Free Street Theater Public Relations Strategy

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Table of Contents OVERVIEW.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public Relations Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Media Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitch Letter Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitch Letter Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pitch Letter Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press Release Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press Release Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press Release Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thank You & Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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OVERVIEW We solely believe that these recommendations will shed a new light on Free Street Theatre and will contribute to the theater’s return to the spotlight. In this packet we’ve included an extensive public relations and social media plan that can be applied to current and future productions, including EX-CPS.


PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN About the company Founded in 1969 by Patrick Henry (Goodman School of Drama) in Chicago, IL. Free Street Theater is one of Chicago’s first racially integrated street ensembles to The theater company has won numerous awards including the Joseph Jefferson Special Citation award in 1987 and the Hopie Award for Creativity and Innovation in Youth Theater in 2009. With their young adult group, ages 13-19 and adult group ages 19+, the theater is noted for bringing some of pertinent social issues to the stage, such as their notable 1987 performance of Project! a play about life in public housing.

Target Audiences

Primary Viewing Audience – children and young adults ages 8-21 Educated, artistic, looking for interactive entertainment, care about their community, beginning to discuss political and social justice issues in the world Secondary Viewing Audience– adults ages 21+ Educated, supportive of the arts, interested in local entertainment, passionate about their community, interested in neighborhood development, supportive of non-profit causes Funding/Donor Audience - Particular interest in non-profit theater, have unlimited fund to support the theater with day-to-day expenses, community outreach and production costs Primary Acting Audience – Children and young adults ages 13+ Interested in joining the ensemble passion for artistic expression and creation, want to be involved in their neighborhoods, care about civil rights and social justice, looking for a fun and meaningful activity that gives back to the community


PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN Current Challenges 1. “Dirty laundry” – tax evasion, 2. Article published in Chicago Reader stating that the theater closed 3. Media

Objectives 1. Establish Free Street Theater as the premiere theater Chicago 2. Generate an abundance of positive publicity to counteract dirty laundry and perceptions that the theater has closed 3. Increase the level of reoccurring donors and funder as well as appeal to new donors and funders 4. Increase Free Street’s social media presence and explore new outlet opportunities using press

Strategies 1. Utilize preexisting social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Company Website) to a create a social “ buzz” surrounding Free Theater’s return to the spotlight 2. Employ a campaign that will highlight Free Theater’s return to the spotlight and their dedication to their surrounding community 3. Communicate goals effectively to media through critical public relations docu ments 4. Execute an event that will focus on bringing new donors and funders to the theater


PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN Tactics 1. Communicate with selected media outlets to promote Free Street’s productions • The Reader: After reading reviews on Deanna Isaacs (writer for Chicago Reader), a lot of readers do not trust her writing as much as before. People have claimed that she chooses not to get the full story and is becoming less of a trustworthy source. We will reach out to the Chicago Reader (mention our accomplishments since the last article), but will also pursue relationships with its competitors. • Theatre in Chicago (News Website/Podcast): A trusted one-stop site for site for theatergoers looking for information on variety of shows/venues across the Chicagoland area. Pitch to get Free Street Theater on their site and pitch the current production “Dope” as a topic on their weekly podcast. • Time Out Chicago (News Website): Free Street Theater is on their website, but currently has no reviews or information about the theater. Since it is a reliable source for theatergoers, I suggest we pitch production to them while providing a brief description of Free Street Theater for them to potentially add to their site. • Chicago Tribune (Blog: The Theater Loop): Chris Jones is a highly influential theater critic in Chicago and has the power to make or break a production. He can be difficult to get in contact with and it may be better to send him an email about the productions Free Street Theater does and how they are different from other Chicago productions. • Chicago Theatre Review Examiner (Blog): The blogger Catey Sullivan has a decent influence on the Chicago theatre community and has connections with Chicago/Midwest magazines. She posts reviews/stories twice a week and is difficult to get in touch with, but I think it is a good relationship to pursue because of her credibility and connections (she needs to know that the theatres she writes about appreciate her work and time). • Chicago Theater Beat (Blog): K.D. Hopkins has spoken very highly of Free Street Theater in the past and we would like to maintain that relationship. Pitch current production to Hopkins and thank them for their praises in the past. • See page 19 for media contact information


PUBLIC RELATIONS PLAN 2. Develop a efficient pitch letter equipped with a extensive press release • See pages 12-14 for pitch letter • See pages 15-17 for press release 3. Employ The Return to the Spotlight campaign that will place Free Street back to at the forefront of urban theater, by promoting current shows, sharing photos/videos, blog posts and external theater related links • See page 8 for an example of a social media plan for the production EX-CPS 4. Host an Opening Night event for potential donors/funders to connect with Free Street Theater on a more personal level. Other potential events: Friends & Family Nights/ Community Day • The issue with an event is Free Street Theater is the past negative press that circulated among the Chicago theatre community. • Building up a stronger social media presence (more engaging content), connect with theatre reviewers, and develop a consistent image (logo/message). • Increase Free Street’s social media presence and explore new outlet opportunities • Build up anticipation for this event through a short promotional video.









Saturday 1


Last day to see Mariposa Nocturna! Come… 2 Shows

3 Blog


Take a look at how Mariposa Nocturna was…

Outside Remember this? 25 years ago, CPS teachers went…

9 Blog



“To me Free Street is a place to let your creativity…

Outside Come see Ex-CPS and see our perspective on…



Ex-CPS puts the spotlight on the Chicago Public…

Outside New to improv? Read this cheat sheet 23

Free Street Check out our youth programs and workshops!

Free Street Take a look at what Chicago Artist Resource… 24 Photo/Video

Interview with 6 members in a video together…



Free Street Photo/Video Our mission at Free DOPE video Street Theater is to…



8 Shows

14 Shows

15 Blog

We have a full line up of shows going into next year…

Ex-CPS is made of a mix of participants that…

12 Photo/Video Interview with Coya Paz


18 Photo/Video Past DOPE production pics


20 Shows Come see the premiere of EXCPS TONIGHT!

21 Blog Free Street is casting and looking for…



26 Shows Take a look at our upcoming calendar of shows!

Turkey Day 27 Blog

Black Friday 28


Free Street Read what others have been saying about DOPE!


Have you seen ExCPS yet? Don’t miss it! Get your…


You don’t want to miss EX-CPS tomorrow night…


EX-CPS OPENS IN A WEEK! Have you pre-ordered…

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

School is serious, and “I used to be really shy, and some of the topics… then Free Street helped…

Outside Look at this unique use of improv on…

Outside Watch these unscripted scenes in major movies!

Free Street

Join us on the Second Saturday of every month…

30 Photo/Video Photos of Ex-CPS live onset and backstage pics


SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN Promotion Last day to see Mariposa Nocturna! Come to the last showing at 1pm today! For tickets, visit: We have a full line up of shows going into next year! Check them out! EX-CPS OPENS IN A WEEK! Have you pre-ordered your tickets? You don’t want to miss EX-CPS tomorrow night! Get your tickets! Have you seen Ex-CPS yet? Don’t miss it! Get your tickets now!

Shows Ex-CPS puts the spotlight on the Chicago Public Schools and how the events over the last three years have dominated headlines, and tested our students, families, and teachers. Ex-CPS is made of a mix of participants that include former and current teachers, students, and parents who want to engage audiences and communities on the 2012 strike, school closings, effects of the charter movement, standardized testing, Safe Passage, and school violence. School is serious, and some of the topics discussed in Ex-CPS are incredibly serious, but we promise that the experience will infuse all ranges of emotion, especially humor, to tell these stories! Come see it November 20th! Come see the premiere of EX-CPS TONIGHT! Take a look at our upcoming calendar of shows!


SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN Blog Take a look at how Mariposa Nocturna was made and an interview with Stephanie. “To me Free Street is a place to let your creativity go crazy.” Read more about 17 year old student Ebony Bailey, a returning ensemble member! “I used to be really shy, and then Free Street helped me find a part of myself I didn’t know existed.” Read more about college student Isis Mendoza! Free Street is casting and looking for unique talent for our shows to come to life. Find out more!

Outside New to improv? Read this cheat sheet to get you prepared for your next impromptu stage appearance! Remember this? 25 years ago, CPS teachers went on strike. Learn more before Ex-CPS starting Nov. 20 ago-public-schools-chicago-teachers-union-co ntract-talksstrike_1_picket-lines-teachers-strike-president-david-vitale Come see Ex-CPS and see our perspective on this tough time in Chicago history. Watch these unscripted scenes in major movies! How cool! Look at this unique use of improv on America’s Got Talent! ini-makes-use-of-cheap-props-and-foundobjects-to-shock-his-audiences/


SOCIAL MEDIA PLAN Free Street Our mission at Free Street Theater is to teach acting and writing skill to youth so they can open their potential to be creative, active participants in their own lives. Read what others have been saying about DOPE! eater-s-youth-ensemble-and-the-young-fugitives Take a look at what Chicago Artist Resource says about our very own Coya Paz Check out our youth programs and workshops! Join us on the Second Saturday of every month for FREE at FREE STREET, which offers an opportunity for members of the general community to take free theater workshops.

Photo/Video Production of DOPE Interview with Coya Paz Interview with 6 members in a video together Photos of DOPE production Photos of Ex-CPS production and on-set


PITCH LETTER INSTRUCTIONS (insert logo, if mailing) Media Contact Title Media Outlet Address Dear (name): Paragraph_1: Include information about media contact’s past features/reviews and how it relates to the production, you are trying to pitch. This contains answers to the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when and why). Paragraph_2: A brief 1-3 sentence summary of Free Street’s history Paragraph_3: Your request. If this is an interview or appearance request please include all details, deadlines and appropriate follow-up contact information. Editors Notes: • Please use the Arial Narrow Font, 11pt. for the pitch letter • When inserting links o Hyperlink when sending electronically • Only add address if you are mailing o If you are emailing pitch, include appropriate salutation (example: Dear John:) • Follow-up o If you have not heard anything back at the end of one week, please follow-up



(Contact name) (Title) (Outlet) (Address) Dear (Contact name): After reading your recent article about (Article that relates to upcoming production), we felt that our production and organization would interest you and your readers. In our current production, Free Street Theater is (Short description of production). In 1961 Free Street created a space where non-traditional and traditional theatergoers could feel comfortable and experience ground-breaking productions put on by inspired young performers. Free Street was founded by Patrick Henry (Goodman School of Drama) in Chicago, IL and has always been dedicated to bringing social issues to the stage and creating performances by, for, and with a wide range of participants. By challenging ideas of where theatre belongs and who belongs in a theater, we see theatre as an opportunity to ask questions, prompt dialogue, and build a sense of community. I would be happy to send you tickets for (Production) and would love to discuss a potential interview. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Free Street Theater, please contact me at (Public Relations representative contact information). I will be in touch soon.

Sincerely, (Public Relations representative)



Mr. John Doe Theatre Editor The Chicago Tribune Chicago, IL 60617 Dear John: After reading your recent article about theaters reaching out to non-traditional theatergoers, we felt that our production and organization would interest you and your readers. In our current production, Free Street Theater is bringing teachers, students, and parents touched by the 2012 Chicago teacher strike and school closings to the stage with their production of EX-CPS. In 1961 Free Street created a space where non-traditional and traditional theatergoers could feel comfortable and experience ground-breaking productions put on by inspired young performers. Free Street was founded by Patrick Henry (Goodman School of Drama) in Chicago, IL and has always been dedicated to bringing social issues to the stage and creating performances by, for, and with a wide range of participants. By challenging ideas of where theatre belongs and who belongs in a theater, we see theatre as an opportunity to ask questions, prompt dialogue, and build a sense of community. I would be happy to send you tickets for EX-CPS and would love to discuss a potential interview. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Free Street Theater, please contact me at I will be in touch soon.

Sincerely, Elizabeth Wycklendt




Headline Subheading Paragraph_1: Introduction. Contains information about new production; includes the answers to the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when and why). Paragraph_2: Insert quote from Executive or Artistic Director. This quote should reflect the mission of Free Street and how it relates to the production Paragraph_3: Any relevant information about special events, special guests, partnerships, etc. (optional – this is not exampled in the press release attached) Paragraph_4: Insert quote from participating partners or cast member. This quote should reflect the excitement for the production. Paragraph_5: Include information regarding ongoing productions at the theater. For complete information regarding current and future productions, insert appropriate website. Free Street Theatre Boilerplate

Editors Notes: • Please use the Arial Narrow Font for the press release o The headline should be 13pt; the subheading should be 11pt and italicized o The body should be 11pt, as well as, the boilerplate o Media Contact & Immediate Release should be bold • When inserting links o Hyperlink when sending electronically



CONTACT: Caroline O’Boyle (123).456.7890


FREE STREET THEATER RETURNS TO THE SPOTLIGHT WITH (Brief description about production) PRESENTATION OF (Production name) ON (Date) (CHICAGO) – Following the successful run of (Past production), Free Street Theater will be presenting (Production) which focuses (Production description). (Production run dates) and will be held at (Address). With Free Street’s dedication to making the theater accessible to everyone, the ticket policy is “pay-what-youcan.” (Quote) says (Name), (Title). (Continued quote) (Quote) says (Organization Name), (Relationship to organization) Currently at Free Street is (Current production), (Description of current production). For complete information regarding current and future productions, visit About Free Street Theater Founded in 1969 by Patrick Henry of the Goodman School of Drama in Chicago, IL, Free Street Theater is one of Chicago’s first racially integrated street ensembles. Its mission is to create performance by, for, and with a wide range of participants; to challenge the ideas of where theater belongs and who belongs in a theater; and to use theater to ask questions, prompt dialogue, and build community.



CONTACT: Caroline O’Boyle (123).456.7890


FREE STREET THEATER RETURNS TO THE SPOTLIGHT WITH AN ORIGINAL AND CONTROVERSIAL WORKSHOP PRESENTATION OF EX-CPS ON NOV. 20 (CHICAGO) – Following the successful run of DOPE: 420 Stories About Pot, Weed, Kush, Prisons, Parents and People, Free Street Theater will be presenting EX-CPS, which focuses on the 2012 Chicago teacher strike, school closings, and more. EX-CPS runs through December 14 and will be held at 1419 W. Blackhawk Ave. With Free Street’s dedication to making the theater accessible to everyone, the ticket policy is “pay-what-you-can.” “Through engaging monologues, students, parents, former and current teachers will share their experiences,” says Coya Paz, Artistic Director of Free Street Theater. “As a result, EX-CPS will take the audience on an intimate, immersive journey where they will experience a wide range of emotions.” “We’re all excited to be a part of this production,” says member of Raise Your Hand, an organization designed to help parents to be advocates for their children by providing information on policies that impact them. Raise Your Hand is one of the many CPS activist groups that will be sharing their monologues in the workshop production. Currently at Free Street is Mariposa Nocturna: A Puppet Triptych, featuring a total of 30 different puppets to tell three stories about prayers, surprises, and unexpected adventures. For complete information regarding current and future productions, visit

(continued on next page)



About Free Street Theater Founded in 1969 by Patrick Henry of the Goodman School of Drama in Chicago, IL, Free Street Theater is one of Chicago’s ďŹ rst racially integrated street ensembles. Its mission is to create performance by, for, and with a wide range of participants; to challenge the ideas of where theater belongs and who belongs in a theater; and to use theater to ask questions, prompt dialogue, and build community. The theater company has won numerous awards including a Joseph Jefferson Special Citation in 1987 and the Hopie for Creativity and Innovation in Youth Theater in 2009. With their youth ensemble, ages 13-19 and young adult ensemble, ages 19+, the theater is noted for bringing pertinent social issues to the stage.



Full spreadsheets available in separate attachment.


THANK YOU & Contact Information

Thank You!!! We truly enjoyed collaborating with you over the past few months and are incredibly thankful for this experience. Below we have included our contact information, if you have any further questions or concerns.


Ramsey Carey 773.480.7872 Portfolio:


BriElle Munizzi 773-213-3803 Portfolio:

Haley Lickiss 309.472.3018

Brittany Taylor 702.417.9143



Elizabeth Wycklendt 414.627.2019

Sana Ahmed 630.863.3125


Pierre Baptiste


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