16º Congresso da APDR Universidade da Madeira, Funchal Colégio dos Jesuítas, 8 a 10 Julho 2010
REABILITAÇÃO HABITACIONAL EM PORTUGAL: A AVALIAÇÃO DOS PROGRAMAS RECRIA, REHABITA, RECRIPH E SOLARH Bruno Pereira MARQUES* Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas e-GEO: Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Planeamento Regional Avenida de Berna 26 C 1069-061 Lisboa pereira-marques@fcsh.unl.pt Cátia MADEIRA** CISED TERRITÓRIO – Consultores, Lda. Praça de Alvalade n.º 6, 1º Frente – Sala 9 1700-036 Lisboa catia.madeira@cisedterritorio.com.pt Escola Secundária do Monte de Caparica R. Projectada V à Rua da Urraca 2825-105 Monte de Caparica catiiamadeira@hotmail.com Abstract Nowadays many cities are facing problems concerned with degraded areas, not only in architectonic aspects but also from a social, cultural and economic point of view. The importance of stopping and reversing this process has been recognized both by politicians and technicians. Based in this recognition rehabilitation programs have been implemented all over the world and Portugal hasn’t been an exception. Therefore the present work will focus on the evaluation of RECRIA, REHABITA, RECRIPH and SOLARH Programs, aiming to understand the causes inherent to the failure of these rehabilitation instruments and to identify new methodologies for future interventions. Keywords: Housing Policies, Urban Rehabilitation Policies, Rehabilitation Programs, RECRIA, REHABITA, RECRIPH and SOLARH Programs. 1. Introdução
Geógrafo, Mestre em Gestão do Território. Geógrafa, Mestre em Regeneração Urbana e Ambiental.