BRIDGETTE MOEN Selected Works 2011-2016
*Please note that images included in professional work are the property of Terry Guen Design Associates. Reproduction is prohibited.
PROFESSIONAL WORK* Lake Forest Residence ......................................................................................3 Maggie Daley Park ......................................................................................4 U of C North Residence ......................................................................................5 STUDENT WORK Unploughed Refugia ......................................................................................6 Trophic Terrace ....................................................................................10 The Gridley House ....................................................................................12 Artificial Habitat ....................................................................................14 Casey Tree Farms ....................................................................................15 Vertical Bee Hotel ....................................................................................16
Lake Forest Residence Boarded by a nature preserve, the design for the proposed Lake Forest residence is sensitive to the context of the neighborhood and the existing conditions. The site weaves modern recreational luxuries with gardens, which are framed by the natural oak-hickory forest surrounding the home.
Landscape Architect: Terry Guen Design Associates Architect: Gary Frank Architects Owner: Confidential Location: Lake Forest, IL Role: Project Manager
North Residence Halls The style of the proposed University of Chicago dormitories is a contemporary interpretation of Gothic architecture. However, the landscape design, with direction from Walter Hood, is a garden-like series of spaces which follow the geometric layout frequently found on the University of Chicago Campus. The dormitory gardens are constructed on structure, but are complex and rich enough to provide students with a relaxing, functional space.
Landscape Architect: Terry Guen Design Associates Architect: Studio Gang Architects Owner: University of Chicago Location: Chicago, IL Role: Green roof design, document production
Maggie Daley Park Constructed on an existing parking garage, Maggie Daley Park is an extensively programmed public space in the heart of Chicago. Because much of the 26 acre park is built upon structure, the design and construction team field worked through field conflicts together to ensure a quality product for end users.
Local Landscape Architect: Terry Guen Design Associates Landscape Architect: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Owner: Chicago Park District Location: Chicago, IL Role: Construction Administration
Unploughed Refugia Because of the remarkable efficiency of John Deere’s steel plow and the fertility of glacial till, only 1/100th of a percent of native Illinois prairie remains. Protecting high quality habitat is important for guarding the genetic diversity of the Grand Prairie species against stochastic events. Unplowed cemeteries could generate a memorial landscape of prairie land and people.
Right of Way
Zea mays
Canadian National
Right of Way
Old 45
Right of Way
Route 45
Right of Way
Liatris spicata Lespedeza capitata Euthamia gramifolia Historic prairie in Illinois 22 million acres Remnant Prairie 2000 acres
of remnant prairie remaining in Illinois
Silphium laciniatum Pycnanthemum virginium
CONNECTIVITY Canadian National
Stochastic events
Single Large or Several Small (SLOSS)
Pycnanthemum virginium Juniperus virginiana Rhus typhina Andropogon geradii Schizachyrium scoparium Echinacea pallida Tradescantia ohiensis etc.
Liatris spicata Lespedeza capitata Euthamia gramifolia Historic prairie in Illinois 22 million acres Remnant Prairie 2000 acres
of remnant prairie remaining in Illinois
Silphium laciniatum Pycnanthemum virginium
Pycnanthemum virginium Juniperus virginiana Rhus typhina Andropogon geradii Schizachyrium scoparium Echinacea pallida Tradescantia ohiensis etc.
Stochastic events
PHASE I:TEN MILE GROVE - cemetery restoration
PHASE III:TEN MILE GROVE - extending network
PHASE II:TEN MILE GROVE - building connections
(1861) Tomlinson - 262
ht of Way
University of Illinois Sasaki Day- 2036 Award Winner, 2014 (1882) Loda Prairie LODA
(1861) Meharry - 64 PAXTON (1852) Ten Mile Grove - 19
(1904) Glen - 7263 (1853) Prospect Prairie - 56
(1891) Pontoppidan - 321 (1872) Farmersville - 68 (1848) Pleasant Grove - 166 (1872) Mt Olivet - 223 (1856) Huffman - 4 LUDLOW
(1876) Harwood - 15 (1840) Patton - 48 (1861) Tomlinson - 262
Old 45
Right of Way
Route 45
Right of Way
Glen Cemetery: high intervention low diversity - high activity
CONNECTIVITY 10 Mile Grove: medium intervention medium - medium activity Single Large or Several Smalldiversity (SLOSS)
Unploughed Refugia
Unploughed Refugia
10’ 8’ 6’ 4’ 2’
blazing star
grey coneflower
prairie dock
New Jersey tea
prairie coreopsis
prairie clo
prairie dropseed
blue grama grass
prairie brome
blue joint grass
little bluestem
bottlebrush grass
side oats grama
indian gra
Liatris pycnostachya
Sporobolus heterolepis
Ratibida pinnata
Bouteloua gracilis
Pycnanthemum virginianum
Bromus kalmii
Silphium terebinthinaceum
Calamagrostis canadensis
Monarda fistulosa
Schizachyrium scoparium
Ceanothus americanus
Elymus hystrix
Coreopsis palmata
Bouteloua curtipendula
Dalea purpur
flat top goldenrod
wild quinine
rattlesnake master
Virginia wild rye
big bluestem
Scribner’s panicum
purple lovegrass
Euthamia graminifolia
Elymus virginicus
Parthenium integrifolium
Panicum virgatum
Vernonia fasciculata
Andropogon gerardii
Lespedeza capitata
Koeleria macrantha
Silphium integrifolium
Panicum oligosanthes
Eryngium yuccifolium
Eragrostis spectabilis
Unploughed Refugia
Trophic Terrace Trophic Terrace challenges the suburban park by allowing landform to drive program and production on the site, Blair Park in Urbana, IL. Intense grading is used to both establish an alternative form to the typical suburban park and to drive alternative programs, such as aquaculture and constructed wetland water purification.
be nt on ite cla y
4” 6” 1”
228’ 12’
Trophic Terrace
community potential
re ec tion
production potential
re ec tion
production potential
Trophic Communities
The Gridley House The Gridley House is a home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, built in 1906 and located in Batavia, Illinois. Although there are no existing landscape plans of the site, there are strategies I used that are in keeping with other Frank Lloyd Wright landscape plans. Planting beds are arranged to frame views of the home and accentuate the architecture and the barn and pool are aligned with the offset cruciform figure of the home.
Site Design Plan
The Gridley House Because this home was unusual in its lack of art glass, I employed pattern as a tool to delineate the planting plan a paving pattern. Near the home, the pattern is more legible, with smaller planting areas and more discreet plantings. Farther away from the home, the pattern amalgamates to create larger areas. Because planting was restricted in the ravine near the home, plants which spread vegetatively were selected.
single plant
planting bed Use of Self-Propogating Plants Between the allowed planting zone and the road lies a small ravine. The ravine is somewhat sparsely vegetated, leaving potential for excess runoff and erosion. Because direct intervention is restricted in the ravine, self-propogating plants have been sited along the edge of the property, such as sumac, mayapple, and Virginia bluebells. Eventually, these individuals will vegetatively reproduce, and spread into the ravine, reducing runoff and preventing erosion along the edge of the property.
restricted planting area - ravine
Planting Plan: Use of Pattern The planting plan was derived from the use of pattern -- reminiscent of the use of pattern in the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. The pattern leaves space for lawn, both for the use of the client, but also to help frame the architecture.There are two plans,one for the sunny areas near the house,and one for the heavily shaded areas. All of the species included in the planting plan are native to the Batavia area.
Artificial Habitat With the challenge of creating a landscape product, I designed a series of modular animal habitat structures.Typically, structures built for animals are limited to the scale of a specific site, such as backyard birdhouses. I wanted to tap into existing infrastructure in a rural setting. I identified now defunct communication lines as a resource for developing a new type of habitat. The habitat pods are constructed from vacuum molded plastic, a relatively inexpensive material which could be mass produced.
Destruction of Contiguous Habitat in the Midwest
Tallgrass Prairie
Contiguous Habitat Contiguous Habitat
Habitat Connections
Bridging habitat restorations with artificial habitat Habitat structures will improve connectivity. Connections The right of way isrestoraone of the few spaces Bridging habitat left for with habitat in rural landscapes. Compresstions artificial habitat ing habitat into linear, vertical structure can structures willaimprove connectivity. provide shelter forissomewhat animals in The right of way one of themobile few spaces a left fragmented area. for habitat in rural landscapes. Compressing habitat into a linear, vertical structure can provide shelter for somewhat mobile animals in a fragmented area.
Osage Orange Hedge
Degraded Habitat Degraded Habitat
1830 Worm Fence
1840 Barbed Wire
Reduced Connections
Reduced Connections
Habitat Restorations
Many habitat restoration projects are isolated from one Habitat another. Most plants and animals Restorations require contiguous habitat to migrate. Even Many habitat restoration mobile animals are negatively effected by projects are isolated from one loss of habitat of limited another. Mostbecause plants and animalsnesting sites in small refuges.habitat to migrate. Even require contiguous mobile animals are negatively effected by loss of habitat because of limited nesting sites in small refuges.
Casey Tree Farms Casey Trees, a non-profit in Washington D.C. sponsored a design competition to generate ideasOrchard forManagement a farm estate that was gifted to the organization. For the competition, I worked with a team of faculty and students at the University of Illinois, with Gale Fulton as the lead. My contribution to the project was the Land School, which provided landscape training for regional students to supplement their classroom learning through hands-on activities. Habitat Restoration
Biomass Production
Career Training
Washington, DC
Environmental Education
Virginia Beach Site Programming
Regional Population by City
Herbicide applicators license Prescribed burn certification Integrative Pest Management Bee Keeping Orchard Integration
orchard integration
orchard management biomass processing biomass research
Permeable Paving As part of a construction course, I designed and casted a permeable paver. The paver I designed is similar in dimension to a normal brick, but the corners are offset to create voids in the pattern. The pavers were cast with a mixture of Portland cement, sand, and a small amount of aggregate. The cast was formed by cutting insulation foam board using a CNC router.
Vertical Bee Hotel Many bees native to the Midwest are facing decline due to loss of habitat. As part of a designbuild studio, I constructed a vertical garden that also serves as a native bee habitat. The Vertical Bee Hotel is a modular growing system that provides nesting habitat to native pollinators. The garden was constructed using yellow pine.The nesting boxes on each side of the vertical garden are blocks with shallow holes, creating nesting habitat for specific native bee species.
Patent Research
Process Drawings
University of Illinois Sasaki Day Award Winner, 2012
Vertical Bee Hotel