TaeChoo Water

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Closest to nature, the ideal

Water for health!

“最接近大自然特质的水, 才是人体真正需要的好水”!


Water • 水

• Inorganic compound composed of Hydrogen (H) & Oxygen (O), Chemical formula: H2O • Water is an important substance for life and every living being • “Water is the source of life” • 由氢(H)、氧(O)两种元素组成的无机物,化学式:H2O • 水是所有生命生存和生物体的重要资源 •“水是生命之源”

‘Water is the source of life’ “水是生命之源”

Water vs. Human Body

水与人体 *If body lacking 10% of water, human will suffer various types of disease. *If body lacking 20% of water, it is life-threatening! * 人体若缺水10%,各种疾病将缠身 * 人体若缺水20% ,生命将受威胁

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10%

70% Water

85% Water

80% Water

75% Water

90% Water






Human needs water to maintain health, water is the key to health. 人类需要水维持健康,水是健康的钥匙

Is Water Quality Matter? 水质重要吗? • Of Course! • Natural water is the ideal water for health • 当然重要! • 天然好水才是人体需要的水


小水分子团 / 六角水


Good Water 天然优质水



味道清甜 口感佳


微碱性 pH值8-9



Is our water treatment system safe? 我们的水源 处理系统安全吗?









Over consumption of chlorinated water: - Heart attack/ heart diseases - Headaches - ENT irritation/ asthma - Skin rashes - Liver/ kidney problems 过量饮用含氯的水 -心脏病 -头痛 -耳鼻喉发痒/哮喘 -皮肤发红 -肝脏/肾脏问题

Risk in piping system - Rust - Excess sediment/ dirt - Contamination 水管系统的风险: -生锈 -脏污的沉积物 -水质污染


Is our Water source clean? 我们的水源干净吗?

Qualities of Good Drinking Water 优质好水的特质?

Contain minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and others 富含均衡矿物质如:钙、 镁、钠、钾等

Reduce body acidity & help in detoxification 改良酸性体质,有助排毒

Naturally regulate water pH level to keep in between 8-9 可自然调节水的酸碱度, 使PH值保持在8至9之间

Generally, water from nature is rich in minerals 一般上,大自然的水都富含均 衡的矿物质

Alkalescent Water

Balanced Minerals



Improve digestive system & skin condition 改良消化系统及肤质

Promote cell growth & maintain cell vitality 促进细胞的生长, 维持细胞 的活力

Improve immune system 提升免疫系统

Activated Water; Pentagonal/ Hexagonal water 活性水;五角水/六角水

Small water clusters 小水分子团 Easily remove free radicals and acidic metabolites 轻易去除体内自由基 及酸性代谢物

Easier for body absorption 较活跃,容易被人体吸收

Help to replenish minerals needed by human body 有助补充人体需要的矿物质

Replenish well energy to human body 补充好能量于人体

Improve and activate water to give a smaller water molecules 改善及活化水质,使水分子团 变细小

Well-Energized:Negative Ion, Far-Infrared

好能量: 负离子、 远红外线 Stabilize water structure to ensure its freshness 稳定水分子的结构并确保其味 道清甜

Wish to bring


Water-Source back home?

优 想 带 质 不 回 想 泉家? 把 源

Product Specification 产品规格 Purifying Method Product Dimension Product Weight Color Pot/ Tank Capacity Maintenance Period Country of Origin

= 8+9 Purifying System (Pre filter + Bio Ceramic Jade Pot) = 230mm (width) x 410mm (height) = Bio Ceramic Jade Pot 9.7kg / Pre filter set 5.9kg = Black = 8 liters = Every 12 months/ 3600L (Whichever comes first) = Korea

净化方式 尺码 重量 颜色 陶瓷容量 维修期限 制作国

= = = = = = =

8+9净化系统(基本滤芯+生化陶瓷滤芯) 230毫米(阔) x 410毫米(高) 生化陶瓷器 9.7公斤/ 基本过滤系统 5.9公斤 黑色 8 公升 12个月/3600公升(先到期限者为准) 韩国

Tae cho soo is a Korean word with the meaning of the purest and cleanest water that comes from non-contaminated natural spring or ground water.

没被污染的天然泉水/地下水; 最纯洁、最干净的水。

Rain landed & infiltrate into the ground.


富含矿物质,微碱性, 水分子细小,味道清甜, 口感顺滑的泉水 Spring water contains rich amount of minerals, high level of alkaline, small water cluster and tasty.

Rain water filtered through different layers of underground rocks


Rock minerals dissolved in the water

岩石中的矿物质溶解 于水中 水源储存在地底下

The water naturally stored in the ground beneath.


How it Works? 如何 Based on the natural bedrock concept that filtered the tap water through dual purification systems

大自然岩层过滤原理, 双系统净化和活化功能

Based on the natural bedrock Alkalescent that have a concept thatwater filtered the tap rich balanced mix of minerals, water through dual purification energy & small water clusters. systems

8 stages Purifying System


富含矿物质、能量、微碱、 小水分子团

The purified water will be stored in the Bio-Ceramic Jade Pot


9 stages Bedrock Activation System


Somelite Carbon Filter (3 stages) UF Membrane Filter Alkaline Carbon Filter (3 stages) Sediment Filter

Tourmaline Stone Germanium Stone Black Stone Somelite Negative lon Stone Silica Stone Jade Stone Alkaline Stone Mineral Stone

8-stage purifying system

8-stage bedrock activation system




Water Supply


Alkalinized Mineralized Energized (Negative Ion/ Far Infared) Wave Energy Magnetic Energy

Clean water: No sediment, odor, bacteria, chlorine & other foreign matters.

Tae Cho Good Water: Rich in minerals, good energy, alkalescent, small water clusters. Greater and smoother taste.

干净的水: 无沉积物、 异味、细菌及氯等异物

太初好水: 富含矿物质、好能量、微碱 性、小水分子团。味道清甜,口感顺滑。

How does Bio Ceramic Jade Pot activate/ energize the water?

生化陶瓷器如何活化水质? Bio-ceramic Jade Pot • Emits huge amount of negative ion • Maintain water freshness • Tightly sealed container to inhibit proliferation of bacteria and molds/ fungi • The principle of mini-bedrock layers

生化陶瓷器 • 释放大量的负离子 • 保持水质清甜 • 密封器,避免细菌及青苔的滋长 • 迷你岩层原理

Ceramic Ion • Emits negative ion • Maintain water freshness

负离子石 • 释放负离子 • 保持水质清甜

Alkalite Diskette • Emits far-infrared ray • Stabilize water • More solid & durable

碱性磁盘 • 释放远红外线 • 稳定水质 • 更坚实耐用

Main Cartridge/Sub-minerals Cartridge Contains: Alkaline Stone/ Germanium Stone/ Black Stone/ Somelite/ Mineral Stone/ Silica Stone/ Negative Ion Stone/ Jade Stone/ Tourmaline Stone • Generate natural minerals • Alkalize the water • Inhibit the proliferation of bacteria • Magnetize the water, giving a reduced cluster size

主要过滤芯/ 矿物石包 成份: 碱性石/ 锗石/ 黑石/ Somelite/ 矿物石/ 硅石/ 负离子石/ 玉石/ 电气石 • 增添矿物质 • 碱化水质 • 避免细菌滋生 • 磁化水质:小水分子团

Bio-ceramic Jade Pot simulates ancient bedrock-layers in nature. Tightly-concealed ceramic pot well-combined with the natural mineral layers, following the principle of nature to restore the water quality to the origin of life.

生化陶瓷器犹如一个岩层模拟。密封瓷器配合天然矿物原料,以大自然原理, 让水质还原 至最接近大自然特质的水。这才是人体真正需要的好水!

Why choose Tae Cho Water? 为什么选择太初好水? Natural


No electricity required


No wastage water


More environment-friendly


Low maintenance cost


Economical & convenient


Assured quality


35-year experience of Korean Manufacturer WATERS


Regular Maintenance


Environment Friendly: No power needed, No water wastage Economical: No electronic parts to repair, filter with reasonable price User Friendly: Easy to change filters, easy to clean Maintenance Cost: Filters that need to be changed on 1st year: Sediment Filter x 1unit Alkaline Carbon x 1unit Somelite Carbon x 1unit Main Filter x 1unit Total

RM99 RM99 RM99 RM99 RM396

RM396/ 365 days = RM1.09/ day

Filters that need to be changed on 2nd year: Sediment Filter x 1unit RM99 Alkaline Carbon x 1unit RM99 RM566/ 365 days = RM1.56/ day Somelite Carbon x 1unit RM99 Main Filter x 1unit RM99 Sub Mineral Cartridge x 1unit RM43 UF Membrane Cartridge x 1unit RM127 Total RM566 Remarks: 1. Above stated filters pricing are for year 2019. 2. Filter lifespan: 12 months/ 3600 Litres (Based on the usage period or amount of filtration) Average yearly cost only: RM481.00 ~ RM0.13 per litre

环保:无需电源,没排污水 经济:无需维修电子零件,滤芯价钱公道 简易:滤芯容易更换,方便清洗 保养/维修费: 第一年,需要换的滤芯: Sediment Filter Alkaline Carbon Somelite Carbon Main Filter 第二年,需要换的滤芯: Sediment Filter Alkaline Carbon Somelite Carbon Main Filter Sub Mineral Cartridge UF Membrane Cartridge

x 1unit x 1unit x 1unit x 1unit 总数

RM99 RM99 RM99 RM99 RM396

x 1unit x 1unit x 1 unit x 1unit x 1unit x 1unit 总数

RM99 RM99 RM99 RM99 RM43 RM127 RM566

RM396/ 365天 = RM1.09/ 天

RM566/ 365天 = RM1.56/ 天

备注: 1. 滤芯价格乃2019年价格。 2. 滤芯应用周期:一年/3600公升(以时限或滤水容量为准)。 费用只需 :平均每年RM481.00 ~ RM0.13 每公升

Awards & Prizes


With sufficient good water, health problems reduced!


Testimonial 1 : Young-Sun Son (Korea) I always have poor sleep, frequent conjunctivitis and feeling fatigue. All these problems gone after I took WATERS alkalescent water. Testimonial 2 : Ms. Pauline Julian (Indonesia) I had cracked lips last time. This problem had been cured and my body condition improved a lot after I drank WATERS alkalescent water. Testimonial 3 : Mr. Chen Han Young (Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi) After drinking WATERS alkalescent water, I feel fresh in the morning, headache and insomnia have been improved a lot. Besides, WATERS Natural Alkaline Water Purifier is more convenient as no electricity is needed and no need to boil, saves time and money. Testimonial 4 : Ms. Tracy Tan (Puchong) After taking Tae Cho Water, my edema condition had improved. Testimonial 5 : Ms. Hooi Ling (Puchong) I often get puffy eyes if I drink a lot of water before sleep. After drinking Tae Cho Water, this problem had improved. Testimonial 6 : Ms. Teo (Serdang) My 8-month-old son loves Tae Cho Water very much. I won’t be worried whether he is drinking enough water. Testimonial 7 : Ms. Annie Teo (Klang) Soak vegetable in Tae Cho water reduced the pesticide smell. It tastes fresher and crunchier, especially good for preparing salad. Testimonial 8 : Ms. Catherine (Klang) My husband’s acidic body has been improved after drinking Tae Cho water. I found that he is more energetic and can sleep easily now. Testimonial 9 : Ms. Liwen (Melaka) Tae Cho Waters purify water through natural way and without electricity. I’m satisfied with that. Furthermore, the beautiful Bio-ceramic pot keeps the water fresh. 见证 1 : Young-Sun Son (韩国) 我时常睡眠不佳,容易染上红眼症和感到疲倦。喝了WATERS 碱性好水后,这些症状没了。 见证 2 : Ms. Pauline Julian (印尼) 自从饮用 WATERS 碱性好水后,我的嘴唇皲裂问题痊愈了,健康状况也改善了。 见证 3 : Mr. Chen Han Young (Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi) 喝了WATERS 碱性好水后,我头疼和失眠的问题减少了,早上起床时感觉非常精神。WATERS 好水无需电源运作及无需煲 煮,省却了时间和金钱,非常方便。 见证 4 : Ms. Tracy Tan (Puchong) 饮用 WATERS 太初好水后,我的水肿问题改善了。 见证 5 : Ms. Hooi Ling (Puchong) 我常因临睡前喝水而导致隔天眼肿的问题,喝了WATERS 太初好水后,问题改善了。 见证 6 : Ms. Teo (Serdang) 我8个月大的儿子特爱 WATERS 太初好水。我不必担心孩子喝不够水了! 见证 7 : Ms. Annie Teo (Klang) WATERS 太初好水浸泡的蔬菜,农药味减轻了,味道口感也特佳,适合用来准备沙拉。 见证 8 : Ms. Catherine (Klang) 我丈夫的酸性体质,改善了。他比以前更有精神和容易入眠了。 见证 9 : Ms. Liwen (Melaka) WATERS 太初好水无需电源,以天然岩层原理过滤而得的碱性水,我很满意。美观的生化陶瓷器还能保存水质的清新。

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 1. What is the maintenance? How soon the filters need to be changed? - Simple maintenance. Second year - 1st filter: RM99 First year maintenance - 2nd filter: RM99 - 1st filter: RM99 - 3rd filter: RM127 - 2nd filter: RM99 - 4th filter: RM99 - 4th filter: RM99 - Main filter: RM99 - Main filter: RM99 - Sub Mineral Cartridge: RM43 First year maintenance = total cost = RM396 Second year maintenance = total cost =RM566 == 2. What are the differences between yours and other similar products in the market now? - No Electricity required. - Taste of water is naturally light sweet like from mountain. - Rich in negative ion from ceramic ion which replenish well energy to human body. - Dual filter system that consist of purifying system and activation system. - Alkalized the water by using natural concept which is adding natural minerals to water instead of using electric to isolated the H2O (water) H=Acidic, OH=Alkaline. 3. How stable is the water? What is the PH? Water is stable using the natural bedrock concept to obtain alkaline water by adding natural mineral. The PH is between Ph8.5-Ph9. 4. Can I boil the alkaline water? Would boiling affect the water quality? Yes. Boiling will not affect the quality of alkaline obtained from natural bedrock concept but will affect quantity of minerals which during the boiling process some minerals will be vaporized. 5. How is the installation procedure? Can the Pre-Filter set (white color casing) be hidden in the cabinet, not to expose out? We do provide standard installation. Certainly, it should not be a problem. 6. Do we need to wash the black color ceramic pot often? No if there is water flow every day. Yes if there is no water flow for more than a few days. May rinse the pot and refill with water. 7. How do I know when to replace new filters? Our customer service will update you on the maintenance schedule accordingly and there is a record card attached outside the filter that you may refer too. 8. Can I buy the spare parts or accessories? Is it expensive? Yes. All spare parts are from Korea at a reasonable price. * Refer spare part list 9. Would the golden color part rust? No really because it has no direct contact with water. 10. Would there be overflow of water from the top of the ceramic pot (black color pot)? No. The water level adjust device at the pot lid would control accordingly. (Make sure pot lid is closed properly) unless the water control device spoiled. 11. How long has this product being marketed in Malaysia market? Where is this product from? We are the sole distributor in Malaysia, the product is launched early of 2013. Korea manufacturer has 35 years of experience in developing alkaline system. It’s main export market is Europe and USA. 12. Can we purchase the black ceramic pot and the pre filter set separately? This is a set of TWO designed by Korea’s water specialist. Filters quality are certified by FDA, USA & NSF, so it is advisable to purchase it in a complete set. 13. Would the house water pressure affect the inflow of water into the black ceramic pot? Water pressure required is between 14psi to 80psi. Malaysia household pressure is usually around 80psi to 90psi. 14. Would the bacteria and mold grow in the black ceramic pot? The UF filter in the pre filter set, the 3rd filter removed 99.9%.The sub mineral cartridge inhibits the propagation of bacteria in the black ceramic pot. 15. Why no acid water output(rinse)? Where does the acid water being disposed? Natural Alkaline concept does not produce any acid water to be rinsed away. Only electrolysis alkaline produced acid water that need to be rinsed away. 16. Is there any mineral in the alkaline mineral water? What is the good mineral from the water? Good Mineral – Magnesium and calcium. • May refer to SIRIM Test Report to prove our system passed the Malaysian Food Act 1983 for drinking water. 16. Why is the system expensive? Actually the system price is very value worth as it consists of dual filter system (purifying and activation) and 17 layers of natural bedrock filter stage. It is the only water filter not only purify water but also to activate the water that may increase our water consumption, energy level (negative Ion) mineral intake for better absorption of nutriet white mixing with food. It even used a jade diskette to maintain the quality of water.

常见问题 1. 维修/保养的范围是哪些?多久需要更换滤芯? 基本维修/保养。 第一年 - 第一个滤芯:RM99 - 第二个滤芯:RM99 - 第四个滤芯:RM99 - 主要滤芯: RM99 第一年维修=总数=RM396

第二年 - 第一个滤芯:RM99 - 第二个滤芯:RM99 - 第三个滤芯:RM127 - 第四个滤芯:RM99 - 主要滤芯:RM99 - 附属矿物包 :RM43 第二年维修=总数=RM566

2. 你的产品与现在市面上类似的产品有什么区别? -无插电 -如泉水一样清甜 -富含由陶瓷器释放出来的负离子,予人体补充好能量 - 双重过滤系统,包括净化与激活系统 - 通过天然原理碱化水质及添加天然矿物质。而非利用电解技术将水分解。H2O(水)H= 酸性, OH= 碱性 3. 水质有多稳定?pH值是多少? 通过天然岩层原理自然添加矿物质以取得稳定的碱性水。 pH值介于8.5至9。 4. 我可以煮碱性水吗?煮沸后的水质会受影响吗? 可以。这不会影响从天然岩层原理中所取得的碱性质量, 但是某些矿物质含量将会于沸滚过程中蒸发。 5. 安装程序如何?前置过滤器(白色外壳)是否可以隐藏在柜子而不外露呢? 我们提供标准的安装。当然,那不成问题。 6. 我们需要经常清洗黑色陶瓷器吗? 答:假如每天都有水流量就不需要,而超过几天没有水流量则必需清洗。可以冲洗陶瓷器,再重新装水。 7. 如何知道什么时候该更换新的过滤器? 我们的客服会通知您关于您的维修日期,您也可以参考过滤器外的记录卡。 8. 我可以购买备用部件或附件吗?会不会很贵? 可以。所有部件的价格合理而且都是从韩国入口。*请参阅备件清单 9. 请问金色部分会生锈吗? 应该不会,因为它没有与水直接接触。 10. 水会不会从陶瓷器顶端溢出?(黑色陶瓷) 不会,位于陶瓷器盖子的水位调节装置将会相应地控制水位(必须确保陶瓷器的盖子有盖好),除非是水位调节器坏了 。 11. 这个产品在马来西亚市场推出多久了?是从哪里进口的产品? 我们是马来西亚唯一的代理商,此产品早在2013年推出。韩国产商在发展碱性水系统方面已有35年经验。欧洲与美国为 主要出口市场。 12. 我们可否分开购买黑色陶瓷器与前置过滤器? 这是由韩国水专家所设计一组两个的产品。 过滤器的品质获得FDA,USA与NSF认证,因此最好购买整组套装。 13. 请问住家水压会影响流入黑色陶瓷器的水量吗? 所需的水压介于14psi至80psi之间。马来西亚家用水压通常为80psi至90psi左右。 14. 请问细菌与霉菌会在黑色陶瓷器内滋长吗? 在前置过滤器的UF滤芯及第三个滤芯可以去除99.9%的细菌。 附属矿物包则可以抑制细菌于黑色陶瓷器内传播。 15. 为什么没有输出酸性水 (冲洗)?酸性水怎么处置? 天然碱性水概念没有产生任何需要被冲掉的酸性水。只有碱性电解才会产生需要被冲掉的酸性水。 16. 碱性矿泉水有矿物质吗?水里含有什么好的矿物质? 优良矿物质- 镁与钙 ・ 可参考SIRIM测试报告以证明我们的系统已通过1983年马来西亚饮用水的食品法则。 17. 为什么这套系统不便宜? 其实这个系统价格非常合理,因为它采用了双重过滤系统(净化与活化)及17层大自然岩层原理。这是唯一一台可以过 滤及激活水分子的过滤器,能增加我们的摄水量、能量(负离子)及矿物质摄取,再配以食物以达到更好的吸收。此滤 水器更含有一块玉石帮助维持水质。

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