Don't Let Your Slip Turn Into A Full Blown Relapse
• Most people who have struggled with addiction, especially those who have been a part of an outpatient drug program Orange County, will agree that the journey to overcome addiction never ends. Taking the first step towards sobriety can be very challenging and in all honesty it doesn ’t necessarily get easier along the way. • A major hurdle addicts tend to face along their journey to sobriety is the imminent possibility of a relapse. While medical detox centers Orange County can prepare people to recognize signs of relapse and to avoid potential causes, nothing can completely prepare a recovery addict to handle the environmental or emotional triggers they may encounter.
All Addicts Face The Looming Possibility Of Relapse • Sure, not all recovery addicts relapse. However, relapse is indeed an issue every recovering addict should address or at least be prepared for. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Although some people are successful, many attempts result in failure to achieve long-term abstinence …Drug-induced changes in brain function can have many behavioral consequences, including an inability to exert control over the impulse to use drugs despite adverse consequences. ” • Relapse refers to the event in which a recovering alcoholic or drug addict reverts to substance abuse after being a part of an outpatient drug program Orange County for some time. As with most aspects of addiction, a relapse can have life-threatening consequences. Many believe that a relapse means picking up where you left off; however, this is far from the truth. Addiction typically gets worse after a relapse – the withdrawal symptoms worsen, the feelings of embarrassment and guilt worsen and the feelings of hopelessness intensifies.
Is A Slip Different from A Relapse? • Yes. A relapse and a slip are two very different situations recovering addicts face. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines a slip as “a single episode of use” on your journey to sobriety that usually “happens when a person decides to use again but instantly regrets the decision.” A relapse on the other hand is when someone returns completely to their patterns of substance abuse.
• Many addicts will return to recovery after a simple slip, many go as far as to visit medical detox centers Orange County to strengthen their will to become sober. In fact, after a slip many recovering addicts become more motivated to become sober and kick addiction to the curb. Knowing that a slip is not uncommon during recovery can be comforting and push them to get back on track during sobriety. Many, sadly allow their slip to become a relapse. • Contrary to what many people believe, relapse is not imminent during recovery. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier it is an issue every addict should address. While current relapse rates for drug addiction is comparable to those suffering from diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, it is certainly not inevitable that every recovering addict will relapse after a slip. Enrolling in an outpatient drug program Orange County after a slip is one of the best ways to prevent your slip from turning into a relapse and it always helps to know the signs of relapse.
Am I Heading For A Relapse? Many recovering addicts will find themselves asking this question. Fortunately, there are many signs that can foreshadow a relapse. Some of the most common signs are include: ●Frequent cravings with no desire to overcome them ●Reminiscing on previous drug use ●Compulsive behaviour ●Loss of interest in drug recovery groups or activities ●Depression and stress ●Mood swings ●Neglecting hobbies and other interests ●Desire to revisit un healthy environments. ●Neglecting outpatient drug program Orange County
I Have Relapsed, Now What? • There are many misconceptions about drug and alcohol relapse, and this has affected how many people who have encountered or experience relapses react. Whether you are at risk of a relapse or dealing with someone who is, there are a few important things that you should understand.
• First and foremost, it’s important to understand that a relapse doesn’t mean that you have lost the battle against addiction, or that the medical detox centers Orange County that you have visited are to be blamed. It means that you will have to put in more work. • The sooner someone tries to get help after relapsing, the better their chances of avoiding serious consequences. Positive encouragement after a relapse can be very helpful at helping someone get back on track to recovery. It’s very important that recovering addicts who have relapsed try their best not to stay buried in the guilt and shame of relapse. They should seek the help of individuals who are compassionate and proud of the fact that they are making an effort to fight addiction. • Many outpatient drug program Orange County allow recovering addicts who have relapsed to talk through what lead to the relapse and how they feel about it. All in all, relapsing does not mean all hope is lost. It simply means that more effort will have to be invested into recovery.
Get Professional Help! • If you or a loved one has relapsed or is at risk of relapsing, then it’s important to find a drug treatment center that can assist you. Once you put some effort into finding an outpatient drug program Orange County that is right for you, you can get back on track to sustained long-term sobriety. • Contact us today if you want to learn more about the prevention or treatment of drug and alcohol addiction relapse. Our experienced staff is always ready to assist individuals in need!