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Morgan & Wacker BMW are proud to announce we’ve been named the 2017 BMW Motorrad Australia Dealer of the Year (Metro)!

After a huge year of hard work for our excellent team, including the 100th anniversary celebrations of our dealership, we are very excited to be able to share this achievement with all of our wonderful customers. Make sure you drop in and experience our quality Morgan & Wacker BMW service today!

Morgan & Wacker BMW Brisbane 51 Ross St, Newstead | (07) 3259 5787

BMW Motorrad


The Committee

This Issue - MARCH 2018

President - Richard Maher


Vice President - Les Fitzpatrick

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Committee Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . 11 FEBRUARY Club Ride RUDDS PUB . . 12 Frigid Digit and Cullendore . . . . . . 14 Humble Pie Lncheon . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Cameroln MacDonald - BMW Berlin . 19 KARUAH RIVER RALLY . . . . . . . . . . 20 Reflections - Gary Bennett. . . . . . . 22 Nick Hese Exploring South America. 23

Alison and Ian Tasmania . . . . . . . . 26 BMWMCQ Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Brunch Run to St Bernards . . . . . . . 29 BMWMCQ Events Calendar 2017. . . 30 Argentina Blogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cupla Adverts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Ph: 0422 080 524 R 1200 RT


Morgan and Wacker- Rear Cover TeamMoto - Front Cover

Records Officer - Craig Brennan

Caloundra Motorcycle Centre - P.7 Cafe2U - P.28 Good Wool Store - P.32 Munich Motorcycles - P.32 Northside Motorcycles Tires and Service- P.34

Ph: 0415 111 454 R 1150 R Ph: 0418 197 709 R 1200 GSA and a few more

Secretary - Greg Gaffney Ph: 0411 424 219 R 1200 RT & R 90 S

Treasurer - Tony Gray Ph: 0409 493 605 R 1200 GS (The Grey Ghost)

Editor - Dave Hepburn

Ph: 0422 907 934 R 100 RT

Regalia - Kellie Wicks F 650 GS

Tools/Spares - Geoff Hodge

Ph: 0413 180 101 F 800 GT + R 51/3

Tools/Spares - Bill Luyten Ph: 0438 123 747 R1150 Rockstar - R1200 GS LC


n The Cover...

A reprint of the cover for the 1987 November BMWMCQ Journal. It is fitting that we should be celebrating the 60 years of the BMW Club and 50 Years of the Journal.

Events -Trent Smyth R1200 GSA and a 92 R100 GSPD

Sub Committee • DealerLiaison/Advertising-DonGrimesPh:0411601372 • Forum Moderator - Garry Hilton

Club Details BMW Motorcycle Club of Queensland Inc.

ABN 30 351 243 651

Address all correspondence to: The Secretary PO Box 3669 South Brisbane QLD 4101 Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at the:

Moreton Bay Sports Club, 175 Boundary St., Tingalpa

A Club Ride is usually held on the first Sunday after the monthly meeting. BMWMCQ AIMS The objectives of the BMWMCQ are to increase the enjoyment of motorcycling by: 1. Improving the opinion of the public towards motorcycling in general and associated members particularly, by careful, courteous, considerate riding, especially when riding with the Club, and rendering assistance to all road users in difficulty.

2. Improving the service and availability of spare parts for BMWs in Queensland using the advantage of a united effort. 3. Decreasing maintenance and running costs by mutual assistance on mechanical problems. 4. Organising day trips, tours and outings. 5. Encourage and support Regional Ride Groups 6. Affiliation with other clubs/associations where such affiliation would be of mutual benefit. DISCLAIMER The views and opinions expressed in this Journal are those of each contributor and are not necessarily shared by the Editor, management, and / or membership of the BMWMCQ. The Editor reserves the right to refuse any advertising or delete any material which could be considered or interpreted as questionable, libellous or offensive, without consultation. WEB SITE Visit:


MARCH 2018

Dave Hepburn

Editorial Editor’s Report


here it is, another Committee Year over for most, whilst others will bite the proverbial bullet and soldier on in one capacity or another. I, for one, will miss those that are moving on: Kelly; a great little worker and fun to be around, Les; what can I say about Les that you don’t already know, Craig; has been of significant assistance to me in a number of areas regarding members numbers and the publishing of the electronic magazine…thanks heaps Craig I gonna miss you, Trent; I wish you all the best in your future endeavours, Tony; the smartest man in the room, you’ve been of immeasurable assistance to all and the bottom figure never looked so good. For those staying on or at least putting your name forward to stay on, we have one hell of a year coming up. It’s going to arrive a lot quicker than most appreciate; we have the Gala Diner 16 June at the Brisbane International Hotel so we know where and when and that’s about it. The committee will need to get information out to the members very quickly so THEY can plan their year. It has been good to see over the year, that the events have been very well attended. We have a reasonably full calendar with plenty of room left for whatever rocks your boat. I looking to see us have a Back to the Bush event in May so be warned that Labour Day Weekend might be a goer. As this year is our Clubs 60th Year I will feature the logo as displayed on this month journal, in some position or other on all journal covers for the year. I take this opportunity on behalf of the club and committee to thank most profusely, Gary Bennett who has worked tirelessly to scan those club records that we have. In particular, his scanning of hundreds of pages of monthly magazines, going back to the beginnings of the club and the archiving of the same. Well, fifty years of Newsletter/magazine/journal anyway. I am advised by Gary that the magazine also celebrates a milestone birthday this year and that is 50 years old. Please see Gary’s article on Page 22. I apologise in advance to Nick Hese for pinching his photos of the Foz do Iguacu (Iguazu Falls) but the rank and file left me with a paucity of articles with which to fill the magazine and I refuse to reduce the number of pages…to take out one page I lose 4. Next month, if there is a shortfall of articles again, will feature my slide show of the sewerage systems in Paris. I can tell you, there are no BMW motorcycles down there.


hese streets are located directly behind The Church of St Eustache, Paris (French: L’église Saint-Eustache) is a church in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. The present building was built between 1532 and 1632. Situated at the entrance to Paris’ ancient markets (Les Halles) and the beginning of rue Montorgueil, St Eustace’s is considered a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. The church’s reputation was strong enough at the time for it to be chosen as the location for a young Louis XIV to receive his First Communion. Mozart also chose the sanctuary as the location for his mother’s funeral. Among those baptised here as children were Richelieu, Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson, future Madame de Pompadour and Molière, who was also married here in the 17th century. The last rites for Anne of Austria, Turenne and Mirabeau were pronounced within its walls. Marie de Gournay is buried there.

It was also in these streets that I carried out my now famous head butting of a cast iron Lamp Standard.

Committee Reports


MARCH 2018

Richard Maher

President’s Report


ell blow me down with a feather. Our monthly meeting venue has gone toes up again. Seems like my lasting presidential legacy is too send our meeting venues to the wall. At least we didn’t have a storage room and a lot of club merchandise squirreled away inside. The up side is I have formed a lasting relationship with the guy from the liquidator’s office after the demise of our previous venue: Morningside RSL venue went kablooie..!!!!. So as I write this we are looking for a new venue again. It would be great to have our own home so this sort of thing never happens. That may have to stay on top of the wish list for a little longer. I was hoping my last report as president was going to be all warm and fuzzy and full of good cheer. But, we have an outstanding issue from last year to finalise and a temporary venue to host our AGM. Oh well, no one is going to forget the March 2018 AGM for a while. After 2 months off the bike, I am pleased to get my health issues sorted and get on the road again. Thank goodness for trickle chargers as I had just purchased two new batteries prior to being banned from the road in December ’17. The 1100 fired up first go last Monday. The ABS clicked into place and the tyres were only a few PSI’s under normal operating levels. It was good to be back on the road and I was very appreciative of the power the 1100 puts on the road; beats a council bus hands down. It certainly reduced my time in getting to work by an hour each way. During my time off the bike I had planned on buying a new motorcycle. I had it all sorted, I knew what I wanted and I had partitioned the funds from my wife’s’ view. She likes to keep a close eye on my fiscal activities. I don’t have a proven track record with money of my own; this is why you have never seen me putting my hand up for anything treasury related within the BMWMCQ. I know my strengths lie elsewhere. My maturing funds were, however, being kept in close view by the missus who was completely aware of what I had attempted to do and was waiting for the right moment before she pounced and cleared out the cash. Having no plausible reason for amassing a secret stash (apparently a new motorcycle is NOT a plausible reason), it has been returned to consolidated revenue and has gone to pay off the power bill after a long hot summer. She used a case of Tassie wine by way of softening the blow and formally advising me that the funds had been put to better use. I can’t fault her logic. I would have done the same thing if I’d stumbled across all those readies. So the trusty 1100 remains the top dog in the garage and will be the weapon of choice for club outings and related motorcycle activities for the foreseeable future. I still have a few pesos hidden away in my wallet to afford some new brake pads and get the valves shimmed by a pro. My only hope is to find a rich and slightly senile benefactor who has a fleet of motorcycles and won’t notice one or two motorcycles missing on a regular basis. I think this is how I will spend all the spare time I’ll have available now that I’m no longer at the pointy end of the BMWMCQ. Or, I’ll just keep looking for meeting venues to send broke. It’s been a pleasure leading the Club again: thanks for the opportunity. You are a great bunch of people. Keep an eye out for me up the back of the room I’ll be around. Richard Maher .....Ex Former ex-president x 4

Remember members, if you ‘log-in’ to our Club’s Web Site you’ll find our journal is in full colour -take a moment and have a look @ ‘Viewing Tips’ - PDF is best viewed as a Two Page Spread - Click on ‘View/Page Display and tick ‘Two Page Scrolling’Be sure both - ‘Show Gaps Between Pages’ and ‘Show Cover Page In Two Page Vew’ Are Ticked


MARCH 2018

Les Fitzpatrick


Committee Reports Vice President’s Report

he New Year is well under way with a number of activities in full swing. The events calendar is full and the only things needed now are volunteers to claim and organize the rides. Please see the events coordinator and take on something to run. I won’t be applying for a committee position at the AGM this year as I will be taking some time to complete my Home Renovation and do some travelling as the weather cools down and the rains subside. I wish the incoming committee all the very best and I will help out where possible. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout the 2017 calendar year and to wish the incoming 2018 committee the very best with their efforts to deliver a great club experience during the club’s sixty year celebrations. For the last time,

Kind regards to all. Les Fitzpatrick. Vice President, BMWMCQ

Committee Reports


MARCH 2018

Tony Gray

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurers Report BMWMCQ Journal – as at 14 February 2018 Funds Available Business Cheque Account 10243020:

$ 4,029.01

Funds Available Premier Investment Account 2249 3654: $15,079.69 PayPal Account:



Total Cash Assets as at 14 February 2018: $19,379.53 Commentary: There are two invoices processed but not yet debited from the account being $385 for website monitoring and maintenance and $792 for production of 60 year anniversary medallions. The Club Financial Year closed on 31 January and a Profit & Loss Statement for the last year will be presented to the AGM in March. At the 2017 AGM a motion was passed to change from a Full Audit to a Verification Certificate Audit. This is a substantial financial benefit to the club and a lot easier on the Treasurer at this time of year. A P&L statement signed by the President and Treasurer will be presented to the AGM as well as a Budget for the 2018 year. The club remains in a strong financial position. Personal Comments: his will be my last journal report to the club membership as I will not be nominating for any role on the committee for the 2018 year. My reasons for this are purely personal as Jane and I will be riding overseas for 4 months later in the year and it is not feasible or practical to tie down a committee position for such a long period. I have enjoyed the past year, have learned a few things along the way and have had the opportunity to get to meet new members and strengthen friendships with older members. The year has not been without its trials & tribulations but that is the nature of clubs. Your committee this past year has always had the best interests of the club membership at heart in all of its decision making and I am confident this philosophy will carry forward to the new committee whoever that may be. Tony Gray Tony you’ve been great to work with on the committee and your business expertise and general managment of financial matters is highly regarded. Thank You....Ed.



MARCH 2018

Committee Reports

Trent Smyth

Craig Brennan

Events Coords Report

Records Officers Report


his will be my last report as The Records Officer. I can hear the sighs of relief from here. A lot has happened in my tenure, the largest of which has been the upgrade/ overhaul of our website. This has led to all sorts of interesting events occurring, such as irrelevant expired membership notices be sent out in a seemingly random manner. To those who have received such notices, I can only apologise and say that things are improving. I look forward to handing over to my successor and training them up to the required tasks in hand. Thank you all for your patience and I look forward to returning to the rabble. Craig Thank you Craig. Your patience, understanding and assistance has been greatly appreciated. You will be missed....Ed.

Submissions for the next journal (APRIL2018 Edition) close on the 15th MARCH 2018

Committee Reports

MARCH 2018

Bill Luyten & Geoff Hodge

Service Day


ast Sunday 18 February 2018 we had another service day at Charlie Brown’s place. There was a turnout of 16 members and a nice mix of 11 bikes ranging from R100RS/RT, a few F800s and R1200R/RT/GSs as well as a R1100GS. The 911 Diagnostic tool was used to check out several bikes and reset a few service reminders. A few had oil changes, another had a brake caliper overhaul and an alternator belt was replaced. All in all: a great day of fun. The sausage sizzle raised a donation to the Royal Flying Doctors. The club would like to thank Charlie for the use of his facilities over the day. Geoff and Bill

Contact Tools Officers:

Bill Luyten 0438 123 747 (wluyten@bigpond .net .au) or

Geoff Hodge 0413 180 101 (ggilps2@optusnet .com .au)



There are special tools available:

Special Tools Twinmax electronic carburetor balancer (Twin BMW engines) Vacuumate (electronic synchronization of throttle valves up to 4 cylinders) Clutch alignment shafts (3 sizes) Compression gauge (cylinder pressure) Steering head bearing puller and seating tool Gearbox output flange puller GS-911 Wi-Fi Diagnostic tool (Wi-Fi and USB Version) GS-911 3 pin interface Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor (TPMS) tool Enduralast hall sensor tester

Club Tool Loan:

$50 deposit (refundable) for GS911. Tools and spare can be picked up or brought along to the next meeting or Club ride.

Tool’s Report Spares Sale at Cost Price The Committee has decided to not continue selling spares so when our existing spares are gone they will not be replaced.

Spares Still Available Filters - Air

K Series K1200 (LX628) x2 $16.00ea

Filter - Fuel

K & R Series in line (KL145) x1 $20.00ea

Brake Pads

520HF - R60, R75, R80, R100 x1 $27.00ea G391ST - K1/100RS/1100LT, RS/1200RS, LT R80R, C/850/100/1100/1150 x2 $43.00ea

Spark Plugs

XR5DC (K/R1100) Bosch Super x2 $10.00ea


Oil filter removing tool - (OCS 1)K/R4V x5 $13.00

From the Pen of Jane Gray NIGHT RUN JEGJan 2018

What a great way To end the day Riding the bends To catch up with friends A balmy night Just pure delight Gliding along Feeling so strong Up to the top To the ice cream shop Flavours to choose With city views This could become A regular run Mt Coot-tha beckons What do you reckon?



MARCH 2018

Kelly Wicks

Committee Reports Regalia Officer’s Report


ell, It’s that time of the year again! Election time for a new committee. We as committee members were asked to say a few words about our time on the committee. Where do I start? I have always held to the motto –

“Do not just sit back and whinge about what could be done or should be done, and expect everyone to do the work. Give it a go and see what is really involved from the other side of the fence, then you may cast stones”.

I took on the role of Regalia Officer (cos nobody else wanted it) and to also give it a go and contribute back to the club. The things that I have learnt from my time on the committee are: • You can’t please all the people all the time; someone is just not going to be happy. (I tried guys and gals.) • A lot of time and energy is donated by all committee members and we all do it for free. • Regalia can be very hard to move, especially if you have inherited stock that is years old. LOL • We have some great members in the club and it’s these people and the friendships that are formed that mean the most to me. • Lastly, I’m a firm believer that before you speak:….. THINK! T… is it True? H…Is it Helpful? I… Is it Inspiring? N…Is it Necessary? K… Is it Kind? After all, remember the reason we all joined in the first place – to ride motorcycles and hang out with like-minded people. I Can’t wait to get my bike back on the road.

Kelly...........Kelly....I m sorry to see you go: you have been great to work with and I have enjoyed your perspective on life and club matters generally...Ed.


No need to drown your sorrows No need to hit the bottle All you really need to do Is get out & twist the throttle Fresh air all around you Now slowly breathe it in Feel your lungs expanding As you head out for a spin Tension quickly easing You just can’t help but smile As you come to realise It’s certainly been a while Stress & worries left behind Out on the open road Knowing if you’d stayed at home You might as well explode

Stopping every now & then For a caffeine shot In-depth conversations About the motorbikes you’ve got You don’t need to know their name Or what trade they might ply Telling yarns & swapping tales Of rides in days gone by Lost in concentration The roads sweep by below No set destination Just going with the flow Finally when you’re heading home After a day or weeks Fatigue will surely be surpassed By the feeling in your cheeks

Committee Reports Greg Gaffney


MARCH 2018


Secretary’s Report


t has been a great year as Secretary and I have enjoyed my time on the committee as well as the many rides and events. This role has also enabled me to get to know many more of our members and create some great friendships. I will look forward to another exciting year. Opened: 7.35 pm Minutes: Paul Hughes seconded Tony Gray Apologies: George and Maggie, Derek Morwood, Ron Durkin, Mal Cremer, Greg Dunne, Tony Malone, Andrew McLeod, Jim Bormann, John Eacott and Chris Lancaster Visitors: Michael John riding an R1200 RT President: Richard advised the members of an incident of an aggressive nature by one of our members which was brought to the attention of the committee. Richard has communicated with the member but received no co-operation in obtaining his side of the story or an apology. According to the constitution a member’s membership status must be resolved by the members. Richard will send the member a letter stating the current allegations, as he has not been prepared to meet to discuss the issue. The below motion was raised by Darryl Gowlett “The member will be invited to the next meeting to answer any comments and we will vote on whether he stays a member or not.” This motion was voted by the members at the General meeting with a result of 34 Yes 0 No and 3 abstained. Richard updated the members on the 60th anniversary gala dinner on the 16th June at the Brisbane International Motel at Virginia. The dress code for the dinner will be formal with men to wear a suit and tie. Treasurer: Tony will provide a profit and loss report for the AGM next month. The cheque account is $2,886, the Investment account $15,079 and $387 in transition from PayPal to the cheque account. Editor: Dave asked if anyone is not getting emails or knows of anyone who is not getting the email with the URL to the journal. Regalia: Craig provided Kelly with a supply of shirts which Kelly is hoping to sell off with the remaining other stock before the end of the club year. Records: Craig will be sending out reminders for membership renewals with the numbers hovering around 250. Dealer Liaison: Don reported we have a new advertiser for the journal from the north coast. Events: Trent advised Paul Hughes will be leading the Sunday ride to Rudd’s Pub. There was also some discussion about the 41st Karuah River Rally on the following weekend. Tools: Bill advised the next service day will be on the 18th February at Charlie Brown’s place. General Business: Tony Gray suggested we get some embroidered club badges for e.g. 10, 20, 30 years for our long term members in recognition of their years in the club. Raffle: 1st – Don Grimes, 2nd – Bill Luyten, 3rd – Greg Gaffney and 4th – Merle Meinicke Closed: 8.50 pm



MARCH 2018




lame global warming, Donald Trump or Kim Jongun but the weather this summer has been hard to predict. Heatwaves followed by cool periods and some welcome rain makes it hard for ride planners.

The previous days’ rain had put a few people off but 14 bikes gathered for the 8.15am briefing at BP Blacksoil. The morning was overcast as we set off for a leisurely jaunt on both sides of the Warrego Hwy through the beautiful Brisbane Valley. An hours’ riding got us to the morning coffee stop at Eagle Rock Café at Laidley with tail-end Frank getting all riders to the stop within a few minutes of each other. Chalk up another corner marking success story. President Richard and wife Maree joined us at Laidley – unfortunately sans bike due to a knee problem. The early weather had cleared leaving a great riding day ahead – ah the doubters who had stayed in bed must have been regretting their decision. We set off after a very convivial break at Eagle Rock bound for the high country via the Flagstone Creek Road. I should mention at this time that Jane and I were aboard Rex our ZRX Kawasaki as the Gray Ghost our 1200GS was undergoing preparations of a mechanical nature prior to her next European adventure later in the year.

Paul Hughes volunteered to organise and lead the February Club ride – traditionally the hottest of the year. I know, as Jane and I had organised last February’s Salad Bowl Run on a stinking hot day where we introduced additional rehydration stops along the way. This year’s run was preceded by a couple of days of cooling steady rain with a gloomy damp start to ride on Sunday.

Now those who know the Flagstone Creek Road will appreciate that it is cut in many places by (not surprisingly) Flagstone Creek. Each crossing via a concrete culvert caused Rex’s suspension to bottom out as he is much shorter in the suspension department than the plush Gray Ghost.

CLUB RIDE February - RUDDS PUB Needless to say the “pillion in a million” was happy when we reached the top of the range.

MARCH 2018


No corner markers required after we hit the road to Gatton on the homeward leg. Another fun day in beautiful summer conditions with good friends doing what we all like doing – going for a ride. See ya’ all next time.

Further meanderings ensued across the Downs with (only) one U turn when the bitumen turned to dirt. Paul’s GPS was still on its Farm Roads setting. All arrived safely in good time at Rudd’s Pub for lunch where we were joined by former editor Reg, a regular on the Warrego Riders runs. The lunch stops on these runs are always great fun as I am sure as many come for the chat as they do for the ride.

Addendum From Face Book…Ed.

Breaking with tradition most of the group were heading home down the range via the Ma Ma Creek road which is always great fun.

Thanks to Paul Hughes for organizing and leading today›s club ride. The early inclement weather may have put a few off but 14 bikes gathered at Blacksoil for the 8.30 start. Meandering around the Brisbane Valley go us to the Eagle Rock Cafe in Laidley where we were joined by el Presidente Richard, wife Maree and the regal pooch for morning smoko. Charlie Brown also joined us for the lunch leg. The climb up the range on the Heifer Creek Rd tested the suspension on the many causeways before we enjoyed lunch at Rudd’s Pub at Nobby. Breaking with tradition most rode home in a group via MaMa Creek. After the early showers getting to Blacksoil the day turned out to be a real peach. It was Great to see former editor Reg at lunch: and former editor & Treasurer Bill along for the ride.

Tony Gray


MARCH 2018

FRIGID DIGIT - The Mystery Weekend



THE 2018 FRIGID DIGIT The Tradition:

A Mystery Weekender on the last weekend in July, travelling on great motorcycling sealed roads to a within 2.5 hours from Brisbane and guaranteed to be cold: Camping and Cabin Accommodation: BYO Food. Enjoy each others company at social gatherings at morning tea, lunch and in the evening and cap the night off with some warming liquids telling yarns around a campfire. Some previous destinations have included, Queen Mary Falls, Jondaryan, Esk, Goomburra, Binna Burra, Bunya Mountains, Stanthorpe and Kilkivan.

This Year: It’s on again (28~29th July) and the location, revealed on the morning of departure, has a reputation of being cold. Ride directions are handed out on the morning of departure or a GPS Route is emailed out the night before which will guide us, via morning tea and lunch stops, on our journey to the mystery destination. So get your camping gear ready and fluff up the sleeping bag, because it’s going to be a lot colder than Brisbane. Camp Details:

Camping costs $15 per person. You will need to bring your own food and camping equipment. The campground has luscious green grass to pitch your tent on: Excellent amenities with hot showers and fireplaces to cook your meals or you can use the well equipped Camp Kitchen.

Cabin Details:

$70 for 1 or 2 people and $12 for each extra person. BYO sleeping bag or linen can be supplied at $10 per person. Each cabin has a microwave and fridge. Excellent showers and toilets are close by.


Gary Bennett on 0411 784279 or FRIGID DIGIT Camping

Motorcyclist made of Steel


MARCH 2018


CAMPING WEEKENDER 14~15 April 2018

Just over the border in NSW, south-east of Warwick and 2.5 hrs from Brisbane is 2,000 acres of well maintained campgrounds. Hot & Cold showers: flushing toilets: and fire pits. It is a BYO everything. There is 3.5km of dirt road but it is suitable for road bikes to access. We have the area “Greygum”, booked for our group in the “Forest Camp” For further info visit Or phone Gary Bennett 0411 784 279 $15 per person, just phone 0459901538 and mention “BMW Club” and “Greygum” to secure your place for this great weekend.


MARCH 2018

Humble Pie Luncheon - Duncan Bennett


otherwise sleep patterns may have been disturbed. The weather looked quite good on the day; overcast and some threat of rain but the temperature was mild with no apparent need for wet weather gear. The trip up Mt Mee and coffee at the Pitstop Café was well timed; with a nasty front coming in from the south and dumping lots of rain while we laughed at riders who had been out in it, from inside. The front moved off, so we decided to follow it as the dust would have been eliminated as a hazard on any dirt tracks ahead. Things were going well, too well. I’ve done the Bellthorpe Range Road many times but always as a follower, so had never realised that it was called the Bellthorpe Range Road. There is no forgetting that tightening and steep hairpin lefthand bend going up the range, one of the most overcooked corners on the planet, and if ever a vehicle was coming down the other way at the same time it would be festooned with motorcycle hood ornaments.

Gus in the therapeutic natural slime bath in the D’Aguilar National Park Ignoring the mantra; if at first you don’t succeed, pretend you can’t try again because you have critical motorcycle maintenance to do; we decided that the BMWMCQ January monthly luncheon was the perfect time for the fourth attempt. The GPS was worked into a lather trying to get a track from Woodford, up Nonmus Road, onto Bellthorpe Range Road, Bellthorpe West Road, which confusingly becomes West Bellthorpe Road, before the connection back through to Aherns Road and the cruise through to the luncheon at the Maleny Hotel. The GPS insisted that Kilcoy Lane is a major highway and arriving at the hotel way too early was likely to be our biggest concern, so it happily drew the magenta line from West Bellthorpe Road and we slept well. The mantra of visually checking all tracks on Google Earth because some exist only on hopeful town planning maps drawn in 1886 was ignored;

The infamous Bellthorpe Range Road left-hander The gravel started unexpectedly on the Bellthorpe West Road, but the showers of rain had quelled the dust and the surface was smooth. Somewhere about there, the GPS’ unshakeable confidence in getting us to lunch early turned to uncertainty, hesitation, and confusion. Unfortunately, picking the mood swings of a GPS is difficult unless you know where you are supposed to be going, which pretty much negates the point of having the GPS. Turning west toward Kilcoy at a tee intersection didn’t seem right, nor did continuing west past a few intersections, at which point it became clear that the GPS had decided going to Maleny was a “where do you see yourself in 5 years?” style of interview question answer. Leadership without a co-operative GPS was inspiring for Cindy until the 5th U-turn, at which point conversation on the intercom coincidentally turned to the topic of the fate of Tsar Nicolas II after the Russian revolution.


indy and I had always enjoyed the BMWMCQ monthly lunch rides. Note the past perfect tense “had” replacing the present perfect tense “have”, at least until the next lunch ride where the tense may change again depending on the rate of emotional and physical recovery. We had been planning an adventure in one of the world’s last great wildernesses, the Conondale National Park, for some time. Three previous attempts had failed and then been re-branded as “reconnoitre” rides; the Saturday ride in mid-January with euroMoto Tour’s Rikki Dryden which we’d abandoned at the Mt Glorious Café because it was just too jolly hot; the next day’s club breakfast and ride which had been abandoned at Jolly’s Lookout because it was going to be just too jolly hot: then the following week’s ride through the D’Aguilar National Park which we’d abandoned at the Braisen Hussy café in Woodford because it was just too jolly hot.

Humble Pie Luncheon - Duncan Bennett So out came the presciently named Mud Maps app, which put our location into big picture perspective, and had us heading back in the right direction along West Bellthorpe Road. Avoiding the display of old machinery at the Bellthorpe Conservation Park due to time and the rain suddenly becoming lightly pressing, the next problem materialised at the Kilcoy Lane intersection, which existed only on hopeful town planning maps drawn in 1886. What may have been the actual Kilcoy Lane did exist about 100m further on but was a suspicious red clay colour and a two-wheel track, completely unsuitable for persons without a change of clothes and shortly due at a hotel luncheon. So, press on into the increasing heavy rain, surely a highway version of Kilcoy Lane is just around the corner.

The West Bellthorpe Road during wet but happy times Accidents on the Bellthorpe Road in the rain are always the result of a series of stupid decisions. Stupid decision No.1: The road was becoming very slippery on any short red clay sections. A sign with the top part missing, yet unnecessary due to the bottom part proclaiming “When Wet” is observed. Deciding to keep going and power up the steep red clay hill wildly fish-tailing wasn’t ideal. A series of undesirable slides along a flat red clay section, then quits was called as it was awesome both of us were still upright. The choices were; to keep going and hope the red clay disappeared and a dusty gravel road to Maleny appeared, or turn around and go a long way back. Turning around was a good choice. Stupid decision No.2: When getting back to the red clay hill, deciding to ride down. At least riding up has the weight on the back wheel and the engine is helping against gravity and no braking is necessary. On the way back down, no-one knows what the hell was going on, but all aspects of the machine and rider became useless, including engine, brakes, tyres, the lot.

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Even screaming in terror didn’t help, although it is line ball whether it ever does. So the speed of the uncontrolled slide just increased and direction became more chaotic, until finally the wheels and the centre of gravity filed for divorce and the fun was over.

Less happy times on Unpleasant When Wet hill Fortunately, no major injury was the result even though I was standing up and the only rock between Woodford and Jimna was landed on, so the bike was back up and, as should have happened the first time, safely walked along the edge down to the bottom, where it was gently laid over on the other side. Cindy had not ventured down the hill but had put the side-stand down in gloop so at one point there were no normally parked motorcycles. Fortunately, a 4WD passed at just the right moment, keeping Cindy’s record of complete strangers being on hand to help her pick up her motorcycle intact. Beside that minor incident her riding skill was unblemished for the day in technically very demanding conditions. Unlike mine.

Re-balancing the Precious’ Chakra Energies at the bottom of the hill


MARCH 2018

Humble Pie Luncheon - Duncan Bennett

After some very heavy puffing walking and sliding Gus down the hill, we were back on and repeating some slippery bits until we got back to the bitumen. A stop at Bellview was required to use an overflowing water tank at the community hall to wash the mud from the Sunday best, before heading off to Maleny. It had rained on and off while out in the wilderness, but we were still reasonably dry which was good considering our pressing luncheon engagement. Until 5 minutes out of Maleny when a torrential rain event went over us, prompting regretful recollection that since numerous previous drenching’s we had promised ourselves to pack spare clothes. We were only half an hour late to meet up with the large turn-out of BMWMCQ friends at lunch, and with a bit of Glad Wrap over the plush seats, who knows but the Maleny Hotel may not have had to chuck them out. Attempt No.5 is imminent: Just waiting for a drought.

Conondale Adventure Attempt No.4: The Bellthorpe Failure

Duncan Bennett

A photo to provide context to Duncan’s last month article title! He didn’t send it through initially as he thought the pic might need the word Triumph pixelated or photo-shopped out lol. Might fit into a small corner of this months mag.......Cindy

Cameron MacDonald - BMW BERLIN



hanks Richard for the mention of my very jetlagged presence at the Jolly’s Lookout ride in January. As mentioned in his report, I had just returned from seven months abroad and was a little weary. Through my studies at QUT I was extremely fortunate to be offered a six month internship at the BMW Motorrad manufacturing plant in the North West of Berlin. I thought I would write a brief summary of my time there. The plant, which BMW started manufacturing motorbikes at in 1969 is on the North West border of

Berlin in a district that used to be hugely industrial, exemplified by some of the enormous original Siemens factories situated just down the road. There are approximately 2000 employees at the plant and I found it amazing how many people had been in the company for such a long amount of time as the company does its best to look after employees. On a personal level, the onsite and heavily discounted canteen was certainly appreciated! Broadly speaking, the plant has 4 main production paths, Boxer and Heritage, two and four cylinder lines, scooter and six cylinder lines as well as engine machining and assembly. The required logistics and planning activities across the plant are incredible, with each bike being built to specific customer requirements from the very first build station. It is truly mind-boggling, just how many possible combinations of accessories, colours and add-ons are available, a trend which is set to increase with the introduction of further customisation with the new ‘Spezial’ product lines ramping up in the near future. The team that I worked for was in the Quality Management department and managed new projects at the plant. That is, interfacing with design teams of new models and updates who are based in Munich and steering these projects until approximately six months after the start of production at the Berlin plant. As you can imagine, this covers a huge range of issues such as manufacturability on a moving assembly line, tooling, space requirements, financial topics, supplier relations and managing the pre-production prototype builds that are subjected to a plethora of scrutineering and testing.

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Whilst I was at the plant I was able to assist with a few tasks related to the new F750/F850 models, the new K1600 Grand America, the next iteration of Boxer bikes as well as a few other projects which I definitely can’t mention here! I was also given the opportunity to work on the assembly lines for a few days at a variety of stations, something I won’t ever forget. I also helped out in the annual stocktake over the Summer vacation period (interns are cheap!). Here is a photo of some the everlasting racks of motorbike parts that are in the warehouse.

If you ever get the chance to visit Berlin, I thoroughly recommend booking a tour of the plant. It really is a great opportunity to see how our bikes are assembled. I was constantly amazed at just how many people are required on the assembly lines to build the bikes and how much work goes on behind the scenes to make everything happen. Here is a photo with my Mum (who visited in November) after a factory tour generously arranged by my boss.

Apologies for the lack of photos, I was not really permitted to take any of bikes or at the plant in general! Unfortunately, during my time in Berlin I was not able to ride any bikes. This is something that interns are not allowed to do, however I can assure you that the permanent staff frequently take bikes home, for ‘testing’ purposes of course! Cameron MacDonald


MARCH 2018



few notes on the rally this year. A group of 10 were to assemble at Boonah at 8am Thursday to depart for the rally. The group was Dave- Triumph XCX, JohnSuzuki DR, Phi l-1150GSA,Howard- 1200GS,Michael1200GSA,Scott -1200GS, David -1200GSLC, GaryR100GS, Murray- 80GS and myself -1150GSA. However, when my alarm went off, it was pouring rain, plus I had been late into bed so I thought I would catch a few more minutes of sleep. It turned out to a bit more than a few minutes. When I did wake up I decided to make my own way to Tenterfield and aim to catch the group there. Murray was only able to do an overnight ride with us, so he was making his own way to Deepwater. I did catch the group at Tenterfield after running into Peter Allen (cousin but not related) at Legume and after a late lunch we set off for our overnight stop at Deepwater pub. The hotel was busy preparing for a Country and Western week-end so lots of music and also a good crowd of greying nomads. Caught up with Murray and also Justin and Barb who stayed overnight. It was a good night, the food was excellent (Phil ate a huge steak, nearly half a steer) and although there was no beer on tap plenty of Tooheys Old helped us enjoy the night. Friday morning in heavy fog we departed for Nundle for our next overnight stop. There were a couple of incidents between Deepwater and Nundle including Phil losing his bag which contained his GoreTex liner, his tool kit and more importantly 2 bottles of red for the rally. Despite the fact that there were 4 or 5 bikes behind him no one saw it on the road. As well, Gary lost his compass which had been on his bike for a number of years and at our stop on the Barrington Tops, Phil lost his rally towel which he had also had for many years. We all behaved ourselves at Nundle. Refreshed and keen after a hearty breakfast at Nundle, we headed for Gloucester for lunch. The ride over the Barrington Tops is always a great ride. At Gloucester, Dave and John departed to visit Dave’s brother at Port Macquarie. Scott and David had elected to stay in Gloucester. The rest of us went to Dungog for supplies then onto the rally. We found a good spot at the rally and settled in for the night. At the awards presentation the club won 2 awards for the “Hard Luck Award” which Phil won and I won the “Longest Distance Male Rider “with 1237 kilometres. At the rally it was great to catch up with Charlie Brown, Ron Durkin and Tony Malone, also Bruce Reeves who I had not seen for a number of years.

KARUAH RIVER RALLY 2018 Sunday morning we set off to Gloucester and then Nowendoc Road to catch the guys who had not gone to the rally. At Gloucester Michael discovered that he had left his sun-glasses on his top box as he left the rally. We made our way fairly quickly to Glen Innes, from where Howard headed home as he had to be at work Monday morning. The publican at Glen Innes goes out of his way to cater for motorcyclists which was great to see. Monday morning Phil and I headed home via the highway and the rest of the crew eventually made their way home after having to do some searching for fuel as their designated fuel stop was closed. When I arrived home I found that I had lost the spark plug cover on the right hand side. So four of us lost a few items but the good news was we did not lose any riders. It was a good group who all rode at similar speeds. Ride leader Dave did an excellent job with the route which he followed most of the time. We saw plenty of great dirt roads some nice twisty tar which bought a big smile to Howards face. Thanks to everyone on the ride and also those club members who were at the rally.

Bill Allen #712

Karuah River Rally 2018 PHOTO WALL

MARCH 2018



MARCH 2018

REFLECTIONS - Gary Bennett

1958 – 2018 A Reflection on 60 Years The following article was first published in the July 1971 BMWMCCQ Journal, providing us an insight into the first 13 years of the Club. HISTORY OF THE BMW MOTOR CYCLE CLUB OF QUEENSLAND Compiled from the rusty memories of John Hargreaves and Lou Bronsveld B.M.W.M.C.C.Q. was formed in 1958 through the combined interests of Hughie Yorston and Don Stone in a relatively rare motorcycle, the B.M.W. Hugh had just bought a new R50, and was extremely keen, with Don Stone, also on an R50, to setup a club. Meetings were held once a month in the house of Hugh Yorston at Aspley, usually on a Sunday night. This house was to be used by the club until 1965, and became known as the “Club Rooms”. As the years changed, so did the meeting nights – from Sunday to Tuesday, to Thursdays back to Tuesdays, and finally again on Sundays. It was not until 1969 that afternoon meetings became popular, and all gatherings and discussions took place at night. The word spread through the active interest of the members, that if you had a B.M.W. join the club. By 1961 the membership stood at 26. In 1965 Dave Vickers (R26) who was the first to join in 1958, was lost as a member. Dave is now a qualified doctor. 1965 marked a lull, after which the club flourished better than ever. However, the early years are remembered particularly for their monthly runs. This is something that has never been equalled. In 1960-61 it was normal to have 10 bikes on a run, and even groups of 16 or 18 B.M.W.’s were a common sight on Sunday. The club can boast that in its 13 years, it’s hundreds of outings, its hundreds of members, its thousands of miles, only one member has had a fatal accident. Club runs have, unfortunately, been marred by accidents, although in recent years these have been injury-free. One of the first things done by the B.M.W.M.C.C.Q. was the stamping of the Club’s own tank badge. These have since been re-ordered, in the same shape. The club membership cards were altered in 1966 to their present day design. Helmet strips (originating in 1960) have been retained (Blue Black Blue); in 1968 the B.M.W.M.C.C.Q. entered into the spares business with the purchase of all stock held by the dealers, Mayfairs Pty. Ltd. 1969 saw the first purchase of second-hand parts and in 1970 the start of “wrecking for spares” buying. Until 1966 the club struggled financially, but the 1970-71 budget recorded annual turnover at $2,000 and assets in excess of $1,600. In 1966 the purchase of club tools started. Communications within the club were improved in 1968 with the introduction of the Newsletter, mailed to all members. The club has over the years seen to crowd control and flag marshalling at numerous sporting fixtures, from scrambles meetings to Queensland T.T. championships. Being non-competitive has been the theme of the club since its inauguration. To assist the motorcycling image, and to help other motorcyclists are the main aims. During the years, two quotes have stuck out: 1: “Dim unto others as you would have dim unto you”, and 2: “Thou shalt not wrap-on”. A number of stories also have become fables of the club; one, as told by founder Hugh Yorston: “When I was out for a spin one day atop my R50, a young chap on an R60 waved me down and asked if I would be interested in joining the B.M.W. Club, which was being organised by an old man out at Aspley”.

They must have thought it great reaching 13 years and here we are, stronger than ever and celebrating 60 years.

Sourced by Gary Bennett #509

NICK HESE Explores South Americas - cont



couple days more exploring of BsAs and it is time to move on. The ferry leaves every morning for a 3 hr run to Colonia in Uruguay and it’s about a 170 km down to Montevideo. To round out my tour of BsAs I visited the historic area of La Boca near the original port area. After walking thru a run-down neighbourhood and passing the big football stadium: I came upon a colourful little gem: Allegedly this is where Tango started and it’s certainly set up for the tourist; souvenirs, cafes and Tango (no I was not tempted).The streets are full of colourful painted houses and artwork, oh and lots of tourists, still, it’s worth a visit.

Crossing into Uruguay on the ferry was a comedy of wrong information. I finally got stamped out, fingerprints and eye scan! That has never happened before in Argentina. Stamped into Uruguay before I boarded, thinking this is going well. When I arrived there were no Aduanas (customs officials) to be seen, so I just rode away. What about Temporary Import Permit (TIP) issued at every border so you can bring your vehicle in???? The ride from Colonia was very pleasant, reminded me very much of NSW northern rivers: flat, green, grazing and cropping and obviously more

MARCH 2018


affluent than Argentina. A quick visit and then a long wait at Customs saw me leave with the required paperwork and a sigh of relief! I had been in touch with Paul Hastings, a fellow BMW adventurer from Qld and we arranged to meet up: a day was spent just talking, eating and exchanging news, a great day in all. Further exploring ensued as I stayed an extra day due to strong winds (did I mention I am over winds)…..Yes you did Ed... Now if the wind abates it’s off to Punta del Este before heading North along the coast to Brazil. Punta Del Este! A Uruguayan version of Surfers Paradise! The view on the skyline was enough to make me turn North without stopping. Following numerous surfside villages, naturally filled with surfers from Argentina or holiday makers, I decided to find a quiet campground. Well I found an eco-camping area, which translates to warm shower, composting loo and no Wi-Fi. At least it was quiet! The area here is covered in gum trees: almost feel at home. Just a quick note on Sth American drivers: the craziness of the Italians, without the flair. We must have loud exhausts, honk the horn and tailgate, cut in on overtaking. The macho male ego is very tender here! I am faster, hence better than you so I MUST get in front! Sigh!!!! You learn to live with it. So my last two days in Uruguay sees me at a fantastic campground at Punta del Diablo about 50 km from the Brazilian Border. It seems most of the Argentinian campers are heading home, so it’s quiet and has a pool! A couple of nights at $13 US / night won’t break the bank! Might even venture to the surf tomorrow! Uruguay has been an unexpected gem, very rural, light traffic, beautiful coastline and beaches and the countryside looks so much like home. It’s a great way to spend Australia Day. I hope Brazil is as nice. Punta del Diablo my last stop in Uruguay was like a time warp, imagine a NSW coastal fishing town, wooden shacks, dirt roads and it’s been invaded by the surfing culture!


MARCH 2018

NICK HESE Explores South Americas - cont

All done in the Sth American way, chaos! So it was North to Brazil: but before I got there I stopped at Fortaleza Santa Teresa: an old stone fort constructed by the Portuguese in 1772! A huge stone walled fort in what appears to be the middle of nowhere. Restored in 1929 and still a very impressive sight! I arrived in Chuy and the usual border farce ensued, not being able to locate migrations or Aduana in the city, I assumed they must share Brazil’s facilities. Ahh!! Wrong. I get stamped into Brazil: given a piece of paper to lose before I leave and then get told: oh wait you have not been cleared out of Uruguay! So back 5km down the road, processed Out at the inwards booth (don’t ask) turn around and back to Brazil. The scenery was again flat and green, with mainly cattle and a few sheep along with feed paddocks. Riding along a road with large irrigation ditches, I noticed something swimming. I had been warned to watch out and sure enough Capybaras! A few quick photos as the bike noise scared them. Hope to see more.

The ride from Torres’s to Florianopolis turned out to be a real adventure! The volume of truck traffic tripled and as we know Brazilian truck drivers make up the rules as they go along! 100 km of rain certainly added some spice and about 20 km from Florianopolis we ground to a halt. It seems 2.5 million people want to arrive on the island at the same time and there is only one bridge, with another under construction. Did we sell the plans to the Storey Bridge as I swear we did: it is Identical! Perhaps this is good preparation for São Paulo and Rio, though I am only skirting them.

Florianopolis is certainly a beach lover’s paradise with tourists from all over Sth America, and one Aussie!

Of course to tease me neither of my credit cards would work in Brazil when I bought fuel, so I will have to carry extra cash in case. I will now follow the coast North along the BR 101 towards Rio Di Janeiro. There were lots of cattle grazing and Pine plantations, on an isthmus on the coast. A night camping at the rear of a hotel for $13.50, including pool and breakfast (I could like Brazil!) where I met two Israeli’s on a 1200 GS. A pleasant night chatting and sharing dinner, really makes the trip memorable. Heading further up the BR101, the road turned nasty for 70 km, it had been bumpy with the odd pothole but this was ridiculous! Thousands of craters (pothole is not sufficient to describe them) causing traffic to weave everywhere. Some of them would be 15 cm deep and 75 cm round. I managed to survive that and then it rained for 50 km, at least the road from there was good!

NICK HESE Explores South Americas - cont It’s actually not too crowded as there are many beaches, cafes and shops to occupy the most ardent shopper. Despite not being a beach person I did enjoy it here relaxing in nice company. The campground is mainly Brazilians and Argentinians, and a little English can go a long way! The bike and my travels are subject to many questions and photos, a minor celebrity!

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ell day one: in Foz do Iguacu (Iguazu Falls), and it certainly deserves its own post A fantastic day spent at the Bird Sanctuary and the Brazilian side of the falls. I will let the photos speak for themselves. I saw most of these birds in the Pantanal but in nature they are hard to photograph!

I am now in an undisclosed location deep in the Brazilian rainforest, where I am staying with a BMW collector, 14 so far ranging from R 69S to R100gs, GSPD, 1150Gs, 1150GsAdv, 1200 GS, 1200GsAdv and a few K bikes as well and he uses them all regularly! It is an amazing location with coastal views and great hospitality. Brazil is sure looking good! The bike has developed a shimmy in the front end which may be the profile of the new tyre K60 in combo with a Metzler Enduro 3 rear, or the fact I have a leaking fork seal and possibly no fork oil on one side! Time to seek out an airhead mechanic, yes there is one near here! Let’s hope it’s an easy fix. First issue in 12,000km!

Nick Hese



MARCH 2018

Alison & Ian Tasmania December January

Ian and Alison traveled extensively through Tasmania in December 17 and January 18 and true to their style have provided great photography and narrative, available on face-book. I have taken the liberty of utilising their great photos to help fill these pages and give those of you who do not subscribe to face-book an insight into the delight to be gained from traveling, by motorbike, the great roads of Tasmania and see the wonderful scenery up close but hopefully not personal. I also took the libertyof sliping in a pano of Paris streets I took a few years back just for the hell of it.....Ed.

Alison & Ian Tasmania December January Question:

How far is Ross from Richmond in Tasmania? Answer: 18 km as the crow flies or 26 km by road.


The person who plotted our routes managed to turn it into 441 km. I am impressed! So am I ….this has Ian Sayce’s fingerprints all over it…well done Ian …Ed.

MARCH 2018


Arthur’s Lake Roadhouse: I swear I heard banjos playing! And... No toilet!! Just a walk behind the rainwater tank.... Saw my first (live) Echidna crossing the road :)


MARCH 2018

BMWMCQ Supports Want to serve award winning coffee at your next event ? Book a Cafe2U mobile cafe today by calling Kieran Doyle. #1093

Cafe2U Australia Redlands 0409 815 984

HydroTacÂŽ Lenses

Ph: 0418 573 677


f one single donation can save three lives, imagine how many more could be saved if your group donated together. (Quote from Club Red web site.)


f you have enjoyed reading the stories in this and previous editions, you may be surprised to know that they were written by members just like you. Therefore you can be assured others would like to hear your story. Send your stories and pictures or requests for help to

Brunch Run to St Bernards Pub Sunday 26 Feb 18

MARCH 2018


Come for coffee they said.... it won’t rain they said... she will be right they said.... well nice coffee at the Headmasters Cafe... then just as Frank misplaced his bike key as we were leaving..... It poured. Really poured... looking under the cafe for the key was like standing in the shower.... John exited stage right immediately... whilst Frank and I stood around getting soaked...... oh well along with a great lunch and wonderful friends it was a nice day...đ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;¤Şđ&#x;¤Şđ&#x;¤Şđ&#x;˜‚đ&#x;˜‚ďťż Paul Hughes...It WAS a great day thanks to all who attended...I got home dry...Ed.


MARCH 2018

BMWMCQ 2018 Events Calendar






MARCH Thursday 1

7:30 pm

Sunday 4 Monday 5

TBA 7:30 pm

Wednesday 21 Saturday 24 Sunday 25 Tuesday 27

6:30 pm 9:00 am 11.00 am 6.30 pm

Saturday 17-18

Friday 30


Club Meeting and ANNUAL General Meeting Club Ride - Yangan Hotel Committee Meeting

Wynnum Community Richard Maher Centre 13 King St Yangan Richard Maher Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Pomona – Accommodation in Kin Kin Movie Weekender Saturday Night Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Saturday Coffee Run TBA Sunday Brunch Ride TBA German Club Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn ST GOOD FRIDAY – EASTER SATURDAY – APRIL 1 EASTER SUNDAY – APRIL 2ND EASTER MONDAY

APRIL Thursday 5 Sunday 8

7.30 pm 8.00 am

Wednesday 18 Saturday 21 Tuesday 24 Wednesday 25

6.30 pm 9.00 am 6.30 pm

Saturday 28


Sunday 29

Thursday 3 Sunday 6 Monday 7 Monday 7 Sunday 13 Wednesday 16

11.00 am 7.30 pm

Monday 9 Saturday 14 - 15


Saturday 19-20 Saturday 19 Sunday 27 Tuesday 29

7.30 pm All day

All Day 7:30 pm All Day 6:30 pm All Day

9:00 am 11:00 am 6.30 pm

Club Meeting TBA Club Ride-Ricks Garage Depart Caltex Carseldine Morning tea @ CJ Palmwoods Bakeries Woodford lead by Greg Gaffney Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Cullendore High Country Camping – 248 Cullendore Ck Road NSW see Face Book events page for full details Gary Bennett 0411 784 279 Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Saturday Coffee Run TBA German Club Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn ANZAC DAY Porters Plainlands Hotel – 66 Laidley Full Moon Night Ride Plainlands Road Plainlands – 5465 6547 Sunday Brunch Ride TBA Club Meeting Club Ride

TBA TBA LABOUR DAY QUEENSLAND Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St MOTHERS DAY QUEENSLAND Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Located Bruxner Highway Mingoola west Ruptured Budgie Rally of Tenterfield: contact: motoguzziclubqld. org Saturday Coffee Run TBA Sunday Brunch Ride TBA German Club Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn

BMWMCQ 2018 Events Calendar


MARCH 2018






Thursday 7

7:30 pm

Monday 11

7:30 pm

Wednesday 20 Saturday 23 Sunday 24 Tuesday 26

6:30 pm 9:00 pm 11:00 pm 6:30 pm

Club Meeting TBA Club Ride - Tumblegum 136 Riverside Drive Tavern Tumblegum NSW: 02 6676 6202 Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Gala Dinner Brisbane International : Cnr Sandgate and Zillmere Roads Boondall Virginia ; 3265 7066 Committee Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Saturday Coffee Run TBA Sunday Brunch Ride TBA German Club Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn

Sunday 8

11:00 am

JUNE Sunday 10

Saturday 16


Thursday 5



9:00 am

Club Meeting Club Ride – Family BBQ Lunch JC Slaughter Falls Committee Meeting Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Saturday Coffee Run

Sunday 29 Tuesday 31

11.00 am 6:00 pm

Sunday Brunch Ride German Club

Saturday 4 - 5


Monday 9 Wednesday 18 Saturday 21

Saturday 28-29


Thursday 2 Sunday 5

7:30 pm 7:30 pm 6:30 pm TBA

7:30 pm TBA

Monday 6 Wednesday 15 Wednesday 15

7:30 pm 6:30 pm All Day

Saturday 18-19


Saturday 11-12

Saturday 18

All Day

9:00 am

Frigid Digit Weekender

Club Meeting Border Run (WA – SA Border Club Ride –The World Famous Biscuit Ride Committee meeting


Sir Samuel Griffith Drive Mt Coot-tha Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot

TBA Cold weather camping for hardy riders somewhere in the SEQ Northern NSW Region : Contact Gary Bennett or Graham Healy TBA Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn

TBA Border Village Roadhouse Eyre Highway Border Village SA Phone 08 9039 3474 George & Location to be advised Maggie Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot ROYAL QUEENSLAND SHOW (EKKA DAY) Mt Dare Hotel Witjira South Australia (10 Off Centre Rally Km from the NT Border) Phone 08 8670 7835 106 Mulgowie Road Mulgowie Phone 5465 9127 – Motorcycle movies in the beer Camping Weekender Mulgowie garden and Pub breaky Sunday morning Richard Maher /Charlie Brown Saturday Coffee Run TBA


MARCH 2018

A Couple of Adverts................

Call now for our frEE parts CataloguE

Genuine & Aftermarket parts (from 1955 onwards) • Accessories • Australian Agent for Hepco & Becker Luggage Systems and Crash Bars Electronic Ignition Systems Unit 5&6 / 9 Hayden Crt Myaree, Perth, 6154 Western Australia TrAde enqUiries WelCoMe (open till 7pm est.)


We’ve got you covered. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN


Phone: 08 9317 3317 Fax: 08 9317 3359 email:


From business card to full page, all sizes are available. The BMWMCQ journal is distributed to members throughout Queensland and is also displayed in QLD dealerships. In addition, copies are sent interstate to other BMW affiliated Clubs. Get your message out to people who own, ride and restore BMW motorcycles. Rates are below. Phone your requests to Don Grimes - Ph: 0411 601 372

Good Wool Store Pty Ltd 49 Queen St BERRY 2535 P 02 4464 2081. F 02 4464 3344

BMWMCQ 2018 Events Calendar


MARCH 2018

BMWMCQ EVENTS FOR 2018 MONTH Sunday 26 Tuesday 28


Sunday 2 Thursday 6 Sunday 9 Monday 10 Wednesday 19 Saturday 22 Thursday 25

Friday 28 Monday October 1

START 11:00 am 6:00 pm

All Day 7:30 pm TBA 7:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:00 am 6:30 pm TBA

Sunday 30

11:00 am

Monday 1 Thursday 4

All Day 7:30 pm

OCTOBER Monday 1

Sunday 7

Monday 8 Wednesday 17 Saturday 20 Sunday 28 Sunday 28 Tuesday 30


Thursday 1 Sunday 4 Monday 5 Wednesday 21 Saturday 24 Sunday 25 Tuesday 27

DECEMBER Thursday 6 Friday 8 - 9

Monday 10

All Day


7:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am All Day 6:00 pm 7:30 pm TBA 7:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 6:30 pm 7:30 pm As Suits

7:30 pm

EVENT Sunday Brunch Ride German Club Club Meeting


CONTACT Dave Hepburn

Club Ride - Rudd’s Pub Via the Head Road and Killarney

Richard Maher Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Saturday Coffee Run TBA German Club Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn Stanthorpe Show BMW MOTORRAD Grounds Richard Maher NATIONALS Stanthorpe Queensland Sunday Brunch Ride TBA

28 September to 1 October BMW MOTORRAD NATIONALS Stanthorpe Final Day QUEENS BIRTHDAY QUEENSLAND Club Meeting TBA Club Ride - King Ludwig’s 4501 Mountain View German Restaurant and Road Maleny Phone 5499 Richard Maher Bar Ride 9377 Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Saturday Coffee Run TBA Sunday Brunch Ride TBA MOTGO GP PHILLIP ISLAND CIRCUIT BACK BEACH ROAD PHILLIP ISLAND

German Club

Club Meeting


Dave Hepburn

TBA Club Ride - Old Crow Hotel 32 Williams St Crow’s Nest Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St Hamilton Hotel Dinner Meet Kingsford Smith Drive Ascot Saturday Coffee Run TBA Sunday Brunch Ride TBA German Club Woolloongabba Dave Hepburn

Club Meeting TBA BMWMCQ CHRISTMAS PARTY - LOCATION TO BE COMMITTEE ADVISED Committee Meeting Coorparoo RSL 45 Holdsworth St


MARCH 2018

BMWMCQ 2018 Events Calendar

BMWMCQ EVENTS FOR 2018 MONTH Tuesday 18 Saturday 22 Sunday 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday 26 Saturday 29

JANUARY 2019 Tuesday 1 Thursday 10

START 6:30 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am ALL DAY ALL DAY ALL DAY TBA All Day 7:30 pm

EVENT LOCATION CONTACT German Club in Lieu Hamilton Hotel on Wednesday - Woolloongabba Saturday Coffee Run TBA Sunday Brunch Ride TBA CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS DAY BOXING DAY SALES LAST RIDE OF THE YEAR TBA TBA

Club Meeting


 BMW trained technicians;  BMW national service technician of 2006 (metro winner), Adrian Cash;  Log Book Service followed by BMW Motorrad Maintenance Schedule;  BMW software used for diagnosis;  Re-set service light, time & distance;  Competitive pricing on the leading brands of motorcycle tyres.

Northside Motorcycle Tyres & Service 1/14 Paisley Drive, Lawnton Qld 4501 PH: 07 3205 6505 Fax 07 3205 6003 Email: Web:

NICK HESE Explores South Americas - cont

MARCH 2018



To join the BMW Motorrad Springwood team in revealing our brand new BMW Motorrad showroom to the public! As an important VIP customer, we hope you will join us for a night of fun and celebration. You can expect to see BMW Motorrad’s Next Gen ASBK team rider Glenn Allerton, enjoy exclusive VIP offers on accessories and check out the incredibly impressive HP4 Race in the flesh all while celebrating the launch of our brand new showroom.

JOIN US - MARCH 8TH 6PM - 8.30PM RSVP’s ESSENTIAL BY SUNDAY MARCH 4TH. Please do so by emailing, but don’t delay as positions are limited.


TEAMMOTO BMW SPRINGWOOD 59 Moss Street, Springwood I (07) 3442 1397

The Ultimate Riding Machine

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