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Senior Housing
Example of a cottage home court | Source: Ross Chapin Architects
The 65 and over cohort of residents has grown the most out of all age groups in Wake Forest over the last decade. It is critical that the Town supports this growing population with the housing, amenities, and services they need. Senior housing should be encouraged where community resources are available, particularly within walking distance, to reduce cost burden and the need to drive for daily routines and errands.
Universal Design
Universal design practices should be promoted to increase housing accessibility for residents of all ages and abilities. This should include level access from the street, zero entry thresholds, fixtures and fittings located at varying heights and widths, ground-floor master bedrooms, and other design elements that allow for lifetime homes. Smaller lot, single-story homes that require less maintenance and allow for downsizing should be encouraged, such as ranch style homes.
Key Recommendations
| Promote senior housing within a quarter mile of transit stops, Downtown, shopping areas, parks, and recreational facilities.
| Encourage smaller lot, single-story housing types for seniors that are ADA accessible.
| Encourage age-targeted cooperative housing types for community-oriented senior living, such as co-housing and cottage home courts. | Promote the development of continuing care retirement communities (CCRC), or life plan communities, which offer distinct types of housing and care levels based on a senior’s needs.
| Encourage developers of age-targeted housing to include amenities attractive to seniors, such as front porches, back patios, walking paths, and outdoor sports facilities, and activated gathering spaces.