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Hospital CEO: Alliance win-win
outhwest Health System CEO Norman Price said partnering with New Orleans-based Ochsner Health System stands out as one of the best moves the hospital and its trustees have made in his 32-year career in McComb. “It’s been one of the most exciting things we’ve done here,â€? Price said. Southwest has grown to be a true regional medical system, with the addition of cancer and cardiology centers and more specialities. As Southwest and Ochsner join together, local patients can look forward to a seamless continuation of care when they need more specialized services—many of them accessible in McComb. “Southwest is a great organization and they need things that a partner could help with,â€? Ochsner CEO Warren Thomas said. “We’re constantly looking for a great partner in the region. We don’t partner with just everybody. We look for the strongest organizations. They want good institutions to be their partner, and so do we here. It makes so much sense.â€? Because Ochsner is a national and international patient referral center, its system offers services in a huge number of specialities and subspecialties—good news for local residents. “It has strengthened what we offer to our patients here,â€? Price said, giving the helicopter transport service operated by Ochsner as an example. “At a stand-alone hospital this size—we’re not a big hospital and we’re not small, we’re medium—we could not bear the expense of a helicopter service,â€? Price said. “Ochsner is internationally recognized, and they were able to put that together where we could afford it.â€? A Bit of Serendipity Price said it was fortunate timing that brought Southwest and Ochsner together. “I was inquiring about other systems and ZDV ORRNLQJ WR VHH ZKR ZRXOG EH D JRRG Ă€W WR partner in the region,â€? Price said. “Given the (health care) changes in the nation, we had a QHHG WR DIĂ€OLDWH ZLWK D ODUJHU V\VWHP “As it happened, the gentleman who does (Ochsner’s) strategic partnerships, Mark Muller, came to us and asked if there was anything they could do,â€? Price said. “And lo and behold, it was at the time we were looking for a partner.â€? Price said there won’t be changes in the day-to-day operations at Southwest; everything will remain the same. Thomas said the idea to partner with shared services is a sign of the times. “Every stand-alone hospital in the country that is proactive in being strategic is looking for partners,â€? he said. “Not just regionally, but nationally, because of the complexity in health care reform. I applaud Norman and Southwest for being a proactive organization.â€?
$Q H[DPSOH RI VWURQJ VHUYLFHV LV DQ DIĂ€OLDWLRQ EHWZHHQ WKH 0LVVLVVLSSL Cancer Institute and Ochsner oncologists, who have been treating patients in McComb since March. “Oncologists seeing patients locally is our model and what we try to do,â€? Thomas said. “We are working with stronger organizations that are being proacWLYH DQG LW¡V KXJHO\ EHQHĂ€FLDO DQG WUXO\ D SDUWQHUVKLS Âľ Price said the response to Ochsner oncologists has been impressive. “The number of patients has grown since they’ve been here over 35 percent,â€? Price said. “I’ve had family members (especially from the Centreville area) who were driving to Baton Rouge for chemotherapy and they tell me how thrilled they are now that they can come to McComb and see Ochsner doctors.â€? More Services on the Horizon Oncology isn’t the only medical specialty that could get a boost from Ochsner. Thomas said there are plans for more pediatric services; cardiac electro-physiology; rheumatic, orthopedic, endocrine, and infectious disease subspecialty care. For heart patients who have cardiac ablations, which correct heart rhythm problems, patients who are seen at Ochsner can have their follow-up visits in McComb. Price said Southwest is looking to have a once-a-week clinic for those patients. “What’s important is that we are not meant to be competitive with Southwest,â€? Thomas said, “but to augment and add services,â€? he said. Price agreed. “Inevitably there will be people who need to seek services out of McComb,â€? he said. “We can refer them, get them treated and back home.â€? Southwest board of trustees president Renan Richmond said the move is one that WKH KRVSLWDO FDQ EHQHĂ€W IURP LQ WKH VKRUW term and in the long run. “I look at it as a win-win situation because of health care and the shape it’s in in the United States,â€? Richmond said. “If you’re not partnering up with someone for a service you don’t have, you’re stagnant. And if you’re not making an attempt to improve services, your bottom line will go red.â€?
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hroughout 2016, the city of Natchez, Mississippi, has been celebrating its 300th birthday along the Mississippi. With events to commemorate the historic year, such as daily history minutes from the National Park Service and a morning visit from the U.S. Navy Blue Angels, none have been more enjoyable and attended than the Monday evening “Legends and Loreâ€? hosted throughout town. Each week highlighted a particular part of the city’s storied past. By delving deep into the history of some of Natchez’s notable characters, locations, and events, Natchezians of all ages learned a little something extra about the place that they call home. One particular Legends and Lore that I enjoyed was “Italians in Natchez,â€? which was presented by Charlie Mascagni and other descendants of Italian families who relocated to Natchez. We learned DERXW WKHLU YR\DJHV DFURVV WKH $WODQWLF WKHLU GLIĂ€FXOW EHJLQQLQJV LQ a new country, and their lives today.
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I thought of my Italian roots, their journeys over from Palermo and Naples, and their settling in Natchez to begin a new life. While that was well over 100 years ago, some traditions have been passed down through the Guido family, one in particular being our famous spaghetti and meatball recipe, which we make “for the masses� each Christmas. Actually, my great-great aunt Annie Guido Evans would make the recipe every day and sell it out of her home (next door to my present-day home) along Auburn Avenue. Continuing the tradition of making this recipe through generations, my parents have taken on the task of recreating the Guido “gravy� each year for us to enjoy during our Christmas dinner. So, thank you to the Natchez 300 committee for sharing pieces of Natchez history with us all year long! I’m looking forward to another 300 years along and beyond the Mississippi.
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December 2016
The Natchez 300: Holly Jolly Days Along and Beyond the Mississippi pages 36 - 37
Saint Nicholas Soon Would Be There... pages 38 - 41
By the Chimney with Care pages 42 - 46
Built Seriously Tough: SOS Takes Top Prize pages 48 - 51 Page 8 { December 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
F AV O R I T E S Events Premier Events ................................................................................................................... 52 Louisiana Up & Coming! ............................................................................................... 53-55 Mississippi Up & Coming!.............................................................................................. 56-65
G’s Fare All the Trimmings ..........................................................................................................16-19
Legal Notes Aging Parents: Part II ......................................................................................................... 28
All the Trimmings pages 16 - 19
The Social Scene Fourth of July Party ...................................................................................................... 12-13 CHS Ten Year Reunion ..................................................................................................14-15 BARL Celebrity Dinner and Auction................................................................................. 21 DAR Rosalie Day ........................................................................................................... 22-23 PALS Toast & Tails ............................................................................................................. 26 Defenders of Life Banquet ................................................................................................. 29 35th Anniversary of Faith Presbyterian Kindergarten ................................................ 30-31 Ameristar Celebrity Waiter Dinner .................................................................................... 32
BARL Celebrity Dinner and Auction pages 21
Trinity’s Drawdown ............................................................................................................ 33
ON THE COVER Donning a vintage red suit, Tom Taylor of Natchez, Mississippi, brings in the holiday cheer this Christmas. Photography and Artistic design by T.G. McCary. Suit provided by T.J. Baggett and Laurie Belshan.
Ameristar Celebrity Waiter Dinner pages 32 Bluffs & Bayous { December 2016 { Page 9
Jennie Guido
Jan Ratcliff
Anita Schilling
Van O’Gwin
Cheryl Rinehart
Lisa Adams Whittington SALES STAFF
Jennie Guido
Cheryl Rinehart Donna Sessions CONTRIBUTORS
Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin
Becky Junkin
JoAnna Sproles
Jennifer J. Whittier
Cheryl Rinehart
Jennie Guido
Jean Biglane
Jan Ratcliff
Anita Schilling
Van O’Gwin
Tim McCary
Lisa Adams Whittington
Donna Sessions
JoAnna Sproles
Jennifer J. Whittier
Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin
Becky Junkin
Bluffs & Bayous is published monthly to promote the greater Southern area of Louisiana and Mississippi in an informative and positive manner. We welcome contributions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DQ\ DGYHUWLVHment. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.
OFFICE 423 Main Street, Suite 7 | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 bluf | bluf www.bluf
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Fourth of July Party
atsy and Rusty Yates hosted an Independence Day celebration at their home in Brookhaven, Mississippi, on July 4, 2016. Photography by Bill Perkins
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Sharyl Donegan and Jennifer Hutson Mary Jo Atkins Sarah Underwood Ron and Sharyl Donegan Marty and Amy Cooley Melinda Said Ally Artigue Matt Coleman and Homer Richardson Terry Moak, Betty Ann Perkins, and Phyllis Spearman Barbara Davis, Martha Arrington, and Sherri Mathis Rusty Yates with Ernie and Mary Clark Frank, Amanda, and Terry Moak David and Cindy Kennedy Joanne Rogers and Beverly Britt Mary Harper Hutson Cindy Moore and Patsy Yates Steve Russell and Tom Atkins Martha Ann and Ralph Peeples with Shelley Harrigill
2 15
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19 20 21 22
Bill and Cindy Moore Francis Brady and Amy Cooley Beverly Britt and Dott Cannon Shirley Piper, Rusty Yates, and Jack Piper
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CHS Ten Year Reunion n Friday, October 14, 2016, the Cathedral High School class of 2006 celebrated its ten-year reunion at The Camp under the hill in Natchez, Mississippi. Members of the class reminisced about old times while enjoying the balloon glow and fireworks of the Great Mississippi River Balloon Races’ festivities.
1 Hanna Britt, Lee Best, and Matt Marchbanks 2 Jamie Holloway with Caroline and Daniel Hollowell 3 Andy Taunton and Katie Williamson 4 Sidney McLeod and Drew David 5 Haley Whittington, Claire Kenda, and Katie Gibson 6 Leighann Fraiser and Sarah Calhoun 7 Aisha Sanders, Ashley and Matt Goss, Porchia Matthews, and Matthew and Lizzie Hall 8 Tangelia and Patricia Franklin with Porchia Matthews 9 Stephanie Elliott and Jordan Farmer with Sarah and Zack Calhoun 10 Front row—Aisha Sanders, Kari Guido, Joelle Cooper, Jennie Guido, Katie Gibson, Haley Whittington, Andy Taunton, Caitlin Goodman, Mary Beth Zentner, Mattie Brown, Daniel Hollowell, Jordan Farmer, and Jamie Holloway; middle row— Patricia Franklin, Porchia Matthews, Claire Kenda, and Zack Calhoun; Back row—Miles Dixey, Matthew Hall, Matt Goss, Alex Middleton, Drew David, Lee Best, and Matt Marchbanks 11 Mattie and Larry Brown 12 Mattie Brown, Jordan Farmer, and Claire Kenda 13 Patricia Franklin, Porchia Matthews, Claire Kenda, Aisha Sanders, and Matt Goss
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Shayne and Joelle Cooper Kari Guido and Charles Caldwell Jennie and Kari Guido Chrissy and Charlie Lane Kari Guido, Mary Beth Zentner, and Mattie Brown
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Becky Junkin with Esther Carpenter PHOTOGRAPHY BY Jennie
All the Trimmings F
eatured this month as a G’s Fare guest is my good friend and chef Esther Carpenter, who is so creative and talented in all the arts: she paints; does exquisite stenciling from stencils that she creates herself; produces faux painting that is in demand in Los Angeles and New York; creates in needlepoint; and, of course, delves into cooking. (I told you she was a lady of many talents!) Esther began cooking at a very early age in her family home, Dunleith, and learned the basics. In the 1980s, she went to culinary school here in the states and began perfecting her style. Soon after completing school, she went to Paris where she both studied and worked. When she returned to the states, the World’s Fair opened in New Orleans; and there she opened her fabulous restaurant “Esther’s.� Esther then moved across the country to L.A. where
she worked with the famous Four Seasons Hotel and perfected her skills even more. Eventually, and luckily for Natchez, Esther came back home where she opened a bed-and-breakfast and event venue in her other family home, The Elms. My grandchildren absolutely adore her yeast rolls (Weezie calls them “cinamen� rolls and will do whatever I want if the roll is her reward.) and request them for all holidays. Esther opens her home for luncheons and special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or even New Year’s Eve celebrations. In other words, you name it, and she can do it. She has generously shared her recipes from a recent luncheon she hosted, along with master of decorating John Grady Burns, to help us get ready for the holidays. If you are like some of my friends who do not like to cook, you can always call Esther to do it for you. Bon Appetite!
SPICED PUMPKIN, LENTIL, AND GOAT CHEESE SALAD 3/4 cup French green lentils 6 cups diced sugar pumpkin, 1-inch pieces 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 teaspoon hot smoked Spanish paprika 4 cups arugula 1 cup goat cheese, crumbled Âź cup thinly sliced mint leaves 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar Cover the lentils with cold water and soak for 10 minutes; then drain. Cook the lentils in boiling salted wa[LY \U[PS [LUKLY I\[ Z[PSS Ă„YT HIV\[ 30 minutes). Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Toss the pumpkin with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, cumin, paprika, and salt. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes. Turn the pieces over and roast another 10 to 15 minutes, and let them cool. Combine the lentils, pumpkin, and oil from the baking sheet with the arugula, half of the goat cheese, mint, and oil and vinegar. Divide among the plates, and sprinkle the remaining cheese over the top.
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Corn Salad
Mary Beth Willis’s Corn Dip
POMEGRANATE AND WALNUT CHICKEN 1 orange, zest and juice, separated 1 cup pomegranate juice 2 teaspoons fresh thyme 1/8 teaspoon each cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, and allspice 6 teaspoons canola oil 3/4 teaspoons salt 3/4 cup chicken broth Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Combine the orange and pomegranate juice in a small saucepan, boil, and reduce to 1/4 cup. Add half of the thyme and the other spices, and divide between 2 small bowls. To one bowl, add 2 teaspoons of oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. To the other, add the chicken broth, orange zest, and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Scatter the sweet potatoes, parsnips, and onion over the bottom of a baking dish that measures approximately 10 inches by
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2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces 2 parsnips, peeled and cut into 1/4-inch pieces 1 red onion, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch wedges 8 chicken thighs 1 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped Rice or couscous 15 inches by 2 inches; and toss in 4 teaspoons of oil and the remaining thyme. Arrange the chicken, skin side up, on top of the vegetables and brush with all of the juice and oil mixture. Roast for 30 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and reduce the heat to 375 degrees. Pour the juice and broth mixture around the chicken and scatter in walnuts. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes more. Serve over rice or couscous.
WHITE CHOCOLATE BREAD PUDDING chopped 25 ounces Brioche or 8 ounces butter Hawaiian bread 3 large eggs, separated 4 cups milk 1/2 cup sugar 8 ounces white chocolate, Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter six ten-ounce ramekins and coat with sugar. Heat milk with white chocolate and butter. In a mixer, beat together the egg yolks and sugar until light and pale. Slowly beat in warm milk mixture. In another bowl, whip egg whites until they hold soft peaks. Beat in vanilla. In a large bowl, break up the bread and pour milk/egg mixture V]LY [OL [VW HUK TP_ [OVYV\NOS` I\[ KVUÂť[ SL[ P[ [\YU [V T\ZO Fold the egg whites into the bread mixture. Ladle the pudding mixture into the ramekins. Set the ramekins in a baking dish and
1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup brandy or Cherry For sauce: eau-de-vie 1/2 cup sugar 1 orange, zest and juice pour boiling water into the dish to come halfway up the sides of the ramekins. Bake the puddings until a cake tester comes out JSLHU HIV\[ [V TPU\[LZ While the puddings bake, make the sauce. Combine the sugar, orange zest and juice, and water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the brandy. Becky Junkin, mother of four and grandmother of eight, is a lifelong Natchez UHVLGHQW D UHWLUHG HOHPHQWDU\ WHDFKHU RI WZHQW\ IRXU \HDUV DQG FHUWLĂ€HG Pilates instructor.
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BARL Celebrity Dinner and Auction he Brookhaven Animal Rescue League’s Celebrity Dinner and Auction was held recently in October. The event was filled with costumed waiters, themed tables, and an appearance by special guest, Miss Mississippi Laura Lee Lewis. The event was a huge success raising money for homeless animals.
1 Laura Lee Lewis 2 Julie and Lily Montalvo 3 Senator Sally Doty and Mayor Joe Cox
6 4 Martha Jo Kent and Susan Gabbert 5 Anna Katelyn Smith, Alice Anne Walker, and Hannah Moore 6 Jordan Kennedy, Brandy Givens, Lori Perkins, and Tawana Hux
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DAR Rosalie Day he Daughters of the American Revolution held its annual Rosalie Day on October 21, 2016, in Natchez, Mississippi. A cocktail reception was held at Rosalie on Thursday, October 20, 2016; and the presentation of the Rosalie Roses was held on the grounds on October 21.
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13 14
Charla Jordan and Cindy Mangum Cindy McNamara and Leslie Bruning JoAnne Collins and LuciAnne Wood Mary Willard and Montine Bond Priscilla and Bob Harper with Sally Campbell Mahala and Polly Roberts Erin Pope and Patty Turner Lynn Hall, Haltie Phalen, Erin Pope, Patty Turner, and Jutta White Sharon Nettles, CIndy McNamara, and Billie Freedlove Beth Herring, Becky Rhinehart, and Weda Hudson Priscilla and Bob Harper Judy Byars, Kathy Brewer, Billie Freedlove, Peggy Vanderburg, and Susan Johnson Dianne Norman, Lynn Porter, Leslie Burris, and Faye Hollingsworth Barbara Colson, Sadie Kate Kennedy, Cindy McNamara, and Maxine Nolen
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THE social SCENE
15 Carolyn Vaughan, Nina Akin, Bette Poole, and Jenna Aldridge 16 Front—Shelbi Lamb, Billie Freedlove, Katie Lamb, Bea Lamb, Watson Lamb, Maril Lamb, Mark Abial Lamb, Watson Lamb, Hank Lamb, Ferran Lamb, John Lamb, and Sherri White; Back— Andrew Lamb 17 Front—Mary Catherine Stewart, Donna Hambrick, Cindy McNamara, Becky Rhinehart, and Judy Byars; Back—Martha Denny, Erin Pope, Pam White, Janie Piddicard, and Sandra McKieron
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On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River
Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Page 24 { {December December2016 2016{{ Bluffs Bluffs & Bayous & Bayous
On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River
Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Bluffs Bluffs & Bayous & Bayous {{December December2016 2016{ { Page 25
PALS Toast & Tails n October 20, 2016, PALS Rescue Inc. hosted Toast & Tails at the Ice House Courtyard in downtown McComb, Mississippi. The silent auction and fundraiser help raise money for the local no-kill animal shelter.
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11 12
Teddy and Darlene Gill Cody Redditt and Chris Hamilton Brett and Lisa Ferman Representative Sam Mims and Shawn Munson Jim and Betty O’Rourke Kelly and Michael Parks Lacey Philebar, Lisa Ferman, and Melanie Carruth Jerry and Vickie Malone Michele Ward with Kim and Stacey Saucier Cody Redditt, Lisa Ferman, David Stewart, Gay Austin, Melissa DuCoux, and Jerry Malone Max Sunberg and Spike Leslie Alexander, Buddy Nelson, and Jane Quin
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Lucien C. Gwin III
Aging Parents: Part II
n my last article, I mentioned that I planned to write a series of articles on aging parents and the issues surrounding such. My last article touched upon the issues of whether or not to convey aging parents’ properties to a child while the parents are alive or to wait until the parents have passed away, in which case the child can assume a higher tax basis. This article is going to explore the actual physical incapacities of an aging person and what could or should be done for that person to assure a certain degree of control over the aging individual himself or herself and/or over this person’s estate. Assume that you have a parent who is showing signs of forgetfulness and has now become a holy terror behind the wheel of a car. What can you do? Basically there are a few options for concerned children in this situation. One option is to acquire a “General Power of Attorney� over
the parent. Another option is obtaining a “Durable Power of Attorney,â€? which carries with it a life care directive. Simply put, a Power of Attorney gives to the Grantee, (aka the child), the ability to take FRQWURO RYHU DOO Ă€QDQFLDO DVSHFWV RI WKH parent’s life. When a child takes a General Power of Attorney over his or her parents, he, therefore, has the right to manage all the parents’ affairs, including the handling of monies, buying/selling of real estate, and managing any aspect of personal or business that the parent maintains. One needs to understand, however, that simply obtaining a Power of Attorney does not necessarily stop the parents from conducting their own business matters, as well. For example, the parents can still go to their bank and withdraw monies from their account even though the child has the General Power of Attorney to do the exact same thing. It should be pointed out that once one receives a Power of Attorney (including a FKLOG WKHQ WKDW SHUVRQ EHFRPHV D ´ÀGXciaryâ€? toward the parent. Fiduciary means that the child owes the utmost good faith to the parent. Certainly a child acting under a Power of Attorney should never—and I repeat never—place the parents’ assets in his or her own name because, if there are other collateral siblings, the child holding
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the Power of Attorney could very well be setting himself or herself up for a future lawsuit by family members. So, if aging parents only need assistance with their affairs and are not totally dependent on someone else, then a General Power of Attorney is a good way for a child to assist in paying bills, keeping up with investments, and doing general banking business for the parents. A General Power of Attorney is also very helpful when parents have all of their mental faculties, but have physical disabilities and limitations, which prohibit them from getting around. If a child is trying to gain full control over parents because of their inability to act for themselves, a Power of Attorney is sometimes not the right answer. My Take: A Power of Attorney is advisable for elderly parents when they are still functioning and still able to assist themselves. Once an elderly parent goes beyond this point, a “Conservatorship� may be the answer. I will delve more into the nature of Conservatorships in my next article. Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Lewis, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.
Defenders of Life Banquet he Center for Pregnancy Choices in Vicksburg, Mississippi, held its Defenders of Life Banquet Thursday, November 3, 2016, at Crossway Church. Awards were presented to community members. J. J. Jasper, comedian and radio host from Tupelo, was the keynote speaker.
1 Kelli Lafferty with Christy and Charles Wilson 2 Patty Shropshire and Felicia Jacobson 3 Rita Hollowell and Beth Porter 4 Lorraine Copeland and Kay Barnett 5 Adele York and Betty Kamman 6 Jeanine Hall and Debra Martin 7 Jonathon and Amanda Boone 8 Shirley Collins, Jo Holliday, and Julie Carr 9 J J Jasper 10 Melly Crist, Debbie Quimby, and Rhonda Cresswell 11 Priscilla Black, Alice Beamon, Cassandra Lumpkin, Laura Smith, and Beverly White 12 Regina Foster, Jennifer Melton, Sharon Batchelor, Cindy Burton, and Kristi Williams
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35th Anniversary of Faith Presbyterian Kindergarten aith Presbyterian Kindergarten of Brookhaven, Mississippi, celebrated thirty-five years of ministry to the community on Thursday, November 3, 2016, with an open house and reception. FPK graduate, Miss Mississippi Laura Lee Lewis was the special guest. Laura Lee reminisced about the early formative years spent at FPK along with her past teachers Velma Estess, Virginia Sparks, Lynn DeHuff, and Harriett Proffitt. She also visited with her very special mentor Ms. Pam Fearn, a member of Faith Presbyterian Church. FPK is a ministry of Faith Presbyterian Church. Harriett Proffitt along with the Women of Faith hosted the reception.
1 Emerson Hightower and Laura Lee Lewis 2 Kelly Scott and Holly Perkins 3 Lorin Lewis and Susan Aycock 4 Virginia Sparks and Harriett Proffitt 5 Melissa Hewitt and Laura Lee Lewis 6 Laura Lee Lewis and Chad Scott 7 Laura Lee Lewis 8 Pam Fearn and Lynn DeHuff 9 Velma Estess and Laura Lee Lewis 10 Pastor Russ Hightower, Associate Pastor Chad Scott, and Kevin Hux 11 Jenny Allen, Kelly Scott, and Amanda Hightower
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12 Fran Massengill, Harriett Proffitt, Robin Patterson, Velma Estess, Glenda Hux, Laura Lee Lewis, Pam Fearn, Lynn DeHuff, and Virginia Sparks 13 Lynn DeHuff and Virginia Sparks 14 Virginia Sparks and Jenny Allen 15 Laura Lee Lewis with Hutson and Erin Waltman 16 Robin Patterson, Velma Estess, and Laura Lee Lewis 17 Addison and Erin Waltman with Melissa Hewitt
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Ameristar Celebrity Waiter Dinner
n Tuesday, October 25, 2016, the Ameristar Casino hosted its annual Celebrity Waiter Dinner in Vicksburg, Mississippi, benefiting the American Cancer Society. Local celebrities played waiter for the evening and catered to their guests’ needs.
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Kristi Smith and Dr. David Fagan Lori Burke and Lauren Cappaert Dorothy Pickett and Melanie Sanders Harley Caldwell and Malary Pullen Sarah and Mike McMillin Margaret Denton and Darlene Jackson Allison Ross, Ray Sienko, Bea Willis, and Annie Jenkins Glenn McKay, Troy Kimble, and John Heggins Annette Kirklin, Steve Peters, and Ali Hobson Debi Martin, Christy Thornton, and Paula Shores Danielle Warmock, Jane Paris, and Minor Ferris Senator Briggs Hobson, Phillip Doiron, and Minor Ferris Mayor George Flaggs, Alicia Therior, and Brian Boykins Amanda and Terry Crawford with Michelle Hill Courtney Landers Hauptman and Mary Landers
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Trinity’s Drawdown
rinity Episcopal Day School hosted its annual Drawdown at the home of Dr. Jack and Linda Rodriguez on Saturday, October 8, 2016, in downtown Natchez, Mississippi, to benefit the school.
1 Sarah Smith and Tommy Ferrell 2 Sandy Hall, Robin Bertrand, Madison Lees, Marisa Lees, and Brandy Hall 3 Kala Miller, Linda Rodriguez, and Myla Waddill 4 Graham and Kelsey Roberts 5 Joel Lessley and Eric Robinson 6 Linda and Dr. Jack Rodriguez 7 Tim and Lena McKnight 8 Cricket and Shane Daugherty 9 Aaron and Lesley Shermer 10 Patti Sanders, Paul Anderson, Beverly Adams, Lilith Anderson, and Dr. Shirani Hickman
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Photography courtesy of the Natchez Convention and Visitors Bureau
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hristmas is a special time of the year for Natchez, and the city’s historic landscape offers a winter wonderland that kicks off in early November each year. Kris Kringle stops by Natchez ÀUVW RQ &KULVWPDV (YH
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Holiday Open House in Downtown Natchez Christmas in Natchez Celebration Small Business Saturday Walking Tours with Rolling River Bistro Lighting of the Christmas Tree Photos with Santa at the Natchez Mall Annual Holiday Parade Decorations on Providence Road Natchez Garden Club’s Victorian Luncheon Brunch with Santa at The Castle International Paper’s Decorations on the Natchez Bluff
12. The Tower’s Jeweled Tours
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
A Natchez Christmas Carol Library Tour of Homes Christmas at Linden Turkey Gumbo Cook-Off Children’s Christmas Fun Fair Natchez Festival of Music’s Christmas Cabaret Alcorn Choir Performance at St. Mary Basilica National Wreaths Across America Christmas Dinner at Monmouth Historic Inn Candlelight Tours at The Towers Santa at Stanton Hall Christmas Celebration at The Castle Santa Claus Parade Bluffs Bluffs & Bayous & Bayous {{December December2016 2016{ { Page 37
Saint Nicholas Soon Would Be There...
By Jennie Guido • Photography by Lisa Adams Whittington Page 38 { December 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
Natchez tradition that children and adults alike look forward to on Christmas Eve, the Santa Claus Committee’s annual parade of cars, with its sirensounding escort of police cars, winds its way through the city, building anticipation for Saint Nick’s visit that night. For generations, the men of the committee have started bright and early each Christmas Eve to travel throughout Natchez neighborhoods spreading Christmas cheer, with Santa in his Santamobile completing the motorcade. One of Santa’s stops along last year’s parade route was at the home of Andrea and Ray Bradford where guests enjoyed a festive spread prepared by Chef Bingo Starr. “The parade goes through all the neighborhoods throwing candy to all the children, and it stops at various homes during the course of the day,â€? Andrea Bradford shared. “Santa, along with his helpers, comes in and talks to all the children, handing them each a quarter, and getting a run-down on all the important toys they have asked for this Christmas.â€? At the end RI WKH GD\ 6DQWD DQG KLV ´HOYHVÂľ PDNH D Ă€QDO VWRS DW WKH ROG Braden School and the Natchez Children’s Home to give out presents to children awaiting there. “I grew up attending these Santa Claus parties and was delighted when we were asked to host a stop,â€? Bradford said. “Now, our grandchildren are enjoying this special event and will learn all the good that comes from this committee because they are certainly making some of our less fortunate children happy.â€? Others hosting this Christmas event with the Bradfords included Lauri Boyd, Pam and Gary Wood, Wanda and Ricky Smith, Kathy and Joel Guyer, Debbie and Skipper Blackwell, Johnny Hoggatt, Sherrill Byrd, and Byron Hamilton. “We have several elves that help us put this party on, which begins at two in the afternoon,â€? Bradford explained. “Friends start arriving, and we have lots of festive foods and drinks for them to enjoy. The classic Christmas music favorites are playing inside and out. In one room, we have a children’s table set up with Christmas cookies, cupcakes, and sandwiches in a variety of Christmas shapes and special goodies for all.â€?
Opposite page— The Bradford family Christmas tree set the perfect stage to greet Santa Claus. Left, top—The intricate details of the party helped to bring in Christmas cheer. Middle— Christmas-themed appetizers were an added treat. Bottom—Guests enjoyed a pin-wheel tray of festive fare.
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Also part of the occasion’s festivities were the Bradford family’s traditional Christmas decorations. “I collect Santa &ODXV Ă€JXUHV Âľ %UDGIRUG VDLG ´6RPH RI my favorites are the ones that my mother brought to me from her travels from England and China.â€? Once Santa with his entourage drew near the Bradford home around 3:00 p.m.,
the real merriment ensued. “When everyone begins hearing the sirens, we all know Santa is almost here. Everyone runs outside to greet the parade and, of course, Santa. The children are so excited,� Bradford shared. “It really doesn’t get any better than this. This is only one of the reasons Natchez is such a special place. It’s a magical place for all, young and old.�
Opposite page— Bradford’s Santa Claus collection took center stage in her decorating scheme. Top—The hostesses enjoyed celebrating this festive tradition with family and friends. Middle left— The Ellard family takes part in the Santa Claus parade every year. Middle right—Santa Claus visits with the children and hears their Christmas wishes. Left—Andrea Bradford (center) shares her love of the holidays with her daughter Rebecca (right) and granddaughter Madalyn.
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By the Chimney with Care By Jennie Guido • Photography by Cheryl Rinehart Page 42 { December 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
ecorating for the Christmas season can be an exhilarating experience each year, especially for Gay and Will Austin of McComb, Mississippi—they get to decorate twice! With a second home located in Natchez, Mississippi, Gay Austin enjoys bringing some of her McComb Christmas traditions and decorations to Natchez in order to create a second winter wonderland among the many mantel pieces found in the historic “Pritchartt Home” along Clifton Avenue on the Mississippi River bluff. “When Will and I were restoring the house,” Gay explained, “all of the mantels were removed and stripped of many layers of paint. Once we made it to the original wood, we found that they were made of several types of wood (oak, cherry, and walnut); and each was also styled a little differently. We decided to stay with just the wood and not repaint them.” Each mantel’s Christmas decoration depicts a different theme. “In the morning room, I used fresh greenery from my garden, fresh tillandsia from my daughter’s wedding in November, and bleached long leaf
Austin used succulents, a current trend, in the Christmas decor on one of the many mantels in her Natchez home.
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pine cones from our land in Pike County,” Gay shared. “The parlor consisted of a bird theme using branches DQG P\ FROOHFWLRQ RI ELUGV ÀJXULQHV ,Q 0F&RPE LQ the past, I always had a wildlife tree; but I decided to use these in Natchez instead.”
With a woodland theme, a rustic spin helped bring the outdoors in on this mantelpiece.
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Continuing with a wildlife theme, Gay dressed up the dining room with silver, teal, and peacock feathers to give the room a formal feeling. As for the master bedroom, she used cedar to decorate the space and its mantel. “This room was probably my favorite,” *D\ VDLG ´7KH VDPH \HDU WKDW ZH ÀQLVKHG with the restoration, one of our cedar trees fell in the backyard on Clifton Avenue. We had it removed but saved enough logs of the trunk
For a more formal theme, Austin used the beautiful hues of peacock feathers to decorate the dining room.
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In a guest bedroom, Austin used wooden elements, made from a fallen tree in her yard.
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of the tree to make wooden ‘icicles.’ In Pike County, Robert Acardo made them for us.â€? Finally, in the upstairs “greenâ€? bedroom, Gay brought over her Santa Claus collection to decorate the mantel. While her decorations in McComb usually consist of fresh JUHHQHU\ *D\ GHFLGHG WR XVH DUWLĂ€FLDO WKLV \HDU DQG VSUXFH XS the dĂŠcor with lights to brighten the spaces. With this new Christmas season upon us, Gay looks forward to spending time with her growing family in both Natchez and McComb. “We’ve always enjoyed having our traditional holiday feast when the kids were growing up, enjoying the typical activities of the holiday season. The same menu continues every year for us,â€? Gay remarked. “Will’s children live in Virginia, Georgia, and Alabama; so it’s always fun to have all here together during the holiday season. My son and daughter live in McComb, so I’m lucky to see them pretty regularly. Making an effort to have all nine grandchildren together for a short time is important to us both. In April of this year, we had three new additions (Lucy in Alabama, Lute in Georgia, and Bess in McComb). So, this year will be especially fun with the little babies. Yes, the holidays will be chaotic and exhausting; but they are always worth it.â€?
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Built Seriously Tough:
7KH ÀUVW DOO ZRPDQ JURXS WR enter the Quick and Dirty Boat Competition, Natchez’s S.O.S. took pride in their build and win.
hen a group of women put their heads together, the possibilities are endless. For the “Seriously Outrageous Sisters” from Natchez, Mississippi, attending, participating in, and winning the Quick and Dirty Boat Competition at this year’s Wooden Boat Festival in Madisonville, Louisiana, was a goal they set and achieved.
A group of friends for twenty-seven years, these “sisters” are Nicole Hamilton, Kay McKey, Brenda McKey, Andrea Hanisch, Bobbye Hanisch, and Glenda Allen. When trying to create their group’s name, Kay McKey explained, “We went through several names before coming up with S.O.S. two weeks before attending the
by Jennie Guido • Photography by Sally Durkin Page 48 { December 2016 { Bluffs & Bayous
S.O.S. Takes Top Prize
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After a day of building and hard work, the “sisters” enjoyed a night of revelry and celebration of their win.
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festival in early October. Brenda and I are sisters; Bobbye and Andrea are sisters; and, of course, we are all sisters of love! We cook together, have gatherings together, and build boats.” Knowing about the festival led the group to take their talents and put them to the test. “Andrea and Brenda’s friends Rob and Joy Curtis started the Wooden Boat Festival, and several of us have attended the festivities in past years,” Kay shared. “It was such a fun experience!” Once they decided to take part in the contest, they had to create a plan to craft their boat on site as the competition rules required. “Even though others had attended the festival, Nicole was the mastermind behind our winning boat,” Kay said. “Our theme in mind was to represent Natchez, so we named our boat “The Natchez Belle.” From there, the idea grew, and the group became a winning team. “Each individual had a distinct contribution that led the team to the prize of ‘Best in Show,’ ” Kay noted. “We all work well together, which made the process on the day
of competition run very smoothly. Nicole came up with the plans; Brenda and Andrea were our saw masters; Glenda and Bobbye were our mathematical brains; and I was the decorator. But, of course, each of us had a hand in everything.â€? After the building of the boats, a parade of all the entries made its way to the Tchefuncte River where teams launched their boats on their maiden voyages. For the parade, “We decRUDWHG KLJK KHHO SXPSV WRJHWKHU Ă LS Ă RSV >IRU WKURZLQJ@ DQG built a Mardi Gras wagon,â€? Kay remembered. “It was just like Mardi Gras in Natchez or New Orleans, making our way to the dock.â€? While the boat-building competition was the sisters’ main focus, the Wooden Boat Festival is a weekend-long event for wooden show boats to compete for prizes. Also on hand is music for the entire family to enjoy as well as vendors selling all types of arts, crafts, and food. “We have already gotten to work on next year’s theme,â€? Kay added. “We have to defend our title!â€?
Setting sail the its maiden voyage, “The Natchez Belle� took center stage during the race.
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premier events DECEMBER NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI Through January 7 Jeweled Christmas at The Towers Natchez, MS The Jeweled Christmas at The Towers is one of the most unique seasonal tours in the South, which mixes Christmas with jewelry displays. Thousands of incredible pieces of vintage costume jewelry are displayed throughout the antebellum mansion. USA Today has named this magical event as one of the Top Ten most unusual Christmas events in the United States and is the only indoor display RQ WKH OLVW 7KH 7RZHUV LV QHVWOHG RYHU ÀYH lush acres in downtown Natchez, Mississippi and is considered the grandest and most elegant antebellum homes in Mississippi. For tickets, visit www.thetowersofnatchez. com or call Tourology at (601)660-7300.
VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI December 10 The Confederate Christmas Ball Vicksburg, MS The Confederate Christmas Ball will be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016, in the courtroom of the Old Court House Museum in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Participants will dance period dances to an old-time band and enjoy wine and a light food buffet. Most attending the ball will be in period costumes. Free dance classes are available in the courtroom of the museum on Friday, DeFHPEHU IURP 3 0 WR 3 0 7KLV \HDU·V EDQG is The Bonnie Blue. The event is a historical reenactment of the 1862 Christmas Eve Ball at the Balfour House in downtown 9LFNVEXUJ 7KH &RQIHGHUDWH &KULVWPDV %DOO DW WKH %DOIRXU +RXVH ZDV ÀUVW KHOG LQ DQG LV D IXQGUDLVHU IRU WKH 9LFNVEXUJ :DUUHQ &RXQW\ +LVWRULFDO 6RFLHW\ WKDW RSHUDWHV WKH 2OG &RXUW +RXVH 0XVHXP 7KH ROG :DUUHQ &RXQW\ &RXUW +RXVH ZDV EXLOW LQ RQ RQH RI 9LFNVEXUJ·V KLJKHVW KLOOV SURSHUW\ WKDW ZDV JLYHQ WR WKH FRXQW\ E\ WKH IDPLO\ RI WKH FLW\·V IRXQGHU 1HZLW 9LFN Tickets to the ball are $30 per person and can be obtained by calling the Historical Society at (601)636-0741 or by emailing
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Louisiana Up & Coming! DECEMBER ALEXANDRIA Throughout December Every Tuesday )DUPHU·V 0DUNHW FUMC Parking Lot 3 – 6 pm December 1, 2 & 3 Alex Winter Fete Downtown Alexandria ² SP December 2 – 3, 9 – 10, & 16 – 23 Holiday Light Safari Alexandria Zoo $JHV XS December 4 Celebrating the Holidays with Jazz: Rapides Symphony Orchestra Coughlin – Saunders Performing Arts Center 2:30 pm December 11 Christmas Parade Metro Dr/Jackson St. Ext. 2 pm BATON ROUGE Throughout December December 3 Christmas in Central Square Corner of Sullivan & Wax Rd. December 4 A Rural Life Christmas LSU Rural Life Museum 8 am – 6:30 pm &KLOGUHQ XQGHU )UHH December 10 Christmas Parade Downtown ² SP
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DECEMBER Louisiana Up & Coming!
December 17 & 18 Baton Rouge Ballet Theatre The Nutcracker – A Tale from the Bayou River Center Theatre SP (225)766-8379 / PORT ALLEN Throughout December ST. FRANCISVILLE December 2 %DWRQ 5RXJH 6\PSKRQ\ 2UFKHVWUD·V Holiday Jazz in St. Francisville Hemingbough SP December 2 - 4 Christmas in the Country Throughout St. Francisville 6KRSSLQJ 7UHH OLJKWLQJ 3DUDGH 0RUH Christmas Tour of Homes: 6DWXUGD\ DP ² SP (225)635-3873 TALLULAH December 3 3-·V 3DQFDNHV 3ODQHV Southern Heritage Air Foundation Museum Hanger 8 - 10 am (318)574-2731 VIDALIA Every Wednesday )DUPHU·V 0DUNHW Old Courthouse
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Louisiana Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 3 Breakfast with Santa Concordia Bank Community Room ² DP December 4 Christmas Parade Hwy. 84 Begin: Vidalia Lower; End: Vidalia High 3 pm December 13 Vidalia Chamber General Membership Christmas Luncheon Comfort Suites Riverfront Hotel December 17 Movie on the River: The Polar Express Vidalia Amphitheater ² SP
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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! BROOKHAVEN
December 1 Christmas Parade Downtown Brookhaven 6:30 pm / Grand Marshall: Miss Mississippi Laura Lee Lewis
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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 4 Junior Auxiliary of Brookhaven Milk & Cookies with Santa Brookhaven Chamber of Commerce SP (601) 754-8399 December 2 – 4 & 9 – 11 A Christmas Carol Haven Theatre (601)669-1878 / December 3 Pet Photos with Santa Petsense ² DP December 16 Advent Music Service Church of the Redeemer ² SP (601)833-7399 December 17 Family Christmas Movie Saturday Haven Theatre ² SP (601)669-1878 / JACKSON Throughout December Throughout December Live Music Concerts Duling Hall Throughout December Art Events at Mississippi Museum of Art December 2, 3, & 4 %DOOHW 0LVVLVVLSSL·V The Nutcracker Thalia Mara Hall 7 & 2 pm (601)960-1560 / December 10 & 11 0LVVLVVLSSL 0HWURSROLWDQ %DOOHW·V The Nutcracker & Tea Party Jackson Academy Performing Arts Center SP (601)853-4508 /
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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 11 & 18 0LVVLVVLSSL 2SHUD¡V Amahl and the Night Visitors Duling Hall 3 pm (601)960-2300 / December 17 & 18 %DOOHW 0DJQLĂ€FDQW¡V Light Has Come: 7KH $QJHOV¡ 6WRU\ Thalia Mara Hall SP (601)977-1001 ZZZ EDOOHWPDJQLĂ€FDQW FRP MCCOMB December 3 McComb Christmas Parade Downtown McComb 10 am / “Christmas in Toylandâ€? (601)684-3056 December 8 Meet Santa & Model Train Display McComb Depot ² SP )UHH 6WXGHQWV LQYLWHG 'HFHPEHU December 8 – 11 Destination: Christmas The Depot Theatre SP 6XQGD\ SP (601)310-4933 December 10 0F&RPE $QLPDO 6KHOWHU¡V &KULVWPDV DW the Depot McComb Depot &DU VKRZ 0XVLF &UDIWV .LGV $UHD DP ² SP (601)684-3602 January 26 WK $QQXDO ´6KXIĂ H WR WKH &KHIVÂľ McComb Mill 6 %URDGZD\ SP (601)684-4678 MEADVILLE December 1 Christmas Parade and Fireworks Downtown Meadville SP
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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER NATCHEZ Throughout December Natchez Tricentennial Events Throughout December Live Music Event Calendar Throughout December Pictures with Santa Claus The Natchez Mall 7LPHV GDWHV YDU\ (601)445-9683 December 2 Mistletoe, Magic, and Music Stanton Hall SP $GXOWV &KLOGUHQ (601)446-6631
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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 2 Natchez Festival of Music presents Christmas Cabaret Natchez Community Center SP &DVK EDU (601)442-4272 December 2 – 23 A Natchez Christmas Carol Natchez Little Theatre )ULGD\ 6DWXUGD\ 7XHVGD\V SP 6XQGD\ SP December 3 -$·V %UHDNIDVW ZLWK WKH *ULQFK Duncan Park Canteen ² DP December 3 Christmas Parade Downtown Natchez 6 pm
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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 4 Friends of the Library Christmas Tour of Homes Throughout Natchez ² SP (601)446-6631 December 4 Alcorn Choir Concert 6W 0DU\·V %DVLOLFD SP )UHH December 9 NGC Victorian Luncheon Magnolia Hall DP ² SP 6RXS FDVVHUROH VDOH (601)443-9065
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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 10 1DWFKH] +XPDQH 6RFLHW\·V 7HGG\ %HDU Adoption Party Green Leaves 303 South Rankin ² SP SHU FKLOG (601)597-9350 December 10 1DWFKH] +XPDQH 6RFLHW\·V A Christmas Taste of Natchez Green Leaves 303 South Rankin ² SP SHU SHUVRQ (601)597-9350 December 10 Second Saturday Downtown Natchez 6 – 8 pm December 11 Lessons & Carols St. Mary Basilica 3 pm
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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER OSYKA December 1 Lighting of the Park Osyka Civic Club 6:30 pm December 10 Christmas in Osyka Downtown Festival: 10 am 3DUDGH SP Pictures with Santa )LUHZRUNV SP SUMMIT December 1 - 4 Stage Band Show SMCC Hurst Auditorium SP 6XQGD\ SP (601)276-2000 /
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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 15 6KRS 6XPPLW /DWH ¶7LO Downtown Summit Stores open until 8 pm
December 14, 15, & 16 JPAC presents The Lion King SMCC Hurst Auditorium (601)680-4185
Throughout December Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation
TYLERTOWN December 1 – 31 Christmas in the Park Nightly Drive through 6 – 8:30 pm &DU 9DQ %XV (601)876-2656
Read Us Everywhere!
Throughout December
December 2 ,·P 'UHDPLQJ RI D &RWWRQ Christmas Party Old Constitution Firehouse Gallery 0DLQ SP (601)638-9221
December 2 Santa Comes to Town Centennial Square ² SP
December 3 Christmas Parade of Lights Washington Street (601)634-4527
December 6 Christmas Parade Downtown SP (601)876-4911
December 3 Holly Days Arts & Crafts Show Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation DP ² SP
December 9 Country Christmas Festival & Craft Show Agri-Heritage Center 9 am – 6 pm / Free
December 3 3-·V 3DQFDNHV 3ODQHV Southern Heritage Air Foundation Museum Hanger 8 - 10 am (318)574-2731
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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 4, 11, & 18 Santa @ the Outlets Outlets at Vicksburg ² SP (601)636-7434 December 8 – 11 A Tuna Christmas Parkside Playhouse SP $GXOWV 6HQLRUV &KLOG (601)636-0471
December 9 – 16 Christmas Tour of Homes Throughout Vicksburg (601)883-1525
December 10 Breakfast with Santa Vicksburg Convention Center 8 – 10 am $GYDQFH $W GRRU (601)630-2929
December 10 6DQWD·V 6OD\ The Bluff SP (601)634-0557 / December 10 Confederate Christmas Ball Courtroom in Old Courthouse Museum ² SP &RXSOH ,QGLYLGXDO
%H VXUH WR FRQÀUP GHWDLOV RI WKH HYHQWV should changes have occurred since events were submitted.
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DECEMBER 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
DECEMBER 10, 11, 17, 18
American Queen Docks 800.647.6724 |
Library Tour of Homes 601.445.8862 |
DECEMBER 1-JANUARY 7 Jeweled Christmas at The Towers 601.446.6890 |
Natchez Festival of Music’s Alcorn Christmas Concert 601.442.4272 |
Progressive Dinner at Magnolia Hall, Choctaw Hall and The Towers 601.660.7300 |
DECEMBER 5, 12, 19
Auburn Christmas Open House 601.442.5981 |
“They Equip Themselves like Warriors”: The Natchez Fort Site at Battleground Plantation 601.446.6502 | grand-village-of-natchez-indians/
Natchez Legends & Lore 800.647.6724 |
Lessons and Carols at St. Mary Basilica 800.647.6724 |
Santa at Stanton Hall 601.445.6104 |
Celebration of Christmas Trees at Historic Jefferson College 601.442.2901 | historic-jefferson-college/
MS Bandmasters Conference 601.442.5880 |
DECEMBER 8, 15, 22 Christmas Markets by the American Queen Steamboat Company 800.647.6724 |
DECEMBER 2 Natchez Festival of Music’s A Christmas Cabaret 601.442.4272 |
DECEMBER 15 Coca-Cola Santa Truck Tour 800.647.6724 |
Christmas Candlelight Tour at The Towers 601.446.6890 |
Victorian Christmas Luncheon at Magnolia Hall 601.445.4420 |
Pilgrim Church 601.442.5880 |
Toyota of Natchez 601.442.5880 |
Natchez Little Theatre’s A Natchez Christmas Carol 877.440.2233 |
Wreaths Across America 601.445.4981 |
DECEMBER 2, 9, 16, 22
Second Saturday 800.647.6724 |
Jordan Carriers 601.442.5880 |
Mistletoe, Magic and Music at Stanton Hall with Alvin Shelby and Friends 601.446.6631 |
Natchez Photography Tour 601.660.7300 |
Christmas Tea at Magnolia Cottage 601.807.5260 |
Natchez 300 Heritage Holiday Parade 800.647.6724 | Waste Pro 601.442.5880 |
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Gingerbread House Decorating at Natchez Coffee Company 601.304.1415 Light the Landscape of Elms Court 601.445.5431 |
Unity, Prayer and Peace Celebration Tricentennial Finale 800.647.6724 | December by Appointment Christmas Tour & Famous Milk Punch at Linden B&B 601.446.6631 |