2025 Weiss Bothers Bull Sale

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Welcome Cattlemen

3rd Annual Weiss Brothers Bull & Female Sale

We welcome everyone to join us in Red Cloud, Nebraska on March 22 for our 3rd Annual Bull & Female sale featuring the tradition of the QLC prefix. The cattle are available for viewing at the ranch any time prior to or on sale day.

It is an exciting time to be in the cattle business with record-high prices continuing in 2025. Remember your bull is an investment that is half of your herd’s genetics. We think you will be pleased with what you find at Weiss Brothers. The cattle have all been developed on a balanced ration to gain the greatest genetic potential while providing longevity to adapt and work for you in a variety of environments.

We are pleased to provide progeny of Musgrave Jumbo, Ellingson Prolific, CarDon Annuity and Square B True North for our Angus AI sire groups and Felt Perseverance on the Simmental side. These sires were selected to meet specific criteria for birth weight and performance as well as having genetics for confidence in keeping replacements or selling calves at weaning. We are also offering Angus heifers from our 2024 heifer calf crop, and for the first time, SimAngus heifers that will be great additions to your herd to produce quality calves.

We look forward to seeing you on March 22. Please reach out to us with any questions. Thank you for your continued trust and support to utilize our tradition of quality genetics.

The sale will be held at the Red Cloud Country Club, 1766 Road 1400, Red Cloud, NE. The country club is 2 miles east of the Hwy 281 & Hwy 136 intersection in Red Cloud, then 1/2 mile north. Lunch will be served starting at noon courtesy of Weiss Brothers. The bulls will be available for viewing one mile north at the ranch before the sale.

ANNOUNCEMENTS All announcements from the sale block on sale day take precedence over what is printed in this book.

SIGHT UNSEEN PURCHASES If you are unable to attend the sale but wish to place a bid, call Casey (402)984-0465 or Remington (402)984-0740, the auctioneer or any of the sale-day representatives. We would be more than happy to talk with you about the bulls and give our recommendations. On the day of the sale we will handle your bid as if you were at the sale yourself. Your satisfaction is our guarantee. Our sale will also be broadcasted live on Superior Livestock which offers real-time and proxy bidding options.

TERMS OF SALE Settlement is to be made on sale day. Cattle will not be released until payment is received. All registered animals will be transferred if requested.

GUARANTEE All bulls have passed semen testing and will sell as guaranteed breeders. They are guaranteed against breeding related injuries for the first breeding season. The breeding season is defined as the 90 day period following the first turnout of the bulls. A replacement bull will be provided if available or a credit will be given at the following year’s sale.

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION EPDS are from March 1, 2025. Up-to-date yearling weights, scrotal measurements, and ultrasound information will be available sale day as a supplement sheet. Updated EPDs can be viewed on www.angus.org by entering the bull’s registration number.

REGISTRATION Registration papers and transfers on bulls can be furnished at the buyers request at time of settlement on sale day.

CARCASS DATA The bulls have been ultrasounded and a supplement sheet will be provided with scan data on the day of the sale.

SEMEN INTEREST Weiss Brothers are selling 100% possession and 1/3 semen interest in all bulls unless noted or announced on sale day.

DELIVERY We provide free delivery on bulls within the state as well as the surrounding states. For bulls going beyond those states, we will help coordinate delivery to get the cattle to you as economical as possible. A $100 discount per bull will be given to the buyers that load their bulls by April 1st.

Watch and Bid Online

The sale will be broadcast live on CCI.live.

Please sign up to bid a few days in advance of the sale. If you have any questions, please call CCI.live at 405-400-9505


There’s enough challenges in the livestock business. We don’t want herd health to be one of them. All bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam performed by Dr. Faimon of South Central Animal Health.


Clean Up Wart Vaccine


Alpha 7

Bovishield 1 Shot

Endovac Beef


Long range

Autogenous Pink Eye


Vision 7 Somnus

Wart Vaccine

Titanium 5



Inforce 3

Wart Vaccine


Autogenous Pink Eye


Virashild 5

Vision 7


Clean Up



Felt Perserverance 302F


THSF Lover Boy B33





How to Bid Online

- As a buyer, you DO NOT need to login to watch the sale but you must have a validated account to bid.

To BID ONLINE go to www.CCI.live in your Chrome, Firefox, Safari or other moder n browser: 1) Click on the sale schedule page. 2) Click on the sale of interest. 3) Click on Bid Online- Register and then Get Buyer Number

- After you are logged in, you must proceed to the sale page for your auction and click Bid Online - Register, then “Get Buyer Number.” Some auctions require valid credit card number on file to obtain a buyer number to bid.

- CCI.live will operate with ease on a moder n cellular device, laptop, desktop or tablet - A current browser is important and will always make your experience better

- For successful bidding you must have good Inter net service! It is very important to be stationary if bidding. If you are driving and bidding, expect to have some service issues. If you are stationary on a good device, with healthy Inter net, expect a very successful bidding environment. If you have slow Inter net watch the “asking price” on the screen, it is real time, and refresh your browser if you feel like you have some lag.

- Support line open during all sales. TEXT 405-400-9505 - Please alert the ranch for your hauling preferences.


Simmental Division

Replacement Heifers

This year's sale offers you the opportunity to purchase 28 head of outstanding foundation caliber females from the top cut of our 2024 calf crop. These females are sired by the same outstanding sires that you will see in the pedigrees of the bull offering. Their dams are among the high indexing females on the ranch.

SydGen KCF Gavel 8361

Kenny Rogers Foxhovens Kintry Annie 532

Musgrave Aviator

QLC C95 Eileen Z015H

QLC C28 Eileen K242Z

Baldridge Colonel C251

F Miss Fortress B398


Kintry Annie 315

Koupals B&B Identity MCATL Forever Lady 1429-138

QLC LaGrand Forum QLC B71 Eileen G115K

S A V Rainfall 6846 Square B True North 8052 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 Styles Cash R400

D6 Lass F313H

C95 Lass C270F

Broken Bow G014

Southside C323 E024

Aviator C323 Y264 KM Broken Bow 002

Jindra Acclaim QLC D22 Queen Mother A179K QLC C67 Queen Mother U043a

Jindra 3rd Dimension Jindra Blackbird Lassy 1111

SydGen KCF Gavel 8361

Koupals B&B Identity

C96 Camilla U378G

C22 Camilla S165U

Commercial Angus

These heifers are out of registered Angus cows from the heart of the QLC cow herd but their sire parentage is unknown. Have no doubt though, these females will make great replacement heifers!

48 51 50 49

The Newest Herdsman to Weiss Brothers! Rocker Dale

Scenes from the 2024 Bull Sale

949 Road 1400

Red Cloud, NE

First Class Mail

Do Not Delay

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