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Downtown Wake Forest
While this Downtown Area Plan (see page 56) provides guidelines for land use and development within Downtown, the Town’s Renaissance Plan provides more detailed recommendations for reinvestment, economic development, marketing, programming, parking, and streetscaping. The Renaissance Plan was adopted in 2017 but should be updated to ensure it reflects current development potentials and responds to the existing and future needs of the community. Conformance with the Downtown Area Plan should be reviewed. This may include reducing the Renaissance Plan study area boundary to focus on the Downtown Core Area.

Key Recommendations
The Renaissance Plan update should address the following Downtown Considerations:
| Increase Density – evaluate existing zoning regulations around density in appropriate locations to balance
Downtown’s development potential with preserving its historic character. | Thoughtful Downtown Infill – identify strategies to fill vacant buildings
Downtown that promote an entrepreneurial and small-business culture.
| Family-Friendly Attractions – identify strategies to attract families and younger populations to Downtown with inviting public spaces, entertainment, and destinations for all ages. | Building Orientation - provide guidelines for how buildings should be orientated to support pedestrian-friendly environments. | Parking – reassess parking demand and supply with consideration for a new parking garage(s) to minimize surface parking lots. | Downtown Experience – identify strategies to create an
“experience-based” Downtown retail environment with unique local businesses and a pedestrian-oriented environment.
| Gateways & Wayfinding – reassess strategies to improve gateways and wayfinding to and within Downtown to better direct people and create a distinct sense of place. | Community Events – identify opportunities for Downtown events and public gathering spaces to bring the community together, such as live outdoor events and festivals.
To ensure the vision and goals of the community are attained, proactive implementation of the Wake Forest Community Plan is essential. The Plan provides policies and recommendations the Town should undertake over the next 10 to 20 years for the vision to be realized. Close coordination with and participation of local departments, regional public agencies, neighboring communities, community groups and organizations, the business community, property owners, developers, and residents will be key in the success of its implementation. The following chapter provides best practices on how to use to the Plan as well as funding sources to consider.