39 minute read
The Knowledge: How the PGA European Tour implemented a travel testing programme
How to... manage traveller testing
When the PGA European Tour was given permission to resume golf tournaments last July, in the midst of the global pandemic, it had to put an effective and workable testing regime in place.
The European Tour is an organisation which operates professional golf tours worldwide and this year will be responsible for getting more than 500 people, including the world’s top golfers, their caddie and support staff, TV crews and tour staff to and from 42 tournaments in 24 countries on a weekly basis. While the majority are from the UK, the tour has members from 30 countries. To ensure Covid safety, last summer it set up a stringent testing programme, initially to meet its own duty of care requirements and then to meet national and regional testing rules.
The first step was to scale back the number of tournament attendees, limiting it to essential personnel only. Championship Director Mark Casey and Chief Medical Officer Dr Andrew Murray were put in charge of testing and now have eight dedicated Covid officers responsible for liaising with local and national health authorities and reviewing testing protocols, which can change on a weekly or even daily basis. “Most of these were re-purposed but some were also recruited from outside – mainly experienced project managers. It’s a new role but it requires skills similar to those required of a project manager: you need to be able to adapt quickly and think on your feet,” says Casey.
Cignpost, a company which had previously worked with the European Tour on skin health screening, was selected as a testing partner. “It already had a strong relationship with our medical team,” Casey adds.
Together, they held a trial event in the UK in June to develop testing protocols. Since then controls have changed so protocols have had to adapt. They also depend on the destination. For the Austrian Open in April, for example, players had to take a negative PCR test within 72 hours of travelling to the tournament, test again to enter the tournament bubble, and take a lateral flow test every two days. They then had to take another PCR test before travelling onwards to the next event in Gran Canaria.
At each event, Cignpost sets up a mobile testing centre, bringing in its own project managers, scientists to operate the equipment and swabbers.
“The most important requirement from our testing partner is to know we can turn around a test rapidly and accurately. So if an individual has symptoms at 07.00 we can get a test result quickly and tell them if they can compete or not. Our biggest fear is false positives, but with the protocols we have in place we can test and test again in a controlled environment."
“We initially thought it was going to be a three-month challenge but I now expect my dedicated testing team to remain in place for the forseeable future, although perhaps the rules might change a little,” says Casey. “We haven’t got everything right.” Fastchanging requirements have been the biggest issue, and communicating these effectively. The key, he says, is to have trusted testing partners and to work closely, at an early stage, with the local health services, sporting bodies and governments to keep on top of regulations.
“We have carried out 30,000 tests since last July, with no outbreak and only a handful of positive results on site. Our pre-event protocols have meant we've prevented a number of people travelling to events -it’s important that they don’t enter the tournament bubble,” says Casey. Around £3 million has been spent on testing to date. “It’s a sizeable investment but a worthwhile one, which has allowed us to continue to play golf and meet the requirements of our sponsors and our broadcasters around the world."

Business travel's imminent restart is the chance to take sustainability to the next level, says Gill Uptontake sustainability to the next level, says Gill Upton
Every cloud, they say, has a silver
lining. Or in the case of Covid’s impact on business travel, should that be green? The pandemic triggered a that be green? The pandemic triggered a long period of travel abstention but also long period of travel abstention but also served to accelerate the focus on served to accelerate the focus on sustainability. Many travel sustainability. Many travel managers are exploiting their zero managers are exploiting their zero emissions status to improve their emissions status to improve their sustainability programmes by sustainability programmes by setting tougher carbon goals and setting tougher carbon goals and even carbon neutrality targets. even carbon neutrality targets.
The hiatus also offered a lifeline to The hiatus also offered a lifeline to those struggling to reach those struggling to reach sustainability goals pre Covid. sustainability goals pre Covid. Studies highlight that 40% of Studies highlight that 40% of companies cite cost as the companies cite cost as the biggest brake on biggest brake on achieving a more achieving a more sustainable sustainable business. business. There are other There are other factors at play: factors at play: C-level execs are C-level execs are mindful of minimising mindful of minimising reputational damage, reputational damage, the imminent 'Return To the imminent 'Return To Office' has sharpened the Office' has sharpened the focus, and the fact that focus, and the fact that sustainability is a nonsustainability is a noncompetitive area means buyer competitive area means buyer collaboration and information collaboration and information exchange is plentiful, including exchange is plentiful, including guidance on best practice. guidance on best practice.
“Buyers seem to understand that this is a “Buyers seem to understand that this is a once-in-a-lifetime moment to reconsider once-in-a-lifetime moment to reconsider how they could operate more sustainably how they could operate more sustainably and determine what travel will be necessary and determine what travel will be necessary to deliver their objectives,” says Paul Tilstone, to deliver their objectives,” says Paul Tilstone, Managing Partner of Festive Road. Managing Partner of Festive Road.
The first priority is data on a sustainability The first priority is data on a sustainability journey. Corporates need data to discover journey. Corporates need data to discover the emissions generated from business the emissions generated from business travel and both suppliers and third-party travel and both suppliers and third-party players can provide CO2 calculators, data players can provide CO2 calculators, data analysis, offsetting programmes and analysis, offsetting programmes and templates for CO2 policies. templates for CO2 policies.
In a recent development, TripActions clients In a recent development, TripActions clients can now identify user groups and individuals can now identify user groups and individuals producing the largest amount of carbon producing the largest amount of carbon emissions within their organisations and emissions within their organisations and track their company emissions against a track their company emissions against a yearly budget. yearly budget.
After measurement comes a carbon After measurement comes a carbon reduction target aligned to a science-based reduction target aligned to a science-based target. With inevitably smaller travel budgets target. With inevitably smaller travel budgets to contend with, the challenge will be to contend with, the challenge will be absorbing higher travel costs as demand absorbing higher travel costs as demand increases. Unfortunately, planet-friendly increases. Unfortunately, planet-friendly initiatives are not cost neutral. initiatives are not cost neutral.
Stephen Hanton, President International at
Difficult measures
The challenges are many and varied for buyers. ITM CEO Scott Davies refers to the difficulty of carbon measurement, particularly in the accommodation sector
Stephen Hanton, President International at long-stay specialist Synergy Global Housing, sums up the challenges: “Expertise, time, understanding, focus, determining what really impacts and, importantly, knowing what and how to measure.”

Dr Wendy Buckley, Client Director and Co-founder of The Carbon Footprint, Co-founder of The Carbon Footprint, acknowledges that Covid has given the acknowledges that Covid has given the industry time to get its house in order but industry time to get its house in order but points to the need for more granular data. points to the need for more granular data.
“We need better data to provide real choices for end users,” she says. choices for end users,” she says.
Good data informs point of sale so travellers can choose between different travellers can choose between different aircraft types and ages, view emission aircraft types and ages, view emission comparisons between direct and indirect comparisons between direct and indirect flights, and between air, rail, bus and car flights, and between air, rail, bus and car pooling, options for sustainable pooling, options for sustainable accommodation, and low-emission locations accommodation, and low-emission locations for conferences. for conferences.
Typically, flying accounts for the most
A revised travel policy can include the
Pre-trip approval will be key, as will any
Festive Road has dubbed this new way of

Changing behaviours
attempting to maintain the trend of attempting to maintain the trend of decreased travel due to the pandemic by decreased travel due to the pandemic by setting a target of a 50% reduction in carbon setting a target of a 50% reduction in carbon emissions over the next two years. Buyer emissions over the next two years. Buyer Jens Liltorp of LEO Pharma has revised the Jens Liltorp of LEO Pharma has revised the company’s travel policy by incorporating a company’s travel policy by incorporating a 50% reduction in travel activities by utilising 50% reduction in travel activities by utilising virtual meetings. virtual meetings. RFPs may need to be undertaken to find RFPs may need to be undertaken to find the most sustainable the most sustainable suppliers (and more suppliers (and more questions on questions on sustainability sustainability incorporated), and incorporated), and those with sciencethose with sciencebased targets. Supplier based targets. Supplier reviews will also have reviews will also have Business travel may only account for 2% of to be re-imagined and to be re-imagined and all carbon emitted but it can be a significant new relationships fostered new relationships fostered part of a company’s overall carbon footprint. over Zoom or Teams. over Zoom or Teams. At PwC, for example, corporate travel A switch to virtual travel won’t cut A switch to virtual travel won’t cut accounts for more than 85% of the group’s it if your competitors are staging it if your competitors are staging annual carbon emissions. At Cap Gemini it’s face-to-face meetings and clinching face-to-face meetings and clinching over 50%. the deals instead of you, and the deals instead of you, and
Typically, flying accounts for the most travellers may need cajoling into travellers may need cajoling into emissions so companies make it a priority. reverting back to their prereverting back to their pre-
A revised travel policy can include the Covid Road Warrior days. They Covid Road Warrior days. They popular ‘virtual first business travel‘ to have become accustomed to have become accustomed to reduce travel, then other smarter travel not commuting to an office, not commuting to an office, options such as a tighter pre-approval let alone through an let alone through an process, disallowing day trips, reducing the airport, and are also airport, and are also number of employees travelling to the same enjoying more time with enjoying more time with meeting, combining trips, moving to more their families. their families. economy-class flying, and accelerating the Employers will have to Employers will have to modal shift from air and car travel to rail. ensure traveller safety and ensure traveller safety and
Pre-trip approval will be key, as will any perhaps even give gentle nudges to perhaps even give gentle nudges to form of ROI measurement. Concerted efforts take the trip. Some travel managers have take the trip. Some travel managers have to change traveller behaviour using been asking their travellers to write a blog been asking their travellers to write a blog educational campaigns will also be needed. post about their tentative first ‘Covid’ post about their tentative first ‘Covid’
Festive Road has dubbed this new way of business trip, while a GBTA poll of business trip, while a GBTA poll of travelling as ‘purposeful travel’. European buyers in March this year, European buyers in March this year,
GBTA undertook a survey of its European GBTA undertook a survey of its European questioning travellers’ nervousness about questioning travellers’ nervousness about buyers on behalf of The Business Travel The Business Travel return to work, revealed that 72% return to work, revealed that 72% Magazine to determine how they were to determine how they were believe health verifications or vaccine believe health verifications or vaccine tackling sustainability and it’s clear that passports are a good policy. passports are a good policy. modal shift is a common strategy. One oil and gas company, Oil Spill One oil and gas company, Oil Spill
One buyer, Eija Kurttila of Telia, has One buyer, Eija Kurttila of Telia, has Response, has responded to the return to Response, has responded to the return to switched from air to rail on city pairs of less work with a wide range of support material work with a wide range of support material than 500km. “We had this Daring Goals including a family and friends guide for including a family and friends guide for strategy ongoing already before Covid-19, travellers to send to their relatives to allay travellers to send to their relatives to allay which means that 500km or less than five any safety fears they may have. any safety fears they may have. hours by rail city pairs are steered to train,” hours by rail city pairs are steered to train,” she says. “Telia travel has to reach zero CO2 emission by end of 2022. Now with Covid-19 we are ahead of time with this one.“
Another buyer, Carol Fergus at Fidelity, is Another buyer, Carol Fergus at Fidelity, is
Pressure points

Like ITM, the GBTA has also been providing education to help guide travel managers implement robust
Carbon o setting is increasingly frowned increasingly frowned upon in green circles so upon in green circles so reduction is best practice" reduction is best practice"

sustainability practices and policies, and find out whether an aircraft has biofuel on find out whether an aircraft has biofuel on set ambitious goals. Both organisations have set ambitious goals. Both organisations have board or ascertain its load factors, which board or ascertain its load factors, which been lobbying governments hard to support been lobbying governments hard to support affects the rate of emissions. affects the rate of emissions. corporate efforts in building a more corporate efforts in building a more A trip from London to Paris by train, A trip from London to Paris by train, sustainable future for the industry. sustainable future for the industry. including three nights’ accommodation, can including three nights’ accommodation, can
Businesses have to decide whether to Businesses have to decide whether to be offset by planting one tree; a flight be offset by planting one tree; a flight offset their carbon or reduce it, or a offset their carbon or reduce it, or a between New York to Chicago and two hotel between New York to Chicago and two hotel combination of both. Carbon offsetting is combination of both. Carbon offsetting is nights is equivalent to three trees. nights is equivalent to three trees. increasingly frowned upon in green circles so increasingly frowned upon in green circles so “For most corporates they would rather “For most corporates they would rather reduction is best practice. reduction is best practice. you didn’t travel rather than offset but the you didn’t travel rather than offset but the ignoring it impacts a company’s employee
Today, most suppliers have a sustainability Today, most suppliers have a sustainability trend is towards using both in tandem,” says trend is towards using both in tandem,” says retention levels and therefore their bottom agenda. Airlines have been retiring polluting agenda. Airlines have been retiring polluting Davies. Davies. line. “If you don’t have a demonstrable aircraft, hotels are playing catch-up with aircraft, hotels are playing catch-up with sustainability programme you won’t attract more energy-efficient water, waste and more energy-efficient water, waste and business or staff,” adds ITM's Davies. heating systems, and car manufacturers are heating systems, and car manufacturers are According to a study from WRAP, 67% of switching to hybrid and electric-powered switching to hybrid and electric-powered UK consumers would boycott brands that cars. But it is still impossible, for example, to cars. But it is still impossible, for example, to planting one trillion trees this decade. lack an ethical conscience, a value that Partnering with the likes of BTA, Focus and MiIlennials – who will make up the bulk of ITM, its offsetting programme calculates employees over the next few years – hold emissions from all modes of transport and dear. MiIlennial and GenZ employees rank all classes of travel and supplies monthly sustainability as a leading concern when reporting. Granular detail of aircraft load evaluating employers. and aircraft type is only provided for That alone augurs well for our planet. private jets, not commercial Moreover, the Government’s proposed airlines. It allows companies to changes to its procurement practices, which track and follow their trees, cites a change from Most Economically matching the CO2 absorbed Advantageous Tender (MEAT), to Most to the CO2 emitted by Advantageous Tender (MAT) will also drive their travel. long-term sustainability strategies. A dashboard shows how many ”This could result in cost not being the only trees have been planted, the CO2 driver of purchasing decisions,” says Chris absorbed and the monthly Pouney of Severnside Consulting. allowance. Emissions can be detailed by department, class, traveller, timeline and even by a ‘what if’ scenario to see potential CEO and founder Nico Nicholas is the first say sustainability is a 67% said they would strongly favour ‘green’ suppliers, against only 39% a year before The future will inevitably mean a rise in In the longer term, when business travel

Planting the seed
ignoring it impacts a company’s employee retention levels and therefore their bottom line. “If you don’t have a demonstrable sustainability programme you won’t attract business or staff,” adds ITM's Davies. Trees4Travel was set up in 2020 to help According to a study from WRAP, 67% of reach the World Economic Forum's goal of UK consumers would boycott brands that planting one trillion trees this decade. lack an ethical conscience, a value that Partnering with the likes of BTA, Focus and MiIlennials – who will make up the bulk of ITM, its offsetting programme calculates employees over the next few years – hold emissions from all modes of transport and dear. MiIlennial and GenZ employees rank all classes of travel and supplies monthly sustainability as a leading concern when reporting. Granular detail of aircraft load evaluating employers. and aircraft type is only provided for That alone augurs well for our planet. private jets, not commercial Moreover, the Government’s proposed airlines. It allows companies to changes to its procurement practices, which track and follow their trees, cites a change from Most Economically matching the CO2 absorbed Advantageous Tender (MEAT), to Most to the CO2 emitted by Advantageous Tender (MAT) will also drive their travel. long-term sustainability strategies. A dashboard shows how many ”This could result in cost not being the only trees have been planted, the CO2 driver of purchasing decisions,” says Chris absorbed and the monthly Pouney of Severnside Consulting. allowance. Emissions can be detailed by department, class, traveller, timeline and even by a ‘what if’ scenario to see potential savings if you change the class of travel.
CEO and founder Nico Nicholas is the first to advise that offsetting should run in tandem with reduction. “Reducing travel is good and smarter travel needs to happen too; but if we repair the damage we’ve done to the planet we eliminate the problem and keep nature safe,” he says.
The future will inevitably mean a rise in travel as businesses seek to replenish their business pipelines. ”Corporates are saying that they’re making only half of the new contacts that they used to,” says Davies.
In the longer term, when business travel returns fully, will there still be an appetite for sustainability? A younger workforce, making career decisions based on the sustainability of an employer, would suggests responsible travel has to be a long-term strategy as
In the longer term, when business when business travel returns fully, will travel returns fully, will there still be an appetite for there still be an appetite for sustainability?” sustainability?”
• 96% of buyers say sustainability is a key criteria in supplier selection
• Of those, 67% said they would strongly favour ‘green’ suppliers, against only 39% a year before
• Sustainability rose six places to • Sustainability rose six places to become the fourth priority for buyers become the fourth priority for buyers for the coming year for the coming year
• 30% of buyers said it would be • 30% of buyers said it would be in-policy to book a flight on an aircraft in-policy to book a flight on an aircraft using biofuel. That figure was only using biofuel. That figure was only 17% in the 2020 survey 17% in the 2020 survey
Source: ITM Top Priorities Survey 2020 and 2021

Airlines are investing in biofuels, more effi cient aircraft and other innovations to achieve ambitious emissions targets other innovations to achieve ambitious emissions targets

Carbon footprint from air many polluting aircraft to be retired. New accounts for the biggest aircraft, such as Airbus A350s and Boeing chunk of travel 787s, are up to 40% more fuel efficient, emissions. According to which should go some way to counteracting the German travel trade an expected doubling in passenger numbers body VDR, air accounts for 40% of body VDR, air accounts for 40% of to 8.2 billion by 2037. emissions, followed by accommodation at emissions, followed by accommodation at Large capital investments will be more 21% and ground transport, food and 21% and ground transport, food and challenging, as Covid decimated revenues restaurants soaking up the remainder. restaurants soaking up the remainder. last year to the tune of US$252bn according
Thankfully, when it comes to sustainability Thankfully, when it comes to sustainability to KPMG, but Delta’s Amelia DeLuca, MD of the aviation industry is ahead of the curve the aviation industry is ahead of the curve Sustainability, says “stakeholders are and is moving towards net zero emissions by and is moving towards net zero emissions by demanding an acceleration of the company’s 2050 to meet the terms of the Paris 2050 to meet the terms of the Paris sustainability efforts”. Agreement. CORSIA, the carbon offsetting Agreement. CORSIA, the carbon offsetting The world’s major airlines are therefore February it partnered with Deloitte to reduce scheme for airlines, is helping airlines in a scheme for airlines, is helping airlines in a continuing to trial biofuels to part or totally its carbon emissions by purchasing SAF. quick-fix/least expensive/phase 1 carbon quick-fix/least expensive/phase 1 carbon replace jet fuel, reducing weight, finding “The market is so underdeveloped that all reduction drive. The long game is the costlier reduction drive. The long game is the costlier lighter materials for on-board items, and SAFs produced in 2020 would only power electrification of aircraft and the switch to electrification of aircraft and the switch to building factories to satisfy future demand Delta’s fleet for one day pre-Covid,” says sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). for biofuel. Airlines are also using slower DeLuca. “This is why investments, guided by
IATA reckons that by 2025, some 1 billion IATA reckons that by 2025, some 1 billion cruising speeds, taxiing on one engine rather a strong long-term vision, are so critical." passengers should be travelling on flights passengers should be travelling on flights than two, towing between gates, using United launched a similar scheme in April, powered by a mix of jet fuel and SAF. IAG, for powered by a mix of jet fuel and SAF. IAG, for continuous descent approaches, optimising when a dozen global corporates, among example, is investing US$400m over the next example, is investing US$400m over the next air routes and recycling retired planes. them DHL, Nike, Siemens and Deloitte, under 20 years in the development of SAF. 20 years in the development of SAF. Delta, which has a carbon neutral goal, the Eco-Skies Alliance Program, are allowing
The impact of Covid should get the industry The impact of Covid should get the industry offers a carbon offset calculator. Its sales individual customers to purchase SAF. there faster. Last year saw the largest ever there faster. Last year saw the largest ever team works closely with travel managers to United will be the first airline to invest in decline in global emissions and it has forced decline in global emissions and it has forced evaluate a business’ carbon footprint and in game-changing atmospheric carbon capture technology known as Direct Air Capture, as well as in SAF, environmental compliance and waste, water and energy programmes. "We want to be authentic in our intention. It is going to be a challenge to get there,” admits Lauren Riley, MD of Global Environmental Affairs & Sustainability. “There is no silver bullet to decarbonise aviation. Sustainable aviation fuel is two to four times the cost because there is not enough supply so we’re investing in production plants to create capacity.” United is also testing a

many polluting aircraft to be retired. New aircraft, such as Airbus A350s and Boeing 787s, are up to 40% more fuel efficient, which should go some way to counteracting an expected doubling in passenger numbers to 8.2 billion by 2037.
Large capital investments will be more challenging, as Covid decimated revenues last year to the tune of US$252bn according to KPMG, but Delta’s Amelia DeLuca, MD of Sustainability, says “stakeholders are demanding an acceleration of the company’s sustainability efforts”.
The world’s major airlines are therefore February it partnered with Deloitte to reduce continuing to trial biofuels to part or totally its carbon emissions by purchasing SAF. replace jet fuel, reducing weight, finding “The market is so underdeveloped that all lighter materials for on-board items, and SAFs produced in 2020 would only power building factories to satisfy future demand Delta’s fleet for one day pre-Covid,” says for biofuel. Airlines are also using slower DeLuca. “This is why investments, guided by cruising speeds, taxiing on one engine rather a strong long-term vision, are so critical." than two, towing between gates, using United launched a similar scheme in April, continuous descent approaches, optimising when a dozen global corporates, among air routes and recycling retired planes. them DHL, Nike, Siemens and Deloitte, under
Delta, which has a carbon neutral goal, the Eco-Skies Alliance Program, are allowing offers a carbon offset calculator. Its sales individual customers to purchase SAF. team works closely with travel managers to United will be the first airline to invest in evaluate a business’ carbon footprint and in game-changing atmospheric carbon capture technology known as Direct Air Capture, as well as in SAF, environmental compliance and waste, water and energy programmes. "We want to be authentic in our intention. It is going to be a challenge to get there,” admits Lauren Riley, MD of Global Environmental Affairs & Sustainability. “There is no silver bullet to decarbonise aviation. Sustainable aviation fuel is two to four times the cost because there is not enough supply so we’re investing in production plants to create capacity.” United is also testing a system that will provide greater transparency.

Thankfully the aviation industry is aviation industry is ahead of the curve and is ahead of the curve and is moving towards net zero moving towards net zero emissions by 2050” emissions by 2050”


The pandemic has reaffi rmed the commitment by the accommodation sector to cut its environmental footprint accommodation sector to cut its environmental footprint

Renewable energy, such as solar panels and more fuel-efficient waste and water systems, is the big push for accommodation. In their efforts to be more sustainable, In their efforts to be more sustainable, hotels have also been busy watching food hotels have also been busy watching food miles, installing green roofs, ventilation miles, installing green roofs, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVACs), LED and air conditioning systems (HVACs), LED lighting and heating, recycling soap and lighting and heating, recycling soap and promoting carbon-neutral meetings. promoting carbon-neutral meetings.
As 24/7 operations, hotels soak up many As 24/7 operations, hotels soak up many resources but many have deep-rooted resources but many have deep-rooted programmes that run through employees, programmes that run through employees, stakeholders, owners and contractors. stakeholders, owners and contractors. Typically, global players have muchTypically, global players have muchpublicised schemes - Wyndham Green, IHG publicised schemes - Wyndham Green, IHG Green Engage and Radisson Think Planet. Green Engage and Radisson Think Planet. NH Hotels is regarded a trailblazer. NH Hotels is regarded a trailblazer.
But Martin Biermann, CPO of hotel portal But Martin Biermann, CPO of hotel portal HRS, advises not to connect size with HRS, advises not to connect size with sustainability success as the bigger the sustainability success as the bigger the player the more complex their business player the more complex their business models, particularly franchise groups, and it models, particularly franchise groups, and it launched Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals in can be harder to apply uniform practices. can be harder to apply uniform practices. to cut its environmental footprint by 50% “There's no correlation between hotel size, “There's no correlation between hotel size, and double investment in social impact their scope and carbon emissions but overall their scope and carbon emissions but overall across all 6,400 hotels and this goal remains newer hotels are more carbon efficient.” newer hotels are more carbon efficient.” unchanged. “If anything, the past year has
One caveat is that small vendors lack the One caveat is that small vendors lack the reaffirmed our commitment to our 2030 resources to launch a robust sustainability resources to launch a robust sustainability goals both from an environmental and social programme. Biermann believes there will be programme. Biermann believes there will be point of view,” says Kate Mikesell, VP a “post pandemic calibration to re-shape a “post pandemic calibration to re-shape Corporate Responsibility. She believes carbon deduction programmes". Specifically, carbon deduction programmes". Specifically, sustainability can reduce costs and drive pandemic, but there has undoubtedly been independent hotels are generally struggling independent hotels are generally struggling long-term business value and profitability, an increase in understanding of the now, just as they were before in refurbishing now, just as they were before in refurbishing crucial in the current financial pressures. importance of sustainability and supporting their properties more sustainably, he adds. their properties more sustainably, he adds. Hilton rose to the challenge of new Covid our communities,” she says. Mikesell believes
Hilton typifies the global players. In 2018 it Hilton typifies the global players. In 2018 it measures, eliminating unnecessary that as travel resumes, travellers will be disposable items in operating procedures. more conscious than ever of their impact. “New initiatives, such as Hilton EventReady Together with Accor, the Expedia Group with CleanStay Meeting and Event has joined forces to expand UNESCO programme, have been developed with sustainability pledge into 96 countries, while sustainability in mind,” Mikesell explains. hotel portal, HRS is also playing its part with “Through our LightStay Meeting Impact its Green Stay Initiative, which identifies, Calculator tool our customers can also compares and prioritises hotels that request an estimate from our sales team of contribute to reducing the ecological the carbon footprint of their event, giving footprint of the lodging portion of a typical them the opportunity to offset and reduce business trip. Bookers can look out for the their footprint and helping to further limit Green Stay label and choose efficiency the impact,” adds Mikesell. classes A, B, C or D and cross reference that “There may not be many positives from this with accommodation ratings and reviews.

launched Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals in to cut its environmental footprint by 50% and double investment in social impact across all 6,400 hotels and this goal remains unchanged. “If anything, the past year has reaffirmed our commitment to our 2030 goals both from an environmental and social point of view,” says Kate Mikesell, VP Corporate Responsibility. She believes sustainability can reduce costs and drive pandemic, but there has undoubtedly been long-term business value and profitability, an increase in understanding of the crucial in the current financial pressures. importance of sustainability and supporting
Hilton rose to the challenge of new Covid our communities,” she says. Mikesell believes measures, eliminating unnecessary that as travel resumes, travellers will be disposable items in operating procedures. more conscious than ever of their impact. “New initiatives, such as Hilton EventReady Together with Accor, the Expedia Group with CleanStay Meeting and Event has joined forces to expand UNESCO programme, have been developed with sustainability pledge into 96 countries, while sustainability in mind,” Mikesell explains. hotel portal, HRS is also playing its part with
“Through our LightStay Meeting Impact its Green Stay Initiative, which identifies, Calculator tool our customers can also compares and prioritises hotels that request an estimate from our sales team of contribute to reducing the ecological the carbon footprint of their event, giving footprint of the lodging portion of a typical them the opportunity to offset and reduce business trip. Bookers can look out for the their footprint and helping to further limit Green Stay label and choose efficiency the impact,” adds Mikesell. classes A, B, C or D and cross reference that
“There may not be many positives from this with accommodation ratings and reviews.
There's no correlation between hotel size, between hotel size, their scope and carbon their scope and carbon emissions but overall newer emissions but overall newer hotels are more e cient” hotels are more e cient”

The switch to electric cars is accelerating and plans are on track for solar-powered trains plans are on track for solar-powered trains

The UK Government’s ban Enterprise is also recycling water at branch on the sale of all petrol level, using renewable energy and providing and diesel cars by 2040 is plug-in company cars for all eligible staff. driving a modal shift to Meanwhile, hotel groups are gearing up for electrified transport the shift to electric. Premier Inn (which options. The car industry is launching options. The car industry is launching claims to have more car park locations electric vehicles or more fuel-efficient electric vehicles or more fuel-efficient across the UK than the NCP) has signed a cars, with emissions of the average new cars, with emissions of the average new deal with energy giant ENGIE to install rapidcar down to 95 grams of CO2 per km, car down to 95 grams of CO2 per km, charging points in 600 locations in the next from 150 grams. from 150 grams. three years as part of its Force for Good
Rental car agencies have responded well. Rental car agencies have responded well. sustainability scheme, with the first Avis has been carbon neutral since 2000 by Avis has been carbon neutral since 2000 by installation in early summer. Premier Inn's using carbon offsetting and runs an earthusing carbon offsetting and runs an earth- parent, Whitbread, has announced a friendly fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles friendly fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles commitment to net zero carbon emissions continuously reduce its CO2 emissions since known as Eco Rides. Hertz provides a Green known as Eco Rides. Hertz provides a Green by 2050 in support of the Government’s plan 1990,” says Ami Taylor, Senior Director, Collection of cars too, including Teslas. ”In Collection of cars too, including Teslas. ”In to speed up the switch to electric vehicles. Product Strategy, SAP Concur EMEA. “So it’s the Netherlands, every second car is a the Netherlands, every second car is a Decarbonising rail is a more complex task, likely to be a preferred option as views on Tesla,” says Zoran Kovacevic, Director of Tesla,” says Zoran Kovacevic, Director of due to the significant capex required, but sustainability continue to be reinforced.” Product Management at TripActions. Product Management at TripActions. rail is already widely regarded as a viable One ray of hope is solar-powered trains, a
David McNeill, AVP Global Corporate Sales David McNeill, AVP Global Corporate Sales option for corporates over air travel. world first. The Riding Sunbeams project, in at Enterprise, says customers are opting for at Enterprise, says customers are opting for Data from SAP Concur shows that in the conjunction with Network Rail, is powering electric rental cars to decarbonise employee electric rental cars to decarbonise employee period between the first and second waves clean energy from solar farms and wind to travel. “They are using our software tools travel. “They are using our software tools of the pandemic in Europe, rail travel rail networks. In the longer term there are and consultancy services to understand the and consultancy services to understand the recovered much faster than any other mode plans to offer shares in solar farms to detailed implications of how to support detailed implications of how to support of prebooked transport in the core communities and commuters so that local employee journeys effectively with more employee journeys effectively with more European business travel markets. “Rail is people will own and benefit from the clean sustainable options,” he says. sustainable options,” he says. the only mode of motorised transport to energy that's powering their train journeys. Meanwhile airports and airlines are switching to electric vehicles and recycling water when washing aircraft. Farnborough Airport became the first carbon neutral business airport over a decade ago. It appears that Covid is in no way dimming suppliers’ spotlight on sustainability but has served to reinforce long-term plans and convince travellers to opt for sustainability over convenience. Covid may not be a silver bullet but it has accelerated plans to make the industry more sustainable.

Enterprise is also recycling water at branch level, using renewable energy and providing plug-in company cars for all eligible staff.
Meanwhile, hotel groups are gearing up for the shift to electric. Premier Inn (which claims to have more car park locations across the UK than the NCP) has signed a deal with energy giant ENGIE to install rapidcharging points in 600 locations in the next three years as part of its Force for Good sustainability scheme, with the first installation in early summer. Premier Inn's parent, Whitbread, has announced a commitment to net zero carbon emissions continuously reduce its CO2 emissions since by 2050 in support of the Government’s plan 1990,” says Ami Taylor, Senior Director, to speed up the switch to electric vehicles. Product Strategy, SAP Concur EMEA. “So it’s
Decarbonising rail is a more complex task, likely to be a preferred option as views on due to the significant capex required, but sustainability continue to be reinforced.” rail is already widely regarded as a viable One ray of hope is solar-powered trains, a option for corporates over air travel. world first. The Riding Sunbeams project, in
Data from SAP Concur shows that in the conjunction with Network Rail, is powering period between the first and second waves clean energy from solar farms and wind to of the pandemic in Europe, rail travel rail networks. In the longer term there are recovered much faster than any other mode plans to offer shares in solar farms to of prebooked transport in the core communities and commuters so that local European business travel markets. “Rail is people will own and benefit from the clean the only mode of motorised transport to energy that's powering their train journeys. Meanwhile airports and airlines are switching to electric vehicles and recycling water when washing aircraft. Farnborough Airport became the first carbon neutral business airport over a decade ago. It appears that Covid is in no way dimming suppliers’ spotlight on sustainability but has served to reinforce long-term plans and convince travellers to opt for sustainability over convenience. Covid may not be a silver bullet but it has accelerated plans to make the industry more sustainable.