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Residential Character
While the Town works to accommodate its growing population, a balance must be met between preserving the existing residential character and supporting higher densities through a diverse mix of housing. Higher density residential does not need to be a dominating development that disrupts the Town’s existing character. Through thoughtful design and attention to massing, rhythm, scale, setback, and building materials, new residential development can provide greater housing choice and equity while still complementing the charm of Wake Forest’s established neighborhoods. This includes the following considerations:
Key Recommendations
| Encourage single-family attached and multifamily development to incorporate varied building frontages and rooflines, front porches, front yards, and balconies to provide visual interest and complement the scale and character of surrounding single-family neighborhoods. | Setbacks of infill development should match the existing context as much as possible as uniform setbacks can help foster a pedestrian-friendly environment. | Promote higher density infill and redevelopment within older established neighborhoods to provide greater housing choices while matching the scale and character of existing properties. | Promote higher density housing along key corridors and surrounding activity centers. This includes near areas designated in the Land Use Plan as
Commercial Corridor; Neighborhood
Commercial; Light Industrial; and Office,
Civic, and Institutional. | For larger scale planned subdivisions that provide a mix of housing types, work with private developers to locate lower density housing near existing single-family detached neighborhoods. | Consider requiring a minimum percentage of housing types in new neighborhood developments to increase housing diversity and affordability (e.g. at least 20% duplexes/townhomes). PUBLIC DRAFT