20 minute read
News and trends, plus comment from the BTA and the ITM
expedia sells egencia to amex gBT
aMeriCan eXpreSS Gbt is to buy Egencia from Expedia, subject to regulatory approvals. The deal will see Expedia Group become a shareholder in GBT and enter into a long-term strategic commercial agreement with the TMC. Details were not disclosed. A spokesman for Amex GBT insisted the deal had not come about because of the impact of the pandemic. “M&A has been a component of GBT’s strategy for some time and we are always exploring strategic opportunities to accelerate growth,” he said. Ariane Gorin, President of Expedia Business Services, added: "We’re excited about our potential ownership in GBT and our long-term arrangement to power Egencia and GBT, as we do for thousands of other travel companies.”
>> EDITION HOTELS has announced the opening of eight new properties, including sites in Rome, Madrid, Dubai, Reykjavik and Doha, plus a second property in Tokyo. The brand, conceived by Ian Schrager and Marriott International, plans further expansion in 2022 >> MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL will open its fi rst Westin hotel in the UK later this summer. The 222-room Westin London City, due to open in August, will have a ballroom, other event spaces and a riverside location with views over Shakespeare’s Globe theatre and the Tate Modern >> JETBLUE has become the latest industry partner of the BTA, ahead of the launch of the airline's new services later this year between London and two U.S. cities – New York and Boston – on new Airbus A321LR aircraft <<
gBTa'S laTeST gloBal Poll ShowS SignS of PoSiTiviTY
tWO-tHirDS of GBTA members said their employees are “willing’’ or ‘’very willing’’ to travel for business in the current environment, according to the latest report from the association.
In an April poll of nearly 1,000 members worldwide, the fi gure was 11 percentage points higher than in a similar survey in March.
The GBTA said the latest results showed more positive signs for the business travel recovery.
Just under one in 10 respondents said their company has already resumed non-essential business travel, while an additional 13% reported their company now has in place a fully developed travel-resumption plan.
Nearly a third (31%) said their company is actively working on a travel-resumption plan, while 20% said their company has begun the process but has more work to do.
Only 18% reported no formal planning is underway, while 7% reported being unsure.
Half feel more optimistic about the industry’s recovery than they did last month, with 43% saying they feel the same.
global traVel management buYs baxter hoare assets
GlObal travel ManaGeMent has acquired some of the assets of Baxter Hoare, which ceased trading earlier this year, including the TMC's name.
GTM Managing Director Scott Pawley said he has not yet decided how to use the name in the future.
He said he had long admired Baxter Hoare and added: "It's so cruel that the eff ects of the pandemic caused Baxter Hoare to have to call in the administrators."
drop in staff numbers
Figures released in April by the HBAA, based on a survey of nearly 100 of its members, show that since February 2020 there has been a 39% drop in the number of full-time sta within agencies in the meetings, events and accommodation industries
Talent pool
Sirius Executive Search has rebranded as Sirius Talent Solutions and has added new services, such as training and outplacement support, amid the Covid challenges.
web widget
Riskline has launched a new widget, TravelCheck, which can be embedded onto a website or platform and gives users access to detailed, up-to-date travel information.
Transatlantic tie-up
U.S.-based RESIDE Worldwide, an alternative accommodation platform with operations in over 19,000 cities and 60 countries, has partnered with European start-up Homelike.
hi-tech ballroom
Pan Pacifi c London will open in late summer 2021 and claims it will have the “most technologicallyadvanced ballroom in the area”, accommodating up to 400 guests.
data bank
Anvil Group has partnered with SAP Concur to integrate Anvil’s risk management platform, Riskmatics, and data from SAP Concur solutions through its itinerary API (Application Programming Interface).
going dutch
The Association of Serviced Apartment Providers (ASAP) has purchased ASAP NL, which it partnered with in October 2017. It said the move was a "natural progression".

entries are now oPen for the 2021 tech hotlist, which recognises the most innoVatiVe technologY in the business traVel sector. email hotlist@bmiPublishing.co.uK
Tripactions snaps up reed & Mackay
tripaCtiOnS has pledged to retain the Reed & Mackay brand after buying the TMC for an undisclosed sum.
Reed & Mackay CEO Fred Stratford described the deal as “game-changing” and said both companies have a “forward thinking mindset”.
Ariel Cohen, TripActions CEO, said the pairing will “create a new breed of travel management" to cater to the "needs of companies in all sizes in every geographical location”.
TripActions Chief Travel Offi cer Danny Finkel said the move comes at the perfect time. "Corporate travel is rapidly coming back but it isn't yet at full speed, so we have a bit of time to make sure we get this right and do the best thing for our clients, our employees and the entire ecosystem."
Scott davies
Chief Executive
Both the roadmap out of the latest lockdown and Covid vaccination programmes have given our sector a muchneeded light at the end of the tunnel but the recovery is still going to take many months and times will still be tough for many in our community.
The ITM team is focussed on two primary activities: fi rstly helping those displaced, furloughed or looking for career support in the face of the pandemic; secondly, continuing our mission to advise on and help solve the various challenges that do not conveniently diminish despite a global pandemic.
Our latest ITM Community initiatives include extending complimentary Business membership for those furloughed or displaced until the end of September and a new six-month Business membership plan for those unable to commit to a full year. Additionally, record numbers of members have joined ITM’s Mentoring Programme, where we match experienced industry executives with those open to learning and guidance.
We connect and support individuals through the good times and bad. Right now that means helping our members revive, so that they can ultimately thrive again.
Ba To Take More 'huMBle' aPProach wiTh corPoraTeS
britiSH airWayS has pledged to step up its focus on trade and corporate partnerships as part of eff orts to help the industry recover from the impact of the pandemic.
Head of Sales Mark Muren said the airline would be working with its partners in a more “authentic, approachable and humble” way going forward.
“Our partners make us who we are and these partnerships will be at the core of the recovery. We haven’t been around 100 years because of ba.com,” he said.
“We know we will always need to have great partners, whether that’s leisure agents or business travel agents or corporate customers, and we will be approaching these partnerships with more energy and enthusiasm.”
Muren, who joined from United Airlines in November 2019, said BA would have a “smaller, leaner” sales team but this would be a “better sales team” using more effi cient digital ways of working.
The airline will also be working more closely with trade bodies, such as the BTA and ITM, to help secure the sector's recovery.
traVel buYers under less Pressure to justifY their roles
a Survey of travel buyers found only 36% are now feeling increased pressure to justify the travel function within their organisation, compared to 47% who said they felt under pressure a year ago.
In a poll of ITM members, carried out in the fi rst two weeks of April, 62% of buyers felt the perceived internal value of a buyer’s role and remit will increase in 2021, compared to 47% last year. See our feature on page 32.

report shows impact of lockdown on work
FOur in fi ve business travellers have seen their job aff ected by a lack of cross-border business travel, according to research undertaken by Collinson.
A survey of nearly 8,000 business travellers in the UK, U.S. Australia and 10 other countries worldwide found a third said that not seeing clients face to face has negatively aff ected the way they do business.
A third of respondents said the lack of travel has made their company less productive while 28% said they have felt unable to do their job eff ectively since pandemic travel restrictions came into force.
Collinson is a global provider of travel experience services and the UK’s largest provider of airport Covid-19 testing.
travel programmes that measure wellbeing
Only 13% of corporate travel buyers report that their company's travel programme measures the wellbeing of travellers, according to a survey of 123 ITM buyer members, which was carried out by the institute over a twoweek period at the beginning of April
>> SKYTEAM ALLIANCE has unveiled a number of enhancements to its SkyCare&Protect pledge, designed to restore customer confi dence. Members, including Air France, Alitalia, Delta Air Lines and KLM, can now off er passengers an online travel requirement checker, information on testing sites, contactless boarding and pre-trip communications >> LEONARDO HOTELS opens its fi rst hotel in Bristol in May, with 197 bedrooms, a fully-equipped gym, bar and restaurant >> ADVANTAGE TRAVEL PARTNERSHIP has partnered with Covid-19 PCR testing company Randox Health to halve the costs of tests to £60 for clients of Advantage TMCs. Randox has also joined with British Airways to off er the same discount (see Reality Check on page 42) <<
diff erent sides of the same coin
The speed of recovery for the business and leisure travel industries is now very much in the hands of the Global Travel Taskforce and its much-anticipated traffi c light scheme. Our two industries are united in hoping and lobbying for a strong and safe travel green list that can kickstart our economy once more.
But, sadly, our two industries have not been treated the same way throughout this pandemic.
Whilst leisure travel agents have been able to access additional fi nancial support through the Government’s Additional Restrictions and Recovery Grant, our TMCs have been locked out of the scheme.
Despite facing the identical challenges of plummeting sales, huge refund demands and a lack of traveller confi dence, our business-focused community is being punished for its lack of presence on the High Street. These grants would off er a vital lifeline as we face more months of uncertainty.
However, they alone will not solve the crisis we face. For this, we’re calling on the Government to not only be clear and transparent about the criteria for its traffi c light list but to extend the furlough scheme for the worst aff ected industries.
The business travel industry is suff ering long-Covid. Business travel will not have recovered by September when the furlough scheme ends. We are therefore reluctantly asking for furlough to be extended until the end of 2021 so we can enter the new year as a leaner, more resilient and economically viable industry that’s ready and able to support UK plc.
We stand beside the Government in prioritising public health and, of course, understand the need to keep our borders under review. However, business travel will be vital to the recovery of the aviation industry and the UK’s economy as a whole.
We will be fi ghting to get business travel destinations onto the travel green list as soon as it is safe to do so – and I’m sure many across our industry will be supporting their leisure colleagues by booking a much-needed holiday.
much-needed holiday.
clive wratten
Chief Executive Offi cer

Transatlantic move for aer lingus
aer linGuS is to launch its fi rst ever transatlantic fl ights direct from Manchester, starting this summer.
Non-stop services to New York JFK and Orlando will begin on July 29, Barbados starts on October 20 and Boston services will commence in summer 2022.
The New York route will be a daily service, Orlando fi ve times a week and Barbados three times a week. Schedules for the Boston service have yet to be confi rmed.
The New York JFK and Boston fl ights will serve 58 onward destinations, with schedules designed to maximise onward connectivity to destinations such as Las Vegas, Nashville, and Jamaica.
There will also be fl ights from Manchester to San Jose, Bermuda and Dallas for the fi rst time.
adagio oPenS flagShiP aParThoTel in london
aDaGiO has opened a second property in London – the fl agship Aparthotel Adagio London Stratford.
The new-build development has 136 self-catering apartments with staff on hand 24/7, a private gym, a small on-site convenience store and guest parking.
Apartments comprise 100 two-person studios and 36 fl ats accommodating up to four people, all with fully-equipped kitchens.
Each apartment will feature the brand’s new “FACELIFT” concept, which promises a functional and contemporary design.
The property will also serve as a pilot site of the brand’s new Digital Room Directory, where all customer enquiries can be answered by scanning a QR Code.
Agagio now has six aparthotels in the UK, including London Brentford. A property in Sutton is set to open later this summer.
Put to the test
IATA has partnered with Unilabs, the European diagnostic services provider, to incorporate Unilabs’ worldwide Covid-19 testing network into the IATA Travel Pass. Meanwhile, Virgin Atlantic has become the first UK airline to begin IATA Travel Pass live trials. A one-month pilot has begun on the airline’s London Heathrow to Barbados services.
Study time
Diversity Travel has set up a new division dedicated to group study trips. It comes after the TMC identified a "huge gap in the market" following the collapse of student travel specialist STA Travel. The new business will be headed up by Ellen Rayner, who joins from from STA as Groups Director and has already recruited five other former STA employees.
Boutique goes large
Billed by Edwardian Hotels London as the world’s first super boutique hotel, The Londoner has announced an opening date of September 2021. The 16-storey hotel in Leicester Square will have 350 guest rooms, suites and a tower penthouse with panoramic views, two private screening rooms, and six "concept" eateries, including bars, a tavern, and a modern Japanese lounge bar with a rooftop terrace and fire pit. The hotel will also have an "expansive" ballroom, a variety of meeting and event spaces and a gym and wellness centre.

Ventur has been unVeiled as the new name for leeds-based traVeleads following extensiVe research. the new brand comes after the tmc acquired omega business traVel in march and sterling last june.
TravelPerk funding will fuel growTh
travelperk has raised $160 million in Series D equity and debt funding for the next phase of its expansion in the U.S. and Europe.
Announcing the deal, the business travel platform said the move represents “a huge vote of confidence" from investors in the future of a "thriving new normal for the industry".
The funding round was led by Greyhound Capital, along with existing investors, and brings the total investment raised to date to $294 million.
The deal comes after TravelPerk bought risk management start-up Albatross last year and U.S.-based rival NexTravel in January 2021.
“There is no doubt that from 2021 onwards the average business trip will look very different to how it did in 2019,” said Pogos Saiadian, investor at Greyhound Capital.
“But we are confident that business travel will recover and thrive in the years ahead.”
Buyers predict rise in sustainability focus
SuStainability has seen a sharp climb in focus since the start of the pandemic, with 76% of travel buyers saying it will increase in importance in 2021 and beyond.
This compares with a figure of 37% when buyers were asked the same question 12 months ago.
Despite the new emphasis, an April poll of 123 members of ITM found 75% of buyers do not know what percentage of their organisation’s emissions is linked to business travel.
But the survey indicated that progress is being made as 62% of buyers are now including sustainability consideration in all RFPs, while 40% have already implemented travel programme emissions targets and 26% have introduced carbon offsetting.
See our feature on page 10 for more on sustainability.
advanTage reScheduleS conference
aDvantaGe Travel Partnership has postponed its annual conference until 2022 due to the uncertainty surrounding the opening up of international travel and green list destinations.
The event, which was due to take place from May 21-24 at the Savoy Palace Hotel in Madeira, will now be held between April 29 and May 2 2022 at the same location.
In an announcement the travel trade group said the decision was based on the current uncertainties about vaccine passports, testing and quarantine requirements and other travel restrictions.

Boutique brand takes over York landmark
MalMaiSOn will open its fi rst boutique hotel in York in late May, in the former landmark Aviva insurance building.
The hotel is on the corner of Rougier Street, close to York railway station, and will have 150 rooms and suites with views across York Minster and York's City Walls.
As well as the signature Chez Mal Brasserie & Bar, a rooftop skybar will serve cocktails and Asian tapas.
An extension to the rear of the building will house Malmaison’s Work+Play facilities, with meeting pods for hourly use or longer term co-working space, conference rooms and event space for up to 150 guests.
Guests will also be able to use the hotel's spa, Technogym, and an on-site Starbucks with an outdoor terrace.
aMadeuS reSearch indicaTeS willingneSS To Travel
a StuDy by Amadeus found the vast majority of frequent travellers would be comfortable to travel today as long as the right safety measures were in place. Its survey of 1,400 regular business travellers in the UK, U.S., France, Germany, Spain, India and Japan found 84% would be happy to travel now. Among the most frequent travellers the fi gure rose to 87%. When respondents were asked to rank the measures that would need to be implemented, the highest priority was Covid-19 medical insurance along with up-to-date information on health and travel restrictions for each destination. This was closely followed by hygiene information about the hotel or offi ce they would be visiting and the ability to pay with contactless methods.
Rudy Daniello, Amadeus Executive Vice President Corporations, said: “Our fi ndings show that travellers are eager to travel if the right safety measures are in place, which is hugely encouraging for the business travel industry."
>> CHEVAL COLLECTION has unveiled an extension to Cheval Old Town Chambers in Edinburgh. From mid July, the property will have 25 new apartments (bringing the total to 75), a reception area and guest lounge >> CYCAS HOSPITALITY has signed three hotel management agreements in Europe. In a deal with Eastern & Oriental it will manage the group’s fi rst European serviced apartment, The Lincoln Suites, a 54-room luxury property opening in Holburn in autumn 2021. Cycas has also taken over the management of the 148-room Qbic Brussels and the 261-room Qbic Manchester, opening in May >> NYX HOTELS, a new luxury brand from Leonardo Hotels, opens its fi rst hotel on May 17. The NYX Hotel London Holborn will have 213 bedrooms and suites, a bar, restaurant and spa. A rooftop events space opens in 2022 <<
PriVate jet sPecialist grows fleet to meet 'urgent' demand
viStaJet has received delivery of the fi rst two of its Global 7500 aircraft. Up to 12 of the aircraft are set to join its fl eet over the next two years, the majority of which are expected to be delivered during 2022.
VistaJet has also announced the order of 10 new Challenger 350 planes from long-standing partner Bombardier, citing “growing and urgent” demand from corporates in the supermid segment.
in favour of vaccine passports
In a poll of 1,000 U.S. business travellers who travelled regularly before the pandemic, 67% said they are in favour of a vaccine passport. e survey was carried out by eco-friendly product specialist Promoleaf, in conjunction with Censuswide


Corinthia London thebusinesstravelmag.com
London Hilton Bankside thebusinesstravelconference.com
London Hilton Bankside (evening event) thebusinesstravelpeopleawards.com


ExCel London btn.businesstravelshow.com
Corinthia London thebusinesstravelmag.com
Weisbaden europeconference.gbta.org
Orlando convention.gbta.org
APRIL 26-27 2022
Brighton Hilton Metroopole itm.org.uk
APRIL 29-MAY 2 2022
Savoy Palace Hotel, Madeira advantageconference.co.uk
Please note that due to pandemic restrictions, some of the above events might be postponed, cancelled or switched to virtual events

JOINS: Focus Travel Partnership AS: Consultant FROM: Omega Business Travel
Martin Pearce, the founder and former owner of Omega Business Travel, which was sold to Traveleads (now Ventur) in March, has joined Focus Travel Partnership as a consultant.
PROMOTED AT: CWT TO: CEO FROM: Chief Financial Officer
Michelle McKinney Frymire has been promoted to CEO of CWT. She replaces Kurt Ekert, who has stepped down as CEO but will take on the role of senior advisor to the company.
JOINS: Duetto AS: Senior Vice President Sales FROM: Nina & Pinta
Duetto has appointed Chris Crowley to its Executive Leadership team as SVP of Sales to lead its global sales organisation. He joins from consultancy fi rm Nina & Pinta.
PROMOTED AT: American Express GBT TO: Vice President Global Sustainability FROM: Director of Global Regulatory Compliance
Amex GBTA has promoted Nora Lovell Marchant to the newly-created role of VP Global Sustainability to help the TMC meet sustainability targets.
PROMOTED AT: Capita Travel and Events TO: Chief Operating Officer FROM: Director of Sales and Solutions
Capita Travel and Events has promoted Donna Fitzgerald to its executive team as Chief Operating Offi cer. She has been with the company for 30 years and replaces Nel Flint.
JOINS: TripActions AS: Vice President Marketing EMEA FROM: Fello Travel
Simone Buckley, former CEO of Fello Travel, has joined TripActions as Vice President of Marketing EMEA. Before Fello she was CEO of the Institute of Travel Management.
ALSO ON THE MOVE... Festive Road has appointed Thiago Castro to its data and analytics team. He has over 15 years of experience in industry, including roles at Amex GBT, IBM, United Airlines and Air France >> HBAA has appointed Louisa Watson, Director of Marketing at Wyboston Lakes Resort, and Gareth Warnock, Group Sales Director of De Vere, as venue sector advisors to the Board >> Former Bridgestreet Global Head of Sales, Juliet Howie, has joined Reside Worldwide as VP Global Enterprise Sales >> Marriott International has appointed Jerome Briet as Chief Development Offi cer EMEA while Carlton Ervin has become Global Development Offi cer for Marriott’s International portfolio >> The BTA has appointed Andrew Clarke, formerly a director with Egencia, as Interim Strategic Director <<
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