==== ==== BidCactus is a new type of web-based auction experience that combines the thrill of real world entertainment with the value of online shopping. http://tinyurl.com/7zk8aqv ==== ====
Unlike eBay, Bidcactus offer a unique and new platform to online auction. At BidCactus you cannot simply sign up and get started with the bidding. Completely different from the eBay model where you only need to have a credit card to start making the bids, at BidCactus you have to first purchase some bid credits and every time you make a bid the credits automatically get reduced from your account. They do not showcase any goofy stuff to bid. We all like to buy things at lesser price especially if it's a bigger item. The complete idea of bidding and getting products at a very low price is quite intriguing. So BidCactus is a penny auctions site which can satisfy our bargain instincts? Here you only get to see new items in the list. You can also bid for the gift cards like Target, Barnes and Nobles, iTunes, Exxon etc. The whole experience is just like going on a live auction. Every bidding opens at 10 cents and each bid increases the price by either 1 or 10 cent, it completely depends on the item you are bidding for. Since you do not have access to the bidding history you will not know if you are bidding against one person or the whole of country. Also the auction closing time is relatively small about 4 hours and each item has a timer attached to it which shows the time left for the bidding to close. Therefore, in order to win an item, all you need to do is place the last bid just before seconds the bid is about to end. If you get the last bid the item in your kitty. You can see the complete process part as gambling and part as bargain shopping. At BidCactus you are required to dedicate little bit of your time and effort to win the last bid. If you find the complete concept of bidding and gambling online thrilling and exciting and want to get your favourite item at the lowest price then it is the right place for you. Just by making very small investment you can have access to great bargains. But be careful as it can be quite addictive at times.
For more information, please visit Bidcactus Review.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kacey_Jone