Committee Reports
APRIL 2022
Tony Gray
President’s Report
he AGM was held on 10 March so we now enter the Club’s 65th year with a strong Committee with some new faces on board. I will reiterate what I said at the AGM in thanking the outgoing Committee members, Bill Luyten, Steve & Rosi Johnson for their excellent work while on the committee and welcoming Donna Wiltshire, Geoff Hodge and Geoff Hamon onto the 2022 Committee. I also welcome back Paul Hughes, Greg Gaffney, Cindy & Duncan Bennett, Darryl Gowlett, Mark Mustchin and Don Grimes who have successfully nominated for their previous committee positions. I am really looking forward to some great riding weather and a chance to catch up with many club members, especially new members, after a much disrupted start to this year. If you are a new member and a bit shy about joining one of the club rides then let me assure you that you will be warmly welcomed. There is a great range of events on the calendar so pick something that appeals to you and come along and introduce yourself. If you are unsure about a particular ride then give a call or message the ride leader whose details will be on the event page – the ride leader will be able to answer any of your questions. We would love to meet you. If you are a more experienced rider and feel confident in organising a monthly club ride then please contact Mark Mustchin who will welcome your enquiry. It really isn’t that difficult and can make the day more rewarding. We have a few people planning a lot of the rides but new talent would be most welcome. We all have different experiences and knowledge of our riding patch here in SEQ so some fresh approaches would be great. Steve Maney has taken on the role of organising the Sunny Coast rides and has introduced some top riding roads that were unknown to many of the ride participants. Let’s get some of that freshness into the Brisbane based rides. As well as riding/fixing/tinkering with/watching or talking motorcycles I enjoy distance running, something that I have competed at and enjoyed for almost 40 years. We have a saying in running that goes ‘one day I won’t be able to run, today is not that day’. The same thing can be applied to motorcycle riding. Sadly some of our members due to health or circumstance have had to take the hard decision to hang up the helmet for the last time. If or when that time comes I would like to think about the great riding experiences I have enjoyed rather than hold regrets for those times that I could have been out riding and just put it off for another day – that day may not come. If it’s a bit cloudy and may rain or it may be a bit hot or a bit cold then don’t use that as an excuse not to ride, just outfit yourself for the conditions and go. This past month has very much been consumed with work to get Mark Morrissey’s MMM Boxerworks back up and running after the devastating floods. I have written a short story on that experience for this journal. I also want to use this platform to personally thank everyone who has contributed in any way to helping Mark get back on his feet. Your acts of human kindness have not only helped in a very significant material way but more importantly it has helped Mark to rebuild himself after a very tough time personally bought on by health and circumstance. I am honoured to represent this club as President for another year. Tony. Poker run pic