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Everyone's talking about... New Distribution Capability (NDC)
“ b uyers have got to get their heads around where distribution is headed and how they need to adapt. i t’s an in C redibly C omplex topi C , but we break it down to our C lients in terms of what it means to C ost and C ustomer experien C e, short term and long term ”
“The fragmenTaTion ThaT nDC has CauseD will ineviTably leaD To a new form of ConTenT aggregaTion. will The gDss Change anD ConTinue To be The CenTraliseD DisTribuTion plaTform, or will we see a new form of aggregaTor emerge, ulTimaTely DisTribuTing The same seaTs on The same airlines buT via a new TeCh lanDsCape anD wiTh a new CommerCial moDel?”
“Our buyer members are feeling battered by the challenges of air content and lack of readiness for NDC; many have described it as a 'mess'; hence ITM has set up a Distribution Taskforce to help buyers find workable solutions”
Airlines are at different stages of their NDC journey, so the GDS isn’t going away soon. However, the benefits of NDC over traditional fare ladders are clear, and with airlines offering exclusive content via the channel, clients will expect their TMCs to be able to provide them with cost-saving solutions via NDC”
“ Content fragmentation is a real issue for buyers leading to leakage and la C k of C ost C ontrol. b uyers and b usiness travellers needs one sour C e of truth for their travel programme ”