Is Xanax Addictive In Low Doses? • People often associate addiction problem to prescribed drugs like painkillers (Methadone, Vicodin and OxyContin). There are also other prescribed medicines that can also lead to addiction such as Xanax. If you are concern about this benzodiazepine and would like to ask the question, “Is Xanax addictive in low doses?” Well, let me share with you some additional facts about Xanax and how it can lead to an addiction problem.
What is Xanax? • Xanax or known as Alprazolam is a prescribed drug belonging to benzodiazepines. It usually comes in oval shaped white pills. This drug is used for the treatment of anxiety and panic attacks. It is also given to patients treating moderate case of depression. There are also instances where it can also be used in treating sleeping disorders. The drug can come as extended-release or instant-release and with doses of strength ranging from 0.25 mg to 2 mg. The administration of this drug can be done by chewing, crushing, injecting and even sniffing.
What are the short-term side effects of Xanax? Individuals who are prescribed with Xanax will experience the following short-term side effects: •Constipation •Numbing effect •Feeling of sedation or euphoria •Feeing relaxed •Analgesia •Cough suppression •Respiratory depression •Papillary constriction
What is the link between Xanax and addiction? • Is Xanax addictive in low doses? When taken according to the prescribed doses, it can be an effective medication in treating the anxiety or panic attack problem of a patient. But, if the patient increases the doses in order to get the desired effect of feeing relaxed and takes them for extended periods, this is already a serious case of high tolerance leading to addiction problem. There are also issues that Xanax is used outside its medical purpose and intended for recreational. When this arises, the drug can take control of the person’s physical and emotional wellbeing, making him or her totally dependent to it.
How does Xanax abuse start? • People under this medication start abusing it when they mix it with other substance like alcohol and other drugs just to get high. Painkillers like Xanax are often abused due to its quick access via prescription. A person suspected of abusing Xanax will normally consume 14 mg of this pill on a daily basis to function normally.
What are the side effects of Xanax withdrawal? • If a Xanax user decides to withdraw from Xanax, expect the side effects to bring discomfort and lead to life threatening cases of seizure or coma if not done with the help of a medical professional like a drug specialist. The Xanax withdrawal may result to psychosis and epileptic seizures.
What is Xanax overdose? Overdosing on Xanax may arise if it is mixed with other drugs. Xanax itself is a powerful benzo that can be highly addictive. Among the signs of Xanax overdose may include the following: •Slow pulse rate •Shallow breathing •Unresponsiveness •Cool skin temperature Xanax overdose could result to death if no immediate medical assistance in done to the affected person.
Can one recover from Xanax addiction? • Yes, anyone who developed addiction from Xanax could still recover if done with the professional help of a drug and rehab treatment facility. A medical detox is the first treatment that a Xanax user will undergo. Once the detox has been successfully administered, the drug specialist will create a rehabilitation treatment plan involving therapies, group sessions and other life coaching skills that will help the recovering addict cope with the cravings once outside the real world. • Is Xanax addictive in low doses? In the long run, when taken on a regular basis for prolonged periods, lower doses could be the start of dependency and eventually lead to addiction problem. If you feel your intake of Xanax is already beyond the prescribed doses, seek immediate help from a drug specialist before it totally affects your physical and emotional state.