2015 Winter Membership Quarterly

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Quarterly VOL 13 / ISSUE 2

SKCDF Gala Auction SKCDS Office Relocation Election 2015 2201 Sixth Ave. Suite 1210 Seattle, WA 98121-1831 206.448.6620 www.skcds.org



Seattle-King County Dental Society Membership Quarterly Managing Editor: Ms. Sandra R. Anderson Contributors: Ms. Jennifer L. Freimund Dr. Alan M. Munk Publisher: Bill Newcomer, BNC Printing & Graphics, Vancouver, WA

WINTER 2015 Volume 13, Issue 2


President’s Message with Dr. Audrey Tatt .......................................................... 4 SKCDS Relocation 2015.....................................................................................4 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Upcoming 2015 Election .................................................................................. 5 Dr. Shane Ness, Chair Seattle-King County Remote Area Medical Clinic .................................................... 6 Dr. Victor Barry Stress & Burnout: How big is the problem?............................................................ 7 Dr. Daniel Geare Dr. Gary Heyamoto Welcome New Members .................................................................................. 9 Dr. Derek Hou School of Dentistry Leadership Appointments....................................................10 Dr. Molly McIntosh Great Gatsby Gala..........................................................................................11 Dr. Christopher Pickel Registration Form - February 27, Dr. Ruiz .............................................................12 Dr. Oleg Shvartsur WSDA Dental Action Day.................................................................................13 Dr. Douglas Walsh Dr. Judson Werner National Children’s Dental Month Update............................................................13 Seattle-King County Dental Foundation Awards.................................................. 14 OFFICERS Mobile Dentistry............................................................................................ 15 Dr. Audrey K. Tatt, President Upcoming Membership Meeting ........................................................................ 15 Dr. Judson A. Werner, President-elect Dr. Patrick E. Taylor, Past President New Dentist Program 2015..............................................................................17 Dr. Timothy A. Hess, Treasurer SKCDS Proposed Bylaws Amendment Passes ....................................................18 Dr. Elaine B. Lam, Secretary Raise the Paddle Donors ................................................................................. 19 Exposures with Dr. Al Munk ............................................................................. 22 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Dr. Ryan M. Fox, Executive Council 2015 Dr. James W. Reid, Executive Council 2015 THANK YOU TO OUR ADVERTISERS Dr. Joseph A. Schneider, Executive Council 2015 Dr. Shane T. Ness, Executive Council 2016 Max Technologies ........................................................................................... 2 Dr. Kimberly A. Winton, Executive Council 2016 Dr. Noah Letwin, Executive Council 2017 O’Brien Dental Labs, Inc. ................................................................................. 5 Dr. Megan L. Mulligan, Executive Council 2017 WDIA ........................................................................................................ 6 Ms. Jennifer Freimund, Executive Director NORDIC ........................................................................................................ 8 Home Owners Club.......................................................................................... 8 Change of Address: To ensure continued receipt of issues, change of Pacific Continental Bank ....................................................................................9 address must be reported to: SKCDS Central Office, 2201 6th Ave., Mobile I.V. Sedation....................................................................................... 9 Suite 1210, Seattle, WA 98121, as soon as possible -Shikosha Dental Lab........................................................................................ 10 206.448-6620. Email: skcds@skcds.com Dental Employment Services .......................................................................... 13 The information in this publication is for the exclusive benefit of Seattle- Dental & Medical Staffing.................................................................................13 King County Dental Society members. Neither the Society nor the publisher AFTCO ......................................................................................................... 14 makes any express or implied warranties as to the information herein, Durham Law Office .........................................................................................15 including the contents of any advertising. Opinions in the Quarterly do not necessarily express the official policies of the Seattle-King County Dental Dental Professionals .......................................................................................16 Society, nor the opinions of the editor, unless so stated. Publications of Robert L. Horchover Sleep Apnea & Snoring ..................................................... 16 advertising is not an endorsement, qualification, approval or guarantee of Keller ~ Rohrback Law Firm ............................................................................... 16 either advertisers or product. Bank of America ............................................................................................17 Sleep Apnea and Facial Pain Center ................................................................. 18 For advertising and publishing details, contact: Mr. Bill Newcomer, BNC Printing & Graphics, 503.318.5916, 360.573.1201, Nakanishi .....................................................................................................20 bill@bncprinting.com; www.bncprinting.com DP Incorporated........................................................................................... 21 Dental Group ................................................................................................. 23 Constantine Builders ..................................................................................... 24 2015 SKCDS WINTER QUARTERLY l 3


President’s Message

increase access to dental care. We want to actively work to remove all barriers to dental care in King County. It is our hope that our new location with other non-profits such as Project Access Northwest will help us in that effort. Your Foundation also continues this important work. Its mission to eliminate dental pain and infection in King County received a big infusion of financial support during our November Gala. I am delighted to report that support for our Foundation continues to grow as we gain visibility—resulting, at least in part, in a second sold out Gala in as many years. I must also recognize the efforts of the Foundation’s Event Planning Committee, ably chaired by Dr. Cynthia Pauley, in pulling off such a successful event. Other members of the Committee included Drs. Princy Rekhi, Karen Sakuma, Nina Svino, and Amy Winston. Community members Robert Brown of Max Technologies, George Constantine of Constantine Builders, Lisa Hess of Barrier Motors and Lori Saleba of Officewraps also deserve our gratitude. We are so grateful for their hard work.

We will continue to build on our existing partnerships and create new ones so that your Dental Society can work to remove all barriers to dental care in King County. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the WSDA’s Dental Dr. Audrey Tatt Action Day (more details on page 13). We dentists, joined by the University of Washington dental students, need to make a strong impression on our legislators that we have the solutions to address access to care—and Your Dental Society has made an excellent opportunity out of a necessary that they don’t need to ‘solve’ that issue by creating a midlevel provider. move. Our current building, where we have been for 26 years, is being taken Sign up now! over by Amazon. We have had a building task force in place for months looking at potential properties to purchase or rent. Our objective was to find a new home for the Dental Society and also have financial stability. After 26 years in Blanchard Plaza Building (located at the corner of Sixth After a purchase offer did not work out, our director Jennifer Freimund found and Blanchard), your Dental Society is moving! Our current building is being a great rental property on First Hill. One of our community partners, Project taken over by Amazon, so we need to relocate. We will moving at the end Access Northwest, mentioned that there was going to be space made available of March 2015. in their current building. The building is owned by Seattle First Baptist Church and is home to many nonprofit organizations including the Bet Alef Meditative The good news is that the Dental Society’s administrative office will remain Synagogue. The building is undergoing some renovation/expansion allowing centrally located in Seattle to best serve the needs of the Society. We will be for more usable space. (Interestingly, our new space was formerly surgery moving ‘uphill’ to what many Seattleites affectionately call “Pill Hill.” We will operating rooms for a hospital built in the 1920’s.) We will be able to be relocating to a building at 1111 Harvard Avenue (near the corner of Madison help design our own office space, as well as use any of the many available and Broadway) which is owned by the Seattle First Baptist Church. Our new meeting rooms. Many meetings take place throughout the year at SKCDS location is shared with many other non-profits and will provide several headquarters including: the Executive Council, all of the committee meetings meeting rooms. Parking will be both less expensive and more available than and the New Dentist program. Because we are a nonprofit organization, we at our current location. have also secured a very favorable lease. Not only can we further strengthen Our phone numbers, emails and website will all remain the same. Our New our ties with our community partners, but we have the financial stability for Dentist programs and Committee meetings will all be held in our new location, which we were looking. It is important for us to be fiscally responsible with beginning in April 12015. Our goal is to ensure this move is as seamless as our members’ dues, and this is a way we can keep our dues stable. possible to our members and without an interruption in the service upon which Speaking of ties with our community, the Remote Area Medical (RAM) Clinic you rely.

An exciting move...

SKCDS Relocation 2015

in which your Society participated in October (see article on page 6) garnered Stay tuned for more information AND an invitation to our Open House once some nice visibility for dentistry and positive press. I enjoyed volunteering the dust settles! with many of my colleagues and thank everyone for their service. It also highlighted that such events are NOT a solution for accessing dental care and Cover Photo: Top – Ravishing Flappers at the Great Gatsby Gala; are more a stop gap measure. The Executive Council discussed the likelihood Bottom Left – Bidders enjoying the auction; Bottom Right – Foundation of future such events coming to the area. We believe we need to find President Dr. Christine Kirchner and her husband Jason Little. opportunities to foster relationships with organizations locally that can 4 l 2015 SKCDS WINTER QUARTERLY

SOCIETY NEWS This year, your Dental Society is moving into the 21st Century! We will be emailing you an electronic ballot to the email address at which you currently receive our weekly newsletter. (For those of you for whom we do not have an email address, please see the bottom of this article.) In accordance with the Seattle-King County Dental Society Bylaws, ballots for the 2015-2016 Elective Office openings will be emailed from the Central Office no later than March 25, 2015. Your ballot is individualized and can only be opened by you. You will receive two reminder emails after that initial ballot. Please vote and make sure your voice is heard! The ballots must be cast by 5:00 p.m. on April 21, 2015, or they may be presented at the General Membership meeting to be held at the Bellevue Sheraton on April 21st, beginning at 6:00 p.m. (Please see the registration form on our website at www.skcds.org. or on page 15) Please be sure to return your ballot by email prior to the deadline of April 21st. Ballots—electronic or paper­ —that are received the day following the election will not be counted. We want to hear from every member so please vote before the deadline! The following is the slate presented by Dr. Cynthia Pauley, Chair of the Leadership Committee: President-elect: One opening – one year term, automatically becomes President & three year WSDA Delegate term Dr. Timothy Hess, general dentist, Auburn Executive Council: Three openings – three for 3 year terms Dr. Ryan Fox, general dentist, Kirkland Dr. Jim Reid, endodontist, Bellevue Dr. Amanda Spivey, general dentist, Seattle Dr. Miki Suetsugu, general dentist, Bellevue Dr. Lauren Vainio, general dentist, Seattle Delegates to the WSDA: Up to 6 openings for three year terms and 1 opening for a one year term (seats set by WSDA in January based on membership)

NEW PROCESS for 2015–2016 Election and Installation Set for Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Dr. Jeff Abolofia, general dentist, Burien Dr. CR Anderegg, periodontist, Bellevue Dr. Susan Abdun-Nur, general dentist, Bellevue Dr. Amy Cook, general dentist, Auburn Dr. Ryan Fox, general dentist, Kirkland Dr. Noah Letwin, general dentist, Seattle Dr. John Minnoch, general dentist, Bellevue Dr. Randall Ogata, orthodontist, Seattle Dr. Bart Soper, orthodontist, Bellevue Dr. Negar Sherkat, general dentist, Bellevue Dr. Gannon Stahl, general dentist, Bellevue Dr. Danny Tremblay, general dentist, Seattle

Please note that the Bylaws state the Executive Council and Delegates to the WSDA candidates will appear on the ballot in a random order as drawn by the Leadership Committee. This change was made to allow everyone an equal chance in elections when the election is contested. During the general membership meeting on Tuesday, January 13th, Dr. Tatt opened the floor for any additional nominations that a member wanted to make. After that meeting, nominations are closed. Members for whom we do not have email addresses will have an individualized paper ballot mailed to their preferred address. Those members will need to either mail the ballot back to the Central Office or bring it to the meeting on April 21st. If you would like to receive an electronic ballot and you see from our Membership Guide that we don’t have an email address for you, please call us at 206.448.6620 before March 20, 2015 and provide an email address. The Executive Council thanks the members of the Leadership Committee for their efforts. Dr. Cynthia Pauley chaired the Committee and Drs. Barry Feder, Kal Klass, Princy Rekhi, Stephanie Su, Daniel Tremblay, Ed Truelove, Bradley Weinstein and Kim Winton participated. BE ACTIVE IN YOUR SOCIETY… VOTE!


Seattle-King County Remote Area Medical Clinic For four very long days, Seattle’s Key Arena was converted into dental/medical/vision clinic that offered free care to anyone willing to wait in line. Beginning on Thursday, October 23rd and continuing until Sunday, October 26th, 1,971 patients received dental care. Over 190 dentists and specialists volunteered their time over those four days. The dentists were joined by 112 dental hygienists and dental hygiene students as well as 111 dental assistants. In all, Key Arena estimates that over $1.24 million in dental services was provided. These are impressive numbers. However, they only tell part of the story. Volunteer dentists related countless stories of gratitude expressed, and the satisfaction they felt in helping so many people. Overwhelmingly, the patients who provided information were low income. Only 12% reported that they were employed full-time, and many stated they had limited or no insurance. In terms of dental patients, only 25.5% had seen a dentist within the last year. Demographically, the largest concentration of patients were between 26 and 59 years old - 69% - while the genders were almost equal (51.3% female; 48.7% male). Thirty-one percent self-identified as white/Caucasian with other patients coming from a wide range of backgrounds. Media attention was, on the whole, positive. A picture of the dental area of the Clinic made the front page of the Seattle Times. Several other media outlets, like NPR and other print media, were also present. Mayor Ed Murray of Seattle came to the Clinic twice in two days, and several State legislators also toured the Clinic. Our volunteers did amalgams, composites, anterior endos, crowns and extractions. By far the longest lines were for dental hygiene with some patients waiting two or three hours for care. Thanks to several lab technicians from Nakanishi we were also able to do some denture repair and create flippers. Patterson Dental Supply provided CEREC machines which created over 125 crowns over the four days. Medical Teams International and Washington Dental Service Foundation’s SmileMobile provided private treatment areas for root canals and pediatric dentistry. Many organizations assisted in this effort. In addition to your Dental Society, the Washington State Dental Association, the Washington Academy of General Dentistry, the Washington State Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, the University of Washington School of Dentistry, the Hispanic Dental Association, Public Health – Seattle-King County, the Washington State Dental Hygienists’ Association and the Lake Washington Institute of Technology’s

(continued on page 8)





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Stress & Burnout: How big is the problem and what can we do? Article contributed by Amanda Shaw, MPH, Research and Outreach Program Manager and Charles Meredith, MD, Medical Director at the Washington Physicians Health Program 800.552.7236 / 206.583.0127

Dentistry can be a stressful profession. With high patient loads and time constraints, little control over patient resources for effective treatment, variable levels of patient appreciation for skilled work provided, consistent patient anxiety, and a lack of professional support for the solo practitioner, dentists can easily be left feeling exhausted and “burned out.”1,2 Burnout is a commonly used term, but does it mean anything more than having a bad day? And is it serious? Burnout is defined as a triad of depersonalization, emotional exhaustion and diminished personal accomplishment. 2 Depersonalization can be thought of as a self-protection mechanism against emotional exhaustion and further emotional injury, resulting in an attitude of detachment and negativity toward patients. Exhaustion and feelings of detachment can lead to perceived ineffectiveness at work and a loss of natural empathic response to patients and their vulnerability. Over time these attributes can develop into a chronic condition, posing a threat to good dental care. A number of studies have reported a high prevalence of burnout among dentists, with rates ranging from 12% to 36%.3-6 Additionally, a recent survey of the membership of the American Medical Association identified the prevalence of burnout in practicing physicians in the US to be 45%.7 This can be attributed to the demanding nature of healthcare industry, high workloads and the intense interpersonal context of healthcare provider occupations. If burnout continues long term, some believe it can precipitate more serious diseases. Burnout is associated with an increased likelihood of meeting diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder or alcohol use disorders such as alcohol abuse or dependence.8 It has been associated with increased likelihood of an episode of significant suicidal ideation in both attending level physicians and 4th year medical students.9 The presence of continued burnout has been shown to increase the likelihood of making a significant medical error10 in the near future. Furthermore, when the ability to tap into your natural empathy is lost, patients are less likely to follow your behavioral recommendations or trust that your care is safe.

Research into strategies to target burnout is growing. While many will experience burnout, the good news is that it is often a transient state, and recognition of burnout is important for prevention. There are several things an individual can do to combat burnout, all of which revolve around maintaining a healthy work/life relationship and restoring personal balance. Utilizing vacation time is important, as is having the courage to exercise what control you can over work hours and patient load. Reflective writing on meaningful clinical experiences and sharing these experiences with colleagues has been shown to be helpful. In addition, multiple researchers have demonstrated that learning and implementing the practice of mindfulness meditation can combat and prevent the development of burnout, 11 and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction techniques have been shown to be an effective approach for treating or preventing the development of burnout in physicians. In fact, a number of allied health professional training programs are altering their student curriculum to incorporate content on wellness and mindfulness training. Based on a review of the medical literature, it has been suggested that mindfulness practice may help improve attentiveness, self-awareness, acceptance, wisdom and self-care in dentistry. 12 Developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction (MBSR) incorporates Eastern teachings and mindfulness practices and other interventions to target burnout and other behavioral health conditions. Multiple studies have shown that MBSR training and practice decreases burnout, increases productivity, increases quality of life and increases job satisfaction among physicians and other health care providers. MBSR has been shown to improve performance and resilience among various high performing professional groups, including the US Marine Corps and the Seattle Seahawks. As MBSR is the strongest evidence-based intervention for protecting yourself from burnout and prolonging your career, the Washington Physicians Health Program (WPHP) has begun offering MBSR training workshops in Seattle for doctoral level healthcare providers and their significant others. If you’d like to make an investment in your long term health, consider taking this five week class series along with your peers who can relate to the stresses you face in the workplace. If you’re interested, contact

Jason Green at WPHP at 800.552.7236 today. WPHP will host several MBSR offerings and workshops throughout 2015. When burnout lingers, the joy that comes from practicing your profession is lost. If the above interventions don’t work, a brief course of supportive psychotherapy may be very helpful. Many individuals will confidentially call the Washington Physicians Health Program seeking a local therapist who is experienced in working with doctoral level healthcare providers and understands the innate pressures of those professions. Give us a call and we can find help for you in your local community. Article contributed by Amanda Shaw, MPH, Research and Outreach Program Manager and Charles Meredith, MD, Medical Director at the Washington Physicians Health Program Washington Physicians Health Program 800.552.7236 / 206.583.0127 References 1. Basson RA. Management and prevention of Burnout in the Dental Practitioner. Dentistry. 2012; 3(2):168. 2. Maslach C, Schaufeli WB, Leiter MP: Job burnout. Annu Rev Psychol . 2001; 52:397– 422. 3. Felton JS. Burnout as a clinical entity – its importance in health care workers. Occup Med. 1998; 48: 237-50. 4. Osborne D, Croucher R. Levels of burnout in general dental practitioners in the south-east of England. Brit Dent J. 1994;177: 372-377. 5. Gorter RC, Freeman F. Burnout and engagement in relation with job demands and resources among dental staff in Northern Ireland. J Affect Disord. 2011; 39: 87-95. 6. Divaris K, Polychronopoulou A, Taoufik K, Katsaros C, Eliades T. Stress and burnout in postgraduate dental education. Eur J dent Educ. 2012; 16: 35-42. 7. Shanafelt TD, Boone S, Tan L, Dyrbye LN, Sotile W, Satele D, West CP, Sloan J, Oreskovich MR. Burnout and Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance Among US Physicians Relative to the General US Population. Arch Intern Med. 2012; 172(18):1377-1385.

(continued on page 8) 2015 SKCDS WINTER QUARTERLY l 7

(continued from page 7) 8. Oreskovich MR, Kaups KL, Balch CM, Hanks JB, Satele D, Sloan J, Meredith C, Buhl A, Dyrbye LN, Shanafelt TD. Prevalence of alcohol use disorders among American surgeons. Arch Surg. 2012 Feb;147(2):168-74. 9. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Massle S, Power DV, Eacker A, Harper W, Duming S, Moutler C, Szydlo DW, Novotny PJ, Sloan JA, Shanafelt TD. Burnout and Suicidal Ideation among US Medical Students. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Sept 2;149(5):334-341. 10. West CP, Tan AD, Habermann, TM, Sloan JA, Shanafelt TD. Association of Resident Fatigue and Distress With Perceived Medical Errors. JAMA. 2009 Sept 23/30;302(12):1294-1300. 11. Krasner MS, Epstein RM, Beckman H. Association of an educational program in mindful communication with burnout , empathy and attitudes among primary care physicians. JAMA. 2009;302(12):1284-1293. 12. Lovas JG, Lovas DA, Lovas PM. Mindfulness and professionalism in dentistry. J Dental Ed. 2008; 72(9):998-1005.

(continued from page 6)

and Shoreline Community College’s dental hygiene programs were all involved. In addition to the vendors above, we would like to recognize Experience Dentistry, InDemand Interpreting, Max Technologies, Pacific Office and Rebec Environmental. THANK YOU!! We were grateful for ALL of the volunteer dentists, specialists, hygienists and dental assistants who participated. We need to give a ‘special shout out’ to Drs. Jeffrey Parrish and Michael Karr who donated hundreds of hours as the volunteer dental directors. We are also grateful to Dr. Christopher Delecki who acted as our dental triage supervisor and to Ms. Marilynn Rothen, RDH, who supervised the dental hygiene area. THANK YOU! PS As we go to press, there are tenative plans to hold another such Clinic; stay tuned for any future developments.

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Please welcome our new members! OCTOBER 2014 Dr. Shradha Bansal Dr. Henry Chiang Dr. Patricio Dibble Dr. Neal Ravel Dr. Mayank Shorey Dr. Jennifer Strinde Dr. Simon Toader Dr. Michael Wasson Dr. Wyatt Wilson NOVEMBER 2014 Dr. Terry Allen Dr. Jean-Paul Banh Dr. Youngchang Choi Dr. Patricia Clevenger Dr. Ilona Furman Dr. BJ Kim Dr. Gina Lederman Dr. Clara Rhieu Dr. Meghan Wisikoski Dr. Fredrick Worrell

DECEMBER 2014 Dr. Peter Chien Dr. Linh Nguyen Dr. Rajani Pamarthi

Members of SKCDS are encouraged to invite non-member dentists who are practicing in King County to join the Dental Society. A quick call to the WSDA Office at 206.448.1914 is all that is needed for them to apply for membership at all three levels: Seattle-King County Dental Society, Washington State Dental Association and the American Dental Association.

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2015 SKCDS WINTER QUARTERLY l 9 1/29/15 4:51 PM

Dean Joel Berg has announced three leadership appointments at the School of Dentistry.


“These are important changes for us as we continue our efforts to improve our patients’ experience and remake our curriculum and clinical training to produce a true dentist of the future,” Dean Berg said. “To a great extent, these new titles simply reflect the work these outstanding members of our faculty and administration are already doing.”

• Dr. John Sorensen of the School’s Department of Restorative Dentistry faculty has been named Associate Dean for Clinics, effective January 1, 2015, with responsibility for overseeing the school’s clinical operations.

• Dr. Daniel Chan has been named chair of the School’s Clerkship Committee and director of the Operative Dentistry clerkship, effective immediately. Starting in the fall of 2015, the School is changing its clinical training system to clerkships, a series of intensive rotations in all the core competencies of dentistry. Dr. Chan, who has been associate dean for clinical services since 2008, will relinquish that position on Jan. 1 to focus on his clerkship duties.

• Robert Wanezek, now revenue cycle director, will become Assistant Dean for Clinical Services, effective January 1, 2015. Working with Dr. Sorensen, he will direct the centralization of administration for the School’s multiple clinics. He will also oversee a new Program Administration group, which will develop and implement process improvement and training, clinical performance data and reporting, clinic policies and facilities improvement.


Seattle-King County Dental Foundation’s Great Gatsby Gala! The Great Gatsby Gala was….well, GREAT! Our 19th Gala, benefiting the Foundation, sold out for the second time in two years! Held in the beautiful Spanish Ballroom and foyer of the Fairmont Olympic Hotel, we could not have asked for a more beautiful venue. Our guests entered a world of flappers, chocolate cigars and gambling tables—just the right touch to set a ‘speak-easy’ atmosphere! After a fun-filled cocktail hour which included a photo booth, guests moved into the lavishly decorated ballroom for a delicious meal. Before the live auction started, the Seattle-King County Dental Foundation presented the 2014 annual Foundation awards. (Please see the article on page 14 for this year’s recipients.) Once that important business was done, the guests did some fast and furious bidding on an array of great items and fun experiences. The highlight, as usual, was the bidding for an adorable yellow Labrador puppy—who joined Drs. Linda and Bryan Edgar’s household of two previous ‘auction dogs.’ Of course, the success of this event would not be possible without the generous support of our many sponsors. Please remember to express your appreciation to all the wonderful corporate sponsors of our event. Without their generosity, we wouldn’t have raised nearly as much money for our important cause. So, please thank the following Premier Sponsors: Constantine Builders, Officewraps, Inc., Swedish Medical Center Foundation and the Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency. Underwriters: Health Resource Services/Amerinet, Max Technologies, NORDIC and the Washington Dental Service Foundation. Gold Sponsors: Banner Bank, Burkhart Dental Supply, Nakanishi Dental Lab, Physicians & Dentists Credit Bureau and The Dental Group. Finally, we would like to thank Drs. Cynthia Pauley and Brian Cave as well as Solomon Events for their donations to the entertainment. Thank you! The Jake Bergevin band played all sorts of great 1920’s music that added to the festive vibe. As you look at some of these included pictures, you can see how much fun it was and how glamorous both the room and our guests looked. The ‘swells and flappers’ had a fabulous time! While the final dollar amount raised is still pending at press time, we know we made great strides in raising funds to eliminate all barriers to accessing dental care in King County. AND, we could not have done that without the generous support of our sold-out crowd! P.S. The Foundation will be holding its next Gala in March of 2016, so keep your eyes open for that “Save the Date” announcement. You won’t want to miss the fun, and, based on our experience this year, our 2016 Gala will sell out before the event! L to R: Ms. Michelle Pratt, Rep. & Dr. Michelle Caldier, Rep. Melanie Stambaugh; and Dr. Cindy Pauley, Event Committee Chair.

The Constantine Builders, Inc. table

Dr. Christine Kirchner and her husband Jason Little 2015 SKCDS WINTER QUARTERLY l 11


WSDA’s Dental Action Day 2015 “One Profession, One Voice” Register at wsdasource.org Become part of the discussion regarding dentistry in Washington State and make your voice heard by attending WSDA’s Dental Action Day (DAD) 2015 on Friday, February 20th! DAD is organized dentistry’s annual lobby day where dentists throughout the state come to Olympia to discuss key topics affecting the dental profession with their local legislators. The 2015 Legislative Session will be filled with issues that have the power to impact the future of how dentistry is delivered. Below is a list of WSDA’s legislative priorities. For detailed information on each issue, please visit www.wsdasource.org/legal-regulatory/events/2015-dental-action-day • Safeguarding the Patient-Dentist Relationship • Medicaid Audits • Definition of Dentistry • Loan Repayment • Dental Benefits Legislation • RIDE Program Expansion • Dental Midlevel Providers For the second year in a row, Dr. Joel Berg, Dean of the University of Washington School of Dentistry will be closing the dental school for the day to facilitate and encourage student involvement at DAD. Last year, nearly 200 dental students made the trip to Olympia to advocate for their future profession. Register today (wsdasource.org) for DAD 2015 and become part of organized dentistry’s voice in Olympia. Please contact Michael Walsh at michael@wsda.org if you have any questions regarding DAD 2015.

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National Children’s Dental Health Month Update The Dental Society’s Access Committee reviewed the dwindling number of our members who were holding free treatment days for children during February’s National Children’s Dental Health Month. With funding for children’s dental care going strong, the efforts of community dental clinics and the success of the Access to Baby & Child Dentistry (ABCD) program, many children have found dental homes. Thus, the demand for Give Kids a Smile activities in King County has diminished. The Committee discussed ‘Give Kids a Smile’ and decided to try something different this year. Several of the community dental health clinics provide oral hygiene training/supplies to homeless teens and low income children. It was decided to create a pilot program between SKCDS and International Community Health and Neighborcare to provide dental hygiene supplies to these programs as a way to help children and teens. Dental ‘goody bags’ will still be available to our members who wish to provide treatment in their offices, but, thanks in part to funding from the Washington State Dental Service Foundation, we can increase the distribution of oral health supplies to King County children and teens. After this pilot program in 2015, the Access Committee will evaluate it and determine how it would like to proceed. If you, or your office, would like to receive dental ‘goody bags’ (containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and other items) for an event in February, please contact the Central Office staff at skcds@skcds.com or by calling 206.448.6620.




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 2015 SKCDS WINTER QUARTERLY l 13

Seattle-King County Foundation Awards The Seattle-King County Dental Foundation established several awards to recognize individuals who help advance the Foundation’s work in eliminating dental pain and infection. During our most recent Gala, the Foundation’s Board of Directors honored five individuals for their contributions. Please join us in congratulating them for their work. The first award, the Lifetime Achievement Award, is presented to the Seattle-King County Dental Society member who has contributed substantially to the work of the Dental Society and Foundation for at least ten years. Dr. Linda Edgar was presented with this award. Dr. Edgar, a former Seattle-King County Dental Society president and past president of the national Academy of General Dentistry, has worked tirelessly to advance dentistry and remove barriers to accessing dental care. The Volunteer of the Year award is presented to a volunteer (and not necessarily a member) who has gone above and beyond in working on the Foundation’s mission. This award is the highest recognition for volunteer service, and it is designed to promote superior performance among all volunteers. Dr. Michael Korn, who has volunteered for countless hours at the Swedish Community Specialty Clinic, is this year’s recipient. Community Partner of the Year is presented to a non-dentist who has contributed time and/or treasure to the initiatives of the Dental Foundation. This year, the Board chose to recognize two recipients: Ms. Carol Allen, the King County administrator of the ABCD (Access to Baby & Child Dentistry) program, has worked diligently to ensure that the children of the County receive dental care. Project Access Northwest, the Dental Society’s valued partner in our Swedish Community Specialty Clinic, was also recognized for its outstanding patient case management abilities. Ms. Sallie Neillie, executive director, accepted the award. Dr. Bart Johnson and Dr. Amy Winston were selected as the Donated Care Award recipients. This award is presented to the SKCDS member who has made a significant impact on access to dental care through his/her donated dental care in our community. Drs. Johnson and Winston have been donated many hours of dental care to the less fortunate. Each year, they screen all kidney dialysis patients awaiting transplant and determine what dental care is needed before they can be cleared for the procedure. In addition, they provide hundreds of thousands of donated care to critically ill patients who need dental care in order to receive life-saving chemotherapy and other treatment. The Foundation Board presented these awards at its annual Gala. Watch for nomination forms and deadlines each year. We want to recognize and honor the heroes among us! Call 1-800-232-3826 for a FREE PRACTICE APPRAISAL, a $5,000 value! AFTCO is the oldest and largest dental practice transition consulting firm in the United States. AFTCO assists dentists with associateships, purchasing and selling of practices, and retirement plans. We are there to serve you through all stages of your career.

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New Dentist Program 2015 It is a New Year and time for resolutions. We suggest you resolve to take your practice management knowledge to the next level! The annual New Dentist Program offers great speakers, socializing, free food and beverages, two CE credits – all for free! This is a resolution that won’t be hard to keep! You might be wondering if you qualify as a “new” dentist? Well, if you are under the age of 40 years or you have been out of school for 10 years or less, then you qualify!

Many thanks to all our 2015 New Dentist program sponsors. Without the following vendors, we would not be able to present the high quality of programs that we On May 6th, we will be meeting at the UW South do. Thanks to: WDIA, The Omni Practice Group, ShikoCampus Center. The topic is human resources and legal sha Dental Lab, P & D Credit Bureau, the UW Alumni issues. Paul Schaber and Scott Henderson will present Association and Bank of America Practice Solutions. information on this challenging topic. They will address the legalities around working with your employees and The New Dentist program is offered once a month what you need to know as a business owner as well between January and June. All events begin at 6:30 as a dentist. and conclude by 9:00 PM. The events are free but The 2015 New Dentist Program offers a wide variety reservations are strongly encouraged. You can RSVP to of practice management topics for the young, practicing We round out the series with an event at our new Sandra Anderson at sandra@skcds.com or online at dentist and the dental student. We began on office on Capitol Hill! Join us on Wednesday, June www.skcds.org or by phone at 206.448.6620. Wednesday, January 21st, with a panel of esteemed, 3rd, to see the new location (see article on page 4 local specialists: Drs. Mark Freeman, Tom Maring, Jansen Richins, Chuck Bolander, Diane Doppel and Mark Grace. Drs. Austin Baruffi and Anthony Vuong, emceed the program. The panelists addressed topics such as interdisciplinary coordination and communication between general dentists and specialists. They also discussed the role and importance of study clubs and offered advice on managing your practice. These experienced practitioners provided a wealth of information on all aspects of dentistry. On Wednesday, February 28, we will focus on loan consolidation. The New Dentist Committee welcomes Maggie Boyle and Sam Martin of The Dental Group and Daniel Shefer of SoFi. These three financial professionals will offer advice and suggestions for managing your loans… both school debt and practice purchase debt. It’s a hot topic as school costs continue to rise and young associates are challenged to purchase their first practice. Join us for insight on making the process more manageable. On Wednesday, March 11th we will be meeting at the Medical-Dental Building and welcoming Dr. Grant Chyz. Dr. Chyz will speak on treatment planning and the role it plays in your practice. Dr. Chyz has been in private practice for over 30 years with an emphasis on aesthetic, restorative and preventative dentistry. Saturday, April 11th is the fifth annual New Dentist Boot Camp. We will be holding it at the AGC Building

on Lake Union, as we have in the past. Continental breakfast and boxed lunches will be provided. Our slate of speakers includes experts in construction, electronics, finance, equipment and much more. If you have not attended Boot Camp in the past, you will want to attend this fun, informative seminar. For those who have attended, there is more to learn and new speakers participating this year.

for more info) and hear info on financial planning for junior dentists. Bank of America Practice Solutions will join us for our Cheers with Peer event. Enjoy food and beverages while learning about how you can finance your new practice!


SKCDS Proposed Bylaws Amendment Passes The WSDA House of Delegates passed a resolution that will change how recent dental school graduates become members. Basically, the changes are two-fold: first, a dental graduate would automatically become a member of the tripartite upon graduation, and, second, the graduate would not pay dues until they had been out for 18 months instead of the current 6 months. Our Bylaws needed to change to reflect this House of Delegates’ resolutions. Below are the Bylaws’ sections that passed at our Society’s January 13, 2015 general membership meeting by a majority vote of the members present. Chapter I: MEMBERSHIP Section 4 Application and Election A. In the case of immediate dental graduates, the membership application shall be simplified and membership may be granted administratively without a vote of the Executive Council. For applicants other than immediate dental graduates, application for membership shall be made to the Central Office on the official form furnished by the ADA, WSDA or SKCDS completely filled out and accompanied by the current dues of this Society, the State Association and the ADA. The application shall be referred to the WSDA for review and then forwarded to the Executive Council. B. If the applicant is other than an immediate dental graduate and is found eligible for membership by a majority vote of the Executive Council, the applicant shall be accepted as such without further process, except that such acceptance be published in the official bulletin of the Society at its next printing Chapter VIII: DUES Annual dues in this Society shall be as follows: 1. A dentist who has not previously been an active member of any constituent Society of the ADA, upon becoming an active member of the Society for the calendar year following graduation shall pay no dues for that year and $50.00 for the next year. Dues for the third year shall be 50% of active member dues. This shall not apply to anyone who has been in dental practice or out of dental school for two (2) or more years. Dues for the calendar year of graduation from dental school shall be zero ($0). We are delighted to welcome our recent dental school graduates into organized dentistry!

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In addition to purchasing items, these generous folks also supported the Raise the Paddle portion of our event where we raised $34,750.

Raise the Paddle $2,500 Drs. Patricia and Gilbert Pauley Dr. Mark and Ms. Barb Walker Raise the Paddle $1,000 Dr. Karim and Ms. Alicia Alibhai Drs. Maryam Aminian & Fred Farhat Dr. Steve and Ms. Midge Carstensen Dr. Michael and Ms. Suzanne Cohen Dr. Mark Germack and Ms. Ji Young Dr. David and Ms. Kim Knopf Drs. Michelle and Craig Neal Dr. Bart Soper and Mr. Jonathan Villalobos Dr. Nina Svino and Mr. Ernie Svasand Dr. Audrey and Mr. Jeff Tatt Dr. Doug and Ms. Sue Trimble Raise the Paddle $500 Dr. Rima Abifaker and Mr. Mehran Fotoohi Dr. Charles and Ms. Mary Arita Drs. Deirdre Yen and Peter Chiu Mr. Michael and Ms. Stephanie Dinsio Dr. Kristi Donley Dr. Timothy and Ms. Lisa Hess Dr. Kathleen Isdith and Mr. Richard Anderson Drs. Teresa and Michael Kang Dr. Namou Kim Dr. Christine Kirchner and Mr. Jason Little Drs. Vikram and Iryna Likhari Dr. Shane and Ms. Emily Ness Dr. Stan Nishimura and Ms. Shannon King Mr. Larry and Ms. Michelle Pratt Dr. James and Ms. Vivian Rosenwald Dr. Jeff and Ms. Shelly Schur Dr. Rick and Ms. Frances Taylor Mr. Ekapoj and Ms. Tonya Thongin Dr. Chandur and Ms. Wendy Wadhwani Dr. Rod Wentworth and Ms. Jill DeMarco Dr. Gregory Yen and Ms. Alice Ding

Raise the Paddle $250 Mr. Joao Barbizam Dr. Sam and Ms. Lesley Bobek Dr. Chris and Ms. Bonnie Delecki Dr. Andrea Fonner Ms. Jennifer Freimund Mr. Matt and Ms. Megan French Dr. Mark Germack and Ms. Ji Young Dr. Jim Johnson Dr. Mike Kern Mr. Bracken and Ms. Kate Killpack Dr. Kirk King Dr. David and Ms. Kim Knopf Dr. Elizabeth Kutcipal Mr. Drew and Ms. Vernita Lytle Dr. Keith and Ms. Erin McDonald Ms. Sallie Neillie and Ms. Liesse Frankenstein Dr. Gerrarda O’Beirne Dr. Randy Ogata and Ms. Wendy Alexander Ms. Jane and Mr. Dan Pryor Ms. Esi Quaidoo Ms. Natalya and Mr. Aaron Roberts Dr. Christine Shigaki and Mr. Kyle Sato Dr. Joseph Schneider and Ms. Monique Nadeau Dr. Geoffrey Seuk and Ms. Linda Chung Dr. Sarah and Mr. Michael Vander Beek Dr. Bryan and Ms. Ellen Williams Dr. Reid Winkler Raise the Paddle $100 Ms. Caroline and Mr. Greg Anderson Ms Nancy Pacharzina and Mr. Mike Brancheau Ms. Wendy and Mr. Chad Fischer Dr. Kevin and Ms. Beatrice Joe Dr. Noah and Ms. Rebecca Letwin Ms. Carolyn McDougal Ms. Avina Paranjpe Dr. Urvi Ruparelia Dr. Richard Seeger and Ms. Robin Koch Dr. Gannon and Ms. Jayme Stahl Dr. Mary Weiss Ms. Aurelia Wollen

Raise the Paddle $50 Dr. Lawrence Fealy Dr. Megan and Mr. Mike Mulligan Mr. Chris Musselman and Ms. Linda Nguyen Ms. Diane and Mr. Scott Oakes Ms. Natalya and Mr. Aaron Roberts Ms. Amelie Werner


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My Garage By Al Munk DDS My garage is starting to look like my father’s garage. His was always a mysterious place filled with rusting tools, lawnmowers and a lifetime of detritus. Mine used to house my automobiles as well until my born-again environmentalist toxic waste dump daughter moved back into my abode. It was not enough that she made me get rid of my beloved pool table, but now she has banished my cars to the driveway. Something about toxic fumes from those fossil-fuel beasts seeping up into the house. I mounted a feeble argument, stating the obvious that we had been breathing that rarified air for 35 years without major illness, to no avail. The wife took her side and I knew I was doomed. So it has been ice-scraping of windshields this winter along with the rest of the garage-deficient folks in Ballard. I long for the good old days of warm, dry, ice-free vehicles in the morning. Someday. Jettisoning one’s adult children after they move back into your house is a topic for another essay. There is not surprisingly some dentistry in my garage. There are a few boxes of small equipment and supplies from the Bronze Age. Articulators and face-bow transfers, and dentiforms from dental school that seem just too substantial to throw away. Someday I should learn how to use them properly. These artifacts follow you around and remind you of that early dental life when you were seated in the school lab in alphabetical order. My friends became Misters Morgan, Minor, Nelson and Nickell as a result of this regiment. I have a couple of boxes of old patient charts in the corner of my garage. Someday when the HIPAA police are not watching, I’m going to toss them in the recycle bin. We’ll find out if the folks in Beijing can do anything illegal with their personal dental histories. My garage has served as a sanctuary as well. When the maelstrom hits in the upper floors of my house, I tend to disappear. With my daughter moving back in, this happens more often than one might think. One of the places I hide is my garage. I have lots of tools, most of them way better quality than my father had. He was not much of a handyman, but I can fix anything from toaster to a Toyota; and I have the tools to do it. I am not as neat as he was and frequently cannot find that specific tool or part I need. New Year’s resolution: put the tools back in the right place immediately after use! There are a few secrets in my garage. There is a cardboard box in the corner full of letters. People used to write letters before email and texting. In that box are a lot of letters from old girlfriends from the early seventies. I haven’t looked at them in many years, but it gives me some comfort that they are there. Don’t tell my wife. For better or worse, this is when I started writing. Evidently the letters I wrote were good enough to elicit a response. And believe me when I tell you, there is no better feeling in the world than when you receive a love letter from a girl when you are 21 years old—or at any age for that matter. Those were some summers to remember. Right now, my garage is gradually filling with the overflow of cargo from my daughter and grand-daughter—baby swings, cribs and toys. This is a little demeaning as a garage should have a higher purpose than mere storage of un-used flotsam. Mine certainly has. That’s all for now from Ballard.


My father used to cut my hair in the garage. I did not enjoy this activity—odd since getting a haircut these days is one of my favorite activities. I am easy to please. My father was not quite as cute as my present barber, and I suppose I was not quite as good of a sitter as I am now. I can sit with the best of them these days. Maybe this will be an Olympic event someday. There is probably an old pair of hair clippers somewhere in the bowels of my garage as early on, I followed in my father’s footsteps and attempted to cut my children’s hair. That experiment did not last long. Although the other day, I cut the bangs on my one year old granddaughter. Hard to keep an old barber down.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or official policy of the Seattle-King County Dental Society.


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