Committee Reports
Paul Hughes
elcome to 2021. It hasn’t got off to the wonderful start I had hoped for but that was beyond our control. At this stage let’s hope things go smoothly from here on in. Rest assured the committee will adjust “if and where” necessary to keep members safe, legal and involved. The first two events suffered from Covid restrictions. The General Meeting was called early to allow as many as possible to plan their week. I think the Zoom meeting was a success, but we are planning on going back to onsite meetings from now on. Jollys Lookout postponement was due to Covid restrictions on numbers etc. It will be run on 7 February and hopefully will have its usual great turnout of members. We shouldn’t complain considering the restrictions fellow motorcyclists in other states have had to endure. Safety is the prime concern. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 4 March at Geebung RSL. Notice of meeting and associated nomination and proxy forms are in this journal and will appear on the web site. I would urge all members to become involved. The committee this year has had some great success stories. Photo competitions, Back to the Bush’s, another fabulous Christmas Party and member draws which have been all designed to keep members involved in their club during these difficult times. I thank the committee members one and all as it is their work that makes this all possible. Recently we have started a section on the website under downloads to post up other BMW club journals. It is headed “Magazine - Other States”. It is well worthwhile having a cruise through this section to see what others are up to. Many thanks to Greg and John for organising this. I think any reasonable person would agree that our journal is a stand-out success. Much of that well recognised success is due to Cindy and Duncan’s excellent editorial skills (that we are extremely grateful for), but most its appeal is due to your inputs, articles and photos. Our journal doesn’t simply re-print corporate or overseas writer’s articles but is full of Queensland member’s content. That is what makes it so good. Please keep it all pouring in. The Cane Toad Rally is on in April. Many will be returning rallyists but if you haven’t attended one before I would suggest you should consider. The team organising this has gone to a great deal of trouble ensuring this will
President’s Report be a great success. Sign up, you will love it. I remind members that we have an everincreasing Library available with many motorcycling rare books available to borrow and read. Fascinating stuff. The best way to get your hands on one is see Jane Gray at one of the General Meetings. There is a listing in the journal at the end. Our dealers and supporters have shown they are dedicated to continue to assist our members throughout the last year. Please show your appreciation by supporting them. Next club year will still be quite a challenge as I don’t see Covid going away any time soon. The committee will continue to be innovative and provide interesting events and activities. Your assistance in indicating in a timely manner is most appreciated and will ensure we are welcome back to the venues we utilise. At the AGM on 4 March, I will be standing
down as President. I have had a long run and it is time for someone else to take the helm. I have genuinely enjoyed helping to see the club grow and prosper during my time. I have made many great friends and I hope to continue to see all of you. The committee support has been fabulous during my run and I thank each and every committee member and those members who have worked hard to make the BMWMCQ such a success. On that note I am very pleased that our current club secretary Tony Gray has decided to nominate for President. Tony has been treasurer, secretary, and a wonderful contributor to club life with Jane and has organised countless rides and events. He also has a long history of club administration and leadership in another life.
Personally, January has been a bl…y disaster. My well-planned trip to Tasmania has had to be cancelled. Something to do with Vic and Tas not wanting to let me in. My car has still not recovered from its flirt with danger in December. I will be going for a short blatt on the 1200 for a week mainly just to experience that wonderful feeling of freedom on the road shared with friends again. Hope to see you all at events and please… Ride safe. Cheers, Paul