Freshman Curriculum Guide

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curriculum guide

Grade 9

Inspiring a lifelong love of learning and giving.

Our school is a place where the students learn from each other, from their environment, and through educational experiences.

Catholic School is a vibrant, warm and welcoming community centered upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Our dedicated teachers prepare your child to grow to his/her greatest potential, both spiritually and academically. It is our ministry to help students recognize, foster, and exhibit their role in carrying out our Catholic values and traditions.

BMCS Kankakee Site

550 West Brookmont Boulevard

Kankakee, IL 60915


Catholic School provides an exceptional learning environment that develops critical thinking skills through a variety of learning opportunities. The strong community, high academic standards, and celebration of the Catholic faith are the reasons parents choose

Bishop McNamara

Catholic School as a wise investment for their child.

Bishop McNamara Bishop McNamara

FAST FACTS freshman year enrollment

Hot Lunch


School Hours

8:00 am - 2:35 pm

There is a hot lunch program available to all students.


Students in grades 9-12 wear uniforms that vary by gender and season. School uniforms are purchased through Lands End Uniform Shop.

Parent Ambassadors

Parent volunteers are welcome! All parent ambassadors/volunteers are required to complete a VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children course before volunteering in the school. Upon completion you may volunteer in at any school sponsored event.

Important Documents Required for Enrollment

Online Enrollment Application found in FACTS

• Birth Certificate

• Physical and Dental Exams per Illinois State Law

• Vaccination Records and/or Immunization Objection Form

All incoming freshman students are required to take the following courses during their freshman year:

Health (1 semester)

Physical Education (1 semester)

Religion 9 (All year)

English I or Honors English I* (All year)

Biology or Honors Biology* (All year)

General Math Course, Geometry, or Honors Geometry*(All year)

At least 1 full credit of electives, (no more than 2 full credits)

Spanish I (1 full credit)

Band (1 full credit)

Choir (1 full credit, 7:30 – 8:00 AM each school day)

Art I (1 full credit)

Honors Robotics (1/2 credit, 1 semester)

Communications (1 full credit) –based on test scores

Journalism (1/2 credit, all year)

* Honors level courses have specific entry criteria (including teacher recommendations, placement test scores, and standardized test scores), and a student can be removed based on performance at the end of the first semester (a B or higher is required to maintain presence in an honors course).

art & design I

81 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12


Full Year

1 Credit

This course is for any student wanting to learn the fundamentals of art and creativity. Focusing on basic art skills with a concentration on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, students will conceive and create works of art through a variety of different media, mostly for 2D production. Students will also study perspectives about art history and influential artists. Student will participate in creative journaling, guided projects with deadlines and art critiques. A strong work ethic and a positive attitude are imperative for success in this class.

English Department


112 Grade 9 Full Year


English Department


110 Grade 9 Full Year

Non-Cumulative 1 Credit

1 Credit

English I provides an intensive study of grammar and composition. Heavy emphasis is placed on the basic writing skills including structure, grammar usage and punctuation. Students will experience a wide range of writing activities, including the basic essay and a research essay. Students also have a study skills unit to help them with the transition to high school. In addition, students will be introduced to literary analysis through the study of short stories, poetry, plays and the novel. Students will also study non-fiction for analysis relating to historical and current event issues. Technology will be used via student computers for writing, research and other activities related to grammar. Students will have a weekly vocabulary unit based on the work that is currently being studied. These lessons focus on skills to improve performance on college entrance exams. Students will experience a unit of library science which includes the use of databases and how to research authoritative websites.


115 Grade 9 Full Year


1 Credit

Honors English I is an intensive study of grammar, composition, and literary analysis. Each student must demonstrate clear, analytical skills in language both written and verbal. The writing process and other research skills learned in the library science unit, aligns with the literature components studied in class. The writing program enables each student to demonstrate and experience a wide range of writing essays including the vocabulary and techniques of the short story, poetry, drama, essay, non-fiction, and the novel. Students will develop a research paper utilizing online database resources. Students will have weekly vocabulary units based on work that is currently being studied. These lessons focus on skills to improve performance on college entrance exams and writing specifications.

A 9th grade course designed for students selected on the basis of test scores, grades and/or teacher recommendation. This course is required for students whose reading proficiency upon entry into high school is below bench-mark. This course may NOT be used as one of the four English credits needed to meet graduation requirements. Course Description: This course is designed to assist students in making a smooth and successful transition to high-school life; to provide students with growth experiences both in the educational and personal realms; to introduce them to a variety of high-school survival skills (note-taking, test-taking, research skills) as well as personal survival skills (goal setting, time management, effective communication skills, etc.) and to increase the probability of their success both during their high school career and after graduation. The course will provide standards-based units and activities using research-based instructional strategies, study skills, real world problems, technology, and meaningful assignments to help students to master standards at the level necessary to succeed in high school. The course will focus on developing basic communications skills and strategies through reading, writing, spelling vocabulary, grammatical usages, and speaking.


160 Grades 9-12

Full Year

Non-Cumulative 1 Credit

In this course students will gain skills in one or more of the following areas: page design, advanced publishing techniques, copy writing, editing and photography while producing a creative, innovative yearbook which records school memories and events. There is an emphasis on journalism skills in this class! Participants gain useful, real world skills in time management, marketing, teamwork, and design principles.

math department Modern Language Department

301 Grade 9


Full Year

Cumulative 1 Credit

This course will reinforce and expand students' foundational math skills, such as arithmetic operations using rational numbers; area, perimeter, and volume of geometric figures; congruence and similarity; angle relationships; the Pythagorean theorem; the rectangular coordinate system; sets and logic; ratio and proportion; estimation; formulas; and solving and graphing simple equations and inequalities. This course may also touch on general math topics and apply the skills students have to consumer problems and situations (taxes, banking, discounts, interest, etc.).



311 Grades 9, 10



812 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Full Year

Cumulative 1 Credit

Spanish I is devoted to basic training in the language for those interested in developing the ability to converse, read, and write. Attention is focused on the acquisition of vocabulary. A foundation is laid in the mechanics needed for reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the target language. Cultural activities, centered on Hispanic America, enhance the language experience. A variety of technological tools are utilized to augment the comprehension of the Spanish language and culture.


814 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Full Year

1 Credit

This course focuses on the discovery of solutions and answers using observances and experiences of problem solving. Placement in this course is determined by the student's entrance test score. The course emphasizes the basic concepts of algebra and a wealth of practice problems designed to encourage the development of problem solving techniques and abstract thinking, particularly in regard to one and two variable equations. Topics covered include: operations with integers, rational numbers and real numbers; ratios and proportions, solving single variable equations and inequalities; graphing in the coordinate plane; an introduction to functions and two-variable equations; and an introduction to exponents and monomials.



320 Grades 9, 10


Full Year

1 Credit

This is a course in modern geometry designed to enable the student to develop an understanding of deductive and inductive proof and an ability to apply them to geometric problems and practical situations. Topics studied include congruent triangles, parallel and perpendicular lines, similar polygons, right triangles and the Pythagorean property, circles, and the areas of plane figures.



321 Grades 9, 10

Full Year

Cumulative 1 Credit

This course is provided for those students who have shown exceptional proficiency in mathematics. The course includes all topics taught in Geometry, but the content is pursued in more depth. Additional topics such as surface area and volume of solids will be included PRE-REQUISITE: JUNIOR HIGH ALGEBRA WITH TEACHER/DEPARTMENT CHAIR RECOMMENDATION AND TEST SCORES.

Full Year

Cumulative 1 Credit

Spanish for Heritage Speakers is designed for heritage learners of Spanish. It offers Spanish-speaking students the opportunity to study Spanish formally in an academic setting in the same way native English-speaking students study English language arts. It focuses on the development of communicative competence in reading, writing, speaking and listening, as well as on understanding Hispanic cultures of heritage speakers of Spanish in the United States. This course is conducted in Spanish. During this course, students will gain confidence using Spanish to express their own thoughts on social and academic themes, interact with other speakers of the language, understand oral and written messages and make oral and written presentations. Upon successful completion of this class, students will progress to Spanish for Heritage Speakers II.


MUSIC department Physical Education Department


755 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Full Year

1 Credit

This course is open to all students. Music reading ability will be assessed by a basic music skills test consisting of rhythm and pitch reading given by the band director. Students are required to perform in seasonal concerts, and other community events which include Pep band or other musical ensembles. The McNamara Pep Band will perform at home Varsity Football and Varsity boys and girls basketball games. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in the All-Catholic Honor Band, ILMEA, and Solo and Ensemble Contest. Additional opportunities are provided for students to participate in volunteer performances, including community performances, Jazz Band and Liturgical Ensembles. Individual lessons with the instructor will be offered to students interested in joining band, who lack previous experience.


Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

761 Grade/credit/GPA

762 Grade/credit/no GPA

Full Year

1/2 Credit

Membership in Performance Choir is open to every student who enjoys singing, and will include instruction and practice in performance techniques as well as individual instruction based on level of entry. No audition is required. A variety of musical styles will be explored. Students will be required to attend rehearsals during regular meeting times. Occasional Saturday rehearsals and a one week summer workshop may also be required. Attendance is mandatory at all seasonal concerts and other community performances. Students will have the opportunity to participate in IMEA and IHSA music contests. In keeping with the mission of our school and recognizing that our musical gifts come from God, students will also act as liturgical leaders of song as cantors and vocalists at our school liturgies. Participation in the Spring Musical is encouraged, but not required. This course takes place before school from 7:30-8:00am each school day.


513 Grade 9 One Semester

Non-Cumulative 1/2 Credit

Students will participate in physical activities that allow them to develop an understanding of the physical abilities of themselves and others.  Students will become aware of the social benefits of physical activity through participation.  The mental and emotional benefits of physical activity become evident when an active role in physical activity is encouraged. This course is designed to promote student learning with regard to fitness issues that affects their immediate and long-term health.


515 Grade 9 One Semester

Non-Cumulative 1/2 Credit

Freshmen are required to take one semester of health education. The programs include mental health, personal health habits, drugs and alcohol education, tobacco, nutrition, sexually transmitted diseases and consumer health. This course will involve a technology based, collaborative approach to understanding health principles and promoting a positive attitude toward wellness.

theology Department


033 Grade 9 Full Year


Semester 1 (1/2 Credit): REVELATION



The purpose of this course is to give students a general knowledge and appreciation of the Sacred Scriptures. Through their study of the Bible they will come to encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. In the course they will learn about the Bible, authored by God through inspiration and its value to people throughout the world. If they have not been taught this earlier, they will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. USCCB


The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. In this course students will understand that Jesus Christ is the ultimate Revelation to us from God. In learning about who he is, the students will also learn who he calls them to be. USCCB REQUIRED OF ALL FRESHMEN

science department

224 Grade 9


stay connected

Full Year

1 Credit Biology is a course designed to introduce students to the science processes, skills, and understandings related to a wide range of biological topics: biochemistry, cellular biology, ecology, genetics, and biotechnology. Important skills to develop throughout this course include: microscopy, graphing and measurement, making and analyzing models, working on a team, and as an independent learner. Students participate in lab experiments and demonstrate their mastery of the scientific method and the related topic, and record data in a lab report format.



222 Grade 9


Communication is an essential element for a positive educational experience. There are several tools to ensure parents are well informed and have an open line of communication with our school regarding updates and reminders, emergency notifications, student and family data, attendance and tracking student grades.

• Email Messaging: Sent to current families for important updates and reminders.

Full Year

1 Credit

Honors Biology is an inquiry based course designed to introduce and develop a deeper understanding of science processes, and skills related to a wide range of biological topics: biochemistry, cellular biology, ecology, genetics, and biotechnology. Important skills to develop throughout this course include: microscopy, graphing and measurement, making and analyzing models, working on a team, and the ability to be a self-directed learner. Students participate in lab experiments and demonstrate their mastery of the scientific method and the related topic. Experiments are documented using a lab report format. Students are also involved in different areas of research based on the topic.


254 Grade 9-12


One Semester

1/2 Credit

This course will introduce students to key STEM principles, basic programming, designing, building, and basic robotics concepts. Students will be problem solving, collaborating and working in teams to design, develop and complete robotic activities and challenges. Students will learn about fields where robotics is used in science, mathematics, medicine, space exploration, and manufacturing.

follow us!

Follow BMCS Online: Be sure to “like” Bishop McNamara Catholic School on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@Bishop McNamara) and Instagram (@bishopmcnamara). Our school website is

• Text Messaging: Sent as an additional way of communicating urgent information, school updates, and important reminders.

• Irish 1460 Portal: In an attempt to go green, we have implemented a portal on our website for updated informational flyers for our upcoming school events and fundraiser events for Bishop McNamara.

• BMCS APP: The Bishop McNamara Catholic School app provides parents, students, and faculty members with all the information they need in one place, conveniently accessed and formatted specifically for consumption on their mobile devices.


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