2 minute read
President’s Message
The Summer Fun
President’s Have you ever noticed how King County does summer? It’ll sound a bit cheesy, but we really rush into it with Message reckless abandon. We accept the spring showers; we enjoy the lush green and explosions of color dappling our world but give us even the slightest possibility of sunshine and we all perk up. Admittedly, at the time of this writing, we’re all a bit chilly and confused but by the time of publication that will likely have changed to glorious summer heat. And hopefully not the melting kind we experienced for a bit at the beginning of last July…but the kind we actually want to bask in with our backyard BBQ’s, tubing, and the burst of festivals and fairs that come about in King County in the summer months. After a two-year hiatus, the Seafair hydroplane races and the Blue Angels are back! You can kick off the festivities by watching the Seafair Pirates land at Alki and then support the community organizations of King County by spending an afternoon at one of the many street fairs and/or art festivals throughout the county taking place the whole summer! The 2022 King County Fair will be lighting up Enumclaw in July, the number of food festivals cropping up every single weekend over the next few months is incredible (seriously, just check your nearby events on Facebook or scroll through EventBrite), craft and Farmer’s Markets have returned with gusto, and the outdoor movies at any number of parks across the county are available for your viewing pleasure! That doesn’t even touch on all the great farms and community activities that you can flock to (with a protective layer of sunscreen). When was the last time you went to the Woodland Park Zoo? You might have a tradition of going to the Lanterns during the holiday season, but have you been and strolled through in the daytime lately? How about this…do you know the Space Needle roof is orange again? It’s the 65th anniversary so we’ve got a good old-fashioned throwback happening but while we’re at it…have you been up there without out-of-town guests since they completed the remodel of the rotating glass floor? The restaurant is gone, but you can book some stunning sunset views in the wine lounge after strolling around Chihuly Garden and Glass and the Pacific Science Center. Perhaps you’re in the mood for something on the water…rent an electric boat or kayak or get your leg workout in with a paddleboat at Greenlake! We’re so spoiled in King County. Maybe we know it, maybe we don’t because we’re so used to it. We have such a fun food scene to support, community centers that are an easy drive from us (we’ll ignore the parking part of the word “easy” there), fairs and festivals and opportunities for downright fun. And honestly? A lot of other counties in our own state don’t have these same opportunities as accessible as we do. Take advantage of all that you have this summer, do things that maybe feel touristy, maybe feel silly, that are probably out of your comfort zone. Do them because you CAN. And while you’re at it…show us! Tag SKCDS on Facebook (@SeattleKingCountyDentalSociety) or Instagram (@skcds) to show your fellow members what you’re getting out and doing this summer because you never know, you might just give them some ideas on what to get out and do themselves! Sincerely, Dr. Christine Kirchner
Dr. Christine Kirchner