHQ )HVWLYLWLHV :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH /LEUDU\ :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH 0XVHXP 6 – 8 pm wbrpl.org or FB: The WBRM westbatonrougemuseum.com 2FWREHU &DMXQ )UHQFK 0XVLF -DP rd 6XQGD\ 6HULHV :HVW %DWRQ 5RXJH 0XVHXP 3 – 5 pm FB The WBRM westbatonrougemuseum.com

67 )5$1&,69,//( Throughout October stfrancisville.us audubonstatehistoricsite.wordpress.com (YHU\ )ULGD\ ² 6XQGD\ LQ 2FWREHU 7KH 0\UWOHV +DOORZHHQ ([SHULHQFH 225.635.6277 chloe@myrtlesplantation.com (YHU\ 6XQGD\ LQ 2FWREHU $QJROD 3ULVRQ 5RGHR &UDIW 6KRZ Angola Prison Rodeo Arena Gates open 9:00 am. Rodeo starts 2:00 pm. 225-655-2060 angolarodeo.com 2FWREHU 6RXWKHUQ *DUGHQ 6\PSRVLXP $IWRQ 9LOOD *DUGHQV +HPLQJERXJK 225-635-3738 SouthernGardenSymposium.org 2FWREHU $OO +DOORZV (YH $XGXERQ 6WDWH +LVWRULF 6LWH 6 – 8:30 pm 888.677.2838 or 335.635.3739

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2FWREHU ² <HOORZ /HDI $UWV )HVWLYDO Parker Park 225.635.3665 stfrancisvillefestivals.com VIDALIA Throughout October cityofvidaliala.com concordialibrary.org (YHU\ :HGQHVGD\ )DUPHUV 0DUNHW Old Court House N. Spruce St. 9 am – 1 pm 2FWREHU ² 9LGDOLD 5LYHU )URQW )OHD 0DUNHW &DUQLYDO Fri. Noon – 10 pm / Sat. 8 am – 8 pm Sun. 9 am – 2 pm 318.336.9934 2FWREHU Trunk R Treat First Baptist Church 6 – 8 pm

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OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! visitmississippi.org BROOKHAVEN Throughout October facebook.com/VisitBrookhavenMS visitbrookhavenms.com brookhavenrecreation.com brookhavenlittletheatre.com October 1 &DOO IRU $UW $UW &RPSHWLWLRQ 6KRZ %URRNKDYHQ /LEUDU\ Drop off: 10 am – Noon & 2 – 7 pm braggarts.weebly.com/artshow 2FWREHU ² 45th Ole Brook Fest Downtown visitbrookhavenms.com brookhavenchamber.org October 4 2OH %URRN )HVW 6WUHHW 'DQFH 6 – 9 pm visitbrookhavenms.com brookhavenchamber.org 2FWREHU ² Matilda The Musical %URRNKDYHQ /LWWOH 7KHDWUH 601.990.2243 / haventheatre.org October 17 QG 3HHO·(P (DW·(P 6KULPS 'LQQHU /LQFROQ &LYLF &HQWHU 3 - 7 pm / $15 601.754.3980 2FWREHU %$5/·6 &HOHEULW\ 'LQQHU Featuring Jill Connor Browne: 7+( 6ZHHW 3RWDWR 4XHHQ /LQFROQ &LYLF &HQWHU Doors open 5:15 pm / $25 Julie Montalvo 601.757.1057 2FWREHU Think Pink Luncheon .'0& 7KH %URRNKDYHQ %XLOGLQJ Noon - 1 pm 601.823.5326 1RYHPEHU Taste of the Trust %URRNKDYHQ &RXQWU\ &OXE 5:30 pm FB 2019 Taste of the Trust &5<67$/ 635,1*6 2FWREHU )DOO )ORZHU *DUGHQ )HVW 7UXFN &URSV ([SHULPHQW 6WDWLRQ ([SHULPHQW 6WDWLRQ 5RDG 9 am – 2 pm extension.msstate.edu/fallfest

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Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER

FERNWOOD fernwoodcc.com -$&.621 Throughout October dulinghall.com msmuseumart.org visitjackson.com jacksonfreepress.com/calendarmsnla.org 2FWREHU Fondren After 5 Downtown Fondren Historic District 2FWREHU ² 9LQWDJH 0DUNHW 'D\V 0LVVLVVLSSL 7UDGH 0DUW Fri. & Sat. 10 am – 5 pm / Sun. 10 am – 4 pm Mississippivintagemarketdays.com 1RYHPEHU ² 0LVWOHWRH 0DUNHWSODFH All that Glitters 0LVVLVVLSSL 7UDGH 0DUW mistletoemarketplace.com 0$',621 madisonthecity.com 0&&20% Throughout October pikeinfo.com mccombarts.com mcrrmuseum.com 2FWREHU 3$/6 7RDVW 7DLOV 7KH 0LOO 6 – 9 pm 2FWREHU Noon Toons 0F&RPE 6SRUWV 3DUN Noon 2FWREHU ² The Mousetrap Pike County Little Theatre $10 601.310.4935 FB Pike County Little Theatre 2FWREHU 8QLWHG *LYHUV RI 6RXWKZHVW Cooking for a Cause Molly Johnson 601.248.8295 2FWREHU 6XPPLW 6WUHHW 8QLW\ )HVWLYDO Noon – 8 pm 2FWREHU The Haunted Train 5DLOURDG 'HSRW 0XVHXP 3 – 8 pm

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OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! 1RYHPEHU 0LVWOHWRH 0DJLF Business Hours – 8 pm 601.684.2291 0($'9,//( Throughout October meadvillems.com 2FWREHU +RPRFKLWWR 5LYHU )HVWLYDO 7RZQ 6TXDUH 9 am – 6:30 pm Rhonda Huff - Event Coordinator 601-384-5206 homochittoriverfest@gmail.com franklincountynow.org NATCHEZ Throughout October /LYH 0XVLF (YHQWV &DOHQGDU visitnatchez.org/full-event-calendar visitnatchez.org Through October 14 )DOO 3LOJULPDJH 601.446.6631 natchezpilgrimage.com October 4 – 6 Night of the Living Dead Natchez Little Theatre 7:30 pm 601.442.2233 2FWREHU ² 1DWFKH] %DOORRQ )HVWLYDO 877.987.6487 Natchezballoonfestival.com 2FWREHU &RPPXQLW\ +HDOWK 6DIHW\ )DLU 1DWFKH] &RQYHQWLRQ &HQWHU 3 - 6 pm & 6pm on Natchez Bluff 2FWREHU Elsa in Natchez -XGJH $UPVWURQJ /LEUDU\ 10 am – Noon armstronglibrary.com 2FWREHU 1LQD :HVW 7\ +HUGRQ WKH %DWWOH of the Belles 1DWFKH] &LW\ $XGLWRULXP 7 pm / $50 & $75 )% <·DOO 0HDQV $OO ² 1DWFKH] yallmeansallnatchez.org 2FWREHU 3XPSNLQ &DUYLQJ 3XPSNLQ 3DLQWLQJ Natchez Coffee 2 pm 601.304.1415

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Mississippi Up & Coming! OCTOBER

2FWREHU 4th Annual Witches Ride Gazebo on the Bluff 4 pm Reg. / 6 pm Fly 2FWREHU )DOO )HVWLYDO First Baptist Church 6 – 8 pm / $2 FB First Baptist Church Natchez 2FWREHU ² 1RYHPEHU 1DWFKH] $QWLTXHV 'HVLJQ )RUXP ´6RXWKHUQ %HOOH (SRTXHµ Lectures at the Carriage House 6SHFLDO (YHQWV 'LQQHUV natchezantiquesforum.com 1RYHPEHU Longwood Afternoon Longwood Gates open 10 am 601.442.5193 or 601.807.1595 1RYHPEHU ² Angels on the Bluff 1DWFKH] &HPHWHU\ Shuttle from Natchez Visitors Center / $35 800.647.6724 1RYHPEHU rd Annual Be Their Voice Walk Gazebo on the Bluff All dogs on leash, no cats 1RYHPEHU -XQLRU $X[LOLDU\ RI 1DWFKH] +ROLGD\ 0DUNHW Duncan Park Canteen 601.597.8244 or 601.870.0195 3257 *,%621 7KURXJKRXW 6HSWHPEHU FB: portgibson.chamber RIDGELAND Throughout October visitridgeland.com 6800,7 Throughout October pikeinfo.com 2FWREHU 6XPPLW )DOO )HVWLYDO 5REE 6WUHHW Noon - Midnight 9,&.6%85* Throughout October southernculture.org visitvicksburg.com vicksburgartassociation.org tarawildlife.com vicksburgtheatreguild.com downtownvicksburg.org

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OCTOBER Mississippi Up & Coming! 2FWREHU ² th $QQXDO 3XWQDP &RXQW\ 6SHOOLQJ %HH Thurs, Fri, Sat / 7:30 pm Sun / 2 pm vicksburgtheatreguild.com

October 5 %ULGJLQJ WKH *DS :DON 5ROO 6WUROODWKRQ 2OG 06 %ULGJH 8 am / $25 601.594.7555

Through October 6 )DOO 3LOJULPDJH 601.666.0911 / vicksburgpilgrimage.net

October 5 2OG &RXUWKRXVH )OHD 0DUNHW 2OG &RXUWKRXVH 0XVHXP 8 am – 5 pm 601.636.0741 / oldcourthouse.org

2FWREHU 'XQJHRQV 'UDJRQV Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library 9HWR 6WUHHW 4:15 – 6:30 pm 601.636.6411 / warren.lib.ms.us 2FWREHU 2YHU WKH 5LYHU 5XQ 2OG 06 %ULGJH 6901.631.2997 2FWREHU nd 6DWXUGD\ Downtown vicksburg2ndsaturday@gmail.com 2FWREHU )DOO )DUPHUV 0DUNHW 8 – 11 am FB Vicksburg Farmers Market

2FWREHU Vicksburg Porch Fest Historic Fostoria Neighborhood 11am – 5pm vicksburgporchfest@gmail.com 2FWREHU 6SRRN\ 6SULQW . 6RXWK 6WUHHW 5K Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run 8 am 601.636.2256 / spookysprint5K.webconnex.com 2FWREHU 9LFNVEXUJ 0DOO 7UXQN RU 7UHDW 3HPEHUWRQ 6TXDUH 0DOO 5 – 7 pm 601.636.1733 :(6621 Throughout October FB Wesson Chamber WOODVILLE Throughout October woodvillems.org FB Woodville/Wilkinson County Main Street Association October 17 :LONLQVRQ &RXQW\ 06 +RPHPDNHUV $QQXDO %D]DDU 4XLOW ([KLELW Wilkinson County Park 10 am – 2 pm / Free Lunch available $8

%H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.

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Alma M. Womack

Rocco’s Arrival at the Rainbow Bridge


e was just a tiny puppy when Claire brought him home to me. We had lost our beloved Rottweiler, Augustus McRae, a couple of months beIRUH DQG ZH QHHGHG D QHZ SXSS\ WR Ă€OO an empty spot. The new puppy’s pedigree was half English mastiff and half Pyrenees, which meant a potentially big dog. He was so small that I could lay him on my shoulder, as I would a baby, to comfort him. He had a hearty appetite and grew faster than any other puppy I had ever raised. In no time, he was a big, ganJO\ SXSS\ Ă€QGLQJ KLV SODFH LQ WKH GRJ KLerarchy in the yard. And he kept growing. Early on, Liza and I debated on a name for him. She made up something that I couldn’t keep straight, so I named him for one of my old favorite baseball players, Rocco Colavito. He became Rocco, Rock for short, or puppy-puppy, which he responded to the quickest. He was good QDWXUHG D ELW OD]\ EXW D WHUULĂ€F GHIHQGHU of his territory from invading possums, coons, armadillos, and stray dogs. He once killed a coyote and dragged it up to the front of the driveway to show me what he had done. Rocco was a faithful, gentle companion who would come sidling up to me when I went outside, and he always greeted me in his own special language. He couldn’t remember that he was tall and heavy, and would try to sit in my lap when I was outside. When he played with the other dogs, he would run and leap about like a beagle; but more than once, he knocked me down to the ground. Back in July, he wasn’t home for supper one evening, a rare occurrence. I called and called and checked for him all through the night, but he never came. I thought to myself, “He’ll be here in the morning; he won’t stay away from the supper pan that long.â€? But no Rocco the next morning, so JG and I began to search for him. Fearing he might be dead, I went down to Tupelo Brake to look for him. Buster always said a dog would go to water (if possible) when it was his time. Rock wasn’t there on the bank, on either side of the brake. JG wouldn’t give up and checked one of the big boy’s favorite nap spots, under the deck on the edge of the brake. He Page 58 { October 2019 { Bluffs & Bayous

wasn’t right there, but JG crawled under the deck and found him, lying up against the banana trees. He had died sometime the day before, without giving us any warning. He just crawled under the deck, got comfortable, and breathed his last. Losing a beloved pet is a source of much sorrow for me, and I have cried more over lost dogs than over some people. It is a sincere and major grief, and dog lovers everywhere will agree with me. Even in my grief, I imagined him at the Rainbow Bridge with all the other much loved dogs that I have lost in my life. He’d be waiting with Lucille, Taylor, Nickie, Mouse, Kate, Gus, Owain, Arthur, Minnie McPhee, and all the others, waiting for me to come to get them in our eternal home. Jorie and I used to joke about the crowd waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge when we crossed over; there’d be so many of our dogs waiting there that we’d get dirt rolled by the mob. As for me, I think that would be a pretty ÀQH ZHOFRPH LQWR HWHUQLW\

Columnist Alma Womack lives on Smithland Plantation on Black River, south of Jonesville, Louisiana. In addition to her duties as maitresse des maison, she is the keeper of the lawn, the lane and the pecan orchard at Smithland.

Property Maintenance is



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