Chapter 4-‐ Legal and Ethical Issues -‐ (March 20) *All types of people use computers Student with special needs. 1) Learning disabled a)Physical, (easy to deal because adaptive or assistive) b)Psychological, (mild – severe) c)Emotional, (passive-‐aggressive) d)Cognitive (mild-‐severe) 2) Linguistically and or culturally different 3) Gifted and talented student Students and Disabilities -‐ (March 22) -‐Computers can help meet the needs of these students. Technology used to assist students is Assistive or Adaptive Technology Test Question: what do we call technology that is used for students with disabilities? I.P.P –Individual Program Plan = modify the curriculum and instruction (involve : Teacher, student, parent, admin, counsellor) -‐P.A.T and other standardized tests Talented and Gifted At risk because they are bored and teacher aren’t trained for them They are not challenged-‐ leads to lack of motivation, drop out , poor attendance, discipline problems (constructivism) Lose hope-‐ only way to save them is one-‐on –one Technology can help enhance the learning of all students. Computer Access and Equity Men are superior than women-‐ Outdated A student with technology is generally more successful in school then the one with no technology Based on 17th century thinking and the fact men where the first to use computers.