Reveille Spring 2017

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SPRING edition 2017

c a r i n g fo r t h e v e t e r a n co m m u n i t y

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance

president’s report Welcome to the spring edition of Reveille. The RSL highlight of spring is Remembrance Day and Maroochy RSL will be providing a respectful and appropriate commemoration of this important day.

were well attended and although we had to cancel the tour of the HMAS Darwin and Melbourne we are hoping this will still be an outing in the future. We have two outings left for 2017 and hope to see as many of you as possible enjoying time together.

Volunteers have always played a A lot of you would have noticed the new significant part in the work the League does, solemn rifle display at RSL House. It is one of not just in the area of pensions and welfare the final pieces to go in place but also across our museum at our renovated facility and and commemorative services sits with pride of place in our teams. We have introduced reception area. the ‘RSL House Volunteer Excellence Award’ to We hope you enjoy this We have introduced recognise exceptional efforts edition of Reveille and as the ‘RSL House within our volunteer team. always my thanks go to the The inaugural recipient volunteer dedicated team who work is museum curator Joe excellence award’ to ensure the publication McCaffrey who continues continues to be enjoyable to recognise to freely give his time for and relevant to our members. exceptional the benefit of our veteran Michael Liddelow community. efforts within our Maroochy RSL President I would like to focus a volunteer team. few words specifically on what some may view as an unlikely ally. The Military Motorcycle Brotherhood are a dedicated, focussed and well organised ex-service organisation doing great work, particularly among our contemporary veterans. Maroochy RSL have been proud to contribute towards this great initiative and we look forward to continuing this partnership to benefit our current and ex servicemen and women.

Our two member’s outings during winter

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Contents President’s Report......................... 02 Membership......................................03 CEO’s Report................................... 04 Maroochy RSL Veteran Outing

membersHIP Firstly my congratulations to Joe McCaffrey, the inaugural recipient of the RSL House Volunteer Excellence Award. You would not find a more long serving and dedicated volunteer and while there were many worthy of the award, Joe is the ideal inaugural recipient. Our League membership continues to remain relatively steady around 830 members and as you will have seen from our articles on the Veterans Phone Contact Program (VPCP) we are focussing on obtaining the most up to date details on our League members. We also have taken this opportunity to gauge some vital feedback on the range of services we provide. The information collected will enable us to better manage our membership and ensure the range and type of services we provide are of the highest possible standard and relevant to our members. Our pensions and advocacy cases continue to grow at a steady pace and it is representative of the high esteem our team is held in. It sadly also shows the large number of veterans throughout the area who until recently have remained silent and not come forward to seek help. We will continue to work towards the best outcome for them and all veterans regardless of your membership status with the RSL. If you know of anyone who would benefit from our services or would simply like a visit from one of our volunteers please let the team at RSL House know.

Ian Hicks Maroochy RSL League Administration Manager

and Welfare Program.................... 06 Women’s Auxiliary Cent Auction 07 The Battles of Fire.......................... 08 Volunteer Excellence..................... 09 DVA Gold Card.................................10 Military Brotherhood...................... 12 Past Safety Practices....................... 14 Young Cadet Experience............... 16 Side by Side...................................... 18 Favell’s diary......................................20 History of the Heliograph.............. 21 ESO Meeting Information ............ 22

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAILING LIST If you wish to receive emails about current veteran related issues and League information, please email us at:

Reveille SPRING edition 2017 | 03

ceo’s report Welcome to the spring edition of our Reveille magazine for 2017, we have had a busy winter and spring is shaping up to be the same.

are always parking spaces for our members every time they visit Maroochy RSL. We expect the new system to be operational by the end of October and will keep everyone updated as we progress.

Spring brings with it one of the most important commemorative days on the RSL calendar with Remembrance To protect our members we Day. Maroochy RSL will be conducting are installing a car parking our Remembrance Day system to ensure there are service at the Cotton always parking spaces for our Tree Cenotaph at 10:30am on Saturday GUESTS every time they visit 11 November 2017. We Maroochy RSL. We expect the welcome everyone to join us for the service new system to be operational on this important day of by the end of October and commemoration.

will keep everyone updated

Our RSL House team have conducted two member outings throughout winter to Underwater World in Mooloolaba and Fort Lytton in Brisbane. There are two more outings scheduled for 2017, so if you would like to attend please contact the team at RSL House and they will be able to provide you with more details.

We hope you Winter saw the as we progress. enjoy this spring edition launch of our volunteer of Reveille magazine. excellence program We look forward to which recognises the welcoming you to significant contribution Maroochy RSL again soon. of our dedicated volunteers. The inaugural recipient is our museum curator, Joe Clare Paton McCaffrey a hard working and humble Maroochy RSL CEO gentleman, and a most worthy recipient. This program will be ongoing as we give our volunteers the recognition they deserve. As Maroochydore quickly grows into the CBD of the Sunshine Coast we are conscious that our car parking facilities will become more and more sought after. We will be installing a car parking system to ensure there

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RSL House 106 Memorial Ave, Maroochydore Phone: 07 5443 1719 email:

Office Hours Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm

Museum Hours

Ex-Service Organisations These groups meet regularly at RSL House, please feel welcome to attend. For more information about upcoming meetings refer to page 22. Ex-Service Women’s Association - first Thursday of the month, 10.00am chat, 10.30am meeting

Monday to Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm

Legacy Laurel Club - fourth Friday of the month at 9.00am


National Servicemen’s Association second Tuesday of every odd month, 9.00am chat, 10.00am meeting

Third Monday of the month at 2.00pm Information for members, guests and bona fide visitors. Correct at time of printing.

Naval Association - second Sunday of the month at 10.30am TPI Association - third Wednesday of the month at 10.30am Australian War Widows (QLD) - fourth Monday of the month, 9.00am chat, 10.00am meeting Women’s Auxiliary - first Monday of the month, 9.30am chat, 10.00am meeting

Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor (preferably typed or printed and no longer than 200 words) should carry the sender’s full name, address and contact phone number, and will not necessarily express the opinion of the Editor or of this Sub Branch. The Editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any submission. Email:

Reveille SPRING edition 2017 | 05

Maroochy RSL Veteran Outing and Welfare Program Our veteran outing program continues to be well received and in June and July we held outings to Underwater World at Mooloolaba and Fort Lytton in Brisbane. For all of you in the senior service sadly the proposed visit to HMAS Darwin and Melbourne scheduled for late July had to be cancelled due to a change in Naval operational priorities. We will attempt next year to conduct a naval ship tour as many of our league members were looking forward to this trip. There are still two more outings scheduled for 2017, a tour to the Buderim Botanical Gardens for all the green thumbs on 12 September and our traditional family BBQ in the park at Cotton Tree on 9 December. Please see the RSL House team for information on these remaining outings and of course if you have any ideas for visits in 2018 please don’t hesitate to come forward and let us know. Our members outings are just one part of our welfare program which continues to provide a wide range of welfare services to our veterans across the Sunshine Coast. In summary across the last three months we have provided the following services.


Activities Conducted

Veterans Seen

Nursing Home Visit



Hospital Visits



Home Visits



Office Walk In Interview



Transport Tasks



Poppy services



We will continue to focus on meeting the welfare needs of all veterans and League members. We are looking to expand our range of services moving into 2018 to continue to help those who have served our nation.

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Veterans and Community Forum On Sunday 23 July Maroochy RSL along with some 40 other exhibitors participated in the Veterans and Community Expo held at the Lake Kawana Community Centre. The expo, organised by Sunshine Coast District RSL was an opportunity for veterans and members of the public to speak face to face with a variety of providers of veteran specific support services. The idea of having all the providers together in one area enabled easy access for anyone visiting and interested in anything related to veteran services. The Expo was combined with a program of guest speakers throughout the day from organisations such as the Cooinda Mental Health Service and Legacy. This was the second year the Expo had been held and District RSL have indicated that they will continue with this as an annual event.

Women’s Auxiliary Cent Auction Over 100 great quality prizes! We are hosting a cent auction to raise money for veterans and their families in our community.

Cent Auction

Maroochy RSL House 106 Memorial Avenue, Maroochydore Monday 9 October 2017 Doors open at 9.30am for morning tea and cent auction starts at 10.00am Admission is $4

HOW IT WORKS? At the front of the cent auction display you find a series of boxes numbered to match the prizes. You purchase tickets (retain the stub to claim your prizes), and the rest of the tickets are the ‘bids’. You can place as many tickets as you want in each box, if there is one particular item that you are after you can place all your tickets in that box or you can spread them over all the prizes. When the auction closes, the box is removed from the cent auction display area and taken to the ‘auctioneer’ who draws a ticket from the box. The winning number is announced and the holder of that numbered stub is able to claim their prize. Cent auctions are a lot of fun and can be enjoyed by all ages.

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The Battles of Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral In May 1968 Australian soldiers fought one of the largest and arguably most hazardous battles of the Vietnam War. The Battles of Coral and Balmoral commencing on 12 May were a series of actions fought north-east of Saigon between elements of the 1st Australian Task Force (1 ATF) and North Vietnamese and Viet Cong Main Force units. During the “Mini-Tet” offensive 1 ATF had deployed two Battalions (1 and 3 RAR) north of Bien Hoa to intercept and disrupt withdrawing enemy forces. Several fire support bases (FSBs) were established to provide defended firing points for artillery and mortars to cover the foot patrols sent out by the Battalions. FSB “Coral’ was established north of the town of Tan Uyen while “Balmoral” was a further 4.5 km north. FSB Coral was occupied on 12 May and was only partly completed when it was attacked following an intense bombardment at 3:30am on 13 May. Australian units withstood heavy enemy attacks during which the 1RAR mortar platoon and two gun positions were overrun. With the help of extensive air force support the attack was defeated and by 6:30am the captured gun positions had been reclaimed. A history of Australian artillery records indicated that the attack on Coral was “the most sustained ground attack on an Australian field gun position since the Pacific war, yet the gunners recovered their guns and were in action again, supporting the infantry the following morning.”

On 16 May FSB Coral was attacked once more with the enemy again being defeated in part due to the additional fire power available from the carriers of A Sqn 3 Cav which had been brought forward to aid in the defence of the FSB. On 22 May Coral was subjected to another rocket and mortar barrage, but this time the NVA troops were dispersed by return fire from 1RARs mortars as they formed up to attack. The following day Centurion tanks from 1 Armoured Regiment were brought forward to defend both FSBs. Although there were further enemy bombardments at the end of May, and patrols sent out from the base came into contact with the enemy, Coral was not seriously threatened again. Enemy efforts in late May were primarily focused on FSB Balmoral, with assaults being defeated on 26 and 28 May. Over the following four weeks in further conflict around the bases there was over 300 enemy soldiers killed. They also captured hundreds of enemy weapons. Australian Army regiments involved in the series of battles were later awarded one of the five battle honours approved for the Vietnam War.

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Long Standing Volunteer Recognised For Excellence In Service Museum Curator Joe McCaffrey is a familiar face for local veterans and the Sub Branch team. In June, dedicated volunteer Joe McCaffrey was awarded the inaugural RSL House Volunteer Excellence Award for his service to Maroochy RSL.

“He represents everything good about the volunteering philosophy of self sacrifice and dedication and because of that he is a worthy recipient of this award.

Passionate about research, he spends If there is a daily operational job or task his time identifying different objects in the that needs to be done we can always give it museum and working to trace to Joe knowing that it will be done artefacts back to their original well,” Michael said. owners, among a range of other “He represents “Joe’s dedication to duties. everything Maroochy RSL is commendable. good about the Joe has certainly seen many He’s the man who’s always there volunteering hundreds of historical items over when something needs to be philosophy of the years, he said it’s hard to pick done.” self sacrifice just a handful of favourites. While the award was quite and dedication “They’re all interesting really. a surprise for Joe, he is thankful and because Photographs from World War of that he is for being commended for his time I, trench art and different post worthy recipient and effort. cards. Every item tells a story of this award.” “I’m always happy to help and reveals a different view of out and it is great to be recognised history.” for my contribution,” he said. Maroochy RSL President Michael On behalf of Maroochy RSL we would Liddelow said Joe was a very worthy recipient like to again congratulate Joe for the tireless of the first RSL House Volunteer Excellence commitment he has brought to Maroochy RSL. Award.

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DVA Gold Card Department of Veterans Affairs Health Cards Maroochy RSL advocates are constantly receiving queries regarding the use and availability of the various health cards issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs. There are three types of cards commonly issued by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA): Gold, White and Orange. In this edition of Reveille we have provided an explanation of the entitlements associated with the DVA Gold Card.

Australian Veterans

Commonwealth and Allied Veterans

A Gold Card is issued to veterans of Australia’s defence force who:

Some veterans of Commonwealth or allied forces with qualifying service are eligible for a Gold Card if they are

• are ex-prisoners of war • are returned ex-servicewomen of World War II who served in Australia’s Defence Force between 3 September 1939 and 29 October 1945 and who have qualifying service from that conflict • are World War II veterans who served in Australia’s Defence Force and mariners who served in Australia’s Merchant Navy, between 3 September 1939 and 29 October 1945, aged 70 years or over, and have qualifying service from that conflict • are mariners who served in Australia’s Merchant Navy between 3 September 1939 and 29 October 1945 and are ex-prisoners of war or • are veterans who served in Australia’s Defence Force after World War II, who are aged 70 years or over and have qualifying service under section 7A of the VEA (Veterans Entitlement Act). This includes members who have rendered a period of service classified as warlike on or after 1 July 2004, and which is covered under the Military, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 (MRCA) for compensation purposes.

• a veteran who served with a Commonwealth or allied force during World War II or in specified operational areas after World War II and were domiciled in Australia immediately prior to enlistment in the Commonwealth or allied force; or • a mariner who served on a Commonwealth or allied ship during World War II, if they or their dependants were residing in Australia for at least 12 months immediately prior to the commencement of their service on that ship. *Note: Eligibility for individuals who served with a Commonwealth or allied force requires that they have been ‘domiciled’ in Australia immediately prior to enlistment. Until 1 July 2010, individuals who were under 21 years of age were automatically determined to have been domiciled in the same country as their father (or mother, where their father was deceased). On 1 July 2010, this age was lowered to 18, allowing individuals older than this to take their own domicile.

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Veterans Receiving Disability Pension under the VEA Veterans who don’t fit into these categories but who receive the disability pension are also eligible to receive the Gold Card, if: • the rate of their disability pension is 100% of the general rate or higher • the rate of their disability pensions is 50% of the general rate or higher and they also receive any amount of service pension • their disability pension includes an additional amount under section 27 of the VEA for specific service-related amputations or blindness in one eye or • they were granted the disability pension for pulmonary tuberculosis before 2 November 1978. Veterans Receiving an Age or Invalidity Service Pension Some veterans who receive an age or invalidity service pension are eligible to receive the Gold Card, if they also: • satisfy the treatment benefits eligibility income and assets test or • are permanently blind in both eyes or • receive any amount of service pension and have an impairment from one or more service injuries or diseases that constitutes at least 30 impairment points under the MRCA.

Most healthcare providers in Australian accept DVA Health Cards. If you have not used a provider before (for example, when your GP refers you to another provider), it is worth confirming they accept the DVA Health Card as full payment for treatment. This will ensure you will not have any unexpected out of pocket expenses. There are limits that apply to some services. For example, medical services are subject to the requirements of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS). Some treatments require prior approval from DVA. Your doctor or health care provider will arrange this for you. It is important to remember prior approval is only given for services which are clinically appropriate and necessary. Supporting evidence is required to be provided by the treating practitioner. DVA will not pay for treatment of a disease or injury if you are entitled to compensation or damages, from another party, for that disease or injury. Entitlements to other discounts are at the discretion of each State Government or local authority.

A Gold Card identifies you as being eligible for treatment and care for all your health care conditions at DVA expense. You should present your Gold Card whenever you visit: • a doctor, medical specialist, dentist, optometrist or other health care professional who provides services under DVA arrangements or • a hospital or day procedure facility.

Reveille SPRING edition 2017 | 11

Maroochy RSL helps fund Military Brotherhood support vehicle While they may look and sound rough and ready the Military Brotherhood Military Motorcycle Club (MBMMC) are not your average motorcycle club. Founded by a group of likeminded veterans with a keen interest in motorbikes, “The Brotherhood� was established to provide camaraderie, mateship and support to our current and ex-service men and women in need. With 23 sub branches and around 600 members all over Australia the Brotherhood has been working to provide a social outlet and a friendly, sympathetic ear to fellow veterans and serving members since 2009.

The club also offers dedicated welfare,

pension and advocacy support in partnership with government departments like the Department of Veteran Affairs and RSL such as Maroochy RSL. Operating under the same underpinning traits of the Australian Defence Force members of the MBMMC regularly visit fellow veterans, both young and old, to check how they are doing. Recently Maroochy RSL donated $31,289 to help fund a support vehicle to aid the work they do all over the Sunshine Coast.

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Cooloola-Sunshine Coast Sub Branch President Steve “Moose” Ollier said the truck is already on the road and making a difference. “It’s just what we needed to support the work we do. It means we can do all sorts of things for our veterans and we’re really grateful to have the support of Maroochy RSL.”

Membership is open to current or exserving members of the Defence Force or the Commonwealth Forces and their friends and family. If you’re keen to be involved then get in touch with Moose on 0421 961 928.

Moose has been involved in the Military Brotherhood for six years and enjoys being able to help those who need it. “We pride ourselves on the support we provide and the Brotherhood is really about uniting for a common purpose while building a firm camaraderie between us all.” With a strong focus on fundraising to support their services, the Cooloola-Sunshine Coast Sub Branch is known for their famous donuts, a sell out at local events.

Reveille SPRING edition 2017 | 13

Were past safety practices inadequate, incompetent or just unaware? Service in the branch of the military is by definition a dangerous occupation. All who serve are aware of the obvious threats that they face from enemy action, however, not readily obvious are the impact that day to day exposure may have on them into the future. Were past safety practices incompetent or just unaware?


Industries today including the Defence Force have a better understanding of workplace and environmental risks. Organisations have staff responsible for identifying risks and the development of ways and means to eliminate, reduce or manage them. Compensation Advocates regularly speak with Defence veterans suffering from

conditions resulting from exposure and risks which today would seem unnecessary with adequate mitigation strategies available. Conditions such as hearing problems and tinnitus place limitations on everyday lifestyle and relationships. These problems were often caused by working in close proximity to heavy machinery or impulse noises such as explosions or weapons firing, without wearing adequate hearing protection.

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Exposure to impulse noise is nothing new and goes back to the days of black powder muskets and muzzle loading cannons. Books about the Napoleonic wars talk about gun crews stuffing their ears with packing strips of wadding used to hold the cannon ball in the barrel into their ears when undertaking continuous firing. Infantry using early smooth bore muskets would not have been able to use this form of hearing protection as it would prevent them hearing the commands of their sergeants and officers when firing and manoeuvring across the battlefield. Over the last century we have seen practices evolve from a time when soldiers used little to no protection for their hearing, head or eyes as well as no shirts due to tropical heat and humidity. From a contemporary Workplace Health and Safety perspective, the soldiers would have good grounds for a later claim of sun exposure (no shirts or hats), hearing loss and

tinnitus (no hearing protection) and possible eye damage due to trauma from flying particles e.g. stones and sand thrown up by recoil and blast effect. In modern days soldiers comply with safety standards and are all equipped with helmets, ballistic vests, ear and eye protection and suitable clothing and footwear to protect them from operational and environmental factors. The inadequate protection seen in the early days of war is a reflection of the time, place and situation and more ignorance than incompetence. Over change.





Perhaps an acceptable standard today will in 30 to 40 years also be considered unacceptable and perhaps future compensation advocates will also shake their heads about our practices today.

Reveille SPRING edition 2017 | 15

Young cadet values experience with local unit Over the past 100 years Australian Army Cadets have offered many young Australians opportunities to learn about military traditions and values and to grow through new experiences and challenges. Currently more than 19,000 Army Cadets between the ages of 12 and 19 participate in 237 units around Australia.

position where you must step up and be sure of who you are and what you are saying,” Kylie said.

Eighteen year old Kylie Dudley joined the local 128 Army Cadet Unit in Yandina almost two years ago and says she’s learnt great skills that have set her up for life.

“It’s helped me to learn how to be a better leader and how to show respect for others.”

“The biggest thing for me was confidence, when I first joined cadets I was very scared and unsure of myself but cadets puts you in a

Just like the Australian Army, cadets have a similar rank system and all new cadets begin as recruits. Promotion is earned by those

Twelve months into Kylie’s journey she was promoted to Corporal.

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who demonstrate their enthusiasm being a cadet, their ability to hold positions of higher responsibility and tenacity to complete required training courses. Over just two short years Kylie said she’s grown in many ways. “The first thing I was taught at cadets was how to do drill properly, I’ve also learned first aid for being out in the field in South East Queensland, as well as survival skills and field craft for our bivouacs and field days; on top of understanding the structure, history and rank systems of the Australian Army Cadets,” she said.

The 128 Army Cadet Unit in Yandina run four recruit intakes per year at the start of each school term. Please email the unit on for information about joining.

Australian Army Cadets: Captain Andrew Cummings CAPT (AAC) OC 128ACU

“We also have lessons in identifying poisonous or harmful plants in the local area, how to navigate using a compass, map and protractor to find bearings and follow them.” Above all, Kylie says she’s proud of who she has become. “I’m extremely fond of my time in cadets because it has brought me so many friends, laughs, challenges and moments to be really proud of” she said. On our last camp, we walked over 20km in two days and I was so proud of myself and my friends for completing the challenge - I will always cherish memories like that.” Kylie will soon leave the cadets to focus on her university studies but has some advice for other young people. “Cadets offered me a chance to grow and I think it’s the best thing a young adult could do to challenge themselves while gaining an insight into how our veterans served our country,” Kylie said. “I will miss my time in cadets but it was the perfect stepping stone to help me mature and prepare for my future.”

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Side by Side for Freedom By John Berry, President of the American Australian Association and former United States Ambassador to Australia from 2013 to 2016 We tend to think of history as unfolding slowly and are surprised when we stop and think of actual dates.

began its land invasion in the Pacific at a small atoll in the Solomon Island chain called Guadalcanal.

Three battles in World War II were so close in time that they can and should be thought of as one, though they happened thousands of miles apart.

The battle for Guadalcanal was a nightmarish six month hard slog where those heroes of the First Division managed to follow their orders, secure Henderson Airfield and hold that rocky atoll without any major resupply. Three Allied naval efforts to resupply the Division were defeated or turned back.

This year is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea, the first defeat suffered by the Empire of Japan and the first naval battle fought entirely out of visual range.

Most importantly, the invasion landing force was turned back from Australia.

My father was part of that Marine Division on Guadalcanal and as he aged, he realised his grandchildren knew little of the horror of war and he would share small snippets of just how tough a time that Division had accomplishing their mission. He described how they would accept surrendering Japanese soldiers, only to have them detonate suicide vests made up of multiple grenades once surrounded by Marines.

Only one month later, the naval turning point of the war in the Pacific occurred at the Battle of Midway. Only one month after these two important naval victories, the US

Fortune favored the brave and finally after six months, the First Marine Division was relieved by the US Army and my father and the Division were sent to Melbourne. He told

The Allies lost 543 servicemen, 66 aircraft, the carrier USS Lexington, the destroyer Sims and the oiler Neosho. The carrier USS Yorktown was severely damaged but was repaired in time to join the battle of Midway only four weeks later.

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me as they sailed towards Australia that they all wondered if there was any good left in the world. When they pulled into Melbourne, dad says a small band on the dock struck up a feisty rendition of Waltzing Matilda in welcome. Every Marine on that boat teared up when they heard that music. Lest you think of this as just sentimental recollection. I offer this proof to the cynics of today. So emotional a moment was this and so important to the morale of the USMC First Division, that to this day, 75 years later, whenever and wherever the First Division ships out, when they parade march at the Marine Barracks in Washington DC or every time their “fight song” is played it is still to the tune of Waltzing Matilda. My father told stories about visiting the zoo, the War Memorial and even the gates of Government House. Little did he imagine that his son would one day become the Ambassador and be invited to spend the night inside as a guest. Until the day he died, when the family would be out at a restaurant, if my father ever

heard an Australian accent, he would jump up and offer to buy them a beer. When all is said and done, this is just the story of one brave Marine. It is the bedrock that underlies our Alliance still today: “Those short weeks in Australia and meeting the warmest, kindest, most generous people he ever had met, reminded him and the rest of the Division that not only was there good left in the world, but even more importantly, that it was still damn well worth fighting for.” Right alongside brave Australian troops, the reformed First Division joined forces to attack New Guinea at Cape Gloucester on Christmas Eve. Just like has happened in every major military engagement since World War II until today. Aussies and Yanks fight side by side for freedom. As the second generation of my family to have the honour of serving our nation’s flag within Australia, I can tell you this with certainty, the Australians of the 21st century are every bit as warm hearted, true and good as those my father met 75 years ago.

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The diary of an Australian Soldier Sapper Frank Favell stepped onto the beach at ANZAC Cove at 4am on April 25, 1915. This account is quoted directly from Sapper Frank Favell’s own diary, providing an insight into the life of a courageous Australian digger serving during World War I. In this account, it is over a month since Sapper Favell first landed at Gallipoli. May 27 Heavy fire hit and news came of HMS Majestic and more casualties. Heavy artillery fire at 6am but it caused no damage. News of the loss of the HMS Majestic came through to Brigade Head Quarters last night. Sniping more than usual in Monash Gully yesterday, 27 casualties. A good deal of bomb dropping was done by Japanese guns at midday. Hydro-plane also dropped a couple this morning and once again in the evening, but was unable to ascertain as to damage done or otherwise. Can’t make out why enemy’s artillery is so quiet. May 28 Was on phone 4.00am to 8.00am morning dull. Casualties very few in our trenches. Shrapnel was very close to our posy this afternoon. Received two letters one from Mum and one from Muriel. Our 6” Howitzers are playing rather roughly with the

Turks. All sorts of tricks are played to draw the enemy’s fire. Last night a party of our men went in an unused trench and made a devil of a row, accompanied with a few occasional volleys, and the Turks thought we were going to attack them, and for several hours poured lead in the direction of where the noise was. Was on the phone 8.00pm to 12.00pm. The report came through tonight that one of the allies’ submarines had penetrated the Dardanelles and had sunk two Turkish gun boats and four Turkish transports. This news was posted up in “Wireless News” on beach. Also heard of loss of two enemy submarines. May 29 Was woken at 3.30am by very heavy artillery fire and incessant rifle and machine gun fire. The enemy simply raked Monash Gully with their shrapnel. Early in the morning they had exploded a mine under our position at Quins Post and following up with the bomb throwing they had taken it from our men, who however re-took the trench and three others besides. Estimated casualties about 100.

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History of the Heliograph After the telegraph and before the radio, the heliograph was a common form of long-distance wireless communication. Made up of a mirror and surveying device the heliograph was used to transmit messages over long distances using sunlight. Developed by German professor Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1821, the heliograph sent its signals by reflecting sunlight towards the recipient with a mirror or mirrors. The beam being keyed on and off with a shutter or a tilting mirror, allowing Morse code to be sent.

Frontier Force. The Heliograph proved to be a reliable form of communication in this campaign and within a few years armies around the world would come to rely on it. Visit Maroochy RSL’s museum to see the heliograph that is part of our collection.

If the sun was in front of the sender, the sun’s rays were reflected directly from the sender to the receiving station. If the sun was behind the sender, a secondary mirror was used to reflect the rays toward the receiving station. The distance the signals could be sent (and seen with the naked eye) depended on how clear the sky was and the size of the mirrors used. Under ordinary conditions this could be almost 50 km with speed of transmission being about five to twelve words per minute depending on the Morse skills of the operator. Heliographs could also be used with moonlight but at a much shorter range. Heliographs were standard issue in the British and Australian armies until the 1960s, and were used by the Pakistani army as late as 1975. The first documented use of a heliograph in the military was in November of 1877 when Jowaki tribesmen along what is now Pakistan’s western frontier were puzzled by bright flashes radiating from the Bora Valley. The flashes were signals being passed between two columns of the British Punjab

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Returned & Service League of Australia (Queensland Branch) Maroochydore Sub Branch Incorporated RSL House 106 Memorial Ave, Maroochydore Phone: 07 5443 1719 Fax: 07 5443 7551 e-mail: Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm Museum Hours Monday to Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm 2017 League Briefings 18 September 16 October 20 November

Naval Association of Australia

The Maroochy Waters Sub-Section meets at RSL House, Maroochydore on the second Sunday each month at 10.30am. 2017 Meetings 10 September 8 October 12 November Expressions of interest and all enquiries should be directed to the Secretary at PO Box 615, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Contact: 07 5443 1719

QLD TPI Association

(Sunshine Coast Branch)

The Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Servicemen and Women (Queensland Branch) Inc. The above organisation is a member of the State and Federal Body operating on the Sunshine Coast and meets on the third Wednesday of each month at RSL House, Maroochydore at 10.30am. 2017 Meetings 20 September 18 October 15 November Please feel free to come along to the meetings, partners are most welcome. Contact: Helen Cook 0417 682 605

Legacy Laurel Club


Meetings are held at RSL House, Maroochydore on the fourth Friday of each month at 9.00am. 2017 Meetings 22 September 27 October 24 November All eligible widows are most welcome. Sunshine Coast Legatees are always available to assist with any concerns members may have. Contact: Nita 07 5453 4329 or Barbara 07 5445 4768

22 | MAROOCHY RSL - caring for the veteran community

National Servicemen’s Association


Meetings at RSL House on second Tuesday of every odd month at 10.00am (9.00am chat). 2017 Meetings 12 September 14 November Contact: Don Holt 07 5446 5953

Women’s Auxiliary


Meetings are on the first Monday each month at 9.30am for a cuppa and chat, meeting starts at 10.00am. 2017 Meetings 4 September No meeting in October 6 November Contact: Andrena King 07 5496 9081

Ex-Service Women’s Association

Our meetings are happy ones and well attended. The ‘Healthy Away’ days, the social activity that takes place between meetings, also have a good turnout at Cotton Tree and continue to be an enjoyable outing for all. New members, from all Services are always welcome. Meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month. 2017 Meetings 7 September 5 October 2 November Where: RSL House, Maroochydore is still the place to be for a cuppa and a chat at 10.00am with the meeting commencing at 10.30am. Cost: $5.00 per annum. We look forward to seeing all the older members and many new.

Australian War Widows Queensland We aim to protect the interests of all War Widows and offer a program of social activities to promote friendship. Meetings are on the fourth Monday of each month. Morning Tea from 9.00am, General Meeting 10.00am. Members are invited to meet afterwards at the Club for a bite to eat and chat. 2017 Meetings 25 September 23 October 27 November Contact: Judy Smith 5479 0671 or 0419 725 292

Come and join us. Contact: Larraine 07 5448 6037

Reveille SPRING edition 2017 | 23


Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the armistice which ended the First World War in 1918. Join us for the Remembrance Day Service as we commemorate this national day of remembrance at the Cotton Tree Cenotaph, commencing at 10.30am.

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