2023 Wake Forest Public Art Vision Plan

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Unlike any other investment, a typical public art project generates both tourism and community interest.









PAGE 11 2023 Action Plan




2 A Vision Plan for the Town of Wake Forest
FLORA AND FAUNA by Taylor White
Executive Summary
Benefits of Public Art
History of Public Art
Wake Forest
Public Art Commission Support of the Town
& Responsibilities
Public Art Commission Duties
Funding & Support for Public Art
9 Art Plan Development
Guiding Principles
What is Public Art?
On the Cover: FOREST OF WAKE by Oak Hill Iron

Executive Summary

A planning task group of the Wake Forest Public Art Commission began work on a new art vision plan in May 2022, building on the first vision plan and the experience of the Commission as it conducted its work between 2009 and 2022. The task group members gathered qualitative information about the Commission’s performance, vision and direction from conducting a series of interviews with Town staff and community leaders. The task group prepared a survey of residents to provide quantitative information about public art awareness, acceptance, and preferences which will be conducted at least every three years.

The group reviewed as context the relevant parts of the UDO, the Wake Forest Community Plan, and Wake Forest Strategic Plan as well as the Public Art Ordinance (Chapter 25). The time frame established for the 2023 Wake Forest Public Art Vision Plan is at least five years. The new plan includes mission, vision and values statements for the Public Art Commission and a summary of Commission duties and responsibilities. On Jan. 26, 2023, the Public Art Commission established goals with strategies. The Public Art Commission will pursue these goals and strategies in collaboration with Town departments and Wake Forest organizations and residents while responding to changing opportunities through 2028 and beyond.

by Wallerfoushee
RIBBON WALL by Brooks Burleson

Benefits of Public Art

The definition of public art has expanded to describe not only physical works of art such as sculptures and murals but also other forms such as festivals, interactive art or art seamlessly integrated into the environment such as bridges, railings or public buildings. Most critically, Wake Forest recognizes that public art is for all.

Public art:

» Enlivens public spaces

» Improves livability and quality of life

» Boosts local economies by attracting visitors and increasing foot traffic to businesses

» Creates a sense of place and community pride

» Encourages social connectivity and public engagement

» Expresses the community’s character and identity

» Tells the story of a community by preserving history and celebrating diversity

History of Public Art in Wake Forest

1990. Wake Forest Cultural Arts Association was formed. Several members of this organization went on to serve on the first public art team. The core of the Wake Forest Cultural Arts Association was rebranded as ARTS Wake Forest (Wake Forest Arts!).

2008. The first public art team of 19 members was formed by the Town in collaboration with the Wake Forest Cultural Arts Association, the Wake Forest Downtown Revitalization Corporation, the Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce and the Wake Forest Garden Club. The purpose of this team was to develop public art policy recommendations for Wake Forest.

2009. In September, 2009, the public art team presented the draft of what became the original Public Art Vision Plan. In August 2010, the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners adopted Ordinance 25 which outlined the mission of the public art program, provided definitions, established procedures, cited funding sources and outlined roles and responsibilities.

2020. In October, 2020, Ordinance 25 was amended and restated by the Board of Commissioners to “further the efforts of the Public Art Commission in the facilitation of public art projects.” Ordinance 2020-46

4 A Vision Plan for the Town of Wake Forest

Public Art Commission Support of the Town

The Public Art Commission is established by the passage of Town Ordinance Article 1.-In General with Sec 25-1. Purpose and intent. Adopted and amended on Oct. 20, 2020.

The Public Art Commission seeks to support the Town’s strategic goals and all applicable laws from town, state, and federal governments.

Many levels of Town administration provide support to the Public Art Commission.


Elected by Wake Forest Citizens


Appointed by Board of Commissioners


Public Art Commission

Appointed by Board of Commissioners

Organizational Structure

Appointed by Town Manager


Public Art Commission Duties and Responsibilities

The Town of Wake Forest recognizes the importance of facilitating the creation and installation of art for public spaces and therefore tasks the Wake Forest Public Art Commission with a broad range of duties and responsibilities. (Chapter 25, Article II – Public Art Commission)

The members of the Public Art Commission accept the responsibilities as outlined in Chapter 25 of the Town ordinances. These include adherence to a code of ethics, commitment to the work, good stewardship of the municipal art fund, and meetings required to meet the purpose and intent as adopted.

The Public Art Commission completes a flow of work to manage the acquiring, maintaining, and deaccession of public art.

6 A Vision Plan for the Town of Wake Forest



» CFO authorizes Municipal Art Plan.

» Public Art Commission (PAC) maintains reserve of 10% restricted annually.


» PAC distributes community survey.

» PAC uses public feedback to assess the needs for program management.

» PAC discusses with cooperating Town department staff for feedback and planning projects.


» PAC designates art task groups to identify the criteria for art, placement, and call for art. Task groups present recommendations to the PAC for approval.

» PAC distributes call following the curated process detailed in Sec. 25–52 (d).

» PAC seeks partnership with other Town departments as needed for art projects.

» PAC directs staff to complete the contracting process and oversees installation.

» After installation, artwork is appraised and sent to appropriate Town staff for inclusion in municipal art inventory.

» PAC directs staff to work with Town staff and appropriate community outlets to develop a public relations campaign for the public art.

» PAC works with Facilities Department to maintain public art on display.


Funding and Support for Public Art


The Town of Wake Forest funds public art by designating one percent (1%) of the Town’s cost for eligible capital improvement projects to art. Possible examples include streetscapes, new construction, and significant renovations of public buildings. The Public Art Commission is tasked with recommending expenditure of those funds to the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners.


The Public Art Commission encourages developers and builders to partner with the Town to invest in publicly accessible works of art that enhance their projects.


Organizations or individuals who wish to donate to the Public Art Fund or donate/loan a piece of art to the Town’s collection may contact the Public Art Commission. Donors are encouraged to provide funding for the ongoing maintenance costs of their gift.


Organizations are encouraged to seek advice from the Public Art Commission if they are considering purchasing or commissioning artworks. The Commission can serve as liaison between organization, artist, and Town and will provide the framework for a successful project. The Commission’s assistance includes creating a call for artists, facilitating the selection process, and providing contract samples.

8 A Vision Plan for the Town of Wake Forest
IF MOTHER NATURE COULD DANCE by Maureen Seltzer WAFO by Tony Ramsi

Art Plan Development

A designated task group of the Public Art Commission adhered to a systematic approach to gathering information and collaborative feedback to develop the 2023 Public Art Vision Plan.


The first step was to gather qualitative information from key stakeholders through interviews of Town staff and representatives from Wake Forest Arts, the Wake Forest Area Chamber of Commerce, downtown development, other arts organizations and Wake Forest Business and Industry Partnership. To achieve some consistency, subcommittee members followed an interview guide with key questions and took notes which were compiled by staff. Themes emerged which were used during development of plan goals. This information was also the basis for a discussion of Public Art Commission strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (a SWOT analysis) used for goal-setting and understanding of past Public Art Commission performance.


The task group developed a public survey to gain quantitative information; this was posted on the Town website in April 2023 and is planned to be continued in future years.


The task group developed a revised vision statement, mission statement, and a list of values to guide the Public Art Commission in performance of its duties and responsibilities. During the monthly business meetings the Public Art Commission voted on and unanimously approved the mission statement on Oct. 27, 2022, the list of values and goals on Jan. 26, 2023, and the vision statement on April 27, 2023.

COMMUNITY CELEBRATION OF THE ARTS 2023, Wake Forest Renaissance Centre for the Arts

Guiding Principles


Wake Forest is widely known for accessible, engaging public art and inspirational creative spaces where people and business thrive.


The Wake Forest Public Art Commission administers a collaborative process to invest public and private funds toward curating art that fosters a unique sense of place to strengthen economic development. This art enlivens public space, connects our community, and enriches a vibrant and engaging Wake Forest.


The Public Art Commission established a core set of values that will be used to guide our vision, adhere to the best standard of practice and reflect the town’s character through public art. These values are also expressed throughout Ordinance 25, as well as other Town plans and documents and was approved by the Commission on Jan. 26, 2023.

1. Community

2. Accessibility

3. Diversity

4. Artistic Quality

5. Responsible Stewardship

10 A Vision Plan for the Town of Wake Forest
HISTORY OF WAKE FOREST by Franklin Academy Students LEAF BENCH by Robert Tully

2023 Action Plan

On Jan. 26, 2023, the Public Art Commission adopted a set of goals that will give focus and priority to our work for the next five years and beyond. These goals were developed with strict adherence to the duties described in Ordinance 25 (Sec. 25-34. Duties).

The Wake Forest Public Art Commission will:

1. Lead and guide the Town’s public art program ensuring that it is representative and relevant to the community

2. Increase quality public art in Wake Forest

3. Engage, educate, and advocate for the value of public art

As outlined, these goals are an effective tool in the Commission’s leadership and implementation of public art policy. Added strategies and tasks further express our commitment to our duties as outlined in Ordinance 25.

RAIN GATE by Robert Tully


Lead and guide the Town’s public art program ensuring that it is representative and relevant to the community

a. Develop strong relationships with elected Town officials and relevant Town staff in order to advocate for the Public Art Commission and its public art program

i. Attend Wake Forest Board of Commissioners meetings and Planning Board meetings to advocate for public art

ii. Review Technical Review Committee agendas and attend meetings when appropriate

iii. Strengthen interdepartmental connections. Assign a Public Art Commission liaison to Town departments, community organizations, and Town advisory boards as appropriate

b. When appropriate, no fewer than every three years, query Wake Forest community about public art preferences

i. Create and distribute a survey searching for community input on public art preferences

ii. Collaborate with other organizations and the Town to request input on public art preferences

c. Work to make the Public Art Commission more representative of the community

i. Build connections with local businesses to recruit commissioners with various skill sets

ii. Actively recruit diverse commissioner candidates from various representative groups including age, ethnicity and skill set

d. Set aside Public Art Commission meeting time for any public comment and for Commission members to report community input


Increase quality public art in Wake Forest

a. Increase funding for public art

i. Advocate with elected officials and relevant Town staff for additional funding of public art beyond the current 1% funding

ii. Research, network, develop narrative, and apply for grants

iii. Pursue private funding for public art by forming partnerships with local civic organizations, the business community, and individual philanthropists

b. Streamline workflow

i. Create RFQ and RFP templates that can be easily modified for various projects

ii. Maintain a roster of pre-approved artists in various media

iii. Utilize partners to quickly and widely distribute the call to artists

iv. Appoint a rapid review committee for projects that need a quick turnaround

12 2023 Action Plan


Engage, educate, and advocate for the value of public art

a. Use public art to engage Wake Forest and beyond

i. Offer targeted participatory art events

ii. Provide interactive art works and projects

iii. Seek new sponsorship opportunities and partners for Public Art Commission projects

iv. Seek new sponsorship opportunities and partners for participatory art events

b. Increase public awareness of the Public Art Commission

i. Make presentations at neighborhood associations and civic groups

ii. Have Public Art Commission representatives at Town events and meetings

iii. Invite Town representatives to be guest speakers at Public Art Commission business meetings

iv. Conduct Public Art Commission business meetings in various Town locations

c. Use social media, Town website, and Town App as tools for public engagement and education

i. Improve online presence by upgrading and maintaining social media and websites

ii. Keep all public art documents, photographs and materials reviewed and updated

iii. Use innovative marketing strategies to introduce new public art acquisitions and to promote current inventory

d. Establish the ‘Celebration of the Arts’ as an annual event for the community

i. Seek partnerships throughout the

community to increase attendance and participation

ii. Increase public awareness through promotion

e. Educate Public Art Commission members so they can effectively advocate the value of public art

i. Provide mandatory orientation to new members

ii. Include informative staff reports on monthly agendas

iii. Offer presentations by invited guests on relevant topics

iv. Seek professional development for Public Art Commission Town staff

f. Advocate for the value of public art

i. Present annual art plan to Town officials

ii. Maintain a current report of the Town’s municipal art fund

iii. Ask elected officials to review Ordinance 25 every five years

iv. Work with Town communications to promote public art (new projects or acquisitions)



Virtual Wake Forest Public Art Tour

Wake Forest Code of Ordinances –Chapter 25: Public Art

Title VI

Wake Forest Community Plan

Public Art Resource Guide for Developers & Builders “Add Art, Add Value”

Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance

Wake Forest Public Art Commission – Board Details and Member Roster

2009 Public Art Vision Plan

2023 Public Art Survey

AARP Livable Communities – Public Places & Outdoor Spaces

14 A Vision Plan for the Town of Wake Forest

What is Public Art?

“Simply put, public art is art in public spaces. The term “public art” may conjure images of historic bronze statues of a soldier on horseback in a park. Today, public art can take a wide range of forms, sizes, and scales—and can be temporary or permanent. It often interprets the history of the place, its people, and perhaps addresses a social or environmental issue.

Public art can include murals, sculpture, memorials, integrated architectural or landscape architectural work, community art, digital new media, and even performances and festivals!”

— Americans for the Arts (americansforthearts.org)


Public art creates goodwill and enhances community image— two goals that local governments aim to achieve.

S Brooks St, Wake Forest, NC 27587 | wakeforestnc.gov
The 2023 Wake Forest Public Art Vision Plan was prepared by the Wake Forest Public Art Commission for the Town of Wake Forest.

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