Minimalism Coaching & Space Organizer
Ever feel confined with too much stuff?
Are your closets full?
I grew up with a conservative family where
Drawers stuffed?
everything was kept in the garage, garden,
Cabinets crammed?
storage room, or even in the unused bed-
Piles spilling over?
room. Every room filled with stuff; something
Do just have way too much stuff?
we no longer use, some old objects from my
If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are not alone!
old’s parent house, and was getting messier. My siblings and I started to see it as a problem. Every weekend, my dad would ask us to organize our house. But he never got rid of anything. It was just very frustrating to reorganize things, move things over but it never looked better. We should have spent our weekends doing something fun, something pleasant not doing chores. This problem led to unhappiness and arguments between us. I always had thought about how to fix this problem, how to change my dad’s attitude through things. I consider myself a minimalist. Minimalism brings me happiness by giving me more room for my life, more time, and more freedom. This project gave me a chance to create something that would not only make me better but would help others realize the same thing as I do.
Topic for Investigation
Brand Framework
Color Palette
Initial Names & Logos
Logo Guidelines
Initial Sketches
Final Design
Deliverable 1: Event
Deliverable 2: App
Deliverable 3: Service
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
Initial Sketches
Name tags/Booklet
Final Design
Van Wrap & Staff Outfit
Share Idea Board
Cardboard Boxes
In the average American home, there are over 300,000 items. That’s true even though 1 in 10 Americans rent offsite storage.
Chapter 1
01 11
Topic for Investigation
01 Hoard No More
02 Panic Attack
03 Stop Bullying
Fact: In the average American home, there
Fact: A person with panic disorder may
Fact: Approximately 160,000 teens skip
are over 300,000 items. That’s true even
become discouraged and feel ashamed
school every day because of bullying.
though 1 in 10 Americans rent offsite storage.
because he or she cannot carry out
Problem: Some people are willing to keep things that have not been used for years
normal routines like going to school or work, or driving.
Problem: Only a small percentage of children who are bullied, report it. The reason is that they do not believe adults will help them. 1 in
because they believe that someday in the
Problem: Panic attacks often begin in late
4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying
future, these things will be useful or gain value.
adolescence or early adulthood. Many times,
and will only intervene 4% of the time.
Objective: I will look into how to encourage the audiences to purge things they don’t actually need. Also, I will study how decluttering things would make their lives better.
people don’t realize they’re having a panic attack so they don’t think it is something they need to do about it. Objective: I will investigate panic attack
Objective: I would like to examine how important a teacher is in the bullying situation. And why some teachers see nothing wrong with it.
symptoms and basic management to help people understand how it works and how to cope with it.
References: [1] Los Angeles Times: For many people, gathering possessions is just the stuff of life [2] NPR: Behind the Ever-Expanding American Dream House [3] The New York Times Magazine: The Self-Storage Self [4] Credit Sesame: How Long Are Americans Staying in Their Homes?
Chapter 1
04 Film’s Still Alive
05 Your Food Matters
06 Breakup Rehab
Fact: The digital camera technology has
Fact: Up to 40 percent of the food in the
Fact: Breakup can be agony. According to
become a major effect of film disappearance.
United States is never eaten. But at the same
scientific research, this is because of the
time, one in eight Americans struggles to put
same areas in the brain are activated when
enough food on the table.
we feel heartbreak and when we feel
Problem: The masses of digital camera users believe that film is outdated and less
physical pain.
convenient to use. However, many people
Problem: The research shows that Americans
don’t know that film provides something that
are conditioned to seek out the freshest, most
Problem: A researcher, professor, Janice
digital can’t. The unexpected palette, the
nutritious food. So they tend to throw away
Kiecolt-Glaser explains that breaking up
grain and dynamic range on offer all give
food out of a desire to eat the freshest food
could cause both physical and mental
personality and delicate nuance to the
which is too soon.
problem including lost appetite, some related
finished result. Objective: I will research how today
Objective: I will investigate how unwanted food could be delivered for people to need it.
technology could maintain film demand.
to stress, depression and other breakupinduced emotional responses. Objective: I will study the facts about breaking up and understand why we feel, think and behave as we do after a break-up.
Hoard No More
If Not Now, Then When
Have Less, Be Happier
Judgement or Compassion
Question: How can I encourage people to
Question: How can I educate people on
Question: How can I encourage people not to
purge stuff they don’t need, and become less
how to be less, and how it makes their
judge hoarders for what they do? Instead, try
obsessed with objects?
lives happier?
to understand and help them.
Summary: Some people think that things
Summary: People are having trouble getting
Summary: Some people think that hoarders
might end up needing in the future or gain
rid of stuff, making a hard decision, tired of
are dirty, lazy, or even disgusting. I would like
value so they usually procrastinate to get
clutter. I would like to tell people that
to educate people on hoarding is a mental
rid of stuff. I would like people to change
they should have productive lives just by
illness which is very difficult to treat. So they
the perspective.
being less. Dump more!
need compassion, care, and understanding from people around them or society.
Chapter 1
Name: Taiwei (A Student)
Name: Samantha (A mom)
Age: 25 years old
Age: 40 years old
Relationship: Friend
Relationship: Friend
Q1: How things important to you? Why you
Q1: As you have school, work, and a kid, do
keep those stuff?
you have time to organize your spaces at
A1: When I was 22, I had a lot more stuff.
home? How do you manage time to do it?
Before I moved to the current apartment, I
A1: I make time. Honestly, I’m a stress cleaner
realized I had too much shit. I could get rid
and anxiety organizer. I clean and organize
some of them but some of them I couldn’t. I
to find some semblance of control over my
am very attached to my stuff because they
busy/crazy life. It helps to ground me.
keep my memories. Sometimes I think I will need it in the future. I used to be an impulsive buyer, but I have changed. I want to save money for the necessary stuff. Q2: How do you organize your spaces? Do
Q2: How your possessions important to you and how they affect your life? A2: I’m okay with letting things go. I don’t like clutter but I am nostalgic.
you have any problems doing it?
Q3: What do you think about Minimalism?
A2: Well, I take care of really good my stuff. I
A3: I live a minimal life, only bringing into it
organize them very well. I clean and put them
the things I truly need. I’m not an advocate of
where they belong. I am happy to see them
owning “things” less is better in my opinion.
around in my room. Sometimes, I have difficulty finding things because I still have a lot of stuff. But overall I handle it very well. Q3: Would you need an organizer to help manage your spaces? A3: I don’t need anyone to tell me what to throw away and what not. An organizer is a good idea as long as I don’t have to pay.
Compulsive Hoarding Disorder
Thing will be needed Things will gain valu e Fear of becoming poor Fear of making wrong decisio n Fear of forgetting Feel secure with more objects
Perfectionist Genetic OCD Procrastinating
Unable to identify craps Sentimental reasons
ONESELF Emotional
Anxiety Stress Loneliness Distress Impairment
Rental storage Storage containers Eat out Junk food
Health Allergy Injury by falling ite ms Fire hazard
Traumatic event s
Were never taught to organize Grew up with a hoarder Had a terrible childhood
Most common age: 50 Isolation Judgement or compassion
Began 11-15
OTHERS Family/Partner
Embarassmen t Having few visitors
Code enforcement Human services Police / Fire Mental health agencies Animal contro l Housing authority
Living spaces can ’t be used Clutter
Chapter 1
Wall Brainstorming: It helped me understand my topic very profoundly. The research was based on the hoarding problem and investigate both the effects and causes.
Bluspace is casual, caring, and inspiring.
Chapter 2
02 23
Brand Framework
Bluspace is an ideological brand selling an idea of “Minimalism.� It is a way of eschewing the non-essential stuff in order to focus on what is truly important. Minimalism is a tool that can assist people in finding room for their lives; room for more time, more passion, and more freedom.
Chapter 2
Ideological & Service
Located in San Francisco + Website
We aim to help people have a meaningful life by having l ess and making room for their lives. The target audiences are someone who has difficulty g etting rid of stuff or organizing their spaces, someone who has too many unnecessary things and does not have time t o organize their clutter. We serve to help people identify unnecessary things and o rganize their spaces.
Scope: SWOTS:
United States Strengths: Bluspace expertizes at organizing spaces. Also, have the network among professional organizer in the United States. Bluspace is competitive in graphic design a nd visual communication. Weakness: Bluspace is a new brand which has less experience than the others. T he brand still lacks patent or certificate to create trust from the clients. Opportunities: Bluspace will use the trends of social media and today’s technology t o build the deliverables. There will be some events that could benefit the brand s uch as Minimalism– A Beginner’s Guide Workshop in San Francisco. Threats: The audience’s perception may easily change by competitors in the market. T he audience isn’t likely to maintain the habit of being minimalism.
Casual: Casual can indicate friendly, informal talk, conversational. It is the appropriate t one to persuade people to change their habits or attitudes. Casual can also imply a g ood atmosphere among the tasks. Caring: Caring can refer to both to compassion and how well the brand understands t he audience. Plus, caring shows love, concern and humanity which reflect what the b rand does. Inspring: Inpiring speaks of encouragement and support. To change a habit people n eeds inspiration. Inspring can also be an effective way of how the message should b e perceived.
The competitions are both ideological and service brands. The ideological b rands provide the ideas of being a minimalist. They focus on how to e ncourage and educate people to be a minimalist by talking about the m eaning and the benefits of minimalism. The deliverables are books, b logs, social media, and media channel. Only some of the ideological b rands have a strong visual identity. The service brands are more p rofessional in organizing rather than persuading. They focus on helping t ough works such as hoarding disorders, transporting, packing and u npacking. Bluspace will provide information that focuses on more s tep-by-step progress. The deliverable can be more practical than just a n essay. Bluspace will focus more on persuading and changing perception Using graphic design principles can help strengthen the ideas of m inimalism. Bluspace will also provide chatting and in-person organizing w hich can differentiate it from the competitors.
Chapter 2
The Minimalists
Minimalism Life
Rachel Jones
Joshua and Ryan help 20 million people live
Minimalism Life is based on the idea of what
Rachel Jones is a space specialist who lives
meaningful l ives with less through their
one can p ossess is of high quality, long-last-
as a minimalist. S he helps people organize
website, books, podcast, and documentary.
ing, carefully considered, and draws on
their spaces and find freedom in minimalism.
They also serve to mentor people to solve
minimalist sensibilities. They publish weekly
Her website provides courses, podcasts,
the problems. They have strong b ackground
journal articles and monthly newsletters, as
minimalist’s home tours, and g uide to do the
and experience. They are trustworthy, fun,
well as allowing people to share stories. Their
organizing tasks. Her strategy is intuitive,
and young.
strengths are beautiful graphic design and
instructional and e asy to follow.
strong brand identity.
Age: 40 years old
Age: 54 years old
Age: 61 years old
Ethnicity: American
Ethnicity: African-American
Ethnicity: Chinese-American
Location: Colorado
Location: New York
Location: San Francisco
Occupation: Teacher
Occupation: Marketing Manager
Occupation: Retired
Status: Single
Status: Married, 1 kid
Status: Married
Income: $96,570
Income: $124,800
Income: $48,000
Hobby: Reading
Hobby: Shopping
Hobby: Gardening
Clutter causes dust, I don’t like it. I love party
I will always organize them later because I
My garage filled with stuff that I have been
and hanging out with my friends but I feel
don’t have time. Sometimes, I think where
collecting since I was young. I don’t need
ashamed having them come over my house.
would these stuff go when I am not around
anyone to tell me what to keep or what to
I sometimes find some things that I don’t real-
anymore. I buy things impulsively because I
get rid of. I tried to get rid of my stuff but
ize I still have them; some things from my
can’t resist the clearance sales. I wish I could
I can’t keep doing it because it’s pretty much
childhood. I have a dog, his name is Sushi. My
change. I found that I have to buy more
laborious. I spend most of the time taking
mom usually buy him clothes and stuff so I
storage boxes. I often have fights with my
care of my plants my garden and my cat. I
try not to. I have hard times finding things
husband. He always convinces me to get
sometimes discuss with my child if he wants
sometimes because there are always clutters
rid of stuff I don’t need. I barely have time
to keep my belongings after I pass away.
in my house. I love reading fiction in my bed-
hanging out with my friends because of work
I consider myself as an introvert. So I spend
room because the living room is unpleasant
and being a mom. I love to spend my week-
most of the time with myself. My home is
to sit. My mom always says “I don’t know
end with my son. I don’t want to spend time
always a place where I can relax. I want it to
what to throw a way. I am afriad I will need
on organizing my piles.
be organized.
Chapter 2
them in the future”.
Junk Removal Companies
The whole family can benefit from minimal-
When there is less clutter in sharing spaces,
Junk removal companies can benefit from
ism. S ince there is less stuff, less clutter, the
roommates can be happier. Less clutter also
Bluspace. Bluspace will encourage people to
family can enjoy the functional spaces. Also, it
creates a better environment. More clutter
get rid of stuff which means they might need
could reduce arguments b etween the family
and unorganized habits c ould lead to fights
a service that could take those junk. Even
members about getting rid of stuff. So that
as well. Minimalism can very be b eneficial
though Bluspace serves to o rganize spaces
could bring gthe happiness into the family.
to everybody who shares rooms or areas.
but the brand doesn’t focus on removing all the junk.
Freedom: Freedom from consumerism is liberating. Freedom is one of the goals to be a minimalist. It is something that people want. It can refer to the better life, freedom from debt, freedom from clutter, and freedom from worry and stress. Lucid: Minimalism is always simple, clear, and lucid. Lucid can imply the idea of e liminating unnecessary things in order to focus on what is really important. L ucid can be relevant to negative space which is the essence of the minimalism. Characteristic: Everybody has their own ways of looking at things. Some people k eep things for sentimental reasons. Some people think stuff are their memories. Characteristic can refer to an individual decision or thing. The relationship b etween a thing and people is unique.
Chapter 2
Regular Bold
AaBbCc1234 Variable
Regular Black
Chapter 2
Color Palette
82 67 0 0
R 67 G 97 B 173 #4361ad
0 10 15 0
R 254 G 230 B 211 #fee5d3
20 76 85 7
R 192 G 89 B 58 #c0593a
0 0 0 100
R 0 G 0 B 0 #000000
0 0 0 0
R 255 G 255 B 255 #ffffff
Use Gotham Bold for headers -10 tracking, +6pt leading
Chapter 2
Use Gotham Bold for subheads +10 tracking, +4pt leading
Use Pangram Regular for body copy +10 tracking, +4pt leading
is more
Initial Names & Logos
BluMinimalist Simpleblu Blumal Bluspace To be minimal Less Simple No plain no gain Benimal Mimalist Minify Splear Spless Simpless Mernist Minimis MNML (minimal) BAM (be a minimalist) WSP (white space) MNMLST ZMPLE CLEARR Zimple Minimore Spacesm Purism
Chapter 2
Bluspace The word “Spless” can remind a negative word; sleepless. Blu is my name. I finally chose “Bluspace” to work toward. All sketches designed carefully, some typefaces don’t work well as another. Some icons are not being simplified enough.
Chapter 2
Logo Guideline
Chapter 2
Only 90° rotated
Chapter 2
1 Do not outline
2 Do not use drop-shadows 3 Do not rotate 4 Do not distort proportions 5 Do not shear or skew 6 Do not apply effects or filters 7 Do not alter letter spacing 8 Do not use a gradient 9 Do not use any off-brands colors 10 Do not use similar background color
Initial Sketches
more ro for
your passion
Things don’t last forever, More room for your time
Eliminate complexities , experience real freedom and focus on what means most to you.
Getting rid of items can serve as a reminder that things don’t last forever , including us.
including us
Chapter 2
Going through all of your things can serve as a reminder of who you are, how you see yourself and how you want others to see you after your death .
Getting rid of items can serve as a reminder that things don’t last forever, including us. Going through all of your things can serve as a reminder of who you are, how you see yourself and how you want others to see you after your death .
Feeling confined with
Plan ahead to lessen the burden on your loved ones.
too much stuff?
You will find
Getting rid of items can serve as a reminder that things don’t last forever, including us.
Getting rid of items can serve as a reminder that things don’t last forever, including us.
Going through all of your things can serve as a reminder of who you are, how you see yourself and how you want others to see you after your death .
Going through all of your things can serve as a reminder of who you are, how you see yourself and how you want others to see you after your death .
Only keep things
Only acquire things
Purchasing intentionall y lets you avoid ending up with a cluttered home full of things you neither use nor love.
you don’t need anymore, so that no one else has to do it for you after you pass.
that bring you joy.
Only leave things
Get rid of all
Eliminate complexities , experience real freedom and focus on what means most to you.
that really means to you.
what is important in your life.
that avoid burdening your loved ones.
Final Posters
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Minimalism helps you more organized and live meaningful lives by having less which gives you more spaces for time, passion, and freedom.
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Deliverable 1: Event
03 57
Initial Sketches
Three ways that could achieve the g oals are a seminar, a one-on-one consultation, and a group workshop. F irst, the seminar gives the audience an opportunity to learn from the t alker’s approaches and ideas. The slideshow presentation will also help i ncrease understanding. Second, a one-on-one consultation more focuses on personal perspective. The consultant can evaluate the problems p rofoundly and effectively. Lastly, a group workshop provides a more friendly environment. Not only a mentor that will help throughout the w orkshop but also people can interact and share ideas with each other a t the same time.
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Final Design The goal of the event is to r aise awareness and change the audience’s perception by introducing the benefits of minimalism. Minimalism has helped people be more organized and live meaningful lives by having less which gives them more s paces for time, passion, and freedom.
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Ticket: The ticket provides basic
Name Tag: The name tag
information about the
can not only make things
event such as time, seat
easier for people who are
number, QR code, and
good at connecting. It
floor plan.
can also make conversations possible for everyone else who struggles with “mingling.� The badge can be the social lubricant the event needs.
Booklets: These booklets will help you identify your possessions. You may find something surprising about your answers once you go through your thought. There are two sections that you should think about; what to purge and what to keep so that you will understand yourself from both perspectives.
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Sharing Idea Board: This board is where you first think about yourself, share your ideas, and get inspired by other people. Pick your card from the left side of the board. Write down your answers and put the card up.
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Talk: Bluspace is proud to present Matt D’Avella; a minimalist who found the new meaning of success. Matt will talk about how minimalism helps you more productive. He will help you find your own definition of your life.
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
Chapter 3
Deliverable 1: Event
The more you get rid of stuff, the more you will find it easier to be a minimalist.
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Deliverable 2: App
04 79
Initial Sketches
Three ideas that could achieve the goals for app design are creating a list that helps maintain the minimalism habits, providing declutter tips and service booking. Making a list of what to keep and what to purge is a simple way to remind yourself. Short tips and guidelines task is an easy ways to follow rather than reading articles or blogs. Booking a service is also an appropriate function for an application.
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Final Design An application is one of the important tools today. The goal of the design is to remind you to keep doing the organizing tasks until you reach your g oals. The main functions are a reminder checklists and a memory box where you can keep the photograph of your removed stuff. You can also chat with our mentors and book an organizer to help your tidying task.
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Smile, breathe and go slowly.
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Chapter 4
Deliverable 2: App
Minimalism can start with easy steps. If you don’t know how to start. We got your back.
Chapter 5
Deliverable 3: Service
Deliverable 3: Service
05 97
Initial Sketches
The ideas that could achieve the goals for service are coaching and organizing. Mentoring can help people make significant changes in their lives: careers, health, decluttering, and a list of other areas. The organizer will help you go through your stuff and help you figure out the best process. We will use a simple, smart method that banish clutter forever. The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t. That is why we ask you to handle every item and ask yourself the question “Does it spark joy”?
Chapter 5
Deliverable 3: Service
Final Design Bluspace is both organizer and mentors. Our organizing service offers simple, insightful solutions to complex organizing problems. We understand how you struggle with decluttering and we help you get through that. Our mentors are professional minimalists. We help you find your own definition of your life and start your journey to a more positive you.
Chapter 5
Deliverable 3: Service
Brochure: The brochure delivers a preparation step before decluttering. It helps you mentally prepare before you need us.
Chapter 5
Deliverable 3: Service
Card Board Box
Van Wrap Design, Staff Costumes.
Chapter 5
Deliverable 3: Service
Chapter 5
Deliverable 3: Service
Card Board Box: The cardboard boxes are designed to give you ideas of what to keep and what to purge. They help you separate wanted and unwanted items neatly.
This project doesn’t only help me understand more about minimalism but also allow me to think about my life, my goals, my passion, and my priorities. So hopefully it would be beneficial for other people who want to find a new definition of their life. This project focuses o n how to use graphic design principles to help reinforce communication. The goal is to help people figure out how they can be happier with less stuff. B luspace is an ideological brand providing an idea of “Minimalism.� Clearing the u nnecessary things helps people to focus on what is truly important. There are three deliverables and branding guideline as you might have seen in the previous pages. I started from digging into the problem, identify the solution, and move on designing a poster series. Once I understand the target audience, the goals, and the intentional messages, I was able to create the deliverables. What I have learned from this class are researching process, creating credible personas, writing copy, branding strategies, branding system, and many graphic design aspects, etc. I will definitely take away what I have learned to develop my future design.
Thank you to my instructor; Sandra Isla, and my peers, I appreciate all your help.
“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” —Socrates
Typefaces The text is set in Pangram Sans, designed by Pangrampangram Foundry The headings are set in Gotham, designed by Tobias Frere-Jones Software Adobe Creative Cloud Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop Equipment 13-inch Macbook Pro Printing and Binding Blurb Date: December 20, 2018 Photography Unsplash Design and layout Š Paveena Klaisuban This is a student project only. No part of this book or any other part of the project was produced for commercial use.
Design by: Blu
Throw this book away after reading
GR 620: Visual Thinking
Instructor: Sandra Isla