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one of the few things discounted come nighttime, but desperately yearned for in the morning. It’s quite common for many to have a hard time falling asleep at night, eyes glued to the ever-seductive smartphone screen that glimmers with distraction. Yet, at 8 am, when the sound of the alarm clock blares, suddenly nothing sounds sweeter than just one more push of the snooze button. Unfortunately, those 5 more minutes simply aren’t in the cards some mornings. But what if a life lived without that certain alluring button is far more attainable than previously thought?
Why Do We Need Sleep? Why Do We Need Sleep?
Much like water and food, sleep is essential to survival. Much like water and food, sleep is essential to survival. Nevertheless, many people, especially college students, Nevertheless, many people, especially college students, think of themselves as exceptions to the rule, anticipat-think of themselves as exceptions to the rule, anticipating that they can slide by with 4-6 hours of sleep without ing that they can slide by with 4-6 hours of sleep without bearing any consequences. Not only is this belief incor-bearing any consequences. Not only is this belief incorrect, but it has made people oblivious to how their lack of rect, but it has made people oblivious to how their lack of sleep impacts other areas of their lives. sleep impacts other areas of their lives. The magic number of eight is of great familiarity to most e magic number of eight is of great familiarity to most when it comes to sleep. The general consensus among when it comes to sleep. e general consensus among researchers is that healthy adults need between 7-9 hours researchers is that healthy adults need between 7-9 hours of rest per night. This, however, can slightly vary between of rest per night. is, however, can slightly vary between individuals. For instance, those with health issues may individuals. For instance, those with health issues may need more rest time than someone who doesn’t. Someone need more rest time than someone who doesn’t. Someone who is more active also may need more time to recover who is more active also may need more time to recover from a hard day’s work compared to someone who lounges from a hard day’s work compared to someone who lounges on the couch for hours on end. Whatever one’s individual on the couch for hours on end. Whatever one’s individual needs are, there’s no question that adequate rest is vital to needs are, there’s no question that adequate rest is vital to everyone. But what happens to those who don’t prioritize everyone. But what happens to those who don’t prioritize this key time? this key time?
The Side Effects of Sleep The Side Effects of Sleep
After a night of minimal sleep, it’s often hard to focus A er a night of minimal sleep, it’s o en hard to focus the next day. Such is the case because when a person is the next day. Such is the case because when a person is sleeping, the brain works on processing information–– sleeping, the brain works on processing information–– a process that’s interrupted by all-nighters. If that’s not a process that’s interrupted by all-nighters. If that’s not reason enough to hit the sack a few hours earlier than reason enough to hit the sack a few hours earlier than usual, a lack of sleep can even age one’s skin. All the usual, a lack of sleep can even age one’s skin. All the La La Mer moisturizer in the world can’t make up for those Mer moisturizer in the world can’t make up for those crucial eight hours. crucial eight hours. That being said, it’s important to note that many of the at being said, it’s important to note that many of the consequences of too little sleep reflect on the alternative. consequences of too little sleep re ect on the alternative. An excess of sleep can put one more at risk for metaboAn excess of sleep can put one more at risk for metabolism lism and heart issues, and can even affect mental health. and heart issues, and can even a ect mental health. In fact, In fact, depression is linked to individuals who attain depression is linked to individuals who attain an unhealthy an unhealthy surplus of sleep. However, these effects surplus of sleep. However, these e ects only really become only really become a problem if oversleeping a signifi-a problem if oversleeping a signi cant amount becomes a cant amount becomes a habit. Those extra few hours on habit. ose extra few hours on weekend mornings won’t weekend mornings won’t do any harm. do any harm.
Naptime Tips Naptime Tips
It may be tempting to compromise a full eight hours of It may be tempting to compromise a full eight hours of sleep with a nap later on in the day, but this seemingly sleep with a nap later on in the day, but this seemingly innocent activity doesn’t always work as anticipated. innocent activity doesn’t always work as anticipated. There’s nothing worse than waking up from a nap two ere’s nothing worse than waking up from a nap two hours later than intended. Not only may it be difficult to hours later than intended. Not only may it be di cult to figure out whether it is 7 am or 7 pm, but the statement gure out whether it is 7 am or 7 pm, but the statement “I “I feel like I just got hit by a bus” may not seem so far feel like I just got hit by a bus” may not seem so far fetched. fetched. Believe it or not, it is recommended that the most Believe it or not, it is recommended that the most bene beneficial naps are only 20-30 minutes long. Mid-day naps cial naps are only 20-30 minutes long. Mid-day naps are are said to be the best for energization, as they are not too said to be the best for energization, as they are not too early early or late in the day. or late in the day.
The Perfect Nighttime Routine The Perfect Nighttime Routine
Regardless of how easy it may seem to lay down and float Regardless of how easy it may seem to lay down and oat off into sleep, many people have trouble drifting off when o into sleep, many people have trouble dri ing o when their head hits the pillow. Cultivating a relaxing night-their head hits the pillow. Cultivating a relaxing nighttime routine may help with this dilemma. It could be as time routine may help with this dilemma. It could be as easy as drinking decaffeinated herbal teas to relax in the easy as drinking deca einated herbal teas to relax in the evening or thinking of something to look forward to in the evening or thinking of something to look forward to in the morning (like that first sip of hazelnut coffee). Possibly the morning (like that rst sip of hazelnut co ee). Possibly the most important tip to falling asleep is to commit to saying most important tip to falling asleep is to commit to saying goodbye to screens at least an hour before bed. This may goodbye to screens at least an hour before bed. is may seem daunting at first, but try reading a book, journaling, seem daunting at rst, but try reading a book, journaling, or meditating in bed. or meditating in bed.
To Each Their Own To Each Their Own
Despite how alluring it sounds to sip tea while reading Despite how alluring it sounds to sip tea while reading a book in bed in order to fall asleep on schedule, these a book in bed in order to fall asleep on schedule, these techniques do not work for everyone, and that’s okay. techniques do not work for everyone, and that’s okay. Nobody should ever feel ashamed to ask for help if their Nobody should ever feel ashamed to ask for help if their health is at risk. The goal is for everyone to sleep so deeply health is at risk. e goal is for everyone to sleep so deeply and peacefully that before they know it, the sound of an 8 and peacefully that before they know it, the sound of an 8 am alarm is blaring, and the snooze button is batting its am alarm is blaring, and the snooze button is batting its eyelashes once again. eyelashes once again.